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Mac OS X Server

Version 10.6 Snow Leopard

Product Overview
August 2009
Product Overview 2
Mac OS X Server


Page 3 Quick Look at Snow Leopard Server

Page 5 Easy Setup and Management

Page 8 Built-in Services

File Sharing
Mail Server
Address Book Server
iCal Server
iChat Server
Web Hosting
Wiki Server
Podcast Producer
Remote Access
Time Machine Backups

Page 19 64-Bit Performance

High-Performance Networking
Performance Benchmarks

Page 22 Test-Drive Mac OS X Server

Page 28 Product Details

Installing Mac OS X Server
Setting Up Mac OS X Server
Managing the Server
Monitoring the Server
Exploring Mac OS X Server as a User

Page 30 Additional Resources

Product Overview 3
Mac OS X Server

Quick Look at
Snow Leopard Server

During the past ten years, Apple has rapidly delivered new versions of Mac OS X Server,
the world’s easiest-to-use server operating system. The introduction of Mac OS X Server
version 10.6 Snow Leopard brings dramatic performance improvements and innovative
new capabilities to Apple’s open standards–based server platform—making it both fast
and easy for your organization to collaborate, communicate, and share information. And
for ready access to all those advantages, Apple now offers a single affordable edition of
Snow Leopard Server with licenses for an unlimited number of clients.
Snow Leopard Server is a full 64-bit operating system designed to take advantage of
Mac OS X Server version 10.6 multicore processors and address massive amounts of memory. With a new 64-bit kernel
Snow Leopard Server is the seventh and teamed with the latest Xserve or Mac Pro system, Snow Leopard Server can easily
release of Apple’s award-winning server handle the most demanding server operations—including file sharing, mail services,
operating system. and web hosting—at speeds up to twice as fast as its predecessor.
Whether you’re a small business manager with no technical expertise or a veteran
IT director of a large enterprise, you’ll find Snow Leopard Server surprisingly straight-
forward to deploy and manage. Start small with a Mac mini or Mac Pro—then scale
all the way up to a rack or data center full of Xserve systems.
Snow Leopard Server. The simple way to bring more power to your business.
Product Overview 4
Mac OS X Server

New Services in Version 10.6 Snow Leopard Server

Address Book Server. This new service in Snow Leopard Server allows users in
your organization to manage contacts across multiple computers. Based on a new
protocol called CardDAV, Address Book Server stores contact information outside the
LDAP directory. Users manage their own address books directly in the Address Book
application on Snow Leopard–based Mac systems. Address Book Server not only enables
searching of personal contacts, it also acts as a gateway to search for contacts within
your organization’s directory service.
Mail Server 2. Mail services in Snow Leopard Server feature a new engine that out-
performs previous versions and scales to handle tens of thousands of users. Other new
features increase user flexibility, such as push notification for instant access to new email
messages and support for vacation messages. Server-side mail rules enable Mac OS X
Server to filter email messages based on criteria the user defines, automatically placing
the message in the appropriate mailbox. And with support for mail server clustering,
Mac OS X Server now provides incredible stability and service reliability.
iCal Server 2. This open standards–based calendar solution works with the iCal client in
Snow Leopard to facilitate calendar sharing and event coordination. New features in iCal
Server 2 include push notifications, a web-based calendar client, and secure over-the-air
(OTA) iPhone access—making it easy for users to stay in touch and on schedule wherever
they are. For colleagues outside your organization who don’t use iCal, iCal Server 2 lets
you invite them to meetings over email.
Wiki Server 2. Snow Leopard Server makes it even easier for groups to collaborate and
communicate through their own shared wiki. Wiki Server 2 now includes Quick Look,
allowing users to quickly view files on the wiki without downloading and opening them.
The new QuickSearch feature lets users search and find information in multiple wikis,
blogs, mailing lists, calendars, and podcasts. And with secure login from the iPhone, Wiki
Server 2 brings wiki-powered business collaboration to your users on the go.
Podcast Producer 2. With Snow Leopard Server, Podcast Producer 2 introduces more
options for capturing, creating, and publishing professional-quality podcasts. Dual-source
video capture in Podcast Capture Web enables picture-in-picture podcasts, and web
capture makes it easy to include audio and video clips from the web in your podcasts.
The new Podcast Composer application automates the entire production process. With
just a few clicks, Podcast Composer creates a workflow to add titles, transitions and
effects, save to a desired format, and share to wikis, blogs, iTunes, iTunes U, Final Cut
Server, or the new Podcast Library.
Mobile Access Server. The new Mobile Access Server provides strong encryption and
authentication between a user’s iPhone or Mac and your private network. Without
requiring additional software or cumbersome VPN services, Mobile Access Server is a
convenient, secure way for iPhone and Mac users to access network services that reside
behind the firewall, including corporate intranet sites, online business applications, email,
calendars, and contacts.

iPhone Configuration Utility

Configure security policies, mail settings, certificates, and other information required to
connect iPhone devices with enterprise systems. The new iPhone Configuration Utility
makes it easy to create, maintain, encrypt, and push configuration profiles; track and
install provisioning profiles and authorized applications; and capture device information.
Product Overview 5
Mac OS X Server

Easy Setup and Management

With Mac OS X Server, Apple extends its legendary ease of use to the configuration,
management, and monitoring of a server. Intelligent interfaces simplify administration
so that even nontechnical users can deploy powerful network services—allowing small
businesses and workgroups without IT support to take full advantage of the benefits
of a server.

Set up Snow Leopard Server locally on a Server Assistant

system with a connected display. Or use Installation starts with the Server Assistant. You don’t need to worry about protocols
Screen Sharing (VNC) or the included remote or network settings. In fact, configuring Snow Leopard Server is almost as easy as
administration tools to install from a remote configuring a desktop computer. With a few clicks, Server Assistant walks you through
computer. the initial setup, helping you quickly configure server applications, define networking
information, set up users and groups, and choose the services you want to deliver to
your organization.

Server Preferences
Once you’ve set up your server, the Server Preferences application allows you to
manage users and groups on the server and set up key services such as file sharing,
calendaring, instant messaging, mail, wikis, secure remote access, and backup settings
for network clients.
Product Overview 6
Mac OS X Server

Managing user services

1 Select a user to manage that individual’s account, contact information, services, and group
2 You can see which users have administrative privileges and which are Standard members
of the workgroup.
3 Click to add a user to the server. Or select a user and click to remove that individual.

4 With a click in a checkbox, you can authorize access to services.

5 Assign the user to a group on the server.

Server Preferences also makes it easy to maintain your server. Mac OS X Server will notify
you via email when software updates become available, when available disk space is
getting low, or if an email virus has been detected and quarantined.

Server Status widget

The Server Status Dashboard widget provides an at-a-glance overview of your server’s
activity, including CPU utilization, network activity, and disk usage. It also displays a list
of currently running services, as well as their status and activity level.

Adding clients
Adding clients to the network requires no IT expertise. When a new Mac starts up for
the first time, it looks for Mac OS X Server and gives the user the opportunity to take
advantage of any services that have been set up for that individual.

Server Status widget

View status information in a convenient
window on your Dashboard. This widget
shows disk usage over any period of time
you designate.
Product Overview 7
Mac OS X Server

Adding an existing Mac to the network is even easier. Use Accounts in Server Preferences
to connect the Mac to your directory system, and all default services—such as Mail,
iChat, iCal, VPN, and Address Book—are set up and ready for use. Mac OS X Server
keeps these settings updated, so you’ll never need to manually configure or reconfigure
user settings or applications again.
When you create new user accounts in Server Assistant or Server Preferences, Mac OS X
Server automatically sends a message welcoming the users to Mac OS X Server and lists
the services available to them.
Product Overview 8
Mac OS X Server

Built-in Services

Whether you’re supporting a creative team, a distributed sales force, a class of multi-
media students, or just about any small business or workgroup, you know your users
need to share information to work effectively. With Mac OS X Server, you can help
them communicate and collaborate using powerful and intuitive new solutions.
At the same time, you can expect Snow Leopard Server to perform many of those
network tasks—such as file sharing, mail services, and web delivery—up to twice as
fast as its predecessor. See page 20 for Performance Benchmarks details.

File Sharing
Edit file permissions Mac OS X Server is the easiest and most cost-effective way for small businesses, class-
Use Server Preferences to set and change rooms, and departments to share files locally or over the Internet. Once you’ve created
file access permissions. With just a click in a a group on your network, the group gets a shared folder on the server, as well as a
checkbox, you can allow or restrict access to
guest folder and a drop box. Whether they’re on Mac or PC systems, all group members
shared folders.
can read and write to files in the shared folder as if they were using their own hard
drives. Built-in file-level locking keeps any Mac or PC from overwriting changes when
a file is opened by more than one user at a time; only the user who unlocked the file
can make changes.
Group collaboration is smoother and productivity is higher when users store work in
centralized folders rather than on individual computers. By centralizing file storage, all
users have access to the same up-to-the-minute files. And since a single version resides
on the server, there’s no concern over multiple versions of the same document. Users
also don’t need to worry about losing important data in the event of system failure or
if a laptop is lost or stolen. The file is always safe on the server.
Product Overview 9
Mac OS X Server

Finding files with Spotlight Server

Designed for workgroups with shared documents, projects, and files, Spotlight Server
delivers lightning-fast search results for content stored on the server. Powerful search
options, such as Boolean logic, quoted phrase searching, category labels, and range
support, make it easy to locate content in a flash. Use search terms and search logic to
create project-specific Smart Folders, so workgroups can always find their shared work,
no matter where the files are actually saved. Content indexing occurs on the server—
automatically and transparently—keeping search results up-to-the-moment accurate.
To safeguard your organization’s data, Spotlight Server works with the file access
controls in Mac OS X Server, so users see only the search results they have permission
to view. This makes it easy for everyone in a group to store files in a single shared
location, while protecting confidential information from unauthorized access.

Mail Server
Snow Leopard Server introduces a new Mail Server engine that outperforms previous
versions and scales to handle tens of thousands of users. Based entirely on open stan-
dards, Mail Server 2 provides compatibility with your existing network infrastructure—
as well as with email clients on a Mac, PC, and even iPhone. And because there are
no per-user licensing fees with Mac OS X Server, you can add mail accounts without
tapping into your software licensing budget.

Mail services for organizations of any size

The ideal solution for small businesses or companies without an existing mail server,
Mac OS X Server allows you to bring email in-house, using your own domain name
iPhone compatibility rather than relying on an ISP to host your email. When you create users on a server,
The Mail application in iPhone works with Mac OS X Server assigns them an email address. It also creates a mailing list for all
standards-based email systems that support groups on your server, making it easy for users to send messages to everyone in
IMAP, POP, and SMTP. And using the IMAP over
the group.
SSL protocol, Mac OS X Server even provides
iPhone users with secure over-the-air (OTA) Mac OS X Server mail services are also great for organizations with an existing mail
access to email. server. Not only does Mac OS X Server provide locally hosted email accounts and
group mailing lists, it also ensures that all email traffic is securely encrypted and filtered
for junk mail and viruses. And since Mac OS X Server integrates seamlessly into your
network, your group’s outbound email can be forwarded—or relayed—through your
company’s existing mail server.

New features in Mail Server 2

With Snow Leopard Server, your users can manage their mail easily from multiple
systems, wherever they go. Push email provides immediate notification of and access
to new messages—no need to constantly check for new email.
Using server-side mail rules, Mail Server 2 filters email messages based on user-defined
criteria, placing the message in the appropriate mailbox—ideal for iPhone users, as
well as for people who receive lots of email or who access their email from multiple
locations. Also new in Snow Leopard Server is support for vacation messages, which
notify email senders when a user is out of the office and away from their mail.

Protecting your organization’s email

Mac OS X Server uses SSL and TLS encryption technologies to protect your confidential
email communication. In addition, it integrates other security technologies that defend
your server and your users against unwanted mail and destructive viruses. Mac OS X
Server analyzes the content of each mail message and trains itself to recognize—and
filter out—marginal mail. It also scans both messages and attachments for viruses;
Product Overview 10
Mac OS X Server

suspect email can be quarantined, deleted, or bounced back. As the administrator, you
can choose how aggressively you want Mac OS X Server to deploy junk mail and virus
filtering functions.

Mail server clustering

Scale your mail server infrastructure to handle increasing loads while ensuring reliable
data access for all your servers. Now you can cluster multiple mail servers using Xsan
as the back-end data store. Mail server clustering allows a large number of mail service
connections to be spread across multiple servers and provides automatic failover from
one server to another. Using Xsan with Mac OS X Server, each IMAP, POP, and SMTP
server has direct block-level access to the same data. If a server goes oπine, another
node in the cluster takes over processing of the failed server’s spool file, and affected
mail clients automatically reestablish connections to another server in the cluster.

Address Book Server

New in Snow Leopard Server, Address Book Server allows your users to sync contacts
across multiple computers. This server-side address book leverages CardDAV, the new
protocol standard, for exchange of contact information. With Address Book Server,
contacts are stored as standard vCard files on the server, outside the LDAP directory.
While most companies store contact information in centralized LDAP directories, IT
administrators usually prevent users from modifying or adding their own contacts to
Easy access to contact information the directory. This makes it hard for users to maintain and access a centralized list of
Address Book Server unlocks the capabilities contacts. The new Address Book Server in Snow Leopard Server solves this problem.
of the new Address Book in Snow Leopard by Not only does it allow users to store contacts on the server, it allows them to access
allowing users to store their contact informa- and use those contacts on any of their computers or devices. They can modify their
tion on a server. own contact information and add new contact fields—such as URLs for Twitter or
Facebook accounts—without having to modify LDAP schema or get write access to
the corporate directory server.
Users manage their contacts directly within the Address Book application on Snow
Leopard–based systems. To add a new contact, simply add a new card to the Address
Book Server. The information is stored on the network, allowing users immediate
access to new and modified contacts from applications such as Mail, iChat, and their
own client-side Address Book. They’ll always have the same contact information on all
of their Mac computers and on their iPhone.
Product Overview 11
Mac OS X Server

Global address books

Address Book Server enables searching of personal contacts and acts as a gateway
to search for contacts within your organization’s directory service (sometimes called
a Global Address List). Address Book Server delivers real-time search results from per-
sonal address books in addition to contacts stored in LDAP directories.

iCal Server
Mac OS X Server leverages the power of iCal in Mac OS X, making it easy for work-
groups, small businesses, or large corporations to share calendars and information
about events. Unlike other calendaring solutions, iCal Server requires no per-user fees,
so you don’t have to pay for additional licenses as your business or workgroup grows.
Standards-based calendaring
The CalDAV protocol has been updated to iCal Server finds openings in your colleagues calendars so you can propose meetings
include implicit scheduling, push notifications, during the best possible time slot. Meeting proposers can attach files—such as agendas,
attendee lookups, and the ability to include to-do lists, presentations, or QuickTime movies—to the invitation. Need to reserve a
comments to the organizer. Now supported projector, a particular conference room, or even a car? You can also use iCal Server to
in Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, and iPhone manage the scheduling of these and other resources.
OS, CalDAV continues to gain industrywide
acceptance. Sharing calendars

Push notifications
With push notifications added to the iCal 3
client in Snow Leopard, iCal Server 2 lets
users know the moment a new invitation
is sent or an existing invitation is changed.

1 When users subscribe to a group calendar, its events show up on their individual calendars in
a separate color.
2 Users can set up meetings, add attendees, find locations, and even attach files to an invitation.

3 Meeting proposers can attach files—such as agendas, to-do lists, presentations, or QuickTime
movies—to the invitation.

4 iCal Server can search the calendars of everyone in the group to find available time.

Access from any platform

Built on open standards, iCal Server integrates with leading calendaring programs. You
can even schedule meetings with people outside your organization—whether they
use a Mac or a PC. Simply enter an email address as an attendee and iCal Server sends
them an invitation via email. When they receive the email message, they can accept or
decline the invitation.
A new web-based iCal client allows users to access their schedules, set up meetings,
and view the availability of others in their organization from any modern web browser,
including Safari 3 and 4, Firefox 3, and Internet Explorer 7 and 8.
Product Overview 12
Mac OS X Server

Real-time access from iPhone

iCal Server 2 provides access to calendars from anywhere. With the inclusion of CalDAV
support in iPhone OS, iPhone users can now see up-to-date calendar information over
the air, allowing them to quickly check the status of a meeting, look up the meeting
location, or see who has accepted or declined invitations-–no syncing required. And
since the web-based iCal client works on an iPhone or iPod touch, users can always
view their calendars and schedules without setting up an account on the local device.

iChat Server
iChat Server brings the collaborative power of instant messaging to your organization.
Now workgroups can transfer files securely, share a persistent chat room, conduct an
audio conference, or—with the iChat Theater feature in Mac OS X—even broadcast a
presentation, movie, or photo slideshow to other iChat users.
Industry-standard IM
iChat Server uses Jabber, the industry- Group collaboration made easy
standard IM protocol also known as XMPP. iChat in Mac OS X works with Mac OS X Server to automatically populate users’ buddy
Jabber enables support for Mac computers lists with members of the groups to which they belong, so it’s easy for them to start
using iChat, as well as for other Jabber communicating. And thanks to store-and-forward functionality, iChat Server allows
clients running on Windows and Linux users to send messages to buddies who are oπine, combining the advantages of IM
systems, PDAs, and cell phones. and email.
iChat users can request iChat Server to create and host a persistent chat room. Perfect
for virtual-team scenarios, project-specific discussions, and real-time, blow-by-blow
updates, the chat room allows individuals to join at any time, leave when they need
to—even log out and shut down—and still come back to review all communications
from the time the chat room opened.

Strong authentication and encryption

By integrating with your organization’s directory service for user account information
and authentication, iChat Server ensures that whoever is logging in under an iChat
name is really that person. All text messages and file transfers are encrypted, so there’s
no risk of third-party access to the information that circulates within your iChat Server.
And with support for IM Federation, iChat Server allows your users to engage in
encrypted server-to-server chats with buddies on other instant messaging systems.
For organizations with strict compliance and regulatory requirements, iChat Server can
be configured in a single click to keep all IM login, authentication, and chat transcripts.
Product Overview 13
Mac OS X Server

Web Hosting
Ideal for small businesses, Mac OS X Server takes the complexity out of hosting a
website—no webmaster experience required. Using Server Preferences, it’s easy to
configure the Web Server to host one or more websites and to provide access to key
web services, including wikis, blogs, and web-based calendars and email.

Hosting your website

When you create a new website, Server Preferences automatically creates a folder using
the domain name you’ve specified and checks to verify DNS, making sure the domain
name resolves to your server’s IP address. Simply copy your website content (HTML, CSS,
JavaScript files, etc.) into the folder and activate it by selecting the checkbox. Once your
site is published, you can set it as your server’s default home page—or choose any of
your group wikis as the home page.

Hosting multiple sites

Support for virtual hosting in Mac OS X Server allows you to host multiple websites on
a single server. Depending on how you configure the server, each website can have a
different domain name (using virtual domains) and even a different IP address. In addi-
tion, each website can be configured with unique security options and access controls.

Restricting access
Secure all or part of your website by requiring authenticated access. Using the Server
Preferences application, you can restrict website access to a specific group, such as cus-
tomers, partners, students, or departments. Once configured, users will be prompted to
log in and authenticate whenever accessing content hosted on this area of the site.
Product Overview 14
Mac OS X Server

Wiki Server
QuickSearch Mac OS X Server makes it easy for groups to collaborate and communicate through
New in Snow Leopard Server is QuickSearch, their own wiki-powered intranet website, complete with group calendar, blog, and
which lets users search and find information mailing list archive. Users can create and edit wiki pages, tag and cross-reference
in multiple wikis, blogs, mailing lists, calendars, material, upload files and images, and add comments—all from a single place where
and podcasts. everyone on the team can stay up to date. And because the wiki is accessible from any
browser on any platform, group members can always be in touch, whether over the
Internet, on your local network, or on iPhone.
Creating a wiki is quick and easy: Users connect to your server’s website and click
Create Wiki. In three simple steps, you can give your wiki a name, choose a theme,
and assign access privileges—all from inside the browser. Use a selection of 20 Apple-
designed templates to give your wiki a distinctive look. And easy-to-use tools let you
customize your layout with a unique banner and a sidebar that displays page titles.

Using the wiki


1 You and other group members can add, delete, and edit content. As the administrator, you
can specify which members can make changes to the wiki and which can only view it.

2 To make it easier to manage and search group mail, you can use the group’s wiki to maintain
an archive of all mailing list correspondence. Whenever a team member sends a message to
the group address, the mail appears in the mailing list archive.
3 By adding tags to wiki pages, you can use keywords to search the wiki.

4 You and other group members can add comments for each page of your wiki or blog.

5 File attachments can now be viewed right inside the browser using Quick Look. Or you can
download them.
Product Overview 15
Mac OS X Server

Editing the wiki

The intuitive toolbar makes it easy for users to customize fonts; add text, tables,
and charts; and attach files, including audio and video files. No syntax or markup
knowledge is required. Just by dragging and dropping, users can insert hyperlinks
and cross-reference material—again, no HTML required. As people make significant
changes, they can make notes in the Comment field.

Any page, tag, or search result can be subscribed to as an RSS feed, so you and your
users can receive notifications when pages are updated, modified, or deleted. Wiki
Server even provides an option for subscribing to a podcast, so anyone who missed
that important conference call can catch up on the news.

iPhone support New in Wiki Server 2

Using My Page, users can keep track of wiki Wiki Server 2 includes one of the most useful features in Mac OS X: Quick Look. By
additions and changes from an iPhone. clicking the Quick Look icon next to a file on the wiki, users can view the document
without downloading it. Quick Look supports all standard file formats, including Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, QuickTime, PDF, and text documents.
For users who belong to many wikis, My Page makes it easy to stay on top of things.
Accessible with a click from any wiki site, My Page gives users a rollup of all their wikis
and blogs, with summaries of additions, updates, modifications, and comments as they
occur. Secure access over iPhone makes business collaboration even easier. Users can
log in to view confidential wikis and content, view their My Page for tracking content
updates, and even tag pages, view comments, and review document changes—all from
an iPhone.

Podcast Producer
Podcast Producer takes the complexity out of capturing and publishing professional-
quality podcasts—enabling your organization to produce more podcasts with less work.
Podcasts are ideal for employee training, university lectures, delivering product demos,
or to keep employees, students, and customers up to date. This workflow-based solution
automates the details, so you never have to worry about missing an important step.
Users can capture audio and video, record onscreen actions, or submit existing
QuickTime content to the server. Your video can use one of several Apple-designed
templates, or you can design your own layout. And by standardizing titles, openings,
and effects, the podcasts from your group will always have a consistent identity.
Leveraging QuickTime technology, Podcast Producer encodes media content into most
Internet-standard formats. This means you can publish your content to virtually any
hosting server you want—whether to a blog, to iTunes or iTunes U, to multimedia-
enabled cell phones, or to the new Podcast Library.

Easy setup and management

With the new setup assistant in Podcast Producer 2, you can configure Podcast
Producer in a matter of minutes, choosing between an “all-in-one” Podcast Producer
server or a cluster of servers. Additional new features offer more options for capturing,
creating, and publishing podcasts, making it easier than ever to share critical content
inside and outside your organization.
Product Overview 16
Mac OS X Server

Recording with Podcast Capture

A podcast starts with the innovative Podcast Capture Web application in Mac OS X. In
just a few clicks, users can capture high-quality audio and video from local and remote
cameras, record screen captures, and upload existing content into Podcast Producer for
encoding and distribution. Podcast Capture Web records audio and video from a wide
Integration with Final Cut Server range of devices, including digital video cameras connected via FireWire, USB micro-
With Podcast Producer 2, you can use Final phones, and iSight cameras.
Cut Server as a publishing source for your
podcasts—or as a destination. To speed
up the process of producing your videos,
Compressor and Qmaster can perform
segmented encoding or encode media
using your custom settings.

Snow Leopard Server adds dual-source video capture capability to Podcast Capture
2, enabling users to create picture-in-picture podcasts. For instance, a camera source
can record a live presenter while an onscreen source records a Keynote or PowerPoint
slideshow. Podcast Producer 2 can even detect inactivity in one of the video sources
and switch video sources automatically so that the active source is displayed in the
larger frame.
The new web capture feature allows users to remotely capture and upload audio
and video to a Podcast Producer server from any modern web browser on a Mac, PC,
or iPhone.

Workflow-based production
At the heart of Podcast Producer is a powerful workflow engine that automates encod-
ing, processing, and publishing. A workflow is a script, or a set of actions that defines
how to handle the recorded video or audio.
Podcast Producer 2 includes the new Podcast Composer, an easy-to-use application for
Instant notification
You and your audience members can easily creating and customizing your workflows. Using an intuitive interface, Podcast Composer
track updates by subscribing to automatic helps you build a workflow by grouping the process into seven stages and guiding you
notifications. As soon as a new podcast is through the steps. You specify everything from import to notification: details about
ready for viewing, an email or iChat message titles, transitions, and effects; which output format to use; and where the podcast is
is sent to all subscribers. published.
Once the workflow has been defined with Podcast Composer, the video is submitted
to your Podcast Producer server for processing according to the workflow.

Podcast Library
The new Podcast Library enables you to organize and archive all your media files.
Podcasts can be delivered using automatically generated RSS feeds or with Atom
feeds, which allow each feed to contain multiple versions or formats of the podcast
for different devices. Using the Podcast Library, iTunes U can consume Atom feeds
from the Podcast Library—permitting one-click setup of iTunes U course pages and
allowing institutions to host their content locally.
Product Overview 17
Mac OS X Server

Remote Access
More than likely, your users are rarely at their desks, often working outside the office—
from home, on a different computer, or from an iPhone. Mac OS X Server makes it easy
to secure your organization’s network services and confidential information.

Virtual private network

Virtual private network (VPN) access enables your offsite users to take advantage
of ­network services while preventing access by unauthorized individuals. Mac OS X
Server supports standards-based L2TP/IPSec and PPTP tunneling protocols to provide
encrypted VPN connections for Mac and Windows systems and the iPhone. These
VPN services use highly secure authentication methods, including MS-CHAP and
network-layer IPSec.

Mobile Access Server

Snow Leopard Server now allows users to connect securely to your intranet from any-
where. With the new Mobile Access Server, they can access confidential files remotely
with all the security of VPN services and none of the associated complications or costs.

Ideal for Mac and iPhone users, this new service provides always-on, always-secure
access to firewall-protected services from virtually anywhere in the world. As long as
users have an Internet connection, they can connect to corporate websites, online
business applications, email, calendars, and contacts—without using VPN.
Mobile Access Server uses strong SSL encryption and authentication as data travels
across the public Internet to your private network. To reduce unnecessary traffic,
only exchanges with the corporate network are sent through Mobile Access Server.
For extra security, Mobile Access Server lets you limit access to a select set of users
and groups.

Mac OS X Server uses an enterprise-strength firewall—called ipfw—to protect your
files, email, wikis, and backups from unauthorized access. The firewall performs
stateful packet analysis, accepting or denying incoming and outbound traffic based
on attributes of that traffic, such as its destination port or originating IP address.
Product Overview 18
Mac OS X Server

Using the Security pane in Server Preferences, you can enable a firewall with a single
click and then specify which services users can access from outside the firewall.

Router integration
If you have an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11n) or a Time Capsule, you can manage
it to protect your network, providing outside access to selected services. Use the Security
pane in Server Preferences—just as you would with the firewall—to specify which services
you want to be accessible from outside your local network. Your AirPort Extreme Base
Station or Time Capsule will be configured to allow incoming requests for those services
to pass to your server. Mac OS X Server even lets you auto-restart the base station
remotely, so new settings will take effect immediately.
Mac OS X Server is designed to integrate with your AirPort Extreme Base Station or
Time Capsule to automate network configuration and setup. NAT port mapping is auto-
matically configured to allow users outside your network to access your server, and DNS
is updated for all DHCP clients on the local network so they can find the server by its
host name.

Time Machine Backups

Mac OS X Server can save all versions of Time Machine backups to the server or other
designated hard drive on the network, protecting valuable data and freeing up disk
space on individual hard drives—or eliminating the need for backup drives altogether.

Time Machine isn’t just for client systems. Use it to back up your server system—complete
with all service data, such as wikis, calendars, mail, and shared files—to another hard drive,
letting you easily restore your network to an earlier configuration.
Product Overview 19
Mac OS X Server

64-Bit Performance

Snow Leopard Server is a full 64-bit operating system, complete with 64-bit kernel,
64-bit drivers, and 64-bit applications—all designed to take advantage of multicore
processors and address massive amounts of memory, while remaining fully compat-
ible with 32-bit applications. The new kernel technology combines with breakthrough
amounts of RAM to enable server applications to run faster and more efficiently.
Full UNIX conformance
Mac OS X Server is an Open Brand UNIX 03
Registered Product. This means it conforms to High-Performance Networking
the SUSv3 and POSIX 1003.1 specifications for
Incorporating the latest industry-standard networking and security protocols, Mac OS X
the C API, Shell Utilities, and Threads. Because
Mac OS X Server version 10.6 can compile
Server uses the time-tested BSD sockets and TCP/IP stack to provide compatibility and
and run all existing UNIX 03–compliant code, integration with IP-based networks. A fully multithreaded IP stack and advanced process-
it can be deployed in environments that and thread-scheduling algorithms enable Mac OS X Server to efficiently service requests—
demand full conformance. even when thousands of users are connected to the server. 
Mac OS X Server scales automatically to take advantage of the RAM in the latest Xserve
and Mac Pro hardware—up to a theoretical 16TB. Simply add more memory to your
server, and the 64-bit Snow Leopard Server kernel will immediately support more
simultaneous processes, threads, and IP connections. Adding memory also allows the
kernel to reserve its memory for buffers and caches, increasing the overall performance
of all network services.

Process scalability





4GB 8GB 16GB 24GB 32GB 48GB 64GB 96GB
Product Overview 20
Mac OS X Server

Performance Benchmarks
Up to twice as fast as its predecessor, Snow Leopard Server easily handles the most
demanding server operations, including file sharing, mail services, and web and
application hosting. From the lowest levels of the kernel to everyday applications,
performance gains are especially noticeable on the latest Intel multicore systems.
Independent companies have verified that network services perform up to twice as
fast as on the previous version of Mac OS X Server.

File Server performance benchmarks

Xserve and Mac Pro
SMB File Services
Snow Leopard Server has been optimized SPECsfs2008_cifs
for the latest multicore Intel processors in
Mac Pro and Xserve systems. Mac OS X Server v10.6
Snow Leopard 2.3x

Mac OS X Server v10.5

Baseline 1.0x

NFS File Services


Mac OS X Server v10.6

Snow Leopard 2.0x

Mac OS X Server v10.5

Baseline 1.0x

AFP File Services


Mac OS X Server v10.6

Snow Leopard 1.3x

Mac OS X Server v10.5

Baseline 1.0x

Testing conducted by Apple in May 2009 using a 2.93GHz 8-core Xserve (Early 2009) with 48GB RAM, a 4-port 4-Gbps Fibre Channel adapter,
a SmallTree 6-port Gigabit Ethernet adapter, and 4 Promise VTrak E-class RAID arrays, each with sixteen 300GB 15,000-rpm SAS drives, running
a shipping version of Leopard Server v10.5.7 and a prerelease version of Snow Leopard Server.

SMB testing with Leopard Server v10.5.7 reported 19,313 SPECsfs2008_cifs ops per second with an overall response time of 1.89 ms, and testing with
Snow Leopard Server reported 44,347 SPECsfs2008_cifs ops per second with an overall response time of 1.89 ms. SPEC® and the benchmark name
SPECsfs2008™ are trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC); see for more information. Competitive
benchmark results stated here reflect internal Apple testing and were submitted to SPEC in May 2009. Performance tests are conducted using specific
computer systems and reflect the approximate performance of Xserve and Mac OS X Server.

NFS testing with Leopard Server v10.5.7 reported 9189 SPECsfs2008_nfs.v3 ops per second with an overall response time of 2.18 ms, and testing with
Snow Leopard Server reported 18,784 SPECsfs2008_nfs.v3 ops per second with an overall response time of 2.67 ms. SPEC® and the benchmark name
SPECsfs2008™ are trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC); see for more information. Competitive
benchmark results stated here reflect internal Apple testing and were submitted to SPEC in May 2009. Performance tests are conducted using specific
computer systems and reflect the approximate performance of Xserve and Mac OS X Server.

AFP file server performance was 1.3 times faster than Leopard Server running the same test. Results are based on the AFPBench benchmark, using up
to 32 physical client systems and making requests simulating typical home directory usage. Performance tests are conducted using specific computer
systems and reflect the approximate performance of Xserve and Mac OS X Server.
Product Overview 21
Mac OS X Server

Mail Server performance benchmarks

Mac OS X Server v10.6

Snow Leopard 1.7x

Sun Java Baseline 1.0x

Messaging Server

Testing conducted by Apple in May 2009 using a 2.93GHz 8-core Xserve (Early 2009) with 48GB RAM, a 4-port 4-Gbps Fibre Channel adapter,
a SmallTree 6-port Gigabit Ethernet adapter, and 5 Promise VTrak E-class RAID arrays, each with sixteen 300GB 15,000-rpm SAS drives, running
a prerelease version of Snow Leopard Server.

Apple testing produced results of 28,887 SPECmail_Ent2009 sessions per hour. Testing conducted by Sun Microsystems on a Sun SPARC Enterprise
T5220 produced results of 17,316 SPECmail_Ent2009 sessions per hour. SPEC® and the benchmark name SPECmail2009™ are trademarks of the
Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC); see for more information. For the latest SPECmail2009 results, visit
osg/mail2009. Benchmark results stated here reflect internal Apple and Sun testing and were published on from March 2009 to June
2009. Performance tests are conducted using specific computer systems and reflect the approximate performance of Xserve and Mac OS X Server.

Java Server performance benchmarks

Mac OS X Server v10.6

Snow Leopard 1.3x

Mac OS X Server v10.5

Baseline 1.0x

Testing conducted by Apple in May 2009 using a 2.93GHz 8-core Xserve (Early 2009) with 48GB RAM running a shipping version of Leopard Server
v10.5.7 (SPECjbb2005 bops = 205,224, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 51,306) and a prerelease version of Snow Leopard Server (SPECjbb2005 bops =
269,977, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 67,494).

SPEC® and SPECjbb2005® are trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC); see for more information.
Competitive benchmark results stated here reflect internal Apple testing and were submitted to SPEC in May 2009. For the latest SPECjbb2005
benchmark results, visit Performance tests are conducted using specific computer systems and reflect the approximate
performance of Xserve and Mac OS X Server.
Product Overview 22
Mac OS X Server

Test-Drive Mac OS X Server

Installation & Setup Worksheet How simple is it to configure a server? We invite you to set up Mac OS X Server v10.6
Apple makes it easy to round up your Snow Leopard and find out for yourself. With a fully functioning copy of Mac OS X
important setup information before you Server, you have everything you need to configure and manage a suite of standard
start the installation process. Just fill out the services for a workgroup.
Installation & Setup Worksheet, which you’ll
find in the Documentation folder on your If you haven’t already, consider printing these pages, so you have hard-copy instruc-
installation disc. tions in hand as you step through the test drive.

Installing Mac OS X Server

Before you get started, make sure your Mac meets the system requirements for Mac
OS X Server and that it has an active Ethernet connection. Choose your system care-
fully since installation will erase the contents of the target drive you select.
• Insert the Mac OS X Server Install Disc. Double-click Install Mac OS X Server. Click
Restart and authenticate after your system restarts. Mac OS X Server will start up from
the disc.
• Choose your language. Click ¢ to continue.
• Welcome. To prepare your system for installation, this screen gives you the opportu-
nity to erase a disk or partition. Choose Disk Utility from the Utilities menu to complete
the task. When you are returned to this Welcome pane, click Continue and agree to the
terms of the license.
• Select a Destination. To install Mac OS X Server, select an empty drive as the destina-
tion. Choose Customize to select any extra applications and packages you’d like to
install. Click Install to proceed with the installation.
• Installing. Installation will take 20 to 30 minutes.
• Install Succeeded. Your system will restart automatically.

Setting Up Mac OS X Server

Getting help along the way At restart, your system will boot from the destination hard drive, eject the Install Disc,
If you need help—or simply want more and launch Server Assistant—which walks you through the steps needed to configure
information—you can always click the icon your server.
on any screen. This brings up a Help window,
which you can keep at the side of the Server • Introductory movie. A short movie will play, welcoming you to Mac OS X Server.
Assistant window or Server Preferences pane. • Welcome. Select a country or region. Click Continue.
As you move through installation and setup,
you’ll see the Help information change to • Keyboard. Confirm that Mac OS X Server has recognized the keyboard you are using
support you—wherever you are in the process. and click Continue.
Product Overview 23
Mac OS X Server

• Serial Number. Enter the serial number that’s on the card included with your Mac OS X
Server discs. Click Continue.
• Transfer an Existing Server. If you are replacing an existing Mac server, you can connect
to it and transfer its information to the server you’re installing. For the purposes of this
test drive, choose “Set up a new server” and click Continue.
• Registration Information. Fill in your name and contact information. This will register
Security and access controls
Mac OS X Server is designed to be secure
your copy of Mac OS X Server with Apple. Click Continue.
right out of the box—no security expertise is • A Few More Questions. Provide additional information about how you expect to use
required. Included are features that keep your Mac OS X Server. Click Continue.
systems secure, such as advanced security
architectures, a built-in firewall, and strong • Time Zone. Select your time zone. This is very important for accurately capturing times
encryption and authentication technologies. for wiki and blog entries, sent and received emails, and logins and logouts. Click Continue.
• Administrator Account. Create a name, short name, and password for yourself as the
administrator. You can also enable remote access using SSH and Apple Remote Desktop
here. Click Continue.
• Network. This screen allows you to enter the IP address and TCP/IP information provided
to you by your ISP or network administrator. If your connection is already set up, you can
choose Using DHCP without entering additional information. Click Continue.
•  AirPort Management. To provide wireless access to your services, Mac OS X Server can
help you manage an AirPort base station on your network. Provide the password for the
base station and click Continue.
• Network Names. For your Primary DNS Name, Mac OS X Server can detect your com-
puter’s IP address from information provided by your Ethernet connection. If it’s not
correct, contact your ISP before finishing configuration. If Mac OS X Server doesn’t
detect an IP address, you can enter your own easy-to-remember name, such as
<myserver.private>. You will also enter a colloquial name—something like <Our Group
Server>. This is how users will see the server on the network. Click Continue.
• Users and Groups. Decide how you would like to manage users and groups on your
server. You can use Open Directory, import users and groups from another directory
server, or configure them manually. For the purposes of this test drive, choose “Create
Users and Groups” and click Continue.
• Services. Select the services that you would like to enable for your server. You can also
choose which drive to store the service data.
• Client Backup. You can allow your users to back up to the server so that they can
restore deleted files or previous versions from their Time Machine backups. Choose
a drive for storing these client backups. Click Continue.
• Mail Options. If you selected Mail on the Services pane, you’ll be asked to provide some
configuration options. Click to relay your mail through your ISP’s outbound mail server.
Just specify the relay server name, such as <>. You also have the
option to customize the welcome email that notifies your users that their accounts have
been set up. Click Continue.
• Review. Before Mac OS X Server configures itself, review the services you’re enabling as
well as other configuration settings. Click Set Up.
• Setting Up. Your server is now ready to use. Click Go to manage accounts and change
settings using Server Preferences.
Product Overview 24
Mac OS X Server

Managing the Server

Server Preferences presents a straightforward interface that makes it easy for even
nontechnical users to manage a server, control access privileges, and change service
settings. This means your organization doesn’t need experienced IT staff to enjoy
the advantages of a small business or workgroup server.
Server Preferences works just like System Preferences on a Mac. Click an icon to
make changes and additions; when you’re done, click Show All to see all the icons
again. If you’re not sure where to go to accomplish a particular task, you can always
use the power of Spotlight to find what you need. For example, if you want to
change your virus detection settings, start typing “virus” and Spotlight will direct
you to the Mail pane.
If you get interrupted during this test drive, no problem. Preferences are saved as you
go, so you can come back and continue at any time. Just click the Server Preferences
icon in the Dock.
Mac OS X Server Next Steps
Managing accounts: users and groups
Snow Leopard Server also dynamically creates
a document called “Mac OS X Server Next • Users pane. Mac OS X Server displays a list of the users on the server. Since this is a
Steps.pdf.” This valuable resource discusses new server, click to add a user; add user information and click Create Account.
any additional steps that may be required to
help users get the most from their servers. – Account. You can drop in a picture for each account or change the password you
set earlier.
– Contact Info. Add contact details for each user. Notice that Mac OS X Server has
supplied an email and chat address automatically. If the user has a website and/or
a blog, you can also add these URLs. The information will be stored in the directory
so all users can have access to information about others in the group.
– Services. By default, all clients can use all Standard services. Click to deselect any
services you want to disable for this user.
– Groups. Mac OS X Server has created a group called Workgroup, and all users
are members by default. In the Groups pane, you’ll be able to create new groups.
Once you’ve done this, you can come back to the Users pane to manage a user’s
participation in these groups. Click the Edit Membership button and select or
deselect group names.
• Groups pane. Mac OS X Server displays a list of the groups you’ve created. For this
test drive, only the one default Workgroup group exists. Click and create one or
two new groups, supplying a full name and editing the short name if you’d like.
Click Create Group.
– Group Settings. For each group, you can define which services—file sharing,
iChat Autobuddy List generation, and wiki—you want to enable. You can create
the look of the wiki and configure its access levels in just a few clicks.
Leave all services checked so that you can explore them later. This creates a folder on
the server that all members can see under shared folders. It also creates a mailing list
and a wiki for the group.
– Membership. To populate a group, select one of the groups you just added and click
Edit Membership. Mac OS X Server gives you a list of your users—select those you
want to assign to this group. Repeat this process for any other groups you created.
When you’re done, go back to the Users pane and click Groups to cross-check
your assignments. You can use Edit Membership in the Users pane to select or
deselect groups.
Product Overview 25
Mac OS X Server

Managing services
Mac OS X Server enables all services by default. But with Server Preferences, you can
disable (or reenable) any service by clicking the Off/On switch.
• File Sharing pane. Mac OS X Server prebuilds your server with a Groups folder, as well
as Backups and Public folders in the Shared Items folder. To add to the list of shared
folders, drag a folder or entire hard disk into the window.
This is also where you set file access permissions. Select a folder and click Edit
Permissions to select the users who can access the folder. You can also select an entire
group so that when you add users to a group, they’ll have instant access to the appro-
priate folders. If you want others outside your workgroup to be able to read files, select
the checkbox to allow guest access. Click Save.
• Address Book Server. Using the standard vCard format, Address Book Server allows
everyone in your organization to store their contacts on the server—so you’re not
locked into the fixed schemas of LDAP records. You can choose to constrain the size
of each user’s server-side Address Book.
• iCal pane. You’ll want everyone in your workgroup to benefit from a shared calendar.
iCal Server permits users to add files to events, such as presentations or discussion
documents, so shared calendars can get very large. For this reason, you may want
to constrain the size of any single event or the size of each user’s calendar.
• iChat pane. By default, everyone in your workgroup is everybody’s buddy, making it
easy for users to communicate and collaborate. Also by default, your users can chat
with buddies on other IM servers—though you may choose to restrict this. To watch
for possible abuse, you can also choose to log users’ IM activity and to archive their
• Mail pane. During your setup with Server Assistant, you may have entered your
company’s relay address for outgoing mail. Server Preferences allows you to edit the
address at any time. For junk mail and virus filtering, you can choose how aggressively
you want Mac OS X Server to respond to questionable incoming mail.
Shortcuts to services • Web pane. Mac OS X Server can create a wiki for your workgroup and any other
Notice the arrow icon after each service. groups you have created. From the default home page, select Create Wiki and specify
Clicking it takes you directly to the shared which services you’d like to enable: Wiki, Calendar, Blogs, and Webmail. Use the pop-
service. For example, click ¢ after “Wiki and up menu to change the default home page to a wiki or My Page—or to your external
blog” and the wiki opens. website, if you have one. Mac OS X Server also gives you a “master switch” to enable or
disable the Web Server.
• VPN pane. The built-in VPN server makes it easy to prevent unauthorized remote
access to your server. It starts by generating a shared secret, which you can choose to
keep hidden—or click Edit to change or to show the actual characters. To configure
your VPN server, Mac OS X Server automatically discovers a range of IP addresses, or
you can enter the IP address yourself. Click Save As, and Mac OS X Server creates a VPN
configuration file. Choose your destination and click Save. You can now email the file to
your users. When they open the file, a VPN setting is created on their systems.
Product Overview 26
Mac OS X Server

Managing the system

It’s always important to maintain information about your server and to administer
measures to protect it from attacks, as well as from unintentional abuse.
• Information pane. This pane displays information about Mac OS X Server software and
your server hardware. You can change the computer name, but not the IP address or
the DNS name, which were established during setup. The Information pane also allows
you to set notifications, so you can receive an automatic email, for example, when disk
space is low, when software updates are available, or when Mac OS X Server detects a
virus-infected email. If you make changes, click to save them. You can also specify SSL
certificates that your server can use to provide even greater security of your data.
• Logs pane. This pane allows you to view details about server activity. Use the pop-up
menu at the bottom of the pane to display specific logs for each of the services.
• Graphs pane. Mac OS X Server visualizes important information for you: processor
usage over time, network traffic, disk space, file-sharing traffic, and traffic to your web
• Time Machine pane. To help you manage storage resources in your organization, Mac
OS X Server allows you to restrict users’ ability to save their Time Machine backups to
the server. You may also choose to designate a separate hard drive for client backups.
• Security pane. Mac OS X Server leaves the firewall off by default. To enable it, click the
Off/On switch and select which servers you want to protect. If you configured a Time
Capsule or an AirPort base station during setup, Mac OS X Server will adjust its config-
urations to permit outside access to your server. You’ll need to restart the base station
before your security measures will take effect—Mac OS X Server can do this for you.

Monitoring the Server

Want to keep an eye on the status of your server, whether from your own computer
or any other system running Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server? The Server Status widget
gives you snapshots of processor use, network traffic, and available disk space in a
convenient window.
• The Server Status widget is preconfigured for the server you just set up. Just open
Dashboard to start using it.
• For each service, you can see the current number of connections. You can also see a
status indicator; a green indicator means the service is running.
• Click the graph to change the time period you’d like to monitor.
• Click an icon below the graph to see information about a different processor or service.
• If you want to make changes to any service, click the service name to open its pane in
Server Preferences.
Product Overview 27
Mac OS X Server

Exploring Mac OS X Server as a User

Now that you’ve had a chance to be a Mac OS X Server administrator—setting up
services, creating users and groups, and checking your Server Status widget—you
might want to discover the power of the Snow Leopard client. If you created an actual
user on a Snow Leopard system and enabled all the services, you can now switch to
that system and test-drive Mac OS X Server from the user’s point of view. (The more
users and groups you created, the more interesting your exploration will be.)
Single sign-on • Finder. Notice your Shared list contains a Server icon. If you’re using a hardware system
All Snow Leopard services are single sign-on. that’s different from the server, all shared folders (which you are authorized to see) will
This means that users need to type their pass- have mounted automatically. If you’re using the same system as the server, you’ll need
words only once to access the server—and to mount a shared volume. Drag files into a folder on the shared volume.
they have only one password to remember.
• Spotlight Server. Type a search term in the Spotlight field in the Finder. Click Shared
to search content on the server.
• Address Book. Go to Address Book preferences and click the Account Information
tab. Click to create a new account, choosing CardDAV as the account type.
Enter your user name and password, as well as the address of your server (such as Click Create.
You now have a new Address Book that resides on the server. Any contacts that you
add to the Address Book Server are instantly available on other Mac systems you use.
• iCal. Open the Accounts tab in iCal preferences and make sure Mac OS X Server has
set up your account. Close preferences and try a few actions. Create a new event. To
add invitees, open the Address Panel from the Window menu, start typing the name
of a user and/or group, and let Mac OS X Server find it for you. Drag your invitees to
the event’s invitee field. Click Available Meeting Times and iCal Server will find the next
time that all attendees are available. You can also use Directory Lookup to choose a
location for your event. Once you’ve completed the event information, click Send to
invite the participants.
• iChat. Open your Buddy List to see all the users in your group. To share your screen
with another user, choose a buddy and click at the bottom of the Buddy List. To
submit a request to add a chat room, choose “Go to Chat Room” from the File menu.
With just a few clicks, you can add participants and start chatting as a group.
• Mail. Open the Account Information tab in Mail preferences and make sure Mac OS X
Server has set up your account. Create a new message and address it to one of the
users in your workgroup. Notice that Snow Leopard autofills the complete address as
you start typing. Send an email to a mailing list for a group you created.
• Wiki. Open Safari and log in to your server at Click Create
Wiki and follow the three simple steps. Add information and make changes to your
new wiki by clicking . Try uploading a file to the wiki, so you can check out the
Quick Look feature. Click next to the attached file to review the contents of the
file without having to download it.
Product Overview 28
Mac OS X Server

Product Details

Mac OS X Server version 10.6 Snow Leopard is available through the Apple Online
Store, Apple retail stores, and Apple Authorized Resellers for a suggested retail price
of $499 (U.S.). An unlimited client license supports all of the computers—Mac and
PC—and all the iPhone and iPod touch devices in your organization.

System Requirements
Mac OS X Server requires an Apple server or Mac desktop computer with an Intel
processor; 2GB of physical RAM; and 10GB of available disk space. Some features
have additional system requirements or require additional purchase(s). See for details.

Included with Mac OS X Server Version 10.6 Snow Leopard

The Mac OS X Server package includes the following:
• Mac OS X Server v10.6 Snow Leopard Installation disc
• Server Administration Tools disc
• Printed Getting Started guide
• Electronic documentation
Mac OS X Server documentation Mac OS X Server includes a complete set of Internet and workgroup services to meet
For more information about advanced the needs of businesses and institutions of any size. No matter how you prefer to
capabilities in Mac OS X Server, download configure your server, you’ll always have access to these capabilities:
technology briefs and complete manuals at • Fundamental networking and security services
documentation.html. • Open Directory for standards-based directory and authentication services
• Workgroup Manager for managing preferences and policies
• Cross-platform file and printer sharing using native protocols
• iCal Server for scalable calendar services
• Easy-to-manage mail solutions using open source technologies
• Scalable solutions for hosting dynamic websites and enterprise applications
• Mobile Access Server for always-on, always-secure access to firewall-protected services
• Address Book Server to share contacts across multiple computers
• Software Update Server for managing Apple software updates
• System imaging with NetBoot, NetInstall, and NetRestore
• iChat Server for secure IM communications
• Wiki Server for web-based collaboration and shared calendars
• Windows services for supporting mixed-platform workgroups
Product Overview 29
Mac OS X Server

• QuickTime Streaming Server for live broadcasting and on-demand streaming

of digital media
• Podcast Producer for capture, encoding, and delivery of high-quality podcasts
• Large-scale distributed computing using Xgrid

AppleCare Technical Support

Mac OS X Server comes with 90 days of toll-free telephone support for installation,
launch, and recovery, as well as lifetime access to Apple’s online support resources,
such as the AppleCare Knowledge Base and discussion forums. In addition, Apple offers
consultative phone and email support for advanced server migration and integration
issues. Customers can choose from three levels of AppleCare technical support:
• Select covers up to 10 incidents with 4-hour response for priority 1 issues (server
down), 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.* Additional incidents can be purchased as
• Preferred covers an unlimited number of incidents with 2-hour response for priority
1 issues, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week,* and assigns a technical account manager to
the organization.
• Alliance covers an unlimited number of incidents at multiple locations with 1-hour
response for priority 1 issues, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.* This plan includes an
onsite review by an Apple technical support engineer.
For more information about AppleCare support products, including terms and
conditions, visit

Apple Maintenance Program

This optional program for Mac OS X Server makes it easy to manage software
expenditures while benefiting from the latest technologies and improvements.
With one payment, you receive major Mac OS X Server software upgrades for
three years. For more information, including program terms and conditions, visit

Training and Certification

Apple offers comprehensive training programs on Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server
applications and technologies. A combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-
on exercises, these classes are taught by Apple Certified Trainers with real-world
experience and dynamic presentation skills. Customers can choose to attend classes
at an Apple Authorized Training Center or have the training delivered onsite at a
business or institution.
Once IT professionals have acquired the requisite skills, Apple certification programs
provide tangible evidence of their technical expertise. Three certification levels—Apple
Certified Support Specialist, Apple Certified Technical Coordinator, and Apple Certified
System Administrator—are based on corresponding training course content.
For more information about Mac OS X Server training and certification programs, visit

* Response times are not guaranteed.

Product Overview 30
Mac OS X Server

Additional Resources

For more information about Mac OS X Server and other Apple server solutions,
explore the following Apple websites:
• Documentation:
• Training and certification:
• Product support:
• Mailing lists:
• Product feedback:
• Apple product security:
• Developer support:
• Mac Products Guide:
• Apple Professional Services:
• List of Apple press contacts:
• Apple web badges:
In addition, third parties publish in-depth materials for Mac OS X Server users:
• Community and resources for administrators deploying Mac OS X
labs in enterprise and higher education environments:
• Peachpit Press. Books, articles, and technical materials on Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server,
UNIX, and more:

For More Information © 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, AirPort, Apple TV, FireWire, iCal, iChat, iPhone, iPod, iPod touch, iSight,
iTunes, Leopard, Mac, Mac OS, QuickTime, Safari, Spotlight, Time Capsule, Time Machine, Xgrid, Xsan, and Xserve are trademarks of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple Remote Desktop, Finder, and Snow Leopard are trademarks of Apple
For more information about Mac OS X Server Inc. AppleCare and Apple Store are service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Intel is a trademark of
and other Apple server solutions, visit Intel Corp. in the U.S. and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the U.S. and other countries. Mac OS X Server version 10.6 Snow Leopard is an Open Brand UNIX 03 Registered Product. Other product and company names
mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
This material is provided for information purposes only; Apple assumes no liability related to its use. August 2009 L414799A

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