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This first website I chose has a complete description of how the circulatory,
respiratory, and digestive system work together to run our body. I like this wed site
because it is easy to navigate through and has nice small paragraphs that are very
simple to understand. (No word diarrhea)  I this think website will help you get a
good understanding of how systems work and how they work together because it
directly relates the different systems to other systems in the text and allows you to
travel back and forth between the different system pages so you can really
understand how the systems support each other in getting their jobs done.

This website is a kids website that describes the three basic human systems. When
you click on the links the author has posted “suggested activities” for potential labs
that you could do to help someone better understand how the systems work. There
is also a whole bunch of links to websites that relate to the system tab that you are
under, this website is set up to give you lots of referencing websites that have
already been looked at by someone else who thought that they were helpful.
Because these websites are being referred to you it saves you the time of skimming
through unwanted material. This websites will save you time and give you lots of
good sites to check out for information on the human body systems.
I chose this book because it is really simple to understand, it has lots of illustrations
with labels that are not to hard to follow and can better you r understanding of how
the human systems all rely on each other to get their jobs done. This book may be
short but it to the point and has lots of information thought out the whole thing on
the different human body systems and how they work. All the diagrams have labels
and I like how the labels not only tell you what you are looking at but they give you a
description of what that organ, or muscle or thingy does.

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