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The Basic Objectives

To achieve control in regular defecation without laxative or enemas

Influence Factors
‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Level of injury Future life style Level of independence expected Medication Dietary habit Emotional factor Exercise Patient s cooperation

For best results bowel program

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Do at the same time Transfer to toilet / bedside commode 30 minute after meal Relax & not be rushed Keep the stool well formed Assistive devices available

Step to follow in bowel program

Remember ! Be gentle when : ‡ Placing the suppository ‡ Removing stool ‡ Doing digital stimulation

To do digital stimulation
‡ Wash the hand & put on gloves ‡ Insert a lubricated gloved finger into the rectum ‡ Move the finger gently ‡ Wait 10-15 minute

To use the suppository

‡ Wash the hand & put on gloves ‡ Insert a lubricated gloved finger into the rectum ‡ Remove any stool in the rectum ‡ Coat the suppository with a lubricant ‡ Insert suppository as high as possible & against the wall of the intestine ‡ Wait 45 minute do digital stimulation

Manual Disimpaction
‡ Wash the hand & put on gloves ‡ Insert a lubricated gloved finger into the rectum ‡ Removed stool until we can not feel any stool ‡ Wait a few minute, check the rectum again.

Have a successful bowel program

S ( Schedule ) : plan at certain time E ( Exercise ) : the more active the patient, the easier for the food to travel through digest system. L ( Liquid ) : an important part of the diet is liquids. F ( Food ) : eat a variety of the food, especially food with fiber.

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