Julian Assange - Revised

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Julian Assange: A new age Robinhood or an absolute subvert?

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, has been in the news recently for posting secret documents
and information in the public domain allegedly used to expose the darker side of politics. A debate has
run through the world like a fire that is he a crusader for justice or a misdirected person.

Reportedly, Wikileaks has released illegally obtained classified government documents with the help of
hackers, the kind of decisions that somewhat indicates to be more about a love of publicity than about
serving a true public purpose. There seems to be virtually no benefit of leaking U.S. communications
about relationships with other countries; that’s just stirring up trouble. I guess his objective is to disclose
abuse towards humanity. He believes that transparency is good for all people, but the transparency that
creates a sense of insecurity in millions of people or distrust among countries, has no worth. Although
everyone has the freedom to speech for which the whole world stands, but every right carries with it a
responsibility, which is missing in his conduct.

He seems to be more or less an individual pursuing personal agenda against the established
governments of the world. I think he has led the world into a situation after which journalism would
never be the same again. I am quite sure that he is an absolute subvert.




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