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Worksheet 47 d-black elements (I) Lesson : ¢ Block Elements (I) 1. Variable oxidation states 1.1 Which ofthe following metals form compounds with more than one oxidation slates? a Ni b Se cu a Cr e Zn 1.2. The maximum ovidetion state increases from So to Mn and then decreases to Zn, a What are the highest oxidation states of So, Mn andZn? b. —_ Howare the maximum oxidation states of Sc to Mn related to their electronic configurations? c. Why does the maximum oxidation state decrease from Mn to Zn? 1.3. Grand Guare transition elements with variable oxidation states, a. Explain why they have variable ovidation states. b. Write the formulae of two common oxides each for Gu and Cr and state their oxidation states. ¢. Write the formulae of two oxoanions of Cr with an oxidation state of +6. 1.4 The common oxidation states of the transition metal ions are +2 and +3, Which (ore ofthe following metals forms a more stable ion inthe «3 state than inthe «2 state’ vom> goss Worksheet Answers 1. Variable oxidation states 14 Ni.Cu,¢r 120 a Som43 (ol) Mn= 47 (VID, Zn = +2 (4!) b. The maximum oxidation states correspondto the number of velence electrons inne 3dand 4s orbials, 2. Tne eonderoy for the d electrons fo participate in bonding decreases. 13 a. The 3dand dselectrons have similar energies. b. Ou: Cu,0 (+1) and CuO +2) Cr: Cr20s (+3) and CrOs (+8) © CrOF and Crs0? 1406 24 a Orange b. Yellow Purple a. Pink 22 Sc hasemply dorbitals and Zn*- has fuly filed dorbitas whereas Cr** nas partialy fled dorbtls. Hen, teeter transtors can ony o:cu in Cr and notin ‘Sc™ and Zn” fm a0 [eur Excitod slat 24 a Themetal on b. The oxidation stale of the metal ion c. — Theligand Lesson Plan 47 d-block elements (1) Lesson: oBlock Elements (I ‘im = To stusy the d-block elements in teims of their variable oxidation states. Learning Outeomes : Atthe end ofthe lesson, students will be 2ble to ‘+ explain the variable oxidation siates ot o-biock elements in terms of the relative ‘energes of the 3dand 4s ofbitals ‘+ state the oxidation statos ofthe o!block elements in their common cations, oxides ‘and oxoanions ‘+ explain qualitatively the relative stabiltis of the +2 and +3 oxidation states ‘Assumed prior knowledge ‘Students should alreaoy be familiar with 1. the concept ot axication states 2 theelectronie configuration of dblock elements the concept of standard reduction potentials. Underlying Principles 4. Making the invisible, visibia. 2. Enabling students to know what to look for. Differentiation ‘Questions inthe student notes zre designed to enable all students to complete the activity ‘The pop-up answers are provided fr he students 10 vew when they have considered their responses. Worksheet questions include questions that require recal, understanding ard ‘eppication ofthe new concepts learned. Development of Lesson : ‘Strategy Resources T_| Setinducton (Ascertaining prior knowledge and introducing lesson topic for tre cay) + Teacher fo qui saderis b ensure that ‘ney have the prior knowledge requred ‘+ Teacher to point out lesson cbjectves of the day. Z| Suen Aciy [3 evauaios J Teacher to go TWOUgh AGWWITES T engz with the students, Activity 1: Variable oxidation states, ‘Students get to find out that transition elements can exnibit variable oxidailon ‘tates because of their ablity tolose electrons from both the 4s and Sc) ‘orbitals. They also oet to compare the relative stabilly ofthe +2 oxidation stale ‘2cTOss Ine row. ‘Activity 2: Colour Students get‘o find out that the colours ot the transition metal compounds are due to dd electronic transitons. [> Studenis b answer questions inthe | worksheet on their own. > Courseware [> Worksnest | | Extension aciviy ‘> Sludenis to read up reference materials on their own, + ~Relerences:

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