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Marketing Interview Questions and

Answers: Marketing Interview Tips

Posted on October 9th, 2009 in Sales and Marketing Q/A

The marketing employee is required to perform the following main activities:

1. Tracking  and identifying new market trends, product’s demand, its competitors and its
potential customers.
2. Defining the product design and monitoring the product development.
3. Launching the product after developing its pricing strategies.
4. Utilizing various marketing tools for the product.

These are some of his/her responsibilities – marketing can be a very tough position to apply for..
With the exception of your knowledge of the product’s features and design, your crucial skills
should be: the ability to produce new ideas using basic creative insights.
Therefore, the job interview questions for marketing positions are aimed for evaluating your
interpersonal communication skills, your analytic skills and your marketing approach and

This article provides marketing job interview questions and tips regarding the way of answering
these questions.
The article deals with the following positions:
• Product Marketing
• Internet Marketing
• Marketing Management.

Marketing: Interview Questions for marketing positions

– marketing interview tips
This section is divided to 3 parts as follows:

Product Marketing Interview Questions & Answers

1. What types of products do you market?
2. Are you familiar with our product?
3. What do you know about our firm and our current/past campaigns?
4. Have you ever been a part of a marketing team and do you consider yourself a team player?
5. Have you defined of a new product for the R&D?
6. What steps do you take when launching a new product?
7. What procedure do you take for producing new marketing ideas?
8. How do you research for a target market?
9. Can you supply a successful presentation you made for a product? Can you give reasons as to
why it succeeded?
10. What marketing project tools do you use for achieving product goals?
11. Can you give an example of a campaign which hasn’t worked as you had planned? Can you
point out the reasons for that failure?

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