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Fruits and vegetables for weight Loss:

Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other substances important for good health.
Eating veggies can also be a powerful, healthy way to lose or maintain weight.

Important reasons for eating vegetables to benefit with losing weight:-

 Low in Fat
 Low in sodium (Less water retention)
 High in Fiber (Fill stomach quickly)
 Increased energy due to high nutrient content
 Low in calories

If you want to be slim you have to change your eating pattern permanently. In this way you'll
lose those pounds forever! Remember this: after eating five to nine pieces of fruit a day for a
few months you'll notice that your hunger for fruit has increased structurally and moreover
your hunger for stimulants will certainly have decreased!

 Grapes
 Berries
 Prunes
 Oranges
 Strawberries
 Kiwi
 Papaya

The following are generally considered 'free foods' in the Diet World.

 Carrots
 Cucumbers
 Radishes
 Fresh Green Beans
 Celery
 Cauliflower
 Cabbage
 Cherry Tomatoes
 Mushrooms
 Lettuce

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