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With the difficult economic environment worldwide, it has been an uneasy task for graduates of secondary schools to find jobs. With different channels of job seek; there are still quite a number of kids who couldn't find a suitable job or not staying long. You, as the career consultant of your school, suggest measures that can help the school leavers a few aspects. ‘The world now is suffering from a stage of economic downturn. Hong Kong, a knowledgeable- economic driven society, those people, with low education qualifications, are badly affected by the difficult economic environment. High paid jobs, like administrative ones, require high qualification and even special skills. The degree of university graduates make a standout from F5 graduates in general jobs hunt and let alone the high paid jobs. Therefore, as a career consultant of the school, it is suggested that a few measures can help the school leaves to build their self-esteem and find better jobs. Provis jon of further studies issue those kids higher qualifications. The Nature beat, one constant, survival the fittest in this society, is true in countries. ‘Those graduates from university have higher qualification, and they also surpass the basic requirements of the high paid jobs. Comparing to those degree holders. secondary ‘graduates fall short of requirement and therefore cannot find suitable jobs. Hence, we providing further studies, for instance, encourage them to join the Youth Pre-employment ‘Training Programme or Yijin Project provided by the goverment, This can arm them to have basic and specifi working skills before they entered job market. Higher possibility of employment after those secondary graduates has further studies after they leave schools. Holding exhibitions of occupation open up more chances of employment chances. As those students graduated from secondary schools are the first time enters ‘work, they may not know much about the ways of job hunts and also, they may not adapt to the changes of their lives. Therefore, our school can contact some companies to provide spare positions to the students and arrange exhibitions of occupation to them. Not only can they have a chance of having a work, but also they can have a chance of gaining the experience of interviews in the various exhibitions. Therefore, those school leavers will have more opportunities to work. Internship of work gives youngsters hands on experience to work. Working experience is a consideration of employment, but most students graduated from secondary schools do not have it. Employers welcome to hire helpful employees, having abundant work experience and technique, and earn the most, especially in the difficult economic environment. Hence, itis important that to create some chances to the students to gain working experience. Our school can cooperate with some small to medium enterpr s, sending the students there in a short period and work in the companies, to help stucients to gain experience. This measure ean let the students taste the hardship of working and help them to learn in different environment, and also they can have a higher bargaining power. Adolescents are buttress of our society, regardless of their academic performance but there are no perfect ten posts in society. Therefore, we, as their senior, should shed some lights on them and guide them to choose the most suitable jobs for themselves. Also, we have our responsibilities to help them fo face the changes of their lives together, downturns or trough of economy in particular, Ch Ideas Aded ache thr quistion deat eee € owt cee very Orme. Te caves Ob 2 some Suppectrons gran to sched (Qovers , Be vor 4 sarab.Qony obrutel wt 0 peed wlortrie K cet. & m5 Lt posed tattioes Ire pethe peyig AU to, alttinyla th deen Wot mech, Cohewner aud Onan shad Cabo few bien. Gad ty! Gey A vp

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