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‘The quadratic equation x? — 5x + 4 = 0 can be solved by factoring to obtain (x ~ 1)(x ~ 4) = 0, and the roots x=] and x = 4, This equation can also be solved by graphing the function f(x) = x? ~ Sx-+ 4, and noting that the graph intersects the x-axis at x = J and x = 4. ‘The graph divides the x-axis into three different sets of values for x. ‘© The values of x that satisfy the equation -S5x+4=0 ‘These are the values of x where the graph intersects the x-axis. The roots of the equation are | and 4. ‘© The values of x that satisfy the inequality -5x44>0 ‘These are the values of x where the graph is above the x-axis. The solution of the inequality is x4. # The values of x that satisfy the inequality xia Sr$4<0 ‘These are the values of x where the graph is below the x-axis, The solution of the inequality is 1 0. Solution Solve the corresponding quadratic equation. 52+ 131-6 =0 Gx -20+3)=0 Either Sx-2=0 or x43=0 x04 445 SOLVING POLYNOMAL INEQUALTIES. Think ... Visualize the graph of the corresponding quadratic function, f(x) = 5x? + 13x 6. Since the coefficient of x? is positive, the graph opens up. It intersects the x-axis at the points where x = —3 and x=04, ‘The solution of the inequality 5x* + 13x — 6 > 0 is the values of x for which the graph of f(x) = 5x2 + 13x — 6 lies above the x-axis, Hence, the solution is x <-3 or x > 0.4, In Example 1, the numbers -3 and 0.4 are not part of the solution. If the inequality had been Sx* + 13x — 6 2 0, these numbers would satisfy the inequality, and the solution would be x S -3 or x 2 04 Polynomial inequalities of higher degree can be solved in the same way. The initial step of solving the polynomial equation can be done by factoring (if possible), by using the quadratic formula (if possible), or by using technology. ‘The solution of the inequality can be determined by visualizing the graph of the corresponding polynomial function. 262 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES Example 2 Solve x - 6x? + 3x +10 <0. 3G? + 3x + 10, if possible. f()= 13-601" +31) +10 -643-18 -1)' - 6-1) +31) +10 -6-3410 Therefore, x +1 is one factor of x? - 6x? +3x +10. f(2)= 23-62)? +3Q)+ 10 —244+6+10 Try x=2. ‘Therefore, x - 2 is another factor of x — 6x? + 3x + 10. can be written in the form (x + 1)(x ~ 2(x~5) <0. Think ... Visualize the graph of the corresponding polynomial function, f(x) = (+ I)Gr~ 2) - 5). Since the leading coefficient is positive, the graph ‘extends from the 3rd quadrant to the Ist quadrant. It intersects the x-axis at the points where x = x= 2and x= 5. for which the graph of f(x) Hence, the solution isx <~I or2 — 6x? + 3x + 10 lies below the x-axis. The solution of the inequality in Example 2 can be represented on a number line, ‘4.5SOLUNG POLNOMAL NEGUALITES 263. rr PER eee KS bd 41. The solution of Example I contains a quadratic equation that was solved by factoring, 4) Do you think you might encounter quadratic inequalities that cannot be solved by factoring in similar examples? Explain, b) How would you continue the solution when the inequality cannot be solved by factoring? 2. a) In Example 2, once we found that x-+ 1 was a factor of x? — 6x? + 3x + 10, what | other ways could we have found the other factors? b) How would you proceed if you could not determine any factors of 23 — 6x2 + 3x + 10? Explain 4.5 [Oe Q 1. Use each graph to write the solutions of the inequalities below it, a P-x-6 <0 742x430 il) -x-620 li) -®+2x43>0 4) [foxy =29 + at — 3x18 -29 x8 43x7-6x-8 <0 Natta —3x-1820 fi) 9 + 3x?7-6x-8 > 0 WP +42 —3x- 18 <0 | 264° CHAPTEA 4 ANALYSIS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 2. Solve each inequality. a) (x2) +2) >0 ») (+ DE +D <0 9) x(x-9)>0 §) x-2)<0 #) (a- 2ya~3) <0 1) (n~3)m45)20 @ 3. & Solve cach inequality. Show each solution on a number tine. D2 +Se+6>0 ti) m?—2m-8 > 0 i) 18 -3y-y? <0 W)3-x7+2e>0 WP -10r+9S0 w= x-15<0 1) Choose one inequality from part a. Write to explain how you solved it 3 4, Solve each inequality. Show cach solution on a number line. a P-4x+4>0 W1-4artso t) 3x? dr 520 ) 6x? + Ix- 20<0 ) a+x+6>0 ) 2x-2-x?20 i 0) 12x49 20 hy 47 + 10x-7<0 4 5, a] Sketch the graph of f(x) =(x~ 1)? = 4. a ) Determine the values of x for which f(x) >0 6. a) Sketch the graph of g(x) = (x2)? -9. ) Determine the values of x for which g(x) $0. | 7. a} Write a quadratic inequality that has each solution, ’ Dx s3orx2} i -3 1 ») Choose one inequality from part a. Write to explain how you determined it 8. Determine the values of x for which the graph of /(x) =x? — dr: 4) lies above the line y = 2x ~5 1) lies below the line y =x +14 . Solve each inequality )+3R-D@-3)>0 tHe #3)-@~3)>0 ) E+ DE-ME-5)SO0 xX DOHKUHS) <0 ) + Ie -4P > 0 1) (+3) + I®- 2-5) 50 ASSOLVNGPOLNOMAL NEGUALITES 268 410. Solve each inequality. a) P47 x44 >0 bp = 422 +x4650 o) x44 208-7? Br 41220 gd) x46 447+ 6x—-5<0 @) 3+ 2x? 8x-9< 0 +27 4324620 11, Write a cubic inequality that has each solution. a) 3x 9 a) xS Sandi sxs4 12, For what values of x does the graph of f(x) =x? + 2x? + 3x +4 lie above the graph of f(x) =x? + 2x4 37 @ 13. Which statements are true? Explain. 4) Some quadratic inequalities have no solutions. b) Some quadratic inequalities have only one solution. 6) Every quadratic inequality has infinitely many solutions. 4) Some cubic inequalities have no solutions. @) Some cubic inequalities have only one solution. 4) Every cubic inequality has infinitely many solutions. 14, Rectangle ABCD is 10 em long and 5 em D, wide. Point P is located x centimetres from Q ‘Aon side AB. Point Q is Jocated y centimetres from A on side AD. For what values of y is it possible to locate a point R on side BC such a that ZQPR = 90 Explain how the zeros of a polynomial function can be used to determine the solutions of polynomial inequalities. Use examples to illustrate your explanation. 266 CHVPTER 4 ANALYSIS OF EQUATIONS AND NEQUALITES

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