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LO2 Planning & development

for animation

Roan Fryer, Creative and Media Diploma Level 2, class B

Initial ideas

To help me create characters for my

animation I had to animate words; for
example burst. I decided to explore
normal items and extreme items.
Burst is a relatively easy action to
animate as it is just pieces moving
further away from each other.
Initial ideas

Another idea was slide. But there is a

danger that the if something where to
slide away into the distance I could
get the scale wrong.
If a character
where to slide
across something
they could be
sliding across
something bumpy
due to the
steadiness of my
Character development

This is the first planning sheet for my

final animation. These are the first
ideas that I had for characters. A
phone would be very easy to animate
as it has only four main sides. A car
has to many different items that could
move and would take to long.
After deciding on my characters I had
to think about how I could animate
them if I chose them as my final idea,
for example the different emotions
that they could have. I also had to
consider what they would look like
from different angles.
So when I had chosen my two characters I needed to think of what they could do.
I decided on my final idea for the
characters after drawing a time line
and assessing the size they are
within their world.
Proposal sheet

On this sheet I decided when I was

going to create the test animation,
sounds, ect. Unfortunately the file
has corrupted.

I also created some storyboards so

that I would know what I was doing in
each scene. Unfortunately the file has

I also had to create backgrounds for

I drew the back ground and created the animation. There where some challenges
along the way. For instance I originally used plastic figures on a whiteboard but
the ink of the pen would be wiped away when the character moved. I eventually
decided on plastic figures on a paper background.

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