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Stonewall Democrats of Western New York

December 28, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by Bryan Ball at 7:10 PM.

Bruce Kogan motions, Tom Gleed seconds, motion passes to accept meeting minutes
from November 23rd.

Holiday Party discussed – to be held at El Museo – on January 11 – from 5:30 – 8pm

Kitty Lambert will set up room with tables.
Kitty and Bruce will provide plates, napkins, cups, etc.
Kitty has some beverage from previous events.
Tom Peglowski will provide the food.
William Woodle will bring soda.

Discussion - possible censure of politicians for not fulfilling their promises.

The by laws of the SDWNY may be amended to include a conflict of interest statement
that prevents officers from holding a political office or working for someone in a political

Extensive discussion about setting goals for the SDWNY in 2011 and what they will be.
There will be clear objectives to assure that we are working towards positive changes in
the political atmosphere that affects our LGBT issues. Specifics will be determined after
officers are elected January 25, 2011. Committees to be formed.

Nominating committee has asked existing officers to continue and they have agreed.
They have also asked if there are others that are interested in running they should contact
Carol Speser, Melissa Breckenridge or Kendra Konst. Officers are to provide short bio
and what they plan to do in the coming year in their officer role.

Next meeting January 25th at 7pm.

8:33 pm – Carol Speser motions, Cory Promowicz seconds, meeting is adjourned.

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