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Biological Standardization

International biological standardization has its roots in the late nineteenth century. Its history begins with the pioneer work of Ehrlich, who set down the principles of biological standardization and who prepared a diphtheria antitoxin standard in 1897. The unit of potency which he then defined was adopted in 1922 as the first international unit for a biological substance.

It has always been known that many substances with important therapeutic and prophylactic properties could not be assessed by chemical and physical tests alone because they were impure mixtures of complex, active principles and inert material. The potency of drugs of such complicated structure-and they include many products of living organisms-can be estimated only by tests on animals (as in the case of digitalis, insulin or vaccines), or on micro-organisms (as in the case of antibiotics).

Such an assessment of potency, if done in comparison with a known sample of the same substance (the "standard"), is called a biological assay. Biologists in several countries began to introduce biological assays in the late nineteenth century but, useful as this independent work was, it suffered from the disadvantage that it might lead to the adoption of different "standards" in different countries and perhaps in different laboratories in the same country-and to much consequent confusion.

The Health Committee of the League of Nations therefore convened a series of technical conferences to set up international standards and international units of potency: London, 1921; Paris, 1922; Edinburgh, 1923; Geneva, 1924 and 1925; Paris, 1930; London, 1931, 1932, 1934 and 1935. An intergovernmental conference under the auspices of the League was also held in Geneva in 1935.

To provide a permanent service of international co-ordination, a commission of biological standardization was established in 1924. This commission met in 1924 in Paris, in 1926 in Geneva, in 1928 in Frankfurt-am-Main, in

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1930 in Geneva, in 1931 in London, in 1934 in Copenhagen and in 1935 in Geneva. In 1938 a meeting of members specialized in serology was held in Paris, but the Second World War considerably reduced the scope of this work, although, even during the war, it never came to a complete standstill -- a fact that indicates its importance.

By 1945, no fewer than thirty-four international biological standards had been established for such different substances as sex hormones, vitamins, antitoxins and antisera, digitalis and tuberculin. Satisfactory procedures for international collaboration had been devised; many different procedures and techniques had been taken into account and many difficulties had been solved. With patience, discretion and sustained effort the obstacles were gradually surmounted, and the Secretary of the Permanent Commission on Biological Standardization reported that the recommendations of the Commission were being followed by the great majority of laboratories.

The potency of a biological substance can be assayed directly by determining the amount required to produce a given effect in an experimental animal. The variations of effect between different animals of the same species can be met by averaging a sufficient number of tests. Animals of different species are used in such experimental work. The potency of digitalis, for example, used to be measured in "cat" units and in "frog" units. Such units, however, have no universal validity, since the susceptibility of animals varies in different parts of the world and even in the same laboratory at different times. Consequently it has become necessary to introduce the concept of "relative potency" by measuring the effect of a substance in comparison with a standard preparation of the same substance. Then if the effect of the substance to be assayed is compared with the effect of the biological standard, the relative potency of the assayed substance in terms of that of the biological standard should be the same by any method of assay, so long as the same method is used simultaneously for the two substances. If the potency of the standard preparation is fixed at x international units per milligram, the potency of the substance assayed in international units can be simply calculated from the relative amounts that produce the same effect by the same method. By such comparative assays the potency of standard preparations in national laboratories can be expressed in international units and these substances can then in turn be used as national standards against which to assay the potency of national products. This is in principle the same procedure as that by which the surveyor's chain or the engineer's micrometer is, through intermediate standards, compared with the standard yard or metre.



The task successfully assumed by the Health Organisation of the League of Nations has been continued by WHO. The First World Health Assembly in 1948 decided to carryon the work it had inherited, the objectives being defined as: to provide the medical practitioner with biological products of proved efficacy; to supply health authorities with standards for measuring the value of the biological remedies placed on the market; and to simplify the task of manufacturers by enabling them to express the potency of export products in accepted international units.

The scientific principles on which biological standardization had rested for more than thirty years had proved their value. However, the procedures for establishing biological standards required some adjustment to bring them into line with the methods and policies of WHO.

The work formerly done by the Permanent Commission on Biological Standardization is now carried out by members of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Biological Standardization, some of whom meet every year as an expert committee. Problems and suggestions are brought to the attention of this committee by various individuals and institutions and by other expert committees convened by the Organization.

When a committee considers the possibility of establishing a new standard it has to bear in mind a number of important requirements.

In the first place the substance must be such that a stable standard preparation can be made, i.e., a preparation which does not lose its potency under proper conditions of storage. Secondly, laboratory methods must be available which will enable different laboratories to obtain comparable results when assaying other samples of the substance against the international standard preparation.

Each substance has its own problems of standardization, so that many questions have to be investigated before the standard itself can be prepared. This involves a great deal of scientific work, made possible only by the cooperation of many laboratories in different parts of the world. More than a hundred laboratories have carried out many biological assays on the request of WHO as part of this international co-operation.

Speed is necessary in certain fields of the work such as the international standardization of antibiotics. Whenever a new preparation is rapidly accepted for therapeutic purposes and its potency cannot be assayed by chemical or physical methods, those who prepare or use it desire a convenient means for expressing its potency, and if no international standard exists at the time, they will be obliged to 'devise their own standards and units. The resulting multiplicity of standards for the new preparation will delay the establishment



of the international standard, because the replacement of several existing national or laboratory standards by a single international one is a complex and difficult process. International action must therefore be taken as promptly as possible, and it should keep pace with developments in therapeutic and prophylactic medicine.

With these and other more technical considerations in mind, the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization studies what substances warrant the setting-up of international standards and in each case it makes arrangements to obtain a sufficiently large batch of a preparation which may become the international standard. The actual assay work, using samples of this preparation, is entrusted to a number oflaboratories in various countries. The results are then collected and analysed either by the Statens Seruminstitut, Copenhagen, which is concerned mainly with antitoxins, antisera, vaccines, and antigens, or by the National Institute for Medical Research, London, which deals with antibiotics, hormones, vitamins, and some other substances. If the results are satisfactory, the standard is adopted by the Expert Committee and the report on it submitted to the WHO Executive Board. One of the two institutes will then hold the stock of the international standard in question and dispatch samples of it with instructions for its use as required to a network of centres for biological standards in fifty countries.

Biological standards differ from such fundamental physical standards as the standard kilogram. The standard kilogram is virtually indestructible but a small portion of any biological standard is necessarily destroyed each time an assay is carried out. Biological standards are therefore gradually used up and must in time be replaced. Hence, when an international standard is exhausted the process of establishment has to be repeated. What is important is that the new standard preparation must be carefully calibrated against the old so as to leave the international unit of potency the same.

This work has continued to increase, and today, thirty-five years after the establishment of the first international standard, there are more than seventy international standards available.

Some standards have become unnecessary as the chemist's understanding of the constitution of the substances and his ability to purify them have made it practical to assay them by chemical and physical methods. Thus, about a dozen substances for which international standard preparations had been established, including most of the vitamins and several of the hormones, can now be satisfactorily evaluated by chemical methods so that their biological assay is no longer necessary. The distribution of these biological standards has therefore been discontinued and those that belong to the class of pure



chemical substances have been transferred to the Centre for Authentic Chemical Substances which has been established, with WHO support, at Stockholm.'

The range of substances for which standards are now available is shown in the list reproduced at the end of this chapter. It will be seen that fifty new biological standards were established since 1948 and that several of those that existed at that time have since been replaced. Work is at present in different stages of progress towards the establishment of further international standards for: neomycin, dextran sulfate, vitamin B12, pyrogen, anti-streptolysin 0, Rh blood-typing sera, poliomyelitis sera, syphilitic human serum, yellow fever immune serum, snake antivenins, typhoid vaccine, rabies vaccine, smallpox vaccine and swine erysipelas vaccine.

There has been an increasing need for assessing the potency of vaccines widely used to-day against various communicable diseases: cholera, typhoid, rabies, smallpox, yellow fever, poliomyelitis, whooping cough, etc. The standardization of a vaccine meets with great difficulties, however, since even when suitable and stable preparations are available they will not be useful as international standards unless their protective effect in laboratory animals has been proved to be an acceptable measure of their power to protect man. This demonstration has recently been accomplished for pertussis vaccine. The results of extensive field trials in children were found to parallel closely those of laboratory tests in mice and it has therefore been possible to establish a preparation of pertussis vaccine as the international standard. On the other hand, field trials with various typhoid vaccines have shown no satisfactory correlation with laboratory results: the vaccine which appeared superior in the field could not be distinguished by laboratory tests from a vaccine which had no demonstrable effect in the field. Further research is therefore necessary to obtain a valid laboratory assay of the protective power of typhoid vaccines. F or most of the other vaccines too much field and laboratory work has yet to be carried out.

International collaboration with regard to biological assays was originally confined to the establishment of international standards. The development of public-health programmes which rely wholly or partly on the use of substances that have to be assayed biologically has resulted in an expansion of the work. To give an example : many national control authorities have asked WHO to issue recommendations on methods of biological assay and on requirements for biological substances. In 1957 the Organization convened

1 See also Chapter 29.



a Study Group on Recommended Requirements for Biological Substances to' examine the question. The Group was of the opinion that a uniformity of requirements would be of great practical value for facilitating the exchange of important biological preparations between different countries, and that many control laboratories would greatly benefit from guidance with respect to all technical details of the best methods of assay available. It suggested that detailed international recommendations on assay methods and requirements for important biological substances should be compiled. This will be a complicated and time-consuming task. When it is completed and finally approved, each international recommendation will be made generally available.

Another example is the work done by the Organization in connexion with yellow-fever vaccine and vaccination. The International Sanitary Regulations stipulate that persons bearing a valid certificate of yellow-fever vaccination shall not be subjected to restrictive quarantine measures. A certificate is valid only if the vaccine used has been approved by WHO and if the vaccinating centre has been designated by the health administration of the country concerned. UNRRA, in 1945, specified requirements for yellowfever vaccine which were subsequently adopted by WHO. In 1957 it was considered that, although those requirements had been very useful, they should be revised in the light of new developments. Accordingly, an expert committee met to draw up new requirements for yellow-fever vaccine and recommend revised methods of manufacture. These recommendations are now being studied and it is hoped that revised requirements will be put into effect in 1958.

Certain problems connected with BCG vaccine provide a further illustration. In 1949 the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization recognized that BCG vaccine could not usefully be considered within the framework of classical standardization, and drew up a list of requirements for laboratories that prepare BCG vaccine to be used in vaccination campaigns jointly assisted by UNICEF and WHO. The Organization, for its part, accepted the responsibility for approving the laboratories that comply with these requirements. Such internationally-approved laboratories now exist in five WHO regions.




Held in custody on behalf of WHO by the International Laboratory for Biological Standards, Statens Seruminstitut, Copenhagen, and by the International Laboratory for Biological Standards, National Institute for

Medical Research, London

Substance international Adopted Replaced Custodian
unit (mg)
I. Diphtheria antitoxin 0.0628 1922 I Copenhagen
2. Insulin 0.04082 1925 1935, 1952 London
3. Oxytocic, vasopressor and
antidiuretic substances 0.5 1925 1942,1957 London
4. Arsphenamine . - 1925 - Discontinued 1935
5. Neoarsphenamine - 1925 1935, 1940 London
6. Sulpharsphenamine - I 1925 1936,1951 London
7. Digitalis. 76.0 1926 1936, 1949 London
8. Ouabain - 1928 - Discontinued 1954
9. Tetanus antitoxin. 0.3094 1928 - Copenhagen
10. Antidysentery serum (Shiga) 0.05 1928 - Copenhagen
II. Gas-gangrene antitoxin (per-
fringens) 0.1132 1931 1935, 1943, Copenhagen
12. Old tuberculin . 0.0100 1931 1935 Copenhagen
13. Pro-Vitamin A - 1931 1934,1949 Discontinued 1956
14. Vitamin Bl - 1931 1938 Discontinued 1956
15. Vitamin D3 0.000025 1931 1949 London
16. Oestrone - 1932 - Discontinued 1949
17. Staphylococcus ex. antitoxin 0.2376 1934 1938 Copenhagen
18. Antipneumococcus serum
(type I) . 0.0886 1934 - Copenhagen
19. Antipneumococcus serum
(type 2) . 0.0894 1934 - Copenhagen
20. Gas-gangrene antitoxin (Vi-
brion septiquei 0.118 1934 1947, 1957 Copenhagen
21. Gas-gangrene antitoxin (oe-
dematiens) . 0.1135 1934 1952 Copenhagen
22. Vitamin C - 1934 - Discontinued 1956
23. Oestradiol monobenzoate - 1935 - Discontinued 1949
24. Androsterone - 1935 - Discontinued 1950
25. Progesterone - 1935 - Discontinued 1955
26. Gas-gangrene antitoxin (his-
tolyticus) 0.2 1935 1951 Copenhagen 416


Present I
Substance international Adopted Replaced Custodian
unit (mg)
27. Diphtheria antitoxin for
flocculation test - 1935 1938, 1945, Copenhagen
28. Gas-gangrene antitoxin
(Sordelli) 0.1334 1938 - Copenhagen
29. Chorionic gonadotrophin 0.1 1939 - London
30. Serum gonadotrophin 0.25 1939 - London
31. Prolactin 0.1 1939 - London
32. Vitamin E - 1941 - Discontinued 1956
33. Heparin 0.0077 1942 - London
34. Penicillin 0.0005988 1944 1952 London
35. Vitamin A - 1949 - Discontinued 1954
36. Streptomycin 0.001282 1950 - London
37. Anti-A blood-typing serum 0.3465 1950 - Copenhagen
38. Anti-B blood-typing serum 0.3520 1950 - Copenhagen
39. Corticotrophin 0.88 1950 1955 London
40. Tubocurarine - 1951 - Discontinued 1955
41. Penicillin K - 1951 - London
42. Purified protein derivative
of mammalian tuberculin 0.0000280 1951 - Copenhagen
43. Tetanus toxoid 0.03 1951 - Copenhagen
44. Diphtheria toxoid, plain. 0.50 1951 - Copenhagen
45. Cardiolipin - 1951 1953 Copenhagen
46. Beef heart lecithin - 1951 1953 Copenhagen
47. Egg lecithin - 1951 1953 Copenhagen
48. Oxophenarsine - 1951 - London
49. Dimercaprol - 1952 - London
50. Scarlet fever streptococcus
antitoxin 0.049 1952 - Copenhagen
51. Anti-Brucella abortus serum El.091 1952 - Copenhagen
52. Antityphoid serum (Provi-
sional) - 1952 - Copenhagen
53. Staphylococcus ~ antitoxin - 1952 - Discontinued 1956
54. Chloramphenicol - 1953 - Discontinued 1956
55. Cholera antigen (Inaba) . - 1953 - Copenhagen
56. Cholera antigen (Ogawa) - 1953 - Copenhagen
57. Cholera vaccine (Inaba) . - 1953 - Copenhagen
58. Cholera vaccine (Ogawa) - 1953 - Copenhagen
59. Cholera agglutinating serum
(Inaba) - 1953 - Copenhagen
60. Cholera agglutinating serum
(Ogawa). - 1953 - Copenhagen BIOLOGICAL STANDARDIZA nON



Present international unit(mg)

I Adopted




61. Anti-Q-fever serum.

62. Opacity reference prepara-


63. Dihydrostreptomycin .

64. Bacitracin.

65. Chlortetracycline.

66. Purified protein derivative of avian tuberculin .

67. Schick test toxin (diphtheria)

68. Clostridium welchii (perfringens) type B antitoxin

159. Clostridium welchii (perfringens) type D antitoxin.

70. Swine erysipelas serum


71. Thyrotrophin 72.MeIB

73. MSb

74. Protamine

75. Diphtheria toxoid, adsorbed

76. Antirabies serum.

77. Oxytetracycline

78. Polyrnixin B .

79. Growth hormone

80. Hyaluronidase .

81. Tetracycline .

82. Erythromycin

83. Phenoxyrnethylpenicillin

84. Pertussis vaccine .


0.001316 0.0182 0.001

0.0000726 0.0042



0.14 13.5


1.0 0.00111 0.000127 1.0

0.1 0.00101 0.001053 0.00059 1.5

1953 1953 1953 1953

1954 1954



1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1957 1957 1957 1957


Copenhagen London London London

Copenhagen Copenhagen



Copenhagen London London London London Copenhagen Copenhagen London London London London London London London Copenhagen

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