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For Immediate Release

DATE : 1/24/2011

January Web Series Feature Partners in Haiti and Friends in California

The January installments of Episcopal Relief & Development’s two popular web series, The
Power of Partnerships and Friends of Episcopal Relief & Development, are now available online.
Each month, these series highlight the work of those partnering with the agency to help people
affected by poverty and disease worldwide.

The Power of Partnerships this month celebrates the construction of provisional homes for
people in Haiti who were left homeless by last year’s earthquake. To date, 145 homes have been
built, with construction set to continue through the coming year. Episcopal Relief &
Development has been partnering with the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti and its relief and
development arm, CEDDISEC, to support a variety of community-based recovery projects.

January’s Friends of Episcopal Relief & Development tells the story of how two Stanford student
groups joined forces to raise money to fight malaria through Episcopal Relief & Development’s
NetsforLife® program partnership. Challah for Hunger, an offshoot of the university’s Jewish
Students Association, donates half of its weekly profits to a cause designated by a co-sponsoring
student group that helps bake and sell the bread – in this case, a campus interfaith group called
FAITH (Faiths Acting in Togetherness and Hope).

To find past installments of Friends of Episcopal Relief & Development and The Power of
Partnerships, please visit our website. To learn more about our programs or make a
contribution, visit, or call 800.344.7626 ext. 5129. Gifts can be mailed to
Episcopal Relief & Development, PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.

Episcopal Relief & Development is the international relief and development agency of the
Episcopal Church of the United States and an independent 501(c)(3) organization. The agency
takes its mandate from Jesus’ words found in Matthew 25. Its programs work towards
achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Together with the worldwide Church and
ecumenical partners, Episcopal Relief & Development rebuilds after disasters and empowers
people by offering lasting solutions that fight poverty, hunger and disease, including
HIV/AIDS and malaria.

Contact: Faith Rowold

800.334.7626, ext. 6311

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