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Robert Koch studied at the University of Göttingen and he studied

medicine. He was a German scientist who discovered cholera.

However, the bacterium was first discovered by Paccini who isolated it
around thirty years before Koch did. Yet, Koch’s discovery was more
valid as he had more influence and managed to get the discovery out
into the public unlike Paccini and he did not know that the bacteria had
previously been isolated by Paccini so he thought that it was purely his
own work.

Louis Pasteur had discovered that bacteria caused things to go off and
Koch proved Pasteur’s theory in his experiments so Pasteur accepted it to
be the truth which caused others to follow this belief.

Also, Koch’s discoveries lead on to other scientists and doctors exposing

meningitis, Tuberculosis and dysentery. Furthermore, Koch discovered the
bacteria that caused Anthrax and that it could contaminate humans as it
did animals. This fact saved hundreds of lives.

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