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Definitions of Abnormality

Abnormality or unusual, eccentric or rebellious?

Deviations from Social Norms

o A social norm is the way people behave in social situations that conform to general situations or
expectations within society, these morals/values can vary between cultures.
o A Deviation from the implicit rules on how one ‘ought’ to behave.
o These norms can change over time.
o A socially based definition.


1. Eating with cutlery, or without.

2. Queuing.



o It makes people behave better overall as proper etiquette is expected.


o Social Norms can vary between cultures and subcultures as what some may deem as normal, others
would abnormal.
o Some may not be taught correct morals and values for various reasons, such as home-schooling.
o Things that may appear abnormal, may be normal in the context;
E.g. fancy dress for a carnival.
o It ignores the possibility of biological illness, such as violent behaviour caused by a brain tumour.

Failure to function adequately

o Not being able to cope with ‘normal’ everyday life interferes with day-to-day living.
E.g. go to work, wash clothes, and eat in public.
o An individual judges whether their behaviour is abnormal.



o Who is the right person to judge? Patient may be content with their life, when it seems abnormal to
another person.
o Dysfunctional behaviour may be adaptive
E.g. Depression gains help from others
o Diagnosis may vary from culture to culture, as what is considered adequate in one culture, is not in

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