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Welcome to SkyPilot Networks, Inc.

Copyright (C) 2008 SkyPilot Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Password: ******
Login successful

> show prov manual

Invalid command.

> set prov manual

Changed provisioning state to manual.

> set prov

-> Use DHCP to obtain IP <y|n> [n]:

DHCP state not changed.
-> Enter IP address []:
IP address changed:

-> Enter subnet mask []:

Subnet mask changed:

-> Enter default gateway []:

Default gateway changed:

-> Select an Ethernet action: quit, state, negotiation, modify <q|s|n|m>:

-> Enter domain ID (1-10000 or all) [all]:
Domain ID not changed: -1

22 available frequencies are the following:
5735 5740 5745 5750 5755 5760 5765 5770 5775
5780 5785 5790 5795 5800 5805 5810 5815 5820
5825 5830 5835 5840

-> Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,

region, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>: p

-> Enter primary frequency [0]: 5780

-> Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,

region, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>: l

Region : ALL-HI
Primary : 5780
Allowed : 5735 5740 5745 5750 5755 5760 5765 5770 5775
5780 5785 5790 5795 5800 5805 5810 5815 5820
5825 5830 5835 5840
Dwell time (minutes) : 1

-> Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,

region, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>:
-> Select a Traffic Rate Control Settings action: quit,
enable, disable, modify, clear <q|e|d|m|c>:

-> Select a Classifier action: quit, add,
delete, modify, list, clear <q|a|d|m|l|c>:

-> Select a Filter action: quit, on, off, add, delete,
permissions, list, clear <q|y|n|a|d|p|l|c>:

-> Select a VLAN action: quit, enable, disable, modify <q|e|d|m>:

-> Enter new password: ********

-> Re-enter password: ********

Password changed.

-> Enter network key: *********

-> Re-enter network key: *********

Successfully set network key.

-> Select an SNMP action: quit, read-write enable,
read-only enable, disable, modify <q|w|r|d|m>:

Current setting:
- The WebServer is enabled.
- The End-User Page is enabled.

Select an action
1) Toggle WebServer Status
2) Toggle End-User Page Status
3) Enter New Web Login Password
4) Enter New End User Web Login Password
5) Quit
-> Choose <1|2|3|4|5>:
Exiting !!

-> Enter new prov buzzer time (off | numSec) [10]: off
Provision buzzer setting changed: off



> reboot

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