A Guide To The Design of Interchanges AT (J) 12-87

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ARAHAN TEKNIK (JALAN) 12/87 JABATAN KERJA RAYA A GUIDE TO THE DESIGN OF INTERCHANGES CAWANGAN JALAN IBU PEJABAT J.K.R., JALAN SULTAN SALAHUDDIN, 50582 KUALA LUMPUR. HARGA: RM1 4.00 PREFACE This srahan Teknik (Jatan) on "A Guide To The Design of Interchanges" is to be used for the geanetric design of ait grade-separated intersections. It ia to be used in conjunction with Arahan Teknik (Jatan) 8/86 - "A Guide To Geometric Design of Roads" and Arahan Teknik (Jatan) 11/87 - "A Guide To The Design Of AteGrade Intersections" and other vetevant Arahan Tekniks. white the geometric etandards indicated in thie Arahan Teknik te to be fottaed at alt times, it is recognised that in some ‘natances, due to site conetraints or othenise, the required atandards may not be attainable except at a htahiy prohibitive cost. In euch instances, the engineer/consuitant should refer to hia superior/client for a finat decision, aithough the concepts of safety and design expressed in this Arahan Teknik shoutd always be maintained. The user is ateo encouraged to atuly the various references as indicated in the Appendix to fully widerstand sane of the concepts and approaches adopted in this Arahan Teknik. Phis Arahan Teknik wilt be uplated fron tine to time and in this respect ay feedback fron usere witt be most wetcone. Any caments ehoutd be sent to Cauanoan Jalan, Thu Pejabat JKR, Malaysia. CHAPTER 1: CHAPTER 2: CHAPTER 3: CONTENTS: GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1.2 1.3 1.4 LS 1.6 Traffic and Operation Site Conditions Type of Highway and Intersect ing Facility Safety Stage Developme nt Economie Factors WARRANTS FOR GRADE SEPARATION AND INTERCHANGES 21 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.8 Design Designation Elimination of Bottlenecks or Spot Congestion Elimination of Hazards Site Topography Road User Benefits Traffic Volune Warrant Other Warrants Justification For Class of Road GRADE SEPARATION STRUCTURES: 3.2 343 34 Types of Separation Structures Overpass Versus Underpass Cross-Section of Structures Grade Separation Without Ramps PAGE 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 31 3-3

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