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Loscon Plan 45 Group 7: Halagens (I) Lesson: Group 17 (1) ‘Aim = ‘To study the physical and chemical propertes of Group 17 elements. Learning Outcomes : ‘AL Uieend of the lesson, students Wille able 10 ‘+ state the colours ofthe halogens + explain the volatiy of he halogens down the group + explain the rolativo oxidising power cf tho halogens + explain the relative recctity ofthe halogens wth hydrogen, “+ explain the thermal stabilty ofthe hydrogen halides dawn the group. ‘Assumed prior knowledge : ‘Students should already be familar with the concept of: van der Waals forces 2. standard reduction potentials 2. bond energy and enthalpy change. Underlying Principles +. Making the invisibla, visible, 2. Enabling students to know what to look for Diterentiation ‘Questions in tne student notes are designed to enable all students to complete the activly. “The pop-up answers are provided forthe siuden's to view when they have considered thelr responses. Worksheet questions include questions that requite recall, urderstanding and ‘application of the new concepts learned. Development of Losson : No. [Steps Strategy 7 | Set inution (Ascertaning por knowledge ana intodveing lnston topic for ta da). ‘Teacher fo quiz students to ensure that they understand the concept of van der Waals foros, standaid reduction potentials, bond energy andenthalpy change. ‘Teacher to point out the lesson objectives of the day. 2] Student Aa “Teacher fo go trough Aaiies 1- Swi the students ‘Activity 1 : Colour and volatility ‘Students get to view samples of Group 17 ‘elements at room temperature, ‘Thay also get to relate the cifference in the baling points of thes elements to the strength of their van der Waals forces. Activity 2 : Oxidising power ‘Students get to compare the oxiasing ower of the nelogens. ‘Activity 3 : Hydrogen halides ‘Studonts get to view how the halogens react with hydrogen to form hydrogen hraldes. They also get to compare the thermai stability of the hydrogen halides. Stodeais (a answer questions inte worksheet on their own, Worksheet | Extension actviy ‘Students to read up reference materials, ontheir own. Pafererces Workahost Anewere Braun 17 (I) 1 1a 24 22 34 Colour anc volatility Chis agas, Brois liquid and Ipis a solic, bk Bo Ch ‘The relative molecular mass of the halogens decreases in the order |p > Bip >Cly. Henoe the strength of the intermolecular van der Waals forces decreases in he order: |, > Bz > Cl, ©. Chlorine is yellow-green, bromine is dark rac and iodine ie violet-black in colour. d. Black solid Oxidising power a. Thehalogens are oxidising agents bE) + 22 = 2Br(aa) oc oF 4. Posttve but less than iodine “a — a i gle @)+ 5 Fg) ——> HF@) fer fae | te Hig) + Fig) sect ii ze c. Plcatayst ang 300°C d. HES Hels Here HI (On descending Group 17, the H-Xtbond length increases. Thus, the ‘bond energy decreases. Worksheet Lesson : Group 17 (I) 24 22 Colour and volatility Chlexine, bromine and iodine existin different physical states at room ‘temperature and pressure, a. State their physical states. b. Arrange the three halogens in order of increasing volatlly. Explain your c. __ State the colours of chlorine, bromine and iodine at room conditions. d. Suggest the physical state and colour of astatine at room conditions. Oxidising power “The standard reduction potential values of the halagans (flucrine to iodine) are positive. a. What can be inferred from the above statement? b. Write an equation for the standard reduction potential for bromine. c. Which halogen has the strongest oxidising power? d. Predict the standard reduction potential value for astatine ‘Which one of the following statements is true on gong down Group 177 |The standard reduction potential of the elements becomes less positive. Il The oxidising power of the elements decreases. IL The reactivity of the elements increases.

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