Lumbar Eval

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Lumbar Eval


 Description of symptoms
 Date of symptoms onset
 Locations of symptoms
 Precipitating injury/known cause or recent lifestyle change?
 Symptoms improving or worsening since onset?
 What aggravates and what eases symptoms?
 24 hour behavior of symptoms
 Prior PT for treatment of symptoms?
 Medication used to ease symptoms?
 Functional limitations due to symptoms

***Always assess level of symptoms before and after any test.

Observation pt gait into evaluation room

Assess pt standing (facing away from PT)

 Ear level
o Also noted cervical rotations
 Shoulder level
 Scapula level
 Iliac crest level
 Trochanter level
 Gluteal folds
 Knees
 Ankle/Feet

Movement tests standing (ROM)

 Flexion
o Lumbar levels should be slightly lordotic or go to neutral
o Assess muscle bulk
o Have pt flex and extend neck to assess symptoms
 Extension
 Side-bending
 Rotation
 Quadrant
Single leg stance

 Look for Trendelenberg, compensated trendelenburg (trunk lean)

Dynamic Tests

 Assess SI joint movement with repeated unilateral march

 Half squat
o Knee should track over second toe
 Heel raise
o WB on 1st metatarsal
o MMT Gastrocs
 Standing rotation – assess pronation & supination of midtarsal and subtalar joints

Pt seated

 Assess dermatomes
 Reflexes
 Slump Test
 Babinsky; clonus


 MMTs
o Glut Max
o Hamstrings
 (Muscle length assessment)
o Quads (120°)
o Gastrocs (10°)
o Iliacus/Psoas (30°)
 Palpation
o Ligaments
 Supraspinous
 Iliolumbar
 Long/short posterior SI
o Muscles
 Iliocostalis
 Longissimus
 Multifidus
 QL
 Glut Max
 Glut Med Posterior/Anterior
 Glut Min
 Medial/lateral Hamstrings
 Medial/lateral Gastrocs
 Soleus
 Tib Post.
 Peroneous longus/brevis
 Popliteus


 MMTs
o Hip abductors
o Hip adductors
 Ober’s Test


 SLR Test
 Clear SI/hip joint
o Grind Test
 MMTs
o Hip flexors
o Hip IRs
o Hip ERs
o Knee Extensors
o Ankle Dorsiflexors
o Great Toe Extension
 Leg Length
 (Muscle Length Assessment)
o Hamstrings (60°)
o Glut Max (120°)
o Piriformis (30°)
o Adductors (65°)
 Palpation
o Bones
o Muscles
 Pectineus
 Add. Longus/Brevis/Magnus
 Gracilis
 Iliacus
 Psoas

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