A Creative Brief For Bru

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Lakshmi R. Nair
Roll No. 027A
What is the key challenge we are facing?
The brand is perceived as a cheap, South Indian coffee brand. Coffee + chicory is not appreciated by the
TG. They find Bru strong and bitter.
Currently perceived brand personality of Bru: A middle-class, middle-aged mother who efficiently runs
her home. Who believes in paisa-vasool and is proud of each paisa she saves by bargaining. Who is so
traditional. She would never be caught dead in anything else but her cotton saris.

Who are we talking to?

Sneha. She is ambitious , hardworking and career-oriented. She is in a live-in relationship with her
boyfriend Rahul. Her weekdays are breathlessly busy. But her weekly day-off is hers own. She loves
reading and travelling. She is not ready for a marriage until she is settled in her dream career. She
believes in sharing of all responsibilities of life – starting from cooking to laundry to expenses of a
wedding. Rahul shares her values and respects her individuality.

What does she think, feel, and do currently?

She loves coffee more than tea. It keeps her fresh and awake. Its her cup of coffee that she wakes up
to. Her idea of romance Rahul missing a few minutes of a crucial match of his favourite football club to
make her a cup of steaming coffee as she slogs through her never-ending work. Nescafe is her coffee.
She identifies with the value of youthfulness associated with the brand. She find Bru bitter. She has a
mental block against Bru as she associates it with the value of ‘traditional’.

How do we want to change or reinforce this?

We want her to keep drinking coffee but from the yellow Bru mug and not the red Nescafe one. We
should make her look at Bru differently. She should look at Bru’s pack and see her reflection on it.

If we could convince her of one thing, what would it be?

Bru is not traditional any more! It is youthfulness trapped in an aroma-lock pack!

Why should she believe us?

Because our coffee is bitter, like her favourite chocolates! Her generation has grown out of sweet
chocolates long back. Is it not time for them to grow out of sweet coffees yet?!

How will we know if we’re succeeding?

Sales figures of our coffee vending machines to BPOs and other modern corporate offices will be our
immediate judges.

What else could be helpful?

Trendier use of the brand colour yellow.

What do we need and when?

 Primetime slots in youthful TV channels
 Sponsoring of a trendy reality show
 Strong outdoor campaign at strategic locations
 Leveraging of Sonam Kapoor’s brand connection during the product placement in ‘Aisha’. Her
looks match the new personality of the Brand. Product placements in her movies but only if
they match the new values that the Bru is associating itself with.
 What about a Bru Spring collection of trendy yellow outfits?

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