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Create database directories

Execute the following commands to create a database directory. This directory must point to
a valid directory on the same server as the database:

CREATE DIRECTORY dmpdir AS '/opt/oracle';

GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY dmpdir TO scott;

$ expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp

Import into another database

impdp system/oracle DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp

hand NUMBER;
hand := Dbms_DataPump.Open(operation => 'EXPORT',
job_mode => 'FULL',
job_name => 'FULLEXPJOB',
version => 'COMPATIBLE');
Dbms_DataPump.Add_File(handle => hand,
filename => 'expdp_plsql.log',
directory => 'DMPDIR',
filetype => 3);
Dbms_DataPump.Add_File(handle => hand,
filename => 'expdp_plsql.dmp',
directory => 'DMPDIR',
filetype => 1);
-- Dbms_DataPump.Set_Parameter(handle => hand,
-- name => 'ESTIMATE',
-- value => 'STATISTICS');

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