MEG 201 Lecture III & IV

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Conservation of energy

The concept of energy and the hypothesis that it can neither be created nor destroyed, though it can be
transformed from one form to any other form in which the energy can exist were developed by scientist in
the early part of the nineteenth century, and became known as the Principle of the Conservation of Energy.

Thermal Equilibrium: A system is said to be in thermal equilibrium, when there is no temperature

difference between the parts of the system or between the system and the surroundings.
There are three important laws of thermodynamics that governs thermodynamic actions.
1. Zeroth Law of thermodynamic 2. First law of thermodynamics 3. Second law of thermodynamics


Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third
system, then the two systems are also in thermal equilibrium with one another.
i.e. that is, if two bodies are each equal in temperature to a third body, they are equal in temperature to each
other. This principle of thermal equilibrium is often called the Zeroth law of thermodynamics.


When a system undergoes a thermodynamics cycle then the net heat supplied to the system from its
surroundings is equal to the network done by the system on its surroundings.

Where Σ represents the sum for complete cycle

Corollaries of the first law
Three upshot or effect of the first law now to be considered are referred to the corollaries of the first law.

COROLLARY 1: There exist a property of a closed system such that a change in its value is equal to the difference
between the heat supplied and the work done during any change of state.

If the property so discovered is denoted by U, the corollary can be expressed mathematically as

Writing Q and W for the net quantities of heat and work crossing the boundary during the change of state,

The property U is called the internal energy of the system and the equation above is the non-flow energy equation.
Expressed verbally: any quantity of heat supplied to a closed system must be equal to the increase in internal energy plus
the work done by the system.

Internal Energy is the energy possessed by a body or a system due to its molecular arrangement and motion of the
molecules. It is a stored energy, it is not transit.
COROLLARY 2: The internal energy of a closed system remains unchanged if the system is isolated from
its surroundings.

If the system is isolated from its surrounding, Q = 0 and W = 0, hence ΔU = 0

Corollary 2 is often called the Law of Conservation of Energy. It is sometimes loosely applied to the whole
universe to suggest that the energy of the universe is constant Writing Q and W for the net quantities of
heat and work crossing the boundary during the change of state. Such an extrapolation may be abmissible
only if the universe can be regarded as finite.

COROLLARY 3: A perpetual motion machine of the first kind is impossible

It is impossible to construct a machine producing a continuous supply of work without absorbing energy
from its surroundings; such a machine is called a perpetual motion machine of the first kind

Solved Problems

Problem 1: In a certain steam plant, the turbine develops 1000KW. The heat supplied to the steam in the
boiler is 2800KJ/kg, the heat rejected by the system to cooling water in the condenser is 2100KJ/kg and the
feed pump work required to pump the condenser back into the boiler is 5KW. Calculate the steam flow
round the cycle in kg/s. The cycle is shown diagrammatically below. A boundary is shown which
encompasses the entire plant. Strictly, this boundary should be thought of as encompassing the working
fluid only.

Boiler W out

Q out

Heat change within the cycle is:

{where ṁ is mass flow rate of steam in kg/s}

= (2800 - 2100) ṁ = 700 ṁ kg/s

Change in work done within the cycle is:

= 1000 - 5 = 995kW

From first law


700 x ṁ = 995

i.e Steam flow required = 1.421kg/s

Problem 2: In the compressed stroke of an internal combustion engine, the heat rejected
to the cooling water is 45J/kg and the work input is 90kJ/kg. calculate the change in
internal energy of the working fluid stating whether it is a gain or a loss.

Heat reject Q = - 45 kJ/kg

Change in work done within the cycle is:

Work input to the system = - 90kJ/kg

Q = (U2 - U1) + W

-45 = (U2 – U1) – 90

(U2 – U1) = +90 – 45 = 45kJ/kg

Gain in internal Energy = 45kJ/kg

Problem 3: In the cylinder of an air motor, the compressed air has an internal energy of
420kJ/kg at the beginning of the expansion and an internal energy of 200kJ/kg after
expansion. Calculate the heat flow to or from the cylinder when the work done by the air
during the expansion is 100kJ/kg.

Q = (U2 - U1) + W

Q = (200 - 420) + 100 = -120kJ/kg

Heat rejected by the air = 120kJ/kg

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