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Activity Weekend 82

Friday 28th – Sunday 30th January

Friday 28th Jan- Tea at school at 5.00pm. Travel to York Theatre Royal for the famous pantomime
Jack and the Beanstalk written by Berwick Kaler- 8pm. Sleep at school.

Saturday 29th Jan- Full breakfast at 8.30am. Leave school at 10am to drive to Bradford. Packed lunch.

12.20pm Fabulous 3D film at the IMAX - Space Station 3D

Visit National Media Museum – hands on displays about cameras, film and TV

Evening curry at the excellent Karachi Curry House. Sleep at school.

Sunday 30th Jan- Cooked breakfast 9am.

Laser Quest and Bowling in York. Followed by a 3D film either The Tron
Legacy 3D or The Green Hornet 3D. Return to school by 5.30pm

The cost for this weekend will be £110.

We will be sleeping at school over this weekend. If you do not usually sleep at
school, you will need to bring a sleeping bag. You will need casual clothes.

Parent return slip

I consent to my child _________________________________taking part in the

above activities on the Activity Weekend 28th-30th January 2011.

I realise that the cost is £110 which must be paid in advance

and I enclose a cheque for this amount, made payable to Woodleigh School.

This weekend is eligible for Childcare Voucher use

Signed Date

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