Donna and Sophie's Questionnaire

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Donna and Sophie’s Questionnaire on the Making

of our Thriller Film

We are currently making a thriller film in Year 12 Media
Studies and would like for you to answer some
questions about thriller films to help us make our
thriller film even better.

Question 1

How old are you? (Circle appropriate)

Under 18

18 – 25

25 +

40 +

Question 2

What is your gender? (Circle appropriate)



Question 3

If you were choosing the location of your own film, out

of the following 3 choices what would you choose and
why? (Circle the below option)
Worcester Park – The Hamptons

Morden Park


Your reason why?

Question 4

What sound effects would you use and why?

Question 5

How many characters would you choose to put into your

film and what would you have them doing? (Please circle
the following and explain yourself on the lines)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Question 6

Do you have children? (If you do then please answer

question 7 and if not please go to question 8)

Question 7

What would you do in the situation if your child went

missing and how would you go about finding them?
Question 8

If someone went missing that you were close to then

how would you go about finding them?

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