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Power System Control

Status of SCADA System in Pakistan

Submitted to:
Prof: Dr. Azam-ul-Asar

Submitted by:
Engr. Muhammad Zafran
1st Semester
MSc. Electrical Power Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

N-W.F.P, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar,


LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………….... 3
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………..... 4
NOMENCLATURE…………………………………………………….. 5
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………... 6
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………….. 7
1 SCADA………………………………………………………… 8
1.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 8
1.2 Power System Automation………………………………………… 9
2 Status of SCADA System in Pakistan………………………………. 9
2.1 National Power Control Centre…………………………………….. 9
2.2 SCADA System for National Power Control Centre ……………… 10
2.2.1 Data Acquisition System…………………………………. 10
2.2.2 SCADA(NPCC) Communication Medias………………... 11
2.2.3 Computer Systems used by SCADA (NPCC)……………. 13
2.2.4 Remote Terminal Units…………………………………... 14
2.3 Miscellaneous information about SCADA(NPCC)………………... 16
2.3.1 Data Acquisition facilities………………………………... 16
2.3.2 Remote Control facilities…………………………………. 17
2.3.3 Display types…………………………………………….... 17
2.3.4 Storage capacities………………………………………… 17
3 Suggestions for improvement in status of Present SCADA system. 18
3.1 SCADA Hardware…………………………………………………. 18
3.2 SCADA Software………………………………………………….. 19
3.3 Remote Terminal Units……………………………………………. 19
3.4 Telecommunications………………………………………………. 20
REFERENCES………………………………………………………… 21


Figure-1: SCADA System………………...……………………..………... 8

Figure-2: Data Acquisition System………………...................................... 10

Figure-3: Data Transmission Channels/Medias…….…………………....... 11

Figure-4: Network Configurations.………………………………………... 12

Figure-5: RTU Major Elements…………………………………………… 15


Table-1: Status of Installed RTUs………………………………………... 15

Table-2: SCADA Hardware……………………………………………... 18

Table-3: SCADA Software……….…………………………………....... 19

Table-4: Remote Terminal Units…..…..………………………………… 19

Table-5: Telecommunications…………………………………………… 20


Most of the reoccurring abbreviations and symbols are described here.


SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

RTU Remote Terminal Unit

AGC Automatic Generation Control

NPCC National Power Control Centre

RCC Regional Control Centre

IPP Independent Power Plants

VHF Very High Frequency

UHF Ultra High Frequency

RAM Random Access Memory

ROM Read Only Memory

PLC Programable Logic Control


First and foremost, I would like to thank Almighty Allah for blessing me with the strength,
intelligence, and patience to complete this task.

Then I would like to thank, Sir. Dr. Azzam-ul-asar, for his friendly behavior and help all
the time.

Finally, I am very indebted to Engr. Shahrukh Salim (Jr. Engineer, NTDC Islamabad) for
his support and also very grateful to National Power Control Centre team for providing
material related to my work.

Muhammad Zafran
1st Semester
MSc. Electrical Power Engineering


Status of SCADA System in Pakistan describes the present status of Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition System in Pakistan. Status of different components of SCADA
System at National Power Control Centre and Power station like, Remote Terminal Units,
Computer Systems, Communication Channels, Data Acquisition, etc are discussed. Its
working is briefly explained. Different problems in present status of SCADA system are
also identified and suggestions are also provided for improving and upgrading its operation
and status.

Status of SCADA System in Pakistan


1.1. Introduction
The ability to perform operations at an unattended location from an attended station or
operating center and to have a definite indication that the operations have been
successfully carried out can provide significant cost saving in the operation of a power
system. This is exactly what we try to achieve through the SCADA (an acronym for
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. A formal definition of SCADA
system, as recommended by IEEE, is “A collection of equipment that will provide an
operator at a remote location with sufficient information to determine the status of
particular equipment or a process and cause actions to take place regarding that
equipment or process without being physically present”. Power system vendors are
following a trend to make devices smarter so they can create and communicate the
required information [1].
The main purposes for the use of a SCADA system would be to collect the needed
data from remote sites and even the local site, displaying them on the monitor of the
master computer in the control room, storing the appropriate data to the hard drive of the
master computer and allowing the control of field devices (remote or local) from the
control room.

Figure-1: SCADA System

1.2. Power System Automation
A power system consists of devices that generate, transmit, and distribute power. Power
system automation is the act of automatically controlling the power system via automated
processes within computers and intelligent I&C devices. It consists of three major processes,
namely, data acquisition, power system supervision and power System control all working
in a coordinated automatic fashion. Data acquisition refers to collecting data in the form of
measured analog current or voltages values or the open or closed status of contact points.
Power system supervision is carried out by operators and maintenance engineers through
this acquired data either at a remote site represented by computer displays and graphically
wall displays or locally, at the device site, in the form of front-panel displays and laptop
computers. Control refers to sending command messages to a device to operate the I&C (A
collection of devices that monitor, control and protect the system is referred as
instrumentation and control (I&C) system) and power system devices [2, 3, 4].

2. Status of SCADA System in Pakistan [5]

2.1. National Power Control Centre
The National Power Control Centre located in Islamabad was inaugurated by Mr.
Ghulam Ishaq Khan, President of Pakistan on 20th January, 1990. It envisages
implementation of the modern computerized load dispatch facilities for operating
WAPDA's power system, by setting up of one National Power Control Centre (NPCC) at
Islamabad and two Regional Control Centre at Islamabad and Jamshoro for northern and
southern parts of the network respectively. The main functions of these Power Control
Centre are given below:

1. Real time control of the load generation, power exchanges, voltage regulation,
generation reserves and the transmission network.
2. Follow up of efficiency, fault analysis, compilation of statistics, reporting and
3. Short and long term planning, including load prediction, and generators, schedules,
power balance planning, coordination of unit out-ages for maintenance and
planning for reserves.
4. Arranging of routine and emergent short downs on generators, transmission lines,
power transformers and other components of the power system.

Above functions are to be performed by the Power Control System with the help of hi-
tech computers and other modern facilities for power supervisory control, data

acquisition and energy management. Under this project all 500 KV, 220 KV and some of
the important 132 KV grid stations have been connected to the SCADA (Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition) system.

2.2. SCADA System for National Power Control Centre

Present status of SCADA system at NPCC, its components, and its working etc. is given

2.2.1 Data acquisition system

Data acquisition in SCADA used to access and control information or data from the
equipment being controlled and monitored. The data accessed are then forwarded onto a
telemetry system ready for transfer to the different sites. They can be analog and digital
information gathered by sensors, such as flow meter, ammeter, etc. It can also be data to
control equipment such as actuators, relays, valves, motors, etc.

SCADA computers at NPCC regularly monitor the complete status of power system
through Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), located at each power system. Whole process
can be simplified through below Figure-2:

Main Computer

Front End

Remote Terminal Units

Power Plant

Figure-2: Data Acquisition System

2.2.2. SCADA (NPCC) Communication Medias

Communication is of primary importance for a SCADA system at NPCC. Poor

communication results in errors or lost messages. A system cannot function properly
without reliable and adequate communication channels. NPCC uses the various
communication systems media; ranging from satellite, to microwave, to fiber optic,
PTCL, Mobile and to cable TV circuits. Figure-3 is depicting the various channels used

Figure-3: Data Transmission Channels/Medias

Network Configurations

Communication Network for local SCADA can be a combination of any of the following:

 Leased lines
 Dial up lines
 Cellular circuits or VHF-UHF radio.

Leased lines are reliable & require less initial investment in equipment. It is used
when data polled from the remote sites is required at the control station continuously in
real time. The dial up lines are used when the information at the remote sites are required

less often. The investment in equipment is low. The modems used are the same as those
used with personal computers. The cellular circuits are similar to the dial-up except
special modems & telephones are required at the remote sites (to be connected to the
RTUs). VHF-UHF radio requires a transmitter-receiver & antenna for each site.
Distances are limited to line-of-site from antenna to antenna. Repeaters may be required
depending on the range and the attenuation level. The range is function of RF power (2 to
5 watts for narrow band & 1 watt for spread spectrum), the receiver sensitivity, the
frequency selected. The 3 frequency ranges (bands) are 150 to 170 MHZ (VHF), 450 to
470 MHZ (UHF) & the 900 MHZ. The area of coverage varies due to terrain, antenna
height, frequency band & vegetation. The spread spectrum uses one of three methods to
spread the data signal: slow hoppers (frequency hopping), fast frequency hoppers and
direct sequence.

Figure-4: Network Configurations

2.2.3. Computer Systems used by SCADA (NPCC)
As already discussed, two computer systems are used by National Power Control Centers.
One is at NPCC Islamabad, which is used for NCC Islamabad and also for Regional
Control Center North. One Computer System is doing its operations at Regional Control
Center Jomshoro.

Computers at NPCC/RCC are of 1980’s technology having primary memory of 4

Mega Bytes and secondary memory (H.D) of 340 Mega Bytes. Both the systems are
linked via six channels through Wapda’s Analogue microwave system.

Computer Systems are basically the hardware used at the control station (room).
Basically, it comprises of the personal computer (PC) complete with the attached
peripheral (connected) devices including the monitor, the printers, data loggers & mimic
panel (having lamp & analog outputs) that allows the operator to monitor & control the
field data & distributed devices/equipment over the plant or city. The PC serial port is
connected to a suitable modem (system box) for communication with the field RTUs. The
PC will have the appropriate operating system (the platform which the SCADA software
is going to run under), the microprocessor, the hard disk, the floppy disk drive, the CD-
ROM drive, the memory (RAM), the graphical adapter, support for multi-screen adapter
boards and logical input/output for pen recorders, mimic panel, etc.

a) Keyboard essential functions:

The key board can be divided into 4 sections:
1) Alphanumeric keypad that is used to enter text & numbers by the operator.
2) Editing keypad which includes the the cursor control keys and certain user-defined
3) Auxiliary keypad which includes the user defined function keys that would
reference the most important pictures in the system.
4) Top row function keys which includes the system special functions and more user
defined functions.

b) Essential displayed information (on the monitor):

The pictures (screens) are displayed in text and/or graphics mode, the display will have
the following minimal instructions/information:
1) Data & time, title of screen & page number.
2) The next input steps the operator is allowed to make.
3) The last alarm in the system.

4) The operators input part plus the part of the screen that displays the error message
if the operator enters wrong values or illegal sequences.
5) The process/data of the selected zone of the modeled system.

c) The software:
It includes the following operator's tools: database organization, the screen (picture)
builder, programming facility and a shell-like application.

2.2.4. Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)

NPCC Computer System and Regional Control Centre (North) is connected with total of
25 RTUs. Regional Control Centre (South) having separate Computer System is
separately connected to 11 RTUs. It has a front end to front end link with NPCC
subscription link.
In-plant SCADA system, Tarbela is further connected with 11 RTUs, which has
a Front end to Front end link with NPCC only for selected values ( due to less memory of
NPCC SCADA system) from selected RTUs via single subscription link through PLC.

RTUs are the devices that accept digital, analog and counter inputs and provide
digital and analog output. The inputs to the RTU are the indications/status (digital
ON/OFF, closed/tripped, etc), the values (analog-measurands & levels) and pulses of the
field devices i.e. the information to be monitored and reported to the master computer. To
affect control on the remote devices, the analog & discrete output of the RTU is
connected to the pertinent devices/equipment. Discrete output is used to drive an external
relay, to operate a circuit breaker (closing it or tripping it), dropping a section of the
feeder by opening a pole mounted switch or a a pad-mounted switchgear switch, to
disconnect a service, to switch off a motor and other similar applications. Analog output
are used to remotely control devices that requires an increment adjustment or a variable
set point for example opening/closing a valve, controlling a tap changer, etc.

Some of the RTUs used in SCADA, are intelligent. They are programmed to
make certain decisions instead of sending the information to the master computer and
wait for the instruction to come back. Such devices could be considered as upgraded to
the controller level. The RTU requires a power supply, has several interfaces & multiple
ports with the protocol selectable on a per-port basis. Some of the RTUs also have a
microprocessor, RAM, real time clock, watchdog timer, LED indicators, internal
diagnostics routines, fiber optic interface and an internal (built-in) modem.

Major elements of RTU used by SCADA in Pakistan are shown in Figure-5.

Master Station

Test/MMI Communication Interface Power



Substation Devices

Figure-5: RTU Major Elements

Complete status of installed RTUs used by SCADA in Pakistan is given in the Table-1.

Tarbela Guddu GhaziBarotha (NotComissioned )

New Rewat Dadu Hubco

Lahore Jamshoro Rousch

Gatti MuzzafarGarh(NotComissioned )
New Multan ShaikhMohammedi(NotComissioned)

220kV( 21 Stations )
Mardan Nishatabad IslamabadPeshRoad(NotComissione

Burhan Kala Shah Kaku Daud Khail ( Not Comissioned )

Gakhar Bund Road AES Lal pir

Mangle NGPS Multan AES Pakgen

New Kot Lakhpat Sibbi KAPCO

Yousaf Wala Hala Road Uch Power

Jaranwala Road Sialkot ( Not Comissioned ) Chashnup

132kV(11 Stations )
Warsak GTPS Faisalabad Fuji Kabirwala

Kel Saba Power Liberty Power

Kotri ChasmaHydroPower(NotComissioned) Habibullah coastal

Sepcol Japan ( Not Comissioned )

Table-1: Status of Installed RTUs

2.3. Miscellaneous information about SCADA (NPCC)

2.3.1. Data Acquisition facilities
Different values and indications, which are either monitored or acquired by SCADA at
NPCC, are listed below:

Analogue Values

 MW


 Voltages

 Frequency

 Tap position

Status (Indications)

 Breaker Open / Close and error Status (X)

 Isolator Open / Close and error Status (X)

 Protection signals (only for IPPs)

 Synchro-check Signals ( Freq, Phase and Voltage difference)

 AGC signals

2.3.2. Remote Control Facilities
Different Remote control operations that are provided by SCADA at NPCC are:

 Breaker Open / Close (Only for 500KV breakers)

 Tap regulation (Only for 500/220 KV Transformers.)

 Automatic Generation Control

These facilities at National Control Centre are limited due to poor communication and
limited interfacing.

2.3.3. Display Types

Various types of Display facilities at NPCC are:
 Single line diagrams
 Curves
 Events
 Alarms
 Reports, power system
 Post mortem review (only for analogue values on 30 Seconds Resolution)

2.3.4. Storage Capacities

Values and indication storages are the facilities provided at SCADA (NPCC). They are
given below:
Values : Storage Time
 10 Seconds Instant values only for AGC = 250 : (45 min)
 30 Seconds Instant……………………… = 1000 : ( 1Hrs )
 15 Minutes Instant ………………………= 650 : (5 days)
 One Hour Instant………………………….. ALL : (5 days)
 One Hour Indications………………………ALL : (5 days)

3. Suggestions for improvement in the status of
Present SCADA System
Present SCADA system used in Pakistan is of 1980’s technology and has various
limitations and problems, which needs to be resolved. I am providing some suggestions
for improving its status, operation, etc. These information and suggestion are based upon
my own study regarding SCADA and also on various materials that I have collected from
NPCC Islamabad.
First of all, it is extremely important to discuss here that, for optimization the cost of
generation; following factors are key areas of concern:

 Minimization of transmission losses

 Quick restoration of supply
 Minimization of outages
 Avoiding major collapse
 Quality and reliability of supply
 Voltage and frequency control
 By upgrading existing SCADA & Tele-communication with latest version

All the above terms have importance at their own place, but the last one is much
worthy here. Present SCADA using 1980’s technology, should be upgraded with the state
of art technology for optimization purpose. Various technical features of SCADA, which
can be upgraded, are given table wise below:

3.1. SCADA Hardware

Existing System Proposed New System
Make : Modcomp USA /ABB Latest Available At the time of Procurement
Operating System MAX-IV Window Based
( DOS environment) (User Friendly)
Capacity : 4 MB Latest Available At the time of Procurement
Present day PC RAM : 1000 MB
Hard Disk Space : 340MB Latest Available At the time of Procurement
PC Hard Disk : 40000- 80000 MB
Speed : 30 MHz Normal PC Speed > 2000 MHz
VDUs are of special design, VDU are of common design.
Replacement of VDU is due ( Life was Easy replacement being readily available.
10 years) Low Cost.
Cost is very High, being of special

Interfacing with PC is not provided in Can be easily Interfaced with PC.
the system.
Spares no longer manufactured In new system this problem will be solved.
becoming difficult to maintain
Technical support from manufacturer
if required may not be available in
Table-2: SCADA Hardware

3.2. SCADA Software

Existing System Proposed New System
New application New Software would be easy to run.
Software cannot The following new software are proposed which are
be used due to essential for NPCC.
less memory and  Unit Commitment and economic dispatch.
speed.  Automatic Generation control.
 Optimal Power flow.
 Load Forecasting Software.
 Training Simulator software.
 On line Load flow studies.
 Contingency Analysis

Table-3: SCADA Software

3.3. Remote Terminal Units

Existing System Proposed New System
Only ABB Collector 300 and Collector RTUs of any make & type can
400 RTUs can be Interfaced be interfaced.
Cost Per RTU : Rs 12.5 Mln. Rs. 3 Mln.
Existing Stations( without RTUs): 9 Rs. 78 Mln.
Future stations up to 2008 : 17
Cost of 26 RTUs ( 9 + 17) :Rs.325 Mln.
Expensive Transducers are required due Low cost transducers can be
to software limitation and is proprietary used.
item of ABB

Expensive spares have to be purchased Cheap Spares can be purchased
from manufacturer being proprietary from open market.
item of ABB
Limit to interface number of RTUs is Communication Lines
40, which is about to exhaust. Interfacing Limit of both RTUs
and Lines would be enhanced.
Global Positioning system ( GPS ) for GPS is easy to interface.
time clock cannot be interfaced.
Only 6 – channels for interfacing with Enhanced number of channels.
other system.
Table-4: Remote Terminal Units

3.4. Telecommunications
Existing System Proposed New System
Analogue Microwave backbone Digital Microwave communication
from Islamabad to Jamshoro highway from Islamabad to Jamshoro.

Number of Channels : 60 Number of Channels : 630

Channels Capacity already Channels capacity enhancement

saturated possible up to 1890 Channels.

Spares no longer manufactured, Spare availability shall be ensured for

Becoming difficult to maintain. about 15 years.

Failure rate of system is on --

increasing trend.

System is working in 1 + 0 --
configuration at several points
instead of 1 + 1 requirement.
Table-5: Telecommunications


[1] A.S. Siddiqui & Aziz Ahmad: ‘Use of SCADA Systems in Power System Automation’
International Journal of Engineering Studies, Research India Publications,
ISSN 0975- 6469 Volume 2, Number 2 (2010), pp. 183–192.

[2] John Mc Donald ‘LADWP Taps Non Operational Data with Power System Data
Mart Project’ P & E Magazine, March/April 2006.

[3] W.J. Ackerman ‘The Impact of IEDs on the Design of Systems Used for Operation
and Control of Power Systems.’ Power System Management and Control
Conference, 17-19 April 2002.

[4] Loney, George Coach ‘Oracle Complete Reference’ Tata McGraw-Hill

Publications, ISBN 0-07-049902-0.

[5] National Power Control Centre-Islamabad, Pakistan


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