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FIET Old paper questions on Steady State Analysis of AC Circuits

Electrical Engineering (2004-05)

1) In a purely inductive circuit, prove from first principle, that the current lag behind
applied voltage by quarter of cycle and also show that the average power demand is
2) An alternating current is given by i = 20 sin 600 t amperes. Find the
i) frequency
ii) peak value
iii) the time taken from t=0 for the current to reach a value of 10 A.
3) For an LCR series circuit derive an expression for resonance frequency, band width
and quality factor.
4) Two impedances Z1= (10+j5) and Z2 = (8+j6) are connected in parallel across a
voltage of V= 200+j0. Calculate the circuit current, power factor and reactive power.
5) An alternating current of 1.5 A flows in a circuit when applied voltage is 300 V. the
power consumed is 225 W. Find resistance and reactance of the circuit.
6) A 100 V, 80 W lamp is to be operated on 230V, 50 Hz ac supply. Calculate the
inductance to be connected in series with the lamp. Lamp can be taken as a pure
7) a load having impedance of (1+j1) ohms is connected to an ac voltage represented as
v= 20√2 cos (wt+10°) volts.
i) Find the current in load, expressed in the form of i= Im sin(wt+ φ) A.
ii) Find real power consumed by load.
8) Voltages across resistance, inductance and capacitance connected in series are 3V, 4V
and 5V respectively. If supply voltage has 50 Hz what is the magnitude of supply
voltage. Find the resonance frequency of this RLC series circuit.
9) Determine the form factor of the wave form shown in fig.1.

1 2 3 4 5 t

10) Explain selectivity of series RLC resonance circuit. Prove that selectivity is reciprocal
of quality of the circuit.
11) Show that for an RLC series circuit the resonant frequency ωo= √ω1ω2 , where ω1 and
ω2 are the lower and upper half frequencies respectively.

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FIET Old paper questions on Steady State Analysis of AC Circuits

Electrical Engineering (2005-06)

1) An ac voltage e(t) = 141.4 sin120t is applied to a series R-C circuit. The current
through the circuit is obtained as
i(t) = 14.14 sin120t + 7.07 cos (120t+30°)
Determine i) value of resistance and capacitance.
ii) power factor
iii) power developed by the source
2) A non inductive resistance of 10 ohms is connected in series with an inductive coil
across 200 V, 50 Hz ac supply. Determine i) inductance of the coil ii) power factor
iii) voltage across the coil.
3) The following figure shows a series parallel circuit. Find
i) admittance of each parallel branch iii) supply current and power factor
ii) total circuit impedance iv) total power supplied by the source
4 j3
1.6 j7.2
6 -j8
100V, 50Hz

4) Discuss why?
i) At resonance the current is maximum in series circuit and minimum in parallel
ii) In a series RLC circuit voltage across L and C at resonance may exceed even the
supply voltage.
iii) The shape of resonance curve depends on Q of the coil.
5) For the circuit shown below, determine
i) Resonant frequency 25
ii) Total circuit impedance of the circuit at resonance. 5µF
iii) Band width
iv) Quality factor 0.5H
6) The equation of alternating current is i = 42.42sin 628t. Determine
i) Its maximum value ii) rms value iii)average value iv) frequency
ii) form factor.
7) Draw the phasor diagram shown the following voltages:
v1 = 100 sin500t v2 = 200 sin (500t + π/3)
v1 = -50 cos500t v1 = 150 sin (500t - π/4)
find rms value of the resultant voltage.
8) A 120 V, 60 W lamp is to be operated on 220V, 50 Hz supply mains. In order that
lamp should operate on correct voltage, calculate value of—
i) non inductive resistance ii) pure inductance
9) A series circuit has a resistance of 15 ohms and inductive reactance of 10 ohms.
Calculate the value of capacitor which is connected across series combination so that
system has unity power factor. The frequency of ac supply is 50 Hz.
10) A series RLC circuit has R=10 ohms, L=0.1 H and C= 8 µF. Determine
i) Resonant frequency
ii) Quality factor at resonance

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FIET Old paper questions on Steady State Analysis of AC Circuits

iii) The half power frequencies

11) Explain parallel resonance. Why parallel resonance is called current resonance? Show
the graphical representation of current in parallel resonance.

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FIET Old paper questions on Steady State Analysis of AC Circuits

Electrical Engineering(2006-07)
1) An alternating voltage is defined by v = 141.4 sin 314 t. Find
iv) frequency
v) rms value
vi) average value
vii) the instantaneous value of voltage when ‘t’ is 3 m sec.
viii) the time taken for the voltage to reach 100 V for the first time after
passing through zero value.

2) A single phase sinusoidal ac voltage is fed to a R-C series circuit. Determine

i) the instantaneous expression of current flowing in the circuit
ii) the impedance
iii) the power factor
iv) the power consumed
v) the reactive volt-ampere
3) The parallel circuit shown in fig.1 is connected across a single phase 100 V, 50 Hz ac
supply. Calculate:
i) the branch currents 8 j6
ii) the total current
iii) the supply power factor 6 -j8
iv) the active and reactive power supplied by the supply. 100V, 50Hz

4) Derive an expression for parallel resonance and mention its features.

5) A 10 mH coil is connected in series with a loss free capacitor to a variable frequency
source of 20 V. The current in the circuit has maximum value of 0.2 A at a frequency
of 100 kHz. Calculate:
i) the value of capacitance
ii) the Q factor of the coil
iii) the half power frequencies
6) Find average value, rms value and form factor of half wave rectified alternating
7) The voltage and current through an element are
v = 50 sin(314t+55°) volts
i = 10 sin(314t+325°) amperes
find the value of power drawn by the element.
8) Explain series resonance in R-L-C circuit. What are band width and quality factor of
the circuit?
9) A coil of resistance 40 ohms and inductance 0.75 H are in series circuit. The
resonance frequency is 55 Hz. If supply is 250V, 50Hz find
i) line current
ii) power factor
iii) power consumed

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