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Chemical Neuro-
Electrical muscular
What is a synapse?
❧ A synapse is the junction between 2 neurones.
❧ There is a very narrow gap of about 20nm
between neurones called the synaptic cleft.
❧ An action potential cannot cross the synaptic
cleft, so nerve impulses are carried by
chemicals called neurotransmitters.
A Synapse
❧ Pre-synaptic neurone = neurone sending impulse
❧ Post-synaptic neurone = neurone receiving impulse
❧ Neurotransmitter is made by the
pre-synaptic neurone and is
stored in synaptic vessels at the
end of the axon.
❧ The membrane of the post-
synaptic neurone has chemical-
gated ion channels called
neuroreceptors. These have
specific binding sites for
Brain consist of 100~130 billion neurons &
place their meet & transmit AP known as
Type of synapse:
1. Electrical → involve Na+
2. Chemical → involve neurotransmitter (NT)
1. excitatory synapse →EPSP
2. inhibitory synapse →IPSP
electrical synapse

Gap Junction
Chemical synapse
Types of synaptic
1. Axodendritic → axon & dendrite.
2. Axosomatic → axon & soma.
3. Axoaxonal→ axon & axon.
4. Denrodenritic →dendrite & dendrite.
Type of Synapse


NT release

Transmission event at Pre-synapse
1 Impulse from somatic nervous system (A.P)
2 ↑ permeability of pre-synapse to Ca2+
3 entry of Ca2+ into pre-synapse
4 Ca2+ will initial the phosphorylation of synapsin I
than the synapsin I will dissociated from vesicles.
❧ The vesicles will release the neurotransmitter into
cleft synapse by exocytosis process.
❧ At rest the synapsin I (protein) will bind strongly
with vesicle that prevent dissociation of vesicle.
5. NT release into the cleft synapse
6. NT move to post-synaptic membrane and bind on
the receptor.
Ex cita tory S ynapse
7. NT bind to receptor cause depolarization known as
Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential / EPSP cause by
entry of Na+, Ca2+ & ↓ K+ efflux
8. EPSP → reach the threshold value →active Na+ &
K+ → AP →transmit to next synapse
 Excitatory synapse → EPSP & NT released known
as excitatory NT (serotonin / 5-HT, Ach, L-
glutamate, adrenalin)
9 Hydrolysis of NT → re-uptake into pre synapse to
synthesis NT → stored in vesicles.
Inhib itory synapse
7. NT bind to receptor → membrane potential
become hyperpolarisation → Inhibitory Post
Synaptic Potential (IPSP) → cause by Cl- influx
& ↑ efflux of K+.
8. IPSP →Never generate AP
NT known as inhibitory NT (Dopamine,
GABA, lysine)
9. Hydrolysis of NT → re-uptake → pre-
synapse synthesis & stored in vesicles.
Excitatory Synapse (EPSP) &
1 Inhibitory synapse (IPSP)

3 2
K+ 5
Inhibitory 7 6 synapse (EPSP)
synapse Serotonin (5HT),
(IPSP) ACh, Glutamate
8 EPSP → influx Na+, Ca2+
8 IPSP → & prevent efflux K+
Influx of Cl- Cl-
(GABA) & ↑ 9. EPSP → AP
efflux K+ 9
) 8 9. IPSP not generate AP
Dopamine .
Excitatory synapse Inhibitory synapse (IPSP)
Excitatory synapse (EPSP) EPSP → influx Na+,
Depolarization of Ca2+ & decrease K+
post synaptic efflux
membrane potential
→ excitation EPSP reach
threshold → AP
NT: Serotonin
(5-HT), ACh, Glutamate,

Hyper polarization
Inhibitory Synapse (IPSP) of post synaptic
membrane potential
IPSP → →inhibition
Influx Cl-
(GABA) & ↑
efflux K+ IPSP do not generate AP
Excitatory NT

Excitatory NT
Excitatory NT
Inhibitory NT Dopamine

influx (Cl-)

Inhibitory NT GABA
Characteristics of EPSP & IPSP
1. Local event & do not spread
2. No threshold and can be summed:
I. temporal→ summation on same nerve
when stimulate few times.
ii. Spatial → summation on different nerve
Temporal summation Spatial summation

Stimulation at A

Stimulation at B

Stimulation at A & B
AP 9+9 = 18
Subliminal Fringe Summation

Stimulation at A

Stimulation at B

Stimulation at A & B
AP 3+3 =6 but actual 9
3. Do not follow all or none event and can be
graded (size of amplitude depend on
strength of stimulant)
4. Ca2+ is need to release NT
5. Single EPSP can not dep. Post-neuron to
achieve threshold to generate A.P.
6. Single IPSP can not hyperpolarisation on
Post-neuron to inhibit A.P.
Characteristics of synaptic transmission
1. One-way → pre-neuron to post neuron.
2. Synaptic delay →time need to release NT&
allow NT bind at post-synapse to caused
3. Synaptic fatigue → failure of post-synapse
in response to high rate of impulses
(epilepsy stop due to exhausted of NT.
4. Post titanic facilitation → postsynaptic
neuron can become more excitable when
receive repetitive stimulation.
5. Permeability of membrane presynapse in
increase release of NT.
6. Neuronal can be learn when the network
been utilize repetively.
7. Drug effect:
1. Excitability of neuron increase → close to
threshold →caffeine, theophylline (tea) &
theobromine (coco).
2. ↑ Excitability of neuron cause by prevent
inhibitory synapse → thus excitation is high &
fast → If neuron firing repetitive will cause
3. Hypnotic & anesthetic drugs→ ↑ threshold
cause synapse less excite, ↓ release & synthesis of
8. Hypoxia → ↓ O2 supply to brain cause neuron
death & Alkalosis (>PH 7.4) excitation ↑ &
Acidosis (<PH 7.4) ↓ excitation

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