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Self Access Learning Module

ICT Literacy for

Secondary School



ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module



Curriculum Development Centre

Ministry of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Introduction to Microsoft Access 2003

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to:

1. state the usage of application

2. list example which application of database is used
3. state the function of the features in database
4. create a new database

Knowledge and Skills:

1. Students known the meaning and usage of database

2. Start Microsoft Access 2003
3. Create, Name and Save database file
4. Open existing database
5. Exit database application

Module Summary:
At the end of the module, students should be able to open, name, save
file and close database.

Activity Summary: Activities in this module involved:

1. Starting Microsoft Access 2003

2. Naming and saving file database
3. Opening existing database
4. Exercises

Meaning of database

A database is the computer equivalent of an

organized list of information. Typically, this information has a
common subject or purpose, such as the list of employees,
phonebook guide or a classmates address book.

Microsoft Access 2003 (Access 2003) is a database system

management (database programs). It can store, manage, manipulate,
analyze, retrieve, display or publish information from database.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 1: Starting Microsoft Access 2003

There are two methods to start / launch your Mircosoft Access 2003.

Method 1:

1. Double click on the Mircrosoft Office Access 2003 shortcut on the Windows
desktop (see below).

Shortcut icon MS Access 2003

Method 2:

1. Click-on the Start button, then click-on Programs, then click-on Microsoft
Access 2003 (Figure 1)

Figure 1


2. The following Access 2003 Getting Started Task Pane will appear on the
right side of your Access 2003 screen. (refer figure 2)

3. In the Open area of the Access 2003 Getting Started Task Pane, click the
left mouse button on Create a new file.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 2: To Name and Save Database File

1. The New File menu screen on the top will appear when you click the left mouse
button on Create a new file.

2. Click–on Blank database. (Figure 3)

Click here

Figure 3

A File New Database menu screen, similar to the one below, will be on your screen.
We’ll have to do several “things” to set-up this screen to save your database. ( Figure 4 )

Step 1

Step 2 Step 3

Figure 4

3. Click-on the small down arrow on the right. Choose My Documents to save
by double clicking on the folder. Your selection should now appear in the
Save in : area. (Step 1)

4. Next click-in the area to the right of File Name. Type-in the word students
profile as shown at the bottom of the above image. (Step 2)

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

5. Now click-on the Create button. (Step 3)

The following Students Profile: Database menu screen will appear.

( Figure 5 )

Figure 5
6. Click File and click Exit to end this session and to close Ms Access 2003.

Activity 3: Open Existing Access Database

There are two methods to open existing database.

Method 1:

1. Repeat Activity 1 to open Ms Access 2003. Once you have created a

database, you will see your database in the Open portion of the Task Pane.

2. Click students profile. (refer Figure 6)

Click students

Figure 6

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Method 2:

1. Click File in the Menu Bar, then click Open. (refer figure 7)

Figure 7

2. When the Open menu screen appears, click the small down arrow to the right of
the Look in area and select My Documents.

Select My Documents

Click students profile

3. Then click the name of your database (e.g. students profile.mdb) and then click

You will notice in the Students Profile: Database menu screen, in the left border
consist of objects bar: Tables, Queries, Forms, Report, Pages, Macros and

title bar Database toolbar

Database window
toolbar bar
Database window
menu bar
Database window

Objects bar Database

window title bar

Groups bar

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

There are 4 important objects as stated in the table below.

Objects Bar Function

A collection of records that identify a category of data, such as
Customers, Orders, or Inventory. Data inside a table is arrange by
column name field and row named Record.
Table ƒ Field – A single characteristic or attribute of a person, place,
object, event, or idea.
ƒ Record – A set of related field values.

Use to enter new information, to edit or remove existing information or

Form to locate information.

Used to locate information, to view, change or analyze it in various

ways. A select query retrieves data from one or more tables and
Query displays the result in datasheet. A select query can be used to group
record and calculate sums, counts, averages and other types of totals.

Typically used to summarize, organize and analyze information in

order to express a particular point of view to specific audience.

4. Click File and Exit to stop this session.

At the end of this activities, you had learned how to:

a. Create a database
b. Close a database
c. Open an existing database

In the next module you will learn how to design table and insert data.


Question 1

Give two examples of database that you know.

Question 2

Create a database named Teachers Profile. Save this file in My Document directory.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module



Curriculum Development Center

Ministry Of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Students Profile

Learning Outcomes: Student should be able to create a table, define primary key
and insert data.

Knowledge and Skills:

1. Students known how to differentiate field, record and table

2. Students known all types of data
3. Creating table.
4. Define primary key
5. Inserting the data in the table.

Module summary:

At the end of this module, table below will be created by students.

Activities summary:

This module involved a few activities such as;

1. Creating tables.

2. Inserting the data in the table.

3. Exercise.

Information and Communication Technology Literacy For Secondary– Data Base Module

Activity 1: Creating Table

Next you will be creating the fields that make up a database. This is similar to
creating a blank personnel form (on paper) that will be "filled-in" for each employee
(Name, Address, Phone Number, etc – are called fields in a database). This
"forms" are called records in a database. There will be a record, or form, for each
employee. All the forms, together, make up a Table (database).

For example, students profiles table as shown below. (Figure 1)

record 2

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4

(numbers) (name) (address) (icno)

Figure 1

The table above content four records. Each records have four fields which are
numbers field, students name, address and ic number. At the end of this module,
students will creating a database which is consist a table name “students profile”.

Information and Communication Technology Literacy For Secondary– Data Base Module

Steps Creating Table

1. Open MS Access 2003 software (Refer module 1, if needed).

2. Click File, click Open, find students profiles database file then click Open button.
(refer Figure 2)

Figure 2

3. Database window students profile: Database will appeared as shown below

(Figure 3) then click New button at database windows toolbar. The dialog box in
Figure 4 will appear.

Figure 3

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

4. Click Design View , then click OK to get Datasheet view as shown at Figure 5.


Figure 4

Figure 5

5. At Field Name column, type in numbers and at Data type column, change value
Text to Number. (refer Figure 6)

Click this button to view the

list of data type, then click

Figure 6

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

There are 10 types of data as stated in the table below;

Types Data Function

You may type in any alphabetical/numerical data that you
desire-up to a maximum of 255 characters. As indicated,
Text this is a text field, so you can't do mathematical calculations.
Examples of Text data are: names, addresses, stock
numbers, room numbers, zip codes, etc

This field is for lots of text. You can have up to 32,000

Memo characters.

This field is for numbers where you want to add, subtract,

multiply, divide, average, and do numerical calculations.
Number This field can be a very large size, so when we get to
Field Properties, we'll talk about "sizing" this field so it
doesn't take up too much "space" in storage.

Dates and Times. You may format this later, as you may
Date/Time desire.

Dollar ($). You may format this later, as you may desire. For
Currency example Ringgit Malaysia (RM)

This field is an "automatic" counter that assigns a number

AutoNumber each time you put data into a new field.

Yes/No This is a "True/False" or "Yes/No, 0/1” type of field.

This means "Object Link Embedding" which indicates you

OLE Object can insert a graphic, picture, sound, etc. Pretty neat to put a
photograph in a personnel record or a picture of an inventory
item in the stock record (advanced stuff).

A hyperlink is a pointer from one object to another. The

Hyperlink destination is frequently another Web page, but it can also
be a picture, an e-mail address, a file (such as a multimedia
file or Microsoft Office document), or a program. The
hyperlink itself can be displayed as text or as a picture.
This wizard creates a lookup column, which displays a list of
Lookup Wizard values you can choose from.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

7. Insert data in the Field Name, Data Types for each fields as shown (Figure 7).
Students can move to the next column by press “Tab key”.

i. Place the cursor

at address

ii. Change Field Size

value to 100

Figure 7

Note: Place the cursor at the address inside the Field Name, then change Field
Size value from 50 to 100.

8. Click numbers at field name column, click at Edit menu bar, then click Primary Key

or icon Primary Key . Shown at figure 8.

PRIMARY KEY means the value in the primary key fields is need
to uniquely identify each record; that’s no record can have the
same value in this field.

Primary key

close icon

Figure 8

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Figure 9

9. Click Close icon as shown at figure 8 to close the creating table session. Then
dialog box in figure 10 displayed.

Figure 10

10. Click Yes. Dialog box Save As in figure 10 displayed.

Figure 11

Key in table name here

12. Type students profile at Table Name and then click OK at dialog box as shown in
figure 11. Now you had finished creating one table named “students
profile:database” as shown below. (Figure 12)

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

students profile
table created

Figure 12

Activity 2: Inserting data in the table

The students profile table that created before, not contains any data. Steps below can
be used to key in the data.

1. Click at Students Profile table then click open at database window toolbar. (Figure

Figure 13

2. Datasheet view Students Profile : Table as shown in figure 14 displayed.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Figure 14

3. Key in data at the students profile datasheet.

At the first row, type number ‘1’ at numbers column. Then, Type name Abdul Rahman
b. Idris at name column. Next, type address and ic number at address and icno

Figure 15

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

4. Insert all data in the table by repeating the same process above. As a result,
students will get the table below.

Figure 16

5. Click icon save to saving file. Students Profile table now contained five records.

6. Click icon close to close the inserting data session.

7. Exit the Microsoft Access 2003 Software.


1. Build one of your friends profile table. Named the table “Co-curriculum Data”. That
table must have fields as stated below:

a. Numbers
b. Student Name
c. Class
d. Club
e. Sports
f. Uniforms Unit

2. Insert 10 record in that table.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module



Curriculum Development Center

Ministry Of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module:

Using Record In Database

Learning Outcomes:

Students should be able to use and manipulate records in database.

Knowledge and Skills:

a. Students should be able to use record in database.

b. add records
c. add field
d. edit records
e. find records from Table

Module Summary:

At the end of this module, table below will be created by students.

Activity Summary:

Activities in this module involve:

1. add records
2. add field
3. edit records
4. find records from Table

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 1: Add Records

1. Open Microsoft Access 2003

2. Click Open an Existing Database, then click file students profile and click OK.

3. In the database window, double click students profile in the Tables pane to open
the table in Datasheet view, as shown in figure 1.

4. To add new record, click on icon New Record that can be seen at database
toolbar or at the bottom of datasheet window. (figure 1).

Icon New

Figure 1

5. Add five more record as below. (refer table 1)

name address icno

Alias b Mohamad No. 5, Jalan Desa Kayang 3, Desa kayang, 01000 950918-02-
Mohd Shahid b Mohd No. 39, Taman Tapah, Jalan Pahang 35000 Tapah, 950912-05-
Noorul-Aini bt Ambak No 15, Jalan Limau Kasturi, 4/4A 40000 Shah Alam, 950212-11-
Noor Asiah bt Zakaria Lot 2646, Kg Simpang Tiga, Bt 6 3/4, 53100 950402-04-
Fasitah bt. Mansor No. 36, Jln. Melati, Tmn. Mewah, 31000 Batu Gajah, 950606-03-
Table 1
Save record.

6. Close students profile : Table.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 2: Add Fields.

Method 1: Add field after the last field.

1. Click Design button at database toolbar windows Students Profile: Database, to

display all the fields.

2. Click field below icon (refer Figure 2)

3. Type in email inside the Field Name and select text as the Data Type.

Figure 2

4. Save the record.

Method 2: Add new field in between the two fields

1. Click Design button at database toolbar windows Students Profile:

Database, to display all the fields.

2. Click the address field ( the row will be highlight -refer Figure 3 )

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

3. Click Insert at menu bar, then click rows. A new row will be added. (Figure 4)

Figure 4

4. Put cursor in between field name and field address.

5. Type in sex inside the blank Field Name and select text as the Data Type.
(Figure 5)

Figure 5

6. Save students profile.

7. Click to close students profile : Table.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 3: Edit Record.

1. Open Students Profile table.

2. To edit record, click inside the selected field. (sex and email)

3. Insert in all the record for sex field and email field. (refer Table 2)

numbers name sex a email

1 Abdul Rahman b. Idris male
2 Johana bt. Muhammad female
3 Faridah bt Abdullah Female
4 Rosnani bt. Sembok Female
5 Hassan b. Wahid Male
6 Alias b Mohamad Male
7 Mohd Shahid b Mohd Male
8 Noorul-Aini bt Ambak Female
9 Noor Asiah bt Zakaria Female
10 Fasitah bt. Mansor female

Table 2

4. Repeat step 2 above to add in 5 postcodes (see bold figure) inside the first
five record. (Refer Table 3).

Numbers name sex address

1 Abdul Rahman b. male 2304, Rumah Rumah Tasek Gelugor, 13300
2 Johana bt. femal No 24, Jln 1, Taman Seri Sinar, 50600 Kulal
3 Faridah bt Abdullah Femal No 39, Jln Pinang Merah 11, 81000 Bandar
4 Rosnani bt. Sembok Femal No 1005, Bukit Datu, 21200 Kuala
5 Hassan b. Wahid Male No 101, Taman Rapat Jaya, 41000 Kelang,

Table 3

5. Save students profile table.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 4: Finding Record From Table

1. Click field name.

Icon Find

Figure 6

2. Click icon Find (refer Figure 6) and dialog box Find and Replace will be
display as below (Figure 7).

Figure 7

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

3. Type in Noor* inside box Find What to find all the name starting with Noor.

4. Click Find Next button. Name Noorul-Aini bt Ambak will be highlighted at name
field (refer figure 8).

Figure 8

5. Click Find Next button to find similar name with Noor. Name Noor Asiah bt Zakaria
will be highlighted.

6. You can repeat step 3 to find other record.

7. Click File and Close to end this session.

Exercise Module 3

1. Based on your exercise in module 2 (“Curriculum Data”).

a. Add 3 new records

b. Add 2 new fields

c. Find records

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module



Curriculum Development Center

Ministry Of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Create Form

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to create form and add record

Knowledge and Skills:

Students should be able to :
a. Create form
b. Add records

Module Summary:

At the end of this module, a form will be create by students.

Activity Summary:
Activities in this module involve:
a. Create form
b. Add record

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 1: Create Form

1. Open Microsoft Access 2003

2. Click Open an Existing Database, then click file students profile and click OK.

3. In the database window, click Form and click create Form by using wizard.

i. Click Form
ii. Click Create Form
by using wizard

4. Click double arrow to select Available Fields

1. Click here

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

5. The selected Fields will be remove from left to right.Then click Next

i.Click Next

6. Click Next

i.Click Next

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

7. Click Standard for style.Then click Next

i. Click Standard
ii. Clik Next

8. Click Finish

i. Click Finish

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

9. The form will display as below

Activity 2: Add Fields.

1. To add new record, click on icon New Record that can be seen at database
toolbar or at the bottom of datasheet window.

i. New Record

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

2. Add one more record as below.

Numbers Name sex address icno Email

11 Wan Mohd Male No.9 950617-03-

Sidqi Bin Jln.Banggol 6339
Wan 15300 Kota
Abd.Ghaffar Bharu

3. The form will display as below

4. Click File and Close to end this session.

Exercise Module 4

1. Based on your exercise in module 4 (“Create Form”).

a. Create new form.

b. Add 3 new record.

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module



Curriculum Development Center

Ministry Of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Create Report

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to create report and print record

Knowledge and Skills:

Students should be able to :
a. Create report
b. Print report

Module Summary:

At the end of this module, form below will be create by students.

Activity Summary:

Activities in this module involve:

a. Create report
b. Print report

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 1: Create Form

1. Open Microsoft Access 2003

2. Click Open an Existing Database, then click file students profile and click OK.

3. In the database window, click Report and click create report by using wizard.

i. Click Report
ii. Click Create

4. Click double arrow to select Available Fields

1.Click here

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

5. The selected Fields will be remove from left to right.Then click Next

i. Click Next

6. Click Next

i. Click Next

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

7. Click Next

1.Click Next

8. At the Layout click Tabular.Select Landscape at the Orientation.

Then click Next.

i. Click Tabular
ii. Click Landscape
iii. Click Next

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

9. Select the Casual style.Then click Next.

i. Click Next

10.Click Finish

1.Click Finish

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

11. A dialog box report will display as below

Activity 2: Print Report.

1. To print the report,click File and print

i. Click File
ii. Click Print

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

2. A dialog box print will display as below.

Then click OK.

i. Click OK

Exercise Module 5

1. Based on your exercise in module 5 (“Create Report”).

c. Create a new report
d. Print the report

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module



Curriculum Development Center

Ministry Of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Create Query

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to create query

Knowledge and Skills:

Students should be able to :

a. Create query
b. Save query

Module Summary:

At the end of this module, the query below will be create by students.

Activity Summary:
Activities in this module involve:

a. Create query
b. Save query

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 1: Create Query.

1. Open Microsoft Access 2003

2. Click Open an Existing Database, then click file students profile and click OK.
3. In the database window, click Queries and click create query by using wizard.

i. Click Queries
ii. Click Create query
by using wizard

4. Click double arrow to select Available Fields

i. Click here

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

5. The selected Fields will be remove from left to right.Then click Next

i. Click Next

6. Click Finish

i. Click Finish

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

7. A dialog box will display as below.Click icon view.

1.Click icon view

8. A dialog box will display as below.

9. At the row Criteria, type-in male and press Enter

10. Click icon Run

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

i.dard yabnype-in ii. con Run


11. A dialog box for male students will be display

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 2: Save Query.

1. Click File and Save As

2. Save file as : male students profile Query

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

3. The file will be save as below

4. Click File and Close to end this session.

Exercise Module 6

1. Based on your exercise in module 6 (“Create Query”).

a. Create new report for female students

b. Save the file as “ female students “

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module



Curriculum Development Center

Ministry Of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Getting External Data

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to get external data

Knowledge and Skills: Students should be able to :

a. Create file
b. Import spreadsheet file

Module Summary:

At the end of this module, the students will be able to get data
and create a table as shown below

Activity Summary:

Activities in this module involve:

a. Import file
b.Create table

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Activity 1: Import Spreadsheet Files

1. Open Microsoft Access 2003

2. Create new database file

3.Click file

4.Click Get External Data

5.Click Import

i. Click File
ii. Get External Data
iii. Import

6.At the Files of type,click pull down and select Microsoft Excel

7.Click any spreadsheet files as shown in example below ( Test 2007 )

8.Click Import

I. File “Test 2007 “

ii. Import

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

9. Click Next

i. Next

10. Put a tick on the box at the First Row Contain Column Headings

11. Click Next

i. Next

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

12. Click OK

13. Click In a New Table

14. Click Next

i. Click In a New Table

ii. Click Next

15. Click Next

i. Next

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

16. Tick at the Choose my own primary key and select No

17. Click Next

i. Choose my own primary key

ii. Select No.

iii. Next

18. Click Finish

i. Finish

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

19. Now you had finished creating one table named “ Register “

20. Double click at Register

i. Click Register

21. The next window will be appear

22. Click File and close

1.Click File and Close

23. Click close to end this session

i. Click

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Exercise Module 7

1. Based on your exercise in module 7 (“Getting External Data”).

a.Get any data from spreadsheet file

b.Save the file


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