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County of hJntren
, being duly swom, deposes and savs that he is
Timothy , residing at //3 JQ !.tiflufr|that the
statementsbelow are true concerninghis employmentat the and Cou of Honolulu
ElectionsDivision in Honolulu.Hawaii:

t. I was employedat the City and County of Honolulu ElectionsDivision from May 2008

2 . My position at the City and County of Honolulu ElectionsDivision was SeniorElections


3 . My responsibilitieswere to overseethe activitiesof the AbsenteeBallot Offrce.

4. During the courseof my employment,I becameaware that many requestswere being

made to the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division, the Hawaii Office of
Elections,and the Hawaii Departmentof Health from aroundthe countryto obtaina copy
of then-SenatorBarackObama'slong-form,hospital-generated birth certificate.

5. Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu ElectionsDivision told me on

multiple occasionsthat no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated
birth certificateexisted
for SenatorObamain the Hawaii Departmentof Health and therewas no recordthat any
such documenthad ever been on file in the Hawaii Departmentof Health or any other
branchor departmentof the Hawaii government.

6. Seniorofficers in the City and County of Honolulu ElectionsDivision further told me on

multiple occasionsthat Hawaii Stategovernmentoffrcials had madeinquiresabout Sen.
Obama'sbirth recordsto officials at QueensMedical Centerand Kapi'olani Medical
Center in Honolulu and that neither hospital had any record of SenatorObamahaving
beenbom there,eventhoughGovernorAbercrombieis now assertingand variousHawaii
government officials continue to assert Barack Obama, Jr. was born at Kapi'olani
MedicalCenteron Aug. 4,1961.

During the courseof my employment,I came to understandthat for political reasons,
variousofficials in the govemmentof Hawaii, including then-GovernorLinda Lingle and
variousofficials of the Hawaii Departmentof Health,including Dr. ChiyomeFukino, the
director of the Hawaii Departmentof Health, were making representationsthat Senator
Obamawas born in Hawaii, even thoughno govemmentofficial in Hawaii could find a
long-form birth certificatefor SenatorObamathat had beenissuedby a Hawaii hospital
at the time of his birth.

8. During the course of my employment,I was told by senior officers in the City and
County of Honolulu ElectionsDivision to stop inquiring about SenatorObama'sHawaii
birth records,even though it was commonknowledgeamongmy fellow employeesthat
no Hawaii long-form,hospital-generatedbirth certificateexistedfor SenatorObama.

In witnesswhereofhe hasheretosethis handand seal.


i, a Notary Public of the County and Stateaforesaid,hereby

certi$/ that personallyknown to me to be the affiant in the
j appearedbefore me this day and having beenby me duly sworn
deposesand saysthat the factssetforth in the aboveaffidavit aretrue and correct.

W.itnessmv hand and official seal this the 2ou day o , 2o/ /

Notarv Public

My Corrunission

7 r // r 2o//. ,4-

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