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Grammar 1 Present time

Basic contrasts: present simple and present
State verbs and event (action or dynamic) verbs
State verbs normally without u .orrtirr.rors form
Difference of meaning in stative and active verbs
Other uses of present continuous
Other uses of present simple

Grammar 2 Future time

Basic contrasts: wil/, going to, present continuous
Future continuous
Future perfect
Other ways of referring to the future
Other future references

Grammar 3 Past time

Basic contrasts: past simple and past continuous L4
t,ast perfect simple and continuous
Used to and would
Unfulfilled past events
Polite forms
Contrast with present perfect

Grammar 4 Present perfect

Present perfect simple 21
Present perfect conlinuous
Contrast of present.p.erfect simpre and present
perfect continuous
Time expressiorrs wiih present perfect '

Grammar 6 Passive 'l
Basic uses 33
Using and not mentioning the agent

Grammar 7 Passive 2
Have. andgef something done, need doing 40
Passive gef
Reporting verbs
Verbswith prepositions
'Common contexts for the passive



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