Constitution Test Part 1 Articles

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Constitution Test

The Original Articles

Next to the description, write the Article number that fits the description.
You may use an Article more than once.

Establishes the Executive branch of Government: _____________________

Establishes the Judicial branch of Government: _______________________

Establishes the Legislative branch of Government: ____________________

Describes how to amend the Constitution: ___________________________

Requires that citizens visiting from another state are treated equally under
the law—no special privileges or immunities: ________________________

Says the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land: _________________

Says no religious test is required to hold office: _______________________

All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House of


Prohibits “Bills of Attainder” and “ex-post facto” laws: ________________

Defines the number of states needed to ratify the original Constitution:


Which Article defines “treason”? __________________________________

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