Dell Case: The Work System Framework

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The Work System Framework :

The customers are :

- Particulars
- Profesionnals
The products : The services :
- Personal computer - Computer setup
- Laptop - Software installation
- Televisions - Delivery
- Printers - Maintenance

Work Practices :
1) Reception of the order (online order)
2) Order raw materials to suppliers
3) Reception of raw materials by Dell
4) Assemblage of raw materials to build the final product
5) Delivery of the final product to the customer thanks to a subcontractor (carrier)

Participants are the webmaster or the computer technician, purchasing department, skilled workers, suppliers


- Order database
- Raw material database
- Inventory database
- Employee database
- Customer database
- Delivery schedule

Technologies: web, the Internet, Intranet, means of transportation (road, railway, sea…), fax, phone, machines, electricity…

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