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Statement on the reunification between the Mon National Defense Army

and New Mon State Party

January 24, 2011

We, the OMCC, wholeheartedly welcome the reunification between the Mon National Defense Army
(MNDA) and the New Mon State Party (NMSP). We believe that the MNDA made the right and timely
decision to reunite with the NMSP, its former mother organization, on January 11, 2011. The unity among
all Mon armed organizations is vitally important in the fight for our ethnic rights, equality, and freedom in
Burma. Therefore, we strongly urge all the Mon armed organizations to stand united under one flag and the
NMSP to allow other Mon splinter groups to rejoin the party unconditionally.

At this moment, the Burmese military regime troops are standing by to wage wars against the NMSP as well
as other ethnic armed organizations in Burma. All Mon people and organizations should stand behind and
provide full supports to the NMSP in this critical time. Moreover, all Mon organizations should be united
under the Mon Affairs Union in order to strengthen our unity as a people and nation, and form a strong Mon
political opposition organization. Only then we can protect our people from the abuses of the Burmese army
and can achieve our national goals.

The Burmese military regime has already launched attacks on the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army
(DKBA) in Karen State. No doubt, the regime will not hesitate to attack other ethnic armies at any time. As
history has proved time and time again, we will not be able to safeguard our people from the abuses of the
Burmese army and will not achieve our self-determination rights without a strong unified army. Therefore,
we earnestly appeal to all ethnic nationalities and the remaining ethnic armed forces to support and join the
Federal Army currently formed by the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), Karen National Union
(KNU), Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), New Mon State Party (NMSP), and Shan State
Progress Party (SSPP).

Media Contacts:

Nai Siri Mon Chan (Australia) Tel: +61-430-136-541

Nai Bannya Htaw Weang (USA) Tel: 716-948-6611 (cell)

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