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Name of Drug Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Consideration

Generic Name: Therapeutic: Naturally occurring  bronchospasm  Hypersensitivity CNS:  Monitor V/S. and
Epinephrine  Antiasthamtic catecholamine  acute asthmatic to adrenergic • Nervousness check for cardiac
 Bronchodilators obtained from attack amines • Restlessness dysrhythmias
Brand Name:  Vasopressors animal adrenal  mucosal  Cardiac • Tremor  Drug increases
 Adrenalin Pharmacologic: glands; also congestion arrhythmias • Headache rigidity and tremo
 Ana-guard  Adrenargics prepared  anaphylactic  Some products • Insomnia patients with
 Asthma-Haler Mist synthetically. Acts reactions may contain RESPI: Parkinson’s
 AsthmaNefrin directly on both  restore cardiac bisulfites or • Paradoxical disease
(racepinephrine) alpha and beta rhythm in cardiac fluorocarbons Brochospasm  Epinephrine thera
 EpiPen receptors; the most arrest (in some (excessive use interferes with tes
 microNefrin potent activator of  glaucoma inhalers) of inhalers) for urinary
 Nephron alpha receptors. (ophthalmic) Use cautiously in: CV: catecholamine
 Primatene Strengthens  Relaxes Cardiac diseases • Angina  Avoid IM use of
 Sus-Phrine myocardial myometrium (angina, • Arrythmias parenteral
Dosage/Route contraction;  inhibits uterine tachycardia, MI); • HTN suspension into
Cardiac arrest: increases systolic contractions HTN; • Tachycardia buttocks. Gas
1 mg IV of 1:10,000 but may decrease  prolongs action & Hyperthyroidism; GI: gangrene may occ
solution q 3-5 min; diastolic blood delays systemic DM; Cerebral • Nausea  Massage site after
double dose if pressure; increases absorption of Arteriosclerosis; • Vomiting injection to
administering via ET cardiac rate and local and Glaucoma (except ENDO: counteract possib
tube cardiac output. intraspinal for ophthalmic use); • Hyperglycema vasoconstriction
Anaphylaxis: Therapeutic Effects: anesthetics Elderly patients;  If BP increases
0.1-1 mg SQ or IM of •Bronchodilator  Used topically to pregnancy (near sharply, rapid-acti
1:1000 solution. •Maintenance of control term) & lactation; vasodilators such a
Asthma: the heart rate & BP superficial excessive use may nitrates/ alpha
0.1-0.3 mg SQ or IM of •prolongation of bleeding. lead to tolerance & blockers can be giv
1:10,000 solution anesthesia paradoxical to counteract.
Refractory bronchospasm.  Notify dr. if side
bradycardia effects are observ
Generic Name: Therapeutic: Inhibits calcium Management of :  Hypersensitivity CNS:  Monitor BP & pulse
Nifedipine  Antianginals transport into  Hypertension  Sick sinus  Headache before therapy &
 Antihypertensive myocardial & (extended syndrome  Anxiety periodically during
Brand Name: Pharmacologic: vascular smooth release only)  2nd/3rd degree  Confusion therapy
 Adalat  Calcium Channel muscle cells,  Angina pectoris Av block (unless EENT:  Monitor intake &
 Adalat CC Blockers resulting in  Vasospastic artificial  Blurred vision output ratios & daily
 Afeditab CR inhibition of (Prinzmetal’s) pacemaker is in  Epistaxis weight.
 Nifedical XL excitation- Angina place)  Tinnitus  Assess signs for CHF
 Procardia contraction Unlabeled Uses:  BP <90 mm Hg RESPI: (dypnea, crackles,
 Procardia XL coupling &  Prevention of  Coadministratio  Cough peripheral edema,
 Nu-Nifed subsequent migraine n  Dyspnea jugular venous
contraction. headache With grape fruit  Shortness of distention)
Dosage/Route:  Management of Use Cautiously in: breath  Monitor serum
PO (Adults): Therapeutic CHF or Severe hepatic CV: potassium
10-30mg TID (not to effects: cardiomyopathy impairment( dose  ARRYTHMIAS periodically.
exceed 180mg/day) or  Systemic ) history of  CHF  Monitor renal &
10-20mg BID as PA vasodilation, porphyria; GERI:  Peripheral hepatic functions
form, or 30-90mg once resulting in Short-acting forms edema periodically during
daily as sustained- decreased BP appear on Beers list  bradycardia long term therapy.
release (CC,XL) form  Coronary due to increased GI:  Angina: Assess
(not to exceed 90- vasodilation, risk of hypotension  Anorexia location, intensity,
120mg/day) resulting in & constipation on  Constipation duration &
decreased geriatric patients  Dry mouth precipitating factors
Availability: frequency & ( dose );  Dyspepsia of patient’s angina
Capsules: severity of associated w/ pain.
 Nausea
5mg,10mg,20mg attacks of increased incidence GU:  Patients receiving
Tablets: 10mg angina of falls; renal digoxin
 Dysuria
Extended-Release impairment; history  Polyuria concurrently with
tablets: (Adalat CC, of serious  Sexual nifedipine should
Afeditab CR, Nifedical ventricular dysfunction have routine tests
XL, Procardia XL) 10mg, arrhythmia/CHF;  Urinary of serum digoxin
20mg,30mg,60mg,90m frequency levels & be
g monitored for signs
DERM: & symptoms of
OB,LACTATION,PED  Flushing digoxin toxicity.
I: Pregnancy,  Photosensitivit
lactation or y
children. ENDO:
 Gynecomastia
 Hyperglycemia
 Anemia
 Leukopenia
 Weight gain
 Joint stiffness
 Muscle
 Paresthesia
 Tremor
 Steven-
 Gingival

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