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What is global warming?

What impact it has on us?
What can we do?
What is global warming?
In simple language heating up of earth is called global warming.
But going by the definition –”Global warming increase is an increase in
global average surface temperature due to natural or anthropogenic climate

Scientist predict that the Earth will warm by 1.4-5.8 in next

95 years!
the last ice age was only 5C colder than today

There is little doubt that the

temperature of earth is rising .
The last decade was the warmest
of the century and the last century
was the warmest of the millennium.
What went
With the industrialization , we
humans have been releasing
more and more carbon dioxide
and other Heat trapping gases
into the atmosphere when we
burn fuels and cut down
forests. These additional gases
have upset the natural balance
of our atmosphere , trapping
more heat than what Is healthy
for the Earth.
Signs telling us everything
is not normal
 Floods in the areas where the
flood is not common, for example :
Saudi Arabia is facing flood due to
heavy rainfall which is very
uncommon as it is a less rainfall
 Draughts in places which were
having good rainfall earlier.
 Extremeness of the climate for
example : Europe is right now
suffering from the most severe
cold with temperature dipping to
-20 C.
Life forms getting
 The butterflies have migrated from warm southern
zone to cooler northern zone.
 Due to melting of the life cycle of penguins is
getting disturbed leading to their death.
 The coral growth along the great barrier reef is
getting reduced day by day.
 Polar bears are facing extinction due to the melting
of polar eyes.
Looming threats
 Rising sea levels leading to more
coastal erosion, flooding during
 Increased draught and increased
incidence of wildfires.
 Severe stress on many forests,
wetlands, wetlands, and other
natural ecosystems.
 More experience of extremeness
of climate.
What can we do to stop
 Replacing a regular light bulb with a
 Plant a tree.
 Using less private vehicles.

 Protect and conserve forest worldwide.

 Use of paper bag instead of polythene bag.
 Recycling of waste material.

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