Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibility

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Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibility

Brand Name: Used alone infections caused by history of penicillin GI: diarrhea, nausea, Determine previous
Amoclav clavulanic acid susceptible beta associated jaundice vomiting. hypersensitivity
antibacterial activity lactamase-producing or hepatic reactionsto
Generic Name: is weak. organisms dysfunction. Possible Skin: skin rashes and penicillins,
Amoxicillin and In combination, it cross sensitivity with urticaria. Other: cephalosporins, and
Clavulanic acid inhibits enzyme (beta lower respiratory other β-lactam candidal vaginitis, other allergens prior
lactamase) tract infections, otitis antibiotics; infectious abdominal to therapy.
Classification: degradation of media, sinusitis, skin mononucleosis discomfort, flatulence
Anti-infective; beta- amoxicillin and by and soft tissue and headache, Monitor for signs and
lactam antibiotic; synergism extends infections, UTI, pre increases in serum symptoms of
amino penicillin both spectrum of ALT, AST; urticarial rash (usually
activity and post surgical glomerulonephritis; occurring within a
Route/Dosage: bactericidal effect of procedures. agranulocytosis. few days after start of
Oral amoxicillin against drug) suggestive of a
650mg 1 tab TID many strains of beta- hypersensitivity
lactamase-producing reaction. If it occurs,
bacteria resistant to look for other signs of
amoxicillin alone. hypersensitivity
(fever, wheezing,
generalized itching,
dyspnea), and report
to physician
 Lab tests:
baseline C&S
test prior to
initiation of
therapy; start
drug pending
Note: generalized,
maculopapular rash
(ampicillin rash) is not
due to
hypersensitivity. It is
usually mild, but can
be severe. Report
onset of rash to
physician, since
should be ruled out
Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibility

Brand Name: H2 blocker inhibits GERD Parkinson’s disease Anxiety, insomnia, may cause
Reglan production depression, drowsiness, dizziness,
of gastric juice and Pre op medicine Phaeochromocytoma restlessness, fatigue, or blurred vision.
Generic Name: increases peristalsis drowsiness. There effects may be
Metroclopramide worsened when this
medicine is taken
Classification: with aclohol or other
Prokinetic; medicine

Route/Dosage: Diabetes patients -

Oral Metoclopramide may
10mg 1 tab TID affect your blood
sugar. Check blood
sugar levels closely.
Ask your doctor
before you change
the dose of your
diabetes medicine

Some patients who

may develop muscle
movements that
they cannot control.
This is more likely to
happen in elderly
patients, especially
Name of Drug Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibility

Brand Name:
Tramal Binds to mu-opioid Relief of moderate Contraindicated with CNS: sedation, Get patient’s history
receptors and inhibits moderately severe allergy to tramadol or dizziness or vertigo, of allergy to tramadol
Generic Name: the reuptake of pain opioids or acute head ache, confusion, or opioids
Tramadol norepinephrine and intoxication with dreaming , sweating,
serotonin; causes alcohol, opioids or anxiety and seizures Inform the patient
Classification: many effects similar psychoactive drug about the side effects
Opioid analgesic to the CV: Hypotension, if sweating or CNS
opioids,dizziness, tachycardia, effects occur
Route/Dosage: constipation bradycardia
50 mg Oral Limit use in patients
Q 8 hours with past/present
history of addiction to
or dependence to

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