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Brain Teasers:

1. Teacher: You appeared for 6 quizzes and your average marks in them were 82.
Student: How did I fare in English?
Teacher: Well, your average in English Language and English Literature is 80.
Student: So, how was my performance in the remaining subjects?
Teacher: I am sure you can figure that out for yourself.

Can you help the student find his average marks in the remaining subjects?

2. There is a number that is three times the sum of its digits. What is this number?

3. Each child in a family has at least 2 brothers and 3 sisters. What is the smallest
number of children the family might have?

4. A number of children are standing in a circle. They are evenly spaced and the 7th
child is directly opposite the 20th child. How many children are there altogether?

5. If the difference of two numbers is 9 and their product is 13, what is the sum of
their squares?

6. Crack the mystery code to discover the missing letter. Hint: A=1, Z=26
7. Can you place six X's on a Tic Tac Toe board without making three-in-a-row in any

8. Nine dots are arranged in a three by three square. Connect each of the nine dots
using only four straight lines and without lifting your pen from the paper.

9. At a family reunion were the following people: one grandfather, one grandmother,
two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two
sons, two daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. But
not as many people attended as it sounds. How many were there, and who were they?

10. Your sock drawer contains ten pairs of white socks and ten pairs of black socks. If
you're only allowed to take one sock from the drawer at a time and you can't see what
color sock you're taking until you've taken it, how many socks do you have to take before
you're guaranteed to have at least one matching pair?

1. 83

Total marks in 6 subjects = 6 x 82 = 492.

Total marks in 2 English subjects = 2 x 80 = 160.

Total marks in remaining 4 subjects = 492 - 160 = 332.

Average marks in remaining 4 subjects = 332 / 4 = 83.

2. 27

27 = 3 {2+7}

3. 7

If each boy in the family has at least 2 brothers, then the smallest number of boys
is 3. Similarly, if each girl in the family has at least 3 sisters, then the smallest number of
girls is 4.

Thus, the smallest number of children the family might have is 7.

4. The 7th child is directly opposite the 20th child.

Since 20 - 7 = 13, there are 13 children in half the circle.
{Note that half the circle includes one child out of the 7th child and the 20th child}

Thus, there are 26 children altogether in the full circle.

5. 107

Let a and b be the two numbers. Then,

a - b = 9 and ab = 13
Now, (a - b)2 = (a - b) (a - b) = a2 - 2ab + b2
So, 92 = a2 - 2(13) + b2
81 + 26 = a2 + b2
Thus, a2 + b2 = 107

6. G

The letters A-Z are valued 1-26. In each set, the sum of the two
values on the left minus the sum of the top right and middle
values equals the bottom right value, so the mystery letter is G (7).


9. 7

There were two little girls and a boy, their parents, and their father's parents, totaling
seven people.

10. three

In the worst case, the first two socks you take out will consist of one black sock and
one white sock. The next sock you take out is guaranteed to match one or the other.

Submitted by: Juan Lejarde GradeV - Assisi

Submitted to: Mr. Leo del Prado

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