What Is The United States Constitution and Why Has It Failed

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What is the United States Constitution and

why has it failed to fulfill our

Declaration of Independence?

The United States Constitution is an official government document to fulfill

our Declaration of Independence. It has proclaimed the Spirit of the Laws
(aka Separation of Powers) as our supreme rule of law. It's mission has been
to secure our unalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

The reason our United States Constitution has failed to fulfill our Declaration
of Independence is because law enforcement agencies have applied the letter
of the law under pretext of authority to take away our civil liberties.

2Cr3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is]
there [is] liberty.

The intent of the Founding Fathers has been to afford each citizen civil
liberties that our government may not alienate any person from having.

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