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25 January 2011

Today’s Tabbloid

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS lead plaintiff in the lawsuit. Other plaintiffs include the CRPA
Foundation, Herb Bauer Sporting Goods, ammunition shipper Able’s
Formal Injunction Against Ammo, collectible ammunition shipper RTG Sporting Collectibles, and
individual Steven Stonecipher.
Enforcement Of California
In addition to these plaintiffs, Mendocino Sheriff Tom Allman, along
Ammunition Sales Ban Issued with ammunition shippers Midway USA, Natchez Shooters Supplies, and
JAN 24, 2011 08:13P.M. Cheaper Than Dirt also submitted declarations in support of the lawsuit.

Formal Injunction Against Enforcement Of California The ruling comes just days before the portion of the law that bans mail
Ammunition Sales Ban Regulations Issued order sales of so called “handgun ammunition” was set to take effect on
by C.D. Michel February 1, 2011. The lawsuit, Parker v. California is funded exclusively
by the NRA and the CRPA Foundation. If it had gone into effect, AB 962
would have imposed burdensome and ill conceived restrictions on the
sales of ammunition. AB 962 required that “handgun ammunition” be
stored out of the reach of customers, that ammunition vendors collect
ammunition sales registration information and thumb-prints from
purchasers, and conduct transactions face-to-face for all deliveries and
transfers of “handgun ammunition.” The lawsuit successfully sought the
declaration from the Court that the statute was unconstitutional, and
successfully sought the injunctive relief prohibiting law enforcement from enforcing the new laws.

Fresno, CA --( Today the Fresno Superior Court The lawsuit alleged, and the Court agreed, that AB 962 is
issued an Order of Permanent Injunction in the NRA – CRPA unconstitutionally vague on its face because it fails to provide sufficient
Foundation funded legal challenge to AB962, Parker v. California. legal notice of what ammunition cartridges are “principally for use in a
handgun,” and thus is considered “handgun ammunition” that is
The order permanently prevents the state and its agents from enforcing regulated under AB 962. It is practically impossible, both for those
the provisions of AB962 (Penal Code sections 12060, 12061, and 12318). subject to the law and for those who must enforce it, to determine
A copy of the Order is here. whether any of the thousands of different types of ammunition
cartridges that can be used in handguns are actually “principally for use
The Order comes following a dramatic ruling giving gun owners a win in in” or used more often in, a handgun. The proportional usage of any
a National Rifle Association / California Rifle and Pistol (CRPA) given cartridge is impossible to determine, and in any event changes with
Foundation lawsuit. On January 18th, Fresno Superior Court Judge market demands. In fact, the legislature itself is well aware of the
Jeffrey Hamilton ruled that AB 962, the hotly contested statute that vagueness problem with AB 962′s definition of “handgun ammunition”
would have banned mail order ammunition sales and required all and tried to redefine it via AB 2358 in 2010. AB 2358 failed in the face of
purchases of so called “handgun ammunition” to be registered, was opposition from the NRA and CRPA based on the proposal’s many other
unconstitutionally vague on its face. By enjoining enforcement of these nonsensical infringements on ammunition sales to law abiding citizens.
statutes, mail order ammunition sales to California can continue
unabated, and ammunition sales need not be registered under the law. A Constitutional vagueness challenges to state laws are extremely difficult
formal written ruling from the court will be issued soon. to win, particularly in California firearms litigation so this success is
particularly noteworthy. Even so, an appeal by the State is likely, but the
The lawsuit was prompted in part by the many objections and questions Court’s Order enjoining enforcement of the law is effective – February 1,
raised by confused police, ammunition purchasers, and sellers about 2011 – immediately regardless.
what ammunition is covered by the new laws created by AB 962. In a
highly unusual move that reflects growing law enforcement opposition to Despite this win for common sense over ill-conceived and counter
ineffective gun control laws, Tehama County Sheriff Clay Parker is the productive gun laws, additional legislation on this and related subjects
will no doubt be proposed in Sacramento this legislative session. It is

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

absolutely critical that those who believe in the right to keep and bear AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
arms stay informed and make their voices heard in Sacramento. When
AB 962 passed there was loud outcry from law abiding gun owners BATFE In The Dark On
impacted by the new law. Those voices must be heard during the
legislative session and before a proposed law passes, not after a law is Mexican Drug Gun Facts
signed. To help, sign up for legislative alerts at and JAN 24, 2011 07:48P.M. and respond when called upon.
BATFE In The Dark On Mexican Drug Gun Facts
Seventeen years ago the NRA and CRPA joined forces to fight local gun Agency experts admit they have no idea how many guns go to Mexico
bans being written and pushed in California by the gun ban lobby. Their from U.S. The BATFE has no way to get the information or the desire to
coordinated efforts became the NRA/CRPA “Local Ordinance Project” get the number or conflict with public statements.
(LOP) – a statewide campaign to fight ill conceived local efforts at gun By Alan Korwin
control and educate politicians about available programs that are
effective in reducing accidents and violence without infringing on the
rights of law-abiding gun owners. The NRA/CRPA LOP has had
tremendous success in beating back most of these anti-self-defense

In addition to fighting local gun bans, for decades the NRA has been
litigating dozens of cases in California courts to promote the right to self-
defense and the 2nd Amendment. In the post Heller and McDonald legal
environment, NRA and CRPA Foundation have formed the NRA/CRPA
Foundation Legal Action Project (LAP), a joint venture to pro-actively
strike down ill-conceived gun control laws and ordinances and advance
the rights of firearms owners, specifically in California. Sometimes,
success is more likely when LAP’s litigation efforts are kept low profile,
so the details of every lawsuit are not always released. To see a partial list
of the LAP’s recent accomplishments, or to contribute to the NRA or to
the NRA / CRPAF LAP and support this and similar Second Amendment Mexican Drug Guns On Display, featuring fragmentation grenades,
cases, visit and mortars, rocket-propelled grenades (rpgs), 20mm and 40mm cannon
shells and other military ordnance not available from any u.S. Stores.
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Formal Injunction Against Enforcement Of California Ammunition Sales

Ban Issued

Tags: Ammunition Bans, Ammunition News, Anti Gun Politicians,, California, California Rifle and Pistol Association,
LAS VEGAS, NV --( In personal conversations at the
SHOT Show with four high-level Justice Dept. officials, including
knowledgeable BATFE experts speaking on condition of anonymity, it
became apparent that a commonly cited figure used by the “news” media
to attack American gun stores and gun rights is a complete fabrication.

No method exists to obtain the information. The agency has no mandate

or desire to do so. Even if the information could be obtained or deduced
from what few records exist, they would be reluctant to release it to the
public and anger their superiors, they say.

From the head of the State Dept. to the heads of various

departments within the agency, the 90% gun-running stat
has been standardized despite it being completely false.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

Hillary Clinton, the current Secretary of State has publicly repeated the Reports surfacing from South America suggest that cartels, overflowing
remark, made by Mr. Obama, who said at a Mexican press conference, with cash and influence, send truck convoys (not just trucks) to aging
“More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the military warehouses in Central and South America, stuff them with
United States, many from gun shops that line our shared border.” firearms sent by the U.S. and other world powers over the decades to
prop up various banana governments, and obtain more firepower in one provides interesting background on the false nature of load than an army of drug-lord indebted hos can buy on 4473 forms from
these quotes: legitimate dealers in a lifetime.

New information, according to our sources: Pictures staged by federal authorities to display captured weaponry,
featuring fragmentation grenades, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades
• Corruption, incompetence and inefficiency within the Mexican (RPGs), 20mm and 40mm cannon shells and other military ordnance
government itself prevents those officials from actually knowing not available from any U.S. stores, support the claims that drug cartels
how many guns they confiscate in the first place, from the illegal- hardly need to shop at retail and pay sales tax.
vegetable cartels fighting Mr. Calderon’s failed war on some drugs.
Additionally, the ever-popular communist-designed AK-47 and similar
• An unknown number of these weapons are recycled right back into weapons might come through the U.S. in some cases, but the point of
the cartels through bribes and theft, further clouding any numbers origin for these is obviously not the U.S., a fact completely ignored
that are eventually provided to U.S. bureaucrats. Without these among all the fuss. One knowledgeable source believes that less than
numbers, and ratios or comparisons are meaningless. 10% of all Mexican cartel armaments come from U.S. sources, in the
sense of illegal retail purchases smuggled across the border. Some U.S.
• Mexico does not release such information in a forthright way to originated arms, supplied to the Mexican government in an official
U.S. officials, and what we do get is of unknown quality or capacity, leak into the black market as soldiers there desert by the
accuracy. This makes any comparison or ratio of U.S. traces to the thousands annually. No comments from the White House or the State
totals mere guesswork with less credibility than a routine issues Dept. have been received or are expected.
poll conducted by ideological groups.
• An unknown percentage of confiscated-gun information in Mexico Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Bloomfield Press, founded in 1988, is the largest
is sent to the U.S. for tracing. It is believed to be below 33%, and publisher and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Our website,
may be as low as ten percent or less. With no way to know this, features a free national directory to gun laws and relevant
number, the percentages quoted by American leaders can barely be contacts in all states and federally, along with our unique line of related
called propaganda. Only some guns with serial numbers or other books and DVDs. “After Your Shoot” for media review is available on
markings, which may indicate a U.S. connection are submitted, request, call 800-707-4020. Our authors are available for interview, call
making the quoted percentages preposterous. to schedule. Call for cogent positions on gun issues, informed analysis on
proposed laws, talk radio that lights up the switchboard, fact sheets and
• Of the traces actually conducted, which itself is only a portion of position papers. As we always say, “It doesn’t make sense to own a gun
the total, officials made it quite clear that while American origin and not know the rules.” Visit:
could theoretically be determined for some segment of the traces,
determining how many of these are straw purchase and hence from Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
border gun shops is essentially impossible. News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo
They cited many reasons for this, including the fact that only the original
purchaser can be identified. Guns bought years ago could go through BATFE In The Dark On Mexican Drug Gun Facts
many hands before making it to: a prohibited possessor (a likely source
of many of the firearms, they said), an after-market straw purchaser Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, ATF, BATFE, Illegal Guns, Mexico, Obama
(cannot be determined), theft (only distinguished if the then-current Hates Guns, Straw Purchases
owner filed a report) or other means. The agency does NOT compile
such statistics because they realize it would be a fruitless exercise in

Among the answers repeatedly given for why the numbers are so bad,
why top officials are using the now openly bogus figures, what the
chances for future improvement might be, and why they won’t publicly
admit the truth or confront the leadership and help reestablish a
semblance of credibility for the agency, were, “I have no knowledge of
those statistics,” and “I have no access to that information.”

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Keith Warren’s Deer & Wildlife Stories airs three times a week on the
Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 608 and Dish 240), showing on Wednesday at
Deer & Wildlife Stories 7:30 p.m., Friday at 3 p.m. and Saturday at 6 p.m. Warren’s other
program, The High Road also airs three times a week on The Pursuit
Coverage of Deer Farming Channel , Friday at 12 a.m., Sunday at 11 a.m. and Sunday at 8:30 p.m.
All times are EST.
Sparks Strong Reviews
JAN 24, 2011 07:11P.M. For more information about Keith Warren, his programs or for
advertising/sponsorship opportunities, email or
Deer & Wildlife Stories Coverage of Deer Farming Sparks visit Also, catch the latest news on Keith Warren
Strong Reviews at!/pages/Keith-Warren/87907865501

Based in New Braunfels, Keith Warren Outdoor Adventures produces

The High Road and Deer & Wildlife Stories programs, airing on The
Pursuit Channel. Keith Warren productions are designed to encourage
others to become actively involved in the outdoors as the ultimate
conservationists and stewards of the land. For more information on
Keith Warren Outdoor Adventures, visit

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Keith Warren Outdoors
at Ammo

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas – -( The third season of

Deer & Wildlife Stories Coverage of Deer Farming Sparks Strong
Keith Warren’s Deer & Wildlife Stories television program on the Pursuit
Channel is sparking excitement among deer enthusiasts with feedback
from viewers saying the show has more fun and more trophy deer than
Tags: Deer & Wildlife Stories, Deer Farmers, Keith Warren, Keith
ever before.
Warren Outdoor Adventures, Pursuit Channel, Shooting Media News,
The High Road
Keith Warren’s Deer & Wildlife Stories airs on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.,
Fridays at 3 p.m. and Saturdays at 6 p.m. EST on the Pursuit Channel
(DirecTV 608 and Dish 240).

“Deer farming is one of the fastest growing industries in rural

America, and it is a great lifestyle for people who enjoy
Concealed Outdoors Introduces
working with wildlife,” says Keith Warren, producer and host
of the Deer & Wildlife Stories.
The Sportsman Chest In Mossy
“We are visiting with successful deer breeders across the
JAN 24, 2011 05:39P.M.
country, and providing a fascinating, one-of-a-kind glimpse
at working with North America’s most popular game animal.
Concealed Outdoors Introduces The Sportsman Chest In
But the real fun comes with all the day-to-day tasks that go
Mossy Oak
into raising deer. This season, I get to do it all…the good, the
bad and the dirty.”

In every episode, Warren is also tackling some of the dirtiest, ugliest and
most bizarre jobs for some of the industry’s most successful deer
farmers. From feeding young fawns to catching wallabies, the results are
an entertaining behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to raise trophy

An award-winning producer and show host, Warren has been a

outspoken proponent for more than 25 years on the importance of
preserving our outdoor lifestyle through hunting, fishing and agricultural
endeavors such as deer farming.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

Concealed Outdoors Sportsman Chest In Mossy Oak Concealed Outdoors Sportsman Chest Dog Box In Mossy Oak

Concealed Outdoors produces official licensed products of Mossy Oak/

Haas Outdoors Inc. Haas Outdoors Inc. is headquartered in West Point,
Miss., was established in 1986 and is home of Mossy Oak
( Mossy Oak specializes in developing and
marketing modern camouflage designs for hunters and outdoorsmen.
Mossy Oak patterns can be found on a multitude of products worldwide.
Haas Outdoors Inc. is the outdoor industry leader in modern camouflage
design, international licensing and marketing. Haas Outdoors Inc.
markets its services and products under widely recognized brands
including: Mossy Oak, BioLogic, Mossy Oak Productions, MOOSE
Media, Nativ Nurseries, and Mossy Oak Properties.
Concealed Outdoors
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
OWOSSO, MI --( The Sportsman Chest from News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
Concealed Outdoors (COD) is the first offering in a series of unique at Ammo
vehicle accessories for the discriminating sportsman.
Concealed Outdoors Introduces The Sportsman Chest In Mossy Oak
The Sportsman Chest will be available in various Mossy Oak camouflage
patterns including, Break-Up Infinity and Duck Blind. Chests are Tags: Archery Gear, Bowhunting Gear, Concealed Outdoors, Hunting
available for full-size and mid-size trucks. Gear, Mossy Oak

COD is pleased to partner with Mossy Oak and Novoc Solutions (a

McPherson Industries company) to offer unique products for sportsmen
A proprietary coating process produces camouflage image quality and
durability that has never been seen before. The scale, clarity and depth of
the patterns is truly realistic.

For more information about Concealed Outdoors and the new

Sportsman Chest, please visit

Concealed Outdoors is a family owned business consisting of father, son,

and daughter. As avid outdoorsmen, we were always searching for a
more efficient way to transport and protect our equipment. After years of
development we are excited to introduce a unique line of fully
customized outdoor accessories for trucks and UTVs.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS post is set to be revived after persistent determination by a proud unit
and generous contributions from those who understand the nostalgia of
Fort Benning Icon Patton the old building.

Round House Comes Back To The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit will rededicate the USAMU Round
House, commonly called the “Patton Round House” in association with
Life Gen. George Patton’s time at Ft. Benning, at a ceremony Friday.
JAN 24, 2011 05:14P.M.
Originally built in 1938 on the unit’s Hook Range, its purpose was to
Fort Benning Icon the “Patton Round House” Comes Back To serve as a hunting lodge but soon became the Officers Club annex. The
Life building of the Round House coincided with the designation of Hook
By Michael Molinaro Range as the post’s skeet range. 2nd. Lt. Paul Tibbets attracted attention
USAMU PAO for his innovative method of using skeet training to teach aerial gunners
to lead their targets at the range. Tibbets later attained the rank of
brigadier general and piloted the Enola Gay on Aug. 6, 1945, dropping
the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

It is known that Generals Patton, Tibbets, Omar Bradley and Courtney

Hodges all spent a significant amount of time on the range during the
World War II era, and it is presumed that they often visited the adjacent
Round House. It has been said that the generals would place small
wagers on shooting matches and then find refuge in the Round House
afterwards. John Wayne used the building as a retreat while filming “The
Green Berets” on post in 1967 and one scene of the film was shot on
location at Hook Range.

In 1956 President Dwight D. Eisenhower formed the USAMU to raise the

overall marksmanship proficiency of the Army. By 1960, Hook Range
and the Round House were home to the USAMU Shotgun team and it
hosted the Olympic trials for marksmanship. Since that time, seven
FORT BENNING, Ga. — An overhead view of the skeet fields on Hook
Olympic medalists, several World Champions and a slew of national
Range from the 1970s with the Patton Round House off to the side. The
champions have walked through the door of the Round House to shoot a
range has hosted numerous national matches and those in attendance
game of pool or sit by the fireplace to relax after a match.
would frequent the Round House for a game of pool or to sit by a fire and
relax in between shooting.
The wooden landmark has been beset by age and erosion the last several
years and word got around that it was slated for demolition. Several
former and current members of the USAMU made it their mission to
ensure that the World War II artifact would survive and be better than

In a letter dated 1999, Tibbetts wrote a letter describing the Round

House as not just an old World War II building, but as “an icon to be
preserved” because it “projects a strong nostalgic memory and image”
for those who spent time there during the World War II era.

The building survived the chopping block thanks to the charity of a

friend of the USAMU family. Prosser Mellon and the Mellon Foundation
stepped in and made a significant monetary contribution to the Army
with the intent of restoring the Round House.

Mellon is friends with Staff Sgt. Josh Richmond, a shotgun shooter for
the USAMU. The two were introduced by a mutual friend, John
United States Army Marksmanship Unit
Hamilton, Mellon’s son-in-law, and they immediately struck up a
rapport. Mellon was an invited guest of the unit one day a few years ago
FORT BENNING, Ga. --( A relic of an historic era on
and after touring the custom firearms shop and the pistol range, he

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

descended upon Hook Range to do some skeet shooting.

“Walking up to the skeet line he saw this building, AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
unmaintained, and asked about it since it didn’t really fit into
the landscape with everything else so clean and in-shape,” BLADE-TECH Industries
Richmond recalled. “He asked me the story behind this
building, so I briefly told its history, about all of the famous Founder Tim Wegner Retires
and influential generals who used it, and went back to JAN 24, 2011 04:54P.M.
BLADE-TECH Industries Founder Tim Wegner Retires
“Prior to him leaving for the day, his wife Sandy Mellon came
over and said that she needed to get some information on
who to get in touch with-Prosser wants to re-do that house.
Basically it started there over night and we are where we are

After several months of construction, a few words, a ribbon cutting and

“first shot” ceremony will reopen the building Friday morning. From that
point on, the Patton Round House will once again be ready to host social BladeTech Industries
gatherings, shotgun matches, and maybe even a few more of those
“unofficial” officers meetings. Puyallup, WA --( Blade-Tech Industries, a leading
manufacturer of tactical and thermoplastic products announces the
retirement of its founder, Tim Wegner.

Tim Wegner started Blade-Tech Industries with the idea that there was a
need in the market for high quality thermoplastic knife sheathes and
holsters. His dream started in his garage hand making each piece.

As demand grew, Blade-Tech Industries grew. Today Tim’s vision has

developed into one of the best known high quality holster manufacturers
in the United States.

In 2005 Tim hired Steve Avila, formally of Boeing, as CEO to take the
company and vision to the next level. Tim watched as his son, Bryce
FORT BENNING, Ga. — The Patton Round House sits on Hook Range Wegner, took over as President of the company and his longtime friend
some 20 years ago. The rapidly deteriorating building was restored to its and co-innovator from the first days in Tim’s garage, Tom Crawford,
design and will be rededicated Friday. became COO.

About USAMU: With this new administration in place, a foundation was set that allowed
The USAMU enhances the Army’s recruiting effort, raises the standard of Tim to start curtailing some of his executive responsibilities and work
the Army’s marksmanship proficiency, and supports the Army’s small with the new team to focus on developing the right product for Blade-
arms research and development initiatives in order to raise the Army’s Tech’s ever growing customer base.
overall combat readiness. For more information on the U.S. Army
Marksmanship Unit, contact the Public Affairs Office at (706) 545-5436, Tim is one of the pioneers of utilizing thermoplastic to make practical or products that can be worn by law enforcement officers, military
personnel and civilians alike. His hard work helped forge techniques that
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports are now widely used across the whole holster industry.
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo Over the years, Tim has designed many of Blade-Tech’s best selling
knives. In the early years of the company he oversaw the introduction of
Fort Benning Icon Patton Round House Comes Back To Life some of Blade-Tech’s most popular products and helped to chart a
course that aided in leading Blade-Tech into many venues including the
Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, Fort Benning, world of competitive shooting. Blade-Tech is still one of the most used
Georgia, Gun Ranges, USAMU brands of gear across all of the shooting sports.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

With the plethora of holster companies on the market today, Tim helped Los Angeles, California --( The clay target shooting
Blade-Tech secure its reputation of being a consistent provider of blog “” has released a new T-Shirt
durable holsters that have an unsurpassed fit. Reliability is the design called the “Super- Mini.”
foundation of Blade-Tech Industries’ success; a success that continues to
grow even in the backdrop of a recession. “The ‘Super-Mini’ T-shirt design features a graphic of a mini
sized clay target printed ‘Actual Size’ in it’s real proportions,
Though Tim will no longer be working on a day-to-day basis at the which is 60 mm’s.” says site editor Jason King.
Blade-Tech facility, his legacy will continue on through the leadership of
his son and the hard work of the whole Blade-Tech team. Blade-Tech’s “In addition it has the number ’60′ in large print on the back
future will continue on the path of innovation and quality, always along with the site url. The 60mm mini is a clay target that is
honoring Tim’s contribution as its founder. specific to sporting clays so it’s a bit of an inside joke for
sporting clays shooters and they have responded well. We
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports titled it ‘Super-Mini’ because we wanted to play on the words
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News a bit and that is actually what the 60mm target in known as
at Ammo in Europe.”

BLADE-TECH Industries Founder Tim Wegner Retires The 100% cotton shirts are printed with a high quality screen print
process and are roomy enough to shoot in. They are available in sizes M,
Tags: Blade-Tech, Gun Holsters, Retirement, Shooting Industry News, L, XL, XXL and XXXL. Colors available are Black and a Navy Blue.
Shooting Sports Jobs Customers can purchase the shirts at the following url:
tee/ or by clicking on the “STORE” tab on the upper right of the main site
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS navigation menu. “T-shirts are the classic way to market anything. There really
is nothing like what we’re doing in the clay shooting market
Releases New T-Shirt Design as far as T-shirts are concerned. People that love the sport
JAN 24, 2011 04:47P.M. like to show it off in a stylish way and they want something
identify with. That’s what T-shirts are about really. We plan Releases New T-Shirt Design to keep expanding the line with different offerings soon.”
King says. features unique and original content

covering sporting clays and FITASC clay target shooting.

Visitors will find popular Q&A’s with top sporting and industry
personalities, instructional videos, information on events, articles, shoot
reports, product reviews and a U.S. and international event calender.

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo Releases New T-Shirt Design Releases New T-Shirt Design Tags: International Sporting Clays

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS “As predicted in the 2010 Hunting Outlook, mast conditions
had a tremendous influence on this year’s record bear
West Virginia Hunters Harvest harvest,” said Johansen.

Record 2,392 Black Bears in “Traditionally, favorable mast conditions lead to lower
archery harvests. However, abundant food sources kept many
2010 bears active into early winter. In addition, there were
JAN 24, 2011 04:40P.M. numerous counties opened to extended hunting seasons
designed to help those counties reach management
West Virginia Hunters Harvest Record 2,392 Black Bears in objectives.”
Hunters took 454 bears during the 2010 archery season. The top five
counties were Randolph (44), Preston (39), Webster (38), Fayette (33)
and Nicholas (25).

Firearms hunters took a record harvest of 1,938 bears during 2010.

Hunters took 462 bears in September, 309 during the concurrent
buck/bear season and 1,167 during the traditional December season. Top
five counties were Greenbrier (219), Pendleton (192), Randolph (190),
Pocahontas (175) and Webster (135).


District I
Dist. II
Dist. III
Dist. IV
Bear Season

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at Ammo

West Virginia Hunters Harvest Record 2,392 Black Bears in 2010

Tags: Bear Hunting, Bear Management, Black Bears, Hunting News,

West Virginia, WVDNR

West Virginia DNR

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – -( West Virginia

hunters harvested a record 2,392 black bears during the combined 2010
archery and firearms seasons, according to Paul Johansen, Assistant
Chief in charge of Game Management for the West Virginia Division of
Natural Resources.

The preliminary harvest data for the combined seasons in 2010 was 14
percent higher than the previous record of 2,069 established in 2008.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS packed, family-friendly adventures featuring the biggest on-air
celebrities in outdoor entertainment.
Outdoor Channel at the 2011
Sportsman Against Hunger Reno, NV Event: Tuesday, January 25 | Reno
Safari Club International Events Center

Hunters’ Convention Outdoor Channel and SCI’s non-profit arm, Safari Club International
JAN 24, 2011 04:33P.M. Foundation, have joined forces to host a

Outdoor Channel at the 2011 Safari Club International “Sportsman Against Hunger” event at the Reno Events Center, the day
Hunters’ Convention before the kick-off of the annual Hunters’ Convention. At the volunteer
event, Outdoor Channel and SCIF’s local Reno chapter will extend their
America’s Leader in Outdoor TV to Produce “SCI TV” time and resources to serve hot meals comprised of meat donated by
“The Ultimate Hunters’ Market” Talent Lineup to Include: Ray Bunney, area hunters and anglers. SCI members and local volunteers will be
Jim Burnworth, Mike Rogers, Jim Shockey, McKenzie Simms & Jim outfitted with Outdoor Channel aprons and hats as they share nature’s
Zumbo bounty with the hungry.
Outdoor Channel & SCI Team Up for “Sportsman Against Hunger –
Reno” Community Volunteer Event SCI TV – All SCI, All the Time!
Booth #3802
Wednesday, January 26 – Saturday, January 29 | Reno Convention
Center & Area Hotels

Outdoor Channel is set to produce SCI TV, an entertaining and engaging

television production that will air in the Reno Convention Center and
area hotels during SCI’s Hunters’ Convention. SCI TV will be hosted by
Mike Rogers of “SCI Expedition Safari Presented by MidwayUSA,” and
will feature daily updates from the convention floor, in-depth interviews
with the hottest hunting personalities, and segments from Outdoor
Channel’s best-in-class hunting shows, with special emphasis on “SCI
Expedition Safari” and many of SCI’s philanthropic and conservation
Outdoorchannel TV

Talent Meet & Greets

Temecula, Calif. --( Outdoor Channel, America’s
leader in Outdoor TV, invites Safari Club International’s (SCI) 39th Safari Club International’s 39th Annual Hunters’ Convention Nuts &
Annual Hunters’ Convention attendees to learn more about the Bolts
network’s genre-leading programming and conservation initiatives as
part of the exciting activities taking place at booth #3802. The SCI Hunters’ Convention runs from January 26-29 at the Reno
Convention Center, Reno, Nevada. For complete information, visit
The premier hunting event, which takes place in Reno, Nevada from
January 26th through January 29th, features a lineup of the network’s
most popular talent who will meet and greet fans. In addition, Outdoor Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
Channel is exclusively presenting “SCI TV” for the third consecutive year. News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo
The SCI Hunters’ Convention, also referred to as “The Ultimate Hunters’
Market,” attracts over 20,000 attendees and exhibitors as six continents Outdoor Channel at the 2011 Safari Club International Hunters’
unite under one roof to highlight the latest guns and hunting equipment. Convention
With dozens of informative and educational seminars throughout the
event, attendees can learn new hunting techniques or refine old ones, Tags: Hunting Shows, Hunting TV Shows, Outdoor Channel TV, Safari
discover imaginative ways to prepare wild game, or glean tips on the best Club International, SCI, Shooting Media News
care for their equipment and gear from industry experts and celebrities.
SCI’s mission is to protect the freedom to hunt and to promote wildlife

As America’s leader in Outdoor TV, Outdoor Channel provides action-

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article 1 Section 24 of
the Wyoming Constitution. Visit:
Victory – Constitutional Carry
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
Passes The Wyoming Senate 20 News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo
– 10
JAN 24, 2011 04:22P.M. Victory – Constitutional Carry Passes The Wyoming Senate 20 – 10

Victory – Constitutional Carry Passes The Wyoming Senate 20 Tags: Concealed Carry, Concealed Carry Laws, Constitutional Carry,
– 10 Open Carry, WyGO, Wyoming, Wyoming Gun Owners


Group Files Suit to Challenge

Martinsburg, WV Gun Control
Wyoming Gun Owners
JAN 24, 2011 03:44P.M.

Wyoming --( The Jaggi-Jenning Constitutional Carry

West Virginia Citizens Defense League Files Suit to Challenge
bill, SF-47 passed the Senate today by a vote margin of 20-10.
Martinsburg Gun Control Ordinance

That’s a veto proof margin, and it’s your pressure that gave us this

Of course, our bill must now move over to the House where anti-gunners
are scrambling to gum up the works and put a stop to it there.

Today’s passage of Constitutional Carry through the Senate is another

great example of the power of grassroots lobbying from people like you.

The famous Senator Everett Dirkson said, “When I feel the heat, I see the
light” and you made the Wyoming State Senate feel the heat.

Of course, reaching out to gun owners with postcards, phone calls, and
articles like this one costs money. If you want to support the Second
Amendment in Wyoming in the most effective way possible, please
consider supporting Wyoming Gun Owners financially.
West Virginia Citizens Defense League
Martinsburg, W.Va. --( This morning, the West
Anthony Bouchard Virginia Citizens Defense League filed a 6-count civil complaint in the
Executive Director U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia challenging
WyGO – Wyoming Gun Owners a Martinsburg city ordinance prohibiting the possession or carrying of firearms in city-owned buildings.

P.S. The Jaggi-Jennings Constitutional Carry bill has passed Represented by Beckley-based attorney Jim Mullins, who serves as
the Senate and is on its way to the House. WVCDL’s General Counsel, WVCDL alleges in its complaint that the
criminal penalties prescribed in the ordinance are unconstitutionally
About: vague and that the ordinance violates the Second Amendment to the U.S.
Wyoming Gun Owners mission is to advocate, protect and defend the Constitution, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment to the West
God given and inalienable right to bear arms as in the Second Virginia Constitution, West Virginia’s municipal gun control ordinance

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

preemption law, and West Virginia’s general law limiting the powers of Today, as WVCDL and its members begin the potentially long
municipal governments. journey to justice, they hope the residents and taxpayers of
the cities of Martinsburg, Charleston, South Charleston, and
Mullins said: Dunbar will call upon their elected leaders to do the right
thing. More importantly, WVCDL and its members hope the
WVCDL has brought this case and a parallel case it filed this people of West Virginia will open their eyes to the abuses that
morning in U.S. District Court in Charleston challenging are occurring in cities across our state and demand that their
similar ordinances in Charleston, South Charleston, and delegates and state senators take action now and not leave
Dunbar, to vindicate the right of every law-abiding citizen to their Second Amendment rights solely at the mercy of courts
keep and bear arms for self-defense and other lawful that may take years to ultimately decide this case and others
purposes. like it.

The ordinances in Martinsburg and the other cities where About:

WVCDL has filed suit today do nothing but deny law-abiding The West Virginia Citizens Defense League (WVCDL) is a nonpartisan,
citizens their individual right to the means of self-defense. No nonprofit, all-volunteer, grassroots organization of concerned West
criminal or deranged lunatic is going to be deterred from Virginians who support our individual right to keep and bear arms for
committing a crime on public property by the prospect of a defense of self, family, home and state, and for lawful hunting and
whopping 30 extra days in jail for violating a municipal recreational use, as protected by the state constitution and the Second
ordinance prohibiting guns on city property. Amendment of the United States Constitution. Visit:

If the City of Martinsburg chooses at some point to see the Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
light and change its ways, WVCDL is more than willing to News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
settle if the city agrees to completely repeal its ordinance and at Ammo
fully honor every West Virginian’s right to keep and bear
arms. WVCDL hopes that the City of Martinsburg will not Group Files Suit to Challenge Martinsburg, WV Gun Control Ordinance
waste its taxpayers’ money to defend its indefensible
ordinance. Tags: Gun Control, Gun Owner Discrimination, Gun Owner Rights,
Lawsuits, West Virginia, West Virginia Citizens Defense League, WVCDL
However, along with bringing the suits it has brought today,
WVCDL has drafted and expects to soon have introduced in
the Legislature a bill, the West Virginia Gun Owner AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
Protection Act of 2011, that comprehensively revises West
Virginia’s gun laws expands the rights of law-abiding gun WVCDL Files Suit Challenging
owners and increases the penalties for the criminal misuse of
firearms and other weapons. If the Legislature passes Charleston, South Charleston &
WVCDL’s proposed West Virginia Gun Owner Protection Act
of 2011, West Virginia would have a much stronger state Dunbar Gun Control
preemption law that would provide additional grounds for
the plaintiffs in this case to prevail without the need for the Ordinances
extensive, expensive, time-consuming litigation that will JAN 24, 2011 03:39P.M.
follow if the status quo remains.
West Virginia Citizens Defense League Files Suit Challenging
For the last 3 years, WVCDL-authored bills to strengthen the Charleston, South Charleston & Dunbar Gun Control
state preemption law and prevent the need for this lawsuit Ordinances
have been introduced in the Legislature but have gone
nowhere. Unless and until the Legislature acts, this lawsuit is
the only viable remedy my clients have to defend their legal

If the City of Martinsburg refuses to see the error of its ways

and the Legislature does nothing to reign in its abuse of
power, WVCDL is prepared to litigate this case to its ultimate
conclusion, whatever it may be, whenever it may be. WVCDL
sincerely hopes this is a point we do not reach.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

If any or all of the defendants choose at some point to see the

light and change their ways, my clients are more than willing
to settle with any city that agrees to completely repeal its
respective ordinances and fully honor not only my
clients’-but every West Virginian’s-right to keep and bear
arms. My clients hope that the cities of Charleston, South
Charleston, and Dunbar will not waste their taxpayers’ money
to defend their indefensible ordinances.

However, along with bringing this case today, WVCDL has drafted and
expects to soon have introduced in the Legislature a bill, the West
Virginia Gun Owner Protection Act of 2011, that comprehensively revises
West Virginia’s gun laws expands the rights of law-abiding gun owners
and increases the penalties for the criminal misuse of firearms and other
weapons. If the Legislature passes WVCDL’s proposed West Virginia
West Virginia Citizens Defense League Gun Owner Protection Act of 2011, West Virginia would have a much
stronger state preemption law that would provide additional grounds for
Charleston, W.Va. --( This morning, the West the plaintiffs in this case to prevail without the need for the extensive,
Virginia Citizens Defense League, 4 individual WVCDL members, and a expensive, time-consuming litigation that will follow if the status quo
Kanawha County gun dealer filed a 40-count civil complaint in U.S. remains.
District Court challenging the constitutionality of numerous gun control
ordinances in the cities of Charleston, South Charleston, and Dunbar. For the last 3 years, WVCDL-authored bills to strengthen the state
preemption law and prevent the need for this lawsuit have been
Represented by Beckley-based attorney Jim Mullins, WVCDL and the introduced in the Legislature but have gone nowhere. Unless and until
other plaintiffs are seeking to block ongoing enforcement of separate the Legislature acts, this lawsuit is the only viable remedy my clients
ordinances in the cities of Charleston, South Charleston, and Dunbar have to defend their legal rights.
that prohibit carrying handguns on certain city-owned property and a
series of ordinances in Charleston that impose severe restrictions on the If the cities of Charleston, South Charleston, and Dunbar refuse to see
sale, rental, and other transfers of handguns. the error of their ways and the Legislature does nothing to reign in their
abuses of power, WVCDL and the other plaintiffs in this case are
In their complaint, the plaintiffs allege that each of the challenged prepared to litigate this case to its ultimate conclusion, whatever it may
ordinances violate the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the be, whenever it may be. We sincerely hope this is a point we do not
Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment to the West Virginia reach.
Constitution, various federal statutes, and West Virginia state law
limiting the powers of municipal governments. Today, as WVCDL and its members begin the potentially long journey to
justice, they hope the residents and taxpayers of the cities of Charleston,
Plaintiffs’ attorney Jim Mullins said: WVCDL and its South Charleston, and Dunbar will call upon their elected leaders to do
individual members who have stepped forward today to bring the right thing. More importantly, WVCDL and its members hope the
this case are committed to vindicating the right of every law- people of West Virginia will open their eyes to the abuses that are
abiding citizen to keep and bear arms for self-defense and occurring in the Kanawha Valley and demand that their delegates and
other lawful purposes. state senators take action now and not leave their Second Amendment
rights solely at the mercy of courts that may take years to ultimately
No criminal or deranged lunatic is going to be deterred from decide this case and others like it.
committing a crime on public property by the prospect of a
whopping 30 extra days in jail for violating a municipal WVCDL is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, all-volunteer, grassroots
ordinance prohibiting guns on city property. Neither will a organization of concerned West Virginians who support our individual
criminal wait while his intended victim goes through the 3- right to keep and bear arms for defense of self, family, home and state,
day waiting period Charleston imposes on buying a handgun. and for lawful hunting and recreational use, as protected by the state
And if you happened to have bought a handgun recently but it constitution and the Second Amendment of the United States
was stolen? Well, that same criminal also won’t wait for you Constitution. WVCDL is the largest, active, West Virginia-based gun
to become eligible to purchase another handgun under rights organization.
Charleston’s one handgun per month gun rationing
ordinance. About:
The West Virginia Citizens Defense League (WVCDL) is a nonpartisan,
nonprofit, all-volunteer, grassroots organization of concerned West

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

Virginians who support our individual right to keep and bear arms for hosted by Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.
defense of self, family, home and state, and for lawful hunting and
recreational use, as protected by the state constitution and the Second The Red Hills region of Florida and Georgia comprise over 400,000
Amendment of the United States Constitution. Visit: acres of some of the finest examples of old-growth pine savannah
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News In addition, the region is renowned for its land stewardship and resulting
at Ammo wild bobwhite populations.

WVCDL Files Suit Challenging Charleston, South Charleston & Dunbar A registration form and more detailed meeting information will be
Gun Control Ordinances provided in the coming months. We look forward to visiting with you in
Tags: Gun Control, Gun Owner Discrimination, Gun Owner Rights,
Lawsuits, West Virginia, West Virginia Citizens Defense League, WVCDL Sincerely,

Chuck McKelvy, Coordinator

Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Comm.
National Bobwhite Technical (850) 342-0256
Committee Meeting August 9-
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
12, 2011 News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
JAN 24, 2011 02:59P.M. at Ammo

National Bobwhite Technical Committee Meeting August 9-12, National Bobwhite Technical Committee Meeting August 9-12, 2011
Tags: BobWhites, Conservation News, Florida, FWC, National Bobwhite
Conservation Initiative, National Bobwhite Technical Committee, NBTC


Two Kent County Delaware Men

Charged With Spotlighting
JAN 24, 2011 02:51P.M.

Two Kent County Delaware Men Charged With Spotlighting

National Bobwhite Technical Committee

Tallahassee, FL - -( Please mark your calendars for

the 2011 meeting of the National Bobwhite Technical Committee

The meeting will be held August 9-12, 2011 at the Doubletree Hotel in
downtown Tallahassee, FL.
Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife
The meeting with begin on the evening of August 9th with a welcome
reception and conclude on August 12th with a field trip into the Red Hills SEAFORD , Delaware --( DNREC Division of Fish

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

and Wildlife Enforcement agents on Jan. 20 arrested two Kent County events open to the public and licensed by the government) banning
men for spotlighting. firearms.

In separate incidents, Alan H. Zaccardi, age 24, of Camden Wyoming, Under current law, all they need to do to ban the carrying of firearms is
and Thomas Clough, age 42, of Hartly, were both arrested and charged post “No Firearms” signs and provide readily available storage. This has
with spotlighting. had the perverse effect of disarming the law-abiding while allowing those
with no respect for the law to remain armed at will. Under the proposed
Both also received warnings for traffic violations. law, firearms cannot be banned unless a number of conditions are met
(metal detectors, armed guards, etc.) that ensure that an armed person
Each was fined $327 including court costs. cannot enter undetected.

Citizens are encouraged to report fish and wildlife violations to the SB 1201 also allows for injunctive relief if Public Establishments or
Delaware Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Section at 302-739-4580. Public Events don’t obey the law, among other proposed changes.

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports A list of the firearms and self-defense related bills, along with links, that
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News AzCDL is monitoring can be found at our website:
at Ammo .

Two Kent County Delaware Men Charged With Spotlighting Stay tuned! When critical legislation moves, we will notify you via these
Articles on AmmoLand.
Tags: DDFW, Delaware, Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife, Law
Breakers, Poaching, Spotlighting • You can also follow AzCDL on Facebook: , and during the legislative
session, we’ll send out updates via Twitter:

Arizona Firearms Omnibus Bill • AzCDL’s Political Action Committee (PAC) is also on Facebook: .
JAN 24, 2011 02:48P.M. About:
AzCDL believes that the emphasis of gun laws should be on criminal
Arizona Firearms Omnibus Bill Filed misuse and that law-abiding citizens should be able to own and carry
firearms unaffected by unnecessary laws or regulations. AzCDL was
founded by a group of local activists who recognized that a sustained,
coordinated, statewide effort was critical to protecting and expanding the
rights of law-abiding gun owners. As a like-minded coalition of activists,
the AzCDL founders were instrumental in the successful passage of the
first major improvement to Arizona’s CCW (concealed carry) laws since
they were instituted in 1994. Visit:

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Arizona Firearms Omnibus Bill Filed

Tags: Arizona, Arizona Citizens Defense League, AzCDL, Gun Bills, Gun
Arizona Citizens Defense League

Catalina, AZ --( Senator Ron Gould (R-LD3) has filed

SB 1201, an AzCDL-requested “omnibus” firearms related bill. .

The bulk of this bill deals with “Public Buildings” (i.e., government
owned or operated buildings and vehicles) and “Public Events” (i.e.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS We’ve also added Comfort Mesh backrest and armrests to round out the
comfort features.” stated Gorilla’s Marketing Manager Mike Snyder.
Gorilla Comfort Built In The
The Gorilla Pro Series King Kong Expedition HX incorporates a long list
New Pro Series King Kong of features designed to keep a hunter on the stand longer.

Expedition HX Treestand Features include:

JAN 24, 2011 02:21P.M.
• All welded steel HX construction
Gorilla Comfort Built In The New Pro Series King Kong
Expedition HX Treestand • XLS (Extreme Leveling System)
The New Pro Series King Kong Expedition HX Is the Ultimate in All-
Season Treestand Comfort. • Extra wide ComfortMesh flip up seat

• XPE dual density foam backrest and armrests for great support so
that fatigue is not a factor.

• Gorilla’s Exclusive XT-6 red nylon bushings and washers for added
stealth and silence in the woods.

• Solid one piece footrest

• Fully adjustable backpack straps

Pro Series King Kong Expedition HX Suggested Retail: $179.99

About Gorilla Inc.

Gorilla Inc. is an award-winning manufacturer of high performance
treestands and accessories for hunters who demand comfort, strength
and stealth. For more information on the King Kong Expedition HX, visit
Gorilla King Kong Expedition HX Treestand

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Gorilla Comfort Built In The New Pro Series King Kong Expedition HX

Tags: Archery News, Bowhunting Gear, Gorilla Gear, Gorilla Tree

Stands, Hunting Blinds, Hunting Gear, Tree Stands

Gorilla Tree Stands

FLUSHING, Michigan --( Gorilla Inc., a leading

manufacturer of performance treestands and accessories, announces the
introduction of the new Pro Series King Kong Expedition HX hang-on
stand. This spacious and comfortable stand is perfect for all day hunts.

“The new Pro-Series King Kong Expedition HX is the newest hang-on

treestand in the Gorilla line. Built on the success of the King Kong
Expedition HX, the Pro Series offers an enhanced Comfort Mesh seat
that is ergonomically designed to virtually eliminate leg fatigue.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS This arrow is a great example of how Carbon Express is
committed to striving for continuous improvement,
Carbon Express Adds The Hot throughout their award-winning line of products,” noted
Mike Snyder, the company’s Marketing Manager.
Pursuit Arrow To The Mayhem
The Mayhem Hot Pursuit comes standard with the Patented BuffTuff
Line carbon arrow finish. It also is equipped with K-360º Weave Technology
JAN 24, 2011 02:12P.M. for excellent strength and spine consistency along with pink Bulldog
Nock Collars which provide unrelenting strength and durability for nock-
Carbon Express Adds The Hot Pursuit Arrow To The Mayhem end impacts.
Hot Pursuit Arrow is the latest edition to the popular Mayhem Line of The Mayhem Hot Pursuit is available fletched with Blazer or Fusion
hunting arrows. Vanes for added velocity and precise broadhead placement.

Hot PursuitTM Arrow Specs:

Straightness +/- .0035” Weight tolerance +/- 1.0 grain Spine selection
tolerance of +/-.0025” Size: 150 Suggested Retail: $74.95

About Carbon Express

Carbon Express, an Eastman Outdoors Inc. brand, is the leading
manufacturer of high performance carbon hunting and target arrows and
arrow components for hunters and target shooters. For more
Carbon Express information or customer service, visit,
or call 800.241.4833.
Flushing, Michigan – Carbon Express, a leader in arrow technology and
innovation introduces the Mayhem Hot Pursuit, designed for the female Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
hunter, is like 3 arrows in 1, engineered with patented K-360° Weave News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
Technology and pink graphics with white and pink fletching. at Ammo

The Hot Pursuit is engineered to deliver the ultimate combination of Carbon Express Adds The Hot Pursuit Arrow To The Mayhem Line
speed, accuracy and penetration to for short draw, lighter poundage
bows. Tags: Archery Gear, Archery News, Arrows, Bowhunters, Bowhunting
Gear, Carbon Express


Proposed Maryland Gun Laws

Needs Virginia Gun Owners
JAN 24, 2011 02:04P.M.

Proposed Maryland Gun Laws Needs Virginia Gun Owners


Carbon Express Hot Pursuit Arrow

“The Mayhem Hot Pursuit offers all the great features of the
Mayhem Hunter but in a compact and lightweight package.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 25 January 2011

Proposed Maryland Gun Laws Needs Virginia Gun Owners Help

Tags: Gun Owners, Maryland, Maryland Shall, MSI,

Reciprocity, VCDL, Virginia Citizens Defense League

Virginia Citizens Defense League

Covington VA --( Last year a bill that would change

Maryland’s gun laws to honor a Virginia CHP narrowly failed in a
committee vote.

This year it is being tried again and Maryland Shall Issue is requesting
that Virginia gun owners send in comments supporting the measure.

The bill is being considered tomorrow (Tue, Jan. 25) at 1 PM., so we need
to get cracking!

Click here to send an email to the entire judiciary committee:

Fill in your name, email address, home address, phone number

Suggested “Email Subject”:

Please SUPPORT HB-9!

Suggested “Email Message” (feel free to customize):

Please SUPPORT HB-9, Delegate Smigiel’s bill that allow

concealed handgun permit holders from surrounding states
to carry concealed handguns in Maryland. Virginia is
considering similar legislation and I would hope that gun
owners from both sides of the Maryland/Virginia border
would be able to protect themselves as they visit each other’s

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer,
non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human
rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a
fundamental human right. Visit:

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo


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