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INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION Tamey Name ca 2009-040939 _ |i Paice Departmen REPORT Daan Ret oni x cr 0008400 Ta Ravn Seca © lean Fico Tae TS ema | Lea) _182 Dh D 70 West River St a 12/03/2009 14:82 Th E Vga] coment (Com) |Weapan T6055 UNKNOWN / NOT STATED zi N |) Sexual Contact — = saaiy 0203 7 D fa) Cine ket Tam | Wea Teal Tay 4 |#2] Breach Of Peace t ey Ba ay 3 |_| 0850 pa) ome ba ‘omy | Weapon Teas Tey Ey Bit Seay —_ Mo rot vieume 0 _| De a "Vict Basnes Nae (Lat it, Mle) [cin of] 008 ace] Sex Eceonthip]| Rendon Saas] ele] Can a MG) ae reine] Peso), er. | 1 A © [rome ates ome Phone 1 ooo Baas Fine WR [hace [oat Sie] oor ig i TCODES._V- Vici (Descs V2 V3)_O = Onner oieran wets) — R= Repoing Posen other ben vista) — o [pe INDIVIDUAL Injury t Rane as Fire, dae) sin gf] — BOB Te ea] ESaienehp | Renew Stas] Ni h | | toumivo, Diana ine ‘isin [anh Shs ® [10 nee @ lw LP B [Home adios Ton Pag s Employer Name ACAIo ss Poe a 1 § ijpe INDIVIDUAL Taj % [eae | me Ca Fame Mia [iin ot [SOE Ta Sox] Reaonin | Ran Sania] ay © [ON |BONETE RATHIRIN M ned Te ORende pret Ss 1 | 10 seem |r ir Y Himeaames Ta D oe | Tployer Nat Adres as Pane T] iF Ree T= Bred T= Cometat Ford t= Davaged/ Vantalind = Tecoreed Go Saeed T= Sen 3 Ualaowa vs Record i Ole sala) leo Frt§] vaive | o1 Jory Property Description MateModet Sais Number P R ° P r R T Y ‘riod Dy. KGTUDICE, RECORDS Ta ae DinsmATT ORNaEE Incident Report Additional Offense List Milford Police Department OCA: 2009-04099 “Offense List (Continued) Fol/Misd__ Statute Completed/ttermpted Com Rceane 7 ‘ented By: KGIODICE, RECORDS4 OW/I32011 813 : Incident Report Additional Name List Milford Police Department oa see ‘Additional Name List Viti NameCode_Name Las, Fist Mil) (Crime DOB___Age RaceSex 10; i. hs ic a, lS Emp/Adar ® Mobie 2) 10 4 DAVIS, ROBERT ee — a B: 203-783-555 Bmpadar City OF Milford, 80 Seeman's Ln Motil Vv: io $e: EEE Ar 1c pA CI aT Mobiles: __ i. 5 EmplAdar 0 a i mpuiadae ae Print By: KGIUDICE, RECORDS# 01/192011 08:13, INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION REPORT Milford Police Department Page 4 By: KGIUDICE, RECORDSS_9W/13/201 Cusct 2009-040939 Sa ose fone 2*Bumned 3=Countereit/ Forged 4= Damaged $~Recovered 6=Scied 7=Scken 8 Unknown ter | sia] Quanity [Type Measure Suspected Type Upto3 ypesofactivy voces ‘Asising OMToas| ‘SuspeotHate/ Bias Motivated NARRATIVE 3330 REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE, oor Milford Police Department 2009-040939 View ‘Oiiense ate Fie Reported BREACH OF PEACE Thu 12/03/2009 1452 “THEINFORWATION BELOW is CONFIDENTIAL - ROR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY FOR DETAILS, REFER TO SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT. SGT. A. VITTL STU. Reporting Officer: VITTI, A Page 5 Printed By: KGIUDICE, RECORDSA. 01/15/2011 06:13 Incident Report Suspect List Milford Police Department OCA: 2009-040939 Nive das Firs, eae) Tso Kowa As 35 RS oop Ab Polansky, Harvey (WM) TRUMBULL, CT Bisnes Aaaiew Dos. Ree [Ree Se [Ea [Hae |W | Raw [Ee [Sn Dive see Sate oazoiess| so] w lu ‘Sears, Mas, Taos, or other Stinging ers Reported Suspect Detal Spa Ag = pe War TT Ware tipe | Fase | Wake Mt Color [Calva |i of aver Mode of rave vei ode Dis] SoHE (ear Lea VIN Nas Piped Chr Printed By: KGIUDICE, RECORDS$ 01/15/2011 0813 Page 6 ‘CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED ca: 2009040939 Miford Police Department 5/1 TsineonaaTios BELOW is CONIDENTAL -FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PaRGONNEL ONLY Cae Stats: CB Cae Ming Staton 04 Oceured: 1203/2009 Ottente: BREACH OF PEACE Investigators COMPARE, G. (0767) Date/Time: Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date/Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact Reference: Supplemental Report #4 SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT#####*, #4093909, ‘SUPPLEMENT BY SGT. A. VITTI, 1/25/10 MRR). On 12/3/09 Capt. G, Butler and I met with (i, ee «Police Headquarters in reference to a similar allegation previously made against Dr. Harvey Polansky. (Refer to Case #39432-09,) The second Victim, SRM. | be referred to as Victim #2 throughout this report. Also present during this interview was Milford Rape Crisis Counselor Peggy Pisano, At the conclusion of this interview Victim #2 provided a voluntary sworn written statement, in which she stated the following, and requested the arrest of Dr. Harvey Polansky, Case #40939-09: > was hired ony ‘Daring my tenure, 1 had interaction with the Superintendent of Schools Harvey Polansky. On most ‘occasions when we were greeting or saying goodbye, he would give me a casual hug. It was something he does to everybody, male, female, it doesn't matter. Itwas not an uncomfortable feeling for me. In early June of 2009, June 4, 2009, I went for my end of the year evaluation review, it was in the green room which is located at the Parsons Complex, Harvey's conference room, in his office. I went to the review with the belief'l was going to meet with Harvey Polansky and the Assistant Superintendent Michael Cummings. When I arrived, I noticed that Michael! ‘Cummings was not there, and I said, oh, it's just you, where is Mike, and Harvey said, Ob, I can handle this, or something to that effect. So we talked about my performance for the year. He said he was very proud of me, [received a complimentary teview. When we were concluding we stood up, and he gave me a hug, which I expected, but instead of just hugging ‘me, his hand dropped below my waist and onto my butt. So [left, and I ‘was trying to figure out why that would happen. Kind of just figured it ‘was an accident because it had never happened before. The second incident that I have a date for was June 17, 2009, and myself were part of the interview committee for thc 7 RED 1 25 a lengthly process, and at some point we had a romps Page 7 ‘CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Department oc: 2009040939 ‘THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB ‘Case Ming Status: 4 Occured: 1203/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date / Time: Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date/Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact Reference: Supplemental Report built in break. I stepped out to go to the bathroom and to get a drink I stepped out and ran into Harvey in the hallway at Parsons. I told him what I was doing there. He asked how the interviews were going, and I just shared with him a little bit about the candidates. When I was Teaving, he gave me a hug, and again it was the same thing-—his hand fell below my waist and onto my butt. It was a quick thing, That was the time that I knew it wasn’t an accident, ‘That second time, I wondered why is he doing this now, Ihave known him all these years, He didn’t say anything, he never made any comments while he was touching me. He has made comments during meetings where he makes inappropriate comments, that are ‘unprofessional but are not of a sexual nature, The third incident, I don’t know a date, but it was shortly after the second incident. Iwent to the Parsons complex and I did whatever my task was. I swung by to say hi to Harvey's secretaries, I went into the lobby area in the office. Harvey was in his office at the time, and he called out and said, Who is that? One of the ladies said, It is (Victim #2), and he said, Oh, send her in. So Iwentin, and we were chatting in there, He had pictures and pictures of his dog. Twas in there for about 2 to 3 minutes. Twas heading out, he gave me a hug, his hands fell below my waist and onto my butt, And Ileft. The last incident was on the last day of school June 26, 2009. He was having a party at his house in Trumbull. After school I was driving my car. Were following me in their cars. We knew we were going to be a little bit early to the party, When we got to his house, we went around to the backyard. Nobody was out there, So we lect ourselves into the back door, into the family room, kitchen area. We saw Harvey and asked if he minded we were a little bit early, and he said no, this is great. He was standing there as we were coming in. QD was in front of me, and {ip was bchind me, kind of in a linc. [> approached Harvey, and Harvey gave him a big hug. (QB stepped off to the side. Iwas next and I stepped up and expected that Harvey would hnug me, and instead he took his hands and put them on my cheeks, and. kissed me directly on the lips. So I stepped off to the side to stand next to so Wp could greet Harvey and say hello. Twas thinking, in my mind, that he was going to kiss her on her lips as well, es though that was the way he was greeting the women. He gave fea hug, and then she walked toward me and I said something to her, like, What the fuck? Page 8 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Department oca: 2009040939 _THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB Case Mng Status: NA Occured: 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G, (0767) Date/Time: Supervisor: (0) ‘Supervisor Review Date/Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report ‘Why would he kiss me on the lips? I never mentioned it to J because itwas uncomfortable. 1 felt like, why would he do that to me and not to (@ at the very least. | felt targeted. Soff and I, have talked about it since, Three days after I was still thinking about it. Tt was, summer time, and knew I would not be coming in contact with him fora couple of months. After other people started to arrive, I kept my distance from Harvey. During the party I don't recall seeing Harvey kiss anybody, but CIM [ater told me that he had kissed her on the lips at the party. Since that day, Harvey Polansky has hugged me, ‘but he has not inappropriately touched me. I knew Harvey Polansky prior tome becoming an administrator in the Milford School system as he was my teacher for one of my administrator prep classes. Iam requesting the arrest of Harvey Polansky for inappropriately touching me." . Prior to this investigation this department had received a similar complaint from ote a n the Milford Public School. Refer to case # 3943209. On 11/20/09 at Milford Police Headquarters Capt. G. Butler and I met with the complainant SREB 0 is referred to as Victim #1. She was accompanied by Christina ‘Magnuson, who is the assistant principal at Foran High School and also serves as the vice-president of the Milford Association of Schoo! Administrators Union. This mecting was in referenec to 2 sexual assault allegation against the Milford Superintendent of Schools Dr. Harvey Polansky. I contacted Milford Rape Crisis Center and Peggy Pisano responded to assist the Vietim. Th speaking with Victim #1 she stated she was hired ams EEE Victim #1 stated she started her employment with the Milford Public School System (ip 14 years ago. Victim #1 stated that since she was hired and on or about Qjgguggthere have been incidents involving Dr. Polansky that have mnade her feel uncomfortable and have caused her anxiety when she sees Dr. Polansky. During the interview, it was apparent hat Victim #1 was upset amd extremely concerned about filing allegations Page CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED ci Milford Police Department 009040939 | ta nvonaearion wavowis oNRDENTIAL- TOR WSEBY AUTHORED PELSONEL ONY ate Statue: CB Case ng Stats: A Oeeured 12032009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date /‘Time: ‘Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date /Time: NOT REVIEWED Conta Reference: Supplemental Report against the superintendent, as she Was Wortied about her career and the ‘effects that the complaint would have on many people. She stressed the fact that she did not want this to happen to anyone else, so she felt strongly that she needed to come forward and disclose the facts. ‘After speaking with Victim #1 she provided a voluntary sworn written statement detailing the accounts that have transpired between her and Dr. Polansky, Her statement is as follows: Sa ‘On 9/22/09 I was in my office. Dr. Polansky came to the school and came into the office. He asked me to go on a walkthrough the building with him. We went through the building and visited the classrooms, He was close to me, shoulder to shoulder when walking He put his hand on my lower back, kind of guiding me in and out of the different classrooms, At the time he was guiding me in and out of the classrooms, I felt uncomfortable with his physical proximity. We toured the building and went back to the office. In my office we talked, debticfed on what we witnessed on the walkthrough and chatted about some of my family photos that were on the wall, He was sitting across from my desk as we spoke. At one point he got up, moved his chair, around to my side of the desk while we continued talking. We ‘were not reviewing any type of documents or any object on the desk, we ‘were just talking, The conversation lasted about 10 minutes at the most. ‘Then he stood to leave, walked him to the door of my office. Opened the door. He gave me a hug. When he pulled back from the hug, he leaned into kiss me. I went to turn my face to present him with my cheek, and he put his hand under my chin and tured my face towards him and then kissed me on the lips. Iwas shocked. I felt very uncomfortable and had alot of fectings of anxiety. He quickly left the building. After he Toft, [went on with my day. That evening Thad a graduate class and I ‘wes coming home, I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I thought I need to talk with someone, so I called one of my best friends, someone I trusted JURORORRBRRREAD: I talked to her on the phone. Twas upset and crying. Ididn't understand why he had done that. Iwas really trying to wrestle if Icould have misintetpreted it and why. She advised me to talk to another colleague, TMD rather than her, and sce what they thought. A few days later I called my colleague Shawn Smith. I shared with him what happened. We talked about some of my options, and he Page 10 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: O1/1322011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED lford Police Department coca: 2009040959 [72 HEINFORMATION BELOW is CONFIDENTIAL] FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. (Case Status: CB ‘Case Ming Status: NA Oceured: 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date Time: Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date/Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report asked what I thought about actually saying something to Dr. Polansky about rot doing that again. I told him that I didn't feel comfortable about confront Dr. Polansky about it I was afraid that I could get fired or he could retaliate if did it. I'm not sure. I guess the next thing that happened was October 5. Dr. Polansky came over to the building again in the moming unannounced. He greeted me in the office and asked me to go ona walk-through. When we were leaving the office, he put his hand on my lower back, Then he proceeded to move his hand dowa touching my buttocks. His hand went half way down my buttocks. He did this briefly and then pulled his hand away as we were walking out. We did a walkthrough of the building. While we were walking, he was again ina close proximity, his shoulder was close to me, side by side, and puts his hand on my back, Any time he touched me, I was feeling really nervous. Daring the walkthrough I shared with hitn that { wanted to buy more books for the classroom libraries next year. He asked me how much that would cost. I said I did not know. He said to let him know how much it would cost, and he was going to try to get me the money. We went back to the office and debriefed again. We sat at a table with two chairs in the comer. It was kind of side-by-side. Again a brief 5 to 10 minute professional conversation. When he went to leave, he hugged me. Again he Teaned in to kiss me, Itumed my cheek. He didn’t put his hand on my face this time. He kissed me half on my lips and half on my face, and he left. When he hugged me it was an embrace, both hands around me, pretty firm. He is taller than me. I ean tell he is coming towards me to kiss me, because he is leaning towards my face. Itumed my face. Later that day we had the [MMB meeting at Parsons. He came in the meeting, He was greeting the different administrators and walked over to some of them and would hug them from behind, tussle their hair, not only females. Iwas nervous that he would come over to me but he didn’t. During the meeting, he called me out in the hallway. Twas out ix the hallway with my back up against the wall, egainst the corner of the doo: He asked me again about the books and the money and wanted to know if could get the money from my Library Media account, I said I just really wanted to wait for next year. He said, that ob, he could take care of it, [just get the PO, that he could take it out of my Freeze account, they hold back a certain amount, and that I should talk to Phil Russell and that he Page 11 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Department coca: 2009040939 ‘THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY ‘Case Status: CB Case Ming Status: NA Occured: 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Dato / Time: Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date/Time: NOT REVIEWED Contac ‘Reference: Supplemental Report had already talked to Phil about helping me out to get these books. I was just like, Okay. I was really uncomfortable, [just wanted to get back into the meeting. He cupped my chin again in his hand, be stroked my cheek, pulled his hand off, and I walked away and went back into the meeting. Iwas afraid that he was going to kiss me when he did that, but he didn’t, Twent back in the meeting and was feeling a lot of anxiety. On 10/19/09 we were at anot eeting. Again we were all seated and he came in and was doing his greeting of people, with his same behavior, the hugging and the shoulder rubbing. He came over to me and stroked my face. Afterwards several of my colleages, a (QED 204 Victim #2, commented to me and said they noticed it and it wwas strange. On the 29th of October he came to my school again unannounced. Iwas in a Staffing, and he came in and found me there, T left with him and went on another walkthough. Same physical proximity as before. Iwas anxious. After the walkthrough we went back to the office, and he shut the door. He closed the curtains on the window of my door that goes into my office, We both sat atthe table. Iwas really feeling panicked about the window situation and wondered what was going to happen and why he did that. ‘Then after a very brief time, he stood up and opened the curtains. noticed the curtains. Afterwards she mentioned it to me. Again when he went to leave, it was the seme situation, he hugged me, but this time he ‘immediately put his hand under my chin again, and kissed me on the lips. Subsequently I spoke with other colleagues, I decided this is inappropriate and decided to address it. During the process of filing the complaint, Bob Davis, President of the administrators’ Union, called me on Tuesday, 11/10/09, at work. Vietim #2 was also on the line. It was a conference call with the 3 of us, so that we could all talk together. Bob Davis set up the call. Bob Davis stated that Dr. Polansky had contacted him and that anything was on the table including his resigning at the end of the year and he would not supervise us and that Mike ‘Cummings would supervise us if we would not make the complaint. He also said Dr. Polansky would put it in writing. Davis said Polansky was @ beaten man, he was really groveling. Victim #2 and I decided we wanted to talk privately, and we decided to move forward. We called Bob Davis and told him we were going to move forward. Ata Principals’ meeting, Page 12 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Oca: 2009040939 Milford Police Department ‘THE INFORMATION BELOW Is CONFIDENTIAL. FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB Case Ming Status: NA Occured: 12/03/2009 ‘Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date / Time: Supervisor Review Date/Time: NOT REVIEWED Reference: Supplemental Report 11/12/09, while attending the meeting at the Parsons, Dr, Polansky attended the meeting, and at one point during the meeting he asked Bob Davis to step out of the meeting, After the meeting, Bob Davis told me that he had met with Dr. Harvey Polansky and during their conversation Dr. Polansky was offering to apologize to myself and Victim #2. Dr. Polansky asked if Vietim #2 and I were comfortable in the meeting with him there and that he wanted to talk with us to apologize, Thave never received any texts, emails, or phone calls from Dr. Polansky that were not of a professional nature, Tam requesting the arrest of Dr. Polansky for his inappropriate actions." At the conclusion of her statement, Victim #1 requested the atrest of Dr. Harvey Polansky for his inappropriate actions. However, Victim #1 requested some time to determine if she wanted to pursue criminal charges or for it to be handled within the school system, Tadvised Victim #1 to think about it and to re-contact my office when she makes her determination of whether or not to pursue an arrest. Victim #1 was advised of services with Milford Rape Crisis Center that ‘would be at her disposal in the event she needed to speak with someone. ‘During the interview, Victim #1 stated she had confided in a close colleague/friend Sean Smyth regarding Dr. Polansky's actions. Victim #1 also spoke with other colleagues to see if Dr. Polansky had inappropriately touched them, In speaking to other colleagues, Victim #1 Ieamed that Dr. Polansky had visited her school more often than other administrators. She also learned that other female colleagues had similar incidents regarding Dr. Polansky's inappropriate behaviors, such as kissing on the lips and touching the buttock. She also stated she spoke with Christina Magnuson and Robert Davis regarding the proper procedures to follow to make a complaint with the Board of Education. Vietim #1 also stated that after making the Union aware of the incidents, Attomey John Gesmonde was contacted and the incidents were discussed with the attorney. Attomey Gesmonde contacted the Milford Board of Education attorney Floyd Dugas, and they were advised of the allegations and a Page 13 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED ifort Police Deparment ca: 2009040939 : “THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL.- FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case State CB Case Mag Stats: 4 a cea 12/0972009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date / Time: Supervisor: (0) ‘Supervisor Review Date /Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report complaint would be forthcoming. Victim #1 stated that prior to the official complaint being filed with the Milford Board of Education, there ‘was conversation between the attorneys attempting to resolve the situations. In the negotiations between the two attomeys, there were many items on the table up to and including the resignation of the superintendent. Victim #1 stated that she did not want this type of behavior to continue either in this school system or any other school system if it had been resolved without filing a formal complaint. ‘On 12/3/09 I was contacted by Victim #1 who decided that she is requesting the arrest of Dr, Harvey Polansky for inappropriately touching her. On 12/04/09 I met with Ceara QED who stated that she was made aware of the allegation {3 SD Graawa s2126 that she contacted Robert Davis, the Union president, and subsequently contacted the Union Attomey John. Gesmonde. | asked CIMMEMBIREE if she has ever had any incidents of inappropriate behavior involving Dr. Polansky, and she stated that Dr. Polansky on two separate occasions has kissed her on the lips. One oe I about September of 2009. The other incident took place at Dr. Polansky's house in Trumbull at the end of the year gathering in June. During that gathering, Dr. Polansky kissed (Q3ARIERIMRIN on the lips three different times. The first time he put his hands on her shoulders and ‘kissed her on the lips. He said that Sars, this is 2 Teaming year for you.4is yours, and that's all I'm going to say about that, The second time she was standing next to him, he grabbed her, dipped her, and kissed her on the lips. The last incident was when she ‘was leaving, and he said goodbye to her and kissed her on the lips. The ‘first time (GMM stated that she felt this was inappropriate but would not be filing a formal complaint. She did state that Dr. Polansky when entering a room he would greet people by hugging them, whether they are male or female. On 12/04/09 I met with SD ket f she has ever had any ineidents where she witnessed any inappropriate behavior by Dr. Polansky, Page 14 7 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/20/2011 08:56 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED ok: 2009040939 Milford Police Department ‘THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB (Case Ming Status: CLOSED BY ARREST Oceureds 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date/Time: Supervisor: (0) ‘Supervisor Review Date / Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report and she stated no. On 12/04/09 I spoke with Assistant Principal of Foran High School Tony Ramos, who stated that on one occasion he did observe Dr. Harvey Polansky kiss her on the lips. Mr. Ramos stated that Dr. Polansky greets people by hugs but did think at the time ‘that was unusual that he kissed gga on the lips. ‘On 12/4/09 I met with John Barile, Principal of Foran High School, who stated that he has never seen Dr. Polansky touch anyone inappropriately. He did state that Dr. Polansky, when greeting individuals, he does hug and kkiss them on the checks. Mr. Barile stated he is aware of Dr. Polansky making inappropriate comments during administrative meetings. On 12/11/09 I met with the principal of Meadowside School, Robert Davis, Who is the president of the Milford Association of School Administrators Union. During the interview, Robert Davis discussed the time line and the complaints which were filed by the QM regarding the inappropriate conduct of Dr. Harvey Polansky. Mr. Davis also provided the ‘written complaints of the two complainants to the Board of Education. Robert Davis provided a voluntary sworn written statement as follows: "L am the Principal at Meadowside School and have been there since 2003. 1 became Union President for the MASA (Milford Association of School Administrators) in 2007. Early in November, 2009, I was approached by the Vice President of the Union, Christina Magnuson, who advsied me that she had spoken with two complainants regarding a sexual harassment issue after a leadership team meeting. She advised me that the two complainants were Vicitm #1 and Victim #2 and that the complaints were being made against the Superintendent of Schools Harvey Polansky. Christina told me thatfG Victim #1, and Victim #2 asked her to stay after the meeting so they could speak with her. Victim #1 and #2 reported that on various occasions Dr. Polansky had kissed them on the lips or inappropriately touched them. I told Christina that I would contact John Gesmonde, who is ‘our Union counsel and represents MASA, and advise him of the allegations. I called Gesmonde the next day. I told him we had two complaints from Bhttesinz inappropriate conduct, touching, against Dr. Polansky Page 15 : CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/20/2011 08:56 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Department ca: 2009040939 ‘THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB (Case Mg Status: CLOSED BY ARREST ‘Occured: 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE EG. (0767) Date /Time: Supervisor Review Date / Time: NOT REVIEWED Investigator: COMPAR Supervisor: (0) Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report and asked him how we should proceed. We decided to meet at Meadowside School on Friday, November 6, with the attomey, Victim #2, Victim #1, and EEE 20601 the meeting for moral support for her collegues. On the 6th we met, and John asked the complainants to put a writing a formal statement to him. ‘They gave him the statements over the weekend. Subsequently after receiving the complaints, attorney Gesmonde contacted Attomey Dugas, who represents the Board of Education. believe it was on November 9. On November 10 I went to a steering committee meeting at Parsons. After the mecting Dr. Polansky asked to speak with me. He was inquiring about the status of the complaints. He asked if I talked to Gesmonde, Itold him, that I would be contacting him. On November 12 I went to an QM teachers meeting at Parsons, During the meeting, Dr. Polansky pulled me out of the meeting, went into his conference room, shut the door, he asked me again what the status was. He seemed very distraught. He was rubbing his hands through his hai asking me what he could to basically make this better. He told me he would apologize. He would re-assign supervisors He told me he already had spoken with Michael Cummings, the Assistant Superintendent, regarding taking over ime that this could ruin his career and asked me to help in any way I could. That was basically it, I said I didn’t have any say as these complaints, as what would be acceptable, but I would bring this back to the complainants and Attomey Gesmonde. At no point did Dr. Polansky make any deroggatory remarks regarding the complainants or attempt to refute the complaints. We went back into the meeting. He stayed for the duration of the meeting, which made the two complaints feel very uncomfortable. By this time, they knew that he knew about the complaints. twas unusual for Dr. Potansky to stay the entire meeting, as he usually Just pops in and out of the meetings. His demeanor during the meeting was very subdued, which is unlike every other meeting as he is usually very ‘animated and boisterous. After the meeting I spoke with both complainants regarding his offers, to which they refused to accept, because they feared this either might happen to them again or to someone else. Sometime before the 12th of November i received a phone call from attorney Gesmonde Page 16 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Department oa: 2009040939 5 5 FE INFORMATION DEL OW Is CONFIDENTIAL -FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB ‘Case Mag Status: NA ‘Oceured: 12/03/2009 ‘Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date/Time: Supervisor: (0) ‘Supervisor Review Date/Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report ‘who already had conversations with Floyd Dugas regarding attempting to rectify the complaints made against the superintendent. Attorney Gesmnonde advised me that Attorney Dugas stated everything was on the table, up to and including Dr. Polansky resigning. Iwas. surprised by the development ‘as we hadn't even filed the complaints with the Board of Ed or Attorney Dugas. ‘There were only discussions between the two attornies made by the MEEREED A ficr speaking with Attomey Gesmonde I contacted the ‘and advised them of the offer by Attorney Dugas. I had a ‘conference call with them, both on the line at the same time, and it was their wish to forward the complaints to our Human Resourse Director ‘Wendy ‘Kopazna, Attomey Dugas, and the Milford Board of Education, without even considering accepting Attorney Dugas's offer. On November 12 on behalf of the two complainants I emailed copies of the complaints to Mrs. Kopazna while Attomey Gesmonde forewarded copies of the complaints to Attomey ‘Dugas and all Board members. Dr. Polansky has visited my school, we have conducted walkthroughs, he has hugged and kissed teachers when he has greeted them. [have never seen hhim kiss any one on the lips or inappropriately touch them, nor have any complaints been made by my staff. Dr. Polansky, in greeting me, has shaken hands, given me hugs, grabbed my face, patting my cheek, put his hands on my shoulders while I was seated, and that's about it. These types of behavior are Dr. Polansky's normal routine when greeting someone.” . On 12/1509 | ne vit Sad, GAMERA 12:06 that in the past she has had incidents ‘with Dr. Harvey Polansky making inappropriate comments and actions. (ie (GEER sieved that each time these occurred, she addressed them with Dr. Polansky, but his behavior did not change. AMI dict state tat Dr. Polansky always hugs everyone when he greets them or says goodbye. The incidents of which @AMINMBIN speaks are as follows: On one occasion a female student was performing oral sex on another student in the bathroom. After the incident SAME contacted the Superintendent's office to advise Dr. Polansky of the incident and that there was Police involvement. While she was explaining the incident to him, Dr, Polansky interrupted her and made the statement, "Did she Page 17 ? CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/20/2011 08:56 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Department oca: 2009040939 ‘THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB ‘Case Mng Statust CLOSED BY ARREST Oceured: 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Supervisor: (0) ‘Supervisor Review Date / Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report swallow?" QQIMRMBRIIEEIN ciated she was taken aback by this and that she addressed his comments with him in person. Another incident ‘occurred at the Parsons Building when she was attending a Aa) meeting. When she left the room, Dr. Polansky saw her in the hallway and asked her to come and meet the newly hired teachers for the Milford Public School System. When they entered the room, Dr, Polansky introduced her and told the teachers that }was going to speak about proper dress code. stated that she was unaware that she ‘was going to address the teachers, but she did so and explained the policies of their dress code. After she completed, Dr, Polansky stated to the teachers, "In other words, ladies, cover your mountains stated she left the room with Dr. Polansky, and once they left the room, she fold him that was inappropriate and that he should not have said that. At that point, Dr. Polansky walked her back into the room and said tothe teachers, "I've just been fold I cannot say that. I apologize," and he left the room. Another incident occurred at [2 /where an event was being held at the school, and Mayor Richetelli and the Mayor's assistant Lisa Bull were invited to the event. Once they arrived at the event, Dr. Polansky introduced the Mayor's assistant to and Dr. Polansky said. You better be careful ofher. jasked why, and Dr. Polansky stated because she used to be an FBI agent and she could look at you and tell you your bra size. tated she apologized to the Mayor's assistant on behalf of Dr. Polansky. Another incident took place at a local gas station in Milford where! ‘was outside of her car pumping gas into her car. She stated that Dr. Polansky exited his vehicle, walked over to her, stating that he had a bad day, and grabbed her by the hips, pulled her into him, and kissed her on the lips. Sy told him that was inappropriate, and he said, Oh, come on, we're all just friends. (QM again stated that Dr, Polansky hugs everyone when he greets ther. RIM felt that when she spoke with him regarding these incidents that he would understand, but these incidents still occur. ‘On 12/22/09 I spoke to Diana Aquilino, the Superintendent of Schools Office Secretary. Page 18 ? CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/20/2011 08:56 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Pliee Department ca: 2009040939 "HIE INFORNWATION BELOW is CONFDDENTIAL FOR USE BY AUIHORIZD PanSONNEL ONLY ‘Case Status: Co ‘ese NngStuts: CLOSED BV ARREST cares 20372009 Oltese: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date / Time: ‘Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report who gave a signed, written notarized statement as follows: "I have been employed by Milford Board of Education since 1994, of which I have worked the last 5 years in the Superintendent's office. Being located just ‘outside the Superintendent's office I see/hear people visiting our office on a daily basis. Although I have heard some off color or sexual comments in the way of a "joke" from the Superintendent, I never took any of the ‘comments personally or felt uncomfortable by them. Dr. Polansky has, on occasion, given me a hug and/or a kiss on the top of my head-however, these gestures were always followed by comments of "thank you for all your work today" or "I appreciate what you do here". Inever was offended or felt any sense of harassment from Dr. Polansky. I have never witnessed any inappropriate physical contact between Dr. Polansky and any other person." On 12/22/09 1 spoke to Kathryn M, Bonetti, Communications Coordinator, in the Superintendents Office, who hand wrote a signed notarized statement as follows: "Today I met with Det. Tony Viti to make a statement regarding my interactions with Dr. Harvey Polansky. I have worked with the Milford Public Schools for 6 years and have been the district's Communication Coordinator during Dr. Polansky’s tenure. Dr. Polansky and I have always hhad a familial type relationship. He has shown affection to me-hugs, kisses-in the frame of congratulatory events for awards I have received or for holiday-type events, There was an occasion he kissed me on the lips but it was as a colleague and nothing more. It never has given me cause to be uncomfortable, and I viewed it as no issue at all." On 12/22/09 I spoke to Pamela L. Griffin, Administrative Assistant to Dr, Polansky, who gave a hand written, signed, notarized statement as follows: “have been employed by the Milford Public Schools for 3-1/2 years as the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. I have never felt uncomfortable in his presence. We have worked very close, i. closed-door meeting, one on one many times. He has hugged me and kissed me on occasions, and I never felt threatened or uncomfortable. Nor have I ever witnessed him to do that to anyone else in a romantic manner. I have bean out socially with him also. He has been like a father figure to me. He mentored and coached me to be a very good assistant to him and the Page 19 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Depariment coca: 2009040939 {THE FORMATION BELOW f CONFIDENTIAL FOR USE DY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONY Case Status: CB ‘Case Mg Status: 4 Oceured: 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date/Time: Supervisor: (0) wr Review Date Tine: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report board. The superintendent is Harvey Polansky. When [referred to him as, kissing me, he has kissed me on the lips which I did not find offensive." Add 12/23/09 I spoke witht who gave the following hand written, signed, notarized statement: "MM MyM colleagues and I attended an end of school year party in June of 2009 at Harvey Polansky's house, Larrived at the same time 2s CNN and Victim #2 QUEENS «Hervey end a caterer were the only people alrcady at the housc. Harvey greeted each one of us; Mii first with a handshake and hug; Victim #2 next with a hug in which one hand touched her buttocks and a kiss on the lips; I was greeted last with a handshake and hug like (9B Victim #2 and I looked at each ‘other-appalied. We commented to each other about how inappropriate we felt that Harvey's touch and kiss were, At QIN meeting in the fall of "09, Viotim #1 asked Victim #2 and I how many walkthroughs Harvey had done at cach of our buildings. I replied that Harvey had done cone walkthrough; Victim #2 replied that Harvey had visited her twice. ‘Victim #1 disclosed that upon each visit, Harvey ended his visit with a ‘iss on hePlips and a hug in which his hand sometimes touched her buttocks. She stated that she felt very intimidated and uncomfortable with Harvey and tumed her face away from him as he came closer to kiss hher-each time he grabbed her chin and turned her face back to him to kiss her on the mouth. She stated that on the fourth visit, Harvey entered her office with her, closed the door and closed the curtain. He sat across from her, blocking the only exit with his chair and body. ‘They sat across from each other for 2 moment and then Victim #1 said, "It was almost like he thought better of what he was doing and he got up and opened the curtain." She also told of another time when on a walkthrough Harvey walked very closely to her and "guided" her with his hand on her back, slowly dropping his hand lower and lower to her buttocks. have had conversation with a Milford BOE member IRM. who is also a friend of mine. She stated that at a Board retreat in February 09 Harvey exposed himself to her when he exited a men’s room-as she stood in a foyer. She stated that (NMIRMD (another BOE member) witnessed this event, She also stated that she tuned away. On another occasion, QR Page 20 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Deparment ‘oca: 2009040939 “THE INFORMATION BELOW I8 CONFIDENTIAL -FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Case Status: CB Case Mng Status: NA Oceured: 12/03/2009 Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date/Time: Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date / Time: NOT REVIEWED Contact: Reference: Supplemental Report stated that Harvey had acted inappropriately at a recognition dinner in May °09. 4§fijtold me that Harvey took flowers from a centerpiece on a table and placed one at a time in CRIMY cleavaze. QUIMPis also a BOE member.” Also on 12/23/09 I spoke with Sean Smyth, who is the principal of John F. Kennedy School and who gave the following hand written, signed, sworn, statement: "Officer Vitti asked me about my knowledge of the situation with Harvey Polansky. I explained that Victim #1 and I have been colleagues and friends for 10 years, and that she confided in me about incidents with Harvey. She first called me a day or two after the first incident: She called me and told me Harvey had done a walkthrough with her. Throughout the walkthrough, he walked uncomfortably close to her, led her around by the small of her back, his hand fell from her back and swiped across her bottom. She went on to tell me that he went to give her a hug as he left, and went to kiss her-She turned her head to offer him her cheek, but he grabbed her face and tumed her head and kissed her on the lips, Victim #1 and I discussed her options on how to handle it. She felt trapped AI sho was afraid if she handled it informally, he could make her life miserabl AQMD, and she wasn't ready to make a formal complaint. She decided to do nothing at the time. A couple of weeks later, we were leaving a meeting, and Harvey came out from the hall and started talking to Victim #1. We were the only two Joft in the room, and I knew she was uncomfortable, so I stayed until he lei. She thanked me because she was scared, She celled me twice more, 1 believe, to tell me of similar incidents at her school. In one incident again he grabbed her face end kissed her on the lips, but she managed to ‘move that time so he only kissed partial lip. Another time, which really frightened her, he closed the door to her office and sat down to talk, but then got up and closed the curtain on her door. She became very nervous at that, not knowing what was going to happen. He then suddenly got up and re-opened the curtains, After that incident, she felt the situation was escalating, and now she was afraid to not make a formal complaint.” ‘On 12/28/09 Det. Capt. Butler contacted Dr. Harvey Polansky to schedule an interview regarding these allegations, Dr. Polansky stated that he would Page 21 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Departmen coca: 2009040939 “THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY ‘Case Status: CB Case Mng Status: 4 Oceureds 12/03/2009 ‘Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Date / Time: Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date/Time: Reference: Supplemental Report NOT REVIEWED Contact: need to speak with his attorney. A short time later Capt. Butler received phone call from Attomey Fred Paoletti, who stated that his client Dr. Polansky will not be speaking with us. He did state that he will have ‘witness statements sent to the Milford Police Depariment via courier for oar review. On 1/6/10 I met with Robert Michael Cummings, Jr., the Assistant Superintendent of Milford Public Schools, Mr. Cummings stated verbally and a swom statement that he has know Dr, Polansky for two and half years. He knows him to be a person who hugs people when he meets them or says goodbye, He alsa stated that Dr. Polansky is known to make comments ofa sexual content during i meetings, which Mr. Cummings ‘has spoken to him about and told him that staff were offended by his comments. Mr. Cummings also stated he was made aware by Ii I 2 2 Dr. Polansky's house, Dr. Polansky kissed her on the lips when she arrived and later kissed her on the lips again as he dipped her while on the back deck at Dr. Polansky’s house. At a Board of Education meeting held on 11/9/09, Dr. Polansky appeared to be upset and distracted. The next day Dr. Polansky eame to the office and told Mr. Cummings that hhad made allegations about his conduct. Mr. Cummings stated they spoke about the allegations which were that Dr. Polansky had kissed them on the lips and bumped into them on visits. Dr. Polansky admitted to kissing Victim #1 on the lips on several occasions but did not mean anything by it. Mr. Cummings stated that he did not make any admissions regarding the other allegations off Victim #2. They primarily spoke about Victim #1, During their conversation Dr. Polansky stated to Mr. Cummings that a compromise he would offer SMM and their union is that he (Mr. Cummings) would supervise their buildings. They also discussed how that would work, as ultimately Dr. Polansky is the person in charge. Mr. Cummings rocalls that after one visit to one of the ‘Victim's schools, Dr. Polansky came back to the office and told him to find money to buy books for classrooms there. Mr. Cumming is also aware of a Board of Education Retreat which was held in Milford, CT, where Dr. Polansky exposed himself to SIMI in a joking manner but was observed by another Board Of Education member, (i> Page 22 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 01/13/2011 08:13 NOT SUPERVISOR APPROVED Milford Police Department oca: 2009040939 : “THg INFORMATION BELOW is CONFIDENTIAL -FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY A ‘Occured 12/05/2009 ‘Case Status: CB Case Ming Status: Offense: BREACH OF PEACE Date/Time: Sapervisor Review Date /Time: NOT REVIEWED Investigator: COMPARE, G. (0767) Supervisor: (0) Contats SEER ES sae eC Hee eeE I submitted to GA22 an Arrest Warrant Application for Dr. Harvey Polansky charging him with Sexual Assault in the 4th Degree, Section 53a-73a, and Breach of Peace, Section 53a-181. On 1/14/10 the Warrant was approved by Judge Holden, I contacted Attomeys Paoletti and Gusmano and advised them of the warrant, I was advised by Attorney Gusmano that they would make arrangements with Dr, Polansky to turn himself in on Friday, 1/15/10. Reference: Supplemental Report On Friday, 1/15/10, at approximately 1330 Hours I met Attormey Gusmano and Dr. and Mrs. Polansky at Police Headquarters. I escorted Dr. Polansky to ‘our Booking area. I completed a Notice of Rights form, which Dr. Polansky read, verbally stated he understood, and signed. A copy of the Warrant was given to him. I charged Dr. Harvey Polansky with the above charges on UAR #8893474, Dr. Polansky was entered into our in-house computer system, photographed and fingerprinted. He was released on a PTA with a Court date of 2/2/10. Dr, Polansky was also served an Arrest Warrant regarding Case #39432-09 regarding Victim #1 ‘The two Arrest Warrants were returned to GA22 and signed as served. STATUS: CLOSED. SIGNED: SGT. A VITTL Page 23

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