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Office of the Minister
MLA, Edmonton - South West

AR 41075

September 9, 2020

Sent via email:

His Worship Don Iveson

City of Edmonton
2nd Floor City Hall
1 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton AB T5J 2R7

Dear Mayor Iveson:

The police in Alberta have an essential role in protecting our communities, and Alberta’s
government provides substantial funding for policing to ensure Albertans are safe.

Some municipalities have reduced, or are contemplating reducing, funding to police in light
of calls to “defund the police”. Frankly, this approach is misguided, as an adequately funded
police service is essential to ensure that all citizens are able to live safe and secure lives in our
communities, wherever they may call home. This is particularly true of racialized members of
our communities, including Indigenous Albertans, who are often overrepresented as victims of

An adequately funded police service is essential to ensuring these individuals are protected and
are provided assistance, such as when police are called for help or to investigate. So, in contrast
with what some are claiming, reduced police funding poses risks – not benefits – to those groups.

In terms of reform and increased accountability, we have heard these calls and responded by
expediting work to review the Police Act with a broad engagement this fall and by accelerating
initial changes such as guidelines surrounding carding and street checks, police training, and
police recruitment.

What we hear will chart the future of policing in this province for years to come—but one thing
is certain: the police will remain an essential part of maintaining a safe and functioning society
for all Albertans. Police reform, not defunding, is the priority.


424 Legislature Building, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Canada Telephone 780-427-2339 Fax 780-422-6621

Classification: Protected A

This year, the provincial government is providing municipalities with approximately $90 million
from two grant programs, the Municipal Policing Assistance Grant (MPAG) and the Police
Officer Grant (POG). They each have their own formulas and eligibility requirements, but they
have a common purpose: to help municipalities fund the essential service of policing.

The Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General transfers these grants to municipalities with the
intent that the municipality uses these funds for policing purposes, and not for other municipal
priorities. The MPAG and POG agreements will soon expire. In preparation for our policing
grant agreements for 2021-2022, Alberta’s government will closely monitor how municipalities
are managing their police budgets as well as responding to calls to “defund the police”. It should
be clear that any substantial changes may lead us to explore options to ensure we maintain
adequate funding for critical law enforcement for Alberta’s citizens.

Yours very truly,

Kaycee Madu, QC
Minister of Justice and Solicitor General

Classification: Protected A

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