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REV 4.4.3 Web Edition

Fuzion © the FUZION GROUP, 1997. All rights are reserved under International
Copyright Conventions.

Fuzion is the Fuzion Group's trademark name for its multigenre roleplaying sys-
tem. This copy is authorized for single-download, personal use; commercial or
online use of these materials in any form without written permission from the
Fuzion Group will be prosecuted to the full extent of law. To obtain permission or
licensing information, contact the Fuzion Group at


What’s Fuzion? Characteristic to use for the Skill). For instance, if you’re trying to
uzion is a set of rules for roleplaying; in pick a lock, you’d use Lockpicking Skill with your Technique
F other words, it’s a roleplaying game.
Characteristic. Your Action Value plus your Die Roll gives you the
Action Total. (The Die Roll you use is decided by the GM for the entire
What’s a Roleplaying game? game. To be like the Hero System, the Die Roll would be 3D6; to be
A roleplaying game lets you pretend to be a character in a story that’s like Interlock, the Die Roll would be 1d10.) If your Action Total meets
like a play. Each player plays a character, making the decisions and or beats the Difficulty Value (DV), you succeed.The Difficulty Value is
saying the things the character would say in the situations that hap- provided by the GM, looking at the table on page 37 for reference.
pen. One player, the Gamemaster (GM) acts like the author and direc- Or, if you’re trying to use your Skill against someone else’s Skill
tor of the play; he “sets the stage,” telling the players where they are, directly, the Difficulty Value comes from the opponent’s Action Value
what is happening, and what other characters (the Non-Player plus Die Roll (to be like the Hero System, you’d just add 10; to be
Characters, or NPCs) are saying and doing. The GM guides the action like Interlock, you’d roll 1d10).Skill Rolls: Action Value (AV) + Die Roll
but does not control it; the results of the game depend both on the = Action Total. The Action Total must be equal to or greater than the
players and the GM. More simply, roleplaying is just like the “cops and Difficulty Value (from the table on page 37).
robbers” or “playing house” games you played as a kid, only this time How do I fight?
with rules to help guide you, and situations that are more complex and
P A G E S The GM declares that combat has started, and each
character gets to act in order (see page 35 for
How do I get a character?
The GM gives you one, lets you pick one that’s already been written
35 - 45 details). A character takes an Action, determines the
result of that action, then the next character gets to
up, or lets you create one. act until all characters have acted. Then the Phase is over and a new
Phase begins, where everyone can act again. Page 35 has details
How do I create a character? and options that can change this.
P A G E S Use the Lifepath on page 4 to develop a background
for your character. Then you buy the Primary How do I hit a target?
4 - 33 Characteristics (also called Stats; numbers that
determine how good you are physically, mentally, and
P A G E S Fighting is handled the same way as any Skill. Find
your Action Value (AV): Take your Reflex Characteristic
in combat) with Characteristic Points (CPs). Next, you use Option
Points (OPs) to buy Skills and other things your character can do or
42 - 45 plus your Weapon Skill, and add a Die Roll to get your
Action Total. Compare your Action Total to the
use (including equipment and special abilities). The GM tells you Difficulty Value; if you meet or beat it, you hit. To find the Difficulty
how many CPs and OPs you have to start with, what things you can Value, add the defender’s Dexterity plus their Evade Skill to get their
buy and what you can’t, and any special rules he may have for his Defending Value (DV); add 10 to be like the Hero System, 1d10 to
game. You may be able to take Complications for your character to be like Interlock. To get the Difficulty Value for an unopposed action,
get more OPs. your Action Value (AV) + Die Roll = Action Total. The Action Total must
be equal to or greater than the Difficulty Value (DV) + Die Roll.
How do I know how good my character is?
P A G E S All Primary Characteristics and Skills use numbers on How do I do damage?
the same scale, and all have a starting value of 0. P A G E S Roll the damage listed for your weapon (some num-
8-9 Normal humans are usually in the 3-4 range, with 7
being the maximum normally; in some games you 46 - 47
ber of dice), or roll 1D6 for every 1 Strength you use.
Attacks are either Stun attacks (hands or feet, clubs)
can go up to 10 for a normal human. Anything over a 10 is super- or Killing attacks (guns, knives, lasers). Roll the dice
human. Each 1 point of a Characteristic or a Skill is +1 to a Skill Roll and find the total; that’s the number of Stun against the target (for
(in the case of Strength, a +1 is +1 die of damage in an attack). Stun attacks) or the number of Hits against the target (for Killing
How do we start playing?
How do I take damage?

P A G E S One player becomes the GM and decides the setting

of the game, the rules to be used, starting points for P A G E S The target of an attack subtracts either their Stun
35 - 37 characters, and all the choices and options present-
ed in the Fuzion rules. The other players get their char- 46 - 47
Defense or their Killing Defense from the number of
Stun done by a normal attack, whichever defense is
acters ready based on what the GM tells them about the rules. The higher. The target subtracts its Killing Defense from
GM prepares a story (or uses one from an adventure book), and the number of Hits done by a Killing attack. The remaining Stun (or
begins to tell the players what their characters see and hear, and Hits) are subtracted from the target’s total Stun (or total Hits). If your
starts asking the players what their characters will do next. When Stun falls to 0 or below, you are unconscious; if your Hits fall to 0 or
something comes up where the result isn’t obvious (like whether or below, you are dying. See page 146 for details and options.
not you hit someone or whether you can pick a lock), use the Fuzion How do I GM?
rules to find the answer.
The best way is through trying it yourself. Read through the rules
How do I figure out if I succeed at something? completely, and read through the campaign setting provided.
P A G E S You make a Skill Roll. Skill Rolls all work the same
way, no matter what Skill you use. First, find your
37 - 38 Action Value (AV): To do this, take the Characteristic
and add it to the Skill needed (the GM tells you which
Some Important Fuzion Designer’s Notes: PLUG-INS, KEYS,
he Fuzion system is an metasystem, not a multisystem. An mul- SWITCHES, AND DIALS
tisystem basically allows you to play the same way in a number
F uzion is unique in that it is designed


to allow Referees to customize its
of different genres or settings. A metasystem , on the other hand,

functions to better fit the particular

allows you to not only do this, but also combine elements of many needs of their campaigns. This is done
different genres into one setting (for instance, giant robots and fantasy charac- by using four important concepts,
ters) as well allowing you to customize those core rules to best fit the individual called Plug- Ins, Switches, Dials, and
genre by adjusting the level of their impact on your game. Keys.
lug-ins are links to
T he result is that in any Fuzion book, you may find a few tables that either don’t directly
apply to the genre or may seem to be out of scale to the genre (for instance, Strength
and Throwing tables that allow you to lift mountains and chuck them into orbit.) Relax. The
P Fuzion’s “parent” sys-
tems; R.Talsorian’s MEKTON
whole idea is that in each Fuzion setting, we may use the same tables, but they are applied and HERO Game’s Champions. A Plug-in
differently by adjusting the Dials and Switcher that control their effects on the game. is like a mini version of its parent (its ele-
hy do we do it this way? The first reason is that although you may not currently have ments are created using the parent sys-
W any characters in your game that can lift mountains, you have the option of adding them
at any time—if you want to. Otherwise, simply use the tables at the setting for your campaign
tem, in fact), but the Plug-in is simpler
and has less complexity. Plug-Ins allow
level. And if you need characters to lift small mountains, you can easily “dial” those tables you to build simpler versions of Powers
to a level which best fits that particular game. and Mecha for your Fuzion games. They
n addition, Fuzion was designed as a whole, not as a series of parts for different genres. That can also be used to “port” powers and
I means we’ve tried to cover as many different conditions that we think might arise over hundreds
of genres and settings instead of putting out new rules as new settings come up. This allows you
mecha built in the parent into Fuzion or
witches are rules that could
more flexibility in creating your own genres; if you want to add starships to your fantasy game (like
in Poul Anderson’s High Crusade), you don’t need to wait till we out out a specific book combin-
ing these elements. This is especially important when you consider the number of new genres
S be turned on and off for your
campaign without unbalancing
and settings arising every day in animé, comics and movies—with zombie cowboys, parapsychic everything else. Fuzion highlights
FBI agents, superpowered ninja rangers and so on. those important, switchable rules and
astly, since Fuzion was designed from the roots of both the HERO and Interlock systems, makes it easy to pick them out from the
L it also has the advantage of being able to use previously published materials from both
of these systems with very little conversion required. And since Fuzion can be applied to a
ones that really affect the total balance
of the game. To use a switch, simply
wide variety of genres, it has been licensed to other game settings as well as RTG and mark it ON in the upper box.
ials are a way of set-
HERO’s settings, allowing players to use parts of these offspring systems as well.

F or more on the Fuzion system, or to download your own copy of the Core Design Rules,
visit the Fuzion Labs web site at http:\\
D ting the level of
effect of a particular
rule on your Fuzion campaign. Dials are
usually set according to the Reality
ABOUT KEYPAGES Level of the campaign; from Everyday
uzion is built on the idea of Keypages. Each Keypage is designed (pretty much like real life) to
F to be an easy to follow chunk of information, divided into individ-
ual topics. Each topic is often boxed or otherwise separated from all
Superheroic (the world of four color
comics and mythology).To use a dial,
you decide at the start of your cam-
the other topics. paign what reality level you want that
particular rule to be set at, then check-
s a general Rule, Major topics are always written in a bold, fully capitalized text:
A mark the box next to that setting. The
rule then automatically has that level of
1 and are always prefaced with a black and white number box that lists the steps of the
effect on your campaign.Dials are an
incredibly powerful tool, because they
rules in order of how they are done. Less important subjects relating to the main allow you to tailor the rules of the cam-
topic are written in a bold, upper and lower case text, as below: paign to exactly fit the required flavor.
And since all Fuzion games use the
And How It Will Improve Your Life same dials, it’s easy to cross genres
but have no number box. and worlds.
lso, most Keypage boxes will have some kind of illustration or image to highlight ideas or con-
A cepts in the text, making it easier to pick out particular rules by linking them to a graphic. K eys are ideas or concepts
that we think you’ll find espe-
cially interesting; novel ways to use
final important thing about Keypages is that they are as self contained as possible; in gen-
A eral, all the tables and information pertaining to a concept will be on the individual Keypage,
even if this means repeating a table, passage or illustration more than once. Keypages are
a rule or a new possibility for role-
playing. Keys also point out important

concepts in how Fuzion works. You use

designed to be self contained so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time flipping around the
these keys to unlock your imagination.
book; in fact, most of the time, you can photocopy a particular Keypage and give it to your play-
ers to speed the process of creating characters, powers or mecha.

his is the first step of creating a character; getting a concept and history established. Lifepath
T is a special flowchart of events, personality quirks and plot complications, which are used to
give a character roleplaying depth and complexity. In effect, the Lifepath is your character’s “origin
story,” telling where he came from, what he’s done and what he’s like. To use the Lifepath, simply
follow the instructions in each box of the chart, rolling a die or making a choice as instructed.
Switch: Complications [see pg. 14 - 15 for more details]
s part of the Lifepath process, you may also elect to take a few COMPLICATIONS: Situations, prob-
lems or personal limitations that enhance the roleplaying aspect of the character, and (coinciden-
tally), generate extra Option Points (pg. 13 Sec. ❷) to be used in the creation of the character later.
Note that in Fuzion, Complications are not just window dressing; a big part of getting more Option Points is
roleplaying your complications.
Along the Lifepath you'll see certain events marked with these symbols.
They are a signal that this particular event is a good place to link up to a pos-
sible Complication. For example, Parents Murdered would be a great place to take on a Responsibility, such as a Dependent (your baby
sister), a Vow (to fight Evil) or a Code of Honor (Never Harm an Innocent).

tart by deciding what your character is like; Basic Personality, Values,

1 S and world view. You may either roll (2D6) these or choose one: 2
Every person is a valuable
3 I like almost everyone.
WHO DO YOU WHAT DO YOU 4 No one understands me.
2 Shy and secretive need to be led.
2 Child 2 Money
3 Rebellious, antisocial, violent 6-7 I’m neutral to most people.
3 Brother or sister 3 Honor
4 Arrogant, proud, and aloof 8 People must earn my
4 Friend 4 Knowledge
5 Moody, rash, and headstrong respect. No free rides here.
5-6 Lover 5 Honesty
6-7 Friendly and outgoing 9 People are untrustworthy. Be
7 Yourself 6-7 Friendship
8 Stable and serious careful who you depend on.
8 Pet 8 Your Word
9 Silly and fluff-headed 10 No one’s going to hurt me
9 Teacher or mentor 9 Love
10 Sneaky and deceptive again.
10 Public figure 10 Power
11 Intellectual and detached 11 People are wonderful!
11 Personal hero 11 Having a good time
12 Picky, fussy, and nervous 12 People are scum and
12 No one 12 Vengeance
should be wiped out.

ow move on to Early Background and

2 N Childhood Events (Roll for all of these):
A crisis in your early youth! Roll 1D6 to see how your family was affected:
EARLY BACKGROUND ....then roll 1D6 for the rest of the story:

What was your early upbringing like, economics wise? 1-3 ENEMIES
[Note: this has no effect on your current situation] Roll 1 betrayed by a friend or relative and lost everything they had.
2D6 and find out... 2 exiled; you have returned under an alias.
ROLL FAMILY STATUS: 3 murdered before your eyes.
2-3 POOR: Just scraping by, day by day. 4 Hunted by (or involved in a vendetta) with a powerful group, or organization.
4-6 MIDDLE CLASS: Like most kids, you were pretty run of the mill. 5 abducted or mysteriously vanished; you were inexplicably left behind.
7-8 WELL-TO-DO: You went to good schools, wore nice 6 killed in war, terrorism, or disaster.
clothes, had lots of treats. 4-6 SECRETS
9-10 WEALTHY: You had plenty of everything; even servants! 1 accused of a terrible crime they may (or may not) have committed.
12 RICH (possibly nobility): You lived in the lap of luxury, lacking nothing. Roll 1D6: 1-3, they were imprisoned for 1D6+2 years; 4-6, they
escaped imprisonment but are still under the gun.
What Comes Next? 2-3 considered to have some kind of unique birthright, ability or status.
Any Childhood Crises? Big problems or traumas? Roll
4 unknown— you grew up alone, never knowing your true heritage.
once (1D6) below and go to the appropriate table:
5-6 not the real thing—you’re adopted, and obsessed with finding your true family.
our third step is to chart the course of your life
3 Y after Childhood by moving on to Life Events.

Roll 2D6+16 (or
choose) to determine your age. For each year over 16,
roll once below and go to the appropriate table:
local power player (warlord, official,
1-2 GOOD WITH THE BAD noble, whatever) befriends you. Their ROLL 2D6 TO DETERMINE
3-4 FRIENDS AND ENEMIES level of effectiveness is worth 1D6/2. WHERE YOUR LIFE IS RIGHT
5 LOVE AND WAR 2 MENTOR: You gained a teacher or NOW:
6 NOTHING HAPPENED THAT YEAR. mentor in your life. This person has 2 You’re involved in the
taught you one new skill up to a level underworld; criminal or
hen you have completed all the years up to the
W present, Go to CURRENT SITUATION to see
where you are now.
of 1D6/2 (round up).
3-4 FAVOR (see PERKS): Someone owes
black market activities.
You’re involved in law
enforcement, criminal
you big time. Roll 1D6/2 to determine investigation, or espi-
the level of the favor owed you. Type of onage work.
contact subject to GM approval. 4 You’re involved in gov-
FRIENDS & ENEMIES (roll 1D6) 5 MEMBERSHIP (see PERKS): You have ernment or other
1-3 MAKE AN ENEMY. ROLL 1D6 AND SEE BELOW been nominated for membership in a administrative duties.
1 ENEMY: Bitter ex-friend or lover. select group. Roll 1D6/2 to determine 5-7 You have a nameless,
2 ENEMY: Relative. your new status (organization is up to mundane “day job.”
3 ENEMY: Partner or co-worker. GM) 8 You’re involved in busi-
4-5 ENEMY: From rival group or faction. 6 WINDFALL: Your financial ship just ness or high finance.
6 ENEMY: Powerful official or noble. came in— an inheritance, lottery win, 9 You’re a freelancer;
4-5 MAKE A FRIEND: ROLL 1D6 AND SEE BELOW gambling score, or just a good invest- you work for yourself
1 FRIEND: Like a brother, sister or parent to you. 10 You’re involved in craft-
ment Roll 2D6 x $10,000 for the
2 FRIEND: Partner or co-worker. work or construction
amount. 11 You’re involved in
3 FRIEND: Old lover (choose which one).
4-6 SOMETHING BAD: ROLL 1D6 research or scientific
4 FRIEND: Old enemy (choose which one).
1 IMPRISONMENT: You have been exiled, study.
5-6 FRIEND: Have common interests/acquaintances. 12 You’re involved in a
imprisoned, or held hostage (your
GO BACK TO LIFE EVENTS military or paramilitary
choice). Roll 1D6 x 1 year for length
of imprisonment. A good place for a
LOVE & WAR (roll 1D6) 2 FALSELY ACCUSED: You were set up, and OUTLOOK
1-2 Had a Happy Love Affair: ‘Nuff said. now face arrest or worse. A good
place for an ENEMY complication.
3-4 Had Love Trouble! Any of these might be a good
3 ACCIDENT OR INJURY: You were in some

complication. Roll 1D6/see below:
Your lover’s friends/family would use any
kind of terrible accident or maimed in
some other way. A good place for a 5 CURRENT
means to get rid of you.
4 HUNTED: You incurred the wrath of a ROLL 1D6 TO DETERMINE WHERE
2 You fight constantly.
powerful person, family or group. A YOUR LIFE IS RIGHT NOW:
3 You’ve had a child! Roll for sex: Even=Female,
good place for an ENEMY complica- 1 I hate my life, but I
Odd=Male. RESPONSIBILITY anyone? can’t change it.
4 One of you is “messing around.” 2 My life is crazy and
5 You got married! Any further Love & War rolls out of control.
struck down by a severe PHYSIO-
refer to your marriage (or future divorce!) 3 I crave more adven-
6 It just isn’t working out. ture and thrills
5-6 Had a Tragic Romance: Any of these might be a 4 I crave more romance
6 EMOTIONAL LOSS: You lost someone
and passion.
good hook for a COMPULSION, ENEMY, or PSYCHOLOGI- you really cared about. 1-2; they 5 I crave more money
CAL complication. Roll 1D6 and see below: were murdered. 3-4; they died by and power.
1 Lover died in accident or was murdered. accident or illness. 5-6, they van- 6 Life is good!
2 Lover mysteriously vanished ished, killed themselves or just up
Lover was kidnapped.
Lover was imprisoned or exiled
and left without any explanation.


6 End Lifepath, or
if Super, go on
5 Lover went insane and is now “hospitalized.”

6 Lover committed suicide to Origin Path,


o you’re a Superhero? But how did you get these Powers and Abilities? That’s where Origin Path comes in. With Origin Path, you
S can roll the dice as indicated or pick from the following tables in order to put together an origin for your character’s powers and abili-
ties. Write down the results from each table; this gives you a bare outline of where the character’s powers originated; the player (perhaps
working with the GM) should create a complete origin story based on the information from the tables. For an especially interesting origin,
try rolling through these tables twice and combining the origins. Many characters may have abilities derived from more than one source.
The GM should work the origin into the campaign’s continuity and history. Look for ways to relate each character’s origin to other characters
and to villains. The GM may want to keep some or all of this information a secret, to be revealed in the course of adventuring.
Take the results from these tables and weave them together into a story that explains your character’s background and origin. These
should suggest the character’s powers, skills, and especially Complications. The GM can help by suggesting connections to people and
events in the campaign (or the GM may want to keep some of these secret from the player for a surprising plot twist later).
Most characters with a number of Skills (particularly Martial Artists and Gadgeteers) will want to roll on the Training Origin Table to find out
where they learned their Skills, if it’s not already apparent from the rest of their Origin results.

START WITH A CHARACTER TYPE (roll 2D6) Power Source (roll 2D6)
1 These general character types contain all of the standard comic book
archetypes. Many characters are a combination of types; usually they’ll have
Roll Power Source
2 Gate Key: (Direct Usage)
one Major (about 2/3 of their Power Points) and one Minor (about 1/3 of their Power Uses a Gate Key directly (via
Points) if they do combine two types. Most well-rounded characters should have some hyperdimensional tap,
some offensive ability (which may be Strength or Martial Arts), some defensive abil- usually) as the source of pow-
ity (which may be high Stun Defense, or high Stun or Hits, or a high Dexterity, or ers. Very rare, very powerful,
defensive powers, or some combination of those), and some movement ability and very dangerous, as this
(though this may be the team’s vehicle). Remember, though, that all player charac- attracts the attention of entities such as Dr.
ters must follow the Rule of X (see page 34 for details). Destroyer.
ROLL CHARACTER TYPE AND POWER SOURCE 3-4 Psionics: Powers of the mind, which can be from
2 Mentalist: Specializes in mental powers and related powers. Often fairly a variety of sources. Roll 2D6 +1 on the POWER
normal physically, usually with a high Will. Usually Psionics Special Effects TYPE TABLE (13 counts as a 12 result) then come
(SFX). ROLL ON POWER SOURCE TABLE back here to find the type of Psionic powers. For
3 Shapechanger: This is a broad category that includes growing, shrinking, inherent powers, use the Inherent Psionics
density increase, or any change in shape or form that’s the main source of Origin Table to find the origin. For equipment or
powers. Often specializes in high stats; sometimes unusual powers like acquired powers, use the Power Development
Adjustment Powers. Often combined with another type like Brick. Commonly Table and then the Acquired Psionics Origin
Biochemical or Kinetic SFX, sometimes others. ROLL ON POWER SOURCE TABLE Table to find the origin.
4 Gadgeteer: Specializes in using equipment as powers. Often has a wide ROLL 2D6 Inherent Psionics Origin
range of powers bought as gadgets, perhaps not very high physical stats. 2-7 Mutant: Roll on Mutant Origin Table
Many different SFX, usually not Gate Key Power, Magic, or Psionics. 8-10 Non-human: Roll on Non-human Origin Table
Gadgets are bought as a Complication.TECHNOLOGY; ROLL ON POWER 11-12 Other: Inherited from some family
DEVELOPMENT TABLE bloodline, or GM invents a source
5 Powered Armor: Wears an armored suit with built-in gadgets to generate ROLL 2D6 ACQUIRED PSIONICS ORIGIN
powers. Could be a Brick or an Energy Projector by using the suit powers. 2-4 Unusual: Roll on Power Source
Many different SFX, usually not Gate Key Power, Magic, or Psionics. Suit is Table, ignore Psionics results
bought as a Complication. TECHNOLOGY; ROLL ON POWER DEVELOPMENT TABLE 5-6 Project Mind Alive: May Have
6 Martial Artist: A warrior specializing in fighting skills, often with a high REF Hunted Complication
and DEX. Usually specializes in skills with few powers; sometimes trades 7-8 PSI: May have Hunted
Power Points in for Option Points.ROLL ON MARTIAL ARTIST TYPE TABLE Complication

7 Brick: Specializes in high STR, usually high defenses and physical stats. 9 Mutaphetamine: May have
Sometimes ends up exchanging Power Points for more Characteristic Vulnerability Complication
Points. ROLL ON POWER SOURCE TABLE 10 Wildstrike: May have Distinctive
8 Energy Projector: Specializes in energy blasts of various types; often has Looks Complication
Flight, sometimes Force Field. All types of SFX. ROLL ON POWER SOURCE TABLE 11 Other: GM or player invents new origin
9 Super Mage: Specializes in magic, which can cover almost any power or 12 Other: (Create a new Source or use
ability. Usually not very high physical stats, but often high mental stats. Psionics)
Often Magic SFX, but can easily generate SFX of any type. MAGIC; SEE MAGIC 5-6 Magic: Roll on Power Type Table
ORIGIN 7 Non-human: Roll on Power Type Table
10 Speedster: Specializes in movement powers and associated attacks and 8 Mutant: [Inherent Powers] Roll on Mutant
defenses. Often has a high DEX, sometimes a high REF and SPD rating. Origin Table
Usually Kinetic SFX. ROLL ON POWER SOURCE TABLE 9-10 Technology: [Equipment] Roll on Power
11 Weird: All sorts of strange and unclassifiable collections of powers and Development Table
other abilities. Often not a well-rounded character, depending on the rest of 11 Altered: [Acquired Powers] Roll on Power
the team in some circumstances. Any SFX possible. ROLL ON POWER SOURCE Development Table
TABLE 12 Other: Roll twice and combine sources
12 Roll twice and add types
Magic Origin Technology Origin
Roll on the Power Type Table and then 2D6 Origin
refer to the list below with your results. 2-4 Lone inventor: Could be a normal
Magic Equipment: Roll 1D6+5 on Power or a paranormal inventor.
Development Table; Roll on Origin Table 5-6 VIPER: GM decides which base,
Inherent Magic: Roll on Origin Table to other circumstances.
learn from where 7 Odyssey Research: GM decides
Acquired Magic: Roll on Power where and why
Development Table; 8-9 UNTIL: GM decides which base,
Created = Self-taught; Roll on Magic other circumstances.

Origin table to learn from where. 10 PanStar: GM decides where and
2D6 Origin 11 Secret government project: GM
2-5 Extra-dimensional: The decides which gov’t, which pro-
Shadow Realm or other ject.
6-7 The Lodge: Possible depen- 12 Other: GM makes up new origin,
dent NPC, Hunted or roll twice and combine types
8-9 The Brotherhood Arcane:
Possible Hunted Complication
10-11 Hidden places: Roll 1D6 — 1- Training Origin
2 Tangut, 3-4 Mulung, 5-6 2D6 Origin
Samarkan 2-4 Self-taught: Learned from a vari-
12 Other: GM makes up new ori- ety of sources, mostly self-guided.
gin, or roll twice and add 5-6 Mentor: Learned from one per-
Power Type son; possible Dependent
Does the power come from equipment, is the Complication.
power inherent in the character, or did the char- Nonhuman Origin 7-9 Organization: Roll on appropriate
acter develop the power somehow? 2D6 Origin Origin Table to find out which.
POWER TYPE TABLE 2-4 Artificial: Robot or android. Roll
2D6 Power Type Result on Technology Origin Table to 10-11 Government: GM decides where
2-5 Equipment: Roll on Power find source. and why.
Development Table 5-6 Other Alien: Trephaan,
6-9 Inherent: Roll on appropriate Mellanian, or GM invents an 12 Other: GM makes up new origin,
Origin Table alien race or roll twice and combine types
10-12 Acquired: Roll on Power 7-9 Kraan: Usually connected with
Development Table the 1947 saucer crash.
10-11 Extra-dimensional: The Shadow Altered Human Origin
Realm or other (GM choice). 2D6 Origin
12 Other: GM makes up new ori- 2-3 Marakat/Harmony-Dawn: GM
Power Development gin, or roll twice and add types decides where and when; pos-
How did the character first acquire the power? sible Hunted.
2D6 Power/Equipment Was 4-6 Hannya Island: Possible
2-5 Self-created: Invented by character; Hunted, Distinctive Looks.
should have necessary skills 7-8 VIPER: GM decides where and
6-8 Imbued/Given: Roll on appropriate when;Possible Hunted.
Origin Table to find benefactor
Mutant Origin
2D6 Origin 9-10 Wildstrike: Usually has
9-10 Accidental/Found: Roll on appropri- Distinctive Looks.
ate Origin Table to find source
2-7 Gate Key: GM decides details.
8-11 New: GM decides where 11 Mutaphetamine: Possible
11-12 Stolen: Roll on appropriate Origin Vulnerability.
located, family members, etc.
Table to find source. 12 Other: GM makes up new ori-
7-9 Kraan: Usually connected with
the 1947 saucer crash. gin, or roll twice and combine
12 Other: GM makes up new origin. types
Martial Artist Type
ow that you have your
2-4 Natural: Ability from within; roll on
Nonhuman or Altered Origin Table.
5-6 Power: Has some powers; roll on Power
Source Table.
7-8 Classic: Pure skill and human ability;
physical and combat stats high.
N Basic Lifepath History
and the Origin of your
Superhuman Powers, let’s
9-11 Weapon: Uses a weapon (with power);
put some numerical meat on

roll on Power Development Table the bones of your Concept

12 Other: GM makes up new type, or roll with some Characteristics!
twice and combine 2 types

haracteristics (also called Stats) are NUMBERS that describe your character’s ability as compared to everyone else in the uni-
C verse. All people and creatures can be described (or written up) using Characteristics; this lets you compare one person to
another, which is often important in the game. For instance, a person with a Strength Characteristic of 5 is stronger than a person
with a Strength Characteristic of 4, but not as strong as a person with a Strength Characteristic of 6.


Characteristics define the basic structure of a character, and the numbers 2 CAMPAIGN REALITY LEVELS
ne of the advantages of Fuzion’s var-
show how good a Characteristic is relative to other people. But before we can
go on to actually constructing that character, we’ll need to know something about the O ious Dials, Switches and Plug-ins is
that it allows Referees to “custom tailor” the
type of character it will be. Is he an everyman who finds himself suddenly catapulted
into a life of adventure? Is he a seasoned veteran who is trained to face danger with- reality level of their campaigns.
out flinching? Is he an idealistic crimefighter granted strange superhuman abilities that One way to do this is to place implicit maximum levels
have allowed him to fight against Evil? And what numbers best represent a character? on character Characteristics. Another way is to use a
Here’s a handy set of descriptions that can be applied to numbers for each Dial to alter the “reality level” of majority of the cam-
Characteristic. We’ve also included descriptions for Skills as well, to give a total per- paign; for instance, in a Superheroic setting, it may be
spective of character scale.
common for people to lift a ton and dodge machinegun
bullets, but in Everyday life, you’d better dial that
VALUE LABEL CHARACTERISTIC SKILL Strength way down and the accuracy of Uzis way up.
LESS THAN CHALLENGED Everyday tasks involving this Characteristic are dif- You don’t know how to do this task at Heres’ a few examples of campaign reality levels:
1 ficult. This value is found in children, elderly peo- all.
ple, or those weakened by illness or infirmity.
This is reality on the mundane side. People here are
1-2 EVERYDAY Many ordinary people around the world are like- You’ve learned the basics of this task, generally out of shape, unremarkable, and not super
ly to have some Characteristics at this value. and can do this thing most of the time, bright, but they get along in everyday life just fine. At this
It’s enough to get by on and to do most things though not very well. You’re an appren- level, adventure is something that happens to others;
(though not very unusual or stressful tasks ). tice or a beginner. your idea of action is visiting Denny’s at midnight.
3-4 COMPETENT You are competent at everyday tasks involving this You are well trained and practiced in
Characteristic. Most healthy adults have some this skill, and can perform it well in This a reality many of us live in; the closest thing to a
Characteristics that fall into this range. This is the everyday circumstances. You can han- hero is a good cop, fireman, soldier, or other dedicated
realm of everyday “heroes” such as policemen, dle unusual applications of the skill citizen. Campaigns in this kind of reality rarely if ever
firemen, paramedics, technicians, etc. with some difficulty. You’re considered encounter supernatural powers or feats; a bank robbery
a professional. would be a lot of excitement at this reality level.
5-6 HEROIC You are much better than ordinary. A born athlete, You are a master of this skill, and are HEROIC [ELITE, TV SHOW] • CHARACTERISTIC MAX 7
a top-notch scientist, an elite soldier might have capable of unusual applications of the This is the reality that only a few of us live in—Green
one or more Characteristics in this range. This is skill. You are considered a master Beret combat specialists, SWAT team members, FBI
the realm of professional mercenaries, top sol- craftsman. agents and spies. Most people in this kind of campaign
diers, special police, scientists, and TV heroes. are equivalent to the TV heroes; better looking, more
competent, and with stuntmen. A typical adventure at
7-8 INCREDIBLE You are extremely capable in this area, among A skill at this level means you’re one of this reality level would be a drug sting, a hostage rescue,
the very best in the world; an Olympic athlete, the very best in the world. You are at
or a rugged trip into the jungle.
Nobel-winning scientist, a 10th dan martial artist ease with unusual applications of the
might have a Characteristic in this range. This is skill, or even new applications. This is INCREDIBLE [OLYMPICS, MOVIES] • CHARACTERISTIC MAX 9
also the realm of kung fu heroes, action movie entering the realm of fiction, of amaz- Save for the feats of Olympic athletes, gorgeous super-
cops, and other not-quite-impossible people. ing skill that’s not quite impossible! models, top sports stars, world leaders, and Nobel Prize
winners, you have now left reality altogether. This is also
9-10 LEGENDARY This is a level that only a few ever reach; it’s A skill at this level puts you in the realm
the realm of low budget action films; where the heroes
simply the best a human can possibly be. This of the greatest practitioners of this skill
is the realm of super martial artists like Jackie in history. You are pushing forward the
battle international gangsters and invading aliens.

Chan, geniuses like Einstein, or action movie boundaries of the skill and what it can Typical Incredible reality adventures are much like
stars with a big effects budget and a lot of be used for, and have entered the realm Heroic ones, but with bigger weapons and world-span-
stunt men. of genius and of fiction. ning plots.
MORE THAN SUPERHEROIC At this point, your Characteristic value means that Skills at this level are better than any-
This is the realm of Hollywood blockbusters, where char-
10 you have crossed into the realm of the superhuman. one could believe in the real world. This
Your capability in this area is unbelievable to normal realm belongs to comic books, science acters fight aliens on top of helicopters and save the
humans. A Characteristic at this level is found in fiction, fantasy or mythology. world regularly. Most “animé heroes” or “realistic”
comic books, science fiction, fantasy, or mythology. superheroic campaigns fall into this reality; you probably
won’t ever find “real people” at this level, unless they
These value ranges may overlap some, particularly at the lower end of the range. Normal people
are Albert Einstein, Carl Lewis, or Helen of Troy.
often have values of 1 to 4, for instance. Usually 7 is the value where the real world stops and
where fiction begins to take over. Note also that many characters will have Characteristics and SUPERHEROIC [COMIC BOOKS, MYTHS] • NO LIMIT
Skills in a wide range of values. Even a superhero may have most Characteristics in the Competent This is the reality level of most four color comics or
to Heroic range, with only a few being Superheroic or Legendary. Characters in heroic campaigns mythology. Superpowers or superhuman skills are com-
may have one or two Characteristics in the Incredible range, and the rest Competent or Heroic. mon, and adventurers regularly save entire Galactic
Most characters have some abilities they perform better than others; it’s rare to have someone Empires and thwart demigods.
with the same Characteristic values across the board.
3 T


o matter what level of Fuzion you will be using, you will encounter here are two kinds of Characteristics in
N the following definitions and terms:
ACTION VALUE [AV]: The total of a Characteristic and a Skill. Also known as an Attack
Fuzion. Primary Characteristics are
“bought”, using a pool of points which we’ll discuss
Value. below. A good example of a Primary Characteristic would
ACTION TOTAL [AT]: The total of your Action Value plus a die roll. Also known as an be a character’s BODY characteristic, used to judge how
Attack Total. tough he is. Derived Characteristics are created by apply-
ATTACK ROLL: Rolling dice and adding them to your Attack (or Action) Value to deter- ing a simple mathematical formula to a specific
mine whether or not you succeeded. Characteristic. A good example of a Derived Characteristic
CHARACTERISTIC (AKA STAT): A number that shows your character’s ability in an area, would be a character’s STUN, which is figured by multiply-
compared to everybody else. Characteristics determine how strong, smart or agile ing his BODY by 5.
the character naturally is. The higher the number, the more powerful the character- Both Primary and Derived Characteristics will vary from
istic. Example: Strength is a Characteristic; Strength 8 is stronger than Strength 3. campaign to campaign, so for right now, we’ll just discuss
CHARACTERISTIC POINTS [CP]: These are used to buy the basic Characteristics of the the basic method of buying characteristics in all cases.
CAMPAIGN OPTIONS: These are Skills, Talents, Traits, or Equipment with which charac- CHARACTERISTIC POINTS: The
ters can fight, protect themselves and generally adventure. These may also include
Powers and abilities beyond those of mortal men.
4 Power to Buy
he power to buy your Primary
COMPLICATIONS: Situations, Campaign Elements, or personal limitations that
enhance the roleplaying aspect of the character, generated as part of the Lifepath
T Characteristics comes from a pool of points
called Characteristic Points (CP), given to you
process (below). Some problems are external; enemies or physical liabilities; oth-
ers are internal qualities of the character; these can be good, bad or mixed. by the GM when you make your character.
DICE: Throughout Fuzion, three standard six-sided die (plural: dice) is used as the But how do you determine that value? The best option is
default. As an option, the GM can decide to use a 10-sided die for task for the GM to multiply the number of Primary
Resolution rolls (instead of the 3 6-sided dice), but 6-sided dice are always used Characteristics by the average value the GM wants the
for damage. characters to have; this will give you the starting
DIFFICULTY VALUE [DV]: The number you need to meet or beat in order to succeed at Characteristic Points for the campaign.
a task. Also known as a Defense Value when comprised of a Characteristic plus a Example: In a Fuzion campaign with 10 Primary
Skill. Characteristics, the GM wants to have Heroic characters;
ENERGY DEFENSE [ED]: Your ability to shrug off energy-based attacks, measured as he gives them (10 x 5 = 50) Points.
an “armor” that reduces this kind of Stun damage. Referees should consider this simple guideline to deter-
GAMEMASTER [GM]: The person who runs the Fuzion game, playing the parts of all mine the number of Characteristic Points to give begin-
characters not taken by the Players. ning characters:
HITS: An arbitrary measure of “life energy”. When you have lost all your Hits, you
KILLING DEFENSE [KD]: Armor. Also the ability to shrug off all types of Killing dam- EVERYDAY [REALISTIC] 1-2 PTS.
age. Usually subtracted from the amount done. COMPETENT [ELITE, SEMI-REALISTIC.] 3-4 PTS.
KILLS: A larger scale of damage used when attacking military (or huge) vehicles and HEROIC [TV ACTION SHOW] 5-6 PTS.
structures. Things that do damage in Hits or SDP cannot damage things with Kills. INCREDIBLE [OLYMPICS, ACTION MOVIE] 7-8 PTS.
KILLING DAMAGE: Physical, deadly wounds, subtracted from your Hits.
NPC: A Non-Player Character portrayed by the GM.
OPTION POINTS [OP]: These are points used to buy the “stuff” the character owns,
knows or can do, such as Skills, Talents, Perks, or Powers. BUYING CHARACTERISTICS
PERK: A useful privilege or contact a character has special access to.
POWER: An innate, superhuman ability that cannot usually be learned or taught,
5 Primary Characteristics are purchased at
usually quite powerful. An example might be the ability to fly or fire bolts of ener- a ratio of 1 Characteristic Point [CP] for
gy. Purchased from a separate pool of Power Points. one level of ability. Example: I want to have a
SKILL: An ability that can be learned or taught, such as playing an instrument or Strength of 5. I pay 5 CP. You must put at least one
using a weapon. Characteristic Points in each Characteristic; the maxi-
STRUCTURAL DAMAGE POINTS [SDP]: Damage to structures and vehicles mum level you can buy in any one Characteristic is nor-
STUN POINTS: A measure of consciousness or awareness. When your Stun Points mally 7-8 for a normal human; however, if you are cre-
are at 0, you are unconscious. ating a Superhuman (or your GM allows it), you can put
STUN DAMAGE: Shocks to your consciousness, subtracted from Stun. as many points into a single Characteristic you want..
STUN DEFENSE [SD]: Your ability to shrug off shocks to your consciousness, mea- The GM may also set his own limits on the value of any
sured as an “armor” that reduces Stun damage. or all Characteristics.
TALENT: An innate ability, (but not necessarily superhuman) that can’t be learned or
taught; i.e., a bump of direction or ability to see in the dark. Now that you’ve got the basics down,

TASK: A thing that you do, such as picking a lock or firing a gun. Any use of a Skill it’s time to put what you’ve learned to
or any Attack is a Task. See Task Resolution.
TASK RESOLUTION: The way you figure out whether or not you succeed at a task you
work by making a character of your
attempt, in Fuzion. own, starting on Page 10!
NAME: ___________________

PLAYER: __________________

INT=[INT ÷3]
STR=[STR ÷3]* PA G E S

BODY=[STUN ÷5] 22 - 33

© Hero Games, 1997. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
16 - 20 PICTURE


Attack NA NA Strike, shoot, kick at -1 penalty, +1D damage
Block NA NA Stop any 1 attack w/ successful roll
Dodge NA +3 Makes you harder to hit but you can’t attack
Get up from being knocked down
Grab something. Both are at -3 Defense
It’s a lot easier than you’d think. Take this character sheet and take a good Run NA NA Move up to full Combat Move
look at the values in brackets next to each Primary Characteristic (top box) Sprint NA THESE
up to full NCM at 1/2 DEF, 0 REF
That’s the math you’ll need to do on your 4th Edition character to make it fit Other Action NA NA COMBAT
Reloading, changing weapons, mounting up
-4 for unbalanced objects
into the Fuzion system. Once you have that down, just use those values to Abort NA NA Interrupt opponent’s turn to use DEF action
do the math with the second half of the box (Derived Characteristics). Aim +1 NA P Add
A +1Gper E phaseSto attack, up to +3 total
Your powers will fit right into their old slots; just divide their costs by 5. Some
powers, like Killing Attack, won’t convert on that basis. In those cases, take
Choke Hold
Dive for Cover NA
39 - 40
2D6 killing attack. Must follow a Grab.
Knock weapon from Opponent’s Hand
Dodge Area Attack at +2 Diff per each m/yd
the Active Points, divide by 5, and use those points to buy the appropriate Draw & Attack -3 NA Draw & fire in one action at penalty
power. Entangle NA NA Immobilize opponent, forcing him to Escape
Escape NA NA Escape Entangles/Grabs in STR+Athletics roll
Your Complications can come right over too. Finally, your skills convert over Haymaker -3 NA Go all out! +3 dice damage to regular.
on the basis that one 4th Edition point equals roughly 2 Fuzion Skill Points. Move Thru -2 NA Full Combat Move and HTH attack

Move By -2 NA Full Combat Move and HTH attack

Recover NA -5 Get Stun back equal to REC score
Sweep/Trip NA NA Opponent falls, at -2 REF next phase
Wait NA NA Wait for chance to act or act later.


M/YDS 4M OR < 10 OR < 50 OR < 51 OR >* > LISTED RANGE
*Up to Listed range of Weapon ** Plus -1 for every full 50m/yds past listed range
6 Hand/Forepaws 1/2 damage -4
7-8 arms/forelimbs 1/2 damage -3
PUT YOUR 9 shoulders 1x damage -3
ATTACKS 10-11 chest 1x damage -1
HERE 12 stomach 1.5 damage -5
13 vitals 1.5 damage -6
14 thighs 1x damage -2
15-16 legs/hindlimb 1/2 damage -3
17-18 feet/hindpaws 1/2 damage -4
ow that you have an idea of what the
N Characteristic and Skill ranges are for dif- NAME: ___________________

ferent kinds of characters, it’s time to actually construct one. Total
Fuzion’s flexible structure allows you to build a character with lots PLAYER: __________________
of depth and fine tuning, as well as giving you the ability to add VALUE CHARACTERISTIC
new Characteristics or remove them as a campaign demands.
❶ INT=[INT ÷3]
❷ WILL=[EGO ÷3]
1 InPrimary
a typical Total Fuzion campaign, characters will have 10
Characteristics, arranged into four groups: ❸ PRE= [PRE ÷3] PTS
❶ Intelligence (INT): How generally bright you are. As a rule, this is more ❺ REF=OCV
than sheer intelligence, but also cleverness, awareness, perception, and
ability to learn; mental deficiencies don’t become apparent until you hit 1.
❻ DEX=[DEX ÷3]
❷ Willpower (WILL): Your determination and ability to face danger and/or ❼ CON=[(PD+ED)÷4]
stress. This Characteristic represents your courage and cool. ❽ STR=[STR ÷3]*
❸ Presence (PRE): Your ability to impress and influence people through
your character and charisma; how well you get along with others; how you
❾ BODY=[STUN ÷5]
interact in social situations. ❿ MOVE=INCHES ÷1.5
COMBAT GROUP Above: Here’s a typical Primary Characteristic sheet.
❹ Technique (TECH): Your ability to manipulate tools or instruments. This NAME: ___________________
is not the same as reflexes, inasmuch as this covers the knack of using
tools. One character might have a high Technique, but might not be able to PLAYER: __________________
fence or juggle. On the other hand, another might have high Reflexes, but
only a fair level of Technique. VALUE CHARACTERISTIC
❺ Reflexes (REF): Your response time and coordination, as used in aim-
ing, throwing, juggling. A stage magician, for example, would have a high
8 INT=[INT ÷3]

Reflex Characteristic. Most importantly, this is the Characteristic that 3 WILL=[EGO ÷3]
shows your chance to hit things. 6 PRE= [PRE ÷3]
❻ Dexterity (DEX): Your overall physical competence, as pertains to bal- 6 TECH=[(DEX+INT) ÷6]
ancing, leaping, jumping, combat and other athletic activities. A gymnast
would have a high Dexterity. Most importantly, this Characteristic is used 8 REF=OCV
to avoid being hit. 7 DEX=[DEX ÷3]
❼ Constitution (CON): How healthy you are. How resistant to shock
6 CON=[(PD+ED)÷4]
STR=[STR ÷3]*
effects, poisons and disease. You can be a really big, tough, strong guy 7 *SUPERS=STR÷5

and still get floored by a head cold!

❽ Strength (STR): Your muscle mass and how effective it is for exerting
5 BODY=[STUN ÷5]
force. The higher your strength, the more you can lift, drag, etc., and the
more powerful the blows from your fists and other body parts.
❾ Body (BODY): Your size, toughness, and ability to stay alive and con- ABOVE: Steve is in a Heroic campaign with 10 Primary
scious due to physical mass, sheer bloody-mindedness and structure or Characteristics. He gets 10x6=60 points. The above example
other qualities. How much damage you can take is derived from this. shows how he allocates those points to create his character.
❿ Movement (MOVE): Your speed of movement; running, leaping, swim-
ming, etc. There is only one Primary Characteristic in this group; the rest
Key Idea: Adding/Removing Characteristics
uzion’s design allows Referees to change, add, or
are Derived (pg. 12)
F remove Characteristics for your individual cam-
paigns. All you have to do is create the new Characteristic,
o create a Fuzion character, you’ll need some CHAR-
2 T
assign it to one of the four groups and grant the player points
ACTERISTIC POINTS (pg. 9 sec 5 ). Primary for it based on the average level for Characteristics in the
Characteristics are purchased at a ratio of 1 Characteristic game. Example: in a Heroic campaign, the average pt. range
Points [CP] for one level of ability in the Characteristic. You must is 5-6 points per Characteristic. To add a new Characteristic,
you’ll give your players 5-6 extra points and allow them to re-
put at least one Point in each Characteristic. In general, the maxi-
arrange them as desired throughout the whole group.
mum amount you can put in any one Characteristic will be 8 for

eferees should always emphasize the importance of all

humans; however, if you are creating an alien or other superhuman
(or your GM allows it), you can put as many points into a
R Characteristics in their Campaigns (since the cost will be
the same anyway). Don’t let your players get away with just hav-
Characteristic as you want. ing good combat abilities; make them deal with problems too!

12 RUN [MOVEX2] ❺ 3 erived Characteristics are characteristics

12 SPRINT [MOVEX3] D that are created by performing some kind of
simple mathematical operation on a character’s already
4 SPD=[REF÷2] 4 SWIM [MOVEX1] existing Primary Characteristics.
❹ 13 REC=[STR+CON] 4 LEAP [MOVEX1] The following Derived Characteristics are common to most
60 END=[CON X10] 9 RESISTANCE [WILLX3] Fuzion campaigns. If your character does not have the exact
Primary Characteristic the Derived Characteristic comes from,
❶ 25 STUN=[BODY X5] PTS S KILLS you can either use the Characteristic’s group value or a one
❷ 25 HITS=[BODY X5] determined by the GM of your campaign:
❶ Stun [BODY x 5]: How much stunning/brawling damage you can
ABOVE: Derived Characteristics for Steve’s Character Sheet take before you are battered into unconsciousness, calculated as
(see previous page).
points. IMPORTANT: At the start, you may elect to move points from
Stun into Hits or vice versa, as long as the total moved is limited to 1/2 of the starting Stun Value. Example: with 35 Stun and 35 Hits, I could
move up to 17 points from Stun into my Hits or up to 17 points from Hits into my Stun.
❷ Hits [BODY x 5]: How much killing damage you can take before you are dying. Any Armor you have may be subtracted from any Killing dam-
age you take. You may move Hit points into Stun and vice versa (see above).
❸ Stun Defense (aka SD) [CON x 2]: How resistant you are to Stun damage; your SD is subtracted from any Stun damage you take.
❹ Recovery (REC) [STR+CON]: This Characteristic determines how fast the character recovers from damage. You get back this many
Stun points each turn when you rest, and this many Hits back for each day of medical attention.
❺ Run (aka Combat Move) [MOVE x 2m], Sprint (aka Non-combat Move) [Move x 3m], Swim [MOVE x 1m], Leap [MOVE x 1m]: How far
the character runs (at a rate allowing dodges and evasions), sprints (in a flat-out run), swims, and leaps in 3 seconds.


4 ptional Derived Characteristics are Characteristics that may not be present in every Fuzion campaign. In an Old West campaign,
O for example, you may not ever need to have a Derived Characteristic for defense against lasers. But because these are derived
from Primary Characteristics, you can always generate an Optional Derived Characteristic when you need one, allowing you to transfer char-
acters between genres. Although these will vary from campaign to campaign, a few typical Optional Derived Characteristics are:
Luck [INT+REF]: Fate acting on your behalf. Each game session you may take points from this Derived Characteristic and use them in
other places; to add to important die rolls or subtract from damage. When you have used up all of these points, they are gone until the next
game session. You’ve “run out of Luck.”
Endurance (END) [CON x 10]: This Characteristic represents how long the character can expend energy, whether in physical endurance or
in the use of a special ability (like a superpower or talent). It is spent in the same way as Hits or Stun points. When it runs out, you are
exhausted and cannot do anything more except rest and recover. Generally, 1-2 points of effect, 1 minute or hour of time (or 1 point of
“power” used) spends 1 END point. END returns whenever you take a Recover Action (pg. 50), which restores as much END as your REC
(see above).
Energy Defense (ED) [CON x 2]: How resistant you are to damage from lasers, electricity. force beams, and other “energy-based” threats.
Calculated as points that are subtracted from “energy” damage only. ED is calculated from the same Primary Characteristic as SD; you can
elect to move points from one to the other when you create the character (not afterwards!). The amount you can move may not be greater
than one half the starting value. Example: With a CON of 6, I have 12 Energy Defense and 12 Stun Defense. I decide to beef up my SD at
the cost of my ED, moving up to a max of 6 points from from one to the other.
Speed (SPD) [1/2 of REF]: This Characteristic is used to measure a character’s reactions. Speed can be used to determine either
when you move during the course of action, or how many things you can do in a specific time period (especially when using an option-
al Speed table such as the one used in Champions, 4th edition).

Resistance (RES) [WILLx3]: Your ability to resist mental or psychological attacks or stress; basically your mental “Hits”.
Humanity (HUM) [PRE x10]: Your basic morality and humanity. Used often in games where the character faces dehumanization,
extreme horror or the unearthly. This Derived Characteristic loses points by receiving “humanity” damage; seeing horrible events, remov-
ing body parts and replacing them with other objects, gaining unearthly powers that separate him from the rest of mankind, etc. For
every 10 points lost from this Derived Characteristic, a corresponding one point is lost from your Presence Characteristic; when it is
reduced to 0, the character becomes technically insane and his actions are taken over by the GM to reflect this.
eriving allows Referees to create new Characteristics on the fly, leaving their original Characteristics
D unchanged. This means as you move characters between Fuzion campaigns, you’ll find it easy to both cre-
ate and generate new Derived Characteristics, even if you didn’t have them to begin with.

Increasing or Decreasing Characteristics (Primary)

5 Characteristics generally may not be increased or decreased directly. However, certain Talents or Powers that may or may not
be available in your campaign setting may allow you to increase a Characteristic, either temporarily or permanently. Certain
Complications may also decrease a Characteristic. Or, as last resort, you may attempt to convince your GM to allow you to use Option
Points (pg. 13) in increase a Characteristic at a ratio of five OP for every point of Characteristic increase.


Inherent Options, Gadgets, & Bought Options
1 C A M PA I G N
4 nherent options are things that are part of the character;
n any campaign, char- I they are as much a part of him as his Characteristics. They
acters will need to get
the basic Skills, Talents,
cannot be taken from him (under most circumstances), but they also
cannot be used by anyone else. Inherent items usually include Skills,
Talents, Perks and (where applicable) Powers, and are always pur-
& Perks and Equipment chased with Option Points.
with which to fight, pro- In contrast, a Gadget is something that is bought with Power
tect themselves, and Points just like a Power, but is a distinct, separate thing from the per-
generally adventure. son that created it. This allows it to be used by others, but also means
These CAMPAIGN it can be destroyed or otherwise taken away. When this happens, the
OPTIONS are usually spe- points used to construct the Gadget are not lost per se, but the Gadget
must be then re-acquired or rebuilt via roleplaying. (A quest for a lost
cific to a style or genre of game; what works in a science
Gadget is a gold mine for any enterprising GM!). Good examples of
fiction adventure from the far future would be mind-bend- Gadgets are magical items, special weapons, or superpowered equip-
ingly out of place in a medieval fantasy setting. The pre- ment that is integral to the character (like a utility belt, armor suit or
cise list of campaign options available in a particular power source). Anything that is not commonly available (“on the shelf”)
campaign will always vary according to each GM’s deci- technology is a Gadget and should be paid for with Power Points.
sions. But as a general rule, they all break down into Bought Options are things that can be paid for with money. Bought
SKILLS, TALENTS, & PERKS, EQUIPMENT, and POWERS; all of items most often include vehicles and equipment. Unlike Inherent
which are purchased using Campaign Option Points [OP]. options, bought options can be used by others. They can also be
destroyed or taken away from a character and must be replaced by
OPTION POINTS using money or new Option Points gained through Experience (pg. 34).
2 hen starting a new character; everything he/she In general, any piece of equipment that is commonly available (“on the
W owns or knows is purchased with OPTION POINTS
(OP). Why is this? The main reason is that it allows players to
shelf”) should be purchased with Option Points or money.

accurately scale characters; everything costs Option Points, and Buying Powers with Power Points (PP)
you know what you’re getting in relation to something else. This 5 ecause Powers (pg. 22) can inherently unbalance most
also makes it harder for players to create characters who are
unfair or unbalanced in relationship to other characters; as long
B games, you should provide players in superheroic or magi-
cal settings with a separate pool of Points just for buying initial Powers.
as you have similar levels of Option Points, you know that any This not only gives the GM a better handle on controlling the effects
two characters will be relatively similar in terms of what they of Powers on his game, but also makes it easier to improve these
have, know or can do. Option Points are given to Players by the Powers by adding new points to this separate pool.
GM at the start of character creation (still more points will Important: If allowing players to put extra Option Points into this sep-
come from Complications and experience awards). arate point group, remember that 5 OP= 1 Power Point.
The following point values are merely guidelines based on the
style of the Can’t Find the Power You Want?
campaign. CAMPAIGN STYLE OPTION POINTS Maybe you’re looking in the wrong place. Many superheroic Powers
Individual EVERYDAY [REALISTIC] 20—30 are actually superhuman Characteristics instead. If you really want to
campaigns COMPETENT [ELITE, SEMI-REALISTIC.] 30-—40 build a guy with a STR of 25, get your GM’s permission to exchange
may have HEROIC [TV ACTION SHOW] 40-—50 some of your Power or Option Points for Characteristic Points. Power
very differ- INCREDIBLE [OLYMPICS, ACTION MOVIE] 50-—60 points interchange with Characteristics on a 1 to 1 basis; Option
ent numbers. LEGENDARY [BLOCKBUSTER ACTION MOVIE] 60-—70 Points on a 5 to 1 basis.
Not Enough Power Points?
acter cre- With the permission of the GM, you can add Option Points to your Power
ation, all remaining Option Points can be converted to money pool at a ratio of five Option Points to one Power Point.
units on a 100 money units to 1 OP basis (whether gold, credits
eurobucks, yen, zolotnies, whatever).

Buying Complex Things with Power Points

Trading Option Points for Characteristic 6 hile Option Points can be translated into money with which
Points (Primary)
Option Points are not normally interchangeable with
W to buy equipment, complex things (like vehicles) can also
be rated in points independent of their monetary value. After all, a tractor
Characteristic Points (which are used only to buy Characteristics) might cost $50,000.ºº, but how useful would it be to your character? It’s
However, in certain situations (such as superheroic not worth 500 OP, that’s for sure!
games or where a character has undergone some For this reason, most vehicles, mecha and large weapons in
sweeping or fundamental change), you can use Option

FUZION will have a Power Point value listed separate from their mon-
Points to raise a Characteristic at a ratio of five Option etary cost, based on the same 5 to 1 ratio used to buy Powers (above)
Points to one Characteristic Point. These improvements So if a GM wants his players to buy their own Big Hardware, he should
must be granted by the GM of the particular game you are in. make sure to give them an extra 100~150 OP to play with!

ne way to get more Option Points when creating a character is to take on a few Complications—social, mental, phys-
O ical, or emotional situations/problems that define and enhance your character; they can also be linked to various
Lifepath events [pg. 4 - 5] to add to a character’s background. Complications will vary depending on the campaign. The
Value of a Complication is based on its FREQUENCY, INTENSITY AND IMPORTANCE:

ust how often does your problem impact your life? The
J answer is the problem’s Frequency; how often the GM can
inflict it upon you as part of the trade for those extra OP. This table
These involve your Mental Problems and flaws:
ABSENT MINDED .You have strange lapses of memory. You often: Forget
generally known facts (5). Forget friends, family (10). Forget your own identity (15).
works for all complications: BIPOLAR. You are a classic manic/depressive, prone to fits of erratic, up moods punc-
tuated with severe terrifying depressions. You are often: Moody (5). Liable to lie
around and mope (10). Liable to run around frenetically risking life and limb or sink
INFREQUENTLY 5 Once every few gaming sessions
into a miserable stupor (15). Suicidal (20).
FREQUENTLY 10 Once every gaming session
DELUSIONS. You believe things that are not real. You may hear voices, think aliens are
CONSTANTLY 15 More than once every gaming session
after you, or that you are God. You will: Risk ostracism, embarrassment (5). Risk hos-
pitalization, bodily harm or financial/social ruin (10). Risk life & limb (15) .
2 ntensity reflects how hard it is to overcome the complication,
MASOCHIST. You hate yourself, and will go out of your way to injure yourself. To do
this, you may: Seek verbal abuse (5). Seek minor physical abuse (10), Seek major
I or just how much it affects you. Each Complication has its own
Intensity rating written in parenthesis ( ) right after it, but we also pro-
physical abuse (15). Seek life threatening abuse (20).
PHOBIA. You have a phobia; and unreasoning fear of some common thing, such as
dogs, heights, sounds or color. When faced with your phobia, you feel: Discomfort
vide you with a handy table of general roleplaying guidelines:
(5). Paralyzing Fear (10). Berserk Terror (15). Catatonic (20).
INTENSITY/VALUE GUIDELINE PARANOIA (just because you think they’re after you...). You think you have enemies,
MILD [5] May roleplay to overcome it, or make Everyday everywhere. Sometimes you are focussed on one foe, other times, there may be
WILL+Concentration Roll to overcome it legions. You react to your paranoia by: Incoherently ranting (5). Compulsively working
STRONG [10] Must roleplay it and make Exceptional on defenses against Them (10). Risking incarceration, bodily harm, social or financial
WILL+Concentration Roll to overcome it ruin to stop Them (15). Risking life & limb (20).
SEVERE [15] Must roleplay it and make Incredible SPLIT PERSONALITY. You’re two, two, TWO people in one! [GM controls this personali-
WILL+Concentration Roll to overcome it ty, has character sheet for it, etc.]. Your other self: Likes you (5). Is neutral to you
EXTREME [20] Must roleplay it and make Legendary (10). Hostile to you (15). Dangerous to you in actions (20).
WILL+Concentration Roll to overcome it

Example: Stubborn: Risk incarceration, bodily harm or financial/ social ruin

[10] means the Intensity of this Complication will get you 10 points. PERSONALITY TRAITS
IMPORTANCE It’s the little things that count; your good & bad habits,
3 mportance rates how important the Complication is to the char- basic traits and characteristics.
Iacter and the Campaign. For example, taking Foreigner in a
place where everyone is from another place is pretty valueless, but in a
AIRHEAD. Oh Wow! You’re just naturally spacy. In general, you: Misplace minor, triv-
ial things (5). Misplace or forget to do important things (10). Misplace or forget to
deal with dangerous things (15). Dangerously oblivious to everything; the GM never
xenophobic environment, it takes on major importance. Another measure
asks you to make a perception roll unless you request it (20).
of Importance is its effect on your character’s survival; if it can kill you, it’s BAD TEMPERED. You’re just irritable, all the time. When your temper flares: You’ll
generally more important than something that may complicate your role- risk embarrassment, or financial loss (5). You’ll risk incarceration, bodily harm or
playing.The final application is up to the GM. financial/social ruin (10). You’ll risk life & limb (15).
COWARD. You lack nerve, especially in combat. When faced with danger: You trem-
ble at anything you imagine as danger (5). You freeze up and can’t react (10). You
MINOR [divide by 5] Minor effect on combat or damage, with
try to run as far away as possible (15).
minor (-1) effect on skills or world reaction.
OBSESSED. You just can’t get that special (to you) person or thing out of your mind.
MAJOR [divide by 2] Major effect on combat (-3), or 1 and half
You: Talk about it all the time and will risk embarrassment, or financial loss over it
times damage, serious effect on skills or
(5). You’ll risk incarceration, bodily harm or financial/social ruin over it (10). You’ll

world reaction, or puts character into danger.

risk life & limb over it (15).
EXTREME [x1] Extreme effect on combat (-5), or 2x dam-
SHY. You hate dealing with others. You: Refuse to speak to new people (5). Avoid
age, or extreme effect on skills or world reac-
all interactions with new people (10). Will physically remove self from situations
tion, or puts character into extreme danger.
involving new people (15).
STUBBORN. You just hate to give in—to anyone. To prove you’re right: You’ll risk
4 o determine the value of a Complication, add together the
embarrassment, or financial loss (5). You’ll risk incarceration, bodily harm or finan-

T Frequency Value, the Intensity Value, and multiply the result-

ing total by the Importance. Example: I take Responsibility as a
cial/social ruin (10). You’ll risk life & limb (15).
BERSERKER. You can’t control your fighting rage— you rabidly: Attack whatever set
you off (5). Attack anyone within range except friends (10). Attack anyone in range
Complication. I decide that this affects me Frequently (10), and I decide (15). Attack anyone in range and won’t stop until subdued forcibly or exhaust-
ed/stunned (20).
I’m responsible for the care of my aged Aunt Meg. Since she is very old, UNLUCKY. Things never go your way; you have constant disasters. Travel and
she’s considered to be Challenged (Intensity 10), but since I’m not in adventure only hold for you: Inconvenient misfortunes (5). Costly or dangerous
any danger and my skills aren’t affected (divide by 5), taking care of my misfortunes (10). Very costly or dangerous misfortunes (15). Deadly, life threat-
aged aunt is worth (10+10)/5 = 4 Points. But if Aunt Meg was con- ening dangers (20).
stantly exposed to extreme danger that I had to rescue her from, I could
milk the situation for up to 20 points! Good ol’ Aunt Meg!
These are Physical problems you must cope with: These are forces which are actively working against you.
AGE. You are either younger than usual or older; this is reflected in your Your Enemy’s value is determined by three things: their
characteristics: Very old/young: Reduce any 2 Characteristics (except Mental Group)
Capabilities, their Extent, and their Intensity of enmity against you:
by 2 (10). Extremely old/young: Reduce Reduce any 3 Characteristics (except Mental
CAPABILITIES. What can they do to you? Are they: Less powerful than you? (5). As pow-
Group) by 3 (15).
erful as you? (10). More powerful than you? (15). Have access to powerful weapons,
DYSLEXIA. You see letters and numbers as a jumble, or reversed. This means you:
powers or hardware? (20).
Read very slowly (5). Cannot read or write (10).
EXTENT. How far can they reach? Are they: Limited to single town or area? (5). Limited
EPILEPSY. You fall into convulsive fits that incapacitate you. What sets off the fit (as

to a single country? (10) Worldwide in their influence? (15) Interdimensional or Galactic
determined by the GM) is: Uncommon (5). Common (10). Very Common (15).
MISSING LIMB. Ouch! That hurt! You’re missing: 1 or more fingers (5). A hand (10
each). An arm (15 each). NOTE: Instead of using the normal Intensity table, use the following
REDUCED HEARING. You are hard of hearing. Generally, to make a hearing based scale:
Perception check, you will need: To beat a Target Number 4 points higher than every-
one else's (5). A Hearing aid just to hear at all (10). New ears; you’re totally deaf (15).
INTENSITY. What do they want from you? Are you: Being watched? (divide by
REDUCED MOBILITY. You are unable to get around normally. Your Movement: Is reduced 5). Being hunted for capture or imprisonment? (divide by 2). Marked for
by quarter (5). Is reduced by half (10). Is reduced to dragging by arms at a MOVE of 1 death? (1).
(15). Nonexistent; you’re a total quadriplegic; unable to move below the neck (20).
es (10). Are nearly blind or one-eyed (15). Are totally blind (20). RESPONSIBILITIES
UNCONTROLLABLE CHANGE. You are prone to uncontrollable changes; these may be physi-
cal or mental (depending on what you negotiate with the GM). What sets off the These are things you have chosen to deal with, no mat-
change is: Uncommon (5). Common (10). Very Common (15). ter how much trouble they cause. Codes of Honor,
VOCAL IMPAIRMENT. Your voice is somehow damaged. When you speak, you can: Only Family Matters; these are all Responsibilities:
whisper, stammer or stutter (5). Only make sounds, but cannot speak (10). Cannot CODE OF HONOR. These are the personal rules you will not break, no matter
make a sound (15). what. A Code of Honor might be a code against killing, never attacking from
VULNERABILITY. You’re susceptible to a certain situation or substance and take extra behind, or never suffering an insult without an answer in blood. To keep your
damage when exposed to it. The substance or situation is: Uncommon (5). Common Code, you will: Risk expulsion or embarrassment (5). Risk bodily harm or finan-
(10). Very Common (15). cial ruin (10). Risk life & limb (15).
SUSCEPTIBILITY: You are harmed or take damage from a certain situation or substance SENSE OF DUTY. You always do the Right Thing, and follow a higher Moral Code
that is harmless to most people. The substance or situation is: Uncommon (5). towards those you feel responsible for. You will do this: For your friends (5). For a
Common (10). Very Common (15) special group/organization (10). For all Humanity (15). For all Life Itself (20).
VOW. This is a promise you must keep, no matter what. It could be to protect
someone, follow an ideal, or just get that stupid Ring into that distant volcano. To
fulfill this promise, you’ll: Risk Expulsion or embarrassment (5). Risk bodily harm or
SOCIAL COMPLICATIONS: financial ruin (10). Risk life & limb (15).
These are things with serious Social and Societal con- DEPENDENTS. These are those who need your protection and help. They could
sequences for you: include children, family, or friends. Generally, they are: Equal to you in abilities (5).
Challenged, or otherwise weaker than you (10). Have special problems, require-
PUBLIC FIGURE. You are a figure in the media limelight; you can’t make a move with-
ments or dangers associated with them (15).
out getting attention: You are newsworthy and your activities rate an article if a
reporter is nearby (5). You frequently make headlines and people always notice your
actions on the street (10). Your every action makes news and you have reporters fol-
lowing you everywhere (15). COMPULSIVE BEHAVIORS
BAD REP. People “know” about you. At least, everyone’s heard a story or two, even These are behaviors you must act upon; you just can’t
if untrue. When you are mentioned or seen, you are: Frequently recognized (5). help yourself.
Always recognized (10). ADDICTION/DEPENDENCE. You must have a particular substance or situation or you
SECRET IDENTITY. You are trying to hide your activities under a secret identity or other will suffer severe mental or physical duress. The substance/situation you need
smoke screen. You currently are: Living a normal life, unnoticed by anyone (5). Are is: Common (5). Uncommon (10). Rare (15). Very Rare (20).
bothered by a single person trying to uncover your real identity (10). Everyone’s trying HONESTY. You always tell the truth, even if it hurts. To be honest, you’ll even: Risk
to uncover your real identity (15). expulsion, embarrassment, or financial loss (5). Risk bodily harm or
POVERTY. Money is hard to come by for you, harder than for most. You are, financial- financial/social ruin (10). Risk life & limb (15).
ly- wise: Poor, with just enough for a bed and a few meager meals (5). Dead Broke IMPULSIVENESS. You just can’t help yourself; you always jump into things without
and probably on the street with barely enough to eat (10). In debt, with others active- thinking. To follow a whim, you’ll: Risk expulsion or embarrassment (5). Risk bod-
ly seeking to collect what little you have (15). ily harm, social or financial ruin (10). Risk life & limb (15).
PERSONAL HABITS. People just can’t stand you. Maybe it’s the bad breath or the nose INTOLERANCE. You’re bigoted and intolerant of those who are different from you.
picking, but they find you: Annoying (5). Disgusting (10). Horrible (15). When you encounter them, you are: Civil but distant (5). Rude and verbally abu-
OPPRESSED. You are part of an oppressed or otherwise downtrodden group. In your sive (10). Violently abusive (15). Abusive even at risk of life and limb (20).
society, you are: Snubbed; others ignore or refuse to deal with you (5). Oppressed; JEALOUSY. You are jealous to the extreme. Towards the one you “love”, you are:
there are laws controlling where you live, work or can travel (10). Outcast; you’re a total Obsessed and watchful (5). Confrontative and accusatory (10. Physically violent
non-person (15). Enslaved; you’re treated as property and can be sold or mistreated (15).
at will (20). KLEPTOMANIA. You steal things compulsively. You can’t help it; you’ll even: Risk
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES. You stand out and are noticed in any crowd, with features that arrest or embarrassment (5). Risk bodily harm or financial/social ruin (10). Risk

are: Easily concealed (5). Concealable with Disguise or Performance skills (10). Not life & limb (15).
concealable (15). LECHEROUS. You can’t resist grabbing or pawing someone you find attractive, or at
OUTSIDER. You’re not a local, and stand out like a sore thumb, attracting attention least making lewd comments. You’ll even: Risk expulsion, embarrassment, or finan-
both unwelcome and possibly dangerous. You are obviously: From distant place (5). cial loss (5). Risk bodily harm or financial or social ruin (10). Risk life & limb (15).
From very distant place (10). Never before seen in these parts (15).

he first thing most characters will want to buy with their Option Points
T are Skills. Skills are things the character knows or can do; they repre-
sent his or her level of knowledge and accomplishment. Skills are normally
rated from one to ten, and are used in game play by adding the level of the
Skill to the level of the most applicable Characteristic the skill is related to.
he good news is, every character gets a free starting group of skills to
T begin with, so that he won’t be totally helpless in his new environment:
Everyman Skills.

1 veryman skills are things generally known by everyone in all specific cul-
E tures or time periods: Perception, Concentration, Education, Persuasion,
Athletics, Teacher, Local Expert (Knowledge of your area), Hand-to-Hand, and Hand-to-
Hand Evade. These are given free to all characters by the GM, and have an automatic
starting level of 2; about what the average person would know about his world. Each
can be improved by adding Skill levels on an individual basis. An individual GM may wish
kills are like Characteristics; they
S have a range of effectiveness that is
related to how much they cost. Here’s a
to add or remove skills from the Everyman category to suit his particular game; in a far
future setting, for example, everyone may use computers, but only special people may
have any athletic skills. The Everyman skill category gives you the flexibility to tailor the
simple guideline to skill levels in the level of your culture as desired.
Fuzion system: GENERAL SKILLS
2 nlike Everyman Skills, General Skills are purchased at the cost of one
0 OR LESS CHALLENGED You don’t know how to do this task at
U Option Point for every level of skill; for example, to have 4 levels in
Firearms would cost 4 OP.
all. Buying a skill generally gets you the ability to do pretty much everything described by
that skill. However, some
campaign settings may
1-2 EVERYDAY You’ve learned the basics of this
task, and can do this thing most of
require that you specify PTS S KILLS , TALENTS & P ERKS ROLL
the time, though not very well. You’re how a skill will be used 3 Perception 11
an apprentice or a beginner. (for example, picking 4 Concentration 7
what kind of Scientist 2 Education 10
3-4 COMPETENT You are well trained and practiced in (Physicist, Chemist, etc.)
this skill, and can perform it well in you intend to be. In these
6 Persuasion 12
everyday circumstances. You can cases, you may need to 6 Athletics 13
handle unusual applications of the take additional “special- 2
skill with some difficulty. You’re con-
Teacher 8
sidered a professional.
izations” of that skill to 4 Local Knowledge 12
be able to use it in other 2 Hand-to-Hand 10
5-6 HEROIC You are a master of this skill, and are ways (for example, Sci-
entist [Physicist] and
2 Hand-to-Hand Evade 9 COMB
capable of unusual applications of
the skill. You are considered a master Scientist [Chemist]. 5 Firearms 13 AAttack

craftsman. The list of possible 6 Swordplay 14 Block

skills one could encounter 42 Total Points Get Up
in a Fuzion game is as Grab

7-8 INCREDIBLE A skill at this level means you’re one of Run

the very best in the world. You are at
wide as the possible cam-
ease with unusual applications of the paign settings. Other Action
skill, or even new applications. This is Throw
entering the realm of fiction, of amazing What’s compiled on Aim
skill that’s not quite impossible! the next page are typi- Choke Hold
cal skills applicable to Dive for Cover
9-10 LEGENDARY A skill at this level puts you in the realm
of the greatest practitioners of this skill many superheroic set- Draw & Attack
in history. You are pushing forward the tings or modern action Escape
boundaries of the skill and what it can genres. Feel free to Haymaker
be used for, and have entered the Move Thru
use these as a guide-
realm of genius and of fiction.
line for your adven- ABOVE: Steve’s Character Sheet with Skills
MORE THAN SUPERHEROIC Skills at this level are better than any- tures as each Fuzion campaign will usually have its own list.
10 one could believe in the real world.
This realm belongs to comic books,
science fiction, fantasy or mythology.
GENERAL SKILLS EXPLANATION ELECTRONICS The ability to identify, understand, repair, and rewire
ACROBATICS The ability to perform flips, jumps, and rolls like a cir- electronic devices. (TECH)
cus acrobat. You can also jump and flip over an obsta- EXPERT Any one field of knowledge: stamps, gardening, Bay
cle, landing on your feet, ready to fight. (DEX) City Police Department, paranormal law, and so forth.
ACTING The ability to act; to assume a role or character. This can be a hobby, or an in-depth knowledge of a
Someone who is skilled in this can fake moods or specific field or area. (INT)
emotions, or hide his true identity. (PRE) FIREARMS Firing semi-automatic pistols, revolvers, rifles, shot-
ANIMAL HANDLER The skills of animal handling, training, and care as guns, and crossbows. (REF)
applicable. (INT) FORENSIC MEDICINE This skill lets the character make inferences from a
ATHLETICS Basic Athletics skills; dodging, escaping, throwing, corpse about the cause of death, how long the corpse
swimming. (DEX) has been dead, and so forth. (TECH)
AUTOFIRE WEAPONS Use of machine-guns. full-autofire weapons and FORGERY The ability to create false documents, identification,

attacks, etc. (REF) currency, and so forth. (TECH)
BRIBERY A character with this skill knows when to bribe some- GAMBLING The ability to win gambling games that require some
one, how to approach him, and how much to offer. skill, such as blackjack, poker, and more exotic games.
(PRE) A character may also use this skill to cheat. (TECH)
BUGGING The ability to properly implant and operate listening, GUNNERY Firing vehicle-mounted weapons, mecha weapons,
visual, or other sensing devices (“bugs.”) (TECH) ship-mounted weapons and artillery. (REF)
BUREAUCRATICS You know how to deal with bureaucrats, cut out red HACKING Skills of electronic intrusion into computer systems,
tape, who to talk to, how to reach them, and how to including illegal entry and virus code writing. (TECH)
extract information from bureaucracies. (PRE) HAND TO HAND Basic skill at fighting with your hands. Adding Martial
BUSINESS Knowledge of basic business practices, laws of supply Arts (page 30 - 31) allows the character to use Martial
and demand, employee management, accounting, Arts maneuvers and actions. (REF)
procurement, sales, marketing. (INT) HAND TO HAND EVADE Basic skill at getting out of the way of someone who
CLIMBING Ability to climb unusually difficult walls, trees, and is trying to hit you. This skill is used for defense when
buildings, as long as there are handholds. The basic you are being attacked by someone using the Hand-to-
climbing speed is 2 m/y per phase. (STR) Hand Skill. (DEX)
COMPUTER PROGRAMMING The ability to program and operate computers. (TECH) HEAVY WEAPONS Use of military weapons such as RPGs, mortars, rock-
CONCEALMENT You can hide things and find things that other people ets, hand-held missiles, etc. (REF)
have hidden — like important papers, weapons, jew- HIGH SOCIETY The knowledge of upper-class culture: what clothes to
els, artifacts, drugs, and so forth. (INT) wear, what are considered sophisticated drinks, and
CONCENTRATION The abilities of focus and mental control. This would how to mingle with royalty and other VIPs. (PRE)
encompass feats of memory, recall, physiological con- INTERROGATION The ability to forcibly extract information from people.
trol, and Mental Powers. (WILL) The character knows how to avoid leaving marks, can
CONTORTIONIST The ability to manipulate your body to get out of ropes judge how close a victim is to death or breaking, and
and similar bonds. You may also contort your body to is an expert at manipulating subjects into revealing
fit into generally inaccessible places or spaces. (DEX) desired information. (PRE)
CONVERSATION This ability allows you to extract information from INVENTOR This skill enables the character to design and con-
people with careful conversation. The use of this skill struct new devices. To use Inventor, the character
takes time, and if the roll is missed, the subject real- needs the complementary science skills in the field he
izes he is being pumped for information. (PRE) is working in. (TECH)
CRIMINOLOGY You know how to look for clues, dust for fingerprints, LANGUAGES Must specify one particular language group (or dialect,
examine evidence, do ballistic tests, examine records, computer
search through files, and so on. (TECH) code, type LATIN-BASED: French, Spanish, Italian,
CRYPTOGRAPHY The ability to solve simple ciphers and encrypt or of sign lan- Portuguese
decode messages. (INT) guage or CHINESE: Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Thai
DEDUCTION This is the art of taking several facts and leaping to an hand sig- NORTH ASIAN: Japanese, Korean
inobvious conclusion. This skill should be used spar- nals). Must SOUTH ASIAN: Thai, Burmese
ingly. (INT) specify pri- SLAVIC: Russian, Polish, Czech
DEMOLITIONS The ability to properly use, handle, set, and defuse mary lan- GERMANIC: German, Dutch, English, Afrikaans,
Yiddish, Swiss
explosives (TECH) guage (see SCANDINAVIAN: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish.
DISGUISE The ability to change a character’s appearance chart) in the MID-EASTERN: Arabic, Persian. Hebrew, Berber.
through makeup, costumes, body language, and facial family; all COMPUTER: BASIC, C++, Fortran, Cobol.
expression. (TECH) others in
DRIVING Driving cars, motorcycles, jeeps, trucks, tanks, hover- that group are at 1/2 of primary. (INT)
craft, and other ground vehicles. Generally, this skill LIP READING This skill enables the character to read someone’s lips

must be purchased for one class of vehicles. (REF) in order to tell what he is saying. The character must
EDUCATION General knowledge, such as math, history, science, be able to see his target’s mouth clearly. (INT)
trivia, or current events. (INT)

LOCAL EXPERT Knowledge of an area; who’s who, where things are, SLEIGHT OF HAND The ability to palm items, fool the eye, perform magic
general customs, schedules, and peculiarities of the tricks, etc. (REF)
environment. (INT)
LOCKPICKING This skill allows the character to open key, combina- STEALTH The ability to hide in shadows, move silently or avoid
tion, electronic, and magnetic locks. (TECH) detection in combat situations. (DEX)
MECHANICS Skill with mechanical devices and the knowledge of STREETWISE This skill gives the character knowledge of the seamy
how to repair, replace, and build them. (TECH) side of civilization: he knows how to find the black
MELEE WEAPONS Using all different types of melee weapons, such as market, talk to thugs, gain information, and so on.
knives, clubs, axes, swords, spears, etc. (REF) (PRE)
MELEE EVADE Basic skill at getting out of the way of someone who SURVIVAL This skill enables the character to live off the land, find
is trying to strike you with a weapon. This skill is used food and water, identify dangerous plants and ani-
for defense when you are being attacked by someone mals, and so on. (INT)
using the Melee Weapons Skill. (DEX) SURVEILLANCE The ability to set up a static surveillance of a subject
MIMICRY The ability to perfectly imitate someone else’s voice. without having it detected. (INT)
(PRE) SYSTEMS OPERATIONS This skill allows the character to operate sensing and
NAVIGATION Knowing how to take sightings, use maps and charts, communications devices. The character should choose
plot courses, work from wind, weather, and other what type of system he knows how to operate (such as
guides. (INT) Radar, microwave transmitters, LANs, etc.) (TECH)
ORATORY The ability to speak to an audience and to deliver a TACTICS The ability to fight effectively and efficiently. A char-
convincing presentation. (PRE) acter with this skill is an expert at combat, and usual-
PARAMEDIC This skill enables the character to stop bleeding, repair ly knows what must be done to win a battle. (INT)
damage, and generally keep someone alive. (TECH) TEACHER The ability to impart information or skills to other. (PRE)
PERCEPTION The skill of observation, perception and spotting hidden TRACKING The ability to follow a trail by observing tracks, marks,
things (like clues), detecting lies and emotions. broken twigs, and so forth. (INT)
PERSUASION The ability to convince, persuade, or influence individ- TRADING The ability to strike a good bargain with a merchant or
uals. (PRE) customer. (PRE)
PILOT Flying prop aircraft, civilian jets, military jets, heli- USE POWER The ability to use a paranormal power or supernatural
copters, etc. A specific class of vehicle must be chosen skill. This must be bought for the various groups of
for this skill. (DEX) powers the character might have, such as his attack
PROFESSIONAL The ability to perform a certain profession (such as Multipower, his flight, and so forth. Generally, this skill
artist, actor, doctor, hockey player, mason, secretary, can be bought for any group of powers that are con-
taxi driving, etc.) Obviously, certain other skills will nected by a common special effect. This skill is used
greatly enhance the character’s ability to practice his with attack powers to make attacks, to operate certain
profession. (INT) powers (for example, Use Flight would allow a charac-
RANGED EVADE Basic skill at getting out of the way of someone who ter to make radical flight maneuvers, etc.) and is also
is trying to shoot you with any type of ranged weapon, used when trying to use a power in a clever way (for
be it a pistol shot, an energy blast, a thrown car, or instance, varying the frequency of your force field to
whatever. This skill is used for defense when you are match another force field, or similar pseudo-science).
being attacked by a ranged attack. (DEX) The Technique Characteristic should be used when
RESEARCH Skills in using libraries, databases, records, as well as making Skill Rolls for Use Power, though other Stats
uncovering information from obscure or uncommon may be used if the GM decides the situation warrants
sources. (INT) (for instance, using Will in a contest of Power versus
RIDING This skill enables a character to ride a living creature Power in a classic comic book or magical confronta-
under difficult circumstances. The type of animal (usu- tion). The Power Points in the Power could even be

ally horse) must be specified when this skill is pur- used as the “Characteristic” if the GM feels the situa-
chased. (DEX) tion is appropriate. (Varies)
SCIENCE Knowledge of lab techniques, how to design experi- VENTRILOQUIST The character can make his voice sound as if it’s com-
ments, how to write scientific papers, test hypotheses, ing from somewhere other than himself. (PRE)
etc. for your appropriate field of science. Must specify WARDROBE AND STYLE A grasp of fashion, wardrobe, and personal grooming.
your area of study when this skill is purchased. (INT) A character with this skill knows how to show off
SECURITY SYSTEMS The ability to recognize and evade various types of clothes and look his best. (PRE)
alarms and traps. The character also knows how to set WEAPONSMITH The character knows how to build, maintain and repair
up alarms and traps, given the proper time and equip- weapons of various types. The class of weapon (mus-
ment. (TECH) cle-powered, firearms, energy weapons, other) must
SEDUCTION The ability to gain others’ trust by offering companion- be specified when this skill is purchased. (TECH)
ship or favors. (PRE)
SHADOWING The ability to subtly follow someone. Also the ability to
spot and lose a tail. (INT)
TALENTS DOUBLE JOINTED: You can bend your limbs and joints in impossible
alents are an innate ability, (but not nec- ways. You can fit into any space equal to half your
T essarily superhuman) that cannot nor-
mally be learned or taught, such as a bump
height and width and it is impossible to tie you up
or entangle you with a single rope; you can only
be restrained using restraints like cuffs, shack-
of direction or the ability to see in the dark. The list of les, or nets.
Talents below is a general one; which ones are available EIDETIC MEMORY: You never forget anything you have read, seen,
depends on each GM’s decisions about the campaign set- heard, smelled, or touched.
ting. Each one of these Talents costs 3 points each. If lev- HIGH PAIN
els (indicated by a ✚) can be taken in the Talent, each addi- THRESHOLD: You are especially resistant to pain and shock.
tional level will cost another 3 OP: When wounded, you will reduce the amount of
STUN taken by 2 points each time and the
effects of Impairing wounds (when used) by -2.

IMMUNITY: You are immune to the effects of one specific
ACUTE SENSES: One of your five senses (sight, sound, smell,
poison or disease group (must specify).
touch, taste) is extremely acute. If the sense is
INTUITION: You have an uncanny feel for hunches; the GM
touch, you can read print with your fingertips,
will give you a chance to make a Perception roll
feel tumblers moving in a lock, and determine
whenever he thinks you might get a hunch, even
subtle differences in materials by feel. If the
if there are no perceptible clues present.
sense is smell, you can instantly detect people
or substances by scent alone and can track
CALCULATOR: You can automatically do complex mathematical
them like a bloodhound. If the sense is sight, you
operations in your head without using any aids.
automatically gain a +1 bonus in all sight related
LIGHT SLEEPER: You wake instantly from even the lightest touch
Perception checks, and treat all ranged attack
or smallest sound (no Perception check
modifiers as being 2 points less than normal. If
the sense is taste, you can perceive subtle addi-
LONGEVITY: You are extremely long lived, but do not show any
tions to food and detect harmful substances
appreciable signs of aging. No matter how old you
with the barest taste.
are, you always look and feel as a person half
AMBIDEXTERITY: You can use tools and weapons with either hand
your age.
at no penalty (normally -3 for using off-hand).
NIGHT VISION: You can see in all but absolute darkness.
ANIMAL EMPATHY: Animals like you; they will never harm or attack
PERFECT PITCH: You always know if something's in tune, and
you unless severely provoked. You always seem
automatically gain at +3 bonus in any musically
to attract whatever animals are common to the
related task (singing, playing instruments, etc).
area, and they will immediately gravitate to your
RAPID HEALING: You heal extremely fast, recovering an extra 3
side, although they may not necessarily do what
Hits per time unit in addition to your normal
you ask them to.
healing rate.
SCHTICK: A schtick is a special habit or personal affec-
HANDSOME: You are extremely good looking; people will auto-
tation that has little or no actual effect on
matically stop and stare at you when you pass,
skills or combat abilities. Examples might be:
and you are generally surrounded by admirers.
always having a wind wafting your hair or cape
In addition, you automatically have a +1 bonus
dramatically, always having dramatic lighting
to your Persuasion, Performance, and Ward-
striking your face, being able to toss your hat
robe/Style skills for each level taken. ✚
on a hook when you walk in; always having a
BLIND REACTION: You can counterattack (in hand to hand only) with cigar hidden somewhere on your person, etc.
no negative modifiers for darkness or being Schticks must be okayed by the GM and
obscured (-4), even if you can't see or hear your should never have an important combat or
opponent. skill application—always shooting the gun out
COMBAT SENSE: Your reflexes are keyed for danger; you auto- of the bad guy’s hand would be a very dan-
matically react faster to danger than anyone gerous schtick to allow.
else; for every level taken (up to 5) you may add SIMULATE DEATH: You can lower your heart rate and breathing to
+1 to your Initiative rolls (in combat only).✚ such a low level that it is a Legendary
COMMON SENSE: You always look before you leap; the GM must give Difficulty to tell whether you are dead or not.
you warning whenever you’re about to do some- SPEED READER: You can read one page of any normal text that
thing particularly foolish, even if there are no per- you are familiar with in three seconds (you can
ceptible clues present. He doesn’t have to speci- read a 200 page book in 10 minutes).
fy the danger, just that "this might not be a smart TIME SENSE: You always know what time it is, always know
idea..." how much time has elapsed between the pre-
DIRECTION SENSE: You are never lost; always know where North is

sent and the last time you checked.

and can orient yourself easily without any exter-
nal cues.


erks are useful items, privileges, or contacts a character has access to in a cam- IMPROVING DERIVED STATS
P paign. Perks can be special licenses or symbols of authority, friends, favors or fringe
benefits accruing from a profession. They are purchased with Option Points just like any
It is possible to increase the value of
a Derived Stat beyond its starting
value. The chart shows what you get
Skill, and function as a value gauge of how powerful the Perk is (1 being lowest, 10 for each 5 Option Points spent. Of
being best—the GM is the final arbiter of course, you can also use Character
a Perk’s worth on the 1~10 scale); level 8 Points to buy up Derived Stats as
8 FBI Membership
or 9 should really mean something! well. In general, however, you’d be
2 Wealth (Upper Middle Class) Perks are extremely campaign dependent better served just to increase the
and should be created for each campaign indi- Primary Stat from which the Derived
vidually. Many Perks have mixed benefits, both good or bad, and game play should reflect this. Stat is figured, unless there is some
Think about it: A “Mafia Godfather” Contact might require a favor of YOU someday too! reason why you can’t (or shouldn’t.)
Once the GM has established the level of the Perk, he must decide just how much impact Note that normal humans have stat
that perk has on the world; for example, in maximums for Derived Stats, much
a superheroic game, being the head of a as they have Stat maximums for
CAMPAIGN STYLE MULTIPLY PERK BY huge corporation would be a character Primary Stats. In the case of Derived
VERY HIGH IMPACT ..................................................X4 affectation; in a cyberpunk campaign, that Stats, these maximums are figured
HIGH IMPACT .........................................................X3 same status would have SERIOUS impact. from the maximum value of the
MODERATE IMPACT ..................................................X2 Primary Stat(s) involved. For example,
The impact is matched to the chart below
LITTLE OR NO IMPACT ..............................................X1
and the basic cost for the Perk (listed below) the maximum stat for a normal
is multiplied by the value indicated. This will human in the Champions: New
be the final cost. Millennium campaign is 7. The maxi-
PERK NAME [COST PER LEVEL] DESCRIPTION mum Derived Stats for that normal
MEMBERSHIP [1 PER LEVEL] You can call upon the resources of an organization, person, government, human would be SD & ED of 14, SPD
or group—but you also have responsibilities. The level of Membership represents your of 4, RES of 14, REC of 14, END of
character’s status in the organization, not the influence of the group (that’s what the 70, STUN of 35, and HITS of 35. A
multipliers above are for). For example: A Membership of 1 at in the FBI would make character may buy his Derived Stats
you a janitor, but at 10 you’re the Director’s right-hand man. A version of this is up beyond this maximum, but he
Authority, in which the character is an agent of the law and has the power to arrest, must have some kind of reason
detain and use deadly force. (super-powers, magic, etc.) to exceed
LICENSE [1 PER LEVEL] The character has a legally sanctioned right to do things that would nor- those numbers.
mally be considered illegal (license to kill, to collect taxes, hunt criminals, etc). For 5 OPs or 1 CP, you can increase
Licenses are individual cases, granting YOU authority rather than “loaning” you use of your Derived Stats by choosing one of
the authority of a group (as above)—you get no resources, but you also don’t have so the following:
many responsibilities. By example: a license to sell arms might cost 2; A Private +2 SD & +2 ED
Investigator’s license 4; a Bounty Hunter’s license might cost 6; a CIA or secret ser- +1/2 SPD (Requires 2 CP or 10 OP
vice agent’s license 8, a Federal Marshal’s license costs about 9, and having an to increase by +1)
unconditional license to kill might cost 10. +1 REC
CONTACT [1 PER LEVEL] You know someone who can (and generally will) help you through money, +10 END
power or sheer skill, and this help is usually “off the record.” A mercenary who’ll occa- +3 Resistance
sionally back you up in a fight costs 3, a local Yakuza Boss costs 6, the head of the +5 STUN
FBI costs 9. Remember that the level of the contact is based on several factors: a stu- +5 HITS
dent’s not much, but a student who’s willing to die for you…
FAVOR [0.5 PER LEVEL] A one shot Contact; you can make use of this contact only once, but MONEY IN FUZION
they MUST do what you ask (as long as its appropriate). Note that it’s often useful to Generally, players with

have favors from a lot of people in different areas rather than one contact who does wealthy characters are dis-
everything. couraged from keeping track of
RENOWN [1 PER LEVEL] Your reputation, usually in a favorable light. People go out of their way to their money directly—it’s a lot of
curry favor with you, or to at least avoid getting on your bad side. At 3, most local peo- tedious bookkeeping. However, there
ple know you; at 6 you’re nationally known; at 9 you’re an international figure. may be times when you’ll absolutely
WEALTH [1 PER LEVEL] Characters are assumed to be lower middle class, but wealth boosts your NEED to know if you can buy that
lifestyle. Spending 1 OP places you comfortably in the middle class, capable of buying Caribbean island. In this case, you
common things and living in a decent place. Level 2 is upper middle class; you can might use the following rule: At Wealth
buy most everyday things and live in a very nice place. At levels 3~4, you are well to 1, the player has a disposable income
do and have more than enough money to support yourself; you need work only occa- of $1,000 per week; this value dou-
sionally, can afford costly hobbies, and have an expensive home. At 6 you’re rich; you bles for each additional level of
don’t have to work at all, can afford large purchases like cars or vacations, and live in Wealth—this means at Wealth 10, you
a very expensive home. At 9, you’re a millionaire, can live anywhere and buy almost could spend over 2 million dollars a
anything you want. The GM might let you exceed Wealth 10, making you a billionaire! year! Referees should be REALLY care-
ful letting this rules cat out of the bag!
ear is just one more thing your character will need to adventure. The list below is a sample of types of personal hardware used in the
G Champions setting; it is by no means exhaustive. NOTE: The values given here are in Option Points; to derive money costs, multiply the
OP cost by 100 monetary units. Also note some costs are in 10th points.


HIGH TECH OP PERSONAL COMPUTER ..................................................10 HOLOCHIPS (10)...........................................................1
BINOCULARS .................................................................1 8” x 12” x 2” laptop with LCD screen. 2 meg, with 100 Futuristic equivalents of tapes, music, and books.
For long distance observation. 30x power. meg memory (about 100,000 pages of information). 3 HOLORECORDER .............................................................2
“BUG”.........................................................................6 hour battery charge; recharge in 3 hours. Futuristic equivalent of a video recorder. Can record up to
Miniature listening device. Will transmit any sound within RADIO..........................................................................1 10 hours on a single chip. Projects hand-sized holo
10m/yds to a receiver up to a km away. Portable CB walky-talky. Range about 20 miles, 24 image for playback.
BUG DETECTOR .............................................................9 bands. INERTIAL COMPASS.........................................................3
Will detect any active or passive listening device within SKATES ........................................................................1 Small device about the size of a pack of cigarettes.
10m/yds Will determine location of bug, but not location For rapid travel on ice (reduces terrain type from Rough Records directions travelled and replays instructions and
of receiver. to Normal). map on LCD screen. Will always locate North. Adds +2
CAMERA ......................................................................1 SKIS ............................................................................2 to any Navigation skill.
Records still images on film. 24 exposures. For snow travel (reduces terrain from Rough to Normal). MACROGLASSES.............................................................1
CAMOUFLAGE COVERALL..................................................2 SNOWSHOES..................................................................1 Futuristic equivalent of binoculars, with digital range read-
Khaki overclothing, patterned to match Urban, Snow, For movement over deep snow (reduces terrain from Very outs, image enhancement, still recording of up to 10
Jungle, Forest, or Desert environments (specify). Adds Rough to Rough). images (stored on holochips).
+2 to any Stealth attempt. TAPE RECORDER ............................................................1 MEDICAL SCANNER ........................................................3
CAMP STOVE.................................................................1 About the size of a cigarette pack. 2 hours of audio on Hand-held scanner the size of a paperback book.
Runs on pressurized gas for 3 hours. Takes about 5 min- tape cassettes. Examines patient, gives procedures and diagnosis on
utes to boil water. TENT (NYLON) ...............................................................1 LCD screen. Adds +2 to any First Aid skills.
CANTEEN....................................................................01 Holds four. Can be set up in five minutes. MUSIC SYNTHESIZER ......................................................2
Holds 2 quarts. TOOLKNIFE ..................................................................05 Any type of electronic music device; can include key-
CD PLAYER...................................................................1 Classic “Swiss army” knife (DC.5). Saw, screwdrivers, boards, drum pads, stringed instruments, and MIDI wind
Plays compact laser-discs. About the size of a paperback tweezers, awls, etc. instruments. 10 hours per power cell.
book. UTILITY BELT...............................................................02 POWER CELLS (6).........................................................1
CELL PHONE .................................................................3 Belt or harness with pouches. Can be used to carry up to The “batteries” of the future, used to power most small
Cellular network phone. Range 10 km. 6 objects or devices up to the size of a large paperback devices and weapons. Come in packs of 6, each with a
DIVING GEAR ................................................................5 book. or a total combined weight no greater than 10kg. jack for wall. Recharging; takes 1 hour to recharge a sin-
Includes swim fins, wet suit, weight belt, aqualung and VIDEO CAMERA .............................................................3 gle cell. Every Future electronic device uses one power
mask. Tanks good for 3 hours. Can be used down to Records color images and sound on video tape. Can cell, which will run the device for 10 continuous hours.
60m/yds. replay tape images through viewfinder monitor. Each RESPIRATOR .................................................................1
DRIED FOOD (WEEK) ......................................................1 tape lasts 4 hours. Breathing mask for filtering out smog, toxic atmos-
For one man. Prepackaged, just add water. 5 lbs. WRISTWATCH ..............................................................05 pheres, etc. Oxygen (1 hour) bottle included.
ELECTRICIAN’S TOOL KIT ...............................................05 Digital time keeper with alarm, day, date. Two years on a SNEAKSUIT....................................................................3
Pocket soldering iron, parts, multimeter, etc. Required battery. Futuristic equivalent of camouflage, the sneaksuit mim-
for Electronics tasks. SUPERTECH OP ics the background of whatever the wearer is passing in
FIRST AID (MODERN)...................................................01 ANALYZER ..................................................................10 front of. Adds +2 to any Stealth attempt.
Bandages,scalpels, disinfectants. Required for First Aid Hand-held scanner about the size of a hardback book. SURVIVAL DOME ............................................................3
attempts. The scanner sweeps 100m/yds around the user, exam- Light, self-inflating habitat for four. Air tight, can even be
FLASHLIGHT.................................................................01 ining life signs, technology traces, emissions, sounds, used in space (although air must be provided for breath-
Battery powered, good for 8 hours. Lights up to etc., reporting on what it observes on its LCD screen. ing). Takes five minutes to set up.
20m/yds. Adds +2 to any Awareness, Understand Technology, TECHNICAL SCANNER ......................................................5
GEIGER COUNTER...........................................................9 Tracking or Survival skills. Hand-held scanner about the size of a paperback book.
Detects intensity/direction of radiation up to 10m/yds. ANTIGRAVITY MODULE...................................................10 Readout examines mechanical/electronic hardware and
IR GOGGLES & FLASH ....................................................5 Small 1’x1’x1’ cube with antigravity unit inside. Handles gives repair procedures and problems on LCD screen.
Allows user to see in dim light, using flash (Illuminates up are on either side. Can lift up to 200 lbs. for 4 hours on Adds +2 to any Electronics, Mechanics, Tinkering,
to 15m/yds). a power cell. Cybertech, FTL Tech, Gravitic Tech, or Hyper Energy Tech
JAMMER.......................................................................6 COMMUNICATOR.............................................................1 type skills.
Will jam any active or passive listening device within Small radio (headset or matchbox-sized handheld). UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR................................................12
10m/yds of user. Range is 1000km. A communicator can reach a ship in Translates unknown languages and provides English
LANTERN ....................................................................05 orbit, as long as the ship is directly overhead and not equivalents through attached earphones. When spoken
Lights up to 40m/yds. Batteries last 8 hrs., gasoline for blocked by more than a meter of concrete or metal. into, translates your words back via digitized voice. Takes
6. FIRST AID KIT (FUTURE)...............................................05 three turns to translate a simple language; six turns to
LIGHTER .....................................................................01 Laser scalpels, dermal staplers, nano-clamps, air hypos analyze and translate a complex one. Note: on a roll of 6
Fast fires (2 minutes by this method). Good for 100 and other high tech medical devices. Required for on 1D6, any previously unknown language is untranslat-
lights. Physician or First Aid skill attempts. able.
MECHANIC’S TOOL KIT....................................................1 FOOD PACKS (WEEK)......................................................1 VIDEO COMMO ..............................................................3
Wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, etc. Required for Compressed food for one man. Requires no heating or Two-way TV communicator about the size of a pack of
Mechanical tasks. water; just rip open the seal and it heats in 2 minutes. cigarettes. Range is equivalent to a standard communi-

MOVIE CAMERA ............................................................1 GILL MASK ...................................................................5 cator, with same limits.
Records color images and sound on film. Facemask and collar unit equivalent to an aqualung.
NYLON ROPE.................................................................1 Allows user to breathe freely underwater for up to 72
100m/yds. Can hold up to 500 lbs. hours down to 200m/yds.

owers are abilities far beyond those of on target (works against Stun Defense or Killing Defense rather than
P mortal men—for example, flying or fir-
ing bolts of energy. The Powers listed in this section can be
Energy Defense or Energy Killing Defense). This can include force-
blasts or telekinetic attacks if you choose to define them that way.
Light: This category is electromagnetic radiation in the visible or
used to simulate the powers of a superhero, the spells of a
near-visible spectrum, from infrared to ultraviolet. This includes
sorcerer, or even the abilities of an alien. lasers, high intensity flashes, and similar effects. VIPER and UNTIL
Could it be Magic? blasters fall into this category. Light attacks are often less effective
Well, yes, it could be. Any ability sufficiently advanced in very dusty or smoky environments.
can be construed as magic instead of superpowers. An Magic: A catch-all term to describe mysterious forces used to
Energy Blast can be called a laser bolt or a sorcerous fire- produce a wide variety of effects. It’s important to note that magic
ball—depending on what you want to call it. The beauty of the can be used to create many different special effects; for instance,
Fuzion system is that it simply defines the game effect of a magic could be used to create a lightning bolt. That bolt should be
power; you get to decide how it was created and what it looks like— considered Lightning, not Magic, in terms of special effects.
in short, its Special Effects. Magnetism: This covers magnetic and paramagnetic effects,
and is often connected with force fields and telekinesis. Magnetic


attacks often work against physical defenses rather than energy
defenses. Magnetic powers are often less effective against non-
metallic substances, and more effective against magnetic materials
pecial effects (SFX) are very important in
S superheroic adventures. The special
effects of a power define what it is and how
such as iron.
Psionics: This force is psychic power or mental forces; the raw
power of the mind. Mental powers are usually (but not always) cre-
it’s created, and help distinguish one power ated by psionics, and have a psionic special effect. Psionic attacks
from another power. For instance, three dif- usually work against mental defenses.
ferent characters could all have 12 dice of Radiation: This includes ionizing radiation such as gamma rays,
Energy Blast, but each might have different SFX: One is fire, another and radiation from radioactive materials, as well as more bizarre
uses electricity, and the third fires a sonic attack. Each type of spe- forms of radiation emanated by comic book materials. Essentially,
cial effect can have extra benefits or limits beyond the basic power all short wavelength electromagnetic radiation falls into this cate-
description; exactly what is up to the GM. Most powers should have gory. Radiation attacks most often work against energy defenses.
some special effect designated for the power. Sonics: Pressure waves of all varieties (including infrasound and
Each of these categories is very general; within each category ultrasound) are in this category. This category of effects would not
there can be many types of special effect, related but different. The work at all without a medium of transmission, so it won’t function in
only limits are your imagination. a vacuum. Sonics would generally be less effective in a low pres-
Common SFX in Champions: The New Millennium sure environment, and more effective in a high-pressure environ-
Biochemical: This category includes acids, venoms, poisons, ment. Usually Sonic attacks affect Stun Defense or Killing Defense.
diseases, drugs and other chemicals. Biochemical attacks can often
be unusual ones, such as Drains. Biochemical attacks are some- Handling SFX
times manifested as gasses, which might be affected by high winds Special effects can and should be used to make adventures more
or extreme temperatures. dramatic, and sometimes to help characters overcome problems. It’s
Cold/Ice: Everything related to extreme cold, including freezing a classic comic book bit — the hero manages to defeat the villain’s
blasts of supercold materials, ice, or other such effects. Cold attacks plot by tuning his energy blast to just the right frequency to deactivate
can work against physical or energy defenses, depending on what the force field, or some such pseudo-scientific explanation.
you decide when you buy the power. Cold powers are usually less Special effects can let a character do a little bit more than the
effective in high-temperature environments. basic power description suggests, or sometimes they can restrict a
Electricity: The classic electrical bolt, lightning, sparks, and power somewhat. For instance, sonic effects just won’t work in a
zaps. Any combination of amperage and voltage would be in this cat- vacuum, but the GM may let you do some extra damage with a sonic

egory. This is the classic attack against energy defenses. Electrical effect under water. It’s up to the GM how much or how little SFX can
powers may have greater effect against delicate electronics, and affect a power. The GM can have the player make a Power Skill roll
less effect against well-insulated targets. to see if special effects can be used to help; this is often based on
Gate Key Power: This fundamental force indirectly powers many Technique, but can be based on other stats. If you want to make a
other effects, but some rare items, people or phenomena tap it raw power vs. power contest, you can base the Power skill on the
directly. This power is rarely seen in its raw form, but when it is, it’s number of points in the power instead of on a characteristic.
unlike anything else.
Heat/Fire: Everything connected with high temperatures, such Designing New SFX
as flames, hot metal, or hot gasses. Fire can start fires in flamma- The list of SFX provided is a basic one which the GM can add to
ble materials, which is sometimes handy and sometimes can cause if needed. A new character invented by the GM may have completely
excess property damage or threaten innocent lives. Heat powers are new special effects; the Power Cosmic, for instance, which is unlike
usually less effective in low-temperature environments. any other power. Or existing special effects categories can be split
Kinetic: This category includes all physical force, such as punch- into two or more categories. Magic, for instance, is very broad, and
es, clubs, rocks, chunks of ice, or anything that creates a solid thump might be easily split into two or more different types of magic.
he Fuzion Power Plug-in is designed to create Unusual Uses of Powers
T 5U


simplified superpowers that can be converted in nusual uses of Powers in Fuzion can be deter-
and out of the HERO System. While not intended to have all the mined by using the Use Power skill in con-
sophistication of its “parent” system, this plug in allows Referees junction with the most appropriate Characteristic. Attack
and players to easily create superpowers for their Fuzion cam- and Movement Powers are generally used with the REF or
DEX Characteristic; Defensive, Adjustment, and Sensory
Powers with INT, Size powers with CON. However, the most
IMPORTANT!: This is a powers list, not the full HERO power
appropriate Characteristic to use (if a roll is required) is up
construction system. All of the powers in this Plug-in were
to the GM of your campaign.
created by dividing their HERO System cost by 5; we tried
to avoid fractions wherever possible, which is why some of
the powers, like the Explosive Blast, have costs like 3 Power Building 101: An
points for 2 dice of effect. Not all the Powers are included Example
here, and in the interest of simplification, we have also et’s say we want to build
ignored Advantages, Limitations and other more specialized systems. If
these are important to you, you can construct the entire Power as in 4th
L Fuzionman, the Master of
Nuclear Force. We first should
Edition HERO and convert it to Fuzion as desired. decide exactly what Fuzionman’s
The Plug-in Powers List (pgs. 24 - 28) is organized by functionality. Each powers are. We settle on the fol-
power is organized by type, such as attack, defense, movement, etc. This lowing:
makes it easy to find the type of power you want. Within each power group, • FUZION POWER BLAST (equal to the power of a cannon).
the powers are organized alphabetically. • FUZION POWER SHIELD (Can stop anything up to a heavy
From Champs 4th Edition to Fuzion and Back Again handgun).
To create your own 4th Edition powers for FUZION, follow the steps below: • ELECTRON SPEED (Allows Fuzionman to fly as fast as a
•Build the power as per the 4th Edition HERO System Rules on pages 51 supersonic jet).
thru 89. (That’s basically what we did.) • NUCLEAR VISION (Fuzionman can see through almost any
•Divide the real cost by 5. Try to avoid fractions in your final cost; if you end material).
up with a fraction, increase the effectiveness of the power to get an even num- Now let’s build Fuzionman’s powers. We’ll start with
ber or round the fraction up (this is one reason improving powers costs 5 to the Powers List (pg. 24 - 28). Fuzion Power Blast is an
1—to match 4th ed powers later on). Attack Power—the closest thing we can find is an Energy
To convert Fuzion Powers to HERO Attack. We decided that a cannon is equal to DC16. At a
•Multiply the final cost by 5. Then factor in any Advantages, Limitations cost of 1 PP per 1 DC, this means his Atomic Power Blast
or other systems to fully convert the power. costs 16 PPs. Its range is 10 times the cost—160 m/yds.
The Power Shield is a Defensive Power; we decide
it’s best described as a Force Field. We decide that
How Many Points for Powers? since a shotgun can deliver an average of 20 pts. of
2 s a rule Referees should always give points for powers to char- damage, Fuzionman's shield must stop this much at
A acters as a separate pool. This allows greater control over the
power level of the
least. At 2 PPs per 5 pts. of resistance, the Power Shield
will cost us 8 PPs.
POWER LEVEL OF UNIVERSE POINTS campaign and helps Electron Speed is a Movement power. We decide
POWERS UNHEARD OF [ALMOST REALITY] 5-10 focus the effect that Supersonic Flight is the best way to do this—if our jet
POWERS UNCOMMON [PARANORMAL IS KNOWN ABOUT] 10-20 paranormal abilities plane can move at Mach 1, then 2 PPs buys us that one
POWERS ARE SPECIAL [HEROES ARE RARE] 20-30 have on the game Mach. Plus, since Supersonic Speeds are only for non-
POWERS COMMON [TYPICAL COMIC BOOK] 30-40 universe. The Dial at combat movement, we‘ll also buy Flight for 10m/yds
POWERS ARE EVERYDAY [A POWER-BASED SOCIETY] 40-50 per phase plus an extra Non-combat multiple. The final
left is a good way to
COSMIC POWERS [OFF THE SCALE] 60+ cost will be 4+2+1 =7 PPs.
determine the extent
of powers on a cam- Finally, the Enhanced Sense of Nuclear Vision trans-
paign by providing guidelines for their frequency and impact on everyday life. lates nicely as N-Ray vision, with a base cost of 4 PPs.
Fuzionman’s total powers will cost us 16 + 8 + 7 + 4 =
35 PPs.
Not Enough Power Points?
3 With the permission of the GM, you can add Option Points to your
Power pool at a ratio of five to one Power Point.
So much for Fuzionman in Fuzion. But how about in
HERO? Simple: converting this value to HERO will cost
us 5 times as much, raising this total to 175 points
Can’t Find the Power You Want? (which we can buy down with various Limitations and
4 Maybe you’re looking in the wrong place. Many superheroic Powers Frameworks available in the full HERO system).
are actually superhuman Characteristics instead. If you really want to build
a guy with a STR of 25, get your GM’s permission to exchange some of your
Power (or Campaign) points for Characteristic Points. Power points inter-

change with Characteristics on a 1 to 1 basis; Option Points on a 5 to 1


Attack Powers the normal rules for buying an Energy Blast, but use the Area Affect To-Hit
rules. (See Ranged Attacks.)
Note: Some of the attack powers are more powerful than others, such as
Explosion Cost: 1 PP per 1D6 of damage, subtract 2D6 from the final
an Armor Piercing Blast compared to an Energy Blast. To balance the cost
total. Costs END.
of such powers, a certain number of dice are subtracted from the power
after it is purchased. Find Weakness
Example: Fuzionman decides that he needs a new attack, an Atomic Burst. This power acts somewhat like a skill; it is the ability to strike at the weak
He buys it as an Explosion, and puts 12 points into it. This would normally points of a target’s defenses. A successful Find Weakness check (1
give him 12D6 of Explosion. However, he needs to subtract 2D6 from the Action) against a Target Number of 20 will automatically cut the target’s
power level, to make his Atomic Blast a 10D6 Explosion with a cost of 12 defenses in half. This power can be used more than once on the same
points. target, but each successive roll raises the Target Number by +2. If you
miss a Find Weakness check on a target, you may not use Find Weakness
on him again for that battle. Find Weakness is normally purchased for a
Affects Desolid
single kind of attack. Find Weakness does not use any Characteristic
This is an Energy Blast that can hit targets that are desolid (see Other
when making a skill check; it is resolved by rolling 3D6 and adding that
Powers) as well as normal targets. Affects Desolid attacks follows all of the
to the Find Weakness skill.
normal rules for buying an Energy Blast.
Find Weakness Cost: 2 PPs for a base value of 10; add +1 to your roll for
Affects Desolid Cost: 1 PP per 1D6 of damage, subtract 2D6 from the
each additional 1 PP To use Find Weakness on a group of related attacks
final total. Costs END.
costs an additional +1 PP for each. To use it on all your attacks costs +2 PPs
Area Attack Find Weakness uses no END.
This is an Energy Blast that affects an circular area. Area Attacks follow all
of the normal rules for buying an Energy Blast, but use the Area Affect To-
This power allows the character to “flash” an opponent’s senses, rendering
Hit rules. (See Ranged Attacks.)
them unuseable (as in Darkness) Flash normally affects a single sense; addi-
Area Attack Cost: 1 PP per 1D6 damage in a 1m radius, subtract 4D6
tional senses and sense groups may be purchased. Flash is resolved as a
from the final total. Costs END.
normal Ranged Attack, but it ignores normal defenses (see Flash Defense.)
Armor Piercing Blast Flash Cost: 3 PPs per 2 Phases of Flash of a single sense. To affect addi-
This is an Energy Blast that cuts through the target’s defenses. Armor tional senses costs +1 PP per sense; sense groups costs 2 PPs per sense
Piercing Blasts follow all of the normal rules for buying an Energy Blast. group. Costs END.
However, when a target is hit with an AP Blast, his defense is halved (See
Ranged Killing Attack
This allows the character to make a Killing Attack at range. (See Ranged
Armor Piercing Blast Cost: 1 PP per 1D6 of damage, subtract 3D6 from
Attacks.) Like an Energy Blast, the special effects of a Killing Attack can vary
the final total. Costs END.
from a bullet to a laser beam to whatever else the player might desire. Killing
Darkness Attacks are resolved against the Defense value of the target (See Damage.)
With this power, the character can create a field that is impervious to one This Power can also be defined as a Hand to Hand Killing Attack; in
sense (usually normal sight). This can be centered around the character, or these cases, the character trades range for a damage bonus of 1 addition-
at range as an attack action. A character who cannot perceive his opponent al die for every level of Strength, up to a maximum of twice the number of
is 1/2 DEX, 1/2 REF in Hand to Hand, and 0 REF in ranged attacks. If the dice originally generated by the attack.
character can make a Perception Skill roll against a Target Number of 20 he Killing Attack Cost: 1 PP per 1D6 of damage, subtract 2D6 from the final
becomes -1 DEX and 1/2 REF in all cases. total. Costs END.
Darkness Cost: 2 PPs for a 2m/yd radius Darkness Field to one sense,
Telekinesis (TK)
+1 per each additional sense, +2 per each additional sense group, +1m
A character with this power can manipulate objects at a distance and exert
radius for +1 PP A Constant Power (stays up as long as you spend END
a STR at range. The TK STR is separate from the character’s STR, and is
on it). Costs END.
defined when this power is purchased. TK can be used to punch or squeeze,
Energy Blast but there is no action/reaction with this power; a character could not use
A character with this power can make a ranged STUN attack up to 10m/yds his TK to grab a flying character and be dragged along, for example.
for every point spent on the power (Example: spending 20 points gives you a TK can also move objects at a speed equal to what could be moved at
200m/yd ranged energy blast). The exact nature of the energy in the blast is that STR level normally (1/4th of weight maximum at that STR, as on pg. 146).
left up to the player. The nature of the attack must be determined when the Telekinesis Cost: 3 PPs per 2 STR; +2 PPs for the ability to make fine
power is purchased; it can be lighting, a blaster bolt, lasers, sonics, a magic manipulations with that STR. Costs END.
blast, or anything else. It does not even have to cause any Collateral or SDP
damage at all. Energy Blast normally affects ED (if that optional Characteristic
Defensive Powers

is being used), but it can be designated to affect SD, depending on the spe-
cial effect. Once again, this must be determined when the power is purchased Note: Any power that gives your character Killing Defense can be defined as
and cannot be changed later. You must make a Ranged Attack to hit with this giving your character Stun Defense instead. This must be determined when
attack. the power is purchased. If Energy Defense is being used, then Armor, Force
Energy Blast Cost: 1 PP per 1D6 of damage. Costs END. Field, and Force Wall provide an amount of Energy Killing Defense equal to
the Killing Defense provided. If such powers are defined as providing Stun
Defense, then they also give an additional amount of Energy Defense equal
This power can be used to restrain an opponent or create a barrier. An
to the Stun Defense provided.
Entangle can be webbing, ice bonds, turning the ground to mud, or anything
Remember: you will always use the highest value of either Stun Defense or
else the player can think of. An Entangled character can use his STR or any
Killing Defense (respectively) vs. a Stun attack in combat.
other non-gadget attack to break out of the hold.
Entangle Cost: 2 PPs per every 1D6 (roll whenever entangle is used) of Armor
Hits and 3 PPs of PD the Entangle has. Costs END. With this power, the character has some kind of inherent physical defense
against Killing and Stun Attacks; thick skin, armor plates, etc. Armor does-
n’t need to be “turned on”; it’s always in effect (aka a Persistent Power).
This is an Energy Blast that explodes. Explosions are more effective at the
Armor Cost: 1 pt for +2 Killing Defense. Armor uses no END.
center, and get less powerful as you move away from the origin point. When
determining damage for an Explosion, remove the highest die of damage for Danger Sense
each 2 meters from the center the target is. Explosion attacks follow all of This power gives a character a "sixth sense" about danger. At its most basic
level, Danger Sense will prevent the character from being surprised in com-
bat, while at more powerful levels, Danger Sense can alert the character Life Support Cost: See the list below. Life Support uses no END.
to any threat to his person, or even his world. Normally, Danger Sense just •Breathe in an unusual environment (Under water, in Methane, etc.): 1
gives the character the "feeling" of being in danger. If the hero reacts, he PP per environment
is allowed his full DEX+Skill; he could also attempt to dive clear of a trap, •Self-Contained Breathing: 2 PPs
etc. If the characters rolls 12 more than he needs to succeed, the true •Doesn’t need to eat, excrete, or sleep: 1 PP
position and type of danger are known.Danger Sense checks are make *Safe Environment: 1 PP each (Vacuum/High Pressure, High
automatically, at the request of the GM. The character must make a suc- Radiation, Intense Heat/Cold)
cessful Danger Sense check against a target number of 20. •Immunities: 1 PP each (Disease, Aging)
Danger Sense Cost: 2 PPs for a base value of 10, +1 to your roll for each Mental Defense
additional 1 PP; +1 additional PP to have the power work out of combat Characters who are resistant to Mental Powers use this power. A charac-
against attacks he could normally sense; +1 additional PP to allow the ter with Mental Defense can resist some of the effects from Ego Attack,
power to work against any attack. Sense Danger in the immediate area Mental Illusions, Mind Control, Mind Scan, and Telepathy. See Mental
for +1 pt; Sense Danger in the general area for +1 additional PP; Sense Powers for more information.
Danger over any area for +1 additional PP Uses no END. Mental Defense Cost: 1 PP per 5 PPs of Mental Defense. Mental Defense
Flash Defense uses no END.
This power lessens the effect of a Flash attack. Each point of Flash Defense Missile Deflection & Reflection
subtracts one Phase from the duration of a a successful Flash attack. Flash A character with this power can block incoming ranged attacks. (See
Defense only affects one sense group; to cover other senses, the points Ranged Combat and Actions.) The Block is made as per the normal block-
from this power must be allocated among the six sense groups as desired. ing rules; use the character’s DEX plus any Skill Levels with Missile
Flash Defense Cost: 1 PP for 5 PPs of Flash Defense. Uses no END. Deflection he might have. To Reflect an attack, first make a successful
Force Field Block, and then a standard to-hit roll against the target.
This power creates a field around the character that can absorb damage. Missile Deflection Cost: Check the table below. Missile Deflection and
A Force Field provides defense against Killing Attacks. Reflection costs no END to use.
Force Field Cost: 2 PPs for 5 PPs of Killing Defense. Costs END. A •Deflect Thrown Object: 1 PP
Constant Power. •Deflect the above and Arrows and Projectiles: 2 PPs
Force Wall •Deflect the above and Bullets & Shrapnel: 3 PPs
The ability to project a barrier at a distance. This barrier acts like a wall and •Deflect the above and Energy Beams: 4 PPs
has SDP (C:NM, page 150;3). A Force Wall may or may not have a Stun •Reflect Attack back at attacker: +4 PPs
Defense, a Killing Defense, and/or extra area. Force Walls stop damage as •Reflect Attack back at any target: +6 PPs
per a normal wall. However, if the Force Wall’s SDP is reduced to zero (or Power Defense
below), the Force Wall is destroyed. A Force Wall can also be used to sup- A character with this power is especially resistant to Adjustment Powers.
port a weight equal in STR to the number of Power Points invested in SDP Subtract the character’s total Power Defense against any incoming offensive
Dice and Defenses. Example: a 3 point Force Wall could be used to sup- Adjustment power before dividing the Attack’s die roll.
port 100kg (assuming an Incredible level campaign). Power Defense Cost: 1 PP per 5 Power Defense. Costs no END to use.
Force Wall Cost: 1 pt. per 1d6 of SDP in a wall 2 m/y wide. +4 SD & ED
for +1 pt; +3 KD & EKD for +1 pt; +4 m/y width for +1 pt. Minimum SDP Movement Powers
is 1d6. Force Wall costs END. A Constant Power. Movement Powers are those Powers which help the character get from place
Invisibility to place. All characters start with running, sprinting swimming, and a running
This power can be used to turn invisible to one sense (usually normal sight). leap; see Characteristics for details. These movement powers can supple-
Invisible characters have a “fringe effect” around them. An invisible charac- ment those starting values, or add new modes of movement.
ter with a fringe can be spotted with the affected sense at a range of 2 m/yds There are two types of movement: a Run (or Combat Movement), and
or less. a Sprint (or Non-Combat Movement). The former involves ducking, weav-
In combat, Invisibility often makes the character harder to hit. If an oppo- ing, and watching out for enemy attacks. It is normally equal to two times
nent cannot make a successful Perception check, then he is at 1/2 (REF + your current MOVE Characteristic (in m/yds). A character has no penalties
Levels) in hand-to-hand, and 0 (REF + Levels) at range vs. the character. If the to his DEX or REF when Running.
opponent can make a non-targeting PER Test, he is at 1/2 (REF + Levels) in A character may also move as fast as he can, in a Sprint (aka Non
both hand-to-hand and ranged combat. If the Invisible character is making a Combat Movement). This has the advantage of increasing the character’s run-
visible attack, the attackers only takes a -1 to his REF, even at Range. ning speed, but halving his DEX +Skill levels as well as reducing his REF to 0
Invisibility Cost: 4 PPs to be invisible to one sense, +1 PP for each addi- at the same time. Your basic Sprinting speed is calculated when you create
tional sense; +2 PPs for each additional Sense Group, +2 PPs extra for your character, and is normally 3 times your current MOVE (in m/yds)
No Fringe Effect. Costs END. A Constant Power. A character can also increase his non-combat speed by buying Non-
Combat Movement Multiples (NCMs). Each NCM costs 1 point and doubles
Knockback Resistance
the non-combat speed of a specific type of movement. Example: Speeder has
A character with this power takes reduced Knockback from attacks. Each
a MOVE of 20, giving him an Sprint (Non-Combat Move) of 60 (or three
point of Knockback Resistance subtracts 5 meters of Knockback from all
times his MOVE). He decides to buy two levels of non-combat movement
multiples for his Sprint. His non-combat move jumps to 120 (60x2), then
Knockback Resistance Cost: 1 PP for -5 meters of Knockback.
240 (120x2).
Knockback Resistance uses no END.
Lack of Weakness
This power allows the character to cling to walls and sheer surfaces and
It is much harder to spot a weakness with Find Weakness on a character
move on them as if they were level. A character with Clinging subtracts
with this power. Each point of Lack of Weakness adds to the Target Number
1D6x2 in meters of Knockback, so long as he is in contact with a level sur-
for Find Weakness Skill Checks.
face. Moving along a surface is always at your normal Running movement.
Lack of Weakness Cost: 1 PP to raise the Target Number of Lack of
Clinging Cost: 2 PPs for Clinging. Clinging uses no END.

Weakness Rolls against the character by 5. LoW uses no END.

Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Travel
Life Support
This movement power allows the character to travel faster than light in space,
This power allows the character to operate in unfriendly or deadly environ-
but not in atmosphere or planet surfaces. Life Support works well with this
ments without harm.

FTL Travel Cost: 2 PPs for the ability to travel 1 Light Year (LY) per year; 3 Move. This distance can be increased by purchasing Non-Combat
PPs to travel 8 LY per year (about two a season); 4 PPs to go 32 LY per Multiples.
year (about one a week); 6 PPs to travel 1000 LY/Year (about 3 LY a day). Cost: 1 PP per 2 meters of Tunneling through a DEF of 1. +2 DEF for +1 PP;
FTL uses no END. fill tunnel in behind you for +2 PPs Uses 1 END per 10m/yds traveled. A
Flight Constant Power.
With this the character can fly through the air. With Flight, the character can
hover in place, gain altitude, etc. Flight Movement is not derived from your reg- Adjustment Powers
ular MOVE and begins at 0. A character may make a Sprint of 1.5x his Flight Adjusting a Fuzion Characteristic or Power is done in multiples of 5; you
Movement. must roll at least 5 pts. on your dice to have any effect. The Characteristic
Flight Cost: 1 PP per 5 m/y of Flight Movement; +1 PP per x2 NCM. that the Adjustment Power affects must be chosen when the power is pur-
Flight costs 1 END per every 10 m/y moved. A Constant Power. chased. Example: Draino hits Strongman with his amazing STR Drain
Gliding power; Draino rolls his 5D6 and comes up with a total of 17. 17/5 is 3
A character with this power can glide through the air. A Gliding character has and some fraction. Draino drops the fraction, and Strongman subtracts
some control over his movement, but not the total control provided by Flight. three points from his STR.
A Gliding character must drop 2 meters per Phase to maintain his forward Power or Characteristic points gained or lost via an Adjustment Power
Gliding Velocity. Gaining altitude is under the Ref’s control; doing it slowly by return to their previous value at the rate of 1 Power or Characteristic point a
using thermals is usually easy. Gliding Movement is not derived from your Round. This rate can be adjusted up the Time Table (see Using Your Skills)
regular MOVE and begins at 0. A character may make a Sprint of 1.5x his for the cost of 1 PP per level. Thus, to have a Drain that returns at 1 PP per
Gliding Movement. hour would be 4 steps up the Time Table, for a total of a +4 PPs.
Gliding Cost: 1 PP per 10 m/y of Gliding Movement; +1 PP per x2 NCM. Absorption
Gliding uses no END. The ability to absorb part of an attack and increase your own power. This does
Running not act as a defense. To determine the power of an attack, count the number
A character with this power can run faster than normal. It does NOT add direct- of dice rolled. To determine your Absorption threshold for that round, roll the
ly to the character’s MOVE characteristic. Instead, Running increases the number of dice indicated. Absorption effects will fade at a rate of 1 level per
character’s figured Run and Sprint stats. Round.
Running Cost: 1 PP per +5 m/y of extra RUN and +7.5 m/y of extra Absorption Cost: 1 PP per 1D6 of Absorption threshold. Uses no END.
SPRINT; +1 per x2 NCM. Running costs 1 END per each 10 m/y moved. Aid
Superleap The ability to temporarily raise your (or someone else’s) Characteristic or
This power supplements a character’s natural leap. Power. If Aid raises Characteristic above its starting value, the additional Aid
Superleap Cost: 1 PP per 10 m/y of extra Leaping; +1 PP per x2 NCM. will fade at a rate of 1 level per Round. Aid that restores a Characteristic to
Superleap costs 1 END for each 10 m/y leapt. its normal levels does not fade. The maximum number of points that can be
added through Aid is equal to the highest value that could be rolled on the
Supersonic Flight
die in one roll.
This power allows a character to fly (non-combat only) at Mach speeds
Aid Cost: 2 PPs per 1D6 of Effect; No Range (touch only). Costs END.
(>750mph). Acceleration is at a rate of 200mph/phase.
Supersonic Flight Cost: 2 PPs for each Mach level, up to Mach 4 (atmos- Drain
phere) or Mach 10 (space). Flight costs 1 END for each 100km of Flight. The ability to temporarily lower one of your target’s Characteristics or
A Constant Power. Powers. Drain effects will fade at a rate of 1 level per Round.
Swimming Drain Cost: 2 PPs per 1D6; No Range (touch only). Costs END.
This power allows the character to swim faster than normal. It does NOT Transfer
add directly to the character’s MOVE characteristic. Instead, Swimming The ability to temporarily lower one of your target’s Characteristics and
increases the character’s figured Swim characteristic. Powers, and transfer it to one of your Characteristics or Powers. The
Swimming Cost: 1 PP per 10 m/y of Swimming Movement; +1 PP per Characteristic or Power lowered does not have to be the same as the
x2 NCM. Swimming costs 1 END for each 10 m/y swam. Characteristic or Power increased. Transfer effects will fade at a rate of 1
Swinging level per Round.
A character with this power can swing great distances from a line. The char- Transfer Cost: 3 PPs per 1D6. No Range (touch only). Costs END.
acter can also swing up to a certain location by attaching a line. To use Ranged Aid
Swinging the character must be able to attach his swinglines to high build- The ability to temporarily raise your (or someone else’s) Characteristic or
ings, trees, cliffsides, or other high things. Swinging starts at a 0 move. Power. Unlike normal Aid, this is usable at Range.
Swinging Cost: 1 PP per 10 m/y of Swinging Movement; +1 PP per x2 Ranged Aid Cost: 3 PPs per 1D6 of Effect. Costs END.

NCM. Swinging uses no END. Ranged Drain

Teleportation The ability to temporarily lower one of your target’s Characteristics or
A character with this power can disappear from one point and appear at Powers: Unlike normal Drain, this is usable at Range.
another, without traveling i -between. He can prepare one extra phase to Ranged Drain Cost: 3 PPs per 1D6. Costs END to use.
teleport 2x his base distance; this distance can be increased by purchas- Ranged Transfer
ing Non-Combat Multiples. He may also increase the amount of mass he The ability to temporarily lower one of your target’s Characteristics and
can take with him. Powers, and transfer it to one of your Characteristics or Powers. The
Teleport Cost: 1 PP per 5 meters of Teleport; +1 PP per x2 Distance Characteristic or Power lowered does not have to be the same as the
(requires an extra Phase to use), +1 PP per x2 his Mass (requires an Characteristic or Power increased. Unlike normal Transfer, this is usable at
extra Phase to use), 1 PP per 5 memorized locations; 1 PP per 1 float- Range.
ing location (i.e.; a location that can be changed by taking at least one Ranged Transfer Cost: 9 PPs per 2D6. Costs END.
Round to memorize a new location).
Tunneling allows the character to move through the ground by creating a
tunnel roughly his own size. The tunnel is normally left open behind the
character; closing it is an option, listed below. Tunneling begins at a 0
Size Powers sonably common substance that his N-Ray Vision cannot see
through. Cost 4 PPs
Radar Sense: The character emits radio waves that bounce off near-
The ability to grow bigger. In general, Growth doubles your height, width and
by objects and return to him. This allows the character to sense
mass for every point invested. (This is a simplified formula; see the table on
nearby objects, and can compensate for normal blindness.
Page 72 of the Hero System Rulebook for more precise information about
However, the character cannot "see" fine detail, like print on paper
this power).
or colors, and the high-frequency "pings" can be heard by anyone
Growth Cost: Each 1 PP gets you +1 STR, x2 Mass, -1” Knockback, +1
with High Range Radio Hearing. Radar is a targeting sense. Cost 3
BODY, +1 STUN. Each 3 PPs of Growth also gives you -2 DEX for Combat
Purposes, x2 Height and Width, x2 Reach. Growth costs 1 END per point
Radio Hearing & Transmit: The character can hear and transmit on
local AM, FM, and Police band signals. Cost 1 PP
Shrinking Range: This allows a character to use a non-ranged sense at range.
The ability to get smaller, which also gives you several advantages. (See For example, a character who bought this for his sense of taste
the Shrinking table on Page 84 of the Hero System Rulebook for more would be able to taste objects at range. Cost +1 PP
information, but note that in Fuzion the rate at which you get smaller has Spatial Awareness: The character can sense his surroundings with-
been doubled) out having contact with them. A character with this sense can oper-
Shrinking Cost: 2 PPs gets you 1/4 height and width, 1/16th Mass, +2 ate normally in total darkness or when blinded, but cannot sense
DEX for Combat Purposes, -2 to all PER Rolls made against you, +6 fine details. Spatial Awareness is a targeting sense. Cost 5 PPs
meters Knockback when you are attacked. Shrinking costs END to use. Targeting Sense: The character can use a non-targeting sense (like
smell or hearing) as a targeting sense to locate targets in combat.
Enhanced Senses Targeting Sense can be bought with any normal or special sense.
These powers give a character the ability to sense things beyond the range Cost 4 PPs
of normal human senses. A character can buy several Enhanced Senses Tracking Scent: The character can track someone or something by
to reflect a wide array of sense. For ease of organization, all the senses scent with a successful smell Perception check. Cost 2 PPs
have been grouped into Sense Groups. These groups can also affect Ultrasonic Hearing: The character can hear very high and very low
some of the other powers, like Darkness and Flash Attacks. frequency sounds. Cost 1 PP
Ultraviolet Vision: The character sees at night as well as he does dur-
Sense Groups ing the day (no night penalties are taken). This assumes there is
Sight: Normal Sight, IR, UV some UV light coming from the stars. If there is no UV light (such
Hearing: Normal Hearing, Ultrasonic Hearing, Sonar as in the power Darkness) then the character gains no advantage.
Radio: Radio Listen & Transmit, High Range Radio Cost 1 PP
Hearing, Sonar 360 Degree Sensing: The character can make a Perception check
Smell Taste: Normal Smell, Discriminatory Smell, Tracking against any point around him; this makes it much more difficult to
Scent, Normal Taste, Discriminatory Taste surprise the character. Cost 2 PPs for one Sense Group; 5 PPs for
Unusual Senses: Spatial Awareness, N-Ray Vision, all Senses.
Clairsentience See in the Dark: The character can see in total darkness (including
Mental: Mental Awareness. the Power) as though it were normal daylight. Cost 2 PPs

Enhanced Sense costs are listed below. Enhanced Senses cost no END to Other Powers
use. This is a catch-all category for powers that don’t fit into any other cate-
Active Sonar: The character emits high-frequency sound that bounce gories.
off nearby objects and return to him. This allows the character to Change Environment
sense nearby objects, and can compensate for normal blindness. A character with this power can make minor changes to the surrounding
However, the character cannot "see" fine detail, like print on paper environment. The character could, for example, make it rain, create light,
or colors, and the high-frequency "pings" can be heard by anyone create an intense (but non-damaging) magnetic field, or the like. The envi-
with Ultrasonic Hearing. Active Sonar is a targeting sense. Cost 3 ronment create must be chosen when this power is purchased.
PPs Change Environment Cost: 1 PP gives you the ability to change the envi-
Discriminatory Sense: The character can make a Perception check to ronment for two m/yds, x2 Radius for +1 point. You can vary the environ-
absolutely identify and analyze an object with a certain sense. Cost ment for double the cost of the power. Costs END. A Constant Power.
1 PP
Enhanced Perception: +3 with one sense for 1 PP; +2 with all senses Clairsentience
for 1 PP This power makes one of the character’s senses (usually normal sight)
High Range Radio Hearing: The character can hear and transmit up and work at a distance. It generally works as if the character were standing
down the radio and television communications bands. Cost 2 PPs some distance away from his current position. The maximum range the
Infrared Vision: The character can see heat patterns and traces. The character can project his senses is the points spent on the power x 50
character has normal Perception checks at night, but can only per- m/yds.
ceive outlines of people and objects. Cold objects will be very dark Clairsentience Cost: 4 PPs gives you a PER Roll with one sense, +1 PP
while hot things may be blindingly bright. Cost 1 PP per additional Sense; +2 PPs per additional Sense Group. See in the
Mental Awareness: The character can sense the use of Mental Powers. future is +4 PPs; See into the Past is +4 PPs; See into other dimensions
A character with this sense can "see" both the user and the target is +4 PPs Double Range for +1 PP Costs END.
of Mental Attacks that are used in the character's line of sight. Cost Density Increase
1 PP With this power, the character may become stronger and physically tougher
Microscopic Vision: The character can view nearby objects at 10x by increasing his density. This increased density does not alter the char-
magnification. This power may be purchased more than once; the acter’s appearance.

second time allows 100x magnifications, the third time 1000x, etc. Density Increase Cost: 1 PP gives you 2x Mass, +1 STR, +1 PD, +1 ED,
Cost 1 PP per level. -2 m/y Knockback. Costs END.
N-Ray Vision: The character can make normal sight Perception
checks through most materials. The character must define a rea-


Allows character to become insubstantial and walk through walls and ignore
attacks. A character buying this power must choose the special effects of a
hese are basic guidelines for typical heroes in the comic
reasonably common group of attacks that will affect him while he is desolid.
Mental Attacks still affect the character unless he buys extra points of this
T genre. Powers are listed; exact power levels are left up
to the user.
Desolidification Cost: 8 PPs to become desolid, +4 PPs if it affects
Mental Powers as well. Desolidification costs END to use. The Weatherman
Extra Limbs Create Fog [Darkness]
A character with this power has one or more extra limbs. These limbs can Tornado [Telekinesis, Area Effect]
be extra arms, a prehensile tail, or anything else. Extra Limbs have no Wind Riding [Flight]
effect on combat, but can have other uses in the game.
Extra Limbs Cost: 1 PP for any number of extra limbs. Extra Limbs costs no Weather control [Change Environment]
The Fireball
Instant Change
Fire Blast [Ranged Killing Attack]
A character with this power can instantly change from on identity to anoth-
er and back again. Fireflight [Flight]
Instant Change Cost: 1 PP for the ability to change to your costume; 2 Heat Attack [Energy Blast]
PPs to change to any set of clothes. Instant Change costs no END. Fireball [Explosion]
Stretching Fire Body [Desolidification]
A character with this power can stretch parts of his body, attack at range The Brick
(2m/yds per point spent) and reach for things at long distance.
Stretching Cost: 1 PP for 2 meters (4 meters of non-combat) Stretching. Tough Blue Skin [Armor]
Uses END. Really Tough [Knockback Resistance]
Spends rest of Points increasing STR, BODY, STUN
Multipowers The Energy Blaster
Because characters use only one attack Power at a time, you can Optic-Laser Stun[Energy Blast]
buy Multiple Powers (or Multipower) at a reduced cost. A Multipower Optic-Laser Blast [Ranged Killing Attack]

costs as much as the largest attack power in the group. Each power Optic Deflection [Missile Deflection]
in the group also costs 2 points. Only one of the powers in a
Multipower may be active at any time. On the character sheet, list The BugMan
the cost of the largest power in the Multipower slot, and list the cost Insect Wall-walk [Clinging]
of each power in the multipower as “2m”. Example: If your charac- Webslinger Action [Swinging]
ter has three powers that normally cost ten points each, you Insect Spring [Superleap]
would pay 10 points for the Multipower and 2 points for each type Danger Sense [Enhanced Perception]
of attack for a total of 16 points. The Big Claw
Unobtainium Claws [Killing Attack]
Unobtainium Body [Armor]
Regeneration [Buy up REC w/ Ref’s OK]
Superstrength [Buy up STR]


M ental Powers are still another kind of
superhuman ability. However, since 1
Resolving Mental Attacks:
The attacker adds his Willpower+Use Power Skill to make the
(unlike flying, energy blasts or invisibility) they are often
attack. The Defender adds his Willpower+Concentration to Defend.
encountered in science fiction and (or at least some peo-
2) If successful attacker rolls the DC of the Mind Attack (which is deter-
ple believe) real life settings, they rate their own special mined by how the power was purchased), then...
Plug-In. 3) Subtract the target’s Mental Defense (if any) from damage done.
Mental Powers are all based on a character's mental, rather 4) The target takes the remaining damage as Stun. Mental Attacks do
than physical abilities. They directly affect the target's mind, ignor- no collateral or rollover damage.
ing conventional defenses. Mental Powers are targeted with the Resolving all other Mental Powers:
mind, using WILL + Use Power Skill to target instead of REF or DEX. With the exception of Mental Attack, Mental Powers are resolved as fol-
All Mental Powers are invisible to characters who don't them- lows:
selves have a Mental Power or Mental Awareness. However, the tar- 1) The attacker decides on the appropriate effect desired from the
Power. Example: “I want to Control his mind to follow me into the
get of a Mental Power can sense the source of the attack and the
identity of the attacker. This identification occurs immediately for Ego 2) The attacker adds his willpower+ Use Power Skill to make the
Attack or Mind Scan; for Telepathy, Mind Control, or Mental Illusions attack. The Defender adds his Willpower+Concentration to Defend.
it occurs after the Power is no longer affecting the character. 3) The attacker rolls the DC of the Mental Power to determine the
effect number.
MENTAL/PSIONIC POWERS 4) Subtract the target’s Mental Defense (if any) from the effect num-
Mental Attack ber.
The ability to directly attack another mind. Mental Attacks are Stun only, have 5) Multiply the target’s Willpower by three to determine his Resistance
no effect on inanimate objects, and have no knockback or Stun Rollover. (a Derived Characteristic), and then compare the results to the most
Mental Attack Cost: 2 pts. per 1D6 of damage. Uses WILL to target. appropriate chart below.
Costs END. 6) If the attacker’s effect number exceeds the value needed for the
Mental Defense desired effect level on the chart, the defender may attempt to make
Characters who are resistant to Mental Powers use this power. A charac- a Legendary (Difficulty value of 20) using his Willpower+
ter with Mental Defense can resist some of the effects from Mental Attack, Concentration. If this roll is successful, the target loses his next
Mental Illusions, Mind Control, Mind Scan, and Telepathy. FUZION NOTE action, but is not otherwise affected by the attack. If the roll is
Mental Defense is bought as a Power (see POWERS pg.126) missed, the target takes full effects from the Mental Power.
Mental Defense Cost: 1 pt. per 5 Mental Defense. Mental Defense MENTAL ILLUSIONS RESULT EFFECT
uses no END. >than Resistance Attacker can make cosmetic changes to setting
Mental Illusions 10 >than Resistance Attacker can make major changes to setting
The ability to project illusions directly into the target's mind. These illusions 20 >than Resistance Attacker can completely alter setting
seem real to the target, and can even do damage. The subtler the illusion, 30 >than Resistance Target no longer interacts with real environment
the more likely it is to affect the target. Modifiers (subtracted from Effect Number) can be applied at any level):
Mental Illusions Cost: 1 pt. per 1D6 of effect. Uses WILL to target. Costs +10 Target can take STUN from illusory attacks
END. A Constant Power. For every 1 pt. spent in the illusion, you can do
+20 Target can take Killing Damage from illusory attacks
1D6 STUN. or for every 3 pts., you can do 1D6 Killing.
Mind Control
>than Resistance Target will perform action he is inclined to perform any-
This power can take control of a character's mind, and thereby his
actions. Once again, the subtler the control (you must issue verbal com-
mands), the more likely it is to affect the target. 10 >than Resistance Target will perform actions he wouldn’t mind doing.
Mind Control Cost: 1 pt. per 1D6 of effect. Uses WILL to target. Costs 20 >than Resistance Target will perform actions he is normally against doing
END. A Constant Power. 30 >than Resistance Target will perform actions he is violently opposed to
Mind Link doing.
This variation of telepathy sets up a two-way mental link, within the area Modifiers (subtracted from Effect Number)
of one planet, allowing instant mental communication. Both ends of the +10 Target will not remember actions performed while Mind Controlled
link must be willing in order for a Mind Link to be established. +20 Target will remember actions and will think they were natural
Mind Link Cost: 1 pt. per one specific mind; +1 pt. to for a related -5 Order is worded in exceptionally convincing manner.
group of minds, one mind at a time; +1 more pt. for any one mind; +1 +5 Order is poorly conceived or contradictory.
pt. for 2x the number of minds; +1 pt. for any distance; +1 pt. for any TELEPATHY EFFECT IS EFFECT
dimension. Mind Link uses no END. > than Resistance The telepath can read or send surface thoughts.
Mind Scan 10 >than Resistance The telepath can read deep, hidden thoughts.
The ability to establish a line of sight to a target via 20> than Resistance The telepath can read into the target’s memory
your tremendous mental powers. The LOS is a two- NUMBER MOD 30 >than Resistance The telepath can read into the target’s subconscious.
way connection; the target will know where the attack- 1 ....................0 MIND SCAN EFFECT IS EFFECT
er is and can use Mental Powers to defend himself. 10..................-2
> than Resistance Attacker can establish Mind Link or use first level of Telepathy
Modified by number of minds in scan area (see table) 100................-4 (communication.) He also knows the direction of the target.
Mind Scan Cost: 1 pt. per 1D6 of effect. Uses 1,000.............-6 10 >than Resistance Attacker can use all Mental Powers on target, and can estimate
WILL to target. Costs END. A Constant Power. —increasing by -2 for general distance to target.
Telepathy every multiple of 10. 20 >than Resistance Mentalist can attack with all types of attacks, mental or other-
This power allows the character to read or send

wise. (Mind Scan as a Targeting Sense). He knows the exact

thoughts. Surface thoughts are relatively easy to read; deeper thoughts
location of the target. To hit with a non-mental Power, the attack
or the subconscious take quite a bit more effort to reach.
must be able to reach the target. Remember that Mind Scan
Telepathy Cost: 1 pt. per 1D6 of effect. Uses WILL to target. Costs
END. A Constant Power.
works both ways. The target will receive all of the benefits the
attack gets from the use of this power.


Martial Arts. Kung Fu kicks, Karate chops—or, at the most esoteric and powerful levels, Ki strikes that slam
an opponent with the force of the master’s sheer will. As a Martial Artist, you have had training in a specialized
Martial Art, allowing you to use Martial Arts techniques, as well as perhaps building your own Martial Arts style of combat
with new techniques if your GM (and campaign) permits.
MARTIAL ARTS ARE VERY RARE .......................................X3
Don’t just assume everyone in your game is a Streetfighting, Mortal-Buttkickin’
MARTIAL ARTS ARE UNCOMMON .....................................X2
Ninja Teenager. Remember, up until the 1960’s, almost no one in Western culture
MARTIAL ARTS ARE COMMON .........................................X1
knew anything about Martial Arts; there were few schools and what few there were
didn’t often admit non- Asians. By the mid 80’s, Martial Arts schools (thanks to guys
like Bruce Lee) were pretty much everywhere. Yet over in the far East, there were lit-
erally thousands of martial arts schools, sub-schools and styles.
The Martial Arts Multiplier Dial (above) reflects this by allowing you to set the cost of buying Martial Arts in your campaign; you can
make them cheap or expensive, depending on the setting and availability. Here are a few guidelines:
• VERY RARE: Settings like the Old West, Victorian England, Pre- Industrial Europe.
• UNCOMMON: Settings like Post WW II America, Victorian Far Eastern Colonial settings (Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Macao,
Shanghai, Manila), or in any place where Martial Arts are restricted by ethnicity, culture, military or religious reasons.
• COMMON: Today’s Western cultures; all Asian cultures throughout time, most science fiction settings, or in any setting where
Martial Arts training is commercially available to everyone.
• CHINESE ACTION: Everyone not only has martial arts, but everyone is a would-be kung-fu master. Examples would be any Chinese action
flick styled campaign, any samurai film-styled setting and most animé campaigns.
o determine the OP cost to buy Martial Arts training, simply multiply the overall cost of the training (next page) by the multiplier for your
T campaign setting. Example: buying Karate has a base cost of 12 in a Martial-Arts common culture (like 1990s California). However, in a
Martial Arts Uncommon setting (like 1870s Tokyo, where few schools will teach non-Japanese), the price would double to 24.

2 nce you establish your campaign’s Martial Arts WRESTLING: Wrestling, as a martial art, dates back into prehistory. In
Olevel, the next thing is to pick what kind of
schools of Martial Arts will be available. The list below are
history, famous examples of wrestling arts include the wrestling prac-
ticed in Greece, China, and India from their earliest recorded histories.
Wrestling continues today as a popular collegiate and professional
of the most common types of martial arts studied today: sport.The version here can be defined as either realistic wrestling or
AIKIDO: This is a Japanese art founded in 1942 by Morihei Uehiba the showier style of TV’s “pro” wrestling.
and derived from the earlier Aikijutsu. It stresses discipline and a non- STREETFIGHTING: This a generic martial art practiced by many super-
violent attitude. The art, as practiced in combat, concentrates on bal- heroes and Hollywood Tough Guys. It can be used to simulate some-
ance, rhythm and use of an opponent’s force against himself. It large- one who learned to fight on the streets.
ly involves redirecting an opponent’s energies, especially in throws
and takedown maneuvers. Can’t Find Something You Like?
KUNG FU: Kung Fu, in Chinese, simply means “hard work” or “skill.” et creative! You can either rename an existing school to make it
Kung Fu is a very fragmented art, with innumerable different styles
and techniques. The Kung Fu style listed here is a “generic” style, con-
G sound more interesting, or even build your own using the various
techniques listed on the next page (each technique costs 1.5 points).
centrating on strikes (both hand and feet) and specialized weapons. Example: Chas wants to build a futuristic fighting form called MoK-
KARATE: Karate was developed from the same ancient traditions that To, based on the planet Aldebaran. He builds it using Martial
led to the development of Kung Fu. By the fifth century AD, on the Block, Martial Dodge, Nerve Strike, and Ki Strike; his total cost is
Okinawa Islands, a weaponless combat style called te (“hand”) had 6 Option Points. His GM further rules that since MoK-To is restrict-

developed. Later, when the teachings of the Shaolin Temple in China ed to only the Shadow Monks of Aldebaran, Chas must either
were carried to Okinawa, some of the Shaolin techniques were adventure there to convince the monks to teach him, or spend the
infused with the te art. Karate is much like Kung Fu, but has fewer multiplier for Uncommon (x2) raising the overall cost to 12 points.
JUDO: This Japanese art grew out of the integration of the weapons Fist of the— What?
n animé, video games and some martial arts films, martial arts
techniques of katori shinto ryu and grappling techniques during the
15th century. The usual Judo technique involves bearing an opponent
to the ground and then pinning him there or rendering him uncon-
I also include incredible feats of levitation, energy blasts and mind
control. These are better simulated by using the Powers and Mental
scious. The art utilizes hip throws, shoulder and neck locks, and a Powers plug-in’s of Fuzion to create powers which are then grouped
sacrifice body drop. and purchased (on a point basis) like regular Martial Arts training.

What Do I Get for the Points?

3 n addition to the techniques of their schools (you can take more than one), all characters with Martial Artists abilities may increase the
power of their attacks by taking the option of EXTRA DAMAGE. This allows the character to do more damage with martial arts maneu-
vers than his Strength might otherwise indicate. Each level of Extra Damage purchased adds +1D6 damage or +1 STR to the effect of the
maneuver, as appropriate. Extra Damage Costs 2 Option Points per level.


BASIC STRIKE Add 1D6 to your normal STR-based damage, +2 to DEX X X X
BREAKFALL Take 1/2 normal falling damage, regain feet as a Free Action, X X X X
DEFENSIVE STRIKE Strike. Adds +1 to REF, +3 to DEX X X
KI STRIKE Ranged HTH attack at -2 REF. Damage as normal, or trade
1D6 for each successive m/yd of distance from target. X
KILLING STRIKE Does killing damage at -2D6 to STR, -2 REF X X
MARTIAL ARTS Trained in the use of all hand to hand martial arts weapons,
WEAPONS (tonfa, nunchaku, sai) X
MARTIAL BLOCK Blocks all but bladed weapons, adds +2 to DEX, REF X X X X X
MARTIAL DISARM Disarm, with a +2 to STR during the maneuver. X X X X
MARTIAL DODGE Adds +5 to DEX for dodging purposes that phase X X X X
MARTIAL ESCAPE Adds +3 to STR for escape purposes X X X
MARTIAL GRAB Adds +2 to STR for purposes of the Grab X X X
MARTIAL THROW +Target knocked prone, takes damage, must spend 1
Action to get back up again. X X X X X
NERVE STRIKE Does 2D6 damage, no Stun Defense; -2REF X
OFFENSIVE STRIKE Adds +2D6 to basic strike, at -2 REF, +1 DEX. X X
SACRIFICE THROW Martial Throw, with +2 to REF, Target and
Attacker both knocked prone. X X

TOTAL POINT COST OF STYLE 16 16 12 12 12 16

BASIC STRIKE: The character has been trained in how to deliver an MARTIAL ESCAPE: You’ve been taught how to get out of even the
attack with greater force than a normal punch. They add 1D6 to their strongest grab or hold, adding +3 to your STR for escape purposes
normal STR-based damage, +2 to DEX. MARTIAL GRAB: The character has been trained on how to grab and
BREAKFALL: The character has been trained how to fall without hurting hold his foes.
himself, and can roll to his feet from most falls. MARTIAL THROW: Instead of striking, a character with the Martial Artist
DEFENSIVE STRIKE: This attack is more of a probe than a full-out attack. Talent may declare he is throwing his opponent. The attacker makes
It can represent a jab, a quick strike, or any other attack where the a normal attack. If it is successful, he throws the target to the ground
attacker is more concerned about defending himself than really dam- and does his normal Strength Damage. After being thrown, the defend-
aging his opponent. Adds +1 to REF, +3 to DEX. er is prone, and must act after the attacker next round regard-
KI STRIKE: With the proper training, and proper strength less of their Initiative rolls. A thrown target may not use
of will, some characters can make hand-to-hand his Athletics skill to automatically roll to his feet; he
attacks at range. As it is difficult to project your ki must spend one action instead.
over a great distance, the damage of this attack NERVE STRIKE: This is a strike targeted at the
decreases with distance. vulnerable nerve clusters of the human body.
KILLING STRIKE: This attacks allows the char- As such, the target does not get his SD ver-
acter to do killing damage attacks without sus this attack. Since a good deal of accu-
using a weapon. A Killing Strike can be strik- racy is needed to land these blows, the
ing a limb to break it, a throat or kidney attacker must spend at least one round
punch, the classic “karate chop,” or any aiming at his target before using this attack.
other appropriate type of blow. Does 2D6 damage, at -2REF
KUNG FU WEAPONS: The character is trained in OFFENSIVE STRIKE: This is an all-out attempt
the use of martial arts weapons, and can use to mangle your target. An Offensive Strike cov-
these weapons with his martial arts Actions. ers a flying kick, a full-out haymaker punch, or
MARTIAL BLOCK: This is a trained block. A character any other full out style attack. Adds +2D6 to basic
with this maneuver is very good at blocking melee strike, at -2 REF, +1 DEX.
attacks. Adds +2 to DEX, REF SACRIFICE THROW: This maneuver represents any move
MARTIAL DISARM: The character has been trained to knock weapons where the attacker falls to take down his opponent. It can be a judo
(and other objects) out of his foes’ hands. A disarm will only affect throw, a sliding takedown, a football tackle, or any other move where
items that are held with one hand; two-handed objects must be both the attacker and his target end up on the ground. Martial Throw,

grabbed away. +2 to STR during the maneuver. with +2 to REF, Target and Attacker both knocked prone. If this
MARTIAL DODGE: You’ve practiced getting out of the way of attacks. attack missed, the attacker is on the ground at the feet of his oppo-
This dodge will work against ranged as well as melee attacks. Adds nent anyway. Not a good place to be.
+5 to DEX for dodging purposes that phase

ehicles. Planes, trains, auto- Fuzion and Mekton Z
V mobiles; they’re easy to
classify. But what about space stations, cosmo F uzion’s Mecha Plug-In allows
the creation of simplified
ray-beam projectors, giant robots or sexy mecha that are fairly compatible with the MEKTON Z RPG. While not intend-
ed to offer all the powerful features of its “parent” system, this Plug-In allows
skintight powered armor suits? Where do they fit
Referees and players to easily create new vehicles for Fuzion campaigns.
in? Are they Vehicles? Gadgets? Armor? The Fuzion Plug-in differs from its MEKTON Z parent in the following ways:
Inventions? Luckily, the Japanese, who love technology, Spaces: Space are ignored in Fuzion. If you plan to convert back to MEKTON Z
have given the lexicon of high tech the perfect term: (which uses Spaces), assume 1 space per each Kill in your mecha, with each
MECHA. Derived from the word mechanism, mecha are any weapon/thruster using 1 space per point. Wheels and Treads neither contribute
complex machine, generally requiring some type of pilot or nor use spaces.
operator. Mecha include cars, planes, helicopters,ships, Servo/Torso Kills: In Fuzion, Torso Kills are assumed to be 2 per level. Servo Kills
spacecraft, giant robots, powered armor, and more. in Fuzion are generalized to be 1 per level; in MEKTON, arms and legs are really
n general, since mecha are pretty much always super- 1+(1 per level); other parts remain the same.
I heroic vehicles, they are purchased like other kinds of
superpowers. (in fact, GM’s can elect to allow players
Movement: To convert MEKTON movement to Fuzion, multiply your MA by 5. To
get MA from Move reverse the process, dividing MOVE by 5 to get MA.
in superheroic settings to spend points on mecha Weapons: All FUZION weapons are designed as generic, using the projectile
instead of powers, or a combination of both). weapon construction rules from MZ+ (to get exact matches for other types,
you must use each specific case from MZ+).

BASIC GENERIC MECHA CONCEPTS STYLE: A cool-looking enough mecha can actually add to its oper-
lthough these rules don’t deal with the actual ator’s Presence Characteristic in much the way that a Ferrari can
A process of constructing specific mecha (this may
vary from campaign to campaign) all “mechanism”
enhance anyone’s coolness. Such Styling is always expressed as
a bonus to the pilot’s PRE characteristic.
WEAPONS: Many mecha have built-in or carried weapons. These oper-
designs involve the same elements: ate much as other weapons do, but due to their large size and awe-
ARMOR: Most mecha have armor to provide physical or other types some power, their capability to do damage is often measured in flat
of defense. Example: The Mega-Rapier assault mecha has a KILLS rather than DICE of damage.
Killing Defense of 100 in it’s mighty armored hull plates WEIGHT: Most mecha, being complex machines, weigh a fair
KILLS: A measure of very large scale damage or the ability to take amount. This is usually measured in kilograms or metric tons.
large amounts of damage. Example: The Mega Rapier’s 100 PD Special Systems:
translates to 2 Kills. See the Damage section for more on Kills. These are special systems that are unique to certain mecha
MANEUVER VALUE [MV]: How responsive the mecha is to its pilot or designs. If present, they are always outlined as part of the
operator. The MV value is applied to the pilot’s REF (& DEX for mecha’s description for the individual campaign.
Powered Suits) whenever Actions are taken or Initiative is rolled. TRANSFORMATION: Certain types of mecha can change from one form
MOVEMENT: The way the mecha gets around (if it can). Usually to another, or otherwise vary their configuration to achieve different
expressed as a MOVE characteristic, but different types of effects. This takes 1 Action and is usually part of the mecha’s
Movement may be employed by the same mecha; these are description; the transformer’s abilities are also usually listed with this
detailed in their descriptions. Example: The RoboBike can drive description.
like a motorcycle (Surface MOVE 25), fly like an aerodyne (Flying AUTOMATED OR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: These are highly advanced com-
MOVE 2) and run like a person (Running MOVE 20). puters that can operate the mecha independent of a human pilot.
SENSORS: Vehicles with transparent canopies usually don’t rely on These are generally described as one or two characteristic “charac-
computerized information, but machines whose cockpit is ters” (INT and REF for example), unless they are intended to be fully
enclosed by armor needs sensor systems. If such a machine realized artificial intellects.
loses its sensors in battle, its pilot suffers -4 to all combat rolls. SYNCHRO-SYSTEMS: These are systems that react or interface with
STRUCTURE: Being inanimate, mecha record their damage as either their human operators to a level where they actually enhance their
Structural Damage Points (SDP); particularly large or tough mech- performance. Synchro systems usually give a bonus to their

anisms use Kills, a way of measuring BIG damage. pilot’s REF and/or DEX characteristics or WA.

Choose a form: Animorphic: This is the form used to create animals of all types,
1 What is your mecha going to look like? Is it a giant robot, a from giant tigers to spiders. The animorphic form usually consists
of a main body and two or more pairs of legs; a tail is optional.
crimefighter's car or maybe a super jet? In general, there are five com-
mon types of mecha, each with its own special abilities: Abilities: +2 Surface MOVE. +1 SDPs or KILLs (as applicable) to
Humanoid: This is the form used to create the “giant robot” of melee damage.
Japanese animé. In smaller forms, it can be used to create power Aircraft: This is the form used to create all types of flying vehicles,
armor or personal fighting armors. Abilities: +3 to MV; this is the including spaceships. In general, this form consists of a main body
only form that can use hand weapons. and two or more paired wings; although an aircraft doesn’t require
Vehicle: This is the form used to create cars, tanks, boats and sub- wings in many cases. Abilities: Thruster speed doubled, -2MV.
marines, In general, this form consists of a main body and some Bases This is the form used to create non moving, protected
type of movement system on the underside, such as wheels, places. The form consists of a main body (in this case, the largest”
treads, props, thrusters or ground effect (GEV) systems. Abilities: room” and several extremities (or subrooms/ passages). A Base
Surface Move +3, -1 MV. cannot be moved.Abilities: +2 Armor SDPs or KILLs (as applica-
ble), 360º firing arc.
Buy the Parts Buy Thrusters
2 Decide how big the main body (aka the torso) of your vehicle is. The
examples on the table will give you a few ideas of rough sizes; pick the
6 T hrusters allow your mecha to fly. To determine a
cost, multiply your total weight (by x 0.0075 for


closest approximation. Now, buy your main body. If you have heads, arms, legs, mecha a ton or more, or 0.125 for mecha under a ton), then
wings, tentacles, wheels, treads or other extremities (aka servos) attached to multiply that result by the MOVE you want as your top flight
the main body, buy these next. Extremities may not be more than 1 level greater speed and round off. Example: For a 76.5 ton mecha to fly
than the Main Body and Servos with SDP may not be combined with Kills. at a MOVE of 100 would cost 57 OP (76.5 x 0.0075=0.57;
EXTREMITIES 0.57 x100=57.3 rounded down to 57.)
LEVEL EXAMPLE MAIN BODY PP WEIGHT OR ARMOR PP WEIGHT But even with a MOVE of 100, our mecha barely gets
MICROLIGHT 1 LIGHT BODY ARMOR 10SDP 0.3 10KG 5SDP 0.1 5KG over 400 mph. So how do we get faster mecha? We get
MICROLIGHT 2 HVY BODY ARMOR 20SDP 0.4 22KG 10SDP 0.2 11KG around this by using a game convention called THE
MICROLIGHT 3 CYCLE, SMALL CAR, 40SDP 0.5 .4TON/400KG 25SDP 0.3 .3TON/300KG AFTERBURNER RULE. With this rule, you can buy the Option
MICROLIGHT 4 CAR, COPTER, POWER ARMOR 60SDP 0.8 .6TON/600KG 35SDP 0.5 .4TON/400KG (below) to move at one Mach level (@750mph) for every 100
MICROLIGHT 5 BIG CAR, SMALL TRUCK 80SDP 1.0 .8TON/800KG 45SDP 0.6 .5TON/500KG MOVE of thrusters purchased. This Mach Speed is only use-
MICROLIGHT 6 TRUCK 100SDP 1.5 1TON/1000KG 50SDP 0.7 .6TON/600KG able in high speed, straight line, non-combat movement.
7 Now decide what options you want to add to your
mecha. Options (like hands, computers, etc.) are purchased
as add-on parts. (Note that hands, claws, talons etc.must be
bought for each extremity they’ll be used on. Body Armors
don’t need hands; the operator’s hands will do). Buy these
LIGHT HEAVY JUMBO JET 14K 14 7TONS 7K 7 3.5TONS options separately from Cost Multipliers (below).
MEDIUM HEAVY TYPICAL GIANT ROBOT 16K 16 8TONS 8K 8 4TONS Cost Multipliers are options applied overall to your
ARMORED HEAVY BIG GIANT ROBOT 18K 18 9TONS 9K 9 4.5TONS mecha to get the effects you want. Choose the Cost
SUPERHEAVY SMALL SHIP, SPACESHIP 20K 20 10TONS 10K 10 5TONS Multipliers you want, add them together to get one Cost
MEGAHEAVY HUGE GIANT ROBOT 22K 22 11TONS 11K 11 5.5TONS Multiplier number, then apply that to your mecha’s Cost. Add
that result to the mecha’s Base Cost to get its Total Cost.
Buy Armor
3 This is the Phyiscal Defense (PD) of your vehicle. You’ll use the same OPTIONS
Hand .............................................2ea Security system...............................0.5
column of the table as you did for Extremities.The PD level of armor on the table
above is as listed for that level; the OP cost is the PD multiplied by the number Claw ..............................................4ea Escape System...................................1
of extremities and your main body combined. You may not armor a mecha high- Talon..............................................2ea Pincer.............................................2ea
Sensors.........................................4ea Weapon Linkage .............................1ea
er than 2 levels over its Main Body level, all areas must be armored at the
Computer ..................1 per level of INT Containment Facilities........1per person
same level, and you may not combine SDPs with Kills. Laboratory ........1 per type of speciality Storage ............................0.1 per 50kg
Choose Weapons (if any): COST MULTIPLIERS
4 Using the weapons
Auto systems.....................x0.1 for each level of INT, REF, DEX +5 skills at +5 each
Land Speed .................................................................x0.05 per +5MOVE, no max.
Faster Than Light Speed .................................................................................x1.25
how you want to arm your DC 7 LIGHT RIFLE ....................................................................5
Mach Speed .....................................................................................................x.25
mecha. Weapons are pur- DC 8 HEAVY RIFLE....................................................................8
Maneuverability.........................................................0.1 per +1MV, up to max of 0.
DC 10 50 CAL MACHINEGUN......................................................10
chased by their damage Scale up Kills by factor of 10 (weight goes up x10) ............................................x25
DC 11 MAN PORTABLE HOWITZER .................................................11
classes, not by any specific Scale up Kills by factor of 100 (weight goes up x1000)....................................x500
DC 12 15MM CANNON, MAN PORTABLE LASER CANNON.....................12
weapon; the weapons listed DC 13 20MM CANNON.............................................................13 Stealth or Cloaking Field (defined by GM) ..........................................................x0.3
are only examples. Feel free 1K RAILGUN, 30-50MM CANNON, LT. BEAM GUN ........................14
Style ...................................x0.01 for each +1 bonus to Pilot’s PRE, to a max of +3
to invent the effects and 2K 60-80MM CANNON, ROCKET POD, BEAM SWORD* .................15 Sublight speeds (escape velocities, up to 1AU per day at GM’s choice)...........x0.75
style of the weapon you 3K 90-100MM CANNON, MECHA MACHINE CANNON ....................16 Synchro Systems............................x0.5 for +2 to Pilot’s REF & DEX, +1 to all WA’s
want. Weapons are con- 4K 120-140MM CANNON, BEAM CANNON................................17 Transformation ................................................Total Cost x 0.3 for every form taken
structed by buying the basic 5K 150-200MM CANNON, MECHA MELEE WEAPON*...................18 Water Propulsion.............................................................x0.025 for every +5 MOVE
DC or Kills of the weapon, 6K HVY. AUTOCANNON, MISSILE POD, HVY. BEAM GUN ...............................19
then buy the range and accu- 7K 300MM CANNON ..........................................................20 Calculate Your Surface Move & MV
racy of the weapon. Note:
The largest weapon you may
HVY. BEAM CANNON,.......................................................21
ARTILLERY CANNON, MECHA HOWITZER, ...............................22 8 Add up the weight of all
the parts of your
<1 TON
-0 to REF
place on any Microlight main mecha to determine it’s total 01-19t 30 -1 to REF 60/90
11K BATTLESHIP CANNON........................................................24
bodied mecha is 3K . 12K CRUISE MISSILE, 18IN BATTLESHIP CANNON ..........................10 weight. Then check below to 20-29t 25 -2 to REF 50/75
*RANGE IS AUTOMATICALLY 1 determine its MOVE and its 30-39t 25 -3 to REF 50/75
Ranges & WAs 40-49t 20 -4 to REF 40/60
Maneuver Value (i.e., how
The Base Range for a ranged Weapon is 200m/yds; you’ll add+1 for every dou- 50-59t 20 -5 to REF 40/60
maneuverable it is—MV
bling of range. Weapon Accuracy (WA) is purchased at +1 point for each addi- 60-69t 15 -6 to REF 30/45

reduces your REF, and thus your

tional level over a starting base of +0. 70-79t 15 -7 to REF 30/45
piloting/driving skills).
80-89t 10 -8 to REF 20/30
Get a Final Total of SDP or Kills) Example: Our 76.5-ton
90-99t 10 -9 to REF 20/30
5 Now, add the SDP (or Kills) of your main body, all extremities, all armor
and all weapons together. This is the total SDP or Kills of your vehicle.
Beastmecha has a MOVE of 15
and an MV of -7.
100t + 10 -10 to REF 20/30

1 ooner or later, you will want to improve your Skills,
S Characteristics or Powers from the levels at which you
purchased them at. There are several ways in which to do this:
E xperience is one of the most problematic
parts of running a campaign. Too little, and
your players become frustrated at not accomplishing
anything; too much, and they become jaded because
Study & Practice: You get a how-to book and start reading/practicing. everything is too easy.
Study is the hardest method, you have no idea of where to begin and no one One trick to maintaining both balance and excitement
to correct your mistakes. In general, it takes about 1 month of study to gain is to use the “Christmas” theory of experience; keep the
1 point. The biggest limit to this method is that you can only improve your awards relatively small from game to game, with a large
skill to a level of 3. award at the end of an entire adventure arc. The award
Being Taught: Superior to book learning. The teacher must have a higher should be in a discreet “Christmas Present”—a coveted
level of skill than the student and must have the time to teach (how long this vehicle (or points which can only be used to create a vehi-
takes is up to the GM). But even the most knowledgeable teachers may not cle), ”Special training” (where Skill points must go to a
be any good at transferring their knowledge; that’s where the skill of Teaching specific Skill area), or a “Radiation Accident” that provides
comes in. The teacher averages his skill in the subject to be taught with his points that create or improve specific powers.
Teaching skill; he may then teach the student up to that level of skill. How
long this takes is up to the GM, who can award points over the passage of
his is a very important option for
time (usually 1-2 points per month).
Experience: Still the best teacher. Whenever you do something really well,
T Referees who want more control over
their campaign’s growth. The Rule of X is a
the GM may award you with 1-2 Option Points right on the spot. The problem
is that these points are applied to the skill you were using to get the award. simple way to set the overall power of the cam-
Therefore, if you want to get better in a skill you should use it very chance paign, and to keep it at that level.
you get. Simply, the Rule of X limits how powerful characters
Another way to improve Characteristics, Skills and other Campaign can start off at in a campaign. (Well, the GM can of course
Options comes into play AFTER character creation; winning Option Points break this rule for the Non-Player Characters, but the play-
through adventuring with the character. There are two major ways to gain ers must stick to it.) Here’s how it works.
these points: FOR ATTACKS: The Damage or P Cost of your largest
Roleplaying: While it isn’t exactly part of the game reality, Referees should attack (whichever is higher) added to your Reflex plus
always reward their players for how well they play the character; after all, your Skill in that attack cannot be greater than X.
that’s why we’re doing this. Here are a few suggestions:
FOR DEFENSES: Your Hits divided by 5, plus your
largest Defense/5, added to your Dexterity plus your
Player was clever, inventive, or roleplayed well 1, 2 pts.
applicable defensive Skill cannot be greater than X.
Player solved a mystery or major point of plot 1 pt.
Adventure was resounding success 2,3 pts. The value of X depends on the power level you want for
Base points for being in scenario 1, 2 pts. the campaign. For instance, a superhero campaign might
start with the Rule of 20. A character with a STR of 12,
Assigning Points: The GM can also give out points for specific skills or and a Reflex of 6, could have no more than a Skill of 2
attributes, or even assign those points to a particular Skill, Power or Perk as with his hand-to-hand attacks (12 + 6 + 2 = 20). A mar-
a bonus over and above the regular points for a session. We like to call this tial artist with 40 Hits and a Dexterity of 7 could have no
the “Radiation Accident Gives Player New Powers Rule,” because it is best more than a 5 Skill with his martial attacks ([40/5] + 7
employed whenever a player undergoes a particularly meaningful adventure + 5 = 20). Some suggested values for the Rule of X are.
that may well change his life
Buying Stuff with Your Points EVERYDAY [REALISTIC] 14

o the GM just dumped a whole load of points on you—great! But

how do you use them? Much like real currency, all Option Points INCREDIBLE [OLYMPICS, ACTION MOVIE] 20
need to be cashed in to buy or improve Skills, Powers and Gear (even LEGENDARY [BLOCKBUSTER ACTION MOVIE] 22
Characteristics with your GM’s agreement) SUPERHEROIC [COMIC BOOKS, MYTHS] 24
• TO BUY UP SKILLS: ONE point for each LEVEL of the new skill . Example: To
buy a skill from 3 to 4 would require 4 Option Points. The Rule of X primarily is used to set the initial power
• TO BUY UP CHARACTERISTICS: FIVE points for every one point of Characteristic level of a campaign, and is not generally used to limit char-
improvement, plus the permission of the GM. Example: to improve your REF acters after their creation (although it’s a good idea to keep
from 5 to 6 would require 5 Option Points and your GM’s agreement. it in force all the time when running superheroic games).
• TO BUY UP POWERS (if applicable): FIVE points for every one point of Power Instead, the GM should use the Rule as a guide for handing
improvement, plus the permission of the GM. Example: to improve your out experience or powerful “goodies”that might unbalance
Energy Blast from DC3 to DC4 would require 5 Option Points and your Ref’s the campaign.
agreement. The Rule of X can be changed during the course of a
• TO GENERATE CASH: 1 Option Point equals 100 dollars (or other money campaign to let characters become more powerful, if the
unit, plus the GM’s permission. Example: to gain $500.ºº would require 5 GM so desires. This current Rule of X should also be
OP and your Ref’s OK. applied to all new characters entering the campaign.
ow that you’ve created a character, its time to use him or her in the gaming environment. This means learning how


Time (and Turn Order), Facing, Distance and Movement work in the Fuzion system.


3 nce your turn comes up in the phase, you can start taking ACTIONS.
O Actions are basically things you can do within the span of a few sec-
onds, like use a weapon, dodge, or even start an Action that may stretch over
several phases (like picking a lock).
What Can I Do As An Action During My Turn?
You can do one thing each Phase. This could include:
IT’S FUZION TIME! Each one of these things would be considered an Action.
1 uzion uses two Free Actions
time. The
ways of measur- 1 PHASE = 3 SECONDS
first, 1 ROUND=12 SECONDS T hese are things you can do automatically, without spending any of your
Actions. An example would be standing up, using Breakfall, maintaining a
ROLEPLAYING TIME, works just 5 ROUNDS= 1 MINUTE Power (Darkness, Telekinesis, Force Field and Invisibility to name a few) that’s
5 MINUTES already been turned on, or any power that doesn’t require a roll. To be sure,
like it does in real life; divid- 20 MINUTES
ing reality into seconds, min- 1 HOUR ask the GM of your campaign what Actions are free in his game.
utes, hours, days, weeks, 6 HOURS
4 n order to give the proper flavor to superheroic combat, we've
The second way, COMBAT TIME, is far more exacting.
In Combat, time is divided into 3 second combat PHAS-
I added the Speed Characteristic to this rev of Fuzion. A charac-
ter's Speed is the number of Phases the character may act in one Round.
ES. (Note: In HERO, this is roughly equivalent to Speed Normally in Fuzion, every character gets 4 Phases in each Round. When using the
4.) Anything that takes longer than a phase is consid- Speed characteristic, each Round is divided into 12 Segments of 1 second each.
ered to be a LONG ACTION, and will take at least 12 sec- Refer to the Speed Chart to find when your character takes a Phase. The charac-
onds to complete. In extreme cases, you may even want ter's Speed is across the top of the chart, and the Segment is listed along the left;
to use minutes or hours to describe especially long each X indicates when a characters gets a Phase. For instance, a character with
actions. a Speed of 5 gets to act on Segments 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12.
WHO GOES FIRST? Each Round, the GM should begin by counting off the segments ("Segment
2 ach Phase, every player (who isn’t
1, segment 2...") until a Segment is reached where a character has a Phase. All

E unconscious or otherwise out of the

fight) gets to do something during the phase.
characters with a Phase in that Segment get to act, following the usual rules for
determining who goes first. Combat usually begins on Segment 12, giving every-
one a chance for an action and then a free Recovery (at the end of each Segment
But who goes first? This is decided by determin- 12, all characters get a free Recovery without having to use a Recovery Action).
ing initiative. There are two Switch Positions for Targets that are surprised would not act in Segment 12.
determining initiative: Characters C HARACTER ’ S S PEED
SWITCH 1: (better for group of characters vs. Ref- can choose to PHASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 19 11 12
run melees.) The character with the highest REF act at a lower 1 — — — — — — — — — — — X
always acts first in a phase. They may also be Speed in a 2 — — — — — X X X X X X X
allowed to hold their action (see Wait under Round (thus sav- 3 — — — X X — — X X X X X
Advanced Actions) and act later in the phase. The char- ing Endurance). 4 — — X — — X X — X X X X
acter with the next highest REF score acts next and so The character’s 5 — — — — X — — X — X X X
on. If the characters are still tied, then roll a die to break acting Speed 6 — X — X — X X X X X X X
ties at the start of combat; the higher number goes first. must be chosen 7 X — — — — — X — X — X X
SWITCH 2: (best for Character vs. Character melees) before Segment 8 — — X — X X — X X X X X
At the beginning of each phase, each character 1, and the char- 9 — — — X — — X X — X X X
rolls 3 dice and adds their REFLEX Characteristic. acter must stay 10 — — — — X X — — X X X X
The character with the highest total acts first for at that lower 11 — — — — — — X X X X X X
that phase (they are also allowed to hold their action and Speed for the 12 — X X X X X X X X X X X
act later in the phase.) The character with the next high- entire Round.
est total acts next and so on. Roll an additional die to
An Alternative to Speed
break ties; high number goes first.
Once the phase order has been determined, each
5 A shorthand way to deal with reaction times is to give players extra
actions instead of using a Speed chart. For every 4 points of Speed (or

character takes their TURN. Then the next character gets

a chance to do their action, until all characters have had 8 pts of REF) the character has, he gets one additional Action each phase
their chance to act. Then the sequence begins again with (essentially Speed 4 in the HERO system).
a new phase. CHARACTER SPEED 1-4 5-8 9-10 11-12 13-16 17-18


1 acing is 3
F the direc-
tion you are pointing.
D istance in Fuzion can be measured in either meters or
yards (we admit to fudging the numbers a bit to allow us
to use the same values for each; in reality a meter is slightly longer).
Since many Fuzion Measurements will always be listed in both, usually with the abbrevia-
games are played “in tion “m/yds”. Either way, you should pick one unit of measure and stick
YES head” (without maps), with it.
the rule is that you can Movement is the distance a character or vehicle can move in a
face anything posi- phase—this value is always determined by your MOVE characteristic. As
tioned forward of your a rule, there are two scales of Movement used in Fuzion. The first scale is
NO shoulders (illustration). FIGURATIVE MOVEMENT; the raw MOVE score compared to another MOVE to
hen using a stan-
W dard gaming hex
map, characters can
see which is faster overall. This is best for simple speed decisions.
The other is LITERAL MOVEMENT; a measurement of actual distance.
This is best for realistic distances. As a general rule:
normally “face” • Multiply the MOVE of the character or mecha by 2 m/yds per phase
through any three adja- to determine its “combat” or “running” distance.
cent sides (not cor- •Multiply the MOVE of the character or mecha by 3 m/yds per phase
ners) of the hex they for it’s non-combat or sprinting distance.
are standing in. HINT: We don’t really recommend even bothering with literal movement
A Note about above speeds of 50. Most of the time, you’ll want to just use a gener-
al speed, determined as below:
Using Figures • To get KPH ground speeds, multiply the non combat or combat move
ne reason we’ve used the meter-yards formula for comput-
O ing distances in Fuzion is that it corresponds pretty well with
a generic 6 foot character (ok, a meter isn’t exactly 6 feet, but
of the object by 3 kph. Example: with a non combat move of 18, I run
at 54 kph.
• To get MPH ground speeds, multiply the non combat or combat move
for convenience’s sake, it works well enough). This allows you of the object by 2 mph. Example: with a non combat move of 18, I run
to use almost any size of figure in play—the actual figure at 36 mph.
becomes a useful 2 yard “yardstick” to measure distances.
Army men, action figures, even fashion dolls—anything can
Special Case: Mach Airspeeds
work with this simple scale system. • To get most KPH airspeeds, you’ll multiply the combat move of the
object by 3 kph. However, if the vehicle is especially fast, it may be able
Line of Sight and Firing Arc to apply the AFTERBURNER RULE (pg. 12), which allows it to increase it’s
2 acing is only part of the story. The other part is non-combat velocity to Mach values (@1125kph) for every 100 points of
F whether or not you can actually see (and attack)
your intended target. This is called Line of sight.
MOVE. Example: at a MOVE of 250, my jet moves at an “afterburner”
move of Mach 2 (roughly 2,244 kph).
• To get combat MPH airspeeds, you’ll multiply the non combat or com-
Shooting Blind bat MOVE of the object by 2 mph. Applying the AFTERBURNER RULE to those
When something is between you and your target, it blocks with that option will allow them to move at a non-combat velocity of Mach
your line of sight. You may still shoot at it (assuming your 1 (750mph) for every 100 points of MOVE. Example: at a MOVE of 200,
weapon can penetrate the obstacle), but will have to attack my jet moves at a non-combat “sprint” of Mach 2 (roughly 1,500 mph).
blind (making a Perception Roll with a Difficulty Value deter-
mined by the GM. A successful roll allows you to shoot at a -2
to your REF; an unsuccessful roll increases this to -4. 4 A few basic rules govern how you move during a phase:
WHAT YOU CAN SHOOT THROUGH • In Fuzion, objects accelerate or decelerate at a rate of 10
Trees• Brush•Smoke•Tents•Glass• Snow MOVE per phase.
• You may not move (or shoot) through any solid person, object or


Concrete•Brick•Metal•Ice thing (see illustration above).
• Your movement will be slowed by the type of terrain you cross over.
Partial Cover Terrain is rated as Easy, Rough and Very Rough and reduces your
overall MOVE characteristic in the following manner:
An obstacle may also only partially block your line of sight,
allowing you to try and shoot around it. Determine how much
No Reduction Halves MOVE Quarters MOVE
of your target is exposed, then reduce your Attack roll as below:
Note that the roughness of the terrain doesn’t mean that it’s full of
COVER MODIFIER rocks; just that it’s hard to cross. ROUGH terrain could include choppy
Half Body.................................................................-2 waves, turbulent air, or light brush. VERY ROUGH might be mud, snow,
Head and Shoulders Only ........................................-3 ice or thick brush. EASY would be grass, sidewalks and open skies.
Head only ................................................................-4 The terrain type is decided on by the GM, and is based on the major-
Behind someone else..............................................-4 ity of terrain you will be crossing over that phase. For example, if you
Target prone............................................................--2 ran over 4 m/yds of Easy terrain and 6 m/yds of Rough, the GM would
Target crouched or kneeling .....................................-1 probably rule that you were moving through Rough Terrain that phase.


henever your character tries to do something (called taking an Action), there’s always the question
W of whether he’ll succeed or fail. Sometimes the task is so easy that it’s obvious; for instance, taking
a step forward without falling down. In those cases you’ll just tell the GM what you’re doing, and no die roll is needed.
ut if you’re trying to take a step on the deck of a ship pitching wildly in a driving rainstorm, walking might be very difficult
B indeed. That’s where TASK RESOLUTION comes in. All tasks in Fuzion are resolved with the same formula: take the rele-
vant CHARACTERISTIC and add to it the relevant SKILL, resulting in an ACTION VALUE [AV] Then add a die roll to your AV to
create an ACTION TOTAL [AT]. Compare the resulting AT to a DIFFICULTY VALUE (below). If you equal or exceed the DIFFICULTY
VALUE, you succeed!


Usually common sense will tell you what Characteristic to use: The GM will usually This is one of the basic decisions you have to
INTELLIGENCE Memory, problem solving decide which Skill fits make before you begin playing Fuzion: what
WILLPOWER Ability to face danger, fear, stress the task best. Example: Dice should you use? While standard 6-sided
PRESENCE Interactions with others. when attacking with a dice are always used for damage, in Fuzion,
TECHNIQUE Manipulating tools, instruments weapon, use the Weapon you can use either 3 six-sided dice (the HERO
REFLEXES Fighting and driving/control skills Skill for that weapon or OPTION) or one 10-sided die (the INTERLOCK
DEXTERITY Physical Abilities. Dodging, athletics Hand to Hand if you’re OPTION) for resolving actions. The GM should
CONSTITUTION Resistance to pain, disease, shock using your fists. If Driving decide at the start of the campaign what kind
STRENGTH Muscle mass and physical power a car, use your Driving of dice will be used; this will then be in effect
MOVEMENT Running, swimming feats Skill instead, and so on. for all characters within that campaign.
...or the GM can decide if it’s in dispute.


vs the DV (DIFFICULTY VALUE) + 10 (or a DIE ROLL)
uzion’s unusual “parentage” offers you two
The DIFFICULTY VALUE [DV] is a number you must roll equal or higher than with
your combined ACTION VALUE and a DIE ROLL. DIFFICULTY VALUES come in two
F ways to resolve the DV side of the outcome.
The first is the HERO Option (from the
OPPOSED: When attempting a task against another character, such as attacking Champions side of the family), which uses a
someone, the DIFFICULTY VALUE (aka DEFENSIVE VALUE] is determined by the straight value (10) instead of a die roll. This
CHARACTERISTIC+ SKILL of the character opposing you. option gives your campaigns a more predictable
UNOPPOSED: When attempting a task involving non-living objects or an ability, the DIF- feeling; once your skills are high enough, you can
FICULTY VALUE is given to you by the GM, based on how tough he thinks the task is. depend on almost always making the grade.
These DVs do not add die rolls or a value of 10. They are determined by using the Remember; when using this option, the Attacker
UNIVERSAL DIFFICULTY VALUE TABLE below: should roll three six sided dice.
he second is the INTERLOCK OPTION (named after
Challenged ..................................10
Exceptionally superheroic ............42
T RTG’s core system used in Cyberpunk and
Mekton ), in which a 1D10 die roll is added to the
Everyday ......................................14 Incredibly superheroic...................46
Difficulty (aka Defensive) Value of the Defender.
Competent...................................18 Legendarily superheroic ................50
This option tends to give your campaigns a more
Heroic ..........................................22 Cosmic .........................................54
unpredictable flavor; even the toughest characters
Incredible.....................................26 Competently cosmic .....................58
will have to depend on Luck against an equally
Legendary ....................................30 Exceptionally cosmic ....................62
skilled opponent. Remember, when using this
Superheroic..................................34 Incredibly cosmic..........................66
option, the attacker should always roll a single ten
Competently superheroic .............38 Legendarily cosmic .......................70
sided die.
In general, if a character has a Heroic Characteristic and an Heroic Skill, he has about Either option works equally well and both are
an even chance to succeed at a Heroic task. GMs should use these values as guide- scaled to fit the Difficulty Value Table at left
lines; feel free to use Modifiers (pg. 146 & 147) to make it more or less difficult.
Or Do You Even Need to Roll at
Difficulty Values, The Easy Way All?
If the GM doesn’t have the UNIVERSAL DIFFICULTY VALUE TABLE handy, there’s an easy The GM can also choose to automatically

way to get the right DIFFICULTY VALUE: Ask the player for their ACTION TOTAL, then count as a success any task where the player’s
assign a DIFFICULTY VALUE in relation to that total: A really easy task adds -4 or -3 Characteristic+Skill total already meets or beats
to the DV, an easy task adds -2 or -1, a tough task adds +1 or +3, and a really the Difficulty Value.
tough task adds+5 or +6.


sing your Skills is the most common kind of
U 4 esides the basic ways of using skills,
Action outside of Combat. The first step in using
a skill is determining what Characteristic you're going B there are a few other variations that
can improve your chances:
to use and what Skill to pair it up with when you do something:
Trying Again
1 n general, common sense should tell you which Characteristic to use
If you fail a Skill Check, you can’t try again until your check
for a particular task, or the GM of your campaign can decide if there's
a dispute. However, the following guidelines will usually apply in almost any case:
has improved for some reason; you took longer, used a bet-
ter tool, or made a complementary Skill Check.


Complementary Skills issue of knowledge or experience or is otherwise mental..........................................................INT A Complementary Skill Check is where the use of one
...interacting with someone (e.g. lying to them, impressing them, etc.)............................................PER skill directly affects the use of a subsequent skill. For
...resisting an interaction, or if it’s a matter of willpower...................................................................WILL example, if you were a singer and needed to sway a
...using tools, instruments or having technical affinity .....................................................................TECH crowd, a very good Performance check would make the issue of speed, such as races of swimming, skating or skiing..............................................MOVE swaying (Persuasion) a lot easier. As a rule of thumb:
...using hand-eye coordination or manual dexterity (e.g. guns or vehicles).....................................REF 1) At the GM's discretion, a good roll in one skill may have
...engaging in gross physical movement (athletics, using fists and blades).....................................DEX
...a matter of raw physical strength (mainly a Strength Feat”) ..........................................................STR
a bonus effect on the subsequent use of a related skill.
...a matter of endurance and time .....................................................................................................CON This bonus will be in a ratio of +1 additional bonus point for
every 5 points the related skill succeeded by. Example: Sue
The most important thing is to look at the type of task you're trying to perform wants to convince Bob to go out with her (Persuasion). By
first. This will determine the most applicable Characteristic upon which to base making a really good Wardrobe and Style roll, she could
your Skill. One side effect of this method is that you may often find the same increase her Persuasion by dazzling Bob with her sexy
Skill being combined with different Characteristics, depending on circum- wardrobe.
stances and the way in which you want to use that Skill. For example, if you're 2) As a rule, this bonus will usually only affect a subse-
playing a piece of music and trying to make it technically perfect, you might quent attempt once. One really high Wardrobe and Style roll
use your Technique characteristic in combination with your Performance Skill. won't allow Sue to convince Bob to marry her; it just helps
But if you were trying to sway an audience to tears with the beauty of your play- get her the date. The rest is up to fate.
ing, you could use your Personality Characteristic in combination with your 3) As a rule, this bonus should only involve the interac-
Performance Skill instead. Each uses the same Skill, but each choice stress- tion of one skill attempt on one other Skill attempt.
es very different aspects of using that skill! TH E TI M E TA B L E
Taking Extra Time
Taking extra time can also give 1 PHASE = 3 SECONDS
2 The overriding rule here is that the GM will always be the final arbiter
you a bonus to your Skill Roll. For
every level on the Time Table used
of what Skill should be used to make an attempt at a task. Beyond beyond the amount of time the 20 MINUTES
that, common sense is the best guideline. If you're using a weapon, your Skill GM assigns to the task, add +1 to 1 HOUR
choice may be pretty simple; use the Skill that describes the weapon best. But the Skill Roll. Example: The GM 6 HOURS
if it's an interpersonal issue, you may be able to convince your GM to give you says a task will take 1 minute. If 1 DAY
a lot more leeway; maybe your Social Skill may be far more useful in convinc- the character takes 5 minutes to perform the task, he gets
ing the gang leader to release the hostages than your Persuasion, especially a +1 bonus to the Skill Roll.
if you can call upon a little known gangland code that requires he honor your
request! The ability to bend Skills around to fit circumstances allows you to Critical Success...
use one of the best strengths of the Fuzion system: flexibility. A critical success is when you get lucky and manage to
succeed at something you normally would have no chance
WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A SKILL in Hades to accomplish. In game play, this is simulated by
3 S

ometimes, you just don't have a Skill to use. In these cases, there allowing you to roll additional dice which are then added to
are two options the GM can use. The first is the Outta Luck option: the original roll to enhance it’s effects. The rules for this
you just don't get a Skill to add to your characteristic. You just don't know any- depend on which dice option you are using:
thing about what you have to do, and you're totally relying on a Characteristic and • If you’re rolling D10: On a natural roll of 10, you’ve
dumb luck (a good time to use that LUCK you've been hoarding). scored a critical success. Roll an another 1D10 and add
The second route is the Cultural Familiarity option. In most societies, there are the result to your first roll. If you roll another 10, you may
very few things that can be done that aren't described in some manner or other; not score another critical success.
people shoot guns in movies; legends describe how the hero used his sword, • If you’re rolling 3D6: On a natural roll of 18, roll two
Tom Clancy novels tell all about how submarines work. Cultural Familiarity additional D6’s and add this result to your original roll.
assumes the more widely educated you are, the more chance you may have run ...and Critical Failure
across something relating to what you're about to attempt. Therefore, whenever Sometimes even the best of the best have a bad day.
you don't have a Skill that will apply, you can gain one point for every three points • If you’re rolling D10: On a natural roll of 1, Roll an anoth-
of Education you currently have. And since most people start with at least 2 er 1D10 and subtract the result from your first roll.
points of Education, one point of ADDITIONAL Education may be enough to get • If you’re rolling 3D6: On a natural roll of all 1’s, roll two
you a start. Use of the above rule is, of course, subject to the decision of the additional D6’s and subtract the result from your first roll.
1 n Fuzion, each player can perform one action per phase. But what kind of actions can you perform when your chance
I comes up? And how do they all work together? In general, there are two kinds of Actions in Fuzion: Basic Actions, which
are simple descriptions of tasks you’ll want to perform during your turn, and Advanced Actions, which represent more sophisticated
maneuvers that add strategy and tactics to your game play. Both have advantages; Basic in speed, Advanced in subtlety.
he following section discusses Basic Actions a character can perform, each explained. Advanced Actions are described on the fol-
T lowing page in their own section. Both also have useful summary pages to recap what each action means.


ATTACK: Use a weapon, power or physical combat skill to harm an
opponent. There are many modifiers that can affect your chance
to do this (see Combat Modifiers, pg. 42 - 43). Specific weapons
may have other modifiers to take into account as well.
BLOCK: (OR PARRY) Use this Action to deflect attacks. In general,
this means stopping a SPECIFIC Melee or Hand to Hand attack in REMEMBER:
addition to your normal Defense Value. When Blocking an attack, • Wood damages Flesh
make a Hand to Hand Defense or Melee Defense roll against the • Metal damages Wood
roll which your attacker already got past your defense roll. If the roll • Energy damages Metal
is successful, the attack is blocked. After being blocked, the
attacker is put off balance, and must act after the target next BASIC ACTION SUMMARY
phase regardless of normal turn order. ACTIONS NOTES
This is a good time to introduce the Rock, Papers, Scissors Rule ATTACK (SHOOT Make Attack (optionally, add modifiers); autofire
of Blocking. As a general rule, certain defenses can be used to OR STRIKE) attacks count as one Action. Kicks do +1D6 at -1 to hit.
physically block certain kinds of attacks; against other attacks, BLOCK Stops any one attack with a successful Defensive Roll vs
these defenses are worse than useless. (You could lose an arm!) the Attacker’s Attack roll. You attack first next phase
DODGE: Use this Action to make yourself harder to hit. Instead of DODGE Makes you harder to hit against all attacks this phase—
attacking, you may declare that you are actively dodging and gain adds +3 DV, but you cannot attack
+3 to your Defense Value against all attacks that Phase. GET UP Get up from being prone
GET UP: Use this Action to stand up after being knocked down. GRAB -2 to perform; grab target or gadget; -3 Defense for both
GRAB: Use this Action to get a grip on an opponent, a weapon, a MOVE Move up to half your Combat Move and do something else.
gadget, or something else. A successful Grab allows the attacker RUN Move up to your full Combat Move (a Run).
to hold, pin, choke or throw his opponent; he may also attempt to SPRINT Move up to your full Non Combat Move at 1/2 DEX, 0 REF
grab a weapon from his opponent’s grasp. Use an Opposed Skill OTHER ACTION Any single action not otherwise specified, such as
check to see if you can break out of a Grab (use STR Characteristic [OR USE A SKILL] reloading, mounting a vehicle, changing weapons, etc.
plus Hand to Hand, Athletics or Martial Arts (whichever is highest); THROW Throw one object (-4 if not made for throwing).
the attacker suffers -2 to his roll. When Grabbed, both grabber and
grabbee are -3 DEX to all other attacks. The grabber can choose
to do his full STR in damage to the grabbee each turn. TURN SEQUENCE SUMMARY
Move (Half Move): This action allows you to move up to half your 2 ach Phase, roll one die and add your REF. During
Run (or other Combat Movement power) distance, and perform
one other action, except for Run, Sprint, Move By, Move Thru, E this 3-second segment, do the following:
Recover or any action the GM rules to take a Full Action (or longer.) [A] CHOOSE YOUR ACTIOn You have 1 ACTION each Phase. These
RUN (COMBAT MOVE): Allows character to move up to their full actions can be Attacks or involve other types
Running Characteristic that phase. of activity. If attacking go to [B]; if not, skip
SPRINT (NON-COMBAT MOVE): Use this Action to move faster each down to [D].
phase—up to your full Sprint speed, but at 1/2 DEX and 0 REF [B] CHECK LINE OF SIGHT You can attack anything positioned forwards
while doing so. of your shoulders, as long as nothing else is
OTHER ACTION: Use this Action for anything not covered by other in the way.
Actions, like reloading, taking off your shirt, opening a door, or any- [C] CHECK RANGE Each attack has a range, listed in
thing else you can think of. How long an Other Action takes is up to meters/yards. If using figures, assume one
the GM; they may well decide that what you describe takes several figure is equal to 2 meters (or @6 feet) of
rounds to perform, or it may have modifiers on your DEX. Some range from top to base. If you are in range,
Other Actions: drawing a weapon, getting into or out of a vehicle (or you can attack.
mounting or dismounting from a horse), transforming, and clearing [D] RESOLVE ACTION See TAKING ACTION [pg. 37]. In general, roll
a jammed weapon. All of these Actions take up your full phase. 1die and add to your Characteristic+ Skill. If
THROW: This allows the attacker to use a thrown weapon (grenade, the action was an Attack, go to [E]. If not, go

bottle, mug, small car). The object must be liftable by the character, on to NEXT PHASE [F].
and may be thrown using the character’s Athletics Skill. Improvised, [E} RESOLVE DAMAGE If you hit, roll a number of 6-sided dice equal
non-aerodynamic objects can be thrown at at -4 penalty. If the char- to the Damage Class (pg. 46 of the Attack).
acter is throwing something larger than 4 square m/yds (roughly [F] GO TO NEXT PHASE Start again with the process.
2x2), it can be treated as an area attack.

3 hese are other Actions you can take besides the Basic ones. Remember that even this list is only a fraction
T of the possible maneuvers you may want to invent or add to your campaigns.

ADVANCED ACTION DESCRIPTIONS If pitted against a trap, you will use your STR+Athletics Skill against
ABORT: Characters who are being attacked, and who have yet to take a Difficulty Value set by the GM. On a successful roll, you are free of the
their turn, may 'abort' to a defensive maneuver (Block, Dodge, or Dive hold and may move again. Hand to Hand or Tech-based Skills may also
For Cover) using their upcoming action. Characters continue to do this be used in default of Athletics if the GM agrees.
defensive action until they can act again in the next phase. HAYMAKER: You throw caution to the wind and put everything into a sin-
AIM: This action allows you to improve your chances to hit with a gle full-out physical move (a swing, punch or blow). This gives you a dam-
ranged weapon (only). Each action taken aiming adds +1 to your attack, age bonus of +3 dice, but imposes a -3 penalty to hit (because you’re
up to three actions total. Aiming assumes a steady, braced position, no not worrying about keeping your balance or aiming, etc.).
movement, and a clear chance to track your target. MOVE BY: This action lets you use up to your full Move and make a
CHOKE HOLD: A two hand or one arm Grab maneuver (unless you’re real- Hand-to-Hand or Melee attack (only) at any point along that movement,
ly big and your GM allows you to use one hand or arm). Once a suc- at a penalty of -2 to your REF and DEX. You do your half STR damage
cessful Choke hold is established, the choker will do 2D6 in killing dam- plus 1 die for every 10m/yds moved. You will also take one third of that
age unless the Choke is broken by the victim. damage yourself.
DISARM: On a successful Attack roll, you have a chance to knock some- MOVE THRU: This action lets you use up to your full Move and make a
thing from the opponent’s hand at no penalty. The attacker gets a STR Hand-to-Hand or Melee attack (only) at the end of that movement, at a
+ Hand to Hand roll versus the defender’s STR + Hand to Hand roll; if REF penalty of -1 for every 10m/yds moved and -3 to DEX. You do your
the attacker wins, the defender drops the weapon. Use the area effect STR damage plus 1die for every 5m/yds moved. You also take half that
table to determine where the damage yourself.
weapon falls, with your oppo- RECOVER: Recovering gives
nent in the center.
DIVE FOR COVER: This action ACTIONS NOTES Endurance, if using that
allows you to get out of the ABORT Interrupt opponent’s turn to use a Defense (Dodge, Block, Dive Derived Characteristic)
way of explosions and area for Cover), at cost of your upcoming action this phase. equal to your Recovery
effect attacks. You make a AIM score. If you choose to
Each phase taken Aiming adds +1 to Attack, up to +3; no other
Defense roll (using an appro- Recover for your action, you
Action possible can do nothing else that
priate Hand To Hand or
Athletics roll if allowed by the CHOKE HOLD A Grab at - 4 REF. 2D6 Killing Attack. And you can’t talk while phase. If you suffer dam-
GM), against a Difficulty being choked. age while recovering, you
Value based on the distance DISARM Knock opponent’s weapon from hand. may not recover Stun
(base of 8 for 1m +1 diffi- DIVE FOR COVER points that phase. You are
Avoid an area attack. Defender makes REF + Athletics (or com-
culty for every extra 1 at -5 DEX while Recovering.
bat) skill roll vs 8, +1 difficulty per each extra meter/yard dived. SWEEP/TRIP: You put out a
m/yds). If the roll is failed,
you didn’t dodge fast and/or DRAW & ATTACK Draw weapon and attack in one Action. -3 Penalty to attack. foot and send him sprawl-
far enough and were caught ENTANGLE Immobilize opponent until he can make a Escape. ing. On a successful Hand
by the attack effects. ESCAPE Escape from Grabs or Entangles, using STR+Athletics (or com- to Hand roll, the attacker is
Diving for cover can be per- knocked to the ground. He
bat) skill vs opponent’s STR+Athletics (or combat) skill.
formed by holding an action will be -2 to his next attack,
HAYMAKER +3 dice damage, with -3 to REF. you will gain +2 on your
(just in case) or by aborting
to your next action if you MOVE BY Full Move and HTH attack during movement with a -2 penalty. next.
have not yet taken your turn. to REF & DEX. Damage = half of STR + 1 die for every 10m/yds WAIT: Allows you to INTER-
DRAW & ATTACK: By declar- moved. You will also take one third of that damage yourself. RUPT another player’s
ing this action at the start of MOVE THRU actions during their turn.
Full Move and HTH attack at end of move with a -1 penalty for
the round, you are effectively Waiting is best used when
every 10m.yds moved and a DEX penalty of -3 total. Damage you want to wait until an
trying to “fast draw” on your
opponents. This allows you = STR + 1 die for every 5m/yds moved; you will also take one opportunity exposes itself.
to draw and use a weapon in half of that damage yourself. To Wait, you must
one action, instead of the RECOVER -5 to Defense Value, get Recovery back in Stun announce, when your part

normal two, but imposes a - SWEEP/TRIP of the phase comes up,

Opponent falls; takes -2 penalty to his REF next phase, must
3 penalty on your attack. that you are planning to
spend an Action to get back up. Wait. The important word to
ENTANGLE: This allows the
character to use any entan- WAIT Wait for a chance to take your action or hold an action til later. include in this announce-
gling type of attack (whips, ment is until, stating what
nets, tentacles, etc) to immobilize an opponent. The attack is made condition must be met before you will act. An example might be, “I wait
using the skill for that weapon against the target’s defense roll. An until Bob moves.” or “I wait until I can see the whites of his eyes.” If the
entangled character must act as though a Grab has been made; he conditions of your wait are not met, you must stand there, waiting, until
can’t move or attack until he escapes. the next round. When the specified condition has been met, you can
ESCAPE: This is the action of freeing yourself from physical holds, elect to INTERRUPT someone else’s action immediately; after all, this is
chokes, entanglements or simple traps (like snares or nets). This what you have been waiting for. An example would be: “I wait until my
requires a separate roll using your STR+ Athletics (or Hand to Hand opponent pops his head up from behind the wall, then I’ll shoot.” The
skills) against the holder’s Athletics (or Hand to Hand) skills plus their moment your opponent pops up to shot at you (his action), you could
Strength. Example: Although Fox’s Athletics is 7, her STR is only 3. then interrupt and fire. You need not roll to interrupt; it’s automatic. This
Brick’s Athletics is only 3, but his STR is 10. The extra 3 point edge eas- can also be used to cover an opponent—i.e.; hold a ready weapon on
ily allows Brick to hold Fox immobilized. him—you interrupt his action (BANG!) if he attempts to escape.
1 2 nother area where the everyday goes beyond
One action that doesn’t fall into the realm of the every-
day in Fuzion are feats of strength. This is one place
where reality must compromise with fiction, since many Fuzion
reality in some Fuzion settings is throwing. For
when superhumans and demigods start tossing cars
settings deal with superheroes as well as more realistic types. around, throwing stuff can get a lot more interesting:


For most characters you can simply use one Strength scale to determine 1) Compare the weight of the object to the closest approxi-
one’s might. But how do you explain the abilities of most superheroes? How mate weight on the Weight Modifier table. IMPORTANT: You must
can a well built (but not exceptionally so) hero,—or a shapely fashion model be able to lift the object in order to throw it (no cheating!).
with a thong and no visible muscles at all—lift a battleship and throw it a 2) Subtract the Throw Modifier value from your current Throw
mile? Even if a human could lift a battleship, the distribution of weight (STR+4). Add +1 if the object is aerodynamic; also add +1 if it’s
around him would either (a) drive him into the ground like a nail; (b) punch a balanced for throwing. Find your new Throw on the Distance Table
man-sized hole through the hull of the battleship, or (c) break the battleship (below) to determine how far you can throw the object. If the
in half. After all, what’s holding up the parts of the battleship where our Throw is below .5, you can’t throw it.
.5 ........................2m 11.....................240m 22...............491km

hero’s hand’s aren’t?
It’s pretty obvious that “entertainment” physics isn’t like regular physics. 1 .........................6m 12.....................480m 23...............983km
That’s why the 2 .......................14m 13.....................960m 24 ...........1,957km
Strength table CAMPAIGN STYLE MODIFY CURRENT STR BY: 3 .......................24m 14..................1,920m 25 ...........3,932km
(below) can be EVERYDAY [REALISTIC] -3 4 .......................36m 15..................3,840m 26 ...........7,862km
“dialed” to suit COMPETENT [ELITE, SEMI-REALISTIC.] -2 5 .......................50m 16.....................8km* 27 .........15,725km

the reality level of HEROIC [TV ACTION SHOW] -1 6 .......................66m 17.....................17km 28 .........31,450km
your campaign. INCREDIBLE [OLYMPICS, ACTION MOVIE] +0 7 .......................84m 18.....................31km 29 .........62,899km
That way, characters LEGENDARY [BLOCKBUSTER ACTION MOVIE] +1 8 .....................104m 19.....................61km 30 .......125,798km
SUPERHEROIC [COMIC BOOKS, MYTHS] +2 9 .....................125m 20...................123km 31 .......251,597km
with incredible
Strength can lift the 10 ...................150m 21...................246km 32 .......503,194km
amazing tonnages that they do in comic books and manga; even though *Km values rounded to nearest .5 decimal place. To get miles from
reality doesn’t support this concept (or them). km, divide by 1.5
he Strength table below is for deadlifting the weight to waist (or drag-
T ging it). Pressing it overhead would be half of your Lift, carrying (at 1/2
Less than 2 kg
Less than 4lbs
4 lbs

pushing or lifting it .5 36 kg 72 lbs Small Child 4kg 9 lbs -2

for throwing would 1 50 kg 110 lbs Child 9kg 20 lbs -3
be reduced to one 2 72 kg 158 lbs Adult female 18kg 40 lbs -4
3 100 kg 220 lbs Adult male 36 kg 72 lbs Small Child -5
fourth of the listed 4 144 kg 317 lbs
weight. 72 kg 158 lbs Adult Male, Lamp post -6
5 200 kg 440 lbs Lion
6 288 kg 634 lbs Motorcycle 143 kg 317 lbs Manhole Cover -7
Pushing 7 400 kg 880 lbs 287 kg 634 lbs Motorcycle -8
n a campaign like 8 575 kg 1,265 lbs Small Car 575 kg 1,265 lbs Small Car -9
I Champions, where
1.15 tons
2.5 tons
1.265 tons
2.75 tons
Large car
Small Semi-truck
1.15 tons 1.265 tons Large car -10

Endurance (pg. 116) 11 5 tons 5.5 tons Light Tank

2.5 tons 2.75 tons Small Semi-truck -11
is used, the GM may 12 10 tons 11 tons Small Jet 5 tons 5.5 tons Light Tank -12
allow characters to 13 20 tons 22 tons Battle Tank, Whale 10 tons 11 tons Small Jet -13
exert extra effort in
14 40 tons 44 tons Large jet 20 tons 22 tons Battle Tank, Whale -14
15 80 tons 88 tons 40 tons 44 tons Large jet -15
emergencies; this 16 160 tons 176 tons Small Freighter
17 320 tons 352 tons 80 tons 88 tons -16
pushing allows the 160 tons 176 tons Small Freighter -17
18 640 tons 704 tons Destroyer
characters to 19 1.25 kilotons 1.375 kilotons 320 tons 352 tons -18
increase their STR 20 2.5 kilotons 2.75 kilotons 640 tons 704 tons Destroyer -19
up to a maximum of 21 5 kilotons 5.5 kilotons
1.25 kt 1.375 -20
two additional lev- 22 10 kilotons 11 kilotons Building
23 20 kilotons 22 kilotons Loaded Train 2.5 kt 2.75 kt -21
els. Pushing costs 5 24 40 kilotons 44 kilotons 5 kt 5.5 kt -22
points of END per 25 80 kilotons 88 kilotons 10 kt 11 kt Building -23
phase for every 26 160 kilotons 176 kilotons 20 kt 22 kt Loaded Train -24
27 320 kilotons 352 kilotons
extra level of STR 40 kt 44 kt -25

28 640 kilotons 704 kilotons Battleship

you are calling upon; 29 1.25 megatons 1.375 megatons Nuclear Submarine 80 kt 88 kt -26
when you run out of 30 2.5 megatons 2.75 megatons Aircraft Carrier 160 kt 176 kt -27
END, you burn STUN 31 5 megatons 5.5 megatons 320 kt 352 kt -28
32 10 megatons 11 megatons 640 kt 704 kt Battleship -29
points instead, until 33 20 megatons 22 megatons
you pass out. The 34 40 megatons 44 megatons Mount Everest
1.25 mt 1.375 mt Nuclear Submarine -30

GM may even allow If STR is above 34, double the previous value for each additional level 2.5 mt 2.75 mt Aircraft Carrier -31
greater pushes (over 5 mt 5.5 mt -32
10 mt 11 mt -33
2 extra STR) in extraordinary circumstances, by requiring a successful WILL
20 mt 22 mt -34
+ Concentration roll be made at the time.
40 mt 44 mt Mount Everest -35


trike—this basic Attack Action includes punches and kicks, as well attacks using swords, clubs, knives and other melee weapons.
S In general, a strike can be defined as any attack made with a body part or that is powered by the strength of the body. The simplest
Attack, it involves only four steps: FACING, RANGE, LINE OF SIGHT and MODIFIERS.


1 acing is the direction you are pointing. Since many Fuzion 4
F games are played “in head” (without maps), the standing rule
is that you can clearly face anything that is positioned forward of
I n combat, the Attacker combines his Skill in his cho-
sen Weapon or Hand to Hand skill with his REF and a
die roll to create an ATTACK TOTALL. He may also have to add or
your shoulders. When using a standard gaming hex map, characters “face” subtract certain modifiers from this Attack Total to determine the
through any three adjacent sides of the hex they are standing in. final outcome. Example: an attacking character with a REF
Characteristic of 5 a Hand to Hand Skill of 6 and a die roll of 6
Range: Can I Reach Out and Smack It?
has a Attack Total of 17. A -2 mod for an aimed shot in turn brings
s a rule, Melee attacks can hit any target within 4m/yds of you; this
A defined as MELEE RANGE. Polearms and other long melee weapons
can hit anything within 6m/yds of you; this is EXTENDED MELEE RANGE
this down to 15.
The Defender combines his DEX, Athletics (or another skill
like Fencing or Hand to hand if GM permits) skill and a die roll
and is applicable only to these weapons.
(in HERO, a flat value of 10 can be substituted for the roll) to pro-
duce a comparable DEFENSE VALUE. Example: a character with
LINE OF SIGHT: What’s in the way?
2 ine of sight deals with whether anything’s between
DEX of 4, an Athletics skill of +6 and a die roll of 3 has a

L you and your target. Line of sight can either be:

Defense Value of 13. The two rolls are compared; if the Attack
Total is equal or greater than the Defense Value, you hit!
CLEAR There’s nothing in the way; go ahead and swing. A Built-In Modifier: Weapon Accuracy
eapon Accuracy [WA] reflects the difference in quality
OBSCURED There’s something that may block a clear view, but won’t block a
swing, such as smoke, or darkness. You can't see who you’re
fighting (the enemy is invisible, in darkness, in ambush or
W between weapons, and their effect on their user’s abili-
ties; the better and easier to use the weapon, the better you use
because you’re dazzled), each phase you must make a it (and the worse the weapon...). WA’s are not always used in
Perception Roll (GM sets the Difficulty Value) If the roll is suc- Fuzion games, as their use varies from campaign to campaign.
cessful, the penalty is --2 to all subsequent Attack and Defense When they are brought into play, you will always find them listed
Valuesthat phase. If the Perception roll is unsuccessful, the penal- in the description of the weapon. To use them, just apply the WA
ty increases to -4. to your Attack roll as with any other Modifier.
BLOCKED There’s something in the way that you can’t get through. Or, if the
target is only partially blocked, swing at what you can reach. GENERIC MELEE WEAPONS
Determine how much is exposed, then modify your roll . ollowing is a list of typical weapons found in many adventur-
Half Body ...............................................................-1
F ing genres. including Cost, Damage Class (how many 6
sided dice it throws for damage), Accuracy Modifier, and the
Head and Shoulders Only .......................................-1 Minimum Strength (see pg.150) required to use the weapon.
Head only...............................................................-2
Behind someone else ............................................-2 ARCHAIC/FANTASY MELEE WEAPONS
Battle Axe 5 6 -1 5 2h
MODIFIERS: What Are My Chances to Hit?
3 C ombat Modifiers take into account the conditions of the bat-
tle. Modifiers are always applied to Offensive Rolls. You may
Hand Axe
Spear 4 2 +2 2 2h
use some, none, or all of these rules: Polearm 5 5 +2 3 2h
Moving target .................................-1 per 10m/yd target moves Club 1 1 +0 1 1h/Stun
Aimed body shot . . . . chest [-1], vitals, head [-6] , legs, hands, feet [--4]

Broadsword 4 4 +0 5 2h
stomach [--5] arms, shoulders, thighs [--3] Short Sword 3 2 +1 3 1h
Blinded by light, dust...............................................................-4 Dagger 1 1 +0 1 1h
Tiny Target (bullseye, 1-3”) ......................................................-3 Knife .05 1 +0 1 1h
Small Target (1 foot or smaller) ...............................................-2 Whip 1 1 -1 1 1h
Improvised weapon (rock, bottle, small girder).........................-2 Javelin 3 2 +1 3 1h
A SPECIAL MODIFIER: Surprise! It’s an Ambush! Rapier 5 3 +2 2 1h
Saber 5 3 +2 2 1h
n attack that surprises the target, such as an ambush or a backstab,
A gives the Attacker a +5 Offensive bonus for that attack (but no initia-
tive bonus). To lay an ambush requires the following conditions:
Katana 6 4
+2 2 2h


• The opponent is unaware of your location and intention to attack. He
Cyber Hand Blades 6 3 +1 1 AP
may only detect you with a successful Perception roll.
Energy Saber 5 4 +1 2 2h
• The opponent’s attention is distracted or focused on another situa-
Monoblade 3 2 +1 2 1H, AP
tion, such as another attack or a difficult task.
KEY: 1h = One handed 2h = Two handed
AP = Armor -piercing (use half armor value) S = Stun damage only
anged Combat occurs whenever you shoot at something. Any ranged weapon or attack can be
R “shot”—energy beams can be shot from a superhero’s hands, bullets can be shot from a gun,
stones can be shot from a sling. In general, if it strikes the target from a distance, it’s Ranged Combat.

MODIFIERS: What Are My Chances to Hit?

1 LINE OF SIGHT: Is there anything in the way?
4 ombat Modifiers take into account the conditions of the
L ine of sight deals with whether anything’s between
you and your target. Line of sight can be: C battle. Modifiers are always applied to Attacks. You may

use some, none, or all applicable modifiers to make the combat in
CLEAR There’s nothing in the way; go ahead and shoot.
Fuzion more exciting and realistic.
OBSCURED There’s something that may block a clear view, but won’t
block an shot, such as shrubbery, smoke, or darkness.
Moving target...........................................................-1 per 10m/yd target moves
If a character can't see who they are fighting ( enemy is
Target silhouetted ...........................................................................................+2
invisible, in darkness, behind cover, in ambush or the
Vehicle mounted, no turret ...............................................................................-4
character is dazzled), each phase they must make a Aimed body shot ......................chest [-1], vitals, head [-6] , legs, hands, feet [--4]
Perception Roll (Difficulty Value determined by the GM) stomach [--5], arms, shoulders, thighs [--3]
On a successful roll, the penalty is -2 to all Attack and Firing shoulder arm from hip .............................................................................-2
Defense Values that phase. This increases to -4 with an Aiming .....................................................................+1 per phase, up to +3 max
unsuccessful roll. Braced............................................................................................................+2
BLOCKED There’s something in the way that you can’t shoot Tiny Target (bullseye, eye, vital area).................................................................-6
through. If the target’s only partially blocked; you can try Small Target (less than 1m/yd, head, limb) ......................................................-4
to attack what you can reach. Determine how much is Large Target (trees, cars, large animals, etc.)..................................................+2
exposed, then reduce your Attack Total: Very Large Target (trucks, planes, walls, side of barn) .....................................+4
COVER MODIFIER Surprise Attack (see SURPRISE, pg 146 for details)............................................+5
Half Body........................................-2 Target Prone.....................................................................................................-2
Head and Shoulders Only ...............-3
Head only .......................................-4 A Built-In Modifier: Weapon Accuracy
eapon Accuracy [WA] reflects the difference in quality between
Behind someone else.....................-4
Target prone...................................--2
Target crouched or kneeling ............-1
W weapons, and their effect on their user’s abilities; the better and
easier to use the weapon, the better you use it (and the worse the
weapon...). WA’s are not always used in Fuzion games, as their use varies
RANGE: Is it Close Enough to hit?
2 n Fuzion, “shooting” ranges aren’t based on how far
from campaign to campaign. However, when they are in play, you’ll find
them listed in the description of the weapon. To use them, just apply the
I the gun can shoot, but on how easy it is for a
marksman to clearly see a target (if you can’t see it, you’re
WA to your Attack roll as with any other Modifier.


firing blind no matter how far your gun reaches). 5 n combat, the Attacker combines his Skill in his chosen
This means that weapon ranges tend to overlap until they
reach their Extreme ranges; as reflected in the table below. The
Weapon with his REF and a die roll to create an ATTACK TOTAL.
He may also have to add or subtract certain modifiers (such as range,
Modifiers for each range are listed in [brackets] as well: cover, etc.) from this Attack Total to determine the final outcome.
MELEE [ +0] Within4m/yds or less of the target. This is also Example: an attacking character with a REF Characteristic 5 a Firearms
basic Melee and Hand to Hand range. Skill of 6 and a die roll of 6 has a Attack Total of 17. A -2 modifier for
CLOSE [ -2 ] Within 10m/yds of the target. range in turn brings this down to 15.
MEDIUM [ -4 ] Within 50m/yds of the target. The Defender combines his DEX, Ranged Evade skill and 10 (or a
LONG [ -6] 51m/yds up to the listed range of the weapon. die roll i h the Interlock option) to produce a comparable DEFENSE VALUE.
EXTREME [ -6, plus -1 for every full 50m/yds past listed Range. If Example: a character with DEX of 4, an Ranged Evade skill of +6 and a
listed range is < 50m/yds, -4 applies to distances between die roll of 3 has a Defense Value of 13. The two; Attack Total and
Close range and listed range.] This can be “bought down” Defense Value, are compared. If the Attack Total is equal or greater than
by aiming, using scopes, bracing and other things. the Defense Value, the attack succeeds.
Example: a rifle has a listed Range of 400 m/yds. If I shoot VEHICLES: When attacking a vehicle, the attacker will use his skill with
something at 600m/yds, that raises the range modifier the appropriate vehicle weapon or vehicle attack skill (such as Gunnery
from -6 to -10). or Heavy Weapons). He attacks as usual, opposing his target’s skill in
NOTE: Mecha multiply above ranges by 10; i.e. controlling the vehicle (such as Driving or Piloting). The resolution is com-
10m/yds=100m/yds. pleted the same as all other Combats.
TARGETING AGAINST RANGE: Sometimes, you need to hit an apple, or
3 nlike Melee weapons, most ranged attacks have a limit-
a tree or something else without Skills or Characteristics. In these

U ed number of SHOTS (arrows, bullets, charges, etc.); this

will usually be listed in the attack’s description.
cases, the GM will set a Difficulty Value based on the range.
MELEE (4m/yds or less).....................................................................4
CLOSE (10m/yds or less) ...................................................................8

RATE OF FIRE [ROF] is how many times the attack can be “shot”in MEDIUM (50/yds or less) .................................................................12
a 3 second phase. Most ranged weapons have an ROF of 1 or 2, but LONG (out to listed range of weapon) ...............................................16
others may have the capacity for automatic fire and ROFs of 20 or EXTREME (beyond listed range) .........................16, +2 per +100m/yds
more. Like Shots, this will also be listed in the attack description.

1 2
A rea Effects are attacks (Energy Blasts, Shotguns,
Flamethrowers, Stun Fields, Gas and other effects)
that strike an area rather than a character. an area rather than a
Shooting a lot of something (bullets, fireballs, etc.) in one
attack is called autofire. Many guns, superpowers and other
ranged attacks have the possibility of using the autofire option (this is
character. The area affected depends on the kind of attack made and defined by the weapon or power used). In autofire, the weapon (or attack)
will always be described as par t of its description or construction. Roll fires as fast as it can in a 3 second turn. This is called a “rate of fire” [ROF]
to hit using the Targeting Against Range table on Page 43, Sec. 5 . and is usually defined as part of the weapon or attack.
Obviously, it is easier to hit with an area weapon than a direct fire one. Autofire allows for a wide variety of combat techniques:
EXPLOSIONS BURST: A burst is a limited autofire attack, usually 3 shots. Since the

F or these, the attacker rolls against a Difficulty Value assigned

by the GM (see page 43, Sec. 5 ). Characters take the dam-
age in the ratio of 2 less points for every m/yd they are away from
weapon isn’t bucking around as much, there is no attack penalty. Make
an Attack roll; if the defender fails his roll, he takes 1D6/2 bullets.
HOSING THEM DOWN: When using autofire against a single target,a normal
the center of the attack. Attack is made; for every X point(s) the attack succeeds by, one shot
TYPICAL AREA EFFECTS EFFECT RADIUS hits, up to the mamimum number of shots fired. X is determined by the
Shotgun (per barrel) 1m/yd Autofire Ratio listed below. Example: The Autofire ratio is set at 2. This means
Grenade (per die of damage) 1m/yd for every 2 points I hit by, 1 shot hits.. The catch? There’s a 1 point attack penal-
Explosive (per die of damage) 1m/yd ty for every 10 shots
Flamethrower (per die of damage) 1m/yd fired (your gun is EVERYDAY ...............................................................1
Heavy Weapons (per Kill of damage) 4m/yds jumping around). COMPETENT .............................................................1
MULTIPLE TARGETS: HEROIC ..................................................................2
If the character fails the Attack Roll, the center of the attack shifts
An autofire attack INCREDIBLE ..............................................................2
1 m/yd for every 1 point the Attack Roll was missed by, up to a
can also be direct- LEGENDARY..............................................................3
maximum of 1/2 the total range to the target. Roll 1D6 to see
ed against several SUPERHEROIC...........................................................4
which direction the center of the ROLL AREA EFFECT RESULT
targets at once. The
attack scatters and consult the 1-2 landed short of target.
attack must be directed into an area called a fire zone, and the width (in
table above. Then roll 1D6 to deter- 3-4 landed behind target.
meters) of the fire zone must be specified at the time of the attack. The
mine how many meters/yards the 5 landed to right of target. total ROF of the attack is divided by the total number of m/yds in the fire
round fell in that direction. 6 landed to left of target zone (round down), and this becomes the total number of rounds that can
possibly hit a target in that zone.The attack is made as above, with each
GENERIC RANGED WEAPONS target using itsDefense Value against the attacker’s single Attack roll. To
ere are a few classic ranged weapons found in most common determine how many shots hit, use the currently dialed Autofire Ratio
H genres. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but can serve
as a benchmark with which to establish your own guidelines.
above— for every X point(s) the attack succeeds by, one round hits the
target, up to the maximum number of shots fired. Example: I fire into a 10
ARCHAIC RANGED WEAPONS RANGE (M/YDS) DC meter area with 30 rounds. (30 divided by 10 = 3). Sue, Bob and Harry
Bow 20per pt. STR, up to 140 4 each make a Defense against my Attack roll of 12 totalling 13, 11 and 7
Longbow 20per pt. STR, up to 200 7 respectively. Sue is missed, Bob takes 2 rounds, and Harry (although he
Crossbow 200 4 loses by 5), only takes 3 because that’s all that’s entered his part of the
Colt Revolver 50 2 4
Light Pistol (.22) 50 2 2
Archery Attacks
Medium Pistol (9mm) 50 2 3
3 ows are a special category of ranged attack because
Heavy Pistol (.357, 10mm Auto)
Magnum Pistol (.44)
they’re Strength-based ranged attacks. Bows do 1D6 of
damage and have 20m/yds of range for every 1 point of STR, to a max-
Bolt Action Rifle 100 1 6
Shotgun (12-Gauge buckshot) 40 Area Effect 1 5 imum STR of 7. Compound bows and longbows have a maximum STR

Shotgun (10-Gauge buckshot) 40 Area Effect 1 6 of 10. Crossbows work like normal firearms.
Magnum Hunting Rifle (.458) 700 2 10
Energy Blasts, Spells & Mental Attacks
Submachine Gun (9mm) 200 45 3
4 nergy Blasts are made much in the same way as other
Assault Rifle (5.56mm)
Battle Rifle (7.62mm)
9 E ranged attacks, taking range and skill into account with
other modifiers. The range of these attacks is based on the number of
Machine gun (.50 cal; 12.7mm) 800 20 10
Autocannon (30mm) 400 20 14 Power points spent on the attack: For every point spent on the power,
Recoilless Rifle (60mm) 400 1 15 you’ll increase the range by 10m/yds (Example: spending 20 points
Light Cannon (90mm) 400 1 16 gives you a 200m/yd ranged energy blast). To hit, you will use REF+Use
Tank Cannon (120mm) 1000 1 17 Power Skill.
FUTURE RANGED WEAPON TYPE RANGE (M/YDS) ROF DC In most cases, Mental attacks have no range limitations; they are
Infantry Laser Gun (Bazooka-shaped) 400 1 12 simply direct line of sight—if you can see it at all, you can hit it, no mat-
Man-Portable Railgun 400 30 14 ter how tiny it is. The exceptions are Mental Attacks based on CON;
Energy Pistol (Blaster, Laser, etc.) 60 2 5 these operate with the same range determiners as Energy Blasts; and
Energy Rifle (Blaster, Laser, etc.) 400 2 7 Mind Scans, which do not require line of sight to be effective. To hit, you
will use WILL+Use Power Skill.
least 1D6/2 consecutive rounds. This can be modified by the use
SPECIAL ATTACKS of countermeasures, which add +2 to your Piloting rolls. Make
the rolls, you’re clear; miss, and you’re hit. In the case of clusters


PRESENCE ATTACKS of missiles fired at one time, one missile roll is made once for all
5 powerful personality can have a strong effect on other people missiles fired, with one missile hitting the target per point by
A by words, actions, or sometimes by their mere presence. We
call this effect a Presence Attack. A Presence Attack can be many differ-
which your Defense failed. Example: 10 missiles are fired at a jet.
The jet fails its roll by 7, so 7 of the 10 missiles hit.
ent things, depending on the intent of the attacker: Fear, awe, surprise, sur- Maneuvering
render, rage, courage, hope, commitment, or other emotions or actions.
7 ny time you try to make a vehicle do some-
Making a Presence Attack does not require a combat Action, though
sometimes performing a combat Action makes a Presence Attack more A thing unusual, you’ll need a Maneuver roll.
This is done by combining your REF+Piloting (or appropriate Skill
powerful (see Presence Attack Modifiers table). Usually a Presence
Attack consists of a well-chosen phrase, such as “Surrender or die!” or for controlling the mecha), and a die roll vs a roll and a difficulty
“Champions to the rescue — follow me!” or even just “Stop!” Roll 1D6 based on the type of maneuver you’re making (see below), plus
for every 1 point of PRE; you may add or subtract dice depending on the any appropriate modifiers for weather, driver or road conditions.
GM’s judgement (see the Presence Attack Modifiers table for suggested
modifiers). Total the dice and compare the total against each target’s
Resistance value to find the effect.
PRE Attack Total Is Possible Effects of PRE Attack
≥ Target Resistance Target is impressed; hesitates, acts last this
≥ Target Resistance + 10 Target is very impressed; hesitates, acts last this [12] U OR SWERVE THRU OR REGAIN
phase and only gets one Action , even if using the REVERSE [16] [10] [12]
Run Action. May follow commands that the target
is already inclined to do.
If the maneuver isn’t described above, pick the closest appro-
≥ Target Resistance + 20 Target is awed; may not take any Action next
phase and is -5 Dexterity. May do what attacker priate one to work from. If the roll is successful, you will be able
commands. to pull the maneuver off. If not, you will lose control. In a walking
≥ Target Resistance + 30 Target is cowed; may surrender, run away, or faint. unit, you’ll just fall over; you must then get back up. In a ground
Target is Dexterity 0, and will nearly always follow unit, this will be a skid (miss by 4 or more and you’ll continue
attacker‘s commands.
straight for 1D6 meters per 10mph) or spin (miss by 4 or less;
Presence Attacks depend heavily on the circumstances, so the GM treat as a skid, but roll 1D6 to determine new facing: 1=back-
should feel free to modify the number of dice in the attack. The table wards. 2=forwards. 3-4=facing right. 5-6=-facing left.). In an air-
below has some suggested modifiers: craft, you will probably stall (miss by less than 4) or spin (miss by
4 or more). Both require a roll be made to regain control. It’s a
-1 to -2 Inappropriate setting Difficulty Value of 18 to Regain Control from a spin, and look out
-1 In combat for that ground thing coming up at you …!
-1 At a disadvantage
-1 to -2 Wrong reputation
-1 to -3 PRE Attack runs against current mood
8 ometimes, the best option is
-1 to -2
+1 to +2
Repeated PRE Attack
Right reputation
S to outfly your opponent with
a combination of skill and ability to
+1 Exhibiting a power or superior technology
+1 to +3 Violent action maneuver.
+1 to +3 Good soliloquy Start by determining the position of the
HEAD ON: 1 point
+1 to +2 Appropriate setting either way combatants at the start; is one closing on
+2 Targets in partial retreat the other, or are they headed right at each
+4 Targets in full retreat
other? This intercept can be determined by
The modifiers and the effects of Presence Attacks really depend a SIDE ON: White
making a Perception roll on either side with
great deal on exactly what’s happening and what is intended. The GM beats Black by 2>,
Defender chooses
the high roll choosing positions, or at GM’s
should use Presence Attacks to increase the drama of a situation or which side is attacked discretion.
make things more interesting. To find out the result of an aerial or
space dogfight, each participant rolls their
Piloting Skill+REF+Roll plus their vehicle’s
TAILING: White beats
Black by 4 or > Maneuver Value. The player with the high-
n general, mecha combat is considered Ranged Combat est roll has the Advantage position, based on how many points
[pg.43] and follows similar rules.The one exception is missile they won the roll by. The result is compared with the chart on the
combat; missiles are defined as any weapon that can follow its target inde- left; the player who has won can shoot or flee at his option. The
pendently. How good it is at this job (and thus the Difficulty Value to beat key position is the Tailing one; because it adds +2 to your Attack
when avoiding it) is based on how smart it is; does it just sniff a heat sig- roll that phase.
nature or is it smart enough to outthink you? To break off a dogfight requires either mutual agreement, or
MISSILE IS DUMB SMART BRILLIANT GENIUS one player making an escape. The player with the current

TARGET # 18 22 26 30 Advantage announces his intention to break off combat at the

(Do not add a die roll or 10 to these numbers.) start of the Round, and must maintain his Advantage for as many
To avoid a missile hit, you must make a Piloting+REF+Die roll for at Rounds as the GM determines at the time intention is announced.

o far, we’ve been concentrating on how to do things
S in Fuzion. Now, we’re going to tackle stuff you won’t
want to do; like get hurt, knocked out, or even killed—
oft targets” like living things take damage differently than
in short, Damage. “S “hard targets” (structures and vehicles). So in Fuzion, inani-
mate structures, vehicles and other non organic objects (commonly
1 amage is an abstract measure of how much
called “hard targets”) have Structural Damage Points instead of

D something can be harmed before it is either

killed, destroyed or bludgeoned into unconsciousness.
Hits or Stun. SDP is different from Hits, but works the same way—
one point of damage will remove one SDP.

KILLS: Let's talk Big Guns. Really, Really Big Guns.

In Fuzion, all damage is measured in six sided dice, with
4 n Fuzion, really big weapons do such staggering amounts of
each “D6” representing a unit called a DAMAGE CLASS (or DC).
Example: 1D6 is Damage Class 1 (or DC1). I damage that they are measured in a larger scale called Kills,
to represent the kind of massive forces associated with military level
Each point of DC represents one six sided die when rolling
for damage. You roll the specified number of dice, add the hardware, very large objects or extremely powerful attacks. Conversely,
results together, and the total is the amount of damage done to very large or tough things (tanks, giant robots, aircraft carriers, etc.) are
your target: Example: I have a DC3 handgun. I roll three dice and also defined as having Kills of structure or armor to represent the huge
get a 5, a 6 and a 3. I do 14 points of damage with that attack. amounts of punishment they can take.
Unlike DCs, Kills represent whole values rather than numbers of
Determining the DC of an Attack dice; a way of simplifying the bucketfulls that such attacks would nor-
ith the exception of bows and spears, ranged weapons
W always do Damage based on the DC of the weapon.
However,Damage caused by any part of the body is determined
mally require. So when attacking objects with Kills with weapons that
do Kills, you will simply subtract the damage done from the Kills
remaining, instead of rolling dice for damage.
by the Strength of the attacker, with fists doing one DC of Stun
damage for each point of Strength the attacker has (a kick does Kills vs Hits & SDP
an extra DC on top of your STR, but suffers a -1 Attack Total penal- But there’s a catch to the above: really big guns are designed to hit
ty). Example: my Strength is 5; this means I do 5 dice (DC5) with and damage really big targets. It's nearly impossible to apply the full
fists, 6 for a kick. force of a huge attack to a small target (like a man) because the
majority of the damage just doesn’t have a big enough surface area
Minimum Strength to expend itself on. Really big damage is also more likely to expend
his is the minimum STR at which you can use a melee weapon
T with no penalty. Below this level, you take a -1 Reflex penalty for
every -1 STR and a -1 die damage penalty as well Example: Aunt
its force by hurling a small target out of the way than directly applying
all of its force to the target. By contrast, it takes a lot more force to
move a large object and it has a lot more surface area to absorb that
Meg, STR 2, tries to use a Battle Axe with a 5 STR Min. She’ll only force, so it stands there and takes it all.
do 2D6 Killing damage when she hits, and takes a -3 REF penalty. Therefore, in Fuzion, small targets (things with damages measured
Extra Damage in Hits and SDP) are damaged differently by large scale attacks. Small
trength based attacks using weapons have a damage each Targets (a.k.a. people, cars, motorbikes, etc) do not take the full force
S weapon can do. This value is equal to the weapon’s listed
Damage Class (DC). For every point of STR you have above the min-
of Kill rated attacks. Instead, they scale down the huge damages done
by Kills into smaller, dice based Hits or SDP, representing the results of
imum STR required to wield the weapon, you will do one addition- this effect. As a rule, the first Kill of a Kill-rated attack will always be
al die of damage, up to twice the weapon’s listed Damage Class. equal to 14DC. Each additional Kill of damage adds only 1D6 to the
Example: Bob, STR 5, wields a dagger (STR minimum of 1). base 14D6, because the remaining damage effects just don’t have a
Bob had 4 more STR than he needs, so he expects to gain 4 extra big enough surface to expend themselves on.
dice on his attack. But since the dagger’s maximum damage is TO CONVERT KILLS TO DC, ADD 13 TO THE KILLS OF THE WEAPON.
only twice it’s listed DC (1x2=2), Bob only gains 1 extra DC. On
the other hand, Grog the Barbarian, STR 10, wields a battle axe The Bad News: All that force didn't just vanish, you know. It's just
been converted into Knockback (pg.152). And since knockback sub-

(STR min. 5). Grog gains 5 extra dice, and since 2x’s the Battle
axe’s listed DC (6) is 12, he gets to use all of his extra dice. tracts the BODY (or Kills) of the target from the TOTAL DC done,
chances are you still got blown several meters away. Ouch.
DAMAGING PEOPLE: Hits & Stun Example: A tank shoots a 4-Kill shell at a man wearing 45KD
2 ut what is the damage taken from? That’s armor. The attack will do 14D6 for being a Kill or more, plus another
B where Hits and Stun come into play.
In Fuzion, all living things have HITS; points which represent
3D6 for each additional Kill; the armored fellow winds up facing DC17.
The average is 60 points of damage, which is 15 points of damage
after armor. He might even survive; once he gets done flying through
how much damage they can take. A character generally has as
the air from knockback.
many Hits as his BOD characteristic x5. One point of damage
(As a note, this convention more closely mirrors the effects of big
from a weapon or attack will remove one Hit.
weapons in most common roleplaying genres (science fiction, animé,
Living things also have STUN points; a measure of how much
superheroes, action movies), where characters are more likely to be
damage they can take before they pass out from pain and shock.
maimed and/or hurled through the air by blast, fragmentation, or over-
One point of damage from a body blow or stunning weapon will
pressure effects rather than just obliterated on the spot.)
remove one point of Stun.
SUPERDAMAGE or “Then There's Those
5 Pesky Superheroes...” 6 DAMAGING PEOPLE
here are two kinds of damage that you can take

S o far, so good. But what if you had small objects that could
deal out superpowerful attacks? As a rule, small objects
T from an attack; STUN DAMAGE and KILLING DAMAGE.
STUN DAMAGE is damage that creates pain and shock, but not seri-
that can do Kill-scale damage (superheroes, power suits, etc.), ous injury. It’s “fistfighting” damage, impacts done with the parts of the
can apply all of their damage to a very large target, simply body, such as hands, feet, head (or if you have them, tails, tentacles
because it's so big. So when a very powerful superhero punch- and other blunt body parts). As a general rule, if it’s part of the body
es a tank, all of his force ends up expended right on the tank. and isn’t sharp, it does Stun damage (the exception to this rule is futur-
Therefore, whenever a small object delivers more than 13 DC in istic “stun” weapons or “stunning” attacks).
an attack on a large object, we scale its damage up to the Kill Stun damage is always subtracted from your character’s pool of
level, with the first 14DC representing one Kill, and each addi- STUN points, after being reduced by the higher of either your char-
tional DC representing one additional Kill of damage. acter’s SD or his Armor. When his STUN points are at 0, his body
TO CONVERT SUPERHERO DC ATTACKS TO KILLS, SUBTRACT13 FROM will react by shutting off the pain—and passing out.
THE DC OF THE WEAPON. KILLING DAMAGE, on the other hand, is serious injury that can maim or
kill. Anytime you are hit by a weapon, even if it’s just a club, you will
However, when superheroes bash each other, the damage
take Killing damage. In addition, any sharpened part of the body (fangs,
remains measured on the DC scale instead of shifting up to Kills;
claws, horns, etc), can also do killing damage.
even if Superguy can deliver the power of a tank to his enemies, it
doesn't mean they can absorb it from him any better than they Killing damage is always subtracted from your character’s pool
could from the tank! of Hits. When this is reduced to zero, your character is dying.
(As a note: This scaling up isn't entirely realistic; but it does IMPORTANT TIP: Avoid Dying. It really puts a crimp in your roleplaying.
closely mirror the abilities of superheroes and other godlike beings
as depicted in comics, movies and animé. It's also self limiting,
Collateral Damage
because only superheroes or other non-realistic people will ever be Since killing damage also causes a fair amount of pain and shock,
able to do this sort of damage; in a realistic genre, they won't exist you’ll take 1 point of STUN for every 1 Hit you lose, until you run out of
and in a superheroic genre, they're supposed to hammer tanks Stun points. (NOTE: you don’t get your SD!) And sometimes a Stunning blow
apart with their bare hands. If it makes you feel better, simply think is powerful enough that a small amount of serious damage is also done,
of Superguys' mighty fists as paired HESH or KEAP anti-tank equal to 1 point of Killing damage for every 5 STUN that penetrate.
rounds—they're about the right size!). Stun Rollover
When you have lost all of your Stun points, any subsequent Stun
Common Objects/Vehicles Kills or SDP damage you take will continue to convert into Killing damage at the 1/5th
Brush (per m/yd) — — 5 —
rate, reducing your remaining Hits—If you’re beaten senseless and the
Rocks (per m/yd) 28 — 30 — beating continues, you could well be beaten to death!
Large Tree, Telephone Pole 10 — — 1
Lamp Post 14 — 30 — Stunned
Manhole Cover — 1 30 — If you take more than 1/2 of your total Stun in one attack, you are
Stunned. A Stunned character cannot act in the next phase and is -5 to all
Glass (per m/yd) 3 — 5 —
Wooden wall/Fence (per m/yd) 7 — 10-15 — Primary Characteristics. He can’t move, and he may take no other actions.
Sheetrock Wall (per m/yd) 7 — 5-10 — He will remain stunned for 1 phase, becoming “unstunned” next phase.
Brick Wall (per m/yd) 14 — 30 —
Concrete Wall (per m/yd) 14 — 50 — Knocked Out
Metal Wall (per m/yd) 32 — 70 — Your character is knocked out whenever your
Armored Wall (per m/yd) — 1 — 1 STUN LEVEL RECOVER STUN
Metal Lock 14 — 5 — Stun IS reduced to 0 or below: you are automat- 0 TO -10..................EVERY PHASE
Wood Door 7 — 5 — ically unconscious. You are effectively knocked -11 TO -20..............EVERY ROUND
Metal Door 14 — 30 — out, but will regain consciousness once you have -21 TO -30 .............EVERY MINUTE
Vault Door — 1 — 4 >30...........................UP TO GM
Furniture 3 — 15-20 —
recovered enough Stun to put you back over 0
.............................(A LONG TIME)
Control Consoles (per m/yd) 3 — 20-30 — again (see side table for how long this takes).
Machinery (per m/yd) 7 — 30-50 —
Motorbike 7 — 20-30 — Whenever your HITS have been reduced enough, you will become
Jeep/Small Car 7 — 35-40 —
impaired. At half of your total Hits, all of your Primary Characteristics
Medium Car 10 — 45-80 —
Truck 10 — 100 — will be reduced by 2; at 1/4 of total, they will be reduced by 4 points:
Train — 3 — 2 per car a Characteristic cannot, however, be reduced to less than 1.
Small Helicopter 7 — 40 —
Private jet — — 1 4
Small fighter jet — 1 — 3-5 DEAD. MORT. FINITO.
C-25 cargo jet — 1 — 24
hen you reach 0 Hits, you are dying. You will be able to keep
Combat APC
MBT Tank


8 W moving if you’ve still got Stun left, but you’ll be at -6 (GM’s

Mini-sub — 1 — 6 Option) to all Primary Characteristics. You will also lose 1 addi-
Destroyer — 1 — 25
Cruiser — 3 — 50
tional Hit (in shock and blood loss) per round (4 Phases)—when
Submarine — 2 — 100 you lose up to 2x your BODY Characteristic, you are dead.
Aircraft Carrier — 2 — 300

ou can’t stun an inanimate object. Therefore, objects will 4 KNOCKBACK
uch mighty blows are delivered in some types of
Yalways take both Stunning and Killing damage the same way,
subtracting it from their SDP.
S combat (especially between superheroes, giant
robots and kung-fu action heroes), that the combatants are
often knocked all over the battlefield. This phenomenon is
2 here you hit can often be just as important as
known as KNOCKBACK (in its realistic form, it becomes

W whether you hit. While Fuzion usually uses a single pool

of points to determine how much damage or stun your character can
To determine the amount of knockback taken, subtract the
BODY characteristic (or KILLS) of the targeted character from the
absorb, individualized hit locations do play a part in determining the sever- total DC (or KILLS) of the attack plus 1D6. For every DC remain-
ity of that damage (getting hit in the head, for example, is far more lethal ing, the character is knocked back one knockback “unit.” The unit
than being hit in the arm). Hit locations also help determine if armor is of measurement is determined by the style of campaign, then
being worn over a particular area or not; useful if you neglected to wear applied by
your power armor’s helmet this morning! They are also used to determine moving the CAMPAIGN STYLE KNOCKBACK UNIT IN M/YDS
the Hit Modifiers for attacking a specific area (or you can choose a loca- character
tion by using the Modifiers on the right). WARNING: THIS RULE MAKES DYING A that far HEROIC [TV ACTION SHOW] 1
When using the HIT LOCATION CHARTS below, roll three six sided dice b a c k LEGENDARY [BLOCKBUSTER ACTION MOVIE] 3
and modify damage as appropriate. Note that damage is multiplied AFTER from the SUPERHEROIC [COMIC BOOKS, MYTHS] 4
penetrating armor: impact.
ROLL3D6 LOCATION HIT EFFECT (AFTER ARMOR) HIT MODIFIERS In the event that some-thing’s in the way, move on to
3-5 head double damage -6 Collisions (pg. 50) and see how badly you were hurt. NOTE: If
6 hands/forepaws* 1/2 damage -4 using Kills vs Body, convert Kills to DC at a ratio of 1Kill=14DC,
7-8 arms/forelimb* 1/2 damage -3 plus 1 for each additional Kill; if it’s DC vs Kills, there is no effect
9 shoulders* 1x damage -3
until you reach 14 DC, then add 1 Kill for each additional DC.
10-11 chest 1x damage -1
12 stomach 1.5 x damage -5
Critical Effects
1.5x damage
1x damage
-3 5 A vehicle need not be totally destroyed to make it non-
functional. (You don’t have to actually destroy an
15-16 legs/hindlimb* 1/2 damage -4
17-18 feet/hindpaws* 1/2 damage -4 entire battleship to stop it. You only have to put a big enough
* if it isn’t obvious, roll 1die: even=right, odd=left hole in the bottom) One way to do this is to use the critical
effects rule on the Vehicle Hit Location Tables below.
Boldfaced listings signify critical hit locations; the value in
parenthesis (X%) is the percentage of overall SDP that must be
destroyed to incapacitate the vehicle:
Example: Engine (10%)
In general:
• Destroying controls, engines, rudders, props or jets will
automatically render a vehicle immobile or uncontrollable.
3 V ehicles are especially vulnerable to being hit in critical places.
The following table lists most of the locations to be hit on typi-
• Destroying up to a 20% of the hull of an aircraft or water
vehicle will cause it to either sink of break up.
Example: The Quadracer Z is a superpowered speedboat with
cal vehicles (Animorphics and Humanoids have their own Hit Location 80SDP. Its engine is worth 10% of the total (8SDP), and its hull is
table). To use this table, roll dice based on orientation to the target: worth of 20% (16SDP). A 8SDP hit on on the engine will render the
•Attack from side: Roll 3D6 •Attack from Front: Roll 2D6+1

Quadracer immobile; 20 or more points of damage will sink it.

•Attack From Rear: Roll 2D6+6
3-6 Front Wheels (5%) Flaps (5%) Bow 1x damage -6 3-5 head double damage -6
7 Controls (5%) Controls (5%) Controls (5%) 1x damage -4 6 hands/forepaws* 1/2 damage -4
8 Engine (10%) Engine (10%) Engine (10%) 2x damage -3 7-8 arms/forelimb* 1/2 damage -3
9- Body Fuselage (20%) Hull (20%) 1x damage -3 9 Torso 1x damage -3
10 Body Cargo Cargo 1/2damage -1 10-11 Torso 1x damage -1
11 Fuel Fuel Fuel 2 x damage † -5 12 Weapon 1/2 damage -5
12 Weapon Weapon Weapon 1/2 damage --6 13 Powerplant 2x damage --6
13 Crew** Crew** Crew** Damage to pilot only -3 14 Pilot** Damage to pilot only -3
14 Cargo Propeller (5%) Rudder (5%) 1x damage X 15-16 legs/hindlimb* 1/2 damage -4
15-18 Rear Wheels (5%) Rudder/verniers (5%) Prop/jets (5%) 1/2 damage -4 17-18 feet/hindpaws* 1/2 damage -4
* if it isn’t obvious, roll 1die: even=right, odd=left If location not there, rollagain. * if it isn’t obvious, roll 1die: even=right, odd=left. If location not there, rolla-
† if Fuel is flammable, this is 3x damage * *if shot penetrates armor gain. *if shot penetrates armor


1 o how do you avoid getting knocked out or killed? The
S first way is to just stay out of the way; use your Skills
and Characteristics to ward off the attack [pg. 37]. But if that does-
n’t work, you’ve still got another option: a DEFENSE.
A Defense is anything that gets between you and the Damage first; cloth-
ing, armor plates, scales; even energy fields that deflect or absorb damage.
All defenses have a value which is subtracted on a point for point basis from
damage before it is taken from your Hits or Stun;
ARMOR is the best line of defense, you use that whenever possible. While
most Armor provides Physical Defense, other types can protect against ener-
gy attacks (EKD) or even Mental attacks! Armor reduces damage just like any
other defense, and will stop both Stun and Killing damage.
Your natural physical toughness (the STUN DEFENSE on your character
sheet) is your next defense, but will only stop Stunning Damage. You’ll use
this as a last resort, and mostly in fistfights and other non-lethal engage-
ments. Example: My CON is 5, giving me a SD of 10. If 15 points of Stun hit
me, only 5 (15-10) would get through.
• If stopping Stun damage, always take the higher of either the
he weaponry and armor used by mecha
armor’s PD or the character’s SD.
• If stopping Killing damage, use only the highest Armor PD. Tare subject to a few special cases. Take
note that ALL of these special cases are OPTIONAL.

GENERIC ARMOR LIST Special Case 1: Staged Penetration

n combat, attacks on mecha will always be subtracted
F ollowing are typical Armors found in many genres. The table not only lists
the Armor’s Physical Defense (PD), but also its defense against Energy I from armor, then from the mecha’s SDP. However, even
the heaviest armored machines will become vulnerable
Attacks [EKD], just in case. Armors with √ are at 1/2 against bladed weapons.
after a long fight. To represent this, Kill-rated (i.e., mecha)
FANTASY, ARCHAIC & NATURAL ARMORS armor uses the idea of Staged Penetration. Each time any
TYPE PD/COST EKD EV DESCRIPTION area of Armor is penetrated by an attack of one Kill or
Heavy Cloth, Soft Leather, Fur 2 1 0 Thief Gear greater, that area loses armor protection.
Heavy Leather, Padded Cloth 4 2 0 Animal Hides, scales
• Armor rated in Kills loses 1 Kill when it’s penetrated.
Boiled Leather, Curi-bolli 6 3 0 Barbarian Armor
• Armor with fractional Kills loses 0.1 Kills when it’s
Heavy Animal Hide 6 3 0 Tough Animal Hides
Brigantine, Ring Mail 8 4 -1 Bardic Chain
Scale Mail, Bezainted 9 4 -1 Dragon Scales
Chain Mail, Laminated 10 5 -2 Samurai armor
Special Case 2: Chinks in the Armor
lmost every kind of mecha has a weak spot some-
Plate & Chain, Plate Mail
Field Plate
-2 Typical Knight A where, and in combat, it’s possible for you to hit that
weak spot. When making an attack, if you beat your
Difficulty Value by more than 10, your attack ignores the
PD of the mecha’s armor. In the case of autofire attacks,
Light Kevlar 6 1 0 Armored Clothing
only those hits which beat the Difficulty Value by 10 or more
Skin Weave 12 1 0 Subdermal body armor
will ignore armor.
Kevlar 14 2 0 Lt. Armorjackets
Medium Kevlar 16 5 -1 Med. A.Jacket Special Case 3: Powered Armor Damage
Flack 18 5 -1 W/inserts, cable weave owered Armor (i.e., armor worn by a character which has
Metalgear™ Plate 25 10 -2 Plastic/Kevlar plate P SDP as well as PD) has a very spread-out structure
which is tightly integrated with its pilot. Therefore, any dam-
TYPE PD/COST EKD EV DESCRIPTION age which gets through Powered Armor’s PD is divided by
Space Suit 5 5 -1 Light skinsuit two; one half affects the Powered Armor’s SDP, the other
Industrial Space Suit 8 5 -1 Hvy. metallized fabric half is applied to the wearer’s Hits. All Powered Armors use
Military Space Suit 10 10 0 Metal fabric w/Plates this rule.
Body Armor 18 25 -1 “Stormtrooper” plate Special Case 4: Structural Integrity
Personal Force Screen 10 25 0 Against Stun damage Whenever a hit penetrates mecha armor, roll 1D10: If the
Advanced Force Screen 14 30 0 Against all damage result is greater than the number of fractional kills remain-

ing, the mecha (or the location taking the hit) is destroyed!
The Encumberance Value (EV) is subtracted from your character’s REF, For example: 1.1K get through to a K mecha; with 0.5K
DEX, and MOVE as long as he or she is wearing the armor. remaining, on a roll of 6+ on 1D6 it’s scrapped.


uns and swords aren’t the only thing that can hurt you. The world is 3 Stun, Wounds & Death
G full of potential dangers; falls, illness, drowning, even being hit by light- ssuming you aren’t reduced to vapor in an unfor-
ning. All of this falls under the heading of the Environment:
A tunate accident, the next step is to get better.
That’s where RECOVERY comes into play.
Cumulative Environmental Effects: Shock,
1 Poison/Drugs, Burns, Disease & Asphyxiation. Stun
ach of these are effects of the environment that harm you
E through accumulation; shock and poison by continual damage
to your body or will, asphixation through accumulated lack of air.
RECOVERY FROM STUN DAMAGE: Your Recovery Characteristic deter-
mines how fast your character recovers Stun points He will get
back this many Stun points each phase he rests.
ELECTRICITY AND FIRE are always ranked by intensity of the effect (GM’s WAKING UP: Once you’re knocked
decision), with damage occurring each phase you are exposed to the source. out, you may stay that way for only a 0 TO -10 EVERY PHASE
few moments or for a long time. You -11 TO -20 EVERY ROUND
will regain your REC in stun points -21 TO -30 EVERY MINUTE
DC DC1-4 DC5-10 DC11-20
based on how far below zero you are: >30 UP TO GM
ELECTRICITY Battery Wall socket Lightning Bolt (A LONG TIME)
FIRE Wood Fire Gasoline Fire Thermite A simpler option is to make a
CON+Concentration roll equal to the number of Stun you’ve taken
Like electricity, Poison & Drugs are ranked by the power of the drug or beyond your total: if successful, you will wake up with one Stun.
poison. Damage effects occur each minute, not phase, while Illness takes
place over days, weeks or even months (Ref’s choice). Wounds (Lost Hits)
RECOVERY FROM KILLING DAMAGE: Your Recovery Characteristic also
determines how fast you regain Hits. For every 24 hours you
DC DC1-4 DC5-10 DC11-20
spend resting and with medical care, you will recover as many
POISON Belladonna Arsenic Stonefish Venom
Hits as your REC score. Example: I take 30 hits. My Recovery is
DRUG Alcohol Sodium Pentathol LSD
10. I will be back to my full hit level in 3 days.
ILLNESS Measles Pneumonia Plague
Optional Rule: Realistic Recovery rates:
A DRUG OR POISON need not be fatal; sleep or “truth drugs” also work by Though this isn’t as much fun, realistically it should take much
accumulation; “damage” is subtracted from different point pools depending longer to heal back from serious injury. In this case, a realistic
on the type of effect. Example: Morgan EFFECT TAKEN FROM rate would be to recover your Recovery rate in Hits every week
administers a strong dose of Mind Sleep drugs................STUN that you are laid up; the above example would take three
Control Serum (DC5) to Jake, hoping to Poisons ......................HITS weeks of medical care.
find out the Cyber Cabals’ secrets. Each Mind drugs .......RESISTANCE
turn, the drug does 5 to 30 points to Death
aving a dying character is still possible. Another character,
Jake’s Resistance. At 0, he gives in.
ASPHYXIATION: This does 3DC per Phase, taken from your Hits. Sitting qui-
etly, you can hold your breath up to 1 phase for every 2 points of Endurance
S making a successful Physician or first aid skill roll can sta-
bilize you at any point beyond 0. The Difficulty for this task is
(a tough character could hold his breath for about two and a half minutes.). If 2x the number of Hits beyond 0. Example: Lazarus, is now at
activity, such as swimming or running is required, this rises to 4 pts. -7 Hits. To save him, Fox must make a Medical skill roll against
a Difficulty of 14 (2 x 7).

Falling & Collisions.

2 DISTANCE (METERS OR YDS) 0-10 11-30 31-60 61-100 101-150 TERMINAL VELOC.

These are all types of damage that <50 LBS 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 1K 2K 3K 4K


come from hitting something at 50 LBS 2 4 6 8 10 12 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K

high speed. 100 LBS 4 6 8 10 12 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K
FALLING: Using the table at right, compare the clos- 200 LBS 6 8 10 12 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K

est approximate weight of the object to the clos- 400 LBS 8 10 12 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K

est distance fallen (shaded top portion of the 800 LBS 10 12 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K
table). The result is how many DC are taken 1600 LBS 12 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K
(1K=14DC, plus 1DC per additional KILL added). 1 TON 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K

Note that at terminal velocity, you will have no 2 TONS 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K 12K
increase in speed or damage. 4 TONS 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K 12K 13K
COLLISIONS: Compare the weight of the object to its 6 TONS 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K 12K 13K 14K

closest approximate speed. The result is the DC . 8 TONS 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K 12K 13K 14K 15K
RAMMING: If head on, add the speeds of both 10 TONS 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K 12K 13K 14K 15K 16K
objects together and compare the weights of each 20 TONS 7K 8K 9K 10K 11K 12K 13K 14K 15K 16K 17K
to that speed; the result is the damage done to the 40 TONS 8K 9K 10K 11K 12K 13K 14K 15K 16K 17K 18K
opposing object. If a side ram or swipe, treat as a 80 TONS 9K 10K 11K 12K 13K 14K 15K 16K 17K 18K 19K
collision (above). If rear ended, subtract the speed 100 TONS 10K 11K 12K 13K 14K 15K 16K 17K 18K 19K 20K
of the object in front from the speed of the trailing +100 TONS 11K 12K 13K 14K 15K 16K 17K 18K 19K 20K 21K
object, then treat as a head on ram. NOTE: 1K=14DC. Each additional Kill adds 1 DC.

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