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Exhibit 4
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[Emblem of
SECURITY Kazakhstan]

[Kazakh: 97 Kenesary Street, Astana 010000] 97 Kenesary Street, Astana 010000

“[handwritten: 8]” October 2005 No. I/8153cc
No. [illegible] .

Top Secret
Copy No. 2

Private and Confidential

To Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Tokayev K.K.

Dear Kasymzhomart Kemelevich!

We are sending you a draft work plan for the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan up to year
2006, which has been obtained by means of a strategic operation and which outlines the key
objectives and priorities of the diplomatic mission of American foreign policy in Kazakhstan.
This summer the said project was sent for review by the U.S. State Department, as well as by
several non-governmental organizations, including USAID.
Retaining Kazakhstan's participation in the Antiterrorist Coalition (ATC) is considered
the number one priority in the plan. The U.S. intends to continue to exert pressure on the
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ensure the participation of Kazakhstan's military
forces in the operations of the ATC as well as to receive information on terrorist threats in the
territory of Central Asia and Afghanistan.
Given the upcoming presidential election in Kazakhstan, the Embassy considers the
promotion of democratic reforms in the country as the second largest priority. American
diplomatic mission intends to seek the adoption of a new law “On Elections,” which would meet
international standards, including the OSCE, as well as the abolition of the newly adopted law
“On Mass Media.”
[handwritten: 12 1038052005 000223
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In addition, during the election campaign, the United States plans to support Kazakhstan's
opposition parties, including the DVK, as well as independent associations and the media.
The U.S. Embassy considers the provision for non-proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction in the territory of Kazakhstan as another important direction of its work. American
diplomats continue to work on the previously approved program of destruction of the
infrastructure for the production of biological weapons in Stepnogorsk with the further
establishment of the Laboratory of Environmental Control on its location. The Embassy also
plans to enter into an agreement with the Kazakh Government on the evaluation of equipment at
the Pavlodar Chemical Plant for compliance with the requirements of the Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC).
In addition to that, the Embassy intends to pay particular attention to the formation of a
“safe and sustainable market,” and protect U.S. economic interests in Kazakhstan. The document
identifies the problems in the negotiation process between the companies “Kazakhstan
Temirzholy” and “General Electric,” as well as the Government of Kazakhstan and the company
“AES.” The U.S. Embassy also proposes to reduce the amount of grants for development
programs for small and medium businesses in order to encourage the Government of Kazakhstan
to co-finance them.

Appendix: the text, Reg. No. I/8152c , No. of copies 2 , private and confidential,
total of 4 pages.

[Illegible signature] N. Dutbayev

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Copy. No. 2

Subject: Draft work plan for the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan up to year 2006

Files: АКБ FY 2006 МРР statement.doc

I submit the following project of the Ambassador detailing the work plan of the
diplomatic mission. Please review it, and if there are any comments or changes, forward them to
me. The Ambassador will review it and make changes where necessary.
Thank you very much. Chris Rozenquist.

Due to the existing rich energy resources and successful implementation of economic
reforms, Kazakhstan has an excellent opportunity to complete the transition from a communist to
a democratic system and secure its long-term development based on market oriented politics.
During the period under the program plan of the Embassy until year 2006 (FY 2006
MPP), the Government and people of Kazakhstan will make a wide range of decisions that will
determine whether Kazakhstan will join the world community of democratic nations as well as
the global economic and trading system, and when it will happen.
Currently, our main goal is to use American influence to promote solutions that will
accelerate reforms in Kazakhstan and facilitate its integration into Western and global
The Embassy has developed a work plan for the year 2006 based on the amended plan for
the year 2005. As a result, new U.S. foreign policy goals and guidelines for their implementation
in the strategically important and key state in Central Asia have been developed.
Number one priority is to organize and maintain activities of the anti-terrorist
coalition. In August-September of 2003, the Government of Kazakhstan began cooperation with
the U.S.-led global anti-terrorism coalition and sent a contingent of military engineers to Iraq.
This was the first in a row deployment of armed forces of the Republic abroad for post-conflict
situations since Kazakhstan gained its independence in 1991. The subsequent rotation of troops
was directly assisted by the army and the U.S. Air Force transport. Despite the relative paucity of
Kazakhstan's contingent (30 people), it safely disposed of more than 1 million weapons. Thus,
the armed forces of Kazakhstan have invaluable peace-keeping experience. This factor will
continue to encourage the Government and Parliament of Kazakhstan to participate in the
subsequent anti-terrorist operations.
Kazakhstan also continues to allow the aircraft of U.S. troops stationed in Central Asia to
overfly its territory and provide emergency landings.
The government of Kazakhstan has taken measures to ensure the safety of our institutions
from terrorist threats and cooperate with us to tighten and strengthen the passport-visa regime.
We must continue to exert pressure on the Government of Kazakhstan to stimulate their
provision of information to us about terrorist threats in Central Asia and Afghanistan.
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Given the upcoming presidential elections in Kazakhstan in 2006, the Embassy is

considering the promotion of democratic systems and practices within the work plan up to
2006 as the second most important priority.
We exert maximum influence for the adoption of a new “Law on Elections” that would
meet international standards, including the OSCE, as well as the abolition of the newly adopted
“Law on Mass Media,” which further restricts the freedom of speech and press.
We are also seeking ways to register “DVK” as a political party and to release its leader
G. Zhakiyanov from a detention facility as well as to expand the freedom of opinion during
political campaigns and in the media. We will provide training for political parties, support to the
independent media and civil society in order to assist in creating an environment in Kazakhstan,
in which they will be able to hold free and fair elections for the first time in their history.
We have developed a separate program to combat illegal human trafficking, to track the
progress of our efforts and to inspire the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a more
active and successful fight against human trafficking. These problems can be solved if the
Embassy receives assistance from the organization “Freedom Support Act” (FSA) for the
programs of democratic development.
With the beginning of the construction of the new U.S. Embassy in Astana in June, 2004,
the relocation of our institutions to the new capital is the third priority. The move is
scheduled for 2006 and provides for transferring of more than 90% of the Embassy staff. Bad
roads, poor service industry, and terrible weather conditions in Astana complicate the process.
According to our calculations, we will need additional allocations in the amount of $5.8 million
to the budget estimate for relocation, which has been approved by the Bureau of Overseas
Buildings Operations of the U.S. Department of State. Therefore, the relevant agencies have to
begin collecting data regarding the unallocated, but necessary expenses for relocation now.
Bilateral measures on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction remain
among the highest priorities of the mission in the period up to the year 2006. The Embassy
team intends to prevent the transfer of dual-use military materials, infrastructure, and know-how
from Soviet times in Kazakhstan into the hands of criminals or terrorists. With the successful
ratification of the Umbrella Agreement “On Cooperative Threat Reduction” (CTR), we have an
excellent opportunity together with the Government of Kazakhstan to complete the necessary
modernization of our complex treaties on nuclear nonproliferation. We remain committed to the
implementation of the previously signed agreements with the Kazakh Government on the
transportation and safe storage of three tons of weapons-grade plutonium, which is located in a
temporary storage of a decommissioned nuclear reactor BN-350. We are focused on
implementing the new Agency’s Program on Detection and Protection Against Biological
Threats (BTADR) to create a modern disease monitoring network and to build new laboratories,
providing protection against deadly pathogens used in the production of biological weapons.
Using CTR funds, we will work on the previously agreed program on safe destruction of the
infrastructure for the production of biological weapons in Stepnogorsk with the further
establishment of the Environmental Control Laboratory on its location. We must also reach an
agreement with the Government of Kazakhstan on the declaration of some equipment at the
Case 1:10-cv-01618-TFH Document 35-5 Filed 01/21/11 Page 12 of 13

Pavlodar Chemical Plant under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the subsequent
dismantling of the equipment with the help of the CTR program. These and other vital initiatives
on nuclear non-proliferation can only be realized with real funding from CTR, including $20
million to implement the Agency's Program on Detection and Protection Against Biological
Threats (BTADR).
We consider the priority of a safe and sustainable market to be the main objective of
our work plan up to the year 2006. The position of the major U.S. energy investors has
improved, thanks in part to the real support of the Embassy in Almaty/Astana and Washington.
The expansion of the business of Joint Venture “Tengiz Chevroil” returned to previous levels
with the prospect of resolving the outstanding issues between the Government of Kazakhstan and
the consortium (including major U.S. companies), resulting in the development of a huge oil
field in Kashagan. Nevertheless, the economic nationalism of the Government of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, expressed in an attempt to “suppress” the company in order to get a quick profit,
remains a major problem in the development of energy resources in Kazakhstan. We need to
make significant efforts to continue negotiations on the contract between the Kazakhstan
Railways and General Electric to upgrade locomotives, as well as to find solutions for a long-
standing dispute between the Government of Kazakhstan and the U.S. major producer of
electricity “AES.” Growing revenues from the sale of Kazakhstan's energy resources increase the
possibility of co-funding of our programs to develop small and medium business and the middle
class as a social basis for democratic reforms. During the period under this plan, we will need to
reduce the amount of the funding of the private sector programs in order to encourage the
government of Kazakhstan to co-finance them.
We are adding a new goal to the work plan up to 2006 - the promotion of global
health, i.e. stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Kazakhstan. This goal coincides with
the commitments of the President and the Secretary of State to fight against HIV/AIDS, which,
according to Secretary of State Colin Powell, is the most devastating weapon of mass
destruction. By regional standards, the AIDS infection rate in Kazakhstan is currently still
relatively low, and we must seize this opportunity now before it's too late. Combating the spread
of HIV must be accompanied by joint efforts to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis and to
reform inefficient Soviet health care system. We offer a comprehensive program that includes
the effective use of grants of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
(GFATM), as well as the fund allocations of the U.S. government.
For the first time we have identified public diplomacy and public relations as a
separate item in the Embassy plan. Achieving all the goals of the plan depends on the
mobilization of public diplomacy to support our policy by the elite and the people of Kazakhstan.
We will concentrate the main efforts in carrying out our public diplomacy on implementing the
commitments of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs of the U.S. Department of State to
develop a dialogue with moderate Islam, for ethnic and social tolerance, and renunciation of
violence and terrorism as a means of achieving political goals. We will also use our social
programs to promote democratic and market economic values among the next generation of
leaders of Kazakhstan.
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Certification of Translation

I, the undersigned, Susannah Farabaugh, Production Manager of

Compass Languages, a professional translation agency based at 1666
Crofton Parkway, Crofton, MD 21114 (EIN: 134194307) hereby certify
that the content of the following original document:

 Letter from the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan to

Tokayev, with attached draft work plan, 2005-10-8

has been accurately translated according to the standards laid out by

the American Translators Association.

Date: ____January 20, 2011_____

1666 Crofton Parkway | Crofton, Maryland 21114 | USA

Telephone 410 451 4297 | Fax 443 782 0215

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