Creating The New Reality

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An Emerging Earth Angels E-Book

Creating the New Reality

Finding Your True and Authentic Space

Karen Bishop

Copyright © 2010 Karen Bishop

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


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Creating the New Reality
Finding Your True and Authentic Space


Table of Contents

Introduction ..……………………………………………………………………….. 6

Adjusting to the New Plan ……………………………………………………….. 9

The Process ……………………………………………………………………………. 11

What Not To Wear …………………………………………………………………. 15

The Magic of Ordinary Moments ……………………………………………. 18

Blueprint for a New Reality …………………………………………………….. 20

The Energies of the Higher Realms ………………………………………….. 33

Creating, Soul Talk, and New World Experiences ………………………. 38

Twin Souls ……………………………………………………………………………… 51

Dreaming a New Dream ………………………………………………………….. 56

Synopsis ………………………………………………………………………………… 58

Karen Bishop
Karen Bishop


reating a new reality. Creating a new Earth. Creating the life of our dreams.
Celebrating. Having fun. Playing. Living with continued freedom and joy. Fully
expressing ourselves. Laughing. Coming together in unity. Experiencing continued
peace , security, and well-being. Serving the planet in a heart-felt space. Being supported in all
ways. Having a new self-empowerment. These things and more are what we are about to enter
into, if we only choose to trust that this will be so, and if we allow ourselves to be the divine
creators that we were meant to be.

The earth has entered into a very new space in the cosmos, and this space vibrates high enough
on its own to very naturally support all of the above and more. So then, it is up to each and every
one of us to believe once again, to fully embrace all we have ever known at our highest and
deepest levels, and to trust and know that all things are possible, if we wish to enter the gates of
a very new world.

We are creating very rapidly now, and Creating the New Reality will show you in many varied
ways, that this is indeed what is occurring, even though we may feel otherwise at times. So then,
all we need do is to tweak our thinking and perceptions a bit, understand what is happening and
why, learn how to work with and stay in the heart energy, as this is where the new reality
resides, and we can very naturally jump back into a new saddle and into a very new reality of our

Creating the New Reality will give you some ideas, and suggest a road or blueprint to follow that
aligns with all vibrational structure. It was designed to validate what you already know at your
highest and deepest levels, to give you encouragement and evidence that things are right where
they need to be, and to remind you that you are right on track, even though at times you may
think otherwise.

The energies of the new reality are dramatically different than we have known up until now. You
will know when you have tapped into them when you read certain sections of this e-book. At
other times, you will know when you are tapping into the energies of the old reality through this
e-book, as they will feel dramatically different, heavy, and dense. In many ways, we still have
one foot in the old world energy, or old reality, while we have the other foot in the beginnings of
the new reality, as we experience starts and stops of the new reality energy arriving in steady but
incremental pieces. And this e-book is no different.

Creating the New Reality begins by explaining the process of our new beginning, and how and
what it feels like to experience it. This is part of the old or more dense energy, but still important
to know, as it validates what we have been experiencing and why. As this e-book progresses, the
new blueprint begins to unfold, taking you more fully into the new reality. Different options and
possibilities unfold as well, so that you may find the perfect fit that matches your own particular
situation and desires. The remaining sections of Creating the New Reality deal with new reality

experiences, as they are very different, quite fun and exciting, and they are happening now. A
synopsis of key points is also included at the end of this e-book, designed for weary minds
needing a rest from processing, and in order to encapsulate and simplify the major themes of
our current experience.

Money generating store-fronts, finding your own special space, and how to utilize the energies of
the new reality are also explained, as these have been requests made by many of you in recent
times. Physical body and emotional symptoms are mentioned in certain sections of this e-book.
As always, it is best to seek professional assistance from your health care practitioner regarding
any assumed symptoms of spiritual expansion, as all symptoms may not necessarily be related
to a spiritual experience described here.

We are in the midst of dreaming a new dream, and everything we have always known to be
possible is finally at our fingertips. Yes, oh, yes, it is finally here.

May Creating the New Reality serve to re-kindle within you, what you have always known at
your deepest and highest levels, and support you in coming to know that change is finally here,
as we are really and truly, yes really and truly, on the cusp of a very new reality.

Wishing heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life during these
miraculous times,


Adjusting to the New Plan…A Different Way to Begin

e are in the midst of creating a very new reality…a very new world of our very
own making. A series of twists, turns, and changing plans eventually brought us
to where we are now, and what an exciting, new, and unprecedented time we are
blessed to be experiencing!

How we got here at this particular point in time is an interesting story in itself, but what really
matters now is that we are simply here…right here where we need to be. What is perhaps
important to know, in regard to the very new plan that is now unfolding, is that we are now
starting a new reality in a way that we had not imagined we would. At our soul levels, we had
hoped that we would take the entire planet with us into a heaven on earth, or at least take as
many souls as we possibly could. What happened instead, was that not everyone chose to go, or
to cross over, when it was time to “ascend” for the First Phase of the ascension process. But
nonetheless, we moved on and decided to continue with a new plan, or really, to continue with
our original plan with some minor modifications.

So then, what are some of the differences? And how are these differences in what we had
originally planned affecting us in regard to how we will create the new world, and in regard to
what we are currently experiencing? And why is it even important that we know?

1. Dimensional hierarchies exist because there is a variance in vibrational levels, or rather

differing levels of consciousness and reality. I commonly refer to these differing levels as
rungs on the ascension ladder. Because energy always exists in a logical and divine order
with a cosmic structure in place, when we experienced the separation of the worlds, a
large chasm of emptiness was created beneath our feet. (Although not included in this e-
book, a detailed explanation about the separation of the worlds can be found in the mini
e-book Crossing Over at )This
was highly unusual and resulted from a necessary separation in order that those who
were ready (and very weary!) could move on. There were then gaps below us at the lower
vibrational rungs, and because of this different scenario, we had to create the new reality,
really, out of thin air and with no foundation in place.

2. Because no one was then holding the space for us (a space that we could jump off from),
we had to receive the new energies piece by piece and bit by bit, as it would be too
overwhelming to suddenly jump into the new with absolutely no sense of security first.
In this way, the old security of the rungs below us is no longer there. We are/were then,
(depending upon when you are reading this material) hanging out there in mid-air as we
waited for the new energies to come together, piece by piece.

3. The “start-stop” scenario of receiving this new energy and then being in it, was sporadic
at best. In this way, we may have felt clear, connected, and secure at one moment, and
then everything suddenly vanished. But then…we would suddenly tap in once again!

4. We had to create a very new structure first, as we lost our original one. This takes some
time, as all things must “germinate” in order to take hold. So then, it is taking some time
to create the new reality, even though we are still right on track, if even with a very new
plan of our very own making.

5. Most importantly, creating new realities involving many different energies, representing
many different souls, simply takes time. We are very lovingly accomplishing this task as
a group, even though we may not be aware of it at times.

How can this new and different plan of creating a new world and new reality affect us at our
emotional and experiential levels?

1. We may feel highly insecure and unsure of things. This is because our new foundation is
still very new and very small, leaving us with a feeling that we are not really anywhere.
Also, in the beginning, our foundation is still singular to each of us, meaning that we are
standing upon our own individual foundation until things progress and we connect our
foundations together. Things may feel empty and very, very scary while this process is

2. We may be afraid that it will always be the same old thing, with no real hope for anything
new and different. We gave the old plan so much hope, and sincerely felt that we could
pull it off, and then we did not. In addition, many of the higher level ways of living and
being were not supported and did not seem to work at the end of Phase One of the
ascension process. But we are smart and savvy at our soul levels, and knew when to
throw in the towel and save ourselves…and we did.

3. We may not have a clue of what we want to do next, of who we are, or where we are, thus
creating even more insecurity. Remember, we are starting all over again from scratch.
We have ditched our old roles of raising the consciousness of the planet, are re-
discovering ourselves again, and on top of that, have nothing much to tap into yet. Even
after we tap into our true and authentic selves once again, re-defining that self is still
shaky until we interact and reflect off of others. Validation and summoning from our
brothers and sisters will greatly assist in strengthening our purpose and new spaces in
the new world, as we slowly begin to come together once again. Being “invisible,” as we
were at the end of our residency in the old world, will not be the norm in our new reality.

4. We may feel unstable, as there is nothing much to hold onto yet, and nothing much to
connect to. As the new energies arrive in start-stop streams, we can feel clear and okay
one minute, and then become seemingly lost the next minute. We may feel like we are
tapped in and flying high one day, and then boom! The next day we are far down in a
hole, not knowing where or who we are, and feeling lost, depressed, tired, and very
down. In time this will pass, as we create more and more of the new reality, and as we
begin to connect to each other. We are plugged in one day and suddenly unplugged the

next. When writing this e-book, there were days when I could not write, unable to see
anything, until I got plugged in once again!

5. We may become fearful when we continue to see what is occurring in the old world or old
reality. This can add to our sense of instability. Because we do not have much to tap into
yet, staying connected to the old world reality is very tempting, as we somehow need a
sense of place. Ever so slowly, we will move from holding that old reality in our
consciousness to believing in and knowing we can create a new one. As a new reality
begins to manifest for us, we will be able to let go of the old much more easily.

6. We may experience a loss of confidence, feel that we have no power, cannot remember
who we are or why we are here, and feel just plain shaky. We may also strangely forget all
that we have ever known up until now, as we are starting over. Remember, we are like
newborn babies dangling out in thin air. Who wouldn’t feel this way?! In addition, when
we continue to experience periods of disconnect because of the up and down energy
pattern, we also become disconnected from our true and authentic selves at times. Plug
in, plug out! What an interesting process we have created!

After we begin to adjust to a very new plan and a very new beginning, it can also help if we
become familiar with the process. Becoming aware of how things will unfold and progress, as we
continue with creating a very new reality, can help to ease thing a bit. The fun part for me, is
when the plan changes along the way, as surprises are always such a delight (and do they ever
bring confusion too!). So even though some of us may know the intended outcome, the road or
path always turns this way and that way. Yes, we always tweak things along the way in order to
create a more smooth transition and experience, or even to make sure we meet our intended
goal. This is the fun of creating as we go, as we are, as always, the ultimate creators.

The Process

he process of creating the new world, or Earth Two, or the new reality (all the same
thing), began shortly after we separated from the old world in September of 2009.
After the door closed for the very last time, many of us were relocated to new
geographical homes, or for some, made comfortable in our current residences. We needed to be
as comfortable as possible for the massive earth movement and many changes that were on the
very near horizon.

Next, the earth put on her seatbelt, and with an amazing and very powerful thrust of energy, was
literally moved into a new position in the cosmos. This, of course, knocked everything out of its
old groove, creating a loss of identity for many, a sense of disconnect, an “I don’t remember
what I was supposed to be doing here” mental state, a lack of confidence, and a near total
blindness to what my lie ahead.

Eventually, the winter solstice of December arrived, and brought in a very welcomed grounding.
So then, the new earth began with a grounding process. Along with this grounding, came of
course, some purging. Any old or darker energies which had resided anywhere deep within the
earth moved up and out as we moved in to take their places as the true and rightful stewards of
the new earth.

During this time of new grounding, we also began the process of connecting to our true and
authentic selves. We were no longer holding the roles of raising the vibration of the planet, so
then, our original and pristine roles would need to be restored and brought to the surface once
again. These roles or energies of who we really and truly are, came back to us to be reclaimed in
many different ways. We may have suddenly reconnected with friends and loved ones from our
past, or we may have felt a strong need to be alone, stay home, and bring in the energies of our
personal sanctuaries. We may have found ourselves out walking or hiking, or even exercising
and moving our bodies more. We were coming back to ourselves in many ways.

And during this time as well, we experienced the new blueprint of creativity and of self-
expression, all in readiness for what was to come. But of course, immediately after this new
energy of creativity arrived, it left once again, only to have arrived for the purpose of anchoring
itself for later retrieval at the right and perfect time. This is how spiritual evolution always
works. We receive the new energies or blueprints, they feel oh so great, and then they leave for a
while. They are simply introducing themselves for later retrieval at the perfect time…and at this
later and perfect time, they will remain forever more. We also need time to evolve ourselves and
prepare ourselves in order to be a match for these new blueprints. This scenario was also
prevalent when we first arrived in our new space in the cosmos in regard to our twin souls. For
some of us, we touched noses for a brief while, only to be separated once again until the time
was right in all ways.

After the grounding process was complete for enough of us in January of 2010, we then had to
create the next levels, and as always, our beloved planets and celestial bodies assisted us with
their energies. We would receive a new blueprint, feel great, and then boom! We would next
need to adjust and align with that blueprint in order to bring it into form. So then, the higher
energies would drastically drop, and then rise up once again. We would finally feel a sense of
security and rightness with the world, and then as suddenly as it arrived it would depart, leaving
us in states of seeming darkness with not a ray of light in sight. But all the while, we were
moving closer and closer to our intended goal.

All during this time, the writing was still on the wall so to speak. We could not be assured that
our task of creating a very new reality, or at least the new structure, would even stick and take
hold. Were there enough souls on the new planet willing and ready to hold and carry this new
and higher vibration, and were they ready and able to bring it into form?

What greatly assisted us during this time, was a near continual flow of higher vibrating energy
arriving through our crown chakras. Sinus problems, allergies, stiff necks and shoulders, face
pain and pressure, dizziness, ear ringing and pressure, and a general tightness and fatigue were
but a few of the many symptoms during this time. I think I had a continual bruise on the top of
my head for several months, but absolutely loved knowing that it was because these energies
were arriving in order to assist us with the creation of the new reality.

The new reality, or Earth Two, was created as an overlay, or parallel Earth to the old world that
we left behind. We were thus holding enough of the old world still in our consciousness, to make
us believe that perhaps things had not yet changed, or maybe never would.

Most human beings need some kind of security, or at least something to connect to. In this way,
we always hold some kind of reality in our minds, as most of us still need to feel that we do
indeed live somewhere while inhabiting a human form of density (yes, of course we can connect
to God and our higher selves, but this is not what I am talking about). In addition, suddenly
going from a 2 + 2= 4 reality to a sudden 2 + 2= 6 reality, would make many of us go mad (yes,
the new reality will be quite different from the old one). This is why the ascension process is so
gradual, even though it may have seemed otherwise at certain times in the past.

Most of us need to feel that we live somewhere. Human beings very naturally need a sense of
place. We are here in a body because we desired an experience. So then, when we separated
from Earth One, we took it with us in our consciousness. In this way, we may have felt that the
new Earth was not much different from the old one, and that perhaps nothing much had
changed. But what will occur now, and increase in regular and continuing increments, is an
expansion and moving forth of the new energy, originating from our new true and authentic
selves, until it eventually overtakes and replaces the old earth illusion.

What we will begin to see, is a change in the structures of the old earth (or illusion we are still
holding in our minds). The economy, our governmental structures, our educational systems, and
much more, will now begin to reflect the emergence of a higher vibrating way of living and
being. Events will occur (such as earthquakes, natural disasters, and unusual weather patterns),
that will move large amounts of energy and create more change, and these big events will assist
in moving things along in a bigger and more profound way. But know as well, that we are the

ultimate creators, and massive earth changes can always be averted if they are not needed in
times to come.

So then, we first begin by reconnecting to our true and authentic selves, and by grounding
within the new earth. We are thus creating the new earth from the bottom up. We are reclaiming
our original birthright as the true and rightful stewards of the earth. This must be accomplished
first before we can begin creating the new earth in form. At the same time, we are also bringing
heaven to Earth as we bring in new light from above, and this will manifest as unusual creating
abilities, synchronicities, dimensional overlaps, enhanced human abilities, and a very heart-
centered existence.

As the formation of the new reality progresses, we will begin to come together in like-minded
pods. Souls will begin to unite and form for differing purposes, and all at differing vibrational
levels as well (kindly refer to the section Blueprint For a New Reality for more details about this

How has the beginning phase of “the process” affected us emotionally and physically?

 The grounding process has been going on for quite some time, because most of our
spiritual evolutionary processes always take time. Evolution flows and connects, adjusts
and changes, as the new must morph into something very different from what has
existed for eons of time. So then, for quite some time, sore feet and achy painful legs
were a frequent experience for many. Lower back pain was also part of this process.

 While reconnecting to our true and authentic selves, we may have had a strong desire to
stay at home and be by ourselves. We needed to connect to the higher vibrating and true
aspects of us, thus, outside energies were distracting and needed to be kept at bay. In
addition, while we were germinating or embodying the new energies, we would go
through periods of wanting to hunker down and be home, alternating with days of more
energy and lightness.

 We may have become irritated and agitated by outside energies. As if we were swatting at
flies or irritating energy around us, we felt the best when alone, or even out in nature, or
in quiet, calm, and peaceful surroundings.

 While in this phase of reconnection and grounding, the energies were gelling…they were
not moving. When energies feel stagnate, we often times experience constipation. And
we all know what happens when there is massive movement with energy!

 As our new and grounded energy begins to “move out” and expand into the overlay of
Earth Two, it can hit the old energies and create quite a collision. This colliding of
energies can create tension, stress, a severe tightness, and a lot of anger and frustration.
At subconscious levels, we do not want any more of the “old” around, are weary of it
being there, and thus, may experience strange and unpleasant emotions. We are now
wired for the new and higher ways of living and being, feel best when in them and in the
heart energy, and anything else can seem to irritate us.

 Fatigue seems to be a common experience with evolution, and this was no different.
Although the grounding phase gave us some renewed energy, the morphing or
integrating process always creates fatigue, as we need so much of our energy reserves to
accomplish this task. We also tend to sleep more.

 Higher vibrating energies arriving through our crown chakras can create headaches,
blurry vision, dizziness, sinus and ear pressure and the like. But they can also create
heightened sensitivities as well. Thus, it can be challenging to go out into an old world
with these heightened sensitivities as they can create a vulnerability. As we embody more
and more of our soul energy and new strength, these feelings will begin to diminish
(kindly refer to the section What Not to Wear for more information about this aspect of
our process).

 Having “other worldly” or strange and unusual experiences begins to be a common

occurrence as we enter these new and higher vibrating rungs of the higher realms. Where
we were residing (what vibrational level or “rung”) when we began to integrate the
energies of the new, will dictate how many of these strange experiences we will have.
This is because there are still rungs of vibrational order, even in the new reality. The
higher the rung each of us lands on, the more higher vibrating experiences we will have.

 We may find objects in our homes or spaces that have seemingly arrived from nowhere
and belong to no one (this results from dimensional overlaps). We may begin to jump
dimensions, hear sounds, experience smells, create in an instant, and receive higher level
messages and soul talk like never before (more about this in the Soul Talk section of this

One of the first and most delightful steps we undertake is the reconnection to our true and
authentic selves. It is like coming home. It is about embodying the oldest and most pristine
aspects of our souls. It is about becoming our souls in a truly conscious way. We get to finally
reap the benefits of releasing and purging all the old and denser aspects of ourselves. We get to
reap the benefits from Phase One of the ascension process…the years we spent spinning off all of
our past selves in past lives and all of the places and forms where we infused our energies for
eons of time.

We are now in a more pure and pristine form. This is the original form where we first began.
This is a more pure form that was the first spark from the creator (this is why we will now
connect to our twin souls). What does getting to this new and very different space of our true
and authentic selves feel like, and what was this rare and sacred process all about?

What Not To Wear

ne of my favorite television shows is called What Not To Wear. I used to think that
the hosts were a bit harsh, but soon got over that when it became evident that they
really cared, and needed to be tough in order to get the results they desired…and
99% of the time, they did indeed get their desired results.

This is a show about make-overs…about very new beginnings. A woman is nominated by her
friends and colleagues, and selected under the criteria that she is very “un-stylish” in the way she
dresses, and really needs a lesson or two on how to dress and present herself.

In the beginning, the hosts look over all the clothes in her closet, and promptly remove 99%
percent of them by throwing them in the trash. Much to the horror of each woman who owns
them, and along with feeling a bit insulted in the beginning of the show when selected, these
women go along with the program, as they had agreed to in the very beginning. In the
beginning, many of them are not so sure that they want to participate. But with the seeming
intervention and pressure of those who have nominated them, these women inevitably go along
with the plan. Seeing all their clothes being thrown out all at once…their old identity and
comfort zone…puts many of them in a panic and for some, reduces them to tears. After all, this
was not even their idea to begin with!

As the show progresses, it usually becomes clear what the emotional reasons are in regard to
why each woman dresses so unbecomingly. These women dress according to who they believe
themselves to be. This is their “identity” manifesting on the outside…but really, only an identity
coming from a forced or “needed” barrier. The hosts continue to push and insist that each of
these women do what the hosts say they should do in regard to what to wear, usually through
much resistance by the women who are seemingly being forced into dressing very differently
than they ever have before. In many cases anger comes up, and a belligerent attitude, as these
women want to maintain their freedom and power, and do not want to go along with what
someone else is dictating to them. They believe that they know who they are and that they dress
according to what they feel is right for them and what they like.

After new clothes are selected, the women get a new hairstyle and then a make-up expert does
their make-up. For some, more make-up is applied, and for others just a bit, according to who
each woman is and according to her personal lifestyle.

In the end, each woman is complete with a new put together package. And each woman looks
dramatically different from when she began. Almost without exception, these women cry when
they see the new version of themselves, and are ever so grateful for the experience. They hug
their hosts and cannot thank them enough…the hosts they were so angry with in the beginning.
They say that they would never thought of dressing this way on their own, and that it greatly
expanded their horizons and what they had believed to be true (about themselves and about
clothing). And they say it changed them on the inside as well. And always, but always, they

depart with a new confidence and hold their heads high, as they are now being who they were
intended to be, and feel amazingly good about themselves. All their friends comment about how
confident they now are, and are so thrilled to see the new version, as it makes them happy to see
their loving friends or family members becoming their true and rightful selves.

And this is how the process goes as well in regard to moving into our very new roles and spaces.

We may not want to leave our old comfort zones, as this is who we have always known ourselves
to be. We have seemingly been “forced” into leaving our old identities behind. We may have
believed that this is who we really and truly were meant to be. We may want to cling onto who
we thought we really were, as it gave us the power and tools to do what was needed in Phase One
of the ascension process. But even though these old roles, identities, and personality traits were
needed and mandatory in Phase One, they are not needed in Phase Two.

Moving into our new roles is a very lengthy and powerful process. It first begins as experiencing
the loss of our old roles, or rather seeing all our old clothes thrown in the trash, seemingly
without our consent. Our businesses dry up, we may lose our sources of income, we may lose the
desire to do what we have always done, or even experience a massive burn out.

For a while then, we are very naked. We may look in our closets and see that there is nothing
there to wear. We may try to go out and buy something new, but until we are complete with the
process, any new clothes will not fit our new identity. We would just be choosing old and
familiar clothes from our old mindset. In this way, nothing much will manifest for us until we
are fairly complete with the process. So….naked, naked, naked, we may feel for quite a while,
and with a confusion and seeming loss of confidence. Like a frail leaf fluttering out in the wind,
we may wonder where our defenses, strengths, and old boundaries have gone.

As our new roles, or true and authentic selves begin to emerge, we begin to feel a new power and
a very new confidence. But this occurs slowly, as we are gestating and growing, or embodying
this new identity within ourselves like new and budding seeds in the very new earth. And of
course, our new identities are not really new at all. They are precisely the soul identities that we
have always had for eons of time.

With this new power and soul embodiment comes a great sense of protection as well, as we feel
stronger, much more grounded into the earth, and are not then easily blown away or usurped by
outside energies. We are now truly and rightfully our soul identities as we prepare to create the
very new earth.

So although we may feel very vulnerable, unsure of ourselves, and may not have a thing to hold
onto during the transformation stage, like the women in What Not To Wear, we will emerge
feeling better and stronger than we have ever felt before.

We need not do anything to create and expedite this process, as with all of the ascension
processes, it will occur very naturally all on its own if we only allow it to do what it needs to do.
“I cannot stand this void or emptiness for so long!” we may exclaim. “Who and where am I
anyway?!” Or even perhaps, “There is no energy anywhere! Where has it gone?” And “How long
is this going to take? This emptiness has lasted forever!” We are waiting for enough souls to

embody their soul plans before we can connect the dots of our souls and create the new grid of
the new reality. And we are also waiting for ourselves to complete this process as well. In
addition, a required amount of forerunners must be on board before we can move forward. Like
perfect links in a perfect web, ever so slowly we will emerge and begin to connect together.
Moving forward too soon would cause a collapse, so in this way, we can know that our new
reality will be strong, secure, and right in all ways.

In times of emptiness, confusion, and a seeming lack of anything, it can greatly soothe our
spirits and calm our minds to be in simplicity, with an awe and gratitude for the simple
pleasures in life, as they are always, but always, present no matter what is occurring for us. And
not only are these ordinary moments a godsend during times of quandary and seeming
emptiness, but they are also the blueprint and framework for the new reality as well.

The Magic of Ordinary Moments

f most of us looked back on our happiest memories, or when we felt the most joy, love,
and contentment with life, most times we would find that they were the simple
moments that we remember most.

Rarely would we say that our most meaningful times were when we made a lot of money, or that
we remembered the best times in our lives involving great success, or even when we got
everything that we had ever wanted.

The precious moments of a baby’s laugh, the sight of a butterfly suddenly arriving from
nowhere, a full moon in the night sky, or simply watching an ant carry its meal from one place to
another, can seem to make us fill with delight and joy, like an innocent child exploring the world
for the first time.

One day as I sat on the bank of the Rio Grande River, along the revered and protected bosque
land near where I reside, I had the most magnificent day. There were eight cranes landing on the
opposite shore while a gathering of geese basked in the sun, just enjoying the space of “being.”
As the river flowed before me, I could hear the soothing sound of the water sweeping by, while
the beautiful white fluffy clouds floated overhead, and one could not argue that all was not well
with the world.

As I sat there for quite some time, the sense of peace and serenity, of knowing that all things
simply “were,” and of having the pleasure of sharing this space with God’s creatures, made me
oh so happy to be alive. The nature kingdom was not concerned with mortgage payments, with
running errands, with how to earn a living, or even with where its next meal would come from.
Everything in that space was simply in a state of being and acceptance. If their food source
became scarce, the waterfowl knew that this was a part of life, and that they would adjust. They
accepted it without question, as nature always does. They did not take it personally. These
amazing creatures revered the sun, the water, and the elements, as they enjoyed their offerings.
They seemed to know that they were all one, and that there was never, if ever, anything wrong. It
was hard to leave this space of no space that day, but as the sun slowly began to set on that
January day, it was time to return home.

After returning home, I sat in the sun in front of my indoor garden and opened my laptop to
write these pages. There was the sun shining in through the window and simply being the
sun…doing what it does best, ever so surely and steadily…shining. The garden was doing the
same thing…simply being. And there was my cat, lounging in the windowsill, soaking it all up.

From a peaceful and tranquil setting outside, to a heart-filled experience inside the house, these
moments placed me in a space of high vibration and a rightness with the world, and I felt
nothing but truly blessed.

The gentle and thoughtful touch of a loved one, a caring phone conversation, a warm exchange
with a stranger in a store, watching a moonbeam glide across a pillow in the middle of the night,
sitting in silence with an animal companion as we share the same space of their space for just a
little while, washing the dishes with a companion after a meal, or even watching one of our little
ones blow out the candles on a birthday cake, are some ordinary moments that we can cherish
for eternity.

These moments are free. These moments come naturally. These moments are always available to
us, no matter what is occurring on the planet or in our lives. These moments call to us. They say,
“Here I am! I’m over here! Did you notice me?” These moments say all is right with the world.
They say that this is what life is all about. They say that this is why life is here. They say that this
is why we came to the earth. And they say that there is nothing wrong and there never has been.

The more we notice the magic of these oh so precious and ordinary moments, the more we come
to realize that life is good, that life is forever happening, and that we are truly blessed to be on
the planet at this particular time. And the more we notice and cherish these ordinary moments,
the more of them we will be blessed to experience.

Are we here on this earth at this particular time to simply experience life, as the earth was
created for this particular purpose, or are we “supposed” to be finishing our soul purpose here,
so that we can move on and finally, but finally, be done?

Blueprint for a New Reality…Having It All

or many years, I was blessed to be in my passion and joy reporting the “news” of our
ascension process. All during this time, I got to be in my soul purpose for part of the
time, and the remainder of the time, I had a regular life with lots of time for playing,
enjoying life, and creating personal projects. For me, having a regular life as an “average Joe”
was vitally important. I do not believe I could have lasted this long if I had spent a large portion
of my life ensconced with my soul purpose work.

For many of us, we are “programmed” at our soul levels to participate in the evolution of the
planet, or rather the evolution of the entire universe as it is all happening here. We came from
every nook and cranny of the universe to complete, wrap up, close down, and finish what we
originally created. In this way, we agreed to bring this planet back to a new and pristine
condition, and then leave for our very new and exciting experiences in a very new and higher
vibrating universe, never to return again.

For some of us, we just want to be done and then get out of here. We are weary beyond measure.
It has been a long journey of the soul. We are soul weary then…not just weary from this one life
experience we are now having. But at the same time, many of us crave the original purpose of
the earth…to have an experience here while in form…to relish, feel, and enjoy moments here, as
this is the earth’s original intention.

So then, which is it? Can we finally retire here on the earth and really and truly enjoy ourselves,
or are we relegated to fulfilling the purpose of our souls, and continuing to move forward like
good and devoted soldiers?

During Phase One of the ascension process, our souls really dictated. We may have desired to
make a geographical move, but were mysteriously held back and stuck in the same spot. We may
have desired to stay in the same spot, but were mysteriously led to move to a new and different
area. We may have tried to lose weight from an unexplainable weight gain, but found that no
matter how hard we tried, and what we did, the weight would not budge. We may have lost loved
ones, jobs, and much of everything else, seemingly through no fault of our own. We may have
desired to leave an unhealthy relationship, as we were beyond that kind of thing, but were
seemingly prohibited from leaving. Or, we may have been ousted from a happy relationship, as
we would never have left on our own. And we may have attempted to utilize the laws of creation
and energy at our physical levels, but had absolutely no results. All this was because we were
creating at higher soul levels, and soul levels dictate above all else. We were lovingly and
passionately supporting the ascension plan. In this way, we were always, but always, in
alignment with our souls and with each other.

So then, during Phase One, we came together at our soul levels and agreed to participate in the
plan. We were all going in the same direction, even though it may not have seemed like it at
times when we were not conscious of why we were doing what we were doing, or of what was

occurring for us in our lives. Nonetheless, we were always, but always, in it together and right on

Now comes Phase Two. How and where does each and every one of us fit in?

Each of us was born during a time when the vibrations surrounding us were at certain points.
This means that the celestial bodies were residing in specific places, for instance, or even that
our birth names were selected in order to carry specific vibrations. All of these components and
more came together to support our own individual blueprints, and these blueprints were created
in order to support who we needed to be and what we needed to create for this very last
incarnation into form.

For Phase One, we were dedicated in bringing up the vibration of the planet. For Phase Two, our
souls are here to create the new reality, or put into place a very new earth before we can depart.
In this way, many of us are still “programmed” for bringing forth what it is that we have come to
bring forth. These creations and these contributions, or this “programming,” manifest as our
passions. These creations or contributions have been with us forever. These creations or
contributions are what our souls have contributed to the universe for eons of time. We have
brought these roles into many, many different realities and planets, in order to assist them in
bringing a new reality into form. And in this way, we are very good at what we do best, as we
have done it forever at our soul levels.

As we progress up the rungs of the ascension ladder, we gradually become more and more of the
pristine energies of pure soul. Before this occurs, or rather in the old reality, we always, but
always, contributed our soul blueprints, but our contributions were simply at differing levels
than they are now.

For example: I have a friend whose higher level soul purpose is to bring people together and to
make sure everyone is “at the party.” At his more pristine soul level, he visits far away places in
the cosmos, and makes sure everyone is involved and represented when pivotal changes and
plans are about to take place in the universe. His soul knows where everyone is residing at every
nook and cranny in the cosmos, and what each planet or star is all about. He was a key player in
bringing the variance of souls here to this planet to contribute to and experience the ascension
process, only he does not remember that yet. At his lower soul levels, he has a lot of parties,
makes sure everyone is invited, goes to a lot of parties and gatherings, keeps in touch with
anyone and everyone no matter what, and will not let anyone hide or get left behind. He is also a
good friend to all. His career involves customer service and travel, so again, he goes far and
wide, tends to many, and knows what everyone is doing at all times. So no matter what
vibrational level he is “residing” at, he is always doing the same thing, as this is his soul imprint
or purpose. In this way, we are always going to be ourselves, only we just apply this self in
different ways according to what reality we are living in.

As we become more of the pristine energy of our souls, we then get to make these same
contributions, but at much higher levels. Even though we may very consciously remember who
we are at our soul levels, and what we have contributed for eons of time, we are still walking and
talking in a lower vibrating reality, and will usually then, make a contribution that fits in with
where each reality is currently vibrating and residing. Same old patterns, but different palettes.

In this way, part of us is somewhere else and part of us is here, but again, we are now becoming
the pure essence of our souls as never before, so we are thus refining ourselves down to just one
form before we depart forever more…and this form is the one that vibrates the highest and is the
most evolved.

Many who read the WINGS messages say that they can really relate to what is occurring with the
energies, as each reader is feeling these same energies wherever they are “residing.” In other
words, the energies are applying to their lives. In this way, a message will mean one thing to one
person, and another thing to another person, all in relation to which vibrational rung of reality
they are living in. And this creates a wide variance of interpretations of the messages as well! So
then, we are all evolving at the same time, if even at differing levels of experience. This means
that we will also, then, be creating different things for the new reality, all in relation to what
vibrational level each and every one of us is currently residing in.

For some of us, we have always laid the foundations for new realities. For others, we have
brought a vital piece of a new reality into play, whether it be what colors were needed, what
sound was needed, what the “theme” of the new reality would be, what the inhabitants of each
new reality would wear, how to build structures in alignment with the cosmos, how to grow
food, how to stay in spaces of joy, how to interact with everything in harmony, or even how to
communicate with life on other stars. The list is virtually endless. There is no right or wrong.
And again, there is as well, a wide variance in the vibrational levels that will exist in our new
reality on Earth Two.

Some levels, or rungs, will vibrate very high, and others will continue to model much of the old
reality (the good parts!). We are all right where we need to be. We need the rungs below us
because they hold the structure in place. We decided before we were born, which level we would
contribute to and reside in during pivotal times. Thus, some souls will be more “mainstream”
than others. I personally know of many individuals who possess higher vibrating knowledge and
wisdom, but who also know that their place is much more in the mainstream. All in all, there
will be a continual progression up the rungs of the ascension ladder for each and every soul
living in the new reality.

So what about being weary as souls (mostly the forerunners), and perhaps not wanting to
contribute a thing? What if we are far beyond this phase in our lives, and we just want to retire
or be done? What, then, are we still doing here? Why did we stay? Why didn’t we leave when
Phase One was complete? And for others, what if we are still excited about creating something
new, but do not have a clue what that may be?

Try asking yourself these questions: “If I had a big rejuvenation experience, could re-charge my
battery in a massive way, and could take a rest for as long as I wanted to, would I then be ready
to jump into a new project that is my true passion and always has been for eons of time? Or if
not a new project, would I desire to contribute my true gifts and talents to a whole? Would I be
ready to be a part of something, or anything, where I felt at home, resonated deeply, and could
find my rightful space? If I could have anything that my heart desired, and know with certainty
that it would transpire with effortless ease, would I be excited about staying here and being a
part of a new reality?”

For many of us, if we knew that our truest and deepest passion, or what we have envisioned for
our entire lives, could be a possibility with complete certainty, and in all ways envisioned with
no struggle or resistance, we would then be in alignment with Phase Two of the ascension
process, or our life-long passion.

But there is more to this story as well. Suppose we are “asked” by the inhabitants of the earth, or
the universe, to “please, oh so kindly, pretty, pretty please we need you” bring our own special
energies and gifts to the world, as we are so highly revered for our areas of expertise and thus
seen. And we love what we do, as it comes so naturally to us, and we have known what we have
known for eons of time, but have not been able to bring what we have known forth until
now…and what if we, then just, uh, contribute these gifts “part-time.” The remainder of the
time, we get to spend having a life, enjoying this earth, being in “neutral” and simply
experiencing, playing, having fun, being in peace and enjoyment, and most assuredly, in the

This, then, is the way it was intended to be, if we do indeed choose this particular scenario. We
can absolutely have both of these experiences during Phase Two if we want to. For me, I would
not feel complete if I did not have a five year old telling me that my (ouch!) “breath stinks” and a
nine year old exclaiming, “Grandma! You’re not going to wear that, are you?” ; or even simply
walking through my house in the middle of the night and watching a grand full moon oh so
slowly move across the sky with the Sandia Peaks below it.

As we evolve through this spiritual evolutionary process, we begin to come closer and closer to
the original place of simply being here to have an experience. This purpose of the earth, to
experience life in form, is without a doubt the highest vibrating and most pristine purpose of the
earth. So then, as we expand more and more into the space of where it all began, we begin to
remember and desire this purpose of the earth more and more. We become more lighthearted
and fun loving, we feel much lighter and much more free, while at the same time, we also feel a
strong and secure connection to the deepest part of ourselves, or our souls. And it is these deep
connections to our souls that will create the new earth, so that it can once again become a sacred
space for experiencing life in form.

The New Grid of Humans …Holding the New Energies

Phase One of the ascension process created a very new human being on the planet. It first began
at the time of our physical birth, when so many of us were born into situations of great challenge
and suffering, in order to transmute the still present denser and darker energies through
ourselves. As the new energies of a higher vibrating light began to flood the planet, we then
released, purged, transmuted, and continued on with our process of becoming light beings and
the new angels of the earth. The more we released and let go, the more space we created within
ourselves, and this space was then able to be filled with light. In this way, as the process
continues, we naturally embody more and more light within ourselves, letting go of the need to
receive it from above, or from somewhere up there or out there.

Part of the process of becoming our true and authentic selves involves the release or letting go of
our old non-physical guides. In times past, we would get new guides as we reached pivotal
points with our progression during the ascension process. Our guides, and even our loving
angels, are simply aspects of ourselves, only we just place them outside of ourselves, as we are
not yet ready to own these magnificent pieces of higher level wisdom, guidance, and knowledge.
So then, along the way, we may suddenly find that we have new guides. This is because we have
now become our old guides. We have evolved into being them ourselves.

So then, after many years of the ascension process, we have finally reached a point where we are
now embodying enough wisdom and higher level knowledge within ourselves to create a new
reality. This new threshold will now enable us to easily and rightfully make many decisions all
on our own, without the need to consult “channels,” spiritual material (this is why at pivotal
points we suddenly lose the desire to read spiritual material), or any outside guidance.

Because we are now holding so much more light within ourselves, we are now ready and able to
create a very new reality, or planet earth. We split from the old world, as there was not enough
light present there to sustain it in a higher vibrating way. Now, with Earth Two, or our new
reality, we can move full speed ahead, and be assured that things will indeed be different. This
time we are being given a new palette, with a carte blanche brush.

So then, the light is now much more within than without, as never before. In this way, if we want
to sustain this very new world, and keep the frequencies at a continual high, we also need to
connect to each other. Connecting to each other will create a grid of light, or web of higher
frequency. Each of us holds a vision in our hearts and in our souls, and it is finally time to
connect these visions together. These visions or dreams also vibrate very high, as do we. When
we connect to our brothers and sisters then, miracles ensue, manifestations rapidly occur, and
the frequencies rise even higher.

In times past, when we were experiencing personal healing and the need to become whole once
again, we needed to be whole and complete within ourselves before we could do anything else.
Now things are very different in a new way. We no longer need to do it all ourselves. We no
longer need to wear all the hats. We no longer need to be self-sufficient. It is precisely the
pristine energies that are left within each soul (or our true and authentic selves), that will serve
to fulfill a need for each of us, as we do not then, have each and every piece within ourselves. In
this way, we vitally need each other now in this new and exciting reality that it upon us. We will
complement each other in every way possible.

Being that there will still be differing vibrational rungs even in the new reality, there will still
then be those who seek our guidance, as we will still serve as guides along the way, for others
who will eventually become us one day. Yes, the hierarchies continue. In this way, we still have
“dimensional border” rungs so to speak, if even very small ones.

Navigating the Rungs With Our Store-Fronts

A common pattern and theme with dimensional hierarchies or rungs on the ascension ladder, is
that we do not respect our elders. In the physical world, or old world reality, a society existed
that for the most part, did not respect the wisdom and experience of its elders. I can remember a
time in 2006 when both of my parents had experienced heart attacks and heart procedures all in
the same week. While at the hospital assisting my mother, my father came to visit her (a very
rare occurrence as they had been divorced for 40 years). I suddenly became overwhelmed with a
massive sense of loss, or really a sense of an ending. Their generation (those in their 70’s and
80’s) was about to end, and barely a shred of it had been honored, revered, or brought into the
reality or world that they were leaving behind. These amazing elders had so much to share, but
no one seemed to care at that time. In this way, their presence, wisdom, stories, and experiences
would be forever lost. I will never forget the sense of immense sadness and loss that I felt.

This same pattern of not respecting or revering our elders played out along the rungs of the
ascension ladder in Earth One, or the old reality. One way it manifested was by not being “seen”
by those around us. During the final stages of Phase One, when we were being encouraged to
depart the old reality, part of our encouragement resulted from not being seen. In addition, we
were not respected, revered, or honored for our knowledge and experience. We were being
pushed out by lower vibrating energies who were “taking over” the old world, as it was now time
for us to depart. In the new reality, or Earth Two, things are different. It is the light or higher
vibrating energies who are pushing out and taking over the planet, as we begin the creation of
the new world. And remember, the new world began as a parallel earth looking the same as the
old one.

So then, as we begin to pull together our store-fronts, these patterns may still continue, but only
with those who are not yet ready to “see” us, or who are not yet ready and willing to accept and
receive our guidance and wisdom. Energies still existing in the old world or old reality
commonly have these traits in common when they interact with a higher level being:

 The will appear to be fully ensconced in their own world or reality, and seem like they are
living in a box that they cannot see out of.
 They are not yet questioning or seeking anything outside of their box. They are happy to
accept and live within it, and do not seem to sense that there may be something better
out there, as they think that their box is perfectly fine, and it feels fine for them.
 They believe that they know everything, and that they are in total control.
 If ever challenged, or called out about their disrespectful behavior, they will defend it in
lieu of examining themselves and allowing for change. They will many times become
hostile and even exhibit more extreme behaviors if challenged or stopped. They will not
then, own their own behavior or at least be open to examining it.
 They tend to make fun of, or demean the ways and beings of a higher level existence.
 They are difficult if not impossible to communicate with.

All in all, these energies are simply not yet ready for the new reality. We need to simply let them
be. Interacting with them, only creates one big dark collision and futile exchange, so it is usually
best to ignore them altogether. They may appreciate any loving energy coming from you, but

they will nonetheless abuse it, as they believe that a higher level being will always be loving and
stay around, no matter what they do. In this way, the light is taken for granted and if this occurs,
it is time to depart.

The next level up exists in the new reality. This rung or level consists of souls who are ready,
willing, and questioning. They are then….asking. And if a soul is asking, they are usually ready
to listen. If a soul asks, but still continues to defend their stance and beliefs, then they are still
not ready, but getting close. If they think that they know more than their elders, then they are
really not ready. If they challenge their elders to grow and expand, in a respectful way that
comes from questioning themselves, then they are awesome. And know as well, that a new
generation will replace the old war horses that served as fore-runners, coming up with new and
fresh ideas, as they all the while, revere their elders who have gone before them.

In these ways, for many of us, our old spaces or old roles will be taken over by others, and this is
as it should be. These others will have new and fresh energy, as they are now in their new roles.
And this will allow us to pursue our own new endeavors that will be new and fresh for us, giving
us more vitality than ever before, as we will then be a match to where we are now vibrating…or

Interacting with energies who do not see us and who are not ready, will not occur in the new
reality. If we find that we are having this experience, then we have somehow dropped down to
the lowest dimensional border, and are out of our element on the other side. It is then that we
can choose to go back home where we belong, and focus instead on providing our services to
those who may indeed be on the dimensional border, but who are very ready to move across
with our assistance.

Following Our Hearts

Out of our heads and into our hearts… this is the mantra of the new reality. Connecting to much
of anything now, will very naturally come from a connection through our hearts. We hear certain
music and it connects to our hearts, we receive a message from “above,” and know it came from
above all else because it connects to our hearts. We meet a new individual, and the connection is
very different, not fitting into a normal “reality” box, as we are joined to them through our
hearts. The very special loved ones in our lives carry the heart connection as well, even including
our animal companions and all of nature.

Finding our space in the new reality is no different. All we need do is follow our hearts, as they
will take us right where we need to be. The heart rules the roost in the new reality. In this way, it
overrides everything else. It takes precedence. It wins at all costs, and it will always, but always,
be given the top priority in the universe. The heart energy will set the precedent, the standard,
and will dictate what will occur and what will not. The heart energy holds all the energy and all
the power. It navigates, it connects, and it creates. Riding the wave of heart energy puts us on
the road, and on a road that is moving. The heart energy is the fuel and the connector to the
heavens…it is also the connector to who we now are and where we will fit in the new reality.

Our Very New Spaces

Our new spaces in the new reality will be dictated by our hearts, no question. If we desire to
simply retire and have a life here on the earth, if we desire to have a money generating store-
front, or if we desire to have both, our hearts will lead us to our perfect fit.

What are your dreams? What would your perfect life look like in all ways? Where would you live
and what would you surround yourself with? What means the most to you? Where does your
attention always seem to go? What do you care the most about? What motivates and inspires
you? When do you come alive? What gives you energy instead of depleting you? How would you
choose to help others and the planet? What would you want to be a part of? Where would you
help and what would you do if no one knew who you were or that you were doing it? What is the
vision you have held for so very long (and you know you have most of the details, as it has been
within you for eons of time)? What brings an immense smile to your face whenever you think
about it or envision it? What would you drop everything for and rush off to if it called you?

Being in the heart energy, will automatically draw what we are thinking and being with our
hearts, right to us. Just yesterday, for example, I had but two experiences of this, as this
mysterious pattern has been occurring for me on a regular basis for several months now. I had
been talking to one of our young adults (I love many of our young people as they are so full of
energy and passion, and they have an amazing energy of letting things roll right off of them!),
and noticed that I frequently referred to “retiring” from my old role, so that people like him
could take over. For the preceding few days, I had also been talking to my daughter about food
banks, as I used to work for one many years ago as an agency outreach coordinator, and I loved
serving the people. Immediately after my conversation with this amazing young man, I went to
get my mail. As I opened a letter, the title page in big bold letters glared back at me: Are You
Ready To Retire? And on my way home, I passed a massive truck in our tiny little village with
Food Bank written all over it.

We will very naturally bring to us, what it is that we hold in our hearts. I have a strong heart
connection with one of my twin grandsons. Whenever I call my daughter late at night, he always
wakes up. This happens every time. My five year old grandson and I have a special connection
too. One day while walking by the river, I thought of him often. He loves nature, and we used to
spend a lot of time out in it. I immediately received a text message from my daughter saying that
he suddenly asked her when I was moving to where he now lived. I would imagine that many of
you reading this e-book have been having similar experiences, as we are now very much in the
new reality of the heart energy.

If many of us were to look at our lives, they might look great on paper. We may have fulfilled all
of our dreams at some point in our lives, we may have created much of what was meaningful to
us (even though we may have not even noticed!), and we may have stayed on our true and
rightful paths. Even so, what really and truly seems to make a life worth living, and makes us
glad we had this experience on the earth, is our heart connections. Feeling the love, the caring,
and just simply connecting through the invisible cord of our hearts, most times is all that really
and truly matters. It is these connections that we may remember most, and it is the feelings and
emotions that a heart connection brings, that makes us glad we are in a physical form.

We can define what we want our lives or spaces in the new reality to look like, by following our
hearts. We will know when our hearts are involved because at times we can literally feel energy
flowing in our chests, we will usually feel uplifted, we may become emotional, and we will very
naturally be lifted into the higher realms, or rather, have an “other worldly” experience. It can
feel like an invisible force is guiding things along…an invisible energy that creates, loves,
manifests for us, and holds the space as it weaves in and out with the air we breathe. It is
through this heart energy that we can feel loved and supported once again, and it is this heart
energy permeating the new reality, that will also open our own hearts once again.

Once we define our new spaces, or identify where we really and truly want to be on the new
planet earth, we will very naturally find ourselves there. Holding our visions within our hearts
for but a few minutes each day, daydreaming about them, loving them, and simply keeping a
heart filled feeling about them, detached from even being there ourselves, will eventually bring
this new reality right smack into our spaces. If we can love and deeply care about the arena or
the setting that we envision, and even keep ourselves out of it altogether, we will very naturally
create it in the new reality. We will not need to figure out how to place ourselves within this
vision, as simply holding it in our heart-filled spaces will automatically make it real with no
attachment. It will become real because we created it with our hearts. After it becomes real, or
even if it was already real to begin with, we will then be pulled into it in magical ways. The vision
or space will literally come and get us. All the pieces will show up. They will show up and say,
“Here I am! What do you want to do with me? Do you want to connect more fully? Where do you
want me to go and what do you want me to do? I am here to love and support you. Please come
on in! We have been waiting for your presence! We have felt your heart-filled energy around us.
How can we support you? We love you! Please join us!”

After we define where we want to be, what we want to be, how we want to interact or fit into the
new reality, and most importantly what we want to love and hold in our hearts, we will then
naturally begin to connect to each other. And we will be invited with loving and open arms.

Do we need to consciously know who we are and where we want to be before we can proceed?
No, we do not. Again, we need only follow our hearts… we can pay attention to where our hearts
are taking us by what we think about the most, and pay attention to where or what our yearnings
are revealing to us. And as the energies of the higher realms will always, but always do, our new
reality will naturally show up, surround us, and support precisely what we are being and

The Money-Generating Store-Fronts

People often ask me what I mean by a “store-front,” and what I mean when I write, “until there
is no need for money.” Yes, we are still a monetary society, so most of us still need money to
survive. The blueprint for the new reality will eventually evolve into a format where we can all
exist without the need for money. So what does that look like?

After we refine ourselves to the point where all that is left is the pure gold nugget of our soul
selves, we will naturally and easily vibrate or be just that. We will have a special gift to offer that

comes quite naturally and effortlessly to us. When we combine enough souls together, all
offering their special gifts to a whole, then all needs are met through the gifts of one another. In
this way, no money is necessary (similar to bartering, but vibrating much higher and much more
refined). When each soul in these higher vibrating communities is not offering their gift, they
will simply be enjoying themselves, enjoying the gifts of others, communing with the stars,
planets, earth, and cosmos, and having fun, as this is the original intention and purpose of the
earth. This is the basic blueprint for the “other side.” This is also the blueprint for my own
heart’s next creation…Angel’s Rest.

(If you are reading this, and this scenario does not sound remotely appealing to you, it is always,
but always, best to follow your heart and go where it takes you. Although coming together with
group energy is the new and higher vibrating reality, it can manifest at all levels, and
mainstream society is one of those levels. We are always right where we need to be, until we are
not. There are many souls who are supposed to be in mainstream society, as this is their soul
plan, and where they agreed to come to offer the most benefit to the planet.)

For the fore-runners, these new communities are not quite here yet, but we are making great
progress on the road to getting there. We have to “be” them in all ways before they can manifest
in form. And this is where the vibrational hierarchies also come into play. We can exist fully on
the “other side,” with all needs met and in harmony with all energies and the cosmos; we can
exist more in the mainstream with both feet in a higher version of the old reality as we serve as
guides to others along the way; or we can exist with one foot in one reality (or rung on the
vibrational hierarchy), and the other foot in another reality.

This means that for most of us, we still need to generate money. Some of us may generate money
by assisting those in moving up the ascension ladder. Others may generate money by offering
their talents to the new reality as artists, musicians, architects, gardeners, writers, designers,
and much, much more. And all of these offerings will exist at whichever level each soul is
residing, either full-time or part-time. So then, some of us may live in a higher vibrating
community, leave for very brief periods of time to generate money while guiding and assisting,
and then return to our community. Others may stay in their community indefinitely, as all their
needs will be met there. And yet others will not be comfortable with community living at all, and
choose to stay in the mainstream, being much more self-sufficient and only coming together for
specific projects or purposes. But eventually, the entire planet will exist within a group energy

The highest rung on the vibrational hierarchy exists with no money necessary. So for the fore-
runners having this vision, they may need to provide their money-generating services part-time,
by assisting those in another reality, with the remainder of their time spent creating the new
communities until they are fully up and running. For those who chose to “go back” to the
vibrational hierarchy borders part-time in order to generate money, they will not be able to stay
there for very long. They are vibrating much higher now, and will thus be much more
comfortable and much more in their heart space when in a space that matches where they now
are in all ways.

Generally speaking then, most of us still need to generate money. And money needs a vehicle or
opening to come through. This vehicle or doorway is what I refer to as our “store-fronts.” Money
needs to know where we are and how to find us. It needs to see a sign or marker in order to stop
by for a while along its path. It needs an identity or mission statement to attach itself to on a
regular basis. Yes, we can always generate money out of nowhere, and for no specific purpose or
reason, but it is much easier to have it arrive in a steady, regular, and on-going way through the
identity and blueprint of our own individual store-fronts. (For those of you who no longer need
or desire a store-front, the planet still needs the beauty of your presence alone, and thus, the
planet will want you to fit in and find your new space so that we can all benefit from the gifts of
your energy and presence.)

What if you know what you want to do next, where your heart is, and need a store-front, but feel
it cannot really generate any money for you? Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey, Michael J. Fox,
Bono, and many others continue to offer their talents to an arena that generates money for
them, but their hearts are very involved with projects that do not generate any money at all. In
this way, many of us may need to continue on with projects that we may still relate to, but that
we may have evolved beyond, in order to stay afloat awhile longer. Part of us may need to stay
on our prior rung, even after we have evolved out of it. If we stay heart-centered while in these
older money generating spaces, we can stay there much longer, but it is important to only stay
there part-time. Eventually, we will all reside in a heart-filled space all of the time and in all

What if your heart is in a new space, but it is not generating money for you yet (even though it
has the possibility to), as you have only just begun? If your heart is in it, it can only serve to
succeed in time. Remember, the heart rules the roost in the higher realms. Staying in the heart-
centered spaces for as much time as possible, and in any other spaces for minimal periods of
time, will always serve to keep us in alignment with the new reality. And we can jump start any
heart-centered endeavors much more quickly by connecting to others who are ready to offer
their heart-centered creations as well.

Connecting to Each Other

Group energy is the new reality. We sustain ourselves here through group energy. Part of the
process at the beginning of Phase Two, or creating the new reality and/or finding our new space,
involves the coming together of the new pods, or new groups of like-minded souls. Like a
massive cell division, all souls pulled apart from a whole, and ever so slowly began (or “will
begin,” depending upon when you read this e-book) to gel or congeal with their perfect matches
and in their perfect groups for the times to come.

Those sharing the same vision, or at least their version of it, will very naturally come together, as
like energies always attract like energies. There was so much moving around, room for change
and choices, and re-structuring in Phase One, that many of these new connections will derive
from what was left when everything fell and went every which way. In this way, the original
connections that may have been planned before birth, may have been revised and substitutes

may have been put in. Even so, we are always lovingly watched over from above at our soul
levels, and things always turn out in the best way possible for each and every one of us.

These new pods of like-minded souls will form for specific purposes, and thus, there will be
more than one pod that we may be a part of. Some pods will form for the purpose of bringing the
new reality into form, at whatever level or rung these pods will be residing on. In this way, we
may find ourselves connecting to others who share our dreams and desires, or our next soul
purpose of creating the new reality or bringing it into form. And within these pods, we may find
souls at still differing levels, as all skills will be needed. Some souls will reside more on the
cutting edge, and others more in the mainstream. Nonetheless, souls will come together to join
their energies and expertise in order to fulfill the purpose of creating a part of the new reality.

Other pods may form for the simple purpose of good and loving friends coming together to
support each other in times to come. These souls will have overlaps of commonality, or like
energies, or similar lifestyles and ages, or even the same beliefs, for instance. And yet other pods
my form for the purpose of simply having fun with shared interests and hobbies.

Pods need to hold the same vision in some way. This is what connects their members. The vision
is the glue and the center, while all those involved contribute various energies to fulfill this
vision. Each member then, although offering a different contribution, will nonetheless hold the
same vision. In this way, the vision then, may be about a new service to be offered, a new reality
to create, a supportive network of friends, or even a shared hobby or creative outlet.

The higher we vibrate, the more the same vision is shared by all (the new communities, for
example, represent a higher vibrating vision and higher soul memory). This is because much of
anything else has been purged, released, or vibrates much lower than where we are now
residing. In this way, a higher level vision or purpose will rarely be altered or changed as it will
be pristine, refined, and very simple in form. Souls will very naturally find that they all share the
same vision, the higher they vibrate. But until this time arrives for the whole, there will be many
differing groups that begin to form.

The higher we vibrate as individuals, the more we come to know that it is important to stay in
our own “jurisdiction.” My star companion will not waver from his purpose of watching over me.
Even the angels have their own specific purposes and energies. Staying in our own jurisdiction
allows others to stay in theirs as well. In this way, we can be in our soul purpose when we are
called upon, and do not need to pay much attention to what others are doing…we simply need to
be on spot with our own jobs and monitor ourselves, not those around us. We can pay attention
to what we are doing, being, and offering, and do it to the very best of our ability.

If there is something we need and it is not in our area of expertise, we then get to call on
someone else to fill this need. In this way, if we have been paying attention to our own soul
purpose and passion, and have been refining it and ourselves in all ways, we will then be ready
to make our contribution to the whole when the time is right. So then, we need to be self-
sustaining ourselves so that we do not drag down and suck the energy of the whole. Until we get
to this point where we are self-sustaining and secure within ourselves, we will have loving help
from many angels in physical form along the way that will assist us in getting there. This then, is
why the new reality began as a process of re-connecting to our true and authentic selves,

strengthening that self and purpose, grounding it into the earth, and then allowing it to branch
out and eventually connect to others who match who we are and what our shared vision is all
about. In this way, we never need to mind the business of others…we only need to stay in our
own jurisdiction.

As the energies of the new reality begin pushing out and overtaking the illusion of the old reality,
we will eventually touch noses with other like-minded souls and the next grid level will begin to
form. And we can accomplish all of this by holding our dreams and passions within our hearts as
often as possible.

How do we stay in the heart energy, and what energies or themes will weave in and out, and
through this blueprint, all the while serving to form the new air that we breathe?

The Energies of the Higher Realms

Living From the Heart

n many of my writings from the past, I frequently referenced staying in states of love as
a good frequency to be in when visiting the lower vibrating energies. During Phase One
of the ascension process, this was what I felt to be a very tall order, as our first phase
took a lot out of us, left many of us drained and depleted, and near the end, often ignored and

The second phase of ascension is vastly different from the first phase. During the first phase,
which began in earnest in the year 2000 and culminated in September of 2009, being around
any lower vibrating energies at times almost repulsed us, made us run for the hills, or at least,
made them acutely difficult to be around.

When the ascension process first began, who would have imagined that we would have an
intolerance for these lower vibrating and dense frequencies? Being that lower and higher
vibrating energies cannot exist in the same space for very long, metaphysically speaking, this
made sense, but also made some of us wonder why we were not being the loving spiritual beings
we believed we would always be when around these darker energies.

The first phase of ascension was all about transmuting these energies, and then moving on to
higher ground. We were being encouraged to step up a few rungs on the dimensional hierarchy,
as the ascension process serves to create a slow and steady movement into the higher realms. In
these ways, we were either kicked out of, or we removed ourselves from these lower vibrating
frequencies after a time, as we could no longer tolerate them.

So then, in many of my writings from the past, I mentioned that staying in a higher frequency of
love would allow one to remain in these frequencies without feeling the intolerance that they
frequently created. The challenge at that time was that we were so exhausted and tired from
being punching bags and vehicles for transmuting, as well as losing so much of everything we
had ever come to know, that for many, being in a state of love was about the last thing we were
able to achieve. In addition, we were not supposed to be in these frequencies anyway, as we were
most certainly destined to be going somewhere very new and different, which is what I often
refer to as “the other side.” Thus, staying in the frequency of love when visiting these denser
energies was only rarely required, as the more we evolved, the more we moved out of them.

Now we find ourselves fully on the other side. Here on the other side, and also because we have
now evolved to a large degree, being in states of love slowly becomes one of our natural states of
being. It is our natural state of being because we are residing now in a higher frequency, and also
because we have evolved enough that we now match the frequency of the other side…in other
words, we cannot gain access to the higher realms until we are being them ourselves.

During the first phase of ascension, when we encountered a denser energy, quite naturally,
many of us would automatically prepare to assist and serve, or at least attempt to heal or
somehow adjust these energies for their benefit (empowering them falls into this category as
well). This was our role and our job then. As we neared the completion period of the first phase,
we gradually began to discontinue this role. This resulted in the loss of employment or loss of
clients if we were in the healing or helping professions, or even as a sudden lack of desire to
continue with these practices.

After we crossed over to the other side, we were then fully ensconced in a higher vibrating
reality, and in addition, vibrating much higher ourselves. What this then created was yet another
interesting phenomenon. Higher vibrating energy moves very fast and is quick and light. When
it comes into contact with a lower vibrating energy, there naturally results a massive energetic
collision. It is as if we are in a vehicle going a hundred miles and hour, and we very suddenly hit
a brick wall, or a stagnant, stationary object. This then creates a shock to our system, and what
feels like a short circuit. Being that we now have no frame of reference for coming into contact
with a denser energy, as our jobs of healing and assisting are now over, our new higher vibrating
selves my go into a kind of shock and bewilderment, as they simply do not know what to do with
this kind of energy now. At best, feeling a strong irritation or even anger, are common collision
symptoms as well. But there is, of course, a solution.

One day I was going about my business of sending e-mail thank-you notes to my readers who
had recently donated to my website. I always love thanking people, and it always places me in a
very good space. Suddenly, I received a response from a reader about my thank-you e-mail that
was very offensive and attacked me at a personal level in regard to the e-mail I had just sent. I
immediately went into stunned mode, and could only just sit there, feeling very “stopped” with
my energy and unable to process what had just occurred. Even though I understood what was
occurring intellectually, my heart did not. As I sat there staring, I glanced out the window and
saw a very beautiful bird in the eaves of my portal. As I observed this lovely manifestation of
nature, I was oh so slowly brought back into my heart, and all was again well. In times past, it
would have taken be a good day to recover from this shock and return to my usual state of joy
and happiness.

In the higher realms, we very easily come from our hearts. They rule the roost, they make our
decisions for us, and they keep us well and balanced. Our hearts have been opening for a long
time now, as we may remember periods of upper back pain while our angel wings were
beginning to sprout.

The next day after my experience with the e-mail, I got a call relating to the business aspect of
my reality…an arena in the business world that I am still required to participate in, even though
I prefer to stay out of the old reality as much as I can. Although appropriate in all ways in regard
to what has been set up in the old world, the news was quite shocking and receiving it felt like
crashing into a massive wall of density.

I did my usual practice of reframing the situation… looking at it from a very different perspective
that would assure me that all was indeed as it should be, but nonetheless, even though I had

known this was coming, it existed so far out of my frame of reference, that I felt a real blow to
my reality.

Deciding to get distracted, as I had been flying high one moment and then found myself
suddenly crashing the next, I turned on the television (I had wanted to go for a walk, but it was
very cold out and getting dark). Still in a stunned state, due to the differences in frequency
colliding, I could only just stare at it for a while. Soon a show came on that I had never seen, but
being that I was not able to concentrate anyway, I really did not care what I was watching. The
show was called Secret Millionaire. It had to do with millionaire couples pretending they were
near penniless, in order to infiltrate a community, find out about its needs, and in the end,
donate a substantial amount to those providing humanitarian services.

Almost immediately, I went into my heart. I became fully engrossed in this show, as it placed me
in my heart for the entire time it was on. Everyone on the show had an open heart, and was
coming from their heart, so I could not help be in a heart-filled space as well. At the end, I of
course cried a bucket of love filled tears. And in addition, immediately after it was over, I
received a download of clarity about the business related situation and felt better than I had felt
even before the phone call.

Going into our hearts and being in them as much as possible, automatically place us in
alignment with the higher realms we are now residing in. In this way, it does not matter what is
occurring anywhere, as being in our heart space will easily and effortlessly serve as our
navigator, and can even keep us totally and completely centered wherever we are.

This heart-filled space crosses all barriers. If we find ourselves interacting with others who are
very far away from our “rung” on the ascension ladder, and we find we have nothing much in
common, a heart connection will always serve to bridge the gap. Energy of the heart overrides all
else. Staying in our hearts will automatically over-ride any ego based feelings of distress when
we encounter negative or lower vibrating energies as well, as it will immediately melt and
transmute them.

The energies of the higher realms are all about the heart. If we can remember this and allow our
hearts to run the show, we can be assured of a much smoother experience. If we are ever in a
quandary about something, and do not know what to do or how to proceed, we can simply follow
our hearts. And because the new reality is so heart centered, anything that connects through the
heart, or resonates with our heart, will always come out on top.

Our little ones very naturally communicate and connect with their hearts. They operate on a
completely different level. They know when to shut down their energy, and know when it is safe
to “come out” and open up. Whenever I am around anything that has heart energy about it, I will
always cry. I am immediately taken to a very new and different level. At this level, everything is
much more real and vibrant, alive, and has within it all the higher level experiences and
awarenesses. My abilities are heightened and I am always taken to a much higher vibrating

Heart energy stands out like a beacon. We will know when it is there and when it is not. At the
end of 2009, a good friend of forty years suddenly called in tearful anguish. His partner had

suddenly died of a heart attack. “Would I please fly out to Palm Springs and be with him?” he
wanted to know. His heart was open and could I really feel it. Normally an unemotional person,
my friend was now in a new and different space. I was desperately in need of a rest at that time,
and had recently taken some time off to tend to myself, but the heart connection beckoned me
on with a new vitality. When I told my daughter the news, her heart opened as well. She was
deeply saddened and affected, even though she had never met the man who had recently passed
away. Other people I contacted had a completely different reaction. There was no heart energy
there. Things felt very different altogether when talking with these people. They seemed very far
away and in a different reality. It was then that I came to know, that the energy of the heart is a
massive connector, holds the keys to the new reality, and stands out like a beacon in the night. It
is our guidepost along the way, as we arrive more fully within the energies of the new reality.

Sound and Music

Sound will be very prevalent in the higher realms as well. In this way, music will greatly come to
the forefront. Just like higher vibrating energy, sound is direct, in and out, and overrides all
mental and analytical thought. Similar to seeing a symbol and suddenly receiving a lot of
information, sound is quicker and more direct as well. Sound can also touch our hearts much
faster than the written word. Sound has unspoken energy within it. It carries energy all on its
own. These frequencies are higher than the written word and can take us places in a matter of
seconds, as they serve to connect us to other spaces in a near instant.

If ever I am feeling down, I can play a music cd that reflects the new space I choose to be in, and
I am there in a few seconds. If it was illegal to dance in a car while driving, I think I would spend
a lot of time in jail! And does my living room ever get a workout as well! The sounds and tones of
a person’s voice that carries a higher vibration can immediately take us to a new and different
reality as well. This is why we connect so deeply when we hear the sound of our twin soul’s voice,
no matter what words they are speaking. Sound serves to bring heaven to Earth…it connects.
And it very easily overrides the mental and analytical mind, keeping us in the heart space of the
new reality.

From Unbalanced to Balanced

Throughout this e-book, there is a lot of talk about the energies of the twin souls and their
connections. This is because when these two energies come together, they very naturally bring
things up into a higher realms vibration in all ways, as their connection exists at a higher
vibrational soul level, as well as at the heart level. We are now residing at the level where twin
souls connect. So then, what are some of the manifestations of twin soul connections, and how
do they duplicate the ways of living and being that are present in the higher realms? (Kindly see
the section Twin Souls for a more thorough explanation of these amazing connections.)

In the new reality, or the higher realms, energy balances all on its own. When twin souls come
together, any unbalanced energy within each of them, will quickly and naturally balance.

Something inside of them suddenly but slowly begins to “turn.” There is a balance occurring,
usually in regard to how each of them runs their personal energy, and then suddenly and
naturally, they become much more like their twin soul, all because they are perfect counterparts.
So then, in the new reality, for no apparent reason, we may suddenly and slowly find ourselves
running our energy differently, seeing things differently, and behaving differently. This occurs
very naturally, not just when we are in the presence of our twin souls, or even if we have not
even met our twin souls yet. The energy of the new reality, or higher realms, is so perfectly
balanced all on its own, that when we come to reside there, we very naturally become the
energies that are present where we are now residing. Hoping this makes sense. Thus, we get
straightened out.

Like a beautiful and gentle osmosis, we find that we are oh so slowly losing our edge, smoothing
out our rough spots, and becoming centered as we begin to reside in the space of no space. There
is a delicate and graceful dance with all energies, and things simply flow with ease.

During Phase One of the ascension process, many of us had the role of transmuting darker or
denser energies through ourselves. Eventually we reached a point where it was time to stop, as
deliberately attempting to heal ourselves only brought us back into states of being that we had
finally evolved out of.

After reaching this threshold, any remaining density within us, or “issues,” simply went
dormant. In this way, we did not purge and release everything within ourselves, as this would
not be possible…the list would be endless! We eventually arrive at a point where we do indeed
have darkness within, but it only comes to the forefront when it is activated by a corresponding
energy on the outside.

Once we reach the higher realms, and its reality becomes the norm for us, all remaining inner
darkness stays dormant. This is because there is nothing in our outside reality that can dance
with it. In this way, it ceases to exist. With all energy, if there is no need for it to exist, and if no
focus is placed upon it, it will then be negated and cease to exist.

So then, ever so slowly, things begin to settle out the more time we spend in a higher vibrating
reality. When enough of us begin to create this reality, through our dreams, higher visions, and
through simply being in them, then the more we will easily and very naturally come into a
balanced center. All of this brings strength and security, wisdom and unity. In addition, we
become more of our true and authentic selves, or our soul energy, the more we evolve. And
becoming more of our soul energy brings with it a new power and strength all on its own.

But there is much more to living in the new reality, and this involves creating, soul talk, and yet
other new world experiences.

Creating , Soul Talk, and New World Experiences… My Story

he years 2008 and 2009 proved to be challenging for many of us. At our soul levels,
we had so wanted to bring as many souls as possible into the new reality, so we
agreed to “go back” into darker spaces and more densely vibrating areas as a last
ditch attempt to succeed with Phase One of the ascension plan. For some of us, notably the
forerunners, existing within a darkness that we had since left many years prior, taxed us to the
limit, made us weary beyond belief, and seemingly aged and used up every cell that was left in
our physical bodies! It had already been a long journey, and going back into more darkness was
a surprise, but one that we nonetheless agreed upon at our soul levels.

Thus, for the last few years of Phase One, manifesting, or having energy finally arrive and move
things for us, or even simply feeling a good and awesome energy in the air we breathed, seemed
to belong to some days of very long ago. It was like a distant fragment of a life and way of being
that perhaps we had only imagined from times past, as we had begun to forget that these ways of
being and living ever existed at all, or at best, were even possible to experience again. So very far
away they seemed, as many of us were now in a different reality, having a very different
experience as we strived to bring up the vibration of these darker areas on the planet. To even
have a need for the forerunners to return once again, painted a new and very real picture of
where things now stood with Phase One of the ascension plan.

After soul level decisions were finally made as to who was going where, the energies moved in
with a rush at pivotal times near the last quarter of 2009, in order to geographically relocate
many of us, only to leave us let down and bewildered when they eventually dissipated once
again. Following this came the next step that created a movement of the earth to a new location
in the cosmos, and once again, massive energies appeared in order to accomplish this amazing
task. But these energies were so very intense, that they also pushed any dormant darkness
within all of us to the surface, creating pain, anguish, exhaustion once again, and at best, a need
for some peace and quiet, grounding, and smooth sailing. So even though we may have felt the
appearance of an energy arriving, “tumultuous” seemed to be the best description possible.
Where, oh where, were those beautiful energies of easy manifestation, love, and graceful peace?
Would this new reality ever arrive for us?

Not a happy scenario, I suppose, but just wait, as the story gets better and better, much more
hopeful, and certainly inspiring.

By Christmas of 2009, I had been physically separated from my family for two months, as they
needed to return to the other side of the US in order for my daughter to complete some soul
level agreements. Hearing the voices of my grandchildren on the phone and the babbling of our
twin toddlers frequently brought me to tears, as our connection was all about the heart, and I
was greatly anticipating my trip to her new home for the holidays. And a better time I do not
believe I have ever had, as I did for those precious five days.

When it was time to return to New Mexico once again, I became saddened beyond words. I was
spent from 55 years of being on the ascension path (even though the years from 2001 to 2007
had been very happy, joyful, and easy years for me), and like many others, had endured more in
the past few years than I thought I ever would again. For me, it felt like the planet had evolved
into a massive hole of darkness, and at this point, there seemed to me to be absolutely nowhere
left to turn. In times past, when any lower level energies had taken over, there had always been a
possibility of tweaking things a bit in my life, in order to enable me to continue on for a while
longer. So in this way, I was always able to stretch things a little further in order to stay in a
higher vibrating space. But now, there was absolutely nowhere left to go on this seeming dark
and desolate planet earth. All seemed indeed over. There was no more “room” left to occupy my
usual special space, as the darkness had seemingly taken over and pushed everything out as far
as it could possibly go. I have to say that I had never had this experience or these feelings ever

What was occurring, was that we had reached the very end of our road on this planet, before we
could begin to rebuild a very new planet earth. So even though we had experienced the
separation of the worlds, and were now in a very new reality, we still had yet to create it. We
were holding the vision and experience of what we had left behind in our consciousness still, as
we had to live somewhere, and thus, it seemed as though nothing much had changed. We were
smack in the middle of the turning point, having hit the bottom or void before the new could
begin, and for me, this was an uncomfortable space to be in. We may know what is occurring at
the higher levels, but we are still in human form experiencing it all, and I was feeling this dead
end old world darkness like never before.

As I lay there on my couch bed the night before I was due to depart for New Mexico, I did what I
had always done in times of crisis and futility. I just knew that there had to be a way out of this
dark hole that surrounded all of us. There is always a divine plan, no matter what is seemingly
occurring. I knew this, and I also knew that finding a way out would bring me to what was really
and truly real. I just had to feel better somehow and discover my own way in getting there.

So with a vigilant intent, I declared to the universe that from now on, I would be creating my
own reality (as this one did not feel remotely good), and that my powers of creation would
change everything for me, as never before. “I’ve had enough of this dream,” I declared. “I’m
dreaming a new dream.” Even though in the two years past, it seemed that we had been
powerless to create, as all had deemed futile, I decided that things would now be different for
me. I would now be in charge of my reality, as I had had enough of the old one, and certainly of
this challenging ascension process! This was the only way that I felt I had left to survive during
this dark period on the earth. I could no longer go back to the old, and I could not live on this
dark planet for one minute longer.

And this was the moment when everything changed.

As I lay there that night, I suddenly remembered that I had indeed created some unusual things,
even as far back as October of 2009, but I had just forgotten. I had just purchased my first home
and was in the process of moving. My life had very suddenly and drastically changed in nearly all
ways possible, and I was having a hard time keeping up with all of it. As I woke up one morning,

I casually said out loud, “Wouldn’t it be nice if some people suddenly came to my door and
offered to help me move.” I was so tired, stressed, and exhausted that I began to daydream each
night before I went to sleep of better and easier things. Not for any particular intent, but just to
keep my energy up and at least in a better space. The thread I was hanging on by was getting
thinner and thinner!

At the time of the move, what I had oh so casually mentioned actually came about. I was totally
spent that final day, had the flu, and had finally surrendered to lying on my living room floor in
ultimate defeat as I could not finish the task at hand. Along came a knock on my door, and there
stood four men, offering to finish loading my moving truck and in addition, “Anything else I
might need?” they inquired. They lovingly cleaned my rental home down to the last detail,
finished loading up my truck, and sent me on my way.

So as I lay awake that last night at my daughter’s house, I could only think, “Wait a minute! I
have been creating all along and had just not been noticing because of all the massive and
dramatic changes occurring with me and my loved ones!”

And this is the first and most important step in creating anything and everything that our heart’s
desire. We need to notice what we are creating, and we need to notice that we have been
creating successfully all along.

The day of my departure from the Christmas visit with my family, I sat at the airport waiting for
my flight, all the while still feeling deeply saddened as I was not yet ready to leave my heart filled
space. It was the only thing that felt good at that time. In addition, I was still wondering how
these creating abilities worked, and even if I could only dream and hope that things would
actually change for all of us. This journey had been long and I was tired! “Was the time finally
here? Were we in a new and different reality, only we were just not noticing yet? Can we dare to
hope again?” I wondered. But mostly, I was simply not yet ready to go back to the old reality of
New Mexico where nothing had yet come into form…I dearly wanted more time with my family
in this heart-filled space.

So of course, this is what I got. My plane never arrived at the small Asheville, North Carolina
airport due to fog, even though all the other planes seemed to be landing quite nicely. In all the
years I have flown, I have never, but ever, experienced a flight delay or cancellation. After a few
hours wait, I was “forced” to go back to my daughter’s home and stay yet one more night. And
what a beautiful and special night it was. I do not believe I have ever felt that great.
Miraculously, I was booked on a new flight the next morning (I had to return for cat sitting
reasons), even though I was told it would be virtually impossible to get on any flights, due to full
capacity from the holidays and the harsh weather cancellations we had been experiencing during
that time in the U.S. When I had called my daughter from the airport the night before so that
she could pick me up, her only response was, “Mom. We both know that you created this just to
stay awhile longer. If you can stop an airplane, can’t you create world peace or something?”

And this was when I decided to watch, learn, try to master, and grow with our new powers of
creating in the new reality.

Eventually, I began to get a handle on how things worked in regard to creating in these new and
higher energies, and very soon, things snowballed into the most amazing experience I have had
yet in a human body on this earth, and they are unfolding still. Sometimes things work, and at
other times they do not, but amazing they are still indeed. Do our creating abilities jive with
everything we had learned in times past, but may have forgotten or been unable to utilize during
the past few years? Pretty much, but for me, it was like learning them all over again from the
experiences of a new baby just birthed on the earth.

I do not consider myself a channel. And rarely do I consult my star being companion, or any
other more highly vibrating non-physical being for advice and information about my personal
experiences. For me, I feel that if I am to evolve through this amazing ascension process, I need
to experience it myself, and I need to focus on building my own internal muscle, intuition,
abilities, and guidance…all within me. I am walking and talking in this world now, as this is
where I live, so I tend to like to be here in as many ways as possible.

In this way, I feel that asking for information or the like from an outside source is “cheating,” so
most times I rarely do it. I like to “go there” myself, to the higher dimensions, eventually begin a
residency “there,” watch, observe, and put together the pieces and patterns, and then bring them
back. Each and every Energy Alert or WINGS post that I have ever written, has been written in
this way. None of the information has ever come from an “outside” source.

I must also say, that there are times as well, when my non-physical companion will show up and
re-direct me in my everyday life (as I have gotten off course by being stuck in my little mind). At
other times, he will inform me of important things that may be coming specifically for me, but
these are always unsolicited and not the most common experiences for me. If ever I get very
desperate, I will indeed call him in to consult. But even then, there are times when he goes mute,
as I must learn on my own, or at other times, he feels that I am “out of my jurisdiction,” or that
as he says, “My role is all about you and your well-being, and not about others.” Well,

I found through my experiences that there were specific patterns that led to a manifestation, and
not just one pattern, but a few. And again, in many ways, these patterns were nothing new, as we
have known of them for a very long time. It became clear that:

 We can create if we have a casual thought about something, or rather, are not attached to
the outcome.
 We can create if we have the opposite of a casual thought, or rather, an extreme emotion
where we state emphatically that this is the way it will now be for us, stomp our foot, and
shake a fist at the universe…really getting angry or insistent!
 We can create what we are being. This is the most natural way.
 What we choose to see and focus on proves to us what is real. If we are not seeing all the
good that has arrived, we will feel that and be in that reality. We will thus be in a reality
that “appears” to be surrounding us.
 We can create very easily when our heart is involved, or when our thoughts or emotions
are loving and positive in nature.

Creating Through a Casual Thought

That day the marvelous angel movers arrived for me, was an example of having a casual thought,
or simply daydreaming without expecting an outcome…or even needing an outcome.

At another time, on a day after the holidays, I casually said to myself, “I think I gained a few
pounds. I need to get back to my normal weight again.” The next morning when I went to put on
my favorite jeans, they were absolutely huge. Bewildered, I searched through my drawers and
through my closet for my favorite jeans, as these could not possibly have been them. I even
looked in my laundry basket! Just the day before, they were far too tight. After searching in vain,
I finally accepted that something was very strange, but was so pleased to have lost weight
overnight, that I let it go at that. It was only later that I realized what had truly happened. I had
simply created the weight loss through a casual desire.

When Harry Met Sally has always been one of my favorite movies. I found myself watching it
during one of our cold winter nights, and remembered how much I loved the part when Harry
and Sally watch the same television movie together while in their own separate homes. After the
movie was over, I was thinking about how much I loved that scene. Years ago, I used to watch
television in this way with an old friend of mine. Within a few moments of having that thought,
I received a phone call from him, and I had not really spoken to him in several years, and have
not even spoken to him since. At one point during the conversation, he asked me if I had the
television on, as he wanted to watch a show together. He lives in Colorado and I live in New
Mexico. So for a few moments, we laughed and commented about what was happening on the
show, as we watched it together. Thinking a loving thought about an experience had brought it
to me in a few brief moments.

Creating Through Extreme Emotion

One day I was having some very strong emotional thoughts about someone. Not good or bad,
but just strong. I sent a text message to my daughter about an unrelated subject. Instead of the
text message going to my daughter, it went to the person I was thinking about, and his phone
number was not stored anywhere in my cell phone! It was virtually impossible for the message
to have gone to him, as I had chosen the usual icon for my daughter (no number typed in by
me), but nonetheless it did. Oh, the power of heightened emotions! And the message I had
written to my daughter, was more appropriate for him and what I was thinking anyway! I was
mortally embarrassed, to say the least. After that, I was afraid to send any more text messages,
and made sure I had each intended recipient in my thoughts whenever I pressed the send key!

At other times, when pushed to the wall with the energies of the old reality, and after having
endured and tolerated them with patience for far too long, I have finally said, “Okay. Enough!
The wrong party is running the show! This is the way it will now be with this particular
situation!” And immediately, the energies will drastically move and a miraculous scenario will
unfold….one that is virtually impossible by all probable standards. This is not my favorite way to
create, as it places me in a lower vibration. So for me, I have to get treated pretty badly before I
ever resort to this solution, and thank goodness these are rare moments.

One day when reaching my limit with some energies involved with my mortgage, I had a strong
and forceful phone conversation with a business/friend contact who had been continuing to
exhibit and defend these old reality ways of being and living. I had been tolerating this energy
for a while, and finally reached my limit one day and let loose. Later that day, as I told my
daughter what had ensued, she suddenly interrupted and said, “Mom! I just looked up on the
shelf on (her mother-in-law) Zora’s wall, and a video title jumped out saying Karen Finally
Lives! What a validating universe we now live in!

Creating Through Being

For me, creating through being is my preferred method. It is much more natural, and gets the
“intention” step out of the way, making it much more direct as well. In this way, there is also far
less ego involved while we can simply stay in our center.

When I flew to North Carolina to see my family for Christmas, I joyfully and peacefully had them
on my mind. I had become close to the twins while they were growing up, and being that they
were the babies (thus taking up more space and attention), they held my space more than my
other beautiful grandchildren did, even though I felt the love equally.

Standing in line while waiting to board the plane, I found myself next to a young couple who had
twin girls securely ensconced in their parent’s arms. I did not attempt a conversation, as my
daughter had frequently told me that at times, all the attention that twins bring when in public
makes one weary. As I sat in my seat, I found to my delight that I was to share a row of seats
with the twin girls and their parents. Before we took off, the flight attendant changed some
seats, and a beautiful young woman was placed next to me, with the twins and their parents still
in the same row, but now on the other side of her. Before we landed, we had found that the
woman beside me was herself an adult twin, I was going to visit my twin grandchildren, and we
also had twin girls sitting next to us as well. A full row of twin energy! And what wonderful
conversations we had…all about twins!

By the time I finally arrived in North Carolina, I had been flying for twelve hours, and with only
a few hours sleep the night before, I was exhausted. Being as sensitive as I am, I actually had
concerns that I would be too tired and delusional to remember where I was, what I was doing,
and where I was going by the end of my journey. My final plane was a small one, with only a few
seats. After a few moments in the air, the gentleman sitting next to me went into a sleep induced
sort of coma, and fell on top of me! No one, including the flight attendant or myself, could seem
to wake him up! The flight attendant shook him, moved his arms and legs, and yelled at the top
of her voice, but he would not wake up. He must have been very tired. Hmmmmm…just like me

After we unplugged from one reality, we plugged back into another. During this time, my cell
phone very suddenly refused to work with a message indicating that it could not connect to the
network. After calling my provider, he simply “re-connected” me once again, and I was off and
running. My front door suddenly manifested gaps which allowed the cold winter air to come into
the house…an indication that my boundaries were not tight enough. I had been getting several

“overzealous fans” arriving in my new village and looking for my house. My laptop power cable
suddenly refused to work, as I needed a “new connector to the new power source,” so I had to
replace the old one. If we pay attention to what the experiences surrounding us are indicating,
we can then choose to accept them as gifts….as supports for our process as we are all in this
together. Nothing new here, as this is the way it has always been. What we are being, always
manifests for us in our outside reality.

Creating More of What We Choose to Focus On

Just like the experience I had where great things were happening, but I was simply not noticing
them, paying attention to what has indeed transpired for us, will bring more of that into our
space as it is then in our awareness. Similar to the concept of “we get more of what we focus on,”
but this is a bit different. Simple things happen for us every single day, but rarely do many of us
actually see and realize that we have indeed created almost all of them ourselves. And not just
simple things, but big things too. Yes, we have created it all.

All realities are first created in our consciousness. When enough souls come together with the
same reality in their conscious minds, it will then manifest into form for others who may not
have held that reality in their own minds. So in this way, we may also have experiences that were
created by the whole, or rather by enough of the mass consciousness.

Creating individually is different, of course. During the time when our new reality was being set
into place, we began receiving massive amounts of higher level energy arriving through our
crown chakras. This greatly assisted us in maintaining this new and higher level vibrational
reality, and also helped in bringing us there. When this was occurring (except for the lulls and
drops when we were integrating), which was about 80% of the time, I found myself in a very
elevated state of being. Being “above” the lower dimensions allowed for some wonderful
awarenesses, and actually being there instead of reading about them in years past, was

One of the things that became very clear, was that all of us had created our dreams, only we just
did not seem to know it. My daughter, for example, is all about family and children. This is her
great purpose in this lifetime. She absolutely loves being a mother. She loves it so much, that
tending to twin babies and two other children all by herself, has never even phased her. She
actually thrives on it. During the unusually snowy winter she had that year, the schools in her
area were closed at least 50 to 75% of the time, keeping her and the children stuck in the house.
Finances for her were very tight and she could not yet move forward, and she was seemingly
blocked from anything and everything, so she was quite a bit down emotionally. But when
looking at her from “above,” it was dramatically evident that she was in her heaven…the heaven
that she had indeed created…the heaven that was all about her children. She was in perfect
alignment with herself.

During that time, I received a letter from a woman who was also down emotionally. She wrote
several pages describing her life, and I had to chuckle (I get a lot of these kinds of letters). She
spoke of going to work (when many of my other readers had been out of work for a while), of

taking a trip, and of acquiring some new furry friends, which was her passion. It looked to me,
that she had a great life, and one that truly reflected who she was and what she was passionate

We are indeed “doing it,” only we just do not seem to know it. That was but one of the big
pictures that was so very evident when hanging out in a higher dimension. Human beings seem
to naturally focus on what is “wrong,” and at times forget to see that there is so much that is
“right.” So in many ways, we have very successfully created what we came to create all along.

As many of us know, gratitude can play a large part in creating as well. During the years of 2008
and 2009, and for the very beginning of 2010, for many of us, there was not a lot to be grateful
for. We had been in the darkness for so long, and were not entirely used to being in these kinds
of spaces, so finding things to be grateful for could be a chore, let alone allowing oneself to even
venture into this space.

But there is a very special gold nugget that is created in times of great struggle and darkness.
And it is this: Any act of kindness, love, support and caring, along with anything that vibrates
high, is such a huge contrast to what we have been experiencing, that we notice it immediately,
as it stands out like a beacon in the night. In this way, we are grateful for the smallest of things,
as much else is seemingly in another reality other than what we have been accustomed to or
envisioned for so long.

I can remember when we were at the lowest of points in between worlds before we began to
build up once again. Not intentionally or consciously, I would find myself thanking my clothes
dryer buzzer for letting me know my clothes were now dry. I thanked my cat for keeping me
company. I thanked my dishwasher for washing my dishes. I thanked the sun for coming out
and being part of my day after it had been behind clouds for many, many days. I thanked my
rainwater shower head for pouring water all over me and I thanked my well water for being
there and being in its purpose of being “water.” And I thanked anything and everything that was
doing its “job” of simply being, so happily and easily. “What the heck is going on with you?” I
asked myself one day. “You must really be losing it. Where in the world is this coming from?”

I really did not know where it was suddenly coming from, as these words and feelings just
popped out of me from nowhere. All I knew was that this felt really great…to be in this space
with group energy that was contributing to a whole with each individual energy simply being
itself, and I was eternally grateful. All things around me were doing what they simply knew how
to do, and I might not have even noticed them, if my regular world or reality had been buzzing
along like “normal.” There was more connection here than I had ever felt before. Yes, when
things become very dire in our outside reality, the simple and beautiful things that have always
been there, finally get noticed. And as most of us know, being in states of gratitude brings more
of what we are grateful for to us, as gratitude energy vibrates extremely high.

Acknowledging what we already have, instead of what we feel we are missing, is a key
component in the new reality. And in the higher realms, connections become visible like never

Creating Through Our Hearts

The energy of the heart holds the most power and the most force in the new reality. This is the
space where everything happens. In this way, a loving or heart-filled thought can bring things to
us very rapidly, as we are now in alignment with the new world energy.

Yesterday, I was writing the finishing bits and pieces for this e-book when I received a text
message from my daughter containing a photo of the twins. Of all the places where my heart is
most, my daughter and these children seem to have it hands down. When I see their faces, my
heart expands within minutes. “Quit torturing me with these photos!” I frequently tell her. This
time, I could take it no more. I jumped on-line and immediately found an airfare that was at an
unheard of low price and fit in every way possible. In all the times I have flown back east, I have
never seen an airfare this low. Thus, my next trip to see them was soon to be a reality. The e-
book seemed to write itself after that, and in record time. The connection of our hearts had
brought us together with ease and immediacy, and all within a matter of minutes after our
connection created the time for unity.

Soul Talk

After we experienced the separation of the worlds, I had a near continual experience of what I
call “soul talk” coming from every direction possible. It first began when I encountered my twin
soul (but only for a brief period), did not yet recognized him, but knew that important messages
for me were coming out of the mouth of this stranger…messages that seemed specific to me and
felt as if the universe was lovingly at my side in a very magical way. This is the nature of twin
souls, as they bring the vibrations up very naturally when they are together, and thus
communicate at higher soul levels even though they may not be aware of it.

As time went on, these higher level messages started coming from everywhere, and could not be
ignored, as they were so eerily just for me…like a voice from above, and eventually served to be
constant companions.

At times in our lives, many of us have received messages that just seem to fit us. From the words
in a song, to repeating numbers, to overhearing a conversation that seems to fit exactly where
we are in our lives, I have been blessed to have had these experiences too. But what began to
occur for me during this time was different. It was different because I could feel an underlying
energy, or an energy that was weaving in and out of my worldly experience for much of the time,
and this energy felt different than any energy I had ever experienced before. When I would
receive a message, it connected to me at my soul level and within my heart. It did not connect to
me in my head or analytical mind. These messages seemed to be coming from the Godhead, and
every time I would hear one, I would cry as they hit me so deeply. There was a deeper
connection going on here, and a deeper one than I had yet to have experienced in my life so far.

I have not read any spiritual material for many years, as I need to remain clear and receive my
information directly. Although I know there is a lot of great information out there, reading
information from others would eventually filter into my own, so I cannot do it. In this way, being

that I like to read, I find myself reading a lot of novels as I prepare for bed. After we moved into
a new reality, I have to say, that every single novel I read was distinctly about my life, down to
the last detail.

If I had been wondering about a certain situation that was at the forefront of my life, it would be
laid out it perfect detail as the story line of each book. Movies were no different. Because we
were experiencing a cold and gloomy winter in the southwest, I spent more time than normal
reading and watching movies. Each movie as well, was the perfect storyline for my current
experience, and each movie or book also contained the elements of how things could eventually
play out. The words and messages in these books and movies were identical as well, to the words
being spoken in my current life situations.

As this scenario began to become almost humorous, it also encouraged me to pay attention to
what I was seemingly “creating.” Whatever I was being, was playing out for me in my new
reality, if only in movies, books, and other sources of “messages,” as the new reality had not yet
been structured in its entirety at this time. I was indeed creating a new life, but it was only
manifesting in a make-believe world…and this make-believe world held the answers to my
future as well. So in a very strange way, I was receiving massive amounts of reassurance during a
particularly dramatic and uncertain time in my life. The universe was speaking to me like never
before, and I have never felt more connected in my entire life.

Soon the phone messages began arriving, and I cannot begin to tell you how many there
were…they seemed endless and continue to this day. I did not notice their significance at first,
but after I began paying attention, I felt a great support instead of feeling that I was continually
receiving “wrong numbers.”

During Phase One of the ascension process, I had a great twin soul for a good ten years. When
things began to split with the worlds, we were energetically parted, but only after a gradual
parting for a few years prior. We had only spoken perhaps once a year for the past three years,
and he did not even have my phone number anymore. One day I received at least five phone
calls from differing parties for anyone named “Dean.” “Was he there?” the universe seemed to
want to know. “Had he indeed arrived in the same space as me?” was the higher level message.

At another time when I was experiencing a pinched nerve in my lower back and leg, I received
several recorded phone messages saying, “Experiencing a pinched nerve in your lower back and
leg? Take a survey and we can help!” These calls arrived at night while I was in bed with my
pinched nerve.

For intermittent periods during this time, I was very aware that I had still not recovered from all
the years on the ascension path. I was in desperate need of a rejuvenation period. Each time that
I felt more drained and exhausted than normal, I would receive a recorded phone message that
said, “This is the Veteran’s Hospital. We are calling to remind you that you have an appointment
on such and such a date. Thank you!”

But my favorite message was one about finances. When 2010 arrived, I, like many others,
experienced a dramatic drop in my income…and I mean dramatic. This was rare for me, even
though I was aware that I was simply in between roles and it was not yet time for me to begin my

new role. Nonetheless, I began to get a bit concerned as I had not seen this coming. As soon as
the concern set it, I got a recorded message late one night that said, “This is the New Mexico
Workforce Department. Your unemployment claim has been received and approved. You will
receive a check in 48 hours.” Of course, I had not applied for unemployment insurance in the
physical world. But thank goodness my readers kept me afloat until I was ready to move into
new territory with my offerings.

At other times, I would hear the lyrics in a song and know that they were for me. When the
energies were at a lull, and had dropped, the same song would not impact me much. But when
they resumed once again, these same lyrics would hit a cord so deep within me, that I would cry.
The universe was indeed speaking to me, telling me that all was well, and I had no choice but to
believe its every word.

I also began to have continual telepathic conversations with others during this time. Relegated
to the most important things occurring in my life at that time, it became almost easier to
communicate this way than any other way. The other parties involved had no memories of these
conversations, but they proved to be unquestionably accurate. What was happening, was that I
was existing at a higher soul level than those I was communicating with, and thus, we were
communicating at a soul level, only I seemed to be the only one who remembered the

I had had this experience many times in the past, but only with my twin soul (as these
connections always exist at higher soul levels). Now, because of the new and higher vibrating
reality we had entered, I was able to have these telepathic conversations with ease in a much
broader way. They had become a way of being for me. My daughter would tell me, “Mom…if you
are having these conversations so easily, please tell your grandson to behave himself!” I do
believe that communicating telepathically has been a viable option for all of us for a very long
time. It was just that this way of being simply showed up all on its own, and for no particular
reason, as we were now existing in a higher vibration and this is the way it is there.

New World Experiences

These fun and exciting experiences seemed to have no end. Many times, I would causally think
of a friend, and they would call me within minutes. If I would become happy and excited about
recording this e-book , the sound studio would call suddenly after several weeks of no

When I was visiting family in North Carolina, I looked in the mirror one day and I did not have a
wrinkle on my face (and believe me, I have wrinkles!). I chalked this up to the fact that it is very
humid there, whereas it is very dry in New Mexico, but later I began to wonder. The change was
so dramatic, that I wondered if it was the continual state of joy I was in that lifted me up to a
higher dimension where we are restored to a more youthful appearance. But of course, I may
never really know. It just felt good to look younger again, as I never understood why we have to
age in the first place!

At other times, I would get so deeply into a happy space of the future and what I desired, that it
would begin to manifest in the moment and I would begin a process of time travel. Since I was
not yet prepared nor ready for this kind of experience, I chose not to pursue it. I have to admit
that I have had this experience in times past, but it was different this time as it began to happen
much easier and more quickly…in the near blink of an eye and initiated with a more casual
thought and feeling.

One morning, I awoke and had a distinct feeling that I had switched realities. What had
normally occurred during my dreamtime reality, was now occurring during my waking and
physical reality, and what usually occurred during my real life or physical reality began to occur
during my sleeping or dreamtime reality. I felt this switch with every fiber of my being. This one
was fun as my physical reality began to unfold like a perfect dream of amazing manifestations
and beautiful things…just like a dream…until, of course, the energies shifted and we reverted
back for a while! During this time, I received a great validation while watching the movie
“Avatar.” Jake Sully, the main character, remarks that, “Everything is backwards now, like out
there is the true world, and in here is the dream.” In times to come, we will indeed be living in
our dreams, and be well aware of it. This was one of my favorite messages!

When we go into new and higher vibrations as an entire planet, we are out of body at times as
well in different ways. One way that this manifests is upon awakening. We may find that as we
awake, we crash into our bodies, as if we are landing an airplane on a new and different surface
of density. Not feeling like our normal gentle process of waking up, it feels more like a crash
landing as we re-enter our physical bodies once again. This experience is always an indicator for
me (as it happened before ten years prior), that we are making a massive transition into a new
and higher vibrating reality…I find it a great confirmation. Our physical bodies are such a dense
contrast to where we are residing now, that our re-emergence into them can duly be felt. In
addition, when we are transitioning into a new and higher vibrating reality, we go very, very far
out of our bodies at times. So then, when we come back, our landing gear is not used to landing
in something so much further away and in something that is so dense!

All in all, most of these experiences simply had a very different feel to them. I felt as if I was now
in another world, and in it with my entire physical being. These experiences happened all on
their own, and lasted for long periods of time, not just when I was jumping dimensions very
briefly, every once in awhile with a clear intention to do so, as I have always done in times past.
And they are happening still.

These ways of being and living are now viable options for us, as we have indeed arrived in a new
and higher vibrating reality. In times to come, they will become the norm for all of us, if we
choose to embrace them and utilize them in our everyday lives. For me, I prefer creating very
naturally through the process of being. I feel that much else comes from a more arrogant
posture, and being a “genie” all day and trying to manipulate the energies takes away from my
simple experience of having a life here on the earth and just being me. If my outside reality has
“glitches” and seeming challenges, then I choose to welcome those as messengers indicating to
me who and what I am being. I could not expand and grow if I was continually twitching my
nose or waving a magic wand to manipulate the energies around me. In addition, manipulating
energies would rob me of the joy and pleasure of interacting with them…with allowing them to

be who and what they are…and would also rob them of their true and rightful purpose. (There
are rare exceptions of course, such as water, as it can be “programmed” to do many, many
things, and also has a variety of purposes in its pristine form as well.)

Most of us love having company. We love all the different energies that exist and that are
possible here on the earth. How boring would it be if everything believed exactly the way that we
did, and contributed exactly what we came to contribute? Where would the rainbow of colors
then be? I have always found it fascinating that there are others who can do so many things that
I cannot do, and in such different ways! And when we combine all our energies, by simply being
who and what we came to be, we then create the most awesome grid of beautiful colors and
imprints, while simply allowing each energy to be who and what it very naturally is. In this way
then, we need not “tell” an energy what we want it to do for us, as it very naturally already
knows. This is what being in physical form is all about, and at this juncture, we are still in
physical form.

Placing our soul energy into a physical form is how we experience energy and how we experience
life. When embodying a form, we really get to feel things….high emotions, low emotions, touch,
smell, and amazing sight and sounds. The more we evolve, the more our senses become
heightened as well. I was on a walk the other day, and encountered a horse and rider. Just
touching the nose of that horse and looking into his eyes filled my every sense with the most
amazing joy, wonder, and gratitude of being in a body! And if we really and truly want to come
alive in all ways no matter what is going on, we can always do this when in the company of our
twin souls.

Twin Souls

h, the twin souls. How could we arrive in the higher realms, without connecting to
our twin souls? Since we are beginning our heaven on Earth, it would not be
complete without the company and presence of our twin souls. So then, we find
them, we see them, we weep with joy that we have come together at last, and our heaven on
Earth is finally complete in all ways.

We may have thought that this day would never arrive for us, or perhaps that we made it all up,
this latent desire to be with our perfect counterparts and partners, this unspoken inner
yearning. But we can come to know, when we finally arrive in this new and magical place, that
our twin souls will be there too.

We will, indeed, find each other. This is the way it was intended. The new reality is dictated by
heart energy, and this energy over-rides all else. Twin souls are very strongly connected through
their hearts. Thus, they must assuredly come together in the new reality, as their existence is
supported in all ways.

The First Phase of ascension involved spinning off all the places where we infused our energy
into form, in all the times past that we were playing with and enjoying energy, in our past lives
and within any other experiences in the Universe. We are then left with one form…this current
human form on the planet earth, where we are finishing up with all of it, before we go back and
touch base with the creator and then venture out once again into a very new and higher
vibrating universe.

We are bringing heaven to Earth before we depart this universe for the very last time. We are
starting over and setting up a magical and amazing place for all things to begin once again. We
have gone back as far as we could go, to the very beginning where we were originally created,
and this will always take us back to the souls who were created at the same time that we
were…or our twin souls.

How do we know who our twin soul is, and how will we know when we have connected?

Twin souls share very similar energy patterns. When they were created, the energies that were
existing at that time, dictated the ray or general underlying blueprint for these souls. In this way,
the underlying or blueprint energies, or the way these souls flow their energy, will always be the
same. Some indicators are:

 Both of you are either early morning risers, or more slow and late morning risers.
 You both come alive at the same time of day, and slow down at the same time of day.
 You approach business matters, or other matters in the same way. You may both be
aggressive, or you may both take a slow approach to things.
 You deal with people in the same way.

 You will almost always order the same thing when in a restaurant.
 You will always have similar situations going on for you in your lives, and always at the
same time.
 There is a natural flow that you share when you are together….it is easy to be with each
other, and you never tire of each other’s company.
 You share the same non-physical guides, as our guides are only higher vibrating aspects
of ourselves.

The emotional ties that twin souls share are what I call “other worldly.” They do not fit into any
box of lower level reality, or of a lower level definition of how things are structured in a 3rd
dimensional society. Some indicators are:

 You have a deep, strong, and acutely solid bond and devotion to each other.
 You feel distraught, highly agitated, and mortally wounded at the thought of being
parted. You cannot imagine existing without your twin soul and the thought or
experience of it causes you deep pain and a sorrow that cannot be healed.
 You come alive when you are together. Everything is suddenly larger than life and feels
amazingly right, good, and in a world of magic, high energy, immense creativity, with
bold and bright colors on a magnificent palette. Any other connections pale in
 You have a heart connection that goes unprecedented. There is an unseen cord that
connects your hearts together, and whether conscious of it or not, you feed each other
energy through your heart chakras.
 You care immensely about the well-being of each other, and always need to know if the
other is okay and all right.
 You support each other in all ways, and it is never all about you, but about the happiness
of your twin.
 You are able to communicate telepathically with great ease.
 You have unusual connections or familiarity with some of the family members of your
twin, whether you have met them or not.
 You want the same things in life.
 When you are in the same space….same room or even same town, everything happens.
Amazing synchronicities occur, things manifest out of nowhere, and all your thoughts
create a movement with the energies in an instantaneous way.
 You smile a lot when you are together, and in addition, you can be down at the same time
too. Things are not always perfect between the two of you either.
 The sound and tone of your twin’s voice makes you come alive and brings you great
happiness and joy.
 You cannot stand to hurt each other’s feelings, and if this ever happens, you immediately
rectify things.
 You do not feel a need to have a sexual relationship, live together, or even start a family
together. You may not even have a physical attraction to each other. You just know that
there is an amazing connection between the two of you, and it does not fit in with any
conventional definition or structures of a physical reality. This is the heart connection.

 You play well together. At some level, you seem to remember that the earth and creation
was meant to be fun, for total freedom, total uninterrupted joy, and in this way, you
come alive when you are together with a natural leap into playfulness and freedom when
the time arises. Your natural state of being is activated when you are together, much
more than with anyone else. When you are together and things are good in each of your
lives, it is very easy to love, play, frolic, and simply have fun with a vibrant joy, as you are
re-connecting to the natural states of being that were present at the time of your
conception together. This is the way that life was intended to be lived, for all beings in
form on the earth, and being together naturally activates these memories and states of
being, as it places twin souls in perfect alignment with source.
 Although twin souls are unusually similar in many ways, the ways that they are not alike
serve to perfectly balance one another. What one is lacking, the other has in abundance
in a very natural way. In this way, twin souls form a perfect puzzle and serve to
complement each other.
 In addition, when twin souls are together, any unbalanced energies within each of them
will naturally turn and come into balance all on their own within a matter of minutes.

Can we have more than one twin soul? Yes. Uh, how can that be if twin souls are in fact “twins,”
you may wonder. Wouldn’t that make them “triplet” souls, or maybe just one big mis-perception
from a lower vibrational mind, and twin souls don’t really exist at all?

Each and every one of us originated as a spark from the creator. We then split off from our
original spark and proceeded to infuse many off-shoots of our original soul energy into many
different forms, diluting it along the way. We arrived on the earth this time around to wrap
things up and to thus, take part in the ascension process. In this way, our soul energy was
infused into a form for this purpose. During Phase One, we spun off and gathered up most of our
“off-shoots” that had been around for eons of time. After Phase One of the ascension process
was complete, so were our old roles. But this also meant that those old energies that comprised
our old roles were now diluted as well…possibly used for the very last time. They had been
infused into a form, and were still an “off-shoot” …not yet the original and pristine form we
started from. So then, they literally die. Their time is up, as they no longer have a purpose and
cannot be supported in a new reality. This is one reason why we became so weary…not enough
of our original soul energy was now present in our old forms, or our old roles. Hoping this is all
making sense.

As we move into our new roles of creating the new reality, we become much more of our pristine
and original soul blueprints, as this is all there is left. We have spun off and shut down another
aspect of ourselves…an aspect that existed in Phase One. In this way, the more we let go of the
old and move into the new, the more re-vitalized we will feel.

When I continued to write WINGS messages in 2010, it was near impossible to find the energy
and connection to write them. E-books are similar for me in that regard. I was having to drop
back into a form with a soul imprint that barely existed. We can indeed continue to keep some of
our soul energy infused into old forms, and jump back and forth in between ascension rungs if
we are choosing to serve on many different levels, but we cannot stay in that old space for very
long periods of time. We will come to know that most of our soul energy will be present in

regard to our new, or really, original roles…the roles that we came to the planet to embody in the
first place.

So how does all of this relate to having more than one twin soul?

In the old world or old reality, we may have found that we had indeed already connected with
our twin. After we arrived in the new reality, we may have found that we were no longer
connected to that particular individual. We may even still have conversations with this twin soul,
but feel that the connection is now somehow gone. “Maybe I was mistaken, and he/she was
never a twin at all!” we might even think. The twin soul from the old reality may seem empty,
gone, and seemingly without a soul or any life force. This is because we are attempting to
connect to a twin soul whose major soul energy has now gone somewhere else. The pristine and
original aspects of this soul have moved into the next dimension, where we will indeed, meet up
again, and be a new and better match for each other.

If this sounds far too confusing and complicated, and sounds like a strange science fiction
movie, we can choose to embrace this scenario instead: Our prior twin soul did not cross over
into the new reality, as we did. For whatever reason, he/she decided to stay behind and decided
not to embrace his/her new role. By some miracle of the cosmos, we have now been given a very
new twin soul, and this one has much more vitality, fits us better, and is a better match for what
we will be doing and being in the new reality. It can still feel a bit strange though, as our soul
twin replacements have the near identical blueprints and personality traits of our first twin
souls! Same soul, different form.

Soul energy can infuse into many different forms at the same time. Where we are the most
vibrant, is in the physical form, or rather the purpose or role, that most closely matches what we
have evolved into thus far in a form. In this way, our twin soul’s energy can come and go in our
lives, as it shows up in the form that most closely matches our own, or what reality we are now
residing in. So if our twin soul chooses not to open and expand, and ends up going in a very
different direction in a different reality, we can know that our twin soul will still show up for us,
but may arrive in yet a new form that fits us much better.

A bit more about the nature of twin souls:

The relationship between twin souls exists on a higher platform of reality. Their interactions also
vibrate much higher, as they interact the way souls do in the higher dimensions. Their
connection alone, also serves to elevate them to a higher platform. Thus, the combination of
their energies elevates them to a higher vibrating existence. It creates a new grid of two. These
souls have been connected together for a much longer time than other souls who have connected
to each other. Their connections are purer because of the similarity in the resonance between
the two. Twin souls come together in the lower dimensions for the purpose of support and
strength, and in this way, they are devoted to each other, but they also remember how to play
well together too. There can exist a different twin for each reality because each reality has a
different purpose and exists in a different dimension. A new reality is a re-birth, a new
beginning, and thus, it can mean a new twin soul if necessary. But it is indeed the very same soul
energy at the core of all twin soul connections, if even in a different form.

You know how our animal companions seem to come back to us in new and different forms after
they pass away? They can no longer exist in the same form in the reality they are in. So in order
to move on and join us once again, they have to be re-born fresh and new into the new reality
that we have just arrived in. This is the same kind of thing in regard to more than one twin soul,
only our prior twin souls do not necessarily have their bodies die when they go to a new and
higher dimension.

Dreaming a New Dream

t times along the way, when things seemed dark, ominous, and even futile, I
would exclaim to the universe, “I’m dreaming a new dream! I have had enough
of this one!” As I have come to know, this is indeed what is happening for all of
us. We get to dream a new dream. And this time, it will manifest in whatever
way we choose.

As the energies of the new reality begin to form and congeal, and as we begin to connect to one
another, a very new strength and confidence will reveal itself. We will share insights, supports,
and new creations in endless forms, and in this way, we will be elevated even higher into a new
reality of our making.

The invisible energies of the new reality are quite different from what we have known up until
now. They are prolific in supporting us and in supporting the creations of whatever reality we
choose to create for ourselves. This is their true and rightful purpose. These energies of creation
absolutely love doing what they do. They seem to call to us, “Here I am! Please let me help! I am
here at your bidding! What do you want me to do for you?” And these energies are tireless,
ready, enthusiastic about their roles, and more than ready to be utilized. They want to be
noticed. They want our attention to be focused upon them.

When we can come to know that we are being supported in all ways, by realizing that we are
creating successfully every moment of every day, then we can come to know that this very first
step is ready and waiting at our doorsteps. Knowing that the new reality is being created piece
by piece, with assistance from the energies “above us,” as they stream into this new reality in an
on and off again way, seemingly here one moment and gone the next, can help us to realize in
time, that they will eventually allow us to completely take over.

During the darkest of days, we may feel that nothing will ever change and that this is what is
here right now. But the very next day, and sometimes the next moment, the darkness lifts, and
we find ourselves in a very new space. As time goes on, this new space will become bigger and
bigger, and we will eventually find ourselves in a very new home, or rather, new reality. The new
energies simply need to integrate, and compared to times past, they are accomplishing this in
record time.

We can assist this process by dreaming a new dream. We can assist this process by knowing with
certainty that our dreams will indeed become our reality in times to come. We can wake up each
morning holding a vision of what we want our reality to look like, until it brings a smile to our
face, as we then know this is the right dream for us.

We can become our new dream, by believing it is already here, and by acting as though it has
indeed already arrived. We can feel the joy that our new dream brings, thus, bringing it to us
even faster. And we can surround our new dream with bushels and bushels of love, as we hold it
close to our hearts.

As each piece of our new dream begins to arrive in slow and steady increments, we can know
with certainty that these pieces will one day comprise a whole. As the new reality begins to form
piece by piece, we can slowly but surely begin to see it manifesting, holding its own, and then
poof! We will find ourselves living and being in a very new space of our making.

As Jake Sully said, “Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world, and in here is
the dream.” And the “out there” of our dreams will one day, very soon, be our new reality, as we
will find ourselves living in a dream of our making.

Until next time,



ur spiritual evolutionary process can make us tired at times. In addition, it
commonly creates an inability to concentrate, focus, process, or use our minds as we
have in the past. Our memories may become affected, we may be too weary to read
long texts, and even if we can, we may not be able to comprehend what the written word is even
trying to communicate. At times, some things are simply too much to process. In addition, the
more we evolve, the more we require simplicity, brevity, and a lightness with all things. For your
convenience and support, and for the reasons above, I have added here, a synopsis of key points
utilized in this e-book.

Adjusting to the New Plan

A. We are creating a new reality in a new and different way than we had planned. In
September of 2009, we separated from the old reality and several months later,
found ourselves in a parallel earth, or Earth Two. We separated from Earth One
because it was not rising in consciousness as we had hoped it would. Because not
enough souls had risen to the levels needed to embody and inhabit the “ascension
rungs” beneath us, we were unable to move forward in some ways. Now, we have
moved forward and into a new reality, but there is a chasm beneath our feet, or
rather, many empty ascension rungs at our lower levels.

B. Because we are now creating a new reality without anything beneath us, we can at
times feel that we are hanging out in mid-air with no sense of security. We had to
start from scratch, and this is taking time. In addition, the new energies are arriving
in a sporadic start-stop way, creating “feel good” moods, security, and creativity days
while alternating with a severe drop creating “feel bad” moods, insecurity, emptiness,
and dark days.

The Process

A. We began the creation of the new world, or Earth Two, by holding an “overlay” of
Earth One in our consciousness, as we had to begin somewhere. In this way, it may
seem that nothing much has changed.

B. During the end of our residency on Earth One, we were pushed out as far as we
could possibly go, by darker and more dense energies. For the creation of Earth Two,
the pushing out scenario will continue, but this time it will be the light that will be
“pushing out” and overtaking the illusion of Earth One energies.

C. We started by re-claiming our true and authentic selves, and by grounding this
energy into the earth. During the time we were beginning the creation of the new

reality, we were greatly supported by a continual stream of light arriving though our
crown chakras in order to keep things as stabilized as possible.

What Not To Wear

A. We had to restore ourselves to our true and authentic selves because our old roles
were now over. This created feelings of no sense of place, a loss of identity, a lack of
self-confidence, and states of completely forgetting who we were and why we were

B. The more we begin to embody our true and authentic selves once again, or the
original reasons why we came to the earth, the more we will feel a renewed and
genuine power, confidence, and vitality.

The Magic of Ordinary Moments

A. The earth was originally created as a place to experience energy within form. As
we progress with creating the new reality, we will also begin to have strong desires
for a regular life, with “regular,” simple, and everyday experiences. This is because we
are coming closer to the pristine blueprint of the earth as a place to experience life.

Blueprint for a New Reality

A. Each soul contains a unique blueprint. This blueprint has been with each soul for
eons of time. It is this blueprint that will serve to contribute to the creation of the
new reality.

B. There will be several vibrational “rungs” in the new reality, just as there were in
the old reality. This means that there will be a wide variance in what we will create.
This also means that each of us will find our space, and a space that fits us in all

C. We can be in our soul purpose contributing to the creation of the new reality part
of the time, and the remainder of the time we can spend enjoying a simple life here
on Earth. Or, we can mix it all up and do whatever we choose.

D. As we become more and more of our true and authentic selves, we will begin to
connect to each other, and these connections will form the next grid or level of the
new reality.

E. The energy of the heart rules the roost in the new reality. When we are in our
hearts, and when we navigate from our hearts, we will automatically be placed in a
higher vibrating reality. The heart energy gains us access, keeps us sustained, and
greatly contributes to our new levels of creating.

F. Our money generating store-fronts will be places where our hearts are. If our
hearts are in them, our store-fronts cannot fail. If our hearts are in projects that
cannot generate money, we can still generate money from other places, although we
cannot stay there for long periods of time. We can find our new spaces, whether they
be store-fronts or simply new spaces of belonging, by following our hearts. And we
can create these spaces as well by envisioning them with our hearts.

G. We can connect together through similar dreams. We can also connect together
through like-minded projects or purposes. In this way, we will belong to more than
one group, or “pod.”

The Energies of the Higher Realms

A. The energies of the higher realms are all about the heart. Sound and music have a
large role as well, as sound is more direct, simple, and light as it by-passes our
analytical and thought processing minds.

B. The more time we spend in the higher realms, and the more it becomes our
reality in all ways, the more we will experience the gifts that it brings. Being there will
automatically balance any unbalanced energies within us, as well as allowing any
remaining density or darkness within us to remain dormant.

Creating, Soul Talk, and New World Experiences

A. We can begin to create successfully in the higher realms when we realize that we
have been creating successfully all along. Noticing what we have created, and paying
attention to what we are continuing to create, will assist us in seeing how powerful
we have always been.

B. We can easily create our own reality be noticing what we are being, by having a
casual thought, by feeling great emotion, and by creating with lots of love and heart

C. In the higher realms, we live at much higher levels, or rather our soul levels.
Thus, we can communicate differently, create differently, and feel, realize, and
greatly come to know how everything is amazingly connected. When residing there,
this becomes a very natural way of being and living.

Twin Souls

A. Because the higher realms exists at our soul levels, we will eventually connect to
our twin souls when we are there. We were created at the same time, and because we
are returning to the very beginning, or when we were ourselves created, we will meet
up with our twin souls when we arrive at this level of existence.

B. We can have more than one twin soul, as souls have the ability to infuse their
energy into many different forms, all depending upon which reality or dimension we
are residing within.

Dreaming a New Dream

A. We are dreaming a new dream now, only we have just not realized it. In time, we
will walk into our new dreams, as they will comprise the new reality. All we need do
is to know that we are indeed creating them now, and know that they will indeed
manifest for us in times to come.


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