0742966-1 Preservation of Assemled Engine

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MAN B&W Production Recommendation MIAN 391 999 Preservation of Assembled Engine |" “0.742966 - 1 eae | sae Components using a De-humidifier Ton Ad 1(9) Sinuar Drawing Ro [Rep conc orden No.0TATTS baz [De Thaw da Change Repl 19991206 20000106 ‘Subsection 2.2 updated, section 7, 8 and 9 updated 20001220 20010207 Notes for ving De-inmiiers added a0020si 30020600 Eusnes for powerplant added 30020605 30020709 Waning added een 20030109 ME engin added 300420 SGshIH-C engine ype wide, ween 1 updted aoaoiai2 Revidon of eton Li Notes on De-hunddiers 300708 allengne ee ta a: > ea] fas] sts] S|. ‘Srv SEIT NWN 9000 6 EUS, Replaced by Tent, Nos This document is valid for the following at present exsisting engine types: 1, All Engine types. This MAN B&W Production Recommendation should be regarded as a guideline. Further design details are to be taken from the drawing for the actual plant concerned, ‘unmesp stil Contents Scope and field of application Reference Procedure for assembly shop Preservation oil recommend in assembly workshop Product for treatment of freshwater, seawater and starting air pipes Protecting of various components, only ME engines. Inspection and protection of engine after its arrival at yard and power plan: Procedure for yard and power plant Recommend high viscosity oil for bearings Filling diagram of oil Notes on using De-humidifiers Diagram for De-humiditier Maintenance logbook 1. Scope and field of application ‘The task of preserving completely assembled engines for long distance transportation and long-term storage is the responsibility of the engine builder. The preservation agents used must be appropriate for the type of transportation, the duration and method of storage, and the prevailing climatic conditions. Sov 198610 NW J Unistued Usjyin oud ayes aig inetgba ued pul Aue oF AEOIDEP #90} IH SIBLE Sry FeSEIC NHL ‘Aq pemucrs used se 11 woupn 03 Aved ext Feep4y/00 36 pSIeeN 8 O15! PLE GI I>SEIG NWN J0 Aad MAN B&W Production Recommendation MAIN 391 999 Preservation of Assembled Engine |" “0.742966 - 1 eae sae Components using a De-humidifier [Fes ta az 20) [Replacarnent for Ident No.0? ‘Change Replace cuz [Appa [iow date [a 20071408 PRR | 18C 23 _[Ailengine types 8 3 i 5 z a The following general guidelines are based on our experience This production recommendation contain two instructions: 1) Procedure for assembly shop 2) Procedure for yard and power plant 2, Reference MAN B&W Production Recommendation No 0743131-4; Protection of electronic equipment. 3. Procedure for assembly shop 3.1 Connect a de-humidifier to the engine with flexible hoses for drying and recirculating the airin the scavenge air space, crankcase, thrust bearing housing and roller guide housing ‘The de-humiditicr must have sutficicnt capacity to achievea humidity below 50% under all temperature conditions that can be expected during the transportation from the engine works to the shipyard and power plant. The de-humidifier must operate continuously, and daily moisture/tempe-ature readings are to be taken and recorded in the maintenance logbook 3.2. After the shop trial, circulate (pump) the preservation oil in the main lub. oil pipelines of main bearings. piston cooling, camshaft bearings ete. Tum the engine to distribute the preservation oil evenly to all bearings. Splash the inside of crankease, chain drive, and thrust beating housing with preservation oil. Thereafter ensure that the crankease doors are tightly clesed. ig eRyJop4109 Se PERN 640} 51 BLE Sty SIC NVI. oud yoeds eu ougsa Kyed puny Aue 0} 3s0)>5 = Note! To avoid rust attack on lamellas (flame arrester) inside relief valves, please contact valve supplier for preservation procedure 3.3. Splash the inside of scavenge air box and manifold with preservation oil and then ensure that these compartments are tightly sealed. 3.4 Splash cylinder liners and pistons with preservation oil through the cyinder liner scavenge air ports. 3.5 Splash the inside of fuel pumps with preservation cil. Keep the pumps tghtly closed. MAN B&W Production Recommendation MAIN 391 999 Preservation of Assembled Engine |" “0.742966 - 1 eae sae Components using a De-humidifier [Fes ta az 30) [Replacarnent for Ident No.0? ‘Change Replace cuz [Appa [iow date [a 20071408 PRR | 18C 23 _[Ailengine types 8 3 i 5 z a 36 Lift the fuel pump and exhaust valve rollers off the cams by means of the special lifting tool, until completely free, when the camshaft is turned. Splash fuel, exhaust, indicator cams and camshaft with preservation cil through the inspection holes. 3.7 Treat the inside of fuel valves with preservation oil while the valves remain fitted to the eylinder covers. 38 All exhaust valves to be opened by puneturing the air springs. 3.9 Follow the turbocharger maker’s instructions for preservation of turbocharger for long-distance transportation and long-term storage. In the absence of such instructions, the following can be recommended: - Flush the turbocharger lubricating system with preservation oil = Gas and air chambers can be treated with “Vapour type powder” and closed or provided with “Silica Gel” bags - Dry the cooling water space and treat with “Vapour type powder” 3.10 Fill the cylinder lubricators with lubricating oil 3.11. Spray preservation oil into the fuel oil pipe lines, and close tightly. 3.12 Dry the freshwater pipelines, treat with “Vapour type powder”, and close the pipes. 3.13 Flush the seawater pipelines with fiesh water, dry them, treat with “Vapour type powder”, and close the pipes. 3.14 Dry the starting air pipelines, treats with “Vapour type powder” and close the pipes. Warning! Toavoid any risk of explosion in the starting air system, the system qmust not be corrosion protected with flammable media. ig eRyJop4109 Se PERN 640} 51 BLE Sty SIC NVI. oud yoeds eu ougsa Kyed puny Aue 0} 3s0)>5 = 3.15 Protect all external surfaces on the engine in the conventional way. 4. Preservation oil recommended for assembly workshop Preservation products of good quality should be used. Some examples of makers with an international reputation are given below: SSI¥ SEIT NWN 9002 6 EUS, ig eRyJop4109 Se PERN 640} 51 BLE Sty SIC NVI. oud yoeds eu ougsa Kyed puny Aue 0} 3s0)>5 = MAN B&W Production Recommendation MARI fase: 391999 Preservation of Assembled Engine |" “0.742966 - 1 Seat a Components using a De-humidifier | FaseNe: ‘Ad 49) Similar Drawing No: [eps canent forlaent Nos 07 or De. [ous [Appa [Pot date Change Replace aooriaos | PRR] PRR] SC Allengine pes Example of Preservation oil: ESSO Rust Ban 235 TECTYL 502-C, 930 MOBILARMA 500 DINITROL 40 BP Protective oil 0-30 Chevron EP Industrial oil 100 - 150 Shell Ensis Engine oil SAE 30W, 5. Products for treatment of freshwater, seawater and starting air pipes Treatment of the cooling water systems is described in our Service Letter No: SL89-252/0G October 1989, Examble of “Vapour Powder” MIL-1-22110 \VP-1 Shin Nitto Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan VPI Shell “Zerust” Pals Konsult AB, Lund, Sweden Cor-trol VCI Powder, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. The maker’s instructions shall always be followed, and environmental regulatiors complied with, 6, Protecting of various components, only ME engines. GA Itmay be necessary to remove some hydraulic pipes, valves, ete. in the hydraulic system (after filter-unit) for storage and transport. To maintain rust protection and cleanliness inside pipes, valves and various components, itis very important that all open connections are blanked off (airtight) immediately. It means inserting gaskets, closed with a blind flange. 6.2 Protection of electronic equipment, see MAN B&W Production Recommendation ‘No 0743131-4; Protection of electronic equipment 6.6 Protect external surfaces in the conventional way. 7, Inspection and protection of engine after its arrival at yard and power plant On arrival at the yard and power plant, the engine is to be inspected to verify its condition, and a report is to be prepared on this subject. 8 3 i 5 z a ig eRyJop4109 Se PERN 640} 51 BLE Sty SIC NVI. oud yoeds eu ougsa Kyed puny Aue 0} 3s0)>5 = MAN B&W Production Recommendation MAIN fatona: i Tuer Nar 391 999 Preservation of Assembled Engine 0.74 2966-1 Sea Tae Components using a De-humidifier | FaseNe: Ad 50) Senter Drawing [eps canent forlaent Nos 07 Da De. [ous [Appa [must date [a Change (Replace anorraas | pre | PRR] TSC 73 _[Allengine pp 7 Close attention is to be given to inspection of the protective covering of critical parts such as crossheads, crankshaft and piston rods ‘The responsibility for protection and maintenance of the engine after its arrival rests solely with the yard and power plant/contractor Itis also the responsibility of the shipyard and power plant/contractor to check and maintain the preservation of spare parts until the engine has been delivered to the owner. & Procedure for yard and power plant ‘The engine should preferably be storedindoors. If stored outdoors, the engine should be protected by a tent, eg. tarpaulins built up on scaffolding of pipes, and with air drying equipment inside If such a “tent” is not available, the engine should be well protected against the intluence of weather ‘Temperature and humidity should be measured and recorded daily at approximately the same hour of the day. During and after the installation period, the engine should be tumed regularly, approximately once per month. using the same procedure with filling oil to the bearings. To avoid dry-ruming of journals and bearings, pour before the first start of turning of engine, high viscosity oil, i.e. between SAE 140 and SAE 250, into the main bearings into bends between crosshead and telescopic pipes and into the open space with crosshead bearings After filling of oil, the engine is to be tumed net less than 3 ‘4 revolution, Approximately every 30 days, an all-over visual inspection of the condition of the preservation must be made. Note! If de-humidifier is not mounted, the all-over visual inspection must be made approximately every 14 days or even more often. The interval between inspections should be adjusted to the actual preservation pattem and humidity. 2g. ifover 60%. time bebween inspections must be shortened. 9, Recommend high viscosity oil for bearings Example of cil: Statoil: CylWay 1500 MAN B&W Production Recommendation Konn 2 finmre: . Ident Nos 3 391 999 Preservation of Assembled Engine 0.74 2966-1 = [eae a Components using a Dehumidifier [exe 8 [eps canent forlaent Nos 07 i Appa [Photo date [a Change (Replace © [arias PRR | 180 73 _[Allengine pp a Esso: Esso Cylesso 1500 & Texaco Meropa 460, 680 Chevron: Ep industrial oil 460 Mobil: Mobilgear 634, 636 Shell: Shell valvata oil 1600 10. Filling diagram of oil Figure 1 11. Notes on using de-humidifiers De-humidifiers are useful to avoid water condensation inside the assembled engine during its transportation and storage in varying temperature and weather conditions. Itis also useful in ig eRyJop4109 Se PERN 640} 51 BLE Sty SIC NVI. oud yoeds eu ougsa Kyed puny Aue 0} 3s0)>5 = 8 3 i 5 z a ig eRyJop4109 Se PERN 640} 51 BLE Sty SIC NVI. oud yoeds eu ougsa Kyed puny Aue 0} 3s0)>5 = MAN B&W Production Recommendation MAIN ta az 391 999 Preservation of Assembled Engine |" “0.742966 - 1 ate Bae Components using a De-humiditier [Fa¥e [Replacarnent for Ident No.0? cuz [Appa [iow date [a ‘Change Replacement 20071408 PRR | 18C 23 _[Ailengine types case of storage or transportation of big engine parts (engine sections) outdoors ir. temporary tents or huts. If the engine is to be delivered as one unit, de-humidifier must be installed on the engine by the engine builder before transportation. De-humidifiers are necessary to avoid water condensation inside the assembled engine or big engine parts (engine sections) during transportation and storage period in varying temperature and weather conditions, It is also necessary in case of storage of big engine parts (engine sections) outdoors in temporary tens or huts. Ifthe engine is to be delivered as ore unit or in several pieces (sections) with moving parts, the engine builder must install the de-humidifie. The details ean be found in section 12; Diagram for de-humidifier. ‘There are several types of de-humidifiers on the market, which are suitable for the purpose, eg, MAN Diesel A/S have very good experience with the “Munters M120” de-humidifier. Regarding the installation, MAN Diesel A/S recommend using ordinary (steel wirereinforced) plastic hoses (normally used for ventilation system in buildings). It may be necessary to install extra fans in the system to ensure sufficient flow rates, Munters has different types with different capacity of this equipment, but the smallest type M120 has enough capacity for all types of our engines provided that the engines are sealed off effectively. This type of de-humidifier has much larger capacity than the “refrigerator type” de-humidifier in terms of liters per hour, and dries the air to a much lower relative humidity level, provided it is kept in good condition. Also, it works well under low temperature conditions, where the “refrigerator type” tends to block up due to ice formation. The engine volume is not relevant - the relevant factors are how effective the sealing of the engine is, and how well the airis circulated. If the air is not circulated, small air pockets may contain high level of moisture. It is recommended to install small auxiliary ventilators in the airlines (“Kitchen ventilators”) in order to secure the flow. The biggest risk exists if the engine is stored outside in the sun, where large temperature variations occur, causing the engine to “breathe”. 12. Diagram for de-humidifier (example) MAN B&W Production Recommendation MARI 2 finmre: . Ident Nos 3 391999 Preservation of Assembled Engine 074 2966-1 © [rae Tae Components using a De-humidifier— [Peve: 2 ‘Ad 80) [Similar Drawing No. | Rep lacernent for Ident. No.: 0741 E [ow Des_[ ak. [Appa [Photo de Change Repiacorent 5 [doors [ eee | mem [sc Z3_[allengine ype i Figure 2 5 Exhaust valves open a ~ a Gas outlet jalves open. ‘Scavenge air space rain pipe Chain drive inspection cover Plexiglass inspection cover with hygrometer fend thermometer - —__De-humiciifer ig eRyJop4109 Se PERN 640} 51 BLE Sty SIC NVI. oud yoeds eu ougsa Kyed puny Aue 0} 3s0)>5 = 13. Maintenance logbook — Agreed storage instructions MAN B&W Production Recommendation MARI Tae Nos ta az 9 3 391999 Preservation of Assembled Engine 074 2966-1 = [eae sae Components using a De-humidifier [Pe 8 ad 99) (S| Similar Drawing No: | Replacement fur Ident. No.: 9741997-8 3 [pac [e. [ou [agp [mow aae [ac Change Repiacorent Ces © [anoriaos | orm | ore | 15C 73 [Allene pee 7 : Engine No.: Month: Time ‘Shed Engine ‘Dust Filter | Engine | Shed | Signature °C | % “Cc | % Outside ‘Working “Working clean | Vial | Visual Yes‘No YesNo check check 7 2 3 4 3 est isles a9 | ze u espe ge 2 Els e244 ne int eh EEL ss] 9 5 28 20 PoP ar FoL2 ae a 2 elas qe[ 25 38D ar 55) 38 Sel = aD pel 3h Er

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