African Presidents Ranking

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Santa in tow, top exhibitions Top African club hopes to rule

head for the Coast Pg XIV the world soon Pg XVI



DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011



The Af≥ican
The good,
the bad and
the ugly
Pg 1-13
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

special ≥epo≥t
In Af≥ica, it is still Ou≥ methology fo≥ the
political leade≥ship Af≥ica Leade≥s Sco≥eca≥d
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The good, the bad and the ugly...

ful incidents from
HEADS OF ECCENTRICS 2010 from these
THE YEAR odd characters in-
cluded: Declaring These leaders took The unprecedented
They are the arche-
war on Switzerland, office in 2010. haemorrhaging of
typal bad governors;
campaigning to be Two have recently reams of highly-
autocrats who run
crowned king and emerged victorious classified United
their countries like
buying towering from recent presi- States diplomatic
personal fiefdoms.
Soviet-style monu- dential elections, cables has caused
These bad dudes
Madagascar. ments from North while the third was much embarrass-
trash national
Idriss Déby, Presi- Korea. a vice-president ment to Africa’s
economies, refuse
dent of Chad. The following eccen- who took the helm leaders.
to hold meaningful
Omar Hassan trics top the list: when his predeces- eral Djibo Salou, Illegal shipments
elections, spends
Ahmad al-Bashir, Yahya Jammeh, sor died. Chairman of the Su- of tanks to Sudan,
oodles of money on
President of Sudan. President of the The fourth is not a preme Council government involve-
defence while popu-
Yahya Jammeh, Gambia. politician but a gen- for the Restoration ment in drugs and
lations starve, tear
President of the Mswati III, King eral, who is trying to of Democracy of weapons smug-
up constitutional
Gambia (above). of Swaziland (pic- get his country on Niger (since Febru- gling, swamps of afi, leader of Libya.
order, spirit public corruption, fears of
Faure Gnassingbé, tured above), and a democratic track ary 18, 2010). Ismail Omar
funds to offshore assassination, and
President of Togo. Abdoulaye Wade, after years of mis- Goodluck Guelleh, President of
accounts, destroy the fact that Col.
Ismail Omar President of Sen- management. Jonathan (above), Djibouti.
the free press, and Gaddafi never trav-
Guelleh, President of egal. Alassane Dramane President of Nigeria Yoweri Museveni,
build up cults of els without a buxom
Djibouti. Muammar Gadd- Ouattara, President (since May 5, 2010). President of Uganda
personality. Ukrainian nurse are
Isaias Afwerki, A number of Afri- afi, Brotherly Leader Côte d’Ivoire (since Alpha Condé, (above).
Andry Rajoelina, just a few of the
President of Eritrea. can leaders display and Guide of the December President-elect of Mwai Kibaki,
President of the highlights.
Paul Biya, Presi- behaviour that is bi- Revolution of Libya 2010). Guinea (yet to take President of Kenya
High Transitional Muammar Gadd-
dent of Cameroon. zarre in the (left). Lieutenant Gen- office). (above).
Authority of
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011


1 Sir Anerood Jugnauth Mauri�us 83.54 A+ 28 Abdelaziz Bouteflika Algeria 43.42 F

2 Pedro Pires Cape Verde 78.91 A 29 Alpha Conde Guinea 41.94 F
3 Ian Khama Botswana 78.7 A 30 Mohamed Hosni Mubarak Egypt 40.74 F-
4 John A�a Mills Ghana 72.56 A 31 King Mswa� III Swaziland 40.05 F-
5 Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba Namibia 71.07 A- 32 Ahmed Abdallah Sambi Comoros 36.97 ICU
6 Jacob Zuma South Africa 69.93 B+ 33 Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz Mauritania 36.29 ICU
7 James Michel Seychelles 66.4 B 34 Blaise Compaore Burkina Faso 35.7 ICU
8 Amadou Toumani Touré Mali 64.4 B 35 Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba Gabon 34.28 ICU
9 Ernest Bai Koroma Sierra Leone 61.89 B 36 Denis Sassou Nguesso Congo 33.43 ICU
10 Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete Tanzania 60.39 B- 37 Faure Gnassingbe Togo 33.38 ICU
11 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Liberia 60.32 B- 38 Malam Bacai Sanha Guinea Bissau 32.84 ICU
12 Rupiah Banda Zambia 59.59 C+ 39 Meles Zenawi Asres Ethiopia 32.68 ICU
13 King Mohammed VI Morocco 54.84 C 40 Yahya Jammeh Gambia 32.48 ICU
14 Bethuel Pakalitha Mosisili Lesotho 54.5 C 41 Ismail Omar Guelleh Djibou� 31.53 ICU
15 Thomas Yayi Boni Benin 53.91 C 42 Joseph Kabila Kabange Drc 30.18 ICU
16 Mwai Kibaki Kenya 53.43 C 43 José Eduardo dos Santos Angola 30.17 ICU
17 Bingu wa Mutharika Malawi 53.04 C 44 Paul Biya Cameroon 29.52 Morgue
18 Abdoulaye Wade Senegal 51.68 C- 45 Andry Rajoelina Madagascar 29.31 Morgue
19 Paul Kagame Rwanda 51.31 C- 46 François Bozizé Yangouvonda CAR 28.22 Morgue
20 Yoweri Museveni Uganda 49.91 D+
21 Alassane Oua�ara Cote D’ivoire 49.69 D+ 47 Robert Gabriel Mugabe Zimbabwe 22.62 Morgue
22 Armando Guebuza Mozambique 49.35 D+ 48 Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed Somalia 22.41 Morgue
23 Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Tunisia 49.01 D 49 Idriss Déby Itno Chad 20.81 Morgue
24 Salou Djibo Niger 48.55 D 50 Teodoro Obiang Nguema Equitorial 20.72 Morgue
25 Goodluck Jonathan Nigeria 46.06 D- Mbasogo Guinea
26 Pierre Nkurunziza Burundi 45.2 D- 51 Omar al-Bashir Sudan 15.67 Morgue
27 Omar Ghaddafi Libya 44.64 F+ 52 Isaias Afwerki Eritrea 12.14 Morgue


THE A-LISTERS These megalomaniacs Teodoro Obiang, GOTTEN
have kept their coun- President of Equato- GOODS GANG Perhaps the truest
tries locked in govern- rial Guinea since 1979. testament to a total
These leaders respect ance chokeholds for José Eduardo dos lack of democracy
democratic process, years, and in some Santos, President of is when a son or
stimulate business Anti-corruption
cases for longer than Angola since 1979. nephew, groomed
growth, NGO Transparency
four decades. Hosni Mubarak, since birth as a
undertake effective International is hot
They have hijacked the President of Egypt princely successor
development pro- on the heels of Af-
destinies of their na- since 1982. inherits leadership
grammes to lift their rican leaders who
tions, sucking up all Paul Biya, President from an ailing or
populations out of have embezzled
political oxygen and of Cameroon since dead father.
poverty and refrain state funds and
monopolising political 1982. stashed them in
from provocative or space. Yoweri Museveni, While succession
warlike actions. Ernest Bai Koroma, France.
They tend to grow in- President of Uganda is not surprising
President of Sierra Included in their President of Togo.
creasingly eccentric and since 1986 Bongo, former pres- among the few re-
These outstanding Leone. vast assets are Teodoro Obiang,
paranoid as their reigns Robert Gabriel Mu- ident of the Gabon maining kings, it is
few tend to be bril- Paul Kagame, stuffed bank ac- President of Equato-
stretch on. gabe, President of (father of deeply unsettling
liantly educated, have President of Rwanda counts, million-dol- rial Guinea (above).
Preferred is an almost Zimbabwe since 1987. Gabon’s current that this has caught
the sterling creden- (above). lar properties and
royalist-style of govern- Blaise Compaore, president). on with some of the
tials one would ex- Navinchandra Ram- fleets of luxury Joseph Kabila,
ance, reminiscent of President of Burkina Teodoro Obiang, continent’s more vi-
pect of world leaders, goolam, Prime Minis- cars. President of the
French King Louis XIV’s Faso since 1987. President of Equato- cious dictators.
and can use diplo- ter of Mauritius. famous remark: “etat, rial Guinea. Democratic Repub-
Omar al-Bashir, But these crooks
matic charm to se- James Alix Michel, c’est moi’) there is Denis Sassou Here are some dic- lic of Congo.
President of Sudan may not keep these
cure bigger foreign President of Sey- much blood on these Nguesso, President tatorships that have Ismail Omar
since 1993. assets for long, as
aid donations: chelles. hands, which often of the Republic of become dynasties, Guelleh, President of
Isaias Afwerki, France∆s top ap-
John Evans Atta Pedro Verona Ro- took power through President of Eritrea Congo. or are likely to soon: Djibouti.
Mills, President of driques Pires, Presi- peals court has au-
coups, wars or mur- since 1993. Paul Biya, Presi-
Ghana. dent of Cape Verde. thorised an inquiry Mohammed VI,
ders. Meles Zenawi, Prime dent of the Repub- Ali Ben Bongo
Ellen Johnson- Seretse Khama Ian into their ill-gotten King of Morocco.
Muammar Gaddafi, Minister of Ethiopia lic of Cameroon Ondimba, President
Sirleaf, President of Khama, President of goods. Mswati III, King
leader of Libya since since 1995. (above). of Gabon.
Liberia. Botswana. The late Omar of Swaziland.
1969. Faure Gnassingbe,
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

Navinchandra Ramgoolam year on the otherwise peaceful archipelago.

Moment of the year:
Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius (since July 5, 2005). Being invited to speak at the Mo Ibrahim Forum, after his country was
Political background: named the best governed country in Africa. Mauritius has topped the list
Ramgoolam is the son of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, known as the every year since it was launched.
“Father of the Nation”. Served as Prime Minister from 1995 to 2000, before
losing at the polls. Retook the premiership in 2005 after outcampaigning Indices
Mauritian Militant Movement leader Paul Berenger. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 83.0, Rank = 1
Successes in 2010: Democracy Index: Score = 8.04, Rank = 26 (Full democracy, Parliamentary
Ramgoolam secured a majority government in the 2010 Mauritian general republic, Parliamentary democracy)
elections after a closely fought race. Press Freedom Index: Score = 18.00, Rank = 65
The polls were deemed to have been “free and transparent” by international Corruption Index: Score = 5.4, Rank = 39
observers. Mauritius, ranked first on the Mo Ibrahim Index, has a lot to Human Development Index: Score = 0.701, Rank = 72 (High human develop-
be proud of. It is one of the few highly-developed countries in Africa, and ment)

appears to be staying on the right track under Ramgoolam.
Failures this year: NMG index: 10/10
1 Mauritians were alarmed to learn that 123 fatal car accidents occurred this Final Grade: 83.54

Pedro Verona Rodriques Pires ing foreign aid and investment, and maintaining peace and order in his
President of the Republic of Cape Verde (since March 22, 2001).
Moment of the year:
Political background: Under President Pires’ watch, Cape Verde inaugurated the Centre for
Pedro Pires is a towering figure in Cape Verdean politics, and has been Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. An agency of the Economic
since the country gained Independence from Portugal in 1975. He was a Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the policy and technology
revolutionary in his younger days and a key military commander in the centre is based in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde. With a budget of $150
African Party for Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde. Was the first million, the centre will focus particularly on how to improve power supply
Prime Minister of Independent Cape Verde, serving from 1975 to 1990. to poor West Africans.
Remained active in politics, finally retaking power in 2001 in a showdown Indices
with longtime rival Carlos Veiga. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 75.5, Rank = 4
Democracy Index: Score = 7.81, Rank = 34 (Flawed democracy, Republic)
Successes in 2010: Press Freedom Index: Score = 8.00, Rank = 26
Cape Verde is one of a handful of African countries that is on track to Corruption Index: Score = 5.1, Rank = 45
meet the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. The United Nations says ex- Human Development Index: Score = 0.534, Rank = 118 (Medium human
cellent progress is being made in the areas of poverty eradication, health, development)

education and gender. Failures this year: NMG Index: 9/10
Final Grade: 78.91
One is hard pressed to find any missteps by President Pires. He is attract- 2

Seretse Ian Khama the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). It is said that the San people
have been forcibly kicked-out of the CKGR to pave the way for commercial
President of the Republic of Botswana (since 2008).
Political background: activities, especially mining.
A former army commander and the son of Botswana first’s president, Ian Moment of the year:
Khama ascended fast in politics from minister of presidential affairs and public At a Botswana Democratic Republic rally, former Cabinet minister
administration to vice president (1999), and party chairman (2003). When Kebatlamang Morake set the tone of what would dominate the proceedings
president Festus Mogae resigned in 2008, Khama succeeded to the presidency; when at the podium he shouted: “Naledi Khama rapela ngwana wa ga kgaitsadio
he was elected to a full term in 2009. wa kgosi a nyale...” (Naledi Khama, please could you plead with your brother’s
Successes this year: son, who is also our chief, to marry). President Khama would later tell the
Africa’s democratic darling, President Khama has been taking deliberate steps rally: “For your information, I want a woman who is tall, slim and good
to improve foreign relations as he visited Japan and Cuba this year. He also looking”, not a huge one, as many Batswana tend to be, as such a woman could
hosted Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping. The highlights of the visit included break the bed.
the signing of the agreement on Economic and Technical Co-operation, which Indices
offers Botswana a grant of $6 million for development projects. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 75.9, Rank = 3
Though Botswana’s Aids epidemic is severe, this year Khama has overseen Democracy Index: Score = 7.47, Rank = 39 (Flawed democracy, Parliamentary
huge progress due to antiretroviral programmes. The 152,598 Botswanans republic, Unicameralism)
receiving antiretroviral therapy represent 92.5 per cent of those needing the Press Freedom Index: Score = 17.50, Rank = 62
drugs. Corruption Index: Score = 5.8, Rank = 33
Failures this year: Human Development Index: Score = 0.694, Rank = 125 (Medium Human

For the third consecutive year in a row, Khama failed to attend the United Development)
Nations General Assembly. Khama’s government has come under criticism by NMG Index: 9/10
Final Grade: 78.70
3 international rights groups for the relocation of the Kalahari Bushmen from

John Evans Atta Mills country of such violence during his campaign two years ago.
President of the Republic of Ghana (since January 7, 2009)
Political background: Moment of the year:
Among the best-educated leaders on the continent, is known in Ghana Many were surprised when Mills was publicly derided as “wicked” and
as ‘The Prof.’ He is a development economist and legal expert. Served as “callous” by a senior ranking member of his own party, the outspoken
vice-president under Jerry Rawlings from 1996-2000. Won the 2009 Dr Ekwow Spio-Garbrah. The former ambassador to the United States
presidential elections, after incumbent John Kufour stepped down after was outraged that President Mills had not given a new home to former
two terms in office. president Jerry Rawlings, whose home burned down in a Valentine’s Day
Successes this year:
Mills will proudly watch this December as the black gold starts pumping Indices
and Ghana takes its place amongst the petrol-exporting countries of the Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 64.6, Rank = 7
world. Democracy Index: Score = 5.35, Rank = 94 (Hybrid regime, Presidential
Large finds at the Jubilee offshore oilfield since 2007 have now put system, Constitutional republic)
Ghana’s total reserves at 1.5 billion barrels, and possibly more. Mills Press Freedom Index: Score = 8.00, Rank = 26
has ushered the development of this sector along, and will likely reap Corruption Index: Score = 4.1, Rank = 62
political rewards once royalty money begins to flow in. Human Development Index: Score = 0.467, Rank = 130 (Low human
Failures this year:
President Mills struggled with the recent but sharp increase in armed
robberies and roadside banditry in the country. He pledged to rid the
NMG Index: 9/10
Final Grade: 72.56 A 4
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba Congo.

He was awarded the 2010 FANRPAN Food Security
Minister for Youth and Sports, proposed that
prostitution should be legalised. At the same time,
President of the Republic of Namibia (since 2004).
Policy Leadership Award (Food, Agriculture and President Pohamba was calling upon the entire nation
Political background:
Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network) for to pray for divine intervention to save Namibia from
A former activist and political prisoner, Pohamba was
creating responsible fisheries policies in Namibia. decaying moral values.
also the lands minister who sped up one of Namibia’s
It was a double celebration as Pohamba was
most difficult schemes — the expropriation of land Indices
inaugurated this year for his second term. The event
from white farmers to black citizens. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 67.3, Rank = 6
was in conjunction with celebrations marking the
He was one of the founding members of the South Democracy Index: Score = 6.48, Rank = 64 (Flawed
country’s 20th anniversary
West Africa People’s Organisation (Swapo) and was democracy, Republic)
its presidential candidate in 2004. He won in what Press Freedom Index: Score = 7.00, Rank = 21
Failures this year:
was described as a landslide. Corruption Index: Score = 4.4, Rank = 56
A new communications law passed in July raised Human Development Index: Score = 0.686, Rank = 128
concerns about privacy rights, and media harassment
Successes in 2010: (Medium human development)
continued throughout the year.

Pohamba took over the chairmanship of the Southern
Moment of the year: NMG Index: 8/10
African Development Community (SADC) from
This year, Kazenambo Kazenambo, the outspoken Final Grade: 71.07
5 President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of

Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma After huge scrutiny for taking more than the legal time freedom and had to confront angry union protestors for
President of the Republic of South Africa (since 2009).
to do so, Zuma finally declared his assets this year. The weeks.
Political background: president is meant to do so within 60 days of taking Moment of the year
A shrewd political operator, and sterling intelligence office. Zuma took nine months. Zuma staying in Buckingham Palace with Thobeka
officer for the Africa National Congress during the By far, though, Zuma gets many feathers in his cap for Stacey Madiba, his latest bride and fifth wife, whom he
struggle, Zuma has had no formal schooling, became South Africa staging one of the most successful World married in January.
involved in politics at an early age and has served a Cups ever. Indices
10-year-jail sentence for “conspiring to overthrow the Failures this year Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 71.5, Rank = 5
Apartheid government.” In 2005, he was relieved of his There have been alleged abuses by Zuma’s bodyguards Democracy Index: Score = 7.91, Rank = 31 (Flawed
duties as deputy president by Thabo Mbeki, in the wake who were implicated in multiple incidents involving democracy, Constitutional democracy, Bicameralism)
of corruption allegations. Was elected president of the members of the public and journalists. Press Freedom Index: Score = 12.00, Rank = 38
African National Congress in 2007 after the ouster Zuma’s personal life has greatly overshadowed his Corruption Index: Score = 4.5, Rank = 54
of Mbeki, and went on to win the 2009 presidential professional one. It emerged that Zuma fathered a Human Development Index: Score = 0.597, Rank = 110

elections. “love child” with the daughter of a family friend, and he (Medium human development)
Successes in 2010: continues amassing wives. NMG Index: 7/10
Zuma became a father for the 22nd time this year. He also supported a law that, critics argue, curbs press Final Grade: 69.93

James Alix Michel Launching a university to serve the island’s 85,000 Moment of the year
President of the Republic of Seychelles (since April 14, residents was a dream of President Michel, and he President Michel was deemed “A man of the people”
2004). was named the academy’s first chancellor. in a gushing profile article published in Seychelles
Political background: Two Indian firms have announced they will begin Elite, a glossy magazine influential on the island.
A former teacher and army colonel, Michel became exploring for oil off Seychelles in 2012. Also, Sey- However, the inauguration of the University of Sey-
active in politics in 1974. He served alongside former chelles broke its tourism record this year, surpassing chelles is still the crowning moment for 2010.
president France-Albert René after he came to power 161,274 visitors. Indices
in a bloodless coup in 1977 which secured the island’s Failures this year Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 78.5, Rank = 2
independence. He served as the country’s vice presi- With only 85,000 residents, the Seychelles has a Democracy Index: Not listed
dent from 1996 to 2004, and succeeded Mr René as rather puny navy of only nine ships. Press Freedom Index: Score = 18.00, Rank = 65
president. This has been far from sufficient to protect the island Corruption Index: Score = 4.8, Rank = 49
Successes in 2010: from attacks and harassment by the pirates of the Human Development Index: Score = 0.845, Rank =
He inaugurated the University of Seychelles in No- Indian Ocean. The tourism and fishing sectors have 57 (High human development)

vember, alongside the guest of honour, Britain’s Prin-
cess Anne, Chancellor of the University of London.
been seriously affected, and the Seychelles must
move quickly.
NMG index: 10/10
Final Grade: 66.40
He easily won the presidency in Malian security officials who
“have alerted insurgents that fair, and is considered among juicy campaign contributions
the 2002 and 2007 presidential
their cell phone calls were the most effective presidents in may have helped him secure
Successes in 2010: In years past, being monitored and leaked Africa. the ministerial post, which he
Mali was considered the weak sensitive intelligence.” Algeria reportedly used to further his
link in the fight against terror called the country “a favourable Successes in 2010: President drugs business.
in the region, being accused business environment for Koroma has been as successful
of weak action by Algeria and terrorists.” managing Sierra Leone’s inter- Moment of the year:
Mauritania. Now, however, it Moment of the year: President national relations as he has been President Koroma got very
appears Mali is doing its part. Touré laid the foundation
with its internal affairs. public kudos from Barack
Touré announced recently that stone of a monument at
Kouroukanfouga to help his He has convinced the United Obama in September, during
a joint command which includes
nation recall a distant past Kingdom to boost bilateral aid the US President’s address to
Malian, Mauritanian, Nigerien and
Algerian officers has been formed when Mali was the centre of a by a further 50 million pounds the United Nations General
to combat Islamic extremists in great empire. Signed in 1236, sterling in 2010. His focus on Assembly. Sierra Leone was
the region. the Charter of Kouroukanfouga agricultural development is bear- held up as an example of
8 Besides terrorists and kidnappers, cemented together the
Empire of Mali, laid down a
ing fruit, and donors are gushing good governance in the global
Touré is also putting in a decent at the results. South.
effort to fight the Aids epidemic, constitution and laws, and is The UN Development Pro-
considered by some historians
Amadou Toumani Touré and recently represented Africa
at a meeting of the World Fund as the first constitution in
gramme gave him an award this Indices
President of the Republic of Mali Africa. year, saying: “This award is for Mo Ibrahim Index: Score =
(since June 8, 2002) Against Aids in New York.
President Koroma who has given 46.0, Rank = 32
Political background: A trained Indices everything to ensure that there Democracy Index: Score =
soldier, Touré was in charge of Failures this year: While it
appears Touré is a committed ally Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = is sufficient food for the farmers 4.11, Rank = 112 (Hybrid re-
parachute commandos when 52.9, Rank = 19
in the fight against Al-Qaeda, the who are doing the hard job.” gime, Constitutional republic)
longtime Malian dictator Moussa
Traoré violently crushed protests proficiency of his armed forces Democracy Index: Score = 9 Press Freedom Index: Score =
is questionable. Earlier this year 5.87, Rank = 83 (Hybrid regime Failures this year: Despite his 24.25 Rank = 91
against his rule in 1991. Siding Semi-presidential system)
with the protestors, Touré Mauritanian troops staged a raid efforts to crack down on corrup- Corruption Index: Score = 2.4,
in Malian territory. Touré’s troops Press Freedom Index: Score =
participated in a successful coup tion, Koroma has still allowed Rank = 134
and ousted Traoré from power. He have been unable to locate five 8.00, Rank = 26 Ernest Bai Koroma a few rats into his Cabinet. Human Development Index:
French hostages currently being Corruption Index: Score = 2.7,
then assumed the duties of the Rank = 116 President of the Republic of Sierra Transportation and Aviation Score = 0.317, Rank = 158
head of state, helping write a new held by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb in northwestern Mali. As Human Development Index: Leone (since September 17, 2007) Minister Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay (Low human development)
Constitution and hold elections, Score = 0.309, Rank = 160 was sacked for involvement
before stepping aside in 1992. a result, no rescue operation can

(Low human development) Political background: in a cocaine trafficking ring in NMG Index: 9/10

For his services, he earned the be launched.
title “The Soldier of Democracy.” Wikileaks cables revealed NMG Index: 8/10 Came to power in 2007 in August. Wikileaks documents Final Grade: 61.89
Algeria’s scathing critique of Final Grade: 64.40 elections considered free and have alleged that Mr Sesay’s
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

Jakaya Kikwete East African region. Speaking to regional leaders, he

has urged investment in irrigation technologies that
traditional healers with immediate effect, but the
killings continue. The issue tarnishes Tanzania’s image.
President of United Republic of Tanzania (since
can boost output and limit dependence on rainfall to Moment of the year: Winning a second term in
December 21, 2005).
grow crops. the October presidential elections, and securing his
Political background: A military officer who rose
leadership till 2015. The opposition alleged fraud,
to the rank of lieutenant-colonel before turning to
Failures this year: Kikwete was undermined by the however, and Kikwete emerged with a weakened
politics. Served as Tanzania’s foreign minister from
October election fiasco that was rigged by his ruling mandate that may make things more difficult for him in
1995 to 2005, when he won the presidency in elections
CCM, forcing the opposition to hand out its most his second and final term.
deemed largely free and fair. Has won accolades (and
emphatic rejection of a Tanzanian election outcome in Indices
development dollars) from abroad for investing in
a long time. They also embarrassed Kikwete further by Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 55.0, Rank = 16
education. Played a last-minute role in helping Kenya
staging a rare walk out in Parliament on its opening as Democracy Index: Score = 5.28, Rank = 96 (Hybrid
return to peace after the 2008 post-election violence
soon as he entered the chamber. regime, Republic)
by mediating between competing factions.
Despite his apparent best efforts, Kikwete has yet to Press Freedom Index: Score =13.00, Rank = 41
Successes in 2010: Upon taking office after winning
find a viable solution to the killing of albinos. Albinos Corruption Index: Score = 2.7, Rank = 116
recent elections, President Kikwete promised to
are often ritually killed in Tanzania and their body Human Development Index: Score = 0.398, Rank = 148

overhaul Tanzania’s student loans programme to
parts used by witchdoctors as part of medicines, (Low human development)
increase access to higher education. He has also pushed
enchantments and curses. The president tried to halt NMG index: 7/10
for major investments in agricultural technology in the
the practice in 2009 by revoking the licences of all Final Grade: 60.39 10

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf week’s list of outstanding leaders, and deemed “the best Living up to her moniker, President Johnson-Sirleaf
President of the Republic of Liberia (since January 16, president the country has ever had” by The Economist. abruptly dismissed her entire Cabinet in November. She
2006). Her programme to reward anti-graft whistleblowers said she needed a “clean slate” to push ahead with her
Political background: with five per cent of stolen government funds recovered anti-corruption agenda.
Known in Liberia as the “Iron Lady”, Ellen Johnson- has been effective, and Transparency International Indices
Sirleaf is currently the only elected female head of state reports improvements in corruption in the country. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 43.2, Rank = 38
in Africa. Educated at Harvard University’s prestigious In November, a group of single, professional women Democracy Index: Score = 5.25, Rank = 98 (Hybrid
Kennedy School of Government, she served in Liberia’s and girls formed the “Ellen Girls’ Brigade.” A grassroots regime, Presidential Republic )
Cabinet in the 1970s. Lost the 1997 presidential elec- organisation, the brigade will support “Mama Liberia” in Press Freedom Index: Score = 22.50, Rank = 84
tions to Charles Taylor, before winning the 2006 vote. her run for re-election in 2011. Corruption Index: Score = 3.3, Rank = 87
Has pledged to crack down on corruption. Failures this year Human Development Index: Score = 0.300, Rank = 162
Successes in 2010: The fact that some 12,000 Liberian students failed the (Low human development)

Johnson-Sirleaf was the darling of the Western media standardised West African Examinations alerted many NMG Index: 8/10
this year. She was named one of the top 10 female lead- to the continuing brain drain in Liberia. Final Grade: 60.32
ers by Time magazine, dubbed “The Rebuilder” in News- Moment of the year

Rupiah Bwezani Banda UNHCR for allowing Angolan refugees, who wished to
stay in Zambia, to live there permanently.
with Zambia should not “blackmail” his government
by withholding donor support as a way of forcing it
President of the Republic of Zambia (since 2008).
Zambia’s mining sector has been boosted by sound to resolve challenges faced in various sectors of the
Political background:
measures and policies implemented by Banda’s economy.
Banda has a history of holding important diplomatic
posts, including ambassador to the United States,
Failures this year: Indices
and was appointed vice-president by president Levy
Despite being applauded by the international Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 54.9, Rank = 17
Mwanawasa in October 2006. When Mwanawasa died
community, Mr Banda has faced staunch criticism Democracy Index: Score = 5.25, Rank = 97 (Hybrid
in 2008, Banda became president and narrowly won
at home. He has come in for criticism for high Regime, Republic)
re-election in 2008 as the candidate of the governing
unemployment rates in the country, taking excessive Press Freedom Index: Score = 22.0, Rank = 82
Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD).
foreign trips and not doing enough to prevent Corruption Index: Score = 3.0, Rank = 101
Successes in 2010:
catastrophes during the worst floods the country has Human Development Index: Score = 0.395, Rank = 150
On World Aids Day, Banda announced that 90 per

had in 40 years. (Low human development)
cent of infected Zambians were able to obtain Aids
treatment. Moment of the year NMG Index: 7/10
He was applauded by the international community and Banda declared that governments that co-operate Final Grade: 59.59 12

exceed the targets for water and sanitation

services under the Millennium Development
Bethuel Pakalitha Mosisili
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho (since
Goals , thanks to greater public spending on
water supply and sanitation infrastructure.
Political background: A former academic and
Failures this year teacher, Mosisili was elected to parliament in
At least four people were killed and 70 injured 1993 where he served as minister of education
as Moroccan forces stormed a refugee camp in and manpower development, deputy prime
the disputed region of Western Sahara. minister, before being elected the leader of the
According to a leaked report from American Lesotho Congress for Democracy in 1998. He was
diplomats, Morocco’s royal family is using the sworn in as Prime Minister the same year.
institutions of the state to “coerce and solicit
bribes” in the country’s lucrative real estate Successes in 2010: His dedication to the fight
sector. against the pandemic in Lesotho is demonstrated
Human Rights Watch has charged that by the focus on education for prevention. He was
Moroccan police have instituted a pattern of commended by Unicef’s Executive Director, Ann
abuse under the country’s anti-terrorism law, M. Veneman, this year.
notably by way of detentions carried out by Failures this year: In 2005, Mosisili obtained
the intelligence service. a grant of approximately $8.7 million from
the Chinese to construct Lesotho’s new
Moment of the year: parliament. Work started in 2007, with a
The King’s 10th Marrakech Film Festival was a planned inauguration in July 2009, but this was
truly star-studded event with the likes of John
13 Malkovich, Keanu Reeves, Martin Scorsese,
postponed to this year and has now once again
been delayed. One of the fundamental issues was
Francis Ford Coppola and James Caan in the poor supply of water and electricity — which
Mohammed VI Indices
had been the responsibility of the government.
King of the Kingdom of Morocco (since July 30 Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 56.6, Rank = 13
1999). Moment of the year: Lesotho’s King Letsie III
Democracy Index: Score = 3.88, Rank =
Political background: 120 (Authoritarian regime, Constitutional
and Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili led the
nation in a peace march in the capital Maseru, 14
Groomed for “kingship”, as his late father King monarchy) marking the African Union’s declaration of 2010
Hassan II referred to his upbringing, Moham- Press Freedom Index: Score = 47.40, Rank = as a year of peace, stability and security.
med VI became monarch in 1999. Mohammed is 135 Press Freedom Index: Score = 24, Rank = 90
estimated by Forbes to be worth $2 billion, and Corruption Index: Score = 3.4, Rank = 85 Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 60.1, Rank Corruption Index: Score = 3.5, Rank = 78
the Moroccan Royal Family has one of the larg- Human Development Index: Score = 0.567, = 10 Human Development Index: Score = 0.514, Rank = 156

Rank = 114 (Medium human development)

est fortunes in the world. NMG index: 7/10 Democracy Index: Score = 6.29, Rank = 71 (Medium human development)
Successes in 2010 Final Grade: 54.84 (Flawed democracy, Constitutional monarchy, NMG Index: 5/10
The World Bank tipped Morocco to be on track to Parliamentary system) Final Grade: 54.50
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

15 16 served as minister of finance, home affairs,

and health. Spent 10 years as vice president
a culture of impunity. The United States has
said a number of “drug barons” are included in
to former president Daniel arap Moi. Came to the Kenyan public service and government, but
power in 2002 in free and fair elections. Was the Kenyan government has taken no apparent
accused by Kenyan and international observers action yet.
of rigging the 2007 elections, robbing rival Piracy is on the increase in Kenya’s coastal
Raila Odinga of the presidency. The flawed waters and is having severe effects on the
elections caused the country to erupt in country’s economy and security. Nevertheless,
paroxysms of iethnic violence, which ended Kibaki decided to stop accepting, trying and
when a power-sharing deal was struck. jailing pirates in Kenya. It is debatable whether
Successes in 2010: Wrote his name indelibly that was a bad or good thing. However, the
into Kenya’s history books by midwifing a effect is that it weakened global counter-
progressive and long-awaited new Constitution. piracy efforts and angered some of Kenya’s
The Constitutional implementation process international partners.
continues, and the degree to which Kibaki can Moment of the year: Hoisting the new
deliver on the euphoric high hopes for the new Constitution triumphantly into the air on
Constitution will do much to determine this Promulgation Day, after it had been given the
legacy. official stamp.
Thomas Yayi Boni His government also started some of the Indices
President of the Republic of Benin (since April 6. 2006). Mwai Kibaki most ambitious refurbishment of urban roads
in Africa, and Nairobi will soon have several
Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 50.5, Rank = 26
Democracy Index: Score = 4.79, Rank = 103
Political background: An international banker who President and Commander in Chief of the
holds a Phd in economics, Boni was a high officer In Armed Forces of the Republic of Kenya (since flyovers. (Hybrid regime, Presidential system)
the Central Bank of the States of West Africa before December 30, 2002). Failures this year: Mr Kibaki has failed to rein Press Freedom Index: Score = 19.00, Rank = 70
working on the staff of former Beninese president Political background: Kenya has had a in the rampant and widespread corruption Corruption Index: Score = 2.1, Rank = 154

Nicephore Soglo, running banking and monetary new dawn, but still has the same group of that is crippling Kenya’s economic and political Human Development Index: Score = 0.398, Rank
policy. He then moved on to become president of the Independence leaders. Kibaki is a veteran development. Many ministers and officials have = 148 (Low human development)
West African Development Bank (BOAD). Took power politician who helped push for Kenya’s been caught with their hands in the cookie NMG index: 6/10
following a tough election race in 2006, and survived an independence in the 1960s, and has since jar, but have not been punished, perpetuating Final Grade: 53.43
assassination attempt in 2007. A convert from Islam to
Successes in 2010: Boni saw Benin through its worst
Mutharika had to open Malawi’s waterway
floods since 1963, which left almost 700,000 homeless Bingu wa Mutharika (Born Ryson linking inland Malawi to the Indian Ocean
and provoked a deadly cholera outbreak. In the
aftermath of the disaster, he sought and co-ordinated Webster Thom) without the arrival of the important barges. 17
President of the Republic of Malawi (since 2004). The port is due to improve trading with the
international aid. He secured aid from unusual sources
Political background: After serving in the Malawi landlocked country. But the waterway’s
like Iran.
civil service, and also for a period in the government maiden voyage was delayed after
of Zambia, Dr Mutharika worked for the United Mozambican authorities impounded a barge
Failures this year: He narrowly survived calls for his
Nations, the Common Market for Eastern and that was due to make the trial journey.
resignation, after more than 130,000 Beninese lost their
Southern Africa (Comesa) and the World Bank. He
savings in a Ponzi scheme. He had publicly endorsed the Moment of the year:
was one of the founders of the United Democratic
illegally-run investment fund on TV and radio, appearing Not one to shy away from luxury, the
Front, the party that won Malawi’s first multi-
side-by-side with its operators to encourage people to 76-year-old president became engaged to
party elections in 1994, and also founded his own
invest. Yayi sacked his interior minister and an appeals former tourism minister Callista Chimombo,
Democratic Progressive Party after a falling out with
court prosecutor over the case. Forty-eight opposition planning a $3.1 million wedding at the Civo
former president Bakili Muluzi. He ran unsuccessfully
MPs petitioned for the president to be indicted for his Stadium in Lilongwe. The ceremony was
for office in 1999 but was finally successful in 2004.
involvement, but the speaker of parliament intervened attended by 3,500 guests and two roads
Successes in 2010: On January 31, 2010 Mutharika
to quash any action against Mr Boni. were built within 60 days in time for the
replaced Muammar al-Gaddafi as chair of the African
Moment of the year: Benin led the charge in November wedding so that the president and his
to weaken international protections for homosexuals, guests could travel between his £50m home
Malawi has moved from being a food aid recipient,
proposing an amendment to a United Nations resolution and the venue in comfort.
to becoming a maize donor to countries in need, and Corruption Index: Score = 3.4, Rank = 85
on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. Indices
sells its surplus on world markets. Human Development Index: Score = 0.493, Rank = 160
Reference to gays was removed, after a UN vote which Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 51.7, Rank = 22
Failures this year: The government came under

passed with strong African backing. Benin was slammed Democracy Index: Score = 5.13, Rank = 99 (Medium human development)
criticism from Malawi’s Catholic bishops who urged NMG Index: 5/10
afterwards by gay rights groups for endangering the (Hybrid regime, Republic)
it not to use its numerical parliamentary strength to Final Grade: 53.04
safety of homosexuals around the world. Press Freedom Index: Score = 21, Rank = 79
suppress minority views.
Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 56.6, Rank = 12
Democracy Index: Score = 6.06, Rank = 80 (Flawed
democracy, Republic)
Press Freedom Index: Score = 19.00, Rank = 70
Corruption Index: Score = 2.8, Rank = 110 19 following a genocide engineered by extremists,
the government and the army then, that left
incident caused Kagame much embarrassment,
and major diplomatic waves in the region.

Human Development Index: Score = 0.435 Rank = 234 nearly one million people dead. Kagame’s government termed the accusations
(Low human development) Was named vice president and defence minister — believed by many in the international
NMG Index: 5/10 in the Cabinet of Rwandan president Pasteur community — “insane.”
Final Grade: 53.91 Bizimungu. Took power when Bizimungu was President Kagame is the darling of the
deposed in 2000. Won landslide electoral international press. Fortune magazine published
victories in 2003 and 2010, securing over 93 per an article recently titled “Why CEOs Love
cent of votes on both occasions. Rwanda,” and Kagame was named the “world’s
top reformer” in the World Bank’s Doing
Successes in 2010: Kagame has just won a new Business Report 2010.
seven-year term in a landslide poll, in a race with Influential CNN luminary Fareed Zakaria also
18 no serious rival. International election observers praised Kagame, saying “the biggest success
said the election was devoid of “critical story out of the continent is Rwanda.
Paul Kagame opposition voices,” noting that the three other Indices
President of the Republic of Rwanda (since April candidates were linked to Kagame’s coalition. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 47.2, Rank = 31
22, 2000). That aside, Rwanda has emerged as the regional Democracy Index: Score = 3.71, Rank = 121
Political background: Paul Kagame fled an leader in business and economic growth. (Authoritarian regime, Republic)
ethnic massacre in Rwanda at the age of two Failures this year: Some of the skeletons in Press Freedom Index: Score = 81.00, Rank = 169
in 1959, moving with many fellow Tutsis to the Kagame’s closet came back to haunt him this Corruption Index: Score = 4.0, Rank = 66

Gahunge refugee camp in Uganda. Began his year. He was named in a leaked report by the UN Human Development Index: Score = 0.385, Rank
military service at age 20, fighting with Yoweri High Commissioner for Human Rights on crimes = 152 (Low human development)
Museveni’s National Resistance Army. Led the committed by various forces in the Democratic NMG index: 8/10
Rwanda Patriotic Army/Front to victory in 1994, Republic of Congo between 1993 and 2003. The Final Grade: 51.31

Successes in 2010: President Wade made African Renaissance Monument sparked The comment provoked the ire of the Catholic
Abdoulaye Wade a compassionate gesture in the aftermath public outrage. Built by North Koreans at a Church, and Wade apologised.
President of the Republic of Senegal (since of the Haiti earthquake, inviting all Haitians cost of $27 million, the bronze statue is the
April 1, 2000). who wanted to return to Africa to make a tallest on the continent. Depicting a half-clad Indices
Political background: new home in Senegal. He promised parcels of family, it has been criticised as unIslamic Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 56.3, Rank = 14
A long-time opposition leader, he ran for land, education and even a whole region for and extravagantly expensive. Democracy Index: Score = 5.37, Rank = 93 (Hybrid
president four times, beginning in 1978, Haitians if they chose to come en masse. In Controversially, Wade claims he is entitled regime Semi-presidential system)
before he was elected in 2000. Spent time October, 160 Haitian students arrived. “Your to 35 per cent of all revenues from tourists’ Press Freedom Index: Score = 25.00, Rank = 93
in exile in France after being arrested while ancestors left here through the gate of no visits because the monument is his Corruwption Index: Score = 2.9, Rank = 105
protesting the results of the 1998 election. return,” Wade said. “(Now) you are coming intellectual property. Human Development Index: Score = 0.411, Rank =

Some fear he will make a bid for re-election back to Africa, as free men, to come and Moment of the year: Wade shocked and 144 (Low human development)
in 2012, which would be illegal, as he will study.” offended Christians, who make up about five
have completed the term of service allowed Failures this year: The unveiling of President per cent of Senegalese, when he publicly NMG Index: 5/10
by the constitution. Wade’s grandiose prestige project titled the denied the divinity of Jesus Christ this year. Final Grade: 51.68
The EastAfrican The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011 DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and Second Congo Wars. Moment of the year: Grabbing Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi struggle inside the ruling elite. However, the Colonel
intervened in the matter and ordered their release.
said Muslims everywhere had a duty to act against
the country, which he claimed had been destroying
Successes in 2010: Of late, President the attention of young voters in President of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab mosques. This followed a vote in Switzerland against
President of Uganda (since seizing power Museveni has pledged some $389 million the run up to next year’s elections Jamahiriya (since September 1, 1969) Failures this year: building minarets.
on January 26, 1986). to upgrade Uganda’s roads network. He’s with his club-banging and wildly Political background: Gaddafi is a dictator, but a very amusing one. He
Political background: Long-time ruler also promised to eradicate poverty in popular music single: ‘Do you want The colonel came to power in a coup in 1969 against opened the Africa-EU summit saying the partnership Indices:
and veteran guerilla commander. Began the country by 2020. The President also another rap?’. “It’s good to rap and the ailing King Idris I. Over the years, Gaddafi between the two continents had failed. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 51.5, Rank = 23
his career as an intelligence officer in recorded a minor diplomatic coup by I am a rapper these days, but that’s supported a broad range of militant groups, including Gaddafi failed in his bid to stay on as president of Democracy Index: Score = 2.0, Rank = 159
1970, but soon became a guerrilla fighter, visiting Somalia to lend support to the entertainment,” said Museveni. the Irish Republican Army and the Palestine the African Union for another year. At the annual (Authoritarian regime Jamahiriya (“State of the
warring to depose the tyrant Idi Amin Transitional Federal Government, making Indices Liberation Organisation. He is a controversial figure, AU summit in Ethiopia, leaders from 53 African masses”))
from 1972 to 1979. Museveni continued to him the first foreign leader to visit the Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 50.8, Rank = 24 once regarded as a pariah by the West. Colonel countries chose the President of Malawi, Bingu wa Press Freedom Index: Score = 63.50, Rank = 160
fight in a rebellion to depose Milton Obote country since 2007. Democracy Index: Score = 5.03, Rank = Gaddafi began his return to the international fold Mutharika, to take his place. Corruption Index: Score = 2.2, Rank = 146
— the first leader elected after Amin in Failures this year: Corruption remains 101(Presidential system, Republic) after Libya settled the Lockerbie bombing claims The Colonel caused a scene at the African Heads Human Development Index: Score = 0.755, Rank
flawed polls in 1980. In 1986, Museveni a major problem and the World Bank
20 Press Freedom Index: Score = 25.50, Rank and agreed to stop developing of weapons of mass of State Summit in Speke Resort, Munyonyo, near = 53, although highest in Africa! (High Human

seized power. He won the elections in asked him to fire or discipline officials for = 96 destruction. Kampala when he slapped one of his aides for taking Devemopment)
1996, 2001 and 2006, the latter two siphoning off funds. Uganda received aid Corruption Index: Score = 2.5, Rank = 127 Successes in 2010: him to a wrong venue of the meeting.
being widely criticised as rigged. Has donations from the 2007 Commonwealth aid donations by over $115 million Human Development Index: Score = 0.422, Authorities had arrested 19 journalists and a senior Moment of the year: NMG index: 6/10
removed presidential term limits to hold Heads of Government Meeting, but much because senior ministers responsible Rank = 143 (Low human media executive, reportedly as part of a power When Gaddafi declared war on Switzerland. He Final Grade: 44.64
on to power. An early reformist who
turned the once-war wracked country
of the money has been embezzled, the
Ugandan parliament found. The British
have not been held to account. Arrest development)
NMG index: 5/10
and torture of critics, journalists and
around, he got deeply involved in the First government has announced it will slash opponents remains widespread. Final Grade: 49.91
Alassane Dramane
Ouattara Nationale (FLN). He became a minister in the post- Alpha Condé
President of the Republic of Côte 28 independence government and won the presidency 29
Armando Emílio Guebuza the elections with 63.7 per cent of votes.
Successes in 2010: Awarded the
in as President of Mozambique for a
second term at a ceremony witnessed
d’Ivoire (since December 2010). in the 1999 polls with the backing of the army. President-elect of the Republic of Guinea.
Political background: Personal background: Alpha Condé, who
President of the Republic of Mozambique African Gender Award for his efforts to by over 5,000 people and many Successes in 2010: The commander of Africom
Incoming President Outtara has has spent the past decades as Guinea’s prime
(since 2005). champion wider participation of women international heads of state. forces, US forces in Africa, General David Hogg,
for decades been a major player in opposition politician, at last won the presidency
Political background: A former leader in government. reported progress “very impressive” in Algiers.
international financial institutions. in November 2010. The elections were considered
of Frelimo (Frente de Libertação de Failures this year: A jump in the price Indices Failures this year: This year, Algeria kicked out the
Successes this year: the first free and credible polls in the country’s
Moçambique — Mozambique Liberation of bread and other goods sparked Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 52.1, Rank = 20 International Federation of Human Rights, Human
On December 2, Ivory Coast’s history. Suffers from acute diabetes and, it’s said,
Front) and served briefly as part of a 10- three days of protests on the streets Democracy Index: Score = 5.49, Rank = 92 Rights Watch and Amnesty International.
Independent Electoral Commission he can no longer walk unassisted.
member collective head of state after the of Maputo; 13 people were killed, and (Hybrid regime, Presidential system) declared Ouattara won the second
death of Mozambique’s first president, 142 arrested. A high proportion of the Press Freedom Index: Score = 26.50, Rank = 98 Moment of the year: During the Africa-France Successes this year: Leading Guinea out of
round of voting. a cycle of brutal military rule and towards
Samora Machel, in 1986. When socialist population suffers from food insecurity, Corruption Index: Score = 2.7, Rank = 116 Summit, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and
economic policies were abandoned under and the agricultural sector suffers from Human Development Index: Score = 0.402, Failures this year: President Bouteflika hugged. This ignited hope for democracy for the first time. The death of
President Joaquim Chissano, Guebuza inadequate infrastructure, commercial Rank = 172 (Low human development) Laurent Gbago refuses to go! improved relations between the two nations. longtime president Lasana Conté in 2008

became a successful and wealthy networks and investment. Indices: sent Guinea spiraling deeper into violent and
Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 55.2, Rank = 15 undemocratic rule.
businessman. He was chosen as Frelimo’s Moment of the year: Despite delayed Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 6.8, Rank
22 presidential candidate in 2004 and won rains, Guebuza kept cool and was sworn
NMG Index: 5/10
Final Grade: 49.35
= 44
Democracy Index: Score = 3.32, Rank = 133
(Authoritarian regime, Semi-presidential system,
Failures this year: Has not been in power long
Democracy Index: Score = 3.27, Rank enough to record notable failures. He takes the
Republic) presidency with a relatively clean slate. (Authoritarian regime, Military junta)
= 134 (Authoritarian regime, Semi-
presidential system) Abdelaziz Bouteflika Press Freedom Index: Score = 47.3, Rank = 133 Moment of the year: Has pledged to create a Press Freedom Index: Score = Rank =
President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Corruption Index: Score 2.9, Rank = 105 truth and reconciliation commission to help heal Corruption Index: Score = 2.0, Rank = 164
Press Freedom Index: Score = 36.00,

Algeria, (since April 28, 1999). Human Development Index: Score = 0.677, Rank =
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali though human rights may still lag
behind, significant economic progress
youth, at the start of the International
Year of Youth, was extremely popular
Rank = 118
Political background: Was involved with Algeria’s 84 (Medium Human Development)
the deep fissures in his often war-torn country.
Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 35.6, Rank
Human Development Index: Score = 0.340, Rank =
156 (Low human development)
Corruption Index: Score = 2.2, Rank
President of the Republic of Tunisia (since was reported. The executive Board worldwide and made several public liberation process from a young age and became NMG index: 4/10 = 45 NMG Index: 5/10
= 146
November 7, 1987). of the Central Bank of Tunisia noted screenings. an influential member of the Front de Libération Final Grade: 43.42 Democracy Index: Score = 2.09, Rank = 158 Final Grade: 41.94
Human Development Index: Score
Political background: He has served as that economic activity was marked by Indices

= 0.397, Rank = 149 (Low human
prime minister, member of government, improved production in the agriculture, Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 62.1, Rank = 8 development)
senior army officer and diplomat. He energy and mining sectors. Democracy Index: Score = 2.96, Rank = NMG Index: 7/10
was sworn in as the new president in Failures this year: The arrest of Taoufik 141 (Authoritarian regime, Republic) Final Grade: 49.69
1987, after doctors declared president Ben Brik, a prominent critic of President Press Freedom Index: Score = 72.50, Rank Mohamed Hosni Mubarak reviving moribund Palestinian-Israelis
talks at the White House. 30 31
Habib Bourguiba unfit to govern because Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Brik has always = 164 President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
of senility. The takeover is sometimes claimed his conviction was politically Corruption Index: Score = 4.3, Rank = 59 Failures this year: There has been a Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score =
(since October 14, 1981).
described as a palace coup. motivated, but officials deny he was Human Development Index: Score huge amount of tension this year in 60.5, Rank = 9

Successes in 2010: Ben Ali has framed. Wikileaks claims Tunisia blocked = 0.683, Rank = 81 (High human Political background: He is Egyptian relation to Nile water distribution. Democracy Index: Score = 3.89, Rank
fluctuated between being progressive the site, reporting “hatred” of first lady. development) politics’ great survivor. In 2005, he This has been compounded by = 119 (Authoritarian regime, Semi-
and authoritarian during his 20 years Moment of the year: President Ben Ali’s NMG index: 6/10 gained a fifth consecutive term as water shortages in Egypt. Ethiopia presidential system, Republic)
as President of Tunisia. This year, speech on August 2010 to the world Final Grade: 49.01 23 president at the age of 77. He has
survived six assassination attempts. He
maintained that it had evidence about
Egypt’s support to rebels against the
Press Freedom Index: Score = 43.33,
Rank = 127
has pursued friendly relations with the Addis government in order to secure Corruption Index: Score = 3.1, Rank
West, and broken the isolation imposed the River Nile waters. = 98
on Egypt by Arab countries opposed to Moment of the year: Al-Ahram, the Human Development Index: Score =
Mswati III (born
peace with Israel. state-owned newspaper, doctored 0.620, Rank = 101 (Medium Human
Djibo Salou A referendum was held on the new charter
in October, and passed with over 90 per
new, legitimately democratic Niger was
almost lost earlier this year when a plot Successes in 2010: photos showing President Obama and Development) Makhosetive Dlamini)
Chairman of the Supreme Council for the cent approval. General Salou proudly to assassinate General Salou and halt his Met his Palestinian counterpart other leaders being led down a corridor NMG index: 3/10 His Majesty the Ngwenyama (King) of
Restoration of Democracy of Niger (since promulgated the constitution in early reforms was uncovered and foiled. Led Mahmoud Abbas in Cairo to discuss by Mubarak during Middle East peace Final Grade: 40.74 Swaziland (since 1986)
February 18, 2010). December, announcing the dawn of the 7th by a former deputy head of the junta, the Political backround: One of the many
Political background: Former president Republic. Presidential elections have been counter-coup aimed to stop General Salou’s
Mamadou Tandja was ousted in a coup in scheduled for January 2011. General Salou planned transition to civilian rule. 25 sons of King Sobhuza II, the Great
Council of State (the Liqoqo) selected
February 2010. The presidential palace has declared no junta member can run for
was attacked and the president captured office.
Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 42.3, Rank = 40 32 Ahmed Abdallah Sambi index, is considered an authoritarian
regime, and is by far the poorest and
with Iran, a country he has deep
connections with (he studied there).
the 14-year-old prince Makhosetive to
be the next king following Sobhuza’s
by military officers opposed to his Failures this year: Niger, which for years Democracy Index: Score = 3.41, Rank = 128 Goodluck Jonathan President of the Union of Comoros (since worst governed island state off Africa. Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 29,
death in 1982. He was crowned king
attempt to extend his term limit beyond was rated the worst place to live in the (Authoritarian regime, Military Junta ) President of Federal Republic of Ni- May 26, 2006). “The Ayatollah” has failed to turn things Rank = 48.5
the constitutional maximum. Lieutenant world by the United Nations, is likely to be Political background: He is known as around. Democracy Index: Score = 3.58, Rank on April 25, 1986.
Press Freedom Index: Score = 28.50, Rank = 104 geria (since 5 May 2010, acting since
General Djibo Salou heads the ruling hit by another severe famine. The ruling the “The Ayatollah of Comoros.” He rose Failures this year: Sambi has overstayed = 123 (Authoritarian regime, Federal Successes in 2010: The Ministry
junta, called the Supreme Council for the junta appears to have done little to prepare Corruption Index: Score = 28.50, Rank = 123 9 February 2010) to prominence in business — trading in his welcome in the president’s office, Republic) of Health launched a programme to

Restoration of Democracy, and is Niger’s de or plan for this. The European Union and Human Development Index: Score = 0.261, Rank Political background: mattresses, bottled water and perfume. his mandate having ended in May. After Press Freedom Index: Score = 19.00, award health facilities that excel.
facto and pro temp leader civil society groups have been shipping in = 167 (Low human development) Jonathan was handpicked by former Took the presidency in what was the the December 26, 2010 presidential Rank = 70 Failures this year: It doesn’t
Successes this year: General Salou helped food aid to areas at risk. NMG Index: 6/10 president Umaru Yar’Adua to be first peaceful transfer of power in elections., he will be replaced in the Corruption Index: Score = 2.1, Rank =
24 to peacefully usher in a new Constitution. Moment of the year: The dream of a Final Grade: 48.55 vice-president, and succeeded him in the country, which has endured more presidency, which rotates between the 154
bode well that King Mswati III is
a polygamist in an HIV hotzone.
February 2010. Nigeria is preparing than 20 coups or coup attempts since constituent island of the Comoros, for Human Development Index: Score
Moment of the year:

for elections in 2011. independence from France in 1975. the first time, with someone from the = 0.428, Rank = 140 (Low human
Successes in 2010: Hardly any. Comoros tiny island of Moheli. development) While on a trip in Taiwan, his 12th
Successes in 2010:
remains very low on development Moment of the year: He has pushed NMG index: 2/10 wife, Mswati Nothando Dube, 22,
In taking over after Yar’Adua,
Pierre Nkurunziza human rights violations and a “shrinking
political space” in Burundi, so it is
to punch above its weight as the EAC’s
five-country Common Market gains Jonathan managed Nigeria’s
indices, very high on the corruption Comoros into closer and closer relations Final Grade: 36.97 and the country’s justice minister,
President of the Republic of Burundi Ndumiso Mamba, were discovered
debatable whether, indeed, that is a momentum. smoothest succession.
(since August 26, 2005). having a romantic affair.
success. Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score =
Political background: A university
Failures this year: Nkurunziza’s Indices 43.3, Rank = 37
Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz Successes in 2010: Mauritania has been
lauded for its determined fight against
km away from the water source.
Indices 33 Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score =
lecturer until the outbreak of the President of The Islamic Republic of 50.8, Rank = 25
cabinet is helping itself to public funds Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 44.7, Rank Democracy Index: Score = 3.53, Rank Islamic extremism in the region. General Mo Ibrahim Index: Rank = 36, Score =
Burundian civil war in 1993, when he Mauritania (since 5 August 2009) Democracy Index: Score = 3.04, Rank
in a fairly blatant manner. Burundi’s = 33 = 124 (Authoritarian regime, Federal- Abdelaziz has not hesitated to send troops 43.4
joined the Force for the Defence of Political background: = 137 (Authoritarian regime, Absolute
anti-corruption watchdog has alleged Democracy Index: Score = 4.51, Rank = ism, Presidential system) across borders into neighboring Mali to Democracy Index: Rank = 118, Score
Democracy as a soldier after the army This firebrand general has led two coups in
that half the funds destined for a $6 106 (Hybrid regime, Republic) keep the pressure on Al-Qaeda in the = 3.91 (Authoritarian regime, Islamic monarchy)
attacked his campus. Later turned Press Freedom Index: Score = 51.50, five years, coming to power after ousting
million weapons contract with Ukraine Press Freedom Index: Score = 28.88, Islamic Maghreb. republic) Press Freedom Index: Score = 57.50,
this rebel group into a political party. Rank = 146 his democratically-elected predecessor
were pocketed by officials. The country Rank = 108 Failures this year: Tensions between the Press Freedom Index: Rank = 95, Score = Rank = 155
Took power in the 2005 presidential Corruption Index: Score = 2.4, Rank in a 2009 coup. Prior to this, he was a
is ranked the most corrupt in the East Corruption Index: Score = 1.8, black and Arab communities in Mali are on 25.38 Corruption Index: Score = 3.2, Rank =
elections. = 134 soldier with the Presidential Guard, and
African Community. Rank = 170 the increase, thanks to a few provocative Corruption Index: Rank = 143, Score = 2.3 91
Successes in 2010: President helped suppress a coup in 2003 and
Moment of the year: Burundi has taken Human Development Index: Score Human Development Index: Score messages from President Abdelaziz’s UN Human Development Index: Rank

Nkurunziza emerged victorious in a military insurrection in 2004. Was Human Development Index: Score =
up the rotating chair of the East African = 0.282, Rank = 166 (Low human = 0.423, Rank = 142 (Low human

cabinet. Moment of the year: President = 136, Score = 0.433 (Low Human

elections this year, securing his

elected president in 2009, in elections 0.498, Rank = 121 (Medium Human
Community this year. These are big development) development) Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz unveiled a Development)
leadership until 2015. The elections initially boycotted by the opposition, but Development)
diplomatic shoes for this small country NMG index: 5/10 NMG Index: 6/10 waterworks project to supply his capital
were roundly criticised, and Human later deemed somewhat free and fair by
Rights Watch has reported serious to wear, but offers a chance for Burundi Final Grade: 45.20 26 Final Grade: 46.06 observers. city with water from the Senegal River.
The parched capital, Nouakchott, is 200
NMG index: 2/10
Final Grade: 36.29- ICU
NMG Index: 4/10
Final Grade: 40.05
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi struggle inside the ruling elite. However, the Colonel
intervened in the matter and ordered their release.
said Muslims everywhere had a duty to act against
the country, which he claimed had been destroying
President of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab mosques. This followed a vote in Switzerland against
Jamahiriya (since September 1, 1969) Failures this year: building minarets.
Political background: Gaddafi is a dictator, but a very amusing one. He
The colonel came to power in a coup in 1969 against opened the Africa-EU summit saying the partnership Indices:
the ailing King Idris I. Over the years, Gaddafi between the two continents had failed. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 51.5, Rank = 23
supported a broad range of militant groups, including Gaddafi failed in his bid to stay on as president of Democracy Index: Score = 2.0, Rank = 159
the Irish Republican Army and the Palestine the African Union for another year. At the annual (Authoritarian regime Jamahiriya (“State of the
Liberation Organisation. He is a controversial figure, AU summit in Ethiopia, leaders from 53 African masses”))
once regarded as a pariah by the West. Colonel countries chose the President of Malawi, Bingu wa Press Freedom Index: Score = 63.50, Rank = 160
Gaddafi began his return to the international fold Mutharika, to take his place. Corruption Index: Score = 2.2, Rank = 146
after Libya settled the Lockerbie bombing claims The Colonel caused a scene at the African Heads Human Development Index: Score = 0.755, Rank
and agreed to stop developing of weapons of mass of State Summit in Speke Resort, Munyonyo, near = 53, although highest in Africa! (High Human

destruction. Kampala when he slapped one of his aides for taking Devemopment)
Successes in 2010: him to a wrong venue of the meeting.
Authorities had arrested 19 journalists and a senior Moment of the year: NMG index: 6/10
27 media executive, reportedly as part of a power When Gaddafi declared war on Switzerland. He Final Grade: 44.64

28 Nationale (FLN). He became a minister in the post-

independence government and won the presidency
Alpha Condé 29
in the 1999 polls with the backing of the army. President-elect of the Republic of Guinea.
Successes in 2010: The commander of Africom Personal background: Alpha Condé, who
forces, US forces in Africa, General David Hogg, has spent the past decades as Guinea’s prime
reported progress “very impressive” in Algiers. opposition politician, at last won the presidency
Failures this year: This year, Algeria kicked out the in November 2010. The elections were considered
International Federation of Human Rights, Human the first free and credible polls in the country’s
Rights Watch and Amnesty International. history. Suffers from acute diabetes and, it’s said,
he can no longer walk unassisted.
Moment of the year: During the Africa-France Successes this year: Leading Guinea out of
Summit, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and a cycle of brutal military rule and towards
President Bouteflika hugged. This ignited hope for democracy for the first time. The death of
improved relations between the two nations. longtime president Lasana Conté in 2008
sent Guinea spiraling deeper into violent and
Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 55.2, Rank = 15 undemocratic rule.
Democracy Index: Score = 3.32, Rank = 133 Failures this year: Has not been in power long
(Authoritarian regime, Semi-presidential system, enough to record notable failures. He takes the
Republic) presidency with a relatively clean slate. (Authoritarian regime, Military junta)
Abdelaziz Bouteflika Press Freedom Index: Score = 47.3, Rank = 133 Moment of the year: Has pledged to create a Press Freedom Index: Score = Rank =
President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Corruption Index: Score 2.9, Rank = 105 truth and reconciliation commission to help heal Corruption Index: Score = 2.0, Rank = 164

Algeria, (since April 28, 1999). Human Development Index: Score = 0.677, Rank = the deep fissures in his often war-torn country. Human Development Index: Score = 0.340, Rank =
Political background: Was involved with Algeria’s 84 (Medium Human Development) Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 35.6, Rank 156 (Low human development)
liberation process from a young age and became NMG index: 4/10 = 45 NMG Index: 5/10
an influential member of the Front de Libération Final Grade: 43.42 Democracy Index: Score = 2.09, Rank = 158 Final Grade: 41.94

Mohamed Hosni Mubarak reviving moribund Palestinian-Israelis

talks at the White House. 30 31
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Failures this year: There has been a Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score =
(since October 14, 1981).
huge amount of tension this year in 60.5, Rank = 9
Political background: He is Egyptian relation to Nile water distribution. Democracy Index: Score = 3.89, Rank
politics’ great survivor. In 2005, he This has been compounded by = 119 (Authoritarian regime, Semi-
gained a fifth consecutive term as water shortages in Egypt. Ethiopia presidential system, Republic)
president at the age of 77. He has maintained that it had evidence about Press Freedom Index: Score = 43.33,
survived six assassination attempts. He Egypt’s support to rebels against the Rank = 127
has pursued friendly relations with the Addis government in order to secure Corruption Index: Score = 3.1, Rank
West, and broken the isolation imposed the River Nile waters. = 98
on Egypt by Arab countries opposed to Moment of the year: Al-Ahram, the Human Development Index: Score =
Mswati III (born
peace with Israel. state-owned newspaper, doctored 0.620, Rank = 101 (Medium Human
Successes in 2010:
Met his Palestinian counterpart
photos showing President Obama and Development) Makhosetive Dlamini)
other leaders being led down a corridor NMG index: 3/10 His Majesty the Ngwenyama (King) of
Mahmoud Abbas in Cairo to discuss by Mubarak during Middle East peace Final Grade: 40.74 Swaziland (since 1986)
Political backround: One of the many
sons of King Sobhuza II, the Great
Council of State (the Liqoqo) selected
32 Ahmed Abdallah Sambi index, is considered an authoritarian
regime, and is by far the poorest and
with Iran, a country he has deep
connections with (he studied there).
the 14-year-old prince Makhosetive to
President of the Union of Comoros (since worst governed island state off Africa. Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 29, be the next king following Sobhuza’s
May 26, 2006). “The Ayatollah” has failed to turn things Rank = 48.5 death in 1982. He was crowned king
Political background: He is known as around. Democracy Index: Score = 3.58, Rank on April 25, 1986.
the “The Ayatollah of Comoros.” He rose Failures this year: Sambi has overstayed = 123 (Authoritarian regime, Federal Successes in 2010: The Ministry
to prominence in business — trading in his welcome in the president’s office, Republic) of Health launched a programme to
mattresses, bottled water and perfume. his mandate having ended in May. After Press Freedom Index: Score = 19.00, award health facilities that excel.
Took the presidency in what was the the December 26, 2010 presidential Rank = 70 Failures this year: It doesn’t
first peaceful transfer of power in elections., he will be replaced in the Corruption Index: Score = 2.1, Rank = bode well that King Mswati III is
the country, which has endured more presidency, which rotates between the 154
a polygamist in an HIV hotzone.
than 20 coups or coup attempts since constituent island of the Comoros, for Human Development Index: Score
Moment of the year:

independence from France in 1975. the first time, with someone from the = 0.428, Rank = 140 (Low human
Successes in 2010: Hardly any. Comoros tiny island of Moheli. development) While on a trip in Taiwan, his 12th
remains very low on development Moment of the year: He has pushed NMG index: 2/10 wife, Mswati Nothando Dube, 22,
indices, very high on the corruption Comoros into closer and closer relations Final Grade: 36.97 and the country’s justice minister,
Ndumiso Mamba, were discovered
having a romantic affair.
Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz Successes in 2010: Mauritania has been
lauded for its determined fight against
km away from the water source.
Indices 33 Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score =
President of The Islamic Republic of 50.8, Rank = 25
Islamic extremism in the region. General Mo Ibrahim Index: Rank = 36, Score =
Mauritania (since 5 August 2009) Democracy Index: Score = 3.04, Rank
Abdelaziz has not hesitated to send troops 43.4
Political background: = 137 (Authoritarian regime, Absolute
across borders into neighboring Mali to Democracy Index: Rank = 118, Score
This firebrand general has led two coups in monarchy)
keep the pressure on Al-Qaeda in the = 3.91 (Authoritarian regime, Islamic
five years, coming to power after ousting Press Freedom Index: Score = 57.50,
Islamic Maghreb. republic)
his democratically-elected predecessor
Failures this year: Tensions between the Press Freedom Index: Rank = 95, Score = Rank = 155
in a 2009 coup. Prior to this, he was a
black and Arab communities in Mali are on 25.38 Corruption Index: Score = 3.2, Rank =
soldier with the Presidential Guard, and
the increase, thanks to a few provocative Corruption Index: Rank = 143, Score = 2.3 91
helped suppress a coup in 2003 and
messages from President Abdelaziz’s UN Human Development Index: Rank Human Development Index: Score =
a military insurrection in 2004. Was
cabinet. Moment of the year: President = 136, Score = 0.433 (Low Human

elected president in 2009, in elections 0.498, Rank = 121 (Medium Human
Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz unveiled a Development)
initially boycotted by the opposition, but Development)
waterworks project to supply his capital
later deemed somewhat free and fair by NMG Index: 4/10
city with water from the Senegal River. NMG index: 2/10
observers. Final Grade: 40.05
The parched capital, Nouakchott, is 200 Final Grade: 36.29- ICU
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

Blaise Compaore Failures this year: Compaore’s international standing took a

hit this year when he was ranked the 17th worst dictator in
President of Burkina Faso (since 15 October 1987).
the world by Foreign Policy Magazine. Described as: “A tin-pot
Political background: Made his early career in the Burkinabe
despot with no vision and no agenda, save self-perpetuation
armed forces, receiving military training from France. With
in power by liquidating opponents and stifling dissent,
French-backing Mr Compaore, then minister for justice,
Compaoré has lived up to the low standards of his own rise to
mounted a coup d’etat in 1987 against his close friend,
power, after the killing of his predecessor, Thomas Sankara,
former president Thomas Sankara. The charismatic and
in a 1987 coup.”
popular revolutionary was dismembered and buried in an
Moment of the year: Compaore, surprisingly, is playing an
unmarked grave, apparently under orders from Compaore.
important mediator role, as the international community
He seized power, and has now held it for 23 years, holding
seeks to keep the lid on the political crisis boiling over
periodic elections denounced by many as shams. A classic
in Ivory Coast. Following recent disputed elections, two
African “Big Man,” he is known for his ostentatious wealth,
candidates have been sworn in as president, and the eyes of
which offends many, considering he rules the third poorest
the world are on Compaore. The Economist magazine dubbed
country in the world.
him “the region’s most respected peace-broker.”
Successes this year: Emerged victorious from the November
21 presidential elections with over 80 per cent of the
vote, securing a fourth term. The election was deemed Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 51.9, Rank = 21 Democracy Index: 35
Score = 3.6, Rank =122 (Authoritarian regime, Semi-presidential
“transparent” by monitors from the African Union and the
system) Press Freedom Index: Score = 15.00 Rank = 49 Corruption
Economic Community of West African States. Requests by
opposition candidates to have the results thrown out for Index: Score = 3.1 Rank = 98 Human Development Index: Score = Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba
0.305 Rank = 161 (low human development) President of the Gabonese Republic
“serious irregularities” were rejected by the constitutional
council. NMG Index: 1/10
Final Grade: 35.70 ICU 34 (since October 16, 2009)

Political background: Another heir,

Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba is the son of
Omar Bongo, who ruled Gabon from
1967 until his death in 2009. Served
as minister of defence and foreign
Denis Sassou-Nguesso Failures this year:
Sassou-Nguesso increased the salaries of civil servants
affairs under his father, joining the
President of the Republic of Congo (since 1997; he was ministry in 1988. Won elections
as “the best way to effectively fight against corruption”. in 2009 that were rejected by the
previously President from 1979 to 1992).
He should have taken his own advice. A French court has opposition.
Political background: Sassou-Nguesso was installed as
now approved the appointing of a judge to inquire into the Successes in 2010:
president by the military in 1979 but lost his position in the
circumstances under which he, Equatorial Guinea President President Bongo secured a massive
country’s first multi-party elections in 1992. He returned
Teodoro Obiang Nguema, and the late President Omar investment deal from Singapore-
to power in 1997 after a brief civil war in which he was
Bongo of Gabon and their relatives amassed bank accounts based Olam International this year,
backed by Angolan troops. His personal spending habits are
and assets in France. valued at $1.3 billion.
the source of heavy criticism and he is being investigated
Moment of the year: The firm will build a fertiliser
by the French police due to claims that he has used millions
Sassou-Nguesso himself formally inaugurated “Nkouo,” the production complex, which the
of pounds of embezzled public funds to acquire lavish
first of three agricultural villages the government plans to presidency said could generate
properties in France.
develop at a cost of US$27 million. around 10,000 jobs. The lure of
Successes this year: In January 2010, the IMF declared
Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 32.7, Rank = 48 Gabon, said senior Olam executives,
that Congo had satisfied all of the triggers in Poverty
Democracy Index: Score = 2.94, Rank = 143 (Authoritarian was “the long term availability of
Reduction Strategy. Following that, Congo was granted
regime, Republic) natural gas at competitive prices.”
$1.9 billion in debt relief by the Paris Club in March 2010.
Press Freedom Index: Score = 33.60, Rank = 114 Failures this year:
Congo signed the World Resources Institute (WRI)
Corruption Index: Score = 2.1, Rank = 154 Like a handful of other blatantly
agreement worth 787 million francs CFA to monitor forest
Human Development Index: Score = 0.489, Rank = 126 corrupt Franco-African leaders,
cover change in the country and evaluation of carbon
(Medium Human Development) Bongo is facing a probe in France over
stocks and emissions from forest degradation, an essential
NMG Index: 2/10

step for the country in positioning itself in the market for
carbon credits. Final Grade: 33.43 ICU “ill-gotten goods.” His accounts and
holdings in that country are being
Moment of the year:
On November 4, he launched the
World Conference of Regular
Freemasonry in Libreville. President
Faure Gnassingbe Failures this year:
When President Gnassingbe was “re-elected” in March
Bongo’s grip on power tightened
recently when he took the title of top
President of the Togolese Republic (since May 4, 2005).
this year, Togo was plunged back into chaos, just like the Freemason in Gabon. He was installed
last time the incumbent faced the ballot box. Accusations in November as the grand master of
Political background: of fraud were widespread. This time, the death toll for the Grand Lodge of Gabon and the
The Gnassingbe clan have ruled Togo as their personal the post-election violence reached between 400 and 500, Grand Equatorial Rite, the two major
fiefdom since 1967. The current president is the son of the according to UN reports. Around 40,000 Togolese fled to French Freemasonic organisations in
late president Gnassingbé Eyadéma, who took power upon neighbouring countries. the country, by visiting senior masons
Togo’s independence in 1967 and held it for 38 years. from France.
Upon his death in 2005, his son Faure was immediately Moment of the year: Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score =
installed as president by military authorities. Sham Following the March election, a peaceful candlelight vigil 50.1, Rank = 27
elections were held soon thereafter, and resulted in against the stolen election was crushed by police, leaving EIU Democracy Index: Score = 3.00,
protests that were violently crushed, leaving 790 people 30 injured. Another planned vigil in April was prevented by Rank = 139 (Authoritarian regime,
dead and 4,345 injured. security services raiding opposition party headquarters. Republic)
Successes in 2010: Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 42.6, Rank = 39 Press Freedom Index: Score = 28.75,
President Gnassingbe has managed to co-opt his main Democracy Index: Score = 2.43, Rank = 151 (Authoritarian Rank = 107
opposition opponent Gilchrist Olympio, the leader of the regime, Republic) Corruption Index: Score = 2.8, Rank
Union of Forces for Change. He gained the support of Press Freedom Index: Score = 17.00, Rank = 60 = 110
Mr Olympio — whose father, Togo’s first president, was Corruption Index: Score = 2.4, Rank = 134 Human Development Index: Score =
assassinated by the late president Gnassingbé Eyadéma Human Development Index: Score = 0.428, Rank = 139 0.648, Rank = 93 (Medium human
— by offering his party seven ministerial posts. The deal (Low human development) development)
has not gone down well on the streets, where protests
continue, denouncing Mr Olympio as a “traitor.”
NMG Index: 1/10
Final Grade: 33.38 ICU 37
NMG Index: 1/10
Final Grade: 34.28 ICU

Malam Bacai Sanha statehood. The country now serves as a major transit hub for cocaine
smuggled from Latin America to Europe.
President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (since September 8, 2009)
The United States has accused senior generals of being “drug kingpins” and
frozen their US assets. Following a coup attempt by generals in April 2010,
Personal history:
the European Union cancelled its mission to reform the country’s security
He took power in the presidential elections of 2009. He is a member of the
forces and recalled troops.
African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, and a former
aide to the “father of independence” Amilcar Cabral. Served as President of
Moment of the year:
the National People’s Assembly from 1994 to 1999. Ran unsuccessfully for
President Sanha officially inaugurated his government’s new headquarters in
president in 2000 and 2005. Took the helm in 2009.
November, which was entirely funded by China. With space for 12 ministries
Successes in 2010:
and a price tag of $25 million, it is the latest big ticket gift from Beijing.
Narrowly avoided being toppled from power during a coup attempt in April
Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 39.1, Rank = 43
2010, when the military in Guinea-Bissau detained Prime Minister Carlos
Democracy Index: Score = 1.99, Rank = 160 (Authoritarian regime, Semi-
Gomes Junior and Army Chief of Staff Zamora Induta. President Zanha
presidential system, republic )
downplayed the seriousness of the coup plot, which was met with large street
Press Freedom Index: Score = 18.25, Rank = 67
protests, and vowed to find “a friendly solution to this problem.” In under
Corruption Index: Score = 2.1, Rank = 154
three months, things were back to normal and all officials were back in their
Human Development Index: Score = 0.289, Rank = 164 (Low human
Failures this year:
38 He appears powerless to turn around Guinea-Bissau’s slide into narco- NMG Index: 2/10
Final Grade: 32.84 ICU
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

with the incumbents until 2015. The Opposition Yahya Jammeh

39 alleged widespread intimidation. Ethiopia’s President of the Republic of the Gambia (since 40
economy, meanwhile, remains remarkably October 18, 1996)
strong, growing at nearly 10 per cent in 2009, Political background: A 29-year-old army
and predicted to expand at a rate of 7 per cent captain, Jammeh returned with Gambian forces
this year. from Liberia in 1994 and staged a bloodless coup
Failures this year: against the longtime ruler, Sir Dawda Kairaba
His recent foreshadowing of war with Egypt Jawara. Has since won three controversial rounds
over the control of the River Nile was both of elections. Among Africa’s most bizarre and
unexpected and unsettling. We are not seeking colourful leaders, he claims mystic powers, such
as the ability to cure Aids and asthma with single-
war and there will be not be war,” Egyptian
dose herbal treatments and a banana-rich diet.
foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said. His ability to read at a functional level is doubted
His party also fiddled the elections. by some. He has expressed ambitions of territorial
Moment of the year: expansion. Carries a sword at all times.
Blasted a European Union Election Observer
Mission report on last May’s elections, which Successes in 2010: Managed to quash the second
said the electoral “process falls short of coup attempt against his regime in November,
international standards.” The Prime Minister this time pinning the blame on the director of
Meles Zenawi Asres angrily retorted that the report was “useless internal security in The Gambia’s feared National
Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Intelligence Agency.
trash that deserves to be thrown in the
Republic of Ethiopia (since August 1995). International observers predict that a successful
garbage” can and it was “just the view of some coup against Mr Jammeh is “only a matter of
Political background: Western neo-liberals who are not happy about time,” especially as he maneuvers to crown
Named Legesse at birth, this former guerilla the strength of the ruling party.” himself king.
took the nom de guerre “Meles” in tribute Indices: Failures this year: After working since 2006 to President Sheik Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Abdul-
to a student revolutionary killed in 1975 by Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 43.5, Rank = 35 build relations with Iran, Mr Jammeh watched Azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh” but appears
Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam. Democracy Index: Score = 4.52, Rank = 105 this diplomatic foray go down in flames. unsatisfied. Traditional chiefs and tribal elders
Was named transitional head of state when his The Gambia had purchased a shipment of arms have been fanning out across The Gambia, building
(Hybrid regime Federalism, Parliamentary
rebels overthrew the Mengitsu regime in 1991, from Iran, including weapons as large as 107mm support for a coronation, which could well take
republic) place soon.
and helped forge the 1994 constitution. Won rockets. The 13-sea-container shipment, which
Press Freedom Index: Score = 49.38, Rank = Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 53.0, Rank =
elections and became prime minister in 1995 potentially violates the UN arms trade ban on
139 Iran, marked as “construction materials” was 18
and 2001 with little opposition. Opposition Corruption Index: Score = 2.7, Rank = 116 Democracy Index: Score = 4.19, Rank = 111 (Hybrid
seized at the port of Lagos, Nigeria.
resistance was stronger in the 2005 elections, Human Development Index: Score = 0.328, After the seizure, President Jammeh severed regime, Republic)
and widespread allegations of electoral fraud Rank = 157 (Low human development) diplomatic ties with Iran and declared its Press Freedom Index: Score = 40.50, Rank = 125

led to riots and instability. diplomats personae non grata. He gave them 48 Corruption Index: Score = 3.2, Rank = 91
Successes this year: NMG index: 2/10 hours to leave the country. Human Development Index: Score = 0.390, Rank =

Meles’s party emerged victorious from the 2010 Final Grade: 32.68 Moment of the year: Notorious for heaping 151 (low human development)
general elections, ensuring power will remain himself with ostentatious titles, the president
is gunning for yet another: King of The Gambia. NMG Index: 1/10
He now goes by the handle “His Excellency the Final Grade: 32.48 - ICU

parliamentary elections are due next year,

President Kabila signed into law the
establishment of a permanent National
the only candidate in the race. Independent Electoral Commission
(CENI) to replace the transitional CEI.
Successes in 2010: Kabila has taken steps to improve
In April, Djibouti’s Parliament (which the country’s business climate; and
contains no member of the opposition) the government officially launched
passed a constitutional amendment the National Organisation for the
permitting President Guelleh to run Harmonisation of Business Law in
for a third term. Djibouti has signed Africa (OHADA) Commission in April
a series of agreements with Iran to 2010.
deepen bilateral relations and boost Also, inflation has been significantly
trade and investment. reduced during 2010 and the
annualised rate is currently projected
Failures this year: at less than 10 per cent, the lowest in
Djibouti’s efforts to beef up its a very long time for DRC.
counter-piracy efforts were quashed by Kabila ordered a stop to all mining
the United States, Wikileaks revealed activities in North Kivu, South Kivu
recently. Djibouti was in discussions and Maniema. He took the decision
with US private security firm Blackwater due to what was felt to be conflicts
International about employing private aggravated by the mining operations.
anti-piracy boats in coastal waters, but plans
were vetoed by US Secretary of State Hillary Failures this year: There were two
Clinton. massive reports of rape: In
July and August, 242 rape
Moment of the year: incidents were reported
Djibouti rarely garners media in and around a village
attention, but did this year due to called Luvungi, although the
Wikileaks. A leaked cable quotes figure is now believed to being
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah closer to 500. Then again in
Saleh as “singling out smuggling September and October, it is
from Djibouti as particularly estimated that 600 individuals
troublesome” in the bandit-filled Red had been raped along the Congo-
Sea. Mr Saleh said drugs and weapons Angola border.
smuggling has become a major problem The International Crisis Group
in Djibouti, and that his government has warned that a military solution
recently seized four containers of TNT
explosive coming from the tiny littoral state.
42 championed by Rwanda and DR Congo for
the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has
failed and the region risks deteriorating.
Indices: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 48.5, Moment of the year:
41 Rank = 30
Democracy Index: Score = 2.37, Rank = 152
Joseph Kabila Kabange The DRC’s 50th anniversary celebrations included
President of the Democratic Republic of Congo a military parade in Kinshasa, the capital, which
(Authoritarian regime, Semi-presidential, involved 15,000 soldiers and hundreds of tanks
(since January 2001)
republic) and other military vehicles.
Political background: He was a guerilla fighter
Press Freedom Index: Score = 30.50, Rank Indices
alongside his father, Joseph Kabila, in a mission
= 110
Ismail Omar Guelleh Corruption Index: Score = 3.2, Rank = 91
to oust the Mobutu regime. Once his father Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 31.1, Rank = 51
was in power, he rose through the ranks in his EIU Democracy Index: Score = 2.28, Rank = 154
President of Djibouti (since May 8, 1999) Human Development Index: Score = 0.402 Rank (Authoritarian regime, Semi-presidential Republic)
father’s government and held the position of
Political backround: Born in Ethiopia, Mr Guelleh = 147 (Low human development) Press Freedom Index: Score = 51.83, Rank = 148
Chief of Staff of the Land Forces, a position
was groomed to succeed his uncle Hassan Gouled Corruption Index: Score = 2.0, Rank = 164
he held until the elder President Kabila’s
Aptidon as president and did so in 1999. He had NMG index: 1/10 Human Development Index: Score = 0.239, Rank =
assassination in January 2001. He took office in

a previous career in the police, and was trained Final Grade: 31.53

January 2001, 10 days after the murder of his 48 (Low Human Development)
by the French Secret Service. He won the 2005 NMG Index: 3/10
elections with 100 per cent of the vote. He was Final Grade: 30.18
Successes this year: As presidential and
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

43 Paul Biya 44 45
President of the Republic of Cameroon (since
November 6, 1982)
Political background: Has held the presidency,
and indeed the whole country, under his tight grip
since 1982. Became prime minister in 1975, and
was chosen by President Ahmadou Ahidjo as his
successor. Holds elections from time to time, but
these have no credibility. Routinely ranked amongst
Africa’s worst dictators.
Successes in 2010: Biya, commander-in-chief of
Cameroon’s armed forces, was lauded by his loyal
troops in December when he threw a large party
celebrating the 50th anniversary celebration of the

Failures this year:

Biya’s looting of state resources caught international After the journalist’s death, two others facing Andry Rajoelina
José Eduardo dos Santos attention this year, and he now faces a French probe similar charges were released on Mr Biya’s
orders: Robert Mintya, managing editor of the
President of the High Transitional
Authority of the Republic of Madagascar
President of the Republic of Angola (since for illegally commandeering state funds and stashing
1979). them in France. He denies the charges, brought by Le Devoir daily, and Serge Sabouang managing (since March 18, 2009).
corruption watchdog Transparency International. editor of the daily La Nation. Political background: Born to a middle
Political background: An officer of the class family, Andry Rajoelina began his
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Wikileaks documents describes Mr Biya as running
government finances “like a petty cash fund.” Stories Indices: career as a disc jockey at clubs and bars in
Angola (MPLA) who rose to the top ranks Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 44.2, Rank = 34 Madagascar’s capital before moving to the
of the organisation before being appointed of splashy casino nights at posh French resorts,
and carrying around sacs containing millions of Democracy Index: Score = 3.46, Rank = 126 airwaves and gaining national profile. He
Minister of Foreign Affairs in Angola’s first (Authoritarian regime, Republic) married into a wealthy family and went on
government by President Agostinho Neto. Swiss francs, have leaked from the US embassy in
Cameroon. Press Freedom Index: Score = 44.30, Rank = to own his own radio station, Viva Radio.
Following the death of Neto in 1979, the 129 Launched the Determined Malagasy Youth
ruling Central Committee unanimously Moment of the year: Newsman Bibi Ngota, the
editor of the Cameroon Express, died in prison in Corruption Index: Score = 2.2, Rank = 146 opposition movement and was elected
approved the appointment of José Eduardo Human Development Index: Score = 0.460, mayor of Antananarivo in 2007. Was
dos Santos as the country’s second president. April while awaiting trial for charges of fraud and
Rank = 131(Low human development) handed the presidency in March 2009 by
Successes in 2010: Launched a national using forged documents. The incident provoked
protests around the world from press freedom NMG Index: 1/10 a cabal of generals who took power after
programme to improve living conditions in Final Grade: 29.52 democratically elected President Marc
the country’s informal settlements and slums. groups.
Ravalomanana stepped down in the face
José Eduardo dos Santos was given an award of mass protests. Nicknamed “TGV”, after
by the Association of National Olympic the French high-speed train Tres Grand
Committees of Africa for his dedication to Vitesse.
the development of sport in Africa, with Despite a rocky relationship, Bozizé presided over
Successes in 2010: Few and far
particular reference to the good organisation
of the last African Cup of Nations, which was
46 his burial ceremony in Bangui.
Failures this year: Bozize attempted his hand at
between. Mr Rajoelina has steered his
country further into internal chaos and
hosted by Angola. some semblance of democracy. Presidential elections
international condemnation this year. His
Failures this year: A new constitution, were to take place in April. However, they were first
shaky administration remains financially
adopted in February this year, further postponed to May 16, and then indefinitely.
strapped after foreign aid was halted
concentrated power in Mr Santos’ hands Northeastern CAR is characterised by limited
following Mr Rajoelina’s seizure of power.
and also decreed that he need not be government presence, armed bandits and rebels
He did manage, however, to survive a coup
directly voted into office by the populace. — the situation for populations living there
attempt in November following a divisive
Instead, the president will be selected by the is extremely unstable and vulnerable. There is
victorious party in parliamentary elections. increasing concern about the departure of the
Failures this year: Andry Rajoelina
Moment of the year: The hosting of the United Nations Mission in the Central African
and his country remain internationally
Africa Cup of Nations. Republic and Chad (MINURCAT) on December 31
isolated after the former DJ toppled his
Indices François Bozizé this year.
Moment of the year: President Bozize awarded
predecessor in 2009. International groups
Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 39.3, Rank = 42
Democracy Index: Score = 3.35, Rank = 131 Yangouvonda one of Africa’s most brutal dictators, Jean-Bédel
express concern about a “considerable
deterioration” in press and other freedoms
(Authoritarian Regime, Presidential System) President of the Central African Republic (since Bokassa, a posthumous pardon.
March 15, 2003) in Madagascar, and “the constant
Press Freedom Index: Score = 28.50, Rank Indices:
Political background: President Bozize seized power harassment of political dissidents and
= 104 journalists” on the island. Mr Rajoelina’s
Corruption Index: Score = 1.9, Rank = 168 in a coup in 2003, before winning an election two Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 32.7, Rank = 48
years later. leadership has been similarly criticised by
Human Development Index: Score = 0.564, EIU Democracy Index: Score = 1.86, Rank = 162
Successes in 2010: The Central African Republic the United Nations. The US decision to
Rank = 143 (Medium Human Development) (Authoritarian regime, Republic)
backed out from inviting Sudan’s internationally disqualify Madagascar from the African
Press Freedom Index: Score = 18.50, Rank = 69
Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has

NMG Index: 1/10 “wanted” president Al Bashir to attend the Corruption Index: Score = 2.1, Rank = 154
celebration of National Day, after the arrival of left its economy, in particular the textile
Final Grade: 30.17 Human Development Index: Score = 0.315, Rank =
Sudan’s advance team to organise the reception. sector, in nears-tatters.
159 (Low Human Development)
In February 2010, André-Dieudonné Kolingba died
in France, he was the fourth president of the CAR. NMG Index: 1/10
Morgue Moment of the year: A national
referendum was held on Nov 17,
and citizens voted on constitutional
amendments to decide whether to
establish a new Fourth Republic and give
Robert Gabriel Mugabe some success in reigning in of inflation,
that hit a record 23 million percent
All Stars reality television show,
Munyaradzi a $300,000 consolation
Rajoelina more power including the right
to be president-for-life. The referendum
President of the Republic of Zimbabwe over a year ago, and the lowering of prize money for coming 2nd in the show passed with 70 per cent support, but was
(since 1987) unemployment rates. – which Harare felt was rigged. It was not recognised abroad.
Political background: Mugabe rose Failures this year: Several breakdowns $100,000 more than Munya would have Indices
to prominence in the 1960s as the in the governing coalition in which won if he had topped the BBA contest. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 48.7, Rank = 26
Secretary General of the Zimbabwe President Zuma of Harare has had to Indices Democracy Index: Score = 5.57, Rank = 90
African National Union (ZANU) during intervene. Mugabe has been duped a Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 32.7, Rank = 49 (Hybrid regime, Presidential system)
the liberation war against the white- few times this year. First, he discovered Democracy Index: Score = 2.53, Rank = Press Freedom Index: Score = 34.88, Rank =
minority rule government of Ian Smith. that the Head of the country’s central 148 116
He was a political prisoner in Rhodesia bank was having an affair with Grace Press Freedom Index: Score = 39.50, Rank Corruption Index: Score = 2.6, Rank = 123
for more than 10 years, a freedom Mugabe, his wife. Then him and his = 123 Human Development Index: Score = 0.435, Rank
fighter on his release, and the Prime entire cabinet were sent on a wild goose Corruption Index: Score = 2.4, Rank = 134 = 135 (Low human development)
Minister following Zimbabwe’s first
mixed-race elections. In 1987, the
chase for 13 days by a magician who
claimed that she had discovered pure
Human Development Index: Score = 0.140,
Rank = 169 (the worst score on Human
NMG index: 0/10
Final Grade: 29.31 Morgue
position of Prime Minister was abolished diesel oozing from a rock. Development!)

and Mugabe assumed the new office of Moment of the year: Mugabe handed NMG Index: 0/10
executive President of Zimbabwe. Munyaradzi Chidzonga, Zimbabwe’s
47 Successes in 2010: There has been representative in the Big Brother Final Grade: 22.62

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed exile in Kenya and Yemen before winning
the presidential elections of January 31,
dangerous that UN officials - and even
Somalia’s own politicians - cannot live
the country things are beginning to turn
around under his watch.
Transitional Federal President of Somalia 2009. there. It will take a political leader of Indices
(since January 31, 2009). Successes in 2010: Managed to come historic influence to restore this country Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 7.9, Rank = 53
Political backround: Memorized the to power almost in a democratic and to peace and order. The question is; is Democracy Index: not listed
Qu’ran as a child, and succeeded his appoint a cabinet in fractured Somalia. Sharif Sheikh Ahmed that man? Press Freedom Index: Score = 66.00,
father as spiritual leader of Somalia’s So far so good. Rank = 161
Idriseeyah sect of Sufi Islam. Was Moment of the year: The surprise visit Corruption Index: Score = 1.1, Rank =
elected chairman of the Islamic Courts Failures this year: Somalia is a uniquely of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni 178
Union in 2004 after one of his students tragic case in the world. Competes with in November was the first head-of- Human Development Index: Score
was kidnapped by bandits. Fought Afghanistan for the poorest, dustiest, state visit to war-scarred Somalia in 20 = 0.384, Rank = 161* (Low human
against warlords and disorder and took and most perilous place on Earth. It years. Though the visit was brief, was a development)
power in 2006, before being chased from
power by the Ethiopian Army. Lived in
has been without an effective national
government since 1991, and is so
diplomatic victory for Sheikh Ahmed, and
may signal to those inside and outside
NMG index: 4/10
Final Grade: 22.41
The EastAfrican
DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011

49 can compete with Zimbabwe’s Robert “Horizon 2020,” a development Moment of the year:
Mugabe in nastiness. Teodoro is the programme he has announced that Earlier this year, United Nations
nephew of founding president and includes “Ensuring a transparent authorities cancelled plans to
dictator Francisco Macías Nguema. social climate” and, also, “Invest in award the first ever $300,000
MINURCAT’s President Obiang wore many hats strengthening economic growth.” UNESCO-Obiang Nguema Mbasogo
(United Nations before mounting a military coup and He has hired slick Washington, DC.- International Prize for Research in
Mission in the donning the hat of the brutal dictator, based public relations firm Qorvis the Life Sciences. The award offended
Central African including those of army officer, prison Communications, LLC to help with his many rights observers who knew
Republic and warden. Has claimed through state communications. These spin doctors of his dark tendencies, and came
Chad) mandate, radio to be a “God.” Is rumoured to have produced for him documents together to scrap it.
claiming that kill and eat the livers and testicles of that make Equatorial Guinea appear Indices:
the project had those who cross him. Has siphoned to be well and responsibly governed. Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 34.7, Rank
Idriss Déby Itno been ineffective off profits from the tiny country’s Failures this year: It appears = 46
President of the and proposing to
provide better security
50 recently discovered oil reserves and Obiang’s excesses are catching up Democracy Index: Score = 2.19,
Republic of Chad (since stashed it in overseas accounts, with him. France’s highest court has Rank = 155 (Authoritarian regime,
December 1990). with its own resources. leaving his people in grinding poverty. decided to investigate complaints by Presidential republic)
Political background: Moment of the year: Teodoro Obiang He is listed by Forbes magazine as one anti-graft watchdog Transparency Press Freedom Index: Score = 79.00,
On the occasion
A true military man
who came to power of Chad’s 50 years Nguema Mbasogo of the wealthiest heads of state in the
world, having amassed a fortune of
International and probe the wealth
Mr Obiang has stashed in Europe.
Rank = 167
Corruption Index: Score = 1.9, Rank
in 1990 after toppling of independence, President of the Republic $600 million or more. He also failed to lure famous football = 168
Chadian President President Deby of Equatorial Guinea (since Successes in 2010: President coach Philippe Troussier to coach Human Development Index: Score =
Hissene Habre, his criticised France’s August 3, 1979). Obiang appeared at the 65th United Equatorial Guinea’s national team. 0.538, Rank = 117 (Medium Human
former mentor, with continuing military Political background: Nations General Assembly to pledge Mr Obiang’s health is now in question, development)
the help of the French
secret service.
presence in the
country, saying that if
President Obiang is one of the
few African totalitarians who
his commitment to the Millennium
Development Goals. He spoke about
and he is rumoured to be suffering
from testicular cancer.
NMG Index: 1/10
Final Grade: 20.72
Successes in 2010: Paris wishes to keep
He visited Sudan for troops in the country,
the first time since it would have to pay
2004 for talks on the compensation.
Darfur region. The two
countries have been Mo Ibrahim Index: Omar Hassan Al-Bashir facing an international arrest warrant for alleged
war crimes.
which is stolen.

fighting a proxy war Score = 28.8, Rank President of the Republic of Sudan (since Failures this year: Indices:
for several years along = 52 October 16, 1993) Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Mo Ibrahim Index:
their common border. EIU Democracy Index: Political background: Al-Bashir came to power Services raided a Khartoum office shared Score = 32.9, Rank
Failures this year: Score = 1.52, Rank = in a military coup in 1989 following which by Radio Dabanga and Darfuri human rights = 47
This year, the Central 166 (Authoritarian he dissolved parliament and banned political activists, arresting 13 people and shutting down Democracy Index:
Emergency Response regime, Republic) parties. He faces two international arrest the station reporting on Darfur. The ultimate Score = 2.81, Rank =
Fund allocated Press Freedom Index: warrants — issued by the International Criminal evader, Bashir undermined the International 146 (Authoritarian
over $3.8 million to Score = 33.7, Rank = Court in The Hague — on charges of genocide, Criminal Court by travelling to several African regime Federalism,
humanitarian agencies 112 war crimes and crimes against humanity. He has states this year despite his arrest warrants. Presidential system,
in Chad. Chad is among Corruption Index: dismissed the allegations and has continued to One of the most notable was getting away from Republic)
the least-developed, Score = 1.7, Rank = 171 travel to countries that oppose the indictment. Kenya without being arrested after attending Press Freedom
low-income and food Human Development
Index: Score = 0.295,
Successes in 2010: the promulgation of the new constitution. Index: Score = 85.33, 51
deficient countries The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), the Khartoum- Has largely failed to tame North/South Rank = 172
in the world. Despite Rank = 163 Low Human based government’s army, and Sudan People’s mutual mistrust ahead of the January 9, 2011 Corruption Index:
having a barely Development Liberation Army (SPLA) of South Sudan, have referendum in the south on secession, even as Score = 1.6, Rank = 172
functioning state, this NMG Index: 0/10 signed an agreement to secure the flow of crude the 2005 peace deal holds. Human Development Index: Score = 0.385,
year the Government Final Grade: 20.81 oil from Sudan’s oil fields, regardless of the Moment of the year: US actor George Clooney Rank = 154 (Low Human
of Chad declined to
agree to a renewal of Morgue outcome of the upcoming referendum on south
Sudan’s self-determination
called for the freezing of assets held by
President Bashir — which, according to leaked
NMG Index: 0/10 Morgue
Became the first leader to be re-elected while US diplomat cables, is worth $9 billion, most of Final Grade: 15.67

52 Isaias Afwerki has opened schools in rural areas, and funded

programmes to support needy women and children.
by the World Association of Newspapers and News
President of the State of Eritrea (since June 8, 1993)
More news can be read in the “Nation Building” The founder of Eritrea’s first independent newspaper,
Political background: section of the ministry of Information’s Mr Isaak has been imprisoned without charge or
Descended from a line of Ethiopian kings, Afwerki website. trial for nine years.
took leadership of Eritrea after leading the country Failures this year:
to independence in 1991. A co-founder of the President Afworki continues to brutally repress Indices
Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, he successfully free speech and thought with an iron fist. Eritrea Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 31.8, Rank = 50
ended 30 years of secessionist warfare. Called off has been deemed the country with the least press Democracy Index: Score = 2.31, Rank = 153
promised elections in 1997, and governs a one-party freedom in the world by Reporters without Borders, (Authoritarian regime, Semi-presidential, republic)
state. In 2008, he called off elections for “three or more stifled even than North Korea — a remarkable Press Freedom Index: Score = 105.00, Rank = 178
four decades.” ignominy. There is currently no privately-owned Corruption Index: Score = 2.6, Rank = 123
Successes in 2010: media in the country. Human Development Index: Score = 0.472, Rank =
This has been a blockbuster year for President Moment of the year: 165 (low human development)

Afwerki, according to state-owned news sources at Global attention was drawn to President Afworki’s
least. There was a “great leap” forward in training megalomaniacal press controls this year, when Dawit NMG index: 0/10
health professionals. The Eritrean government Isaak was awarded the 2011 Golden Pen of Freedom Final Grade: 12.14

Fradique Bandiera Melo De Menezes 00 Mohamed Abdelaziz 00

President of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé Secretary General of the Polisario Front and President
and Príncipe (since September 3, 2001). of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (since 1976)
Political background: Political background: A strong advocate for Sahrawi
President de Menezes grew wealthy in the cocoa nationalism from a young age, Abdelaziz became one
export business. Was the country’s foreign minister of the founding members of the Polisario Front, a
in the mid 1980s and an ambassador in Europe. Sahrawi independence movement in Western Sahara
Known colloquially to his nation’s 163,000 people which launched an armed struggle against Spanish
simply as “Fradrique.” Overcame coup attempts in colonialism in 1973. In August 1976, Abdelaziz was
2003 and 2009. elected secretary-general of Polisario and president
Successes this year: of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).
He is doing his best to parlay potentially rich oil He lives in exile in the Sahrawi refugee camps in the
reserves in the Gulf of Guinea into a bright future Tindouf Province of western Algeria. In 2001, he was
for São Tomé and Príncipe. He has invited major ballooning scandal by publicly declaring he would nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize Moment of the year: After a meeting with
oil companies to bid on exploration rights in its resign “immediately” if implicated. Parliament Successes this year: The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Mohamed Abdelaziz, Secretary-General of
exclusive offshore zone, the first step towards has struck a Commission of Inquiry to look into Republic has been gaining larger audiences in its fight the Polisario Front, the UN press office said
getting oil to pump petrodollars into state coffers. diversion of revenues relating to a petrol deal with for independence. This year, the International Sahara in a statement that Secretary-General Ban
Oil could be flowing into this poor country as early Nigeria. Film Festival, which takes place at a remote refugee had expressed his commitment to finding
as 2014. Indices: camp, pitched in with global talent and a popular a solution to the 35-year-old conflict “that
Failures this year: Mo Ibrahim Index: Score = 58.2, Rank = 11 festival for solidarity with the Saharawi people, was provides for the self determination of the
Low-lying São Tomé and Príncipe is severely Democracy Index: Not listed held in the town of Boumerdes, Algeria. people of Western Sahara.”
threatened by climate change and severe food Press Freedom Index: Not listed Failures this year: North-west Africa is on the brink Indices
insecurity. These problems are worsening fast, Corruption Index: Score = 3.0, Rank = 101 of war, the situation is the worst in 20 years. Mo Ibrahim Index: Not recognised
and appear to be beyond the capacity of the local Human Development Index: Score = 0.488, Rank = Several people were killed in clashes between Democracy Index: Not recognised
government. 127 (Medium Human Development. Moroccan security forces and protesters shortly Press Freedom Index: Not recognised
Moment of the year: NMG Index: 8/10 before UN-mediated talks on the future of the Corruption Index: Not recognised
President de Menezes raised the stakes in a Final Grade: NONE territory were due to open in New York. Human Development Index: Not recognised

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