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This is not stopping. Continuously I am thinking about this exercise and my beliefs that have
disempowered me and held me back and I was not able to work on.

One thing that is constantly in my awareness whenever I think about LIA is that I have begun great
& now I must not slip back as I have done in many things before. Well begun but half done.
How do I ensure that this pattern does not repeat? I found that the simplest way was not to keep
think about this pattern but to do something about it. Take action. This is exactly what LIA is telling
us about and the best way is to follow the program to the letter.
By doing , I was able to locate my core disempowering beliefs and I was amazed that over the past
Three Decades they have ruled over me. Most importantly I have through this exercise begun to
look at my beliefs with a different perspective & they have got shaken & become mild.

Especially I like what my two people I look up to or respect said.

Sachin Tendulkar:- How many times I have missed my centuries or made low or poor scores. But
I count my centuries & other great performances & not my zeros. Few people can tell how many
zeros I made but almost all my cricket fans know my centuries.

My answer to your belief is practice,practice,practice & ''Bat Bolel”.Talk with your actions
-Performance. Act on what you want again & again .Failure means analysis ,lots of more practice &
again perform. No futile discussions ,no controversies,no verbal duel or any other jargon only “Bat

Dr Abdul Kalam:-You know me because I became the president of the country. However there are
hundreds of scientists at ISRO & DRDO you don't even know about & may never know. They all
keep on working and they work through their failures . How may times our orbital launches have
failed and missile tests have failed.
Each time it was immediate analysis and working again afresh .Total action till actual
performance.this is how we have made our nation a technical power. This is my answer to your

What I got from these two is that no matter whether there is celebrity status & media glamour like
in case of Tendulkar or total media blackout & no glamour like in case of Dr Kalam & his scientists
both had one thing in common. Failures did not set them back and they never stopped from analysis
of failure and immediate action till the final performance.
I have become excited & started doing this program with total honesty. I have put my beliefs
through this exercise again & again repeatedly and this has brought greater clarity & the grip of
these dis- empowering beliefs is heavily shaken.”What an Empowering Experience”.

You all will also have similar experiences. I genuinely felt I should share with you so this writing.

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