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Pacific Pipe

Product CaJt9liog Ven:;io:n AlD1/2009


Pacific pipe provides the supreme product quality that suits your need.

8y,,~:;sGooJ P":
• R'<'Irl1s A-"j.(j DiW_li~ulfo!l centers p~
111 Ptu[Jufili,zIJ'I p~=~ PA
III 1118pect.:m PlODl!aS p.e
III Qua'!l1y A.s.sUlanGe P.l
III FllOOuclS P..8
h,!IOro'li)tO:\i\~J Sl~rd~ p,~
-·~lan.oeFd $pe::1ft~m P_IO
_ PmduC>1lJg!~ P_11
_ Sp=3J Slze Pipaa P_12 ., High quality: 'Mlh mOOern tectrdogios, our p!O(lul:!$ 8,e certilie<;l bl' m8t\'1 .n:orna:lonaJ SlMdstds • ISO 000 ::1006. UL. TIS. EKe.

., Pref renee: We olter a premium I18nety of products 'hat \\,11 sUt ~Oll' nssos such as f;S M. f;S • 6$. OIN EN, JIS. I IS.

., Cost effectiveness: \fifth ls dur<lbie llI'd long·lsstrg stile: the melotenallO;l coot Is mlnmlzed. ., Doooratln9 : WIth the scwanced ~9ns. OtT pro~ct~ wilt 5>Jppo.rI your OU1~t;)Odjf'9 a'Ch"eClural designs

., Made-to-order: We can ClJ$Iomlze Ul9 products bilS9d en your individu31 needs •

., Fast delivery service: M{ny c:t$1rlbl)tion nec,,'01ks are a,alabiellC'lO$$ 1118 CCUntlY.


· so 9001 : 20ce ~lJ

Some example of our products applications:

• Con$lfootbn projects

• Cil)' & InevSlr1a1 IV 1 system proj9Cu

• Firo pTOlootion :;ySlcr (If(;j0015

• Irrigat~ projects

• "4ric Iture PfOjac s

• Inlerler design pro,ects

-ASTM~[ItJ P1~
-A$11fi1j P-l?
·-B5.11'39 1'20
_ EN 102.19 R2'1
_ JIS G 314~ Fi24
·JISG8~M ~26
• JI8 G 3466 P.2~
_ TIS 107 ~2~ ..

uL -ASTMA53 _ 8S '13!l7

._ JIS G 345.2

_ TIS 27fi&2T7

• TIS 427

.. :~ .1

$lIMoA!R:!LI$pre~~r,CA'l'IONS.I,"OA l,!'IlELJl{m OIftClllbl\ir'i: &. NON~GIRc!UI.AA S;'I\~L TUElES


acific Pipe Public Company Limited

s one of lhe leaong steol pipe 1'1""UfilCWr . • TIMilard {JIIII cu~lo<nl!I~ ill mow tria" 10 countries and emploY'les of mole than 500s IhroYgMOJI 1M country. 'No OliO" sleel p< oes, SuCt\ lIS round !) ~ck steel pipes. (ouild galvSIllzed sleel pipes ~ual9 pipas anti -actanoular pipos of "llll()uS I tnAhona mandalds w lh expertise alld e.xperienoe 01 over 36 years.

@ usiness Goal

II We .. h

aim to secure the leading position .n t e

domestiC market through our high product quality, vast product varieties and superior delivery. II

.~ 0 lants and Distribution Centers

Pacific Pipe



Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited

r Prapradaeng Office & Plant

De-:aJl~: t eud O'-fil:~. Produc1ID" Departrr "11, /I.a;umtil'9.:ltd "'j"3'1 ~lY.''''

A 1711. ,. 298. , .... p 5~1 KJ n 3. SJ~:;ay, ~d Aond.

Am ... " r Pr.!'"mlllj<)d<~ s.,;ltn. T.a,L,m I !:agO.

Tt:!ephco. ND: 66~ ) 81&-2701. 816-22' I. 816·2199

F ...... 0 (662 )4<53 277 8'6 22 0

" M hachal Plant

Or: ;tic5 Md, .,,,'

o"J.oanllOO $1001 Ptj)G& Planl 1',()(1c~1 ()11 Otp.1flm I

1 2' I "·"'",n In:;U"lrtal Estue. MOD 2, Rail" II P.o;W.

fI'Iall rod '~OO]

" Lumpini Office

()t:U1 ~(OJlk~lJng at'd 5:s\es o.tfX1r1ntl"l'lt

Acld.t'Ss. 1 6817~ 2.' Fir. LLI~plnl·ra .... tlr. Rln13 IV fload. s..,tt1an Bangkok Ih.'i :urd 1ll1~O

~lephC~ No. (Oo.z J (.7"9a9')OO

Fa.< No. 6~ 67'3·9J75

" Bang·Na Distribution Center

0.",,,,; O.~I,;j)J1 0 Ctl'I~1

MdrI'->' I J~ Moo ij Sol R !th. "-'<0'" ;>;;0 "".fS. .mban Bar!lOOo" IIn-phJ. 6:lI1gOOo,. S;trr .... r.>rak.:llll. Th;Ji 1-.1' ~o

W"ho. oe No (6~17C5·5-l.Gl..g

hI" ND: (GrvI7a~ M(lO

.,. Lad Lum Kaew Distribution Center

l)et~ O~tfit:cdltln C~ ... I~r

Adth<os. &:),6 tioo 2 T~'1'bon NSI''' A"phU-llId Lul"l ~.\V.

PaII)IIf'!l1'lBnI. Ttlliilard I ZHO

lel9p~oee No (6l~ 91{·6Il{·S_ "·GII;!!·7

F"x No: (6~ . 977 61:l9

l;-~ ~ reduction process

Raw MatertaJ


Shw" Cut & Welding


.'. Edge Milling


f r. j .: j{!l" l

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HF_ Wltcl"Q O.D_ B. IIl. Etan

Maoong & PaGking

••••• ••• ••••••••••• •••• •••• ••••••••••• ~ , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ ,' " .. , .••• , "" " ""CO ." .


Seam Annealing Coding System Eddy Current Tes

A....... l •• I.II •


Tt..Vk Heads


••••••••••• •••••.••••••• ••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••• .., ... II; ..... ~ ..... !I ••• 'I! '!I".IIJ!'IIJ!II!!. ~"'L~ ~L. ~J~J' ", .. !!I_



End Facll'lg

Vanishing .& Coatfoli

.~ ' ' ~.

Hydrostatic Tester


wnLshing ,II. CO<:llilg

..... ~~~

.. H· .. ·· .. ·· ····· ..... I~

(OC),.,_ %_"

,.... Threading

~... M~llg & Packing

o nspection Process

~~ 0 uallty Assurance

1. Raw !JIateriallnapectlon

1. CheorucaJ cornposmon tast on hot rc> I calls by SPECTROMETER 1 .2 Mechanical properres test

1.2.1 Tensile test on strain 0' 5teels

1.2.2 Strain-rale lest of the amount of "neillY absorbeo by II mal!!rial during fracture called IMPACT TFST

"'We realize that quality control is ths heart of production, Not only uslnq modern technology, but we also examining our product ill every production step by our €xperietlc·ed engineers Our products IlOW meet high qLJa~ity standards and are certified by botrn domestic and international organizations,"

Our steel pi~s are rna ulectured by the process 01 ElectrO(; Resistance Welded pl'oducron system (EAW) ard are msoec ad tt.oroug~ly the entire orooccuon process. The ,nspaClion is strictly controlled by our proflcien echmctans nnd Si<illful worke<s in order to assure that al products meet t~e expected qual ty standard and ane worth customer's confiden

M"'~, "" ~.an1, P"",ifit: Pipe .,; Iii. li~i S>1o) wle SI@otI ppe m:lnlif8ctl.O'er, ",00 obi "I" 'nS" "erf~icsti"'n ~Dt all ~1anderd;; from tl1Q MI111S1iy ol Inclllstl)' Thi ... us to stand firmly In lhe lead~ P.:.siI,Or'l or il1" .t.r!dard g.:acle st~1 pipe rnai'l<ei in thailand.

2. General Inspection of Pipes

2.1 Straightening inspection of mpes 2.2 Surface inspection

Tli>ei '1 ndustrl a ~ stanil"rd Gt!'r1ii~i<><ltionl (llS)

frQrn the The; tr>du5irisl Siandard In"litu [e 01 !M Mi"'~!r" of Il1du$!r\' TIS 31 (] - Staal pipe for tlicyd"

ns I [)7 - Holl,,", ;;llf1JcluT~1 ~I"~I soo~i<lr'liS TIS ~'I6 - SIe<lI pipe

TIS 277 - G"I_MI:!aa !lWei pip"

TIS "n - ElectrICally weldM ,.W01 ",,(Mr Pipe

3. Size Inspection

3 1 Inspect n9 on pipe diameter 3.2 Inspect n9 on pipe lenqth 3.3 Inspect 9 on wall thicxness 3.4 Inspecting on '"eight

Thai IrldiJ;"bli,,~ SlaMai'd C"rliCiC<ltrOJ1I COl'llpul!s;ory S!am!ard [TliS·CompuISiO"I S,te;nd<lrd.1

TIS 1228 - Cord rorm8d stnuGl.lJml steel S~G1K>ns

4 ..... 'eldin~ nspecfion by EDDY CURRENT FLAW DETEGTOR

tse 9®1'12 .: '1994

'!rDm 8J1 lnstitution "j ths iOv GlOAT Ger'l! r cation Booy 01 F!11ein~cl1 - ,Ve~tlaJ i,","8r ruv a.V, The 1'",:19r;;1 R'pLJb!i" or G"rrMII'


6 Mecha(\IC<'I1 Property Tasting 6.1 Ba.ming test

6.2 Flatt"" IIIg te~t 6.3 E~paIlsIO" test

ISO 9Q[)1 .: 2006

"from 8!1 institution «1 II", rev NORD GE.RT Gmoel, The Fe(l.ef,,1 R:.pu ~Ii~ of Gem; .. n AI pr9~, 'ltl'" COO'Ip."y 0:> 11m rir~t steel plpes p,(><ltl<;er l!In~ 3W"rderlISO 9001 20[}8 WfliOO be Ell:Jle to gl.!W'<lrlt'80 ou' qlJll~t)' to Cllstom .... ""tist8clion. and lhe

Comp9.<1y's sUdail1aiJle ·grow!t>, •

7. Zinc tllicknoss and smoothness line coat testing

8. Th,,::aood end illlip¢CtiOf1 by THREADED RING GAUGE

PrudOCli\1ily St<lMaM; META!JLJ:C SPIlINK['EIl PIF',E

Itorn tin Iri!!ltitutioi:!rJ oCIf Und8mf'rt8t"3 L8bOfQt~IQ:3In--G: R I US)\. in ~OO7

Awan::ied iron'O nHl customs D"O%Iflmel11 of TMlland as "AI'I (lffjoii'ill GOl!:) cAfl·[) oo.r'Dij1a.ri~"'· on J uoo 11. 2Q04


'. I· ()J~ l'r'

~ 0 nternational Standard

Our products are certified by many international standards


Pacific Pipe


Paclfc Pipe Public Company LiJnited

~~ 0 tandard Specification



Standard Specification



Ceebon Steel TUllos

I fOfGener,;

Structural Purposes

Carbon Steet'lubes Civil Engineering, Architecture, Piles, Scaffoldng ana Other Structures etc, '-'-----':.::_:_-t--'=__:_:___:_:---"-=='-'-------t----''-'----+----'----'--

Carbon Steel Tubes for Ordinary Uses

Round Pipes
Classification Application Standard Speclflcatlons
Carbon Steel Tubes City & Industrial ASTM A53 Grade A, 8 t J
lor Ornnarv Uses water,hfgatlon, ---+
and Plumbing System AQflculture and 851387 UGHT J
Fire Protecton MEDUM J
System 01C. HEAW J
JIS G 3452 SGP J
JIS G 3454 STPG 370, STPG 41 0 J
TIS 276 Tl'PE I. 2. 3. 4 J
TIS 277
TI5427 Class rI,~," J Hot Rolled Structure Steel Section


Llp Chamel Sleel



Standacd Spe<ilicalion

HOf AoUed Snucture Steet Section

Roof Framing and Olber Strucwes

L_. ,~._

Q Pecltlc pipa Public Compailf Llmked

~ 0 roduct Lists

ERW Tubes & Pipes Size Range Production Options


88 1367

EN )0219 JI$ G '444 JIS G 3452 JIS (J 3404 TIS 101

TIS 27&&217 TIS ,10

TIS 427

Hectan1l ufer Pipl3s

ASTM A500 AS llro

EN 10219 JIS (J 3466 11$ 107

1/2 inch pN 15mm)

101",,11'" (ON 4UOmmi

.38 x 19 mm

400,.. 2'00 mm


• Standard len!J1;il 6 meters

• Cl!t.To~~_ngtr-. i~ .§LlJail:;lble open request



Surface Fin]sned Options

- Color CQe!ting i§ ;;I,Vg_ill;!bla ~pofl request

- Galvsni4EId Caa1[n!l

~ vanish Coating

End Fi nts ~H:!ld 0 p ti ens -----j . Bavsllad 'End

· Plai~~!'>(1

St3nd':3Ird Packing

~ BUMIs- is in Hexagonal Shape tor Round Pipes · Bundle- is in Horlow Shape fer Hollow ,J1pes

Square Pipes ASTM MOO. AS 11.3

EN '02'9 JIS (J 3'66 TIS 10?

12:< 12mm

300.300 mm



ILlp Cha.n noBll ns 1228

Hot Rolled Structure Steel Section Size Range Production Options

60 x ::30 x 10mm

250 :w::7-5 x25 mm


- SIMdard,"lg1h e meters

- Cu!-To-LerXJth Is a .... allaN@upon request


- 1_6 mm· 4.5 mm

Swfa,oe- Ptnlahed O[Jtion-s

- COlOr Coo ting ls avairabJe upon request ~ Vanlsh Coatil'lJ

Q Pacific PIpe Public Company Limited

3.20 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 6.30 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 12.70
Round Pipe 7" E E, U, H E U E E
8" V E I,U, V E, N E,I,U, V E,A, A, I E,A,I,U, E,A E,A,B
N, T N,T,B
10" V E E,I,H, V E,A,N E,A, I A, I,N, B E E,A,B
12" V E E,I, V E,H,N E, I

14" V E E,I, V E,A,N A, I
16" V E, V E,V
Square Pipe 8Ox80 ASTM ASOO, AS 1163, BS 1139, EN 10219
90<90 J.U IJ, E U, B E E,8 E E JIS G 3444, JIS G 3454, JIS G 3466, TIS 107
1 OOx1 00 J,U, N J, U, N, E J,U,B N.E J. N. E. B E J, N J, E E
120x120 E E E E Advantages of using steel pipes in
125<125 J, N, B J, N J,N, B J, N construction projects
150x150 E J, U, B J, N, E J, U, N, E J, N, B E E A demand of using steel pipes in construction projects
200x200 N, E J, U, N, E J,U, E J, U, E J, E E has significantly increased in today businesses.
E,B N,B This is because of the following reasons:
250x250 J, E J,U,N, J,U, E J,U, E - Strong and endurance materials
E, B N, B rIlVN~ - Good presentation and adaptable into many forms
3OOx300 J. U, E E J, U E J. U. E Faslen a construction process I
E CERTIFICATE - Lower construction and mainfenance cost
Rectangular 100x75 B - Space efficiency as pipe is able to bear buckling and I
Pipe Manlll:lomo~t syerem lIS per torsion belter than other profiles
rao-sc E IS09001:.zCQ&
125x50 U U U -- .. _ .... 1tr1""""(l(IU"_.~ __ r.. - Recyclable and sustainable
125,75 J,U, N J, LJ, N J,I),B N J, B B m, ztM 3uknwd FW .. Pnllllm~~td", h"""'IP~'m, Thll~nd ISO 9001 : 2008
150x75 B B B _ •• __ ~w_ ....... _.., ........... _
M2n\lladur!~; cr Slnl Pl~. and G.1Ylnlucl Stul Pfp'u Focus on develop competancy of Human Resources I
150xSO J, U J, U Focus on effectiveness of Training system results
150xlOO N, E J, U, B N, E J,U,N, E J, B E Increase the efficiency and reliablity of IT system
E, B ~~"".","_ I Emphasize on Quality Management and Continuous
160xBO E E E E Q'"m_ Improvemen1
~~- Ensure our proclucts satisfy customers' needs
200x1oo N, E J, U, B N, E J.IJ, N, E J, N. B E E ""_ .... _~_ ..... n);,_,clJ<l_ .... _
E, B _ ...... """" .. .."...-_.
r:r...,.,,<Ur<l._ , __ :It -G,<!,"! ___ ~_
200,150 J, B J, B J,B 8 Pacific Pipe is the first steel
250x'50 J, N, E J, N, E, B E E J, N,B J, E E, B ~~_~l manufacturing company that
3OOx.15O E E E E E
300.200 J, E E E J. E E listed in the Thailand top twenty
35Ox15O companies who are certified
35Ox250 E ISO 9001:2008
400<200 E
A = ASTM A53 B = ASTM A500 c= BS1367 E = EN 10219 H =JIS 03452
I = JIS 0 3444 J = JISG 3466 N = ASl163 T = TIS 276,277 U =T15107 V=TIS427
~ ~ I Q Pecltc Pipe Public Company limited

~~ 0 pecial Size Pipes

Thickness (mm)

arbon Steel Tubes For General Structural Purposes

Pacific Pipe Pul;)lic Company limited

~~ASTM A500

Carbon Steel Pipe for Structural Purposes


15 20 25

112' 3/4' r

32 1 1/4" 42,20

40 1 1/2' 48,30

50 2' 60.30

65 2 1/2' 73.00

80 3" 88.90

90 3 1/2" 10160

100 4" 114,30

125 5" 141.30













21,30 26,70 33,4







ThicknlllS$ ::1,10%

Dimension torerereee

Outside Di.ameter NPS. s Y.- ill: ~.13 rnrrt

~i'I ~ NPS:;; li<!r 11'\: :to.5%

NPS~:1 st : ±O_7S%

2.77 2,87 2,64 3,38 4.55 2.79 3.56 4.85 2,90 3,68 3,07 3.91 5.54 3,96 4,78 5,16 7.01 3.96 4.78 5.49 396 4.78 5,74 3,96 4.78 5.56 6.02 6.55 9.53 7.11 10_97 8.18 12.70 9.27 12,70 9.53 12.70 9,53 12,70 9.53 12.70

1.27 1.69 2.00 2.50 3.24 2.71 3.39 4.47 3.25 4.05 4,33 5.44 7,48 6.74 8.04 8.63 11.41 8.29 9.92 11.29 9.53 11.41 13.57 10,78 12.91 14.91 16.07 21.77 30.97 28.26 42.56 42.55 64.64 60.31 81.55 73.88 97,46 81.33 107_39 93.27 123_30

Mechanical Properties

1.613 2.149 2.552 3,189 4.126 3,456 4,323 5_693 4,138 5.161 5,522 6,930 9,534 8.593 10249 11.002 14.539 10_571 12_637 14,392 12,152 14,545 17_293 13_733 16.453 19,002 20487 27_739 39_467 36.019 54,243 54,225 82,3S3 76,836 103,897 94,128 124_173 103_653 136_866 118.868 157,100

0.708 1,54S 3,041 3,63S 4,399 6,743 8,137 10.095 10.705 12.930 22,672 27,676 36_104 51.364 59.913 63,657 80,031 95,545 112,140 125,701 145,053 170_850 199349 209.261 247,155 281,586 301.173 1131.094 861_079 1172.095 1686_484 3019,910 4403.608 6688,508 8820,505 11631.494 15047.403 15529_184 20143,557 23416.540 30478,000

0,665 1.159 1,821 2,178 2,634 3,196 3.856 4.784 4.433 5.364 7,520 9,179 11,975 14,072 16,415 17.440 21.926 21.495 25.228 28.279 28_554 33.632 39242 36,616 43.247 49,271 52,699 09,325 121880 139,286 200.414 275.665 401,972 490,001 646,191 718,437 929,426 873,407 1132.933 1152_389 1500,000

0.662 0,849 1.092 1.068 1,033 1,397 1.372 1,332 1.608 1,583 2,026 1,998 1.946 2.445 2,418 2.405 2.346 3,006 2,979 2,955 3,455 3,427 3,395 3,904 3_876 3_850 3_834 4.770 4_671 5_704 5_576 7A63 7,311 9,330 9,214 11,116 11,008 12,240 12.132 14.036 13.900

Pacrllc Pipe P~rhUC ComJtany Limited

~~ ASTM~ A500

Square Hollow Section for Structural Purposes

Grode B 0.300

Grade C 0.270

Grad. D ~.300


I.4UD 0.045 0_045 317

OMS 0045 0.18 250

25.4 x 25.4


so.s s 50.EL

2" ~ 2"

63,S x 63,5 2 1/2" x 2 1/2"

16.2: x 75.2 S x 3'

89.9.89_9 3 II, x 3 1/2'

101.6 x 101.6 4" ,4'

127,0'127,0 5"5"

152.4 x 152.4 6" ,6'

1:77_08);: 171_B rvr

203.2 x 203.2


10'" x 10"

mmensron rcrerancee

Len9~rr of !;ide s E1_5 rum .!:o.Sl mm

rO ea.g mm to.64 mm

> 88,!;) mr'r'r·1~7 mm Eo.76 rnrn

1> 139"" rrm 1:.1%

Thir::lme~~ ;,±IO%

2 __ 41 33S 2]9 3_1!!l 3_91 4.78 3,58 4,78 6:35 3,96 4,78 6,35 3.86 4.78 6.35 7.92 4.78 5_35 792 4,78 6.35 7,92 4.78 6.35 7.92 9.52 478 6.35 792 6_35 7.92 9.52 12,70 6.35 7,92 952 12.10

1.61 2.10 4,00 4.52 5.44 6.41 6_43 8,32 10.5S 8_60 10.21 13.09 102. 12.11 15.62 lB.88 13,85 17.89 21.61 1;.65 22.94 27.93 2144 28.OQ 34.25 4028 15.01 32,80 39,16 07.85 46.49 54,BO 70.46 47_96 59_13 6998 90.69

2_07 2J38 5_16 5.80 6_94 8.21 8.25 1064 13.13 11,04 13.07 16.36 11_05 15_50 19_09 23.50 17.92 22.81 27.53 21,78 19,26 35,57 27,64 35,71 43,1;2 51.30 3249 4217 51.67 48_62 59.71 70.65 89,B6 61,52 75,81 89.99 11567

427 400

1.75 2,04 19-.41 21.40 24,67 27.88 4P5 59_36 66_84 94_20 108.49 126,31 154.44 179,16 213,28 242.68 275_30 332_!j6 384.04 559.65 69123 811.65 S92.SS 1242.75 1475.70 1684.99 1606.30 2029,15 2428,12 3092.04 3720.81 4309.IB 5178,43 62.13.!U 7534,67 8796.58 10328,27



400 427 400

'-3B 1.GO 7,64 8,42 9,71 10,91 15,23 18.7Q 21_05 2472 2B_47 33_15 34,74 40,31 4798 54.80 54,19 65.54 15.60 88,13 108.B6 12712 130.aO lB3.~9 1930B 221,13 180,69 218,25 213,13 304,33 366,22 424,13 509_69 489.28 593_28 692,64 852.62

23 21 23


21 23

0_92 0_87 1_94 1_92 1_89 1.84 2.42 2.36 2,26, 2.92 2.88 2,78 344 340 330 3_21 3_92 3_82 3.74 4,96 4,86 4,78 5,99 5,90 5.82 513 7.03 6.9. 6.86 7,97 7,89 7,81 7.59 10,05 9_97 9_89 9_6B



Pecttlc Pipe Public Company Llmilea ----c:::=::::::-


~ ~ ASTM A500 Rectangular Hollow Section for Structural Purposes

76.2 x 50.8 3" x 2"

101.6,50.8 4"'2"

101.6,76.2 4".3"

127.0 x 76.2 5" ,3"

152.4 x 76.2 6".3"

152.4x101.6 6",4"

203,2x101.6 8"x4"

203.2 x 152.4 8" x 6"

254.0 x 152.4 10"x6"

mmensjon Tolerances

Length 01 sld~ ::i 63.5 mm :1:0.51 rrwn

> 63.5·BS.9 mill :1:0.64 rren

:> 88_Q "lm·13g. 7 rYrn ,,0.76 rl¥l1

:> )39.7 rrvn =1%

ThickM$$: .l \0%

3.58 4.78 6.35 3.98 4]8 6.35 3.96 4.78 6.35 4.78 6.35 7.92 9.52 4.78 6.35 7.92 9.52 4.78 6.35 7.92 9.52 4.78 6.35 7.92 9.52 4.78 635

6.35 7.92 9.52 12.70

6.43 8.32 10.56 8.60 10.21 n09 1024 12,11 16.62 13.85 17.89 21.61 25.06 15.74 20.42 24.78 28.85 17.65 22.94 27.93 32.65 21.44 28.00 34.25 40,28 25.07

60.3' 37.85 46,49 54.80 70.46

8.25 10.64 13.13 11.04 13.07 16.36 13.05 15.50 19.59 17.92 22.81 27.53 31.96 20.35 26.04 31.55 36.79 22.78 29.26 35.57 41.53 27.64 35.71 43.62 51.30 32.49 42.17 51.57 60.97 76.96 48.62 59.71 70.55 89.86

63.01 77.48 86.85 140.10 161.40 186.41 188.08 218.35 259.68 378.20 456.23 525.97 581.13 595.87 726.36 845.18 943.43 728.21 898.49 1055.35 1190.62 1475.06 1841.61 2185.69 2493.58 1953.15 2466.83 2953.25 3401.38 4006.04 4234.97 5097.46 5904.52 7068.32

40.78 45.72 47.00 53.68 61.76 120.47 139.50 165.77 170.51

1554 13.16

20.33 15.05

22.80 18.00

27.58 18.50

31.77 21.13

36.69 24.31

37.02 31.62

42.98 36.61

51.12 43.51

59.56 44.75

71.85 53.86

82.83 61.72

91.52 67.83

78.20 52.89

95.32 64.22

110.92 74.09

123.81 82.04

95.57 76.62

117.91 94.39

138.50 110.43 156.25 124.12 145.18 99.04 181.26 123.24 215.13 145.27 245.43 164.63 192.24 165.03 242.80 20B.27 290.67 24B.83 334.78 286.01 394.30 337.02 333.46 253.45 401.38 303.99 464.92 350.88 556.56 419.86

258.44 201.52 244.68 282.28 312.56 389.21 479.51 561.00 630.5.5 503.11 626.05 737.97 836.30 1257.55 1587.01 1896.05 2179.36 2568.06 leel.27 2316.40 2673.74 3199.35

2.76 2.70 2.57 3.56 3.51 3.38 3.80 3.75 3.64 4.59 4.47 4.37 4.26 5.41 5.28 5.18 5.06 5.65 5.54 5.54 5.35 7.31 7.18 7.08 6.97 7.75 7.65 7.56 7.47 7.21 9.33 9.24 9.14 8.87

1.96 1.87 2.06 2.03 1.94 3.04 3.00 2.91 3.08 3.00 2.92 2.84 3.15 3.07 2.99 2.91 4.13 4.05 3.97 3.89 4.27 4.19 4.11 4.04 6.22 6.13 6.06 5.98 5.78 6.30 6.23 6.15 5.97

Pacific Pipe Public Company Llmlfed

~~ AS1163

Carbon Steel Pipe for Structural Purposes


18 16 14

2.00 2.00 2.30 2.00 2.60 2.00 2.60 2.30 2.90 2.30 2.90 2.30 3,20 2.60 3.20 4.80 5.50 2.60 3.20 3.20 3.60 4.BO 6.00 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.50 4.eO &..10 7.10 4.80 6.40 8.20 6.40 9.30 6.40 9.50 6.40 9.50 6.40 9.50

250 350 450

0.95 1.23 1.40 1.56 1.99 1.99 2.55 2.61 3.25 3.29 4.11 4.19 5.75 5.53 6.76 9.96 11.30 5.35 7.77 6.77 9.63 13.00 16.00 10.10 1'.BO 12.00 13.90 19.40 :2S.S0 28.20 25.40 3360 42.60 42.10 60.50 50.10 73.70 55,10 81,10 63.10 93.00

320 430 500

121 156 178 199 254 254 325 332 414 419 523 533 733 705 862 1270 1440 809 989 1120 1250 1650 2040 1290 1500 1530 1780 2470 3260 3600 3230 4260 5430 5360 7710 63BO 93eO 7020 10300 8040 "800

Sections Sections

22 20 16

0.006 0.012 0.014 0.025 0.031 0.052 0.065 a.DBB 0.107 0.177 0.216 0.363 0.468 0.657 0.792 1.12 126 0.991 1.20 1.72 1.92 2.4B 3.00 3.01 3.47 5.02 5.BO B.25 10.7 11.7 18.6 24.2 30.3 47.7 67.1 80.5 116 107 155 161 233


Chemical Composition (cast or product analYSIS) % max


Mechanical Properties




0.120 0.200 0.200

C350, C350LO C450, C450LO C250

15 112" 21.30 2.60 1.20 153

21.30 3.20 1.43 182

20 3/4" 26.90 2.80 1.56 198

26.90 3.20 1.B7 238

25 1" 3370 3.20 2.41 307

33.70 4.00 2.93 373

32 1 1/4" 42.40 3.20 3.09 394

42.40 4.00 3.79 483

40 1 1/2" 4B.:ro 3.20 3.56 453

48.:ro 4.00 4.37 557

48.30 5.40 5.71 72B

50 2" 60.30 3.60 503 641

60.30 4.50 6.19 799

60.30 5.40 7.31 931

65 21/2" 76.10 3.60 6.44 B20

76.10 4.50 7.95 1010

7610 590 10.20 1300

BO 3" 88.90 4.00 B.3B 1070

88.90 5.00 10.30 1320

8B.90 5.90 12.10 1540

90 3 1/2" 101.60 4.00 9.63 1520

101.60 5.00 11.90 1230

100 4" 114.30 4.50 12.20 1550

114.30 5.40 14.50 1850

125 5" 139.70 5,00 16.60 2120

139.70 5.40 17.90 2280

150 6" 165.10 5,00 19.70 2510

16510 5.40 21.30 2710

prmenston rcierancee

Oulsic:l& Dial'lHlljlr : .0;: 50 I'TYl1 : .a,B ",0.4 rrrn :> 50mm : ±I%

Thickne~~ ; :1::10%

Welfjl1t -4~"

0.050 0.250 0.350

0.500 1.600 1.600

0.040 0.040 0.040

0.007 0.DG8

0.D15 1.100 8.64

0.017 1.270 6.46

0.036 2.1'0 10.80

0.042 2.490 10.60

0.076 3.590 13.90

0.090 4.240 13.60

0.116 4.800 16.00

0.138 5.700 15.70

o 170 7.040 15.30

0.259 B.590 20.10

0.309 10.2 19.BO

0.354 11.8 19.50

0.540 14.21 25.70

0.651 17.'0 25.40

0.807 21.20 24.90

0.963 21.70 30.00

1.160 26.20 29.70

1.330 30.00 29.40

1.770 34.90 34.20

1.460 28.60 34.50

2.340 41.00 38.90

2.750 48.00 3B.50

4.810 68.80 47.70

5.140 73.70 47.50

8.070 97.70 56.60

B.65O 105.00 Sli.50



0.030 0.10

0.030 0.10

0.030 0.10


6.68 6.50

15 1/2" 21.30 20 3/4" 26.90 26.90

25 1" 33.70

33.70 32 1 1/4" 42.40 42.40 40 1 1/2" 48.30 4B.30

50 80.30

60.30 65 21/2" 76.10 76.10

80 3" 68.90

68.90 68.90 88.90

90 3 1/2" 101.60 101.60

100 4" 114.30

114.30 114.30 114.30

125 5" 139.70


150 6" 165.10

165.10 168.30 168.30 166.30

200 8" 219.10

219.10 219.10 250 10" 273.10 273.10 300 12" 323.90 323.90 350 14" 355.60 355.50 400 16" 406.40 406.40

Yield Tensile Circular Rectangle

Strength Strength Hollow Hollow

0.250 0.390 0.390

0.536 0.907 1.01 1.49 1.B4 2.45 3.05 3.65 4.43 5B5 7,16 9.55 12.8 14.8 17.8 25.3 26.3 19.5 23.6 30.2 33.6 43.4 52.5 43.1 49.7 60.8 70.30 98

127 139 169 221 276 349 492 497 717 602 671 792 1150

6.86 B.B3 8.7 11,2 11,0 14.3 14.1 16.3 16.1 20.5 20.3 26.1 25.8 30.5 30.3 29.8 29.6 35.0 34.9 39.3 39.2 38.8 38.3 4B.3 48.2 57.3 57.1 57.B 57.3 57 75.6 75.2 74.6 94.3 93.3 112 111 123 122 141 140



Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited

~~ AS1163

Square Hollow Section for Structural Purposes

I": r

Chemical Composition (cast or product analysIs) % max

20x21) 314" x 3/4"

25x25 l'xl"

3Ox30 1118~x11/8H

35x35 1318'xI118"

40x40 1112"x11/2"

SOx50 4tx2~

65x65 2,/2" x2 112"

75x75 3"x3"

89x89 3'I2"xJII2"

loox100 4" x 4"


1.60 1.60 1.00 1.50 3.00 1.60 1.00 1.60 1.00 2.50 3.00 1.60 2.00 1.50 '.00 1.60 2.00 1.50 lOO 4.00 2.00 1.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 3.50 5.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 9.00

0050 0.250 0.350

1.12 1.36 1.64 1.89 1.38 1.68 1.63 1.99 2.42 2.83 1.88 2.31 2.82 4.09 2.38 2.93 3.60 4.25 5.35 3.88 4.78 5.66 5.56 6.60 7.53 8,49 10.:lO 12.00 9.06 12.50 14.60 8.96 11.60 14.20 16.70 23.50


1.11 1.43 1.74 2.09 2.41 1.75 2.14 2.07 2.54 3.09 3.61 2.39 2.94 3.59 5.21 3.03 3.74 4.59 SAl 6.81 4.94 6.09 7.21 7.09 8,41 9.59 10.8 13.1 15.3 11.5 15.9 lB.7 11.4 14.8 18.1 21.3 30


0.500 1.600 1.600

0.015 0.017 0.018 0.023 0.027 0.038 0.045 0.053 0.060 0.058 0.069 0.062 0.105 0.117 0.141 0.169 0195 0.229 0.313 0.391 0.454 0.614 0.716 0.797 0.882 1.00 1.16 1.37 1.81 2.00 1.77 2.23 2.66 3.04 3.91

0.040 0.040 0.040

1.02 1.19 1.35 1.47 1.54 1.81 2.16 2.58 3.02 3.4 2.9 3.47 4.'1 5.26 4.68 5.66 6.78 7.79 9.15 9.94 no 14.0 16.4 19.1 21.3 23.5 27.5 30.9 30.9 40.7 46.2 35.4 44.6 53.1 60.7 78.1

Yield Tensile

Strength Strength

Mechanical Properties



320 430 500

18.8 13.1 27.3 39 28.1 33.3 48 38.1 45.3 66 57.3 B4

Circular Hollow Sections

22 20 16

Rectangle Hollow Sections





0.030 0.030 0.030

0.10 0.10 0.10

250 350 450

4.52 5,44 6.29 8.38 9.70 11.3 15.4 23.9 28.0 39.2 56.2 79.8

72.3 87.1 101 134 129 150 205 239 280 392 450 639

0.250 0.390 0.390

125x125 5'x5"

4.00 14.80

5.00 18.20

6.00 2UO

9.00 30.60

5.00 22.10

6.00 26.20

9.00 37.10

5.00 29.90

6.00 3560

9.00 51.8(J

6.00 45.00

9.00 65.90

0.924 0.899 0.874 1.15 1.13 1.35 133 1.31 1.28 1.56 1.5' 1.51 1.42' 1.96 1.95 1.91 1.9 1.83 1.56 1.53 2.51 2.94 1.92 2.88 2.86 1.8 1.75 3.45 3.37 3.32 3.94 3.88 3.83 3.77 3.61

150x150 61tx6"

200 x 200 8'xS"

2SO x 250 10" x 10"




25,25 1"xl" 2.30 1.53

35 x 35 1 3/8" x 1 3/8. 2.30 2.25

2.80 2.67

SOx50 2"xl" 2.30 3.34

2.80 3.99

65x65 2112"x21/2" 2.30 4.42

75x75 3"x3'"

2.30 2.80 3.30 2.80

100"00 4",4"

Dlm~nsl(')1'0 toiereneee

Outside me meter : !O 50 mm : to..5 mm ~ 50mm ~ :t1%

ThlcklHlS5 : ±IO%

Weight :-4%


5.14 6.19 7.14 8.39

mill' 1.95 2.87 3,4 4.25 5.08 5.53 6.55 7.88 9.09 10.7 12.4 14.1

IX,ly 0.016 0.050 0.057 0.159 0.185 0.364 nsn 0 .s 76 0.761 1.67 1.90 2.14

Z:t.,Zy 1.29 2.85 3.26 6.34 7.40 11.2 15.2 18 20.3 33.3 38 42.7

~iy 091ll 1.32 1.2' 1.93 1.91 2.54 2.95 2.93 2.89 3.95 3.92 3.89

Pacific Pipe Public Company Umrted

p ..




~ ~ AS 1163 Rectangular Hollow Section for Structural Purposes

Mechamcal Properties


Chemical Composition (cast or product analysis) % max


C250, C250LO C350, C350LO C450, C450LO

0.120 0.200 0.200






Yield Tensile Circular

Strength Strength Hollow


Rectangle Hollow Sections




0.050 0.250 0.350

0.040 0.040 0.040

0.030 0.030 0.030

250 350 450

22 20 16

0.500 1.600 1.600

320 430 500

0.10 0.10 0.10

0.250 0.390 0.390



mm kg/m mm'

4.85 '.8 4.64 5.87 5.82 5.66 7.91 7.aS 7.71 9.9 9.75

50,20 2',314' ieo 1.63 207

1.00 1.99 254

2.50 2.42 sos

3.110 2.83 361

50,25 2"'1' 1.60 175 123

2.00 2.15 274

2.SO 2.62 334

3.00 3.07 391

65 x 35 21/2", 1118" 2.00 2.93 374

1.50 3.60 459

3.00 4.25 541

1.60 2.38 300

2.00 2.93 374




2.SO 3.60 459

1.00 3.72 474

2.SO S84

3.00 5.42 691

4.00 6.92 881

2.00 4.SO 574

2.50 709

3.00 6.80 841

3.50 7.53 959

4.00 8.49 1080

5.00 10.30 1310

6.00 12.00 1530

3.00 8.96 1140

4.00 11.60 14BO

5.00 14.20 1810

3.00 8.96 1140

4.00 11.60 14BO

5.00 14.20 1810

4.00 14.80 18BO

5.00 18.20 2310

6.110 21.40 2730

4.00 17.90 2280

5.00 12.10 2810





150x 50


200,100 8",4"

I, Iy zx Zy ~ ~

(10' (Ill' (Ill' (Ill' (mm) (mm)

mm4j mmfj mrW) mm~

0.061 0.014 2.43 1.42 11.1 8.19 0.072 0.017 2.89 1.67 16.9 8.11 0.085 0.019 3.39 1.92 16.6 7.89 0.Q95 0.021 3.81 2.12 16.2 7.67 0.070 0.024 2.81 1.9 17.7 10.3 0.084 0.028 3.35 2.15 11.5 10.1 0.099 0.033 3.95 2.62 17.2 9.91 0.112 0.007 4.47 2.93 16.9 9.69

mmkglm mrrl I, ly Z:t. Zy ix ~

(10' (Ill' (Ill' (10' (mm) (mm) mm'} mm4) m~ mm')

5.l> 20 2',314" 2.30 2.25 287 0.080 0.018 3.20 1.83 16.7 1.98

2.S0 2.67 340 0.091 0.021 3.65 2.05 16.4 1.16

1.30 2,44 310 0.093 0.031 3.72 2AB 17.3 10

2.80 2.89 368 0.107 0.035 4.21 2.82 17 9.78

65,35 21/2", I 31S" 1.30 3.34 425 0.229 0.081 1.04 4.96 23.2 14.3

2.80 3.99 500 0.267 0.10' 8.21 5.75 12.9 14.1

75, 50 3",2" 2.30 4.24 540 0.419 0224 11.2 B.96 27.9 20.4

2.80 5.09 848 0.493 0.253 13.2 10.5 27.5 20.1

100,50 4",2" 1.30 5.14 655 0.848 0.29 17 11.6 36 21

2.80 6.19 788 1.00 0.341 20.1 13.8 35.7 20.8

3.30 7.14 909 1.13 0.38:1 22.6 15.3 352 20.5

5",3" 2.80 8.39 1070 2.29 1.04 36.6 21.8 402 31.2

3,30 9.73 1240 2.60 1.19 41.6 31.6 45.8 30.9

3.80 11.10 1410 2.93 1.33 46.8 35.5 45.5 30.7




2· xl"

0.204 O.Q1S 6.28 4.44 23.' 14.4 0.244 0.093 7.52 5.19 23.1 14.2

0.181 0.106 8.65 6.04 22.8 14.0 12505 0.197 0.035 5.26 2.78 25.5 10.7

0.238 0.041 6.36 3.31 25.3 10.5

0.285 0.049 7.60 3.89 24.9 10.3

0.372 0.199 9.91 7.96 28 20.5 DImension rcrerences

0.450 0.140 12.0 9.60 27.7 20.3 0.522 0.278 13.9 '1.1 27.5 20.0 0.630 0.335 16.8 13.4 26.7 19.5 0.750 0.257 15.0 10.3 36.2 21.2 0.912 0.311 lS.2 12.4 35.9 20.9 1.00 0.361 21.3 14.4 35.6 20.7 1.18 0.400 23.6 16.0 35.1 20.4 1.31 0.441 26.1 17.6 34.8 20.2 1.53 0.511 30.6 20.4 34.1 19.7 iii 0.567 34.2 22.7 33,4 19.2 2.43 1.11 38.9 29.5 46.1 31.1 3.05 139 48.9 37 45.4 30.6 3.64 1.65 58.3 43.9 44.8 30.1 2.99 0.526 39.8 21.1 51.2 21.5 3.74 0.653 49.8 28.1 50.2 21.0 4.44 0.765 59.2 30.6 49.5 20.5 5.87 3.15 78.2 63.0 55.9 40.9 7.07 3.79 94.3 75.7 55.3 40.4 8.17 4.35 109 87.3 54.7 40.0

11.9 4.07 119 81.5 72.1 42.3

14.4 4.92 144 98.3 71.5 41.8


8.00 26.20 33:lO 16.7 5.59 167

9.110 37.70 4800 22.8 7.64 228

5.00 29.90 3810 32.7 15.0 262

8.00 35.80 4530 36.4 17.5 :lO7

9.00 51.80 6600 53.7 24.3 430

114 iO.8 41.3 153 68.9 ~.9 199 92.6 82.6 233 91.0 82.2 324 90.2 61)7

O\.lhide Diameter ,5(l mm : :to.5 rnm <!: 51Jmm : :1:1%


Thickl1ess ;±10%

Weight :·Il%

Pacific Pipe Pubuc Company Limited

~~ 8S1139

Tubes for Scaffolding


C %

P %

Chemical composition of steel by ladle analYSIS (Maxi

Yield strength Elongation A (on Lo

ReH = 5.65 .JSo)


Si %

Mn %




Dimell5iQn TIJII;!HlIlCI.t5

Thlcknoss : .110%. +Nol soecnceo

Weight :·8%.TI2%

~~ EN10219

Mechanical properties (min)

S %

N %

Tensile strength Rm N/mm2




235 24



Cold Formed Welded Structural Hollow Section of Non - Alloy and Fine Grain Steels

Chemical ccmnosaten (%)

C Max

Si Max

Mn M""

p Max

S235JRH 0.170

1.400 0.045 0.045


360-510 340-370





S275J2H 0.200


S275JOH 0.200

1.500 0.040 0.040

S335JOH 0.220 0.550 1.600 0.040

S335J2H 0.220 0.550 1.600 0.035 0.Q35

430 - 580







510 - 680 490 - 530




Pacific Pipe Public ComPO"Y Limited 0

~ ~ EN 1 0219 Cold Formed Welded Structural Hollow Section of Non-Alloy and Fine Grain Steels

Chemical composition (%)

C Si Mn P

Max. Max Max Max

0.170 1.400 0.045

S275JOH 0.200 1.500 0.040

S275J2H 0.200 1.500 0.035

S355JOH 0.220 0.550 1.600 0.040

S355J2H 0.220 0.550 1.600 0.035

1/2" :21.:;

1" 33.7

11/4- 42.4

lln- 46.3

2' 60.3

2112" 76.1

3" 66.9

31/2' 101.6

5~ 139.7


:2.50 1.16

3.00 1.35

2.00 1.23

2.50 1.50

3.00 1.77

2.00 1.56

2.50 1.92

3.00 2.27

2.00 1.99

2.50 2.46

3.00 2.91

4.00 3.79

2.00 2.28

2.50 2.82

3.00 3.35

4.00 4.37

5.00 5.34

2.00 2.88

2.50 3.56

3.00 4.24

4.00 5.55

5.00 6.82

2.00 3.65

2.50 4.54

3.00 5.41

4.00 7.11

5.00 8.77

6.00 10.40

6.30 ID.BO

2.00 4.29

2.50 5.33

3.00 6.36

4.00 8.3.8

5.00 '0.30

6.00 12.30

6.30 '2.80

2.00 4.91

;!.50 s.n

l.OO 7.29

4.00 9.63

;.00 11.90

6.00 14.10

6.30 14.60

2.50 6.89

3.00 8.23

4.00 10.90

5.00 13.50

6.00 16.00

6.30 16.80

8.00 21.00

3.(J0 10.10

'.00 13.40

5.00 16.60

6.00 19.5O

6.30 20.70

6.00 26.00

10.00 32.00

1.21 0.571

1.48 0.664

1.72 0.741

1.56 1.:2:2

1.92 1.44

2.25 1.63

1.99 2.51

2.45 3

2.89 3.44

2.54 5.19

3.13 6.26

3.71 7.25

4.63 8.99

2.91 7.81

3.6 9.46

4.27 11

5.57 13.8

6.6 16.2

3.66 15.6

4.54 19

5.4 22.2

7.07 28.2

8.69 33.5

4.66 32

5.78 39.2

6.89 46.1

9.06 59.1

11.2 70.9

13.2 81.8

13.6 84.8

5.46 51.6

6.79 63.4

8.1 74.6

10.7 96.3

13.2 116

15.6 135


6.26 77.6

1.18 95.6

9.29 113

12.3 146

15.2 177

18 207

16.9 215

8.78 137

10.5 163

13.9 211

17.2 257

20.4 300

21.4 313

28.7 379

12.9 301

17.1 393

21.2 481

25.2 564

26.4 589

33.1 720

40.7 862

S N/mm2 N/mm2


Tensile strength (min)

t<3mm 3mm s r s


0.045 235 360 - 510 340·370

0.040 275 430 - 580 410 - 560

0.035 275 430 - 580 410·560

0.040 355 510- 680 490 - 630

0.035 355 510- 680 490 . 630

0.536 0.623 0696 0.907 1.07 1.21 1.49 1.78 2.04 2.45 2.95 3.42 4.24 3.23 3.92 4.55 5.7 6.69 5.17 63 7.37 9.3' 11.1 8.' 10.3 12.1 15.5 18.6 21.5 22.3 11.6 H.3 16.8 21.7

...2.0.2 30A 31.5 15.3 18.8 22.3 28.8 34.9 40.7 42.3 24 2..8.04 36.9 45 52.5 54.7 66.4 43.1 56.2 68.8 60.8 84.3 10J 123

24 20 20 20 20

0.686 0.671 0.656 0.883 0.007 0.852 1.12 1.11 1.09 1.43 1.4J 1.~ 1.36 1.64 1.62 1.61 1.57 1.64 2.06 2.05 203 2

1.96 2.62 2.6 2.59 2.55 2.52 2.49 2.48 3.01 3.06 3.0<1

3 2.97 2.9.4 2.93 3.52 3.50 3.019 3.45 3.42 3.39 3.38 3.95 3.94 3.90 3.87 3.83 3.82 3.77 4.63 4.60 4.77 4.73 4.72 '.66 4.60

6" 168.3 3.00 12.20 15.6

4.00 16.20 20.6

5.00 20.10 25.7

600 24_Q0 30.6

6.30 25.20 32.1

8.00 31.60 40.3

10.00 39.00 d9.7

7' 193.7 '.00 18.70 23.8

5.00 23.30 29.6

6.00 27.60 35.4

6.30 29.10 37.1

8.00 36.60 46.7

10.00 45.30 57.7

12.00 53.80 66.5

12.50 55.90 71.2

6" 219.1 4.00 21.20 27

5.00 26.40 33.6

6.00 31.50 40.2

6.30 33.10 42.1

8.00 41.60 53.1

10.00 51.60 65.7

12.00 61.30 78 1

12.50 63.70 81.1

10· 213 5.00 33.00 42.1

6.00 39.50 50.3

6.30 1.40 52.6

8.00 52.30 66.6

10.00 64.90 82.6

12.00 77.20 96.4

12.50 80.30 ,02

12'" 3:23.9 5.00 39.30 SO.1

6_00 47.00 59.9

6.30 49.30 62.9

8.00 62.30 79.4

10.00 77.40 96.6

12.00 92.30 118

12.50 96.00

14" 355.6 5.00 43.20

6.00 51.70

6.30 5430

8.00 68.60

10.00 85,20

12.00 102.00


16·· 406.4 6.00 59.20

6.30 62.20

8.00 78.60 100

10.00 97.80 125

12.00 117.00 149

12.50 1:21.00 '55

Dimension rclerances Outside plameter : :t1%wRr.

a mi1im\lr'I'I 01 .r 0.5 mm <lrd a maximum 01:1: 10 Mm

rhrcxneee ;

D:s:400.Amm ;IS51"

t o Smrn :to.51lVTl

O>400.4mm ;:I;l()%vr,lh

amaxirnumor 201m

Weight ::1:6%

20 o -20 o -20

532 697 856 1009 1053 1297 1564 1073 1320 1560 1630 2016 2442 2839 2934 1564 1928 2282 2386 2960 3598 4200 4345 3781 4487 4696 5652 7154 8396 8_697 6369 7572 7929 9910 12158 14320

19874 24476 28937 30031

27 27 27 27 27

63.3 82.8 102 120 125 154 186 III 136 161 168 208 252 293 30<l 143 176 208 218 270 328 363 397 277 329 344 429 524 615 637 393 '68 '90 612 751 884

5&5 5.81 5.78 5.74 5.73 5.67 5.61 671 6.67 6.64 663 6.57 6,50 644 .42 761 7.57 754 75> 7.'7 7.40 7.33 7.32 9.48 9.44 9.43 9.n .. 9.l1 9.24 9.~ li.3 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.1 11


978 1205 1424 1478



" 13.9

Pacific Pip. PuOlfc Company Um,'ed. ~

~ ~ EN 1 0219 Cold Formed Welded Structural Hollow Section of Non-Alloy and Fine Grain Steels

Tensile strength Iml n)

3355J2H 0.220 0.550 1 .. 600 0.035 0.035

355 510-580

490 - 530




4G2 48, 562 57:2

87 80.9 93.7 ss.a 113 129

4.71 4.66 4.61 '4-58 4.49 4.3e

30 30

1(Hj 131 153 156 188 220

40 40

500 5.B9 5.S4 5.00 5.71 5.61

50 50

5.QO 6.00 6.30 B.OO 10.00 12.00 12.50

2410 ~833 2922 3566 ll251 473(1 4859

1.97 7.93 7.88 1_85 7.75 7.65 7.50 7 . .47

so 80

3Q.10 35.BO 3720 4~50 57.00 66.(1) 68,3(1

38.d. 458 47.4 59.2 ns ""1 87


4.(11) 500 MO 6.3Q

9.22 11_::lI 13.20 13.50

11.7 i4A 16.8 17.2

III 1~1 "9 149 1&1

:32.9 37.3 37.1 42.1

16.40 2O.S

300 3DO

600 6.30 8.fIIl

54_70 07.00 71.60

696 72,'5 ~U

99611: 1003.42 12B~1 1:5519 me7 18:348

66' S89 953 1035 11M 1223

12 1:"l.9 '.1.8 11.7 116 11.6

90 90

10.00 8E'L40 113

12.00 104.~0 m

12.50 1118.DO 137

3,89 384 3.1~ ~.76 3.67 3,55

Ditr1'II .. .:;ioOnTDI~r'o2Il1cB!;' Outsfde. Dla_me~er : 1."t19\hoClrsid~

doo· ~ 1%'~harr~rinU.Jo1'Ql :l'O.!;iniiTI

l00-:WO: ..t O_a%

~OO: !I_().ti%

Tr.I~It~M:!;1 : I :!iSmm ~ 10%

b5111m zO.51'!i"11

W~ight :~$%o

101)1 100

300 .. VJO MO 600 630 8,00 1000

IL4 14.9 13A 2L6 22.2 n.2 sze

177 226 2?1 3'1'1 31'4 366 411

35A 45,-3 54.2 62.3 62.8 73.2 62,2

11.70 14.40 1700 17.50 21.40 ~o.60

S235JRH 0.170

S275JOH 0.200

S275J2H 0.200



~~ EN1 0219 Cold Formed Welded Structural Hollow Section of Non-Alloy and Fine Grain Steels

Pacific PIpe: Public Company limited

Chemical composition (%)

Tensile slrength (mln~

C Max

Si Max

Mn Max


S Max

0.045 0.040 0.035

235 360-510

430 - 580


S355JOH 0.220 0.040

S355J2H 0.220 0.550 1.600 0.035 0.035

40 20


490 - 630




1.66 2.14 4.05 1.34 !.02 1.34 1.38 0.793 !5O 150 5.00 3/J,10 38.4 33IJ< 1508 264

9.28 6,27


sec 35.M 45.6 3886 1168 311 236 9.23 6,23

sao 31.2lt 41.4 4001 1825 320 243 9.18 6.20

MO 46,50 59.2 4886 !219 391 296 9.08 6.12

6() .0 2.00 2.93 3.74 lSA

2.50 3.00 4.59 22.1

3.00 4.25 5.41 25.4

101) 50 2,5(') 5.5@ 7.09 91.2 31.1 182 12.4 3.59 2.00 10,00 57.00 72.6 5825 26j4 466 351 8.96 6,0'2

3.00 6.60 8.41 106 36.1 21.3 14.4 3.56 2.07 12,00 66.00 84.1 6458 2925 517 390 en 5.90

4.00 a.59 10.9 134 44.9 26.8 1B 3.5 2.00 12.50 68.3~ 87 6633 3002 531 400 8.73 5.87

5.00 10.50 13.4 158 52.5 31.6 21 3.44 1.98 300 150 5014 2080 405 217 10.8 635

6.00 12.S(J 15.6 179 58.7 35.8 2S.5 3.:38 1.9'4 6266 2150 418

7.36 8.46

'.00 5.00 6.00 6.30 a.oo 4.00 5.00 6.00

175 SB.2 3.5.' 23,3 3.32 1.91 38.4 30.9 4.49 3,29 49.1 39.3 4.44 3.24


7684 2623 512

9209 3125 614

6.30 12.50 15.9

120 SO 3.00 8.96 11.4



11.10 14.~0 17.00 17.50 2UO 13.00 16.00 1B.9()

t4.9 \8.4 2'.6 22.2 27~ 16.5 21L' 24


687 466 10.4 6.00

700 479 10.3 6,01

~9' 3!!6 11.3 8.29

508 410 1 is 8.27

626 504 11.2 8.19

754 606 11.1 8.00

853 68S 10.9 7.%

B79 706 10.8 7.94

712 591 13.4 10,3

738 62() 13.3 10.3

10298 10594 7370 782. 9389 11313 12788 13179

3.20 3.15 3.12

58.9 46.9 67.7 53,8 68.1 54.3

12.50 8.00 830 800 10.00 12.00 12.50

78.10 4.1.20 47.10 59.10 72.m

99.5 57.6 60 75.2 92.6 108 112


300 200

3962 4104 5042 0058 6854 7000

408 476 430 517 597

217 252 180 216 248

79.3 62,9 4.18 3.04 61.4 45.\ 5.10 3.3V

73.9 54 5.04 3.26

85.3 62 4.98 3.21



8.00 23.90 3O.lI

ISO 100 4.00 '4.90

5.00 18.30

6.00 21.70

6.30 22.40

8.00 27,70

8.00 914 700 13.2 10,2

10.00 BIUO 113 19407 11588 1109 927 13.1 10.1

12.00 104.00 112 22197 1&281 1268 1001 13 11)

8.00 71.60 91.2 HI97o:l 6517 949 652 14.4 8.45

1000 33.40 12.50 108.00 137 27100 9260 1355 928 14.1 8.22

100 SO 4.00 14.20 IS.I 598 204 74.7 509 5.7< 3.35

5.00 17,5(t 22.4 722 244 '90.2 61 5.58 3.311 rclerances

200 100

Longth01 slzc :

6.00 6.30 4.00 5.00 6.00 6.30 8.00 10.00

105 70.2 5.G2 3.26

106 71.' 5.57 &24

H.B < lOD' :1 1% v';lh 9 ml'uml,lffi 01

::r. 0.5 mm

l00sH,6s2-OO ±(),6%

H, B",200 J;{).6-%


ts5rnm:l{)~ l>5mmil:O.5rrn1 Woignl::l:6%

20.70 21.4~

26.4 27.3

836 846

281 286


~~ JIS G3444 Carbon Steel Pipe for General Structural Purposes

Paclfic Pipe PuD.I~c Company Llrrnted

Chemteat CompnsitjQR (%)


s; Max


Mn Max


p Max

Mechamcal Pro~ertie8

E:longalion %

0.04 O.[}4

D.O. O'[J4

Yield Strength N/rTUTI~

235 315

Tensile Streng_th N/rnrn~

400 490

23 23






50 £0.50

2.80 3.20 4.00 2.60 3.20 3.20 '00 5.00 3.2Il

3.50 4.50

3.00 4.00 4.50 6.00

ISO 165.20 4.50











2.30 2_:1(1 2.30 2.50 2.30 2.50 280 3.20 2.30 3.20 '.00

,00 S.OO 7.10


180 2.291

2.28 2.819

2.48 2.63 2.64 3.16 358 3.30 4.52 5.67

5.08 5n 7.13 5.96 6.78 7.76 963 11.90 6.17 958 12.20 12.10

13.40 17.07

15.{I0 1'9.13

19.60 25.22

17.80 22.12

19.060 20.15

23.60 30.01

27.70 35.26


3.157 3,345 3.621 '.029 4.55' 4.005 5.7£ 7.1

6 .• 65 7.349 9.085 7.591 8.636 9.892 12_26 15.11 11.11 11.18 15.52 15.4

1.41 2.89 5.91 6.4G 8.99 9.65 ius 11.~ 17.~ 237

43.7 49.2 59.5 )D,7 n.8 120 ,,,

177 112 187 234 357 39~


566 734 8GS 962 lWO

L03 0.980

170 2.60 3.DO 3.70 3.97 4.S6 486 6.9D 7.84

11.5 '2.8 15.6 15,9 179 23.6 288 34.9 3Q.2 32.7 41 51.1 5.6.3

62.7 4.79

M.2 4.74

88.9 5.68

97.-6 5Ji.]

115 5.63

13* 5.6

1.12- 1.43 1 .• 2 1.6' '.63 U2 '61 2.0S 2.D3 2.00 2.60 259 2.58 3,05 304 3.48 345 3.42 3.93 3.92 3.89 4.B2 4.8

6.00 7.00 810

200 116.30 4.50

5.60 6.00 1.00 800 8.20

250 267.40 6.00

6.60 7.00 80Q 9.00 9.:W






400 400.40 790

O~me!'1'$ion TQI..,r<!l'IIJeo::

Outside pramcecr :

Oass ~ : 00 <:50 : 1l],50rrm : 00 ~50 ::1:1%

Oess 2 : 00 c (iO : sozenm : OD ;;:.50 : :!:O,5';:iJ·

jhtckness ; o.,ss1

27.30 34c82

31.70 40.4

36_90 4rm

23.5U 299,

30.10 ,8,36

31,10 39,64

36.10 4603

41-1D 5~35

42.10 53.61

38.70 49.27

42.4~ 54.08

jo.OO 57.2e

"20 13,19

57.30 73.00

£.00 BOO 9.00 IQ.30 6.40 7.90 9.00 9.50

,9.10 46.20 63.00 61_30 68.70 /9.30 55.10 enD 76.80

81.10 103.3

12.00 ~02.DO 12'9.~

IVO 107.00 131l.i


900 83.2'D "12,4

8.50 93.00 116.5

1,,00 117,00 1467

12.70 123.00 1571

: ~ c 4.00mm : -O,50mm, +O'(5Omm : '~4.00mrn:+15-%, ·12,5%

• L .::3_00mm ~ enarnm

: I <!: aoenm ~± .0%

75 .. 41 58.91 67.55 TB_Q.1'I 87.51 00./3 70.21 86.29



1490 1710 1'960 1680 2130 2190 2520 2840 2910 4210 4600 4860 549D £110 "2~ 7100 8200 9410 10500 "'900 10700 13000 14700 15500


20100 19600 22200 23300 28900 30500

156 179 2Il5 155 187 209 233 263 26'3 315 9" 363 411 457 470 452 515 59, 659 744 6D2 734 818 871

6,53 6.5 646 7.49 7.40 7,44 7.4 7.37 7.36 8.2~ 9.22 9.21 9.H! 8.14 9.13 11.1 11 11 10.9 10,9 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.2

1001) 12.2

1130 12.2



100[} 14."

1150 14

142-0 14

I~OD 13.9

Paclflc Pipe P1JbliC Compony umaeo

~~ JIS G3454

Carbon Steel Pipe for Pressure Service


Chemical Compo5;"Noo (%)

S Mex

MectlanEcal Properties

61ongatlon %

STPG 410

C Max

0.25 0.30

Si Max

035 0.3.5

Mo Max

0.30 - a 90 0.30 -, 00


0.04 0_04

0,04 0.04

Hydrostatic Test Press me

mrnereion Tolerances Outsluepiemeter : ..:25frV'r1 ~ :3211¥11 ~.J501TI1l

\5 2D



40 50 65 80 90


1.25 150


250 10"'

JOO 12"'

250 14"'

400 IS"'

; c ~,oomiH ' :i;O.::lOmm

~3.00rf1m :t:10%

'12"' 314'"


\ 1/4"' 11/2"'






6" 8'"

21.70 2.7c20

42.70 48.60


7630 89.10


114.30 139.80 165.20


267c40 318.50 35560 406.40

.. nsmm "QJl% ±O.5%


2.90 3.40

3.60 3.10



5.50 5.10 6.00


7.10 8.20


1030 11.10 \2.70


1.74 2.57


4.10 5,44

9.12 lUO

13.50 16.00

21.70 21.10


59.20 7830

94.30 123.00


50 50




10 70


100 100

100 100 100




CIAse 3 I kg~ 50


50 100





100 100 100


120 IOD




Yield Strength Nfmm,~

215 245

Tensile Strength N/mm~



~~ JIS G3466 Carbon Steel Square I

Pipe for General Structural Purposes

C Max

Chemical Composition (%]

S Max

Mechanical Properties



40 40 1.60 1.88 2.392

2.30 2.62 3~"2

5() 50 1.60 2.33 3.002

2.S0 3,34 4.252

__ • ....;;;3.;,;20;........;;4.;;;50;.,. 5.127

6lJ 60 1.60 2.SS 3.672

2.30 '.06 5.172

3.20 5.50 7.007

75 75

80 80

230 3.20 4.50 2.30

550 7.012

7.51 9.557

10.30 13.07

6.23 7.932

9D 90

3.20 8.51 10.85

100 100 230 695 8852

3.20 952 1213

400 11,70 14.95

4.50 13.10 16.87

6.00 11.00 21.63

9.00 24.10 30.67

150 150 4.50 20.10 25.67

5.00 22.,0 28,311

6.00 26.40 33.&3

9.00 38.20 48.67

Si Max

Mn Max

5.79 7.73

2.9 3.86

69.9 92.7 122 101

17.5 23.2 30,4 22.4

140 187 226 249 311 408

279 375 45.3 49.9 62.3 BI.6

896 911< 1150 1580

120 131 153 210

P M""


1.56 1.52

175 115 4.50 23.70 30.17 145 x 10

5.00 26.20 33,36 159 x 10

S.()() 31.10 39.63 186,,0

'.5() 27.20 34.67 2190

6.00 35.80 45.63 28JO

8.()() 46.90 58.79 3620

9.00 52.3u 66.6? 3990

3.1& 3.11 3.05, 3.5<> 3.52 3.97 3_93 3.89 3.87 3.79 3.65 4.95 4.89

L.._U .... _ .. ',t2."OO::...l1 61.90 86.53

250 250 5.00 3800 48.36

6.00 ~5,20 57.63

8.00 59.50 75.79

900 66.50 8467

12.00 86.S0 110.5

94.70 1207

12_00 124.DO 15B..5

mmenston Tl;)rel·a_I'II1~I;!~

Olltsiae memeter : ::; '1GO ITfTl : :!: 1.5 rrrn o tmmm : -= '.5%


: o::J.OOITfTl .e rrm ~O,OOmm::1O%

5.91 5.89 5.84 5S9

4980 4310 5610 1320 8000 10300

23200 29000

182 21,3 219 283 362 399 49B 384 45; 585 6.7 820 50~ 664 9.56 1220 1320 1700

6.93 [j,m 6.66 ISS 1,88 1.78 7.73 7.59 9.97 9.92 9.82 !.7S Hl3 12 12 11.8 '1.7 139 13_7




~~ JIIS G3466 CarbOll Steel Rectangular Pipe for General Structural Purposes

. -

,;"": .

/' ',$

. /' _v

't.or .... "I"""_..:.~ .... , ........ :..::

• I I

Chemical Composition {'Yo)

S M.x

M&ehanlcal Properties





150 150







C Max

Si Max




1.60 2,13

2.30 2.98

3.2D 099

1.60 2.88

2.3_Q_ 4.06

3.20 5.50

1.60 3.64

2.30 514

3.20 7.01

4,50 9.55

2.30 695

3.20 9.52

4.00 11.70

4.50 13.10

6.00 17.00

...;3;;;.2",0 __ ._...;',:.0.80

4.50 15.20

5.00 16.S0

0.00 '19.BO

3.20 12.00

'.50 16.60

6.00 21.70

9.00 31.10

450 20.10

6.00 26.40

9.00 36.20

4.50 23,10

3110 45.30



75 80




Mn Max

3.792 5.087 3.672 5.172 7.007 4.632 6.552 8_927 12.17

8.852 12.13 14.95 16.67 21.63 13.73

21.17 27.63 39_67

25.67 33.63 48.67 30.17 3953 57.67




Yield Strength

Nlmm2 245 325

Iens.le Strength


400 490

23 23

lx 12.5 16.S 21.4 2B.4 38.9 50.8 61.3 84.8 112 147 192 257 311 342 428 402 563 614 710 486 658 835 1130 1300 1700 2350 1760 2270 3170

Iy 425 5.65 7.08 12.9 176 22.8 :21,' 29 38 48.9 87.5 117 141 155 192 137 211 230 264 262 352 444 595 455 577 782 .,'30 1460 20m


______ ,~~,2~.O~0E:~·~~67.00

6.00 45.20

9.00 6650

12.00 B680

5 00 45.20

900 66.50

12.00 B6.80

6,00 54.70

9.00 BO.60

12,00 10B.00





prmensicn f(

O~tside Diamel e r : s 100 mm :!: 1,5 rrm :=UJOmm : 1.5%

• -c 30{knJ'll 1: {!3Cl ron ~;J.,OOlm):lL10%

8553 57.63 84.67 110.5 57.63 84.~7 110.5 69.63 1027 134.5

zx 416 5.61 7.15 7.55 10.4 13_5 12~ 17 22.S 29.3 00.0 4U 49.7 54.8 68.5 53.6 75 81.9 94.7 ti5_1 87.7

Geometrical moment I Modulus 01 secuon

of inertia (cm~) (cm~1

8850 7370 10500 13400 8910 12_TIJO 16100 14800 21300 27300

3070 3960 5630 7110 2390 3370 4210 5090 7270 9230

J,Y --l1L...lli..-.JL-lY._ 2.83 3.76


1.·2~ 1,22

10.1 8.43 '11.6 15 .• 19.5

3.64 3.6 3.55

1.8 2.13 2.1 2.06

176 227 317 311 438 548 491 702


1'_3 11.2


395 563

739 1070 1360

14.6 14.4 142

8.55 8.42 8.23

509 727 923

HS 51











3.345 8.99 3.70 1.64
4.564 11.a 4.86 1.61

7.349 49.2 12.9 2.59
9.085 59.5 15.6 256
9.892 120 23.6 3.48
12.26 146 28.8 3.45 3.20 3.58

4.00 7.13

31/2" 90 3.20
4" 100 3.20
5" 125 4.50
6.00 7.76 9.63

1.17 172 30.2 3.93 -
5.52 234 41 3.89
9.12 283 49.6 3.85
-'_ 15.00 19.60












Dimension 'rcierances

Outside Ciamell''' : s 50 rrm .:t 0.,$ rlVll ... 50mm : ;t:1%


: 2.0~t:.:3.2 ::r.D.30mm 4.0::;;1;;;8.0:.t 10%

: ± 10%


F, '."1.'0 Pr- F ",o,.",-A

,...... y-

~~ ,[7 TIS 107 Carbon Steel Hollow Section Pipes for General Structural Purposes

Chemlcaf Comp(Jsitio-n (%)

C Max

8, Ma><





1972 1.61
2.596 3.71
3.423 4,54
3.148 6.54 3.44
4.191 B.18 4.3
4 .. 252 15.9
5.727 20.4
5.172 26.3 9.44
7.007 36.9 12.3
8.548 43.6 14,5
10.85 135 29.9
13.35 162 36
39.5 I








230 3,20 4.00

406 5.50 6.71

2.34 2.3 2.26 2.91 2.87 3.52 3.48 3.46



120 5.91
153 5.64
166 6.93
123 6.86
283 7.88
362 7.78
399 7.73
454 9.92
585 9_82
647 9.78
664 12
956 11.8
1220 11.7 175


35il0 46.90



6,00 8.00

45.63 59.79

2830 3620





6.00 9.00 12,00

54.70 80.60 lOt'>.OD

69.63 102.7 1,4,,,

9960 14300 18300 23200



umeneion tolerances

outetoe premeter : :;;. I OJ) mm ~ ±_ ~_5 mrn :;.100 mm ~ ±_ 1.5%


: 2,0:;;t:::3.2 -e uaumm 4,Q:-;i-;;iW ± 10%

: ± 10%


Q Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited ---r:::=:::J-


~~ -EJ? TIS 107 Carbon Steel Rectangular Pipe for General Structural Purposes

Chemical Composilion ('Vo)


Mecha nieal Properties

C Si Mn Yield Tensile Elol'1gation Material
Max Max Max Max Max Strength Strength of
Nimmo N/mm'l % Grade
HS41 0.280 0.048 0.048 235 402 23 GREEN
HS50 0.210 0.570 1.530 0.048 0.048 314 490 23 RED Geome1rlcal moment oflner1la


A B STD 8TD STO Ix Iy ZX Zy ix Iy
50 25 2.30 2.44 3.102 9.31 3.1 3.72 2.48 1.73 1
3.20 3.24 4.127 11.6 3.8 4.65 3.04 1.68 0.96
60 30 2.30 2.98 3.792 16.8 5.65 5.61 3.76 2.11 1.22
3.20 3.99 5.087 21.4 7.08 7.15 4.72 2.05 1.18
75 38 2.30 3.81 4.85 34.6 12 9.23 6.3 2.67 1.57
3.20 5.15 6.559 45 15.4 12 8.09 2.62 1.53
75 45 2.30 4.06 5.172 38.9 17.6 10.4 7.82 2.74 1.84
3,20 5.50 7.007 50.8 22.8 13.5 10.1 2.69 1.8
100 50 3.20 7.01 8.927 112 38 22.5 15.2 3.55 2.06
4.00 8.59 10.95 142 46.7 28.4 18.7 3.55 2.03
4.50 9.55 12.17 147 48.9 29.3 19.5 3.47 2
125 75 3.20 9.52 12.13 257 117 41.1 31.1 4.6 3.1
4.00 11.70 14.95 311 141 49.7 37.5 4.56 3.07
4.50 13.10 16.67 342 155 54.8 41.2 4.53 3.04
150 80 4.50 15.20 19.37 563 211 75 52.9 5.39 3.3
6.00 19.BO 25.23 710 264 94.7 66.1 5.31 3.24
200 100 4.50 20.10 25.67 1330 455 133 90.9 7.2 4.21
6.00 26.40 33.63 1700 577 170 115 7.12 4.14
Dimenslon jolerances
Outside Diameter : b s 100 rm1 : e t.s mm
b o l00nllll : f:1.5~
Thickness : :2.0sts3,2 ::::O.3Dmm
4.0stsS,O ::1.10%
Weight : = 10"6 PaciHc Pipe Public Company Umited

~~ e arbon Steel Tubes For Ordinary Uses and Plumbing System

ASTM A53 BS 1387

JIS G 3452 JIS G 3454

TIS 276 TIS 277 TIS 427

Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

,/ UL is as independent product safety certification organization that has been testing products and writing standards for safety for more than a century.

,/ UL was established in the U.S. since 1894

,/ A scope of UL services covers the verifiable of Raw Material especially Fire Protection System.

,/ When awarded in UL-listed means the UL has tested all of the devices to enusre they meet UL's requirements.

,/ UL standard is well recognized in an insurance industry in international market.

I"ii.'\ Underwriler:; ~l;tbor a torle$lne.


jQ, ~d<:t §OIl "U.IIML>.ROIiNJ SllKS;",WoU) no I"RASA~1UTJllnrF. t.\.~lAlU.lI'l.I()mTlI"Iu.~'m

METAlLIC SPRINKLER PIPE ~r.:';:-;'~I(';tl~Ih!~~!.~~-:':''7:==I'",.lll.l~ 1.1.


Ex 15190

1I.I,n,~.,· 'If,'''''' ''''''''''',,In',' ,.0<,1

JI,.,· ~ ,~~,. , .. "; ,,',,~'.~;,;:

, ... '

,., " .. <I


5 Yield Tensile Elongation S Tensile YIeld Elongation
Max sr % Strength Stren
Nlm , N/mml N/mm~ N/mm'2'
0.200 1.200 0.045 0.045 320·460 195 20
Light Class Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited


~~ASTM A53

Carbon Steel Pipe for Pressure Purposes

Mechanical Properties

15 112" 21.30 1.27 4830 4830 40

25 1" 33.40 3.38 4830 4830
5860 5860 80
11/4" 42.20 8270 8960
12410 13100
40· 11/2" 48.30 8270 8960 40
12410 13100
65 17240 40
17240 80
17240 40
17240 80
90 15340 40
18.63 19310 19310 80
16.07 13100 15240 40
22.32 18620 19310 80
125 5" 21.77 11510 13440 40
9.52 30.94 16750 19310 80
168.30 28.26 10480 12270 40
42.56 16200 18890 80
200 8" 219.10 33.31 7170 8410 20
7.04 36.31 7800 9310 30
8.18 42.55 9240 10820 40
10.31 53.08 11720 13790 60
250 10"

300 12" 323.80 49.71 4900 5650 20
8.J8 65.18 6410 7520 30
10.31 79.70 7930 9240 40
350 14' 355.60 0
400 16" 406.40 4550 10
7.92 77.83 4830 5650 20
9.52 93.17 5790 6760 30
12.70 123.30 7720 9030 40
Dlm@nslanTolerances ®
OULSlde Diameter: ,,,!PS:s I ~ Ill" fO.40mm
NPS.~2" :.t 1% 'tomS\aM8Jd
rhrexnesa ... NOIl.Jn"iII, 12.5%
Weight ::10%
~ File Ex 15190 o

.. ~ Standard Pipe for BS 1387 compcamcn (%)

Mechanical Properties

Nominal Dimension DN


Threads Per in

Medium Class

Nomina! Dlmenelcn DN


Threads Per in





11/2" 40

5" 125

Heavy Class

Nominal DI mensrcn DN










U!1N :. 1:1%. +~l ~ffijl /..1f:dlurn : ·,0% +Na.t~rru1 He.a'~ : ·'0%" +Nc-t~rni1


H"\I'drustllii o rest ; 50 b'af Or 700 IXIUl1dl'l" Or EOOf co-em 1"e31

Pacific Pipe Pubilc CompOiny Limited


~~ JIS G3452

Carbon Steel Pipe for Ordinary Piping

Chemical Composition (%)






Pllcific PiP80 Public Company Llmted

~~ ~I~ Standard TIS 276 & 277

Black & Galvanized Steel Pipe

o Composltlo:n (%,

Type 1

. 25

1" 33.20 33.BO




100 4" 113.00 113.go 3.SO 9.75 11

150 6"' '63.90 leB.50 5.40 2UO 11"
225 241.8 6.2 36.00
Type 2 Typ" 4

400 406.4 7.9 77.60

Dimension 'rcterences
OlJtslde Diameter :Si<:e:l;l ~ : ;l;O.50rrrn
,. :iSze-105 ::tl%
.- s see ~ 7 : ±1.60rrm
Sile ~8 : ±O.8O% 356 11
40 , 112" 47.90 48.80 320
.... NO! sp@cmeo. -12.5 ~
60.80 3.60
76.60 3.60 642 11 200(11) 8" 216.90 221.30 8.2Q 4250
89.50 4.00
100 4" 11~.10 115.QO 4.50 l~.~O 11 Dimenaicn Iclerences
Thickness Type 1 :·S';.l.-t~lLrnil
TYPEI2. S,.o:j :-1;?5%. +Io.!"OlLmil;
Wei.gnt Tvpe1.:Z,.). :·8%. ~'O%
150 6" 163.90 166.50 5.00 11 T~P84 :±5~1t M-echan I cal Properties

Type 3

.0 Pacific Pip. pubuc company Limited

~~ -EJ? TIS 427

Electrically Welded Steel Water Pipe


,415 20

Test Pressure (MPa)

Mass per un II length

4" 100 101.6 270 6.59 5.26 7.33
6" 150A 152.4 2.70 9.97 4.38 5.45 6.11
3.45 12.67 5.60 6.96 7.81
4.80 1747 7.80 9.69 10.87
550 1993 893 11 10 1245 65/S" 150 168.3 2.70 11.03 3.97 4.93 5.53
3.45 14.03 5.Q7 6.30 7.07
4.80 19.35 7.06 8.77 9.84
5.50 22.08 8.09 10.05 11.27 85/8"



3.45 4.50 4.80

1835 23.82 25.37

3.90 5.08 5.42

4.84 6.32 6.74

5.43 7.09 7.55





4.12 5.15 5.45 6.77

4.62 5.77 6.11 7.60

4.1d 4.38 5.45

.0 Pacific Pip.e. Pubtlc Company limit.ed


~~ 4) ip Channel Steel

Product certification of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute [TISI) is base on 2 technical criteria - The products are in conformity with the applicable standards

Manufacturers have adequate quality control system to maintain the conformity of the products with the standards

lip Channel Steel, the colo formed structure steel. sections, has been compulsory certified by the standard TIS 1228-2549, This means that all the manufacturers, the distributors and the importers have to comply with this compulsory standard.


~ Compulsory certification mark for Lip Channel Steel

TIS Standard Number


x- 5.C.



Pacific Pipe Public Company Umited

mm HXAxC 60x30x10

1.60 200 2.30 1.60 2.30 1.60

2.00 2.30 1.60 2.30 3.20

100x50x20 1.60




90 x 45 x 20

120 x 40 )(20 120x60x20

120 x 60 x 25

125 x 50 x 20 2.30

3.20 4.00 4.50

2.30 3.20





200 x 75 X 20

200x 75 x25

250x 75 x 25

~~ @ TIS 1228

Lip Channel Steel


2.00 2.30 2.80 3.20 4.00 4.50 3.20 2.30 3.20 4.50

4.50 2.30 3.20 4.00 3.20 4.00 4.50 3.20 4.00 4.50 3.20 4.00 4.50 3.20 4.00 4.50




2.072 2537 2.872 3.032 3.677 2.952 3.637 4.137 3.352 4.712 6.367 3.672 4.537 (\.172 6.205 7.007 8.548 9.469 7.007 6.092 8.287 11.720 5.747 7.807 9.548 10.590 6.322 8.607 11.720 7.012 9.567 11.750 10.210 12.550 13.970 10.530 12.950 14.420 11.810 14.550 16.220 12.130 14.950 16.670 18.920

1.63 199 2.25 2.38 2.89 2.32 2.86 3.25 2.63 3.70 5.00 2.88 3.56 4.06 4.87 5.50 6.71 7.43 5.50 4.78 6.51 9.20 4.51 6.13 7.50 8.32 4.96 6.76 920 5.50 7.51 9.22 8.01 9.85 11.00 8.27 10.20 11.30 9.27 11.40 12.70 9.52 11.70 13.10 14.90


ex Cy Ix

1.06 11.60

1.06 1400

1.06 15.60

1.80 22.00

1.29 31.00

1.72 27.10

1.72 33.00

1.72 37.10

1.73 42.60

1.73 58.60

1.72 76.90 18.30

1.87 58.40

1.86 71.40

1.86 80.70

1.88 99.80

1.86 107.00

1.86 127.00

1.86 139.00

1.32 144.00

2.13 140.00

2.12 186.00

2.25 252.00

1.69 137.00 20.60

1.68 181.00

1.68 217.00

1.68 236.00

1.55 210.00

1.54 260.00

1.54 368.00

2.12 248.00

2.11 332.00

2.11 401.00

2.51 366.00

2.51 445.00

o o o o o

250 2.66 2.65 2.65 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.33 2.32 2.32 2.07


489.00 375.00 455.00 501.00 716.00 871.00 963.00 736.00 895.00 990.00

1690.00 129.00

Iy 2.56 301 3.32 8.00 6.58 B.71 10.50 11.80 10.50 14.20

14.00 16.90 1900 23.20 24.50 26.70 30.90 15.30 31.30 40.90 58.00

26.60 33.10 33.50 21.90 28.30 35.70 41.10 53.80 63.70 76.40 91.00 99.20 83.60 99.80 109.00 84.10 100.00 109.00 92.30 110.00 121.00



2.37 2.35 2.33 2.69 2.91 3.03 3.01 3.00 3.56 3.53 3.48 3.99 3.97 3.95 3.96 3.90 3.85 3.82 4.53 4.79 4.74 4.63 4.88 4.82 4.77 4.74 5.77 5.71 560 5.94 5.89 5.84 5.99 5.95 5.92 5.97 5.93 5.90 7.79 7.74 7.71 7.70 7.74 7.61 9.44

iy 1.11 109 1.07 1.62 1.34 1.72 1.70 1.69 1.77 1.74 1.69 1.95 1.93 1.92 1.91 1.87 1.83 1.81 1.48 2.27 2.22 2.22 1.89 1.85 1.81 1.78 1.136 1.81 1.75 2.42 2.37 2.33 2.74 2.69 266 2.82 2.78 2.75 2.67 2.62 2.60 2.76 2.72 2.69 2.62


Zx 3.88 4.65 5.20 6.29 8.28 7.24 8.79 9.90 9.46 13.00 17.10 11.70 14.30 16.10 20.00 21.30 25.40 27.70 24.00 23.30 31.00 41.90 21.90 29.00 34.70 38.00 28.00 37.40 4900 33.00 44.30 53.50 48.90 59.30 6520 50.00 60.60 66.90 71.60 87.10 96.30 73.60 89.50 99.00 135.00


Zy 1.32 1.55 1.71 3.64 2.98 3.13 3.76 4.24 5.80 5.14 6.57 4.47 5.40 6.06 7.44 7.81 9.13 9.82 5.71 8.10 10.50 15.50 6.22 6.02 9.38 10.00 6.33 8.19 10.50 9.37 12.20 14.50 15.30 18.20 19.80 17.30 20.60 22.50 15.80 18.90 20.60 17.80 21.30 23.30 23.80

Sx 2.50 250 2.50 4.40 3.10 4.10 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.10 4.10 4.50 4.40 4.40 4.30 4.40 4.30 4.30 3.40 5.10 4.90 5.30 4.10 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.80 3.80 3.70 5.20 5.10 5.00 5.10 5.80 600 6.40 6.30 6.30 5.40 5.30 5.30 5.70 5.70 5.60 5.10


a o o o

0. Pacific Pip, Public Company Llmiled

~~ @ TIS 1228

Lip Channel Steel

Dimensional Tolerances, Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties of Lip Channel Steel

Spec:msd Item and Dimension

Length 0 f Side

Tbickness (1)


H c 15{]

150~ H < 300 ,300



2.0 and 2~3 2.8


4.0 and 4.5 s 7m -:-7rn


Ar)glJlarity made by adjacent flat plate portions Urtstralqhtness


DimenSional Tolerances (mm)

".5 ± 1.5 ± 2.0 ± 3.0 ;I; 2.0 ±O.22 *O~25 ~O.28 ~Q,30 ±0.45 + 40, 0

.... 40 aFld +5 tor each m that the leng1h excess 7 m

± 1.5'"'

Withi'n 0.2% of whole length ",0%

Lip Channel Steel Dimensions and Thickness

60:-::30.'(10 70 x40 K25 75x35x15 15;-;~45)(15 so x45)( 20 100)! 50 x 20 12[l;:.:aOx'20 120,6Q,20 120)(60;(25 125;<·50~20 15.0:<50>:20 150x65x:20 150 x 75 x 20 150,75x25 200 x 75,20 200 x 75 x 25 250 x 75x 25

We ight (kgfm)




1.6G 2.38



2.32 2.63 2.88

269 3.25 3.70 4.06








5.00 5.50 550 6.51



6.1'3 6.76 1.51 8.0.1 8.27 9.27 9.52

9.20 8.32 9.20


9.22 9.85 1O.2a 11.40 11-.70

'1.01) 11.30 12.70 13.10 14.90

c p


Chemical Composition 1%)

0.28 (rnal<) 0.06 (rnax) 0.06 (max)

Meehan Ical P-ropertles

Tensile Streng-Ih Yfe~d Strength Elongation

t s s mm

t > 5mm

400 - 54-0 MPa 245 MPEI (min)

21% (minj 17% (min)


Pacific Pipe Public Company Urnited




Chemical Composijion Percentage

(max, unless range is given)

On Diameter On Wall Thickness


ASTM-A53 E,R, W,Cartmn Steel Pipes Grade A (),25 0.95 0.050 0.045 330
Grade B 0.30 1.20 0.050 0.045 ,1!1"5
ASTM ASOO E.R. wcaeon Sleel Grade A 0.30 0.045 0.045 310 228
Structural Tubing in GradeS 0.30 0.045 0.045 .00 290
Round Grade C 0.27 1.40 0.045 0.045 427 317
GradeD 0.30 0.045 0.045 400 250
RectangularTubes and Grade A 0.30 0.045 0.045 310 269
Square Tubes GradeS 0.30 0.045 0.045 400 317
Grade C 0.27 1.40 0.045 0.045 427 345
Grade D 0.30 0.045 0.045 400 250
AS 1163 Structural Steel C250 , C250l0 0.12 0.05 0.50 0.040 0.030 320 250 22
in Round Tube C350 , C350l0 0.20 0.25 1.60 0.040 0.030 43lJ 350 20
C450 , C.50lQ 0.20 0.45 1.60 0.0'0 0.030 500 500 16
Structural Steel e2S0 , C250LO 0.12 0.05 0.50 0.040 0.030 320 250 18
in Square and C350 , C3S0l0 0.20 025 1.60 0.040 0.030 430 350 ts
Reclangular Tube C450 , C450l0 0.20 0.45 1.60 0.040 0.03lJ 500 500 j4
BS 1139 E.R.W. Metal Scaffolding 020 0.30 0.050 0.050 340-480' 235 24
BS 1387 E.R.W.CarO<lll Steel Tubes ughl 0.20 1.20 0.045 0.045 320-460 195 2D
EN 10219 Cold Formed 5275 JOH 0.20 1.50 0.040 0.040 410-560 275 20
Welded Structural 5275 J2H 0.20 1.50 0.035 0.035 41.0-560 275 20
Hollow Section 5355 J2H 0.22 055 1.60 0.035 0.D35 490-6:l0 355 20 NPS :51112 in ;;t 'D.4 mm + Not 'Limit. ~ 12.:5%

NJ=lS~2in '~I%

",63.50mm :±051mm ±10%

63,5 rrm - 88.9 mm : ± 0.64 mm

88,'9 mm - 139.7 mm : ± 0.76 mm

~13-9_7Q mm : ± 1%

OD s 5-0 rrun : -0.8 mm, + Q.4 mm ±10%

OD > 50 mm : ;I; 1%

:s; ~a mm : ±(J.6 mm ±10%

>.:50mm : ±1%


Not Specified

- 4%, + Not Specified

- 4%, +- Not Specfed


Outside Diameter: 48,3 mm, ± 0.0 mrn 4,0 mm: + N-ot Spacfied, " 10% Sir"lgle4.37 kWm,+ 12%" e%

lnslde Diameter : 40.3 mm, - 2.6 mm Balch ± 7,5%

include tbeweloed zore

+ 10%,- 8% per piece

CircuLar-hollow sections

i 1 % with a mmmum 01 ± 0.5 ml'n end a. masrn-un of ;t 10 rom

Square and rect;jlrig~ler"hClllow :s-e.c-

~ ~

H.B.r.:l00: ±l%wilhami{limumOr ~Q.5 mm,

'DO~H.8:'f2(lQ: ±O.8% H,B,200: ,0.6%


00 -c 50 mm, ± 0.5 mrn OD2:50mm :t1% Class 2

OD<50 mm: ±O.25mm aD~5D mm: ± 0.5%

Si..:eo:o;:1Yi::in :;to.50 mm

2ir'l 5Siza~5-ifl :~ 1%

6 in s Size!O' 7 in : ± 1.60 mm

Si~e i;; 8 in : ± 0.80%

<25mm :.±O .. g mm ;!32mm ::to.8% ~350mm : ±0.5%

,100mm : ± i.s mm

.> 100mm ;t 15%

JIS G 3444 E.R.W.Carbon Sleel Pipes Grade - STK290 0.050 0.050 290 30
for General Suuctural Grade- STK400 0.25 0.040 0.040 400 235 23
Purposes Grad a- STK490 0.18 0.55 1.50 0.040 0.040 490 315 23
Grade - STK500 0.24 0.35 0.30-1.30 0.040 0.040 500 355 15
Grade - STK540 0.23 0.55 1.50 0.040 0.040 040 390 20
JI5 G34S2 E.R.W.Carbon Steel Pipes SGP 0.040 0.040 290 30
for Ordinary uses
JIS G 3454 Carbon Steel Pipe for STPG 370 0.25 0.35 0.30 - 0.90 0.040 0.040 370 215 30
Pressure Service STPG 410 0.30 0.35 0.30 - 1.00 0.040 0.040 410 245 25
JISG 3466 E.R.W.Carbon Steel Square 5TKR400 0.25 0.040 0.040 400 245 23
Tubes for General Structural STKR'90 0.18 0.55 1.50 0.040 0.040 490 325 23
TIS 107 Round Pipes HS-41 0.28 0.048 0.048 402 235 23
HS-50=5S490 0.21 0.57 1.53 0.048 0.048 4SO 314 23
HS-51=SS500 0.33 0.37 0.33-1.03 0.048 O.O'S 500 353 15
Rectangular Tubes and HS-41 0.28 1.1048 0.048 402 235 23
Square Tubes H5-50 0.21 0.57 1.53 0.049 O.04S 490 314 23
TIS 276&277 Round Pipes TIS 1YPE 1 320
Tl5 TYPE 2 320 20
TIS 1YPE 3 320
TI5 1YPE 4 320 10
TIS 427 Electrically Welded Steel Water Pipe Ctass n 0.25 0.040 0~050 310 -380 165 30
Class .. 0.25 0.040 0.050 380 -450 205 25
Class" 0.30 0.040 0.050 ;;0: 415 230 23
TI51228 LIP Channel StoQI SSC400 0.28 O.OGO 0.060 400 - 540- 245 t!!;5mm
~ 20-110

s5-0mm : ±O.~ mm >fi.Omm :.± 1%

:;;;HlO mm : ± 1.5 mm :'> 100mm : ± 1.5%

50 ,0


Length af side


H<.150mm '50mm.s:H<300mm H~.300mm


s t.srrm ;tt.5mm ±2Jl mm ~3.0 mm ±2.0mm

L.ight Class + Not Limit, - 8% Med!um & H-eavy Class; +-N()tLimit,-IO%

Circular ho"Oow eecuons

D ~40S. :4rnm

t ~5 mm ± 1Q%

t >5 mm ±O.5mm 0::-406 ·4 mm

:I" 10% with a maximum 01:2 mm Square and rectangular he-1Iow sections

t~5mm ±1()%

l~5mm ±{J.5mm

Class 1

<4,0 rnm : + 0.5 mm- 0.5 mm ~ 4,Q mm: .. 15% ·'12.5% Class 2

-c 3.0 rnm : :!: 0.3 mm :c: 3.D rum ± 10%.

of Not Specified ·'Z.5%

1 d.OO :z 0.3~ rom t~3.00 :;tlO%

t,,;tOmm :;tQ.3rnm, t~3.0mm ~± 10%

2.0 515 :3,2 : :;!:; 0,30 mm 4.0<1.<6.0 :.10%

2.(l:51 s.:3.2 : ± 0.30 mm

4.C ~ I 0;;: 12'.0 ::±:' 10%

TYP E 1 : ... Not Specified. - B%' TYPE 2,:3,4 : -e-Not Specified.> 12.5%

+ Not Specified :!:O.25mm

t.ennm 2.00and2,30rnm z.sonm


4.00 and 450 mm

Not Spec~ied

Not Specllied

No-t Specified

No.j Specified


1YPE 1,2,3 -3% .10%

TYPE 4 : ~5%


j: 0,22 mm ~ 10"% ;t 0.25 mm

± 0.28 rnm

± 0.30 mm

:t 0.45 mm

Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality



Service Service Service Service Service Service

"-Ivl V I V \....I

Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation Inr.ovation


Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction

~I' @
e ®
:::.J cr~~
ISO 9001 : 2008


1168/74 241nRr., Lumpini Tower, Barna IV Road. Sathom, Bangkok. Thailand 10120

Telephone: 1662] 679·9000 (Automatic) Fax: (6621 679-9075

\W(lN. th E-mail:info@pacificpipe.co_th


158 Moo 6 Soi Ratthanakosin 200 Years, Tambon Bangboor, Amphur Bangboor Samutprakarn, 'rnsnano 10560 Telephone: (6621 705-5461-9

Fax: [662) 705-5460


50/6 Moo 2 Tambon Nsmal, Arnphur Lad Lurn Kaew, Pathumthani, Thailand 12140 Telephone: (662) 977-6137·8. 977-6165-7 Fax: [662]977·6139

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