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Date: January 18, 2011

TO: General Staff

FROM: Sgt. K. Koch

SHIFT HOURS: 1745 Hours TO: 0600 Hours

(Case#, Crime, Type, Location, 1-2 Sentence Summary
110118-1920-01, Armed Robbery, 8830-110 Lindholm Dr. (Gamestop). Officers responded to Birkdale
regarding a reported armed robbery, The suspect entered the store with a handgun & ordered the clerks and
customer to the ground, The suspect took cash, and an X-Box game system before leaving the store, Suspect
Description: Light skinned black male, 5’10” with a slim build, wearing a gray and green hoodie, carrying a
gray semi-automatic pistol. The suspect also had a tattoo on his neck that resembled Chinese lettering.

ARRESTS:(Case #, Crime, Type, Location, 1-2 Sentence Summary

(Case#, Crime, Type, Location, 1-2 Sentence Summary
110118-2139-01, Mental Subject, 10030 Gilead Rd (Presbyterian North), Female transported to
Presbyterian Main for further evaluation.

110118-2153-01, Mental Subject, 10030 Gilead Rd (Presbyterian North). Linda, in ER advised officers that
the male subject is extremely delusional and extremely aggressive, especially toward females. The subject is
being held in a locked, padded room and has broken his hand/wrist beating on the padded walls. The ER has not
treated the subject for the broken hand/wrist due to him being combative. It was decided that the ER staff would
contact the Sheriff’s Office to ensure that the individual would be transported properly and safely to prevent any
further injury.

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