Team Charter

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Chrome Engineering – Team Charter

Team Number: 1

 Purpose Statement and Team Objectives

This team has been formed to complete the team assignments as part of Course Eng M 530
– Engineering Project Management. Our overall objectives are to master the tools,
techniques and processes adopted by the Project Management Institute through the use of in
class team learning exercises and the management of a group project. We are also
committed to working effectively as a team by monitoring our process effectiveness, following
through on commitments and helping one another to learn.

 Team Project Summary

• Setting up a new laboratory for Dr. Michael Lipsett of the Mechanical Engineering Dept.
of the University of Alberta.

 Analysis of Strengths and Developmental Needs

• Knowledge and Skills
◦ 60% of our team has direct engineering experience ranging from manufacturing /
production / R&D. One member comes with 4 years experience in Intellectual
Property Services as an Assistant Manager (IP). Another member comes with 4.5
years of US multinational work experience as a Mechanical Design Engineer.
• Background and Experience
◦ We have a diverse set of backgrounds of both Electrical, Mechanical and
Engineering Management backgrounds including both undergraduate and graduate
level students. All members have some experience in the industry.
• Interpersonal Skills
◦ There appears to be a good mix of talents and skills with with everyone contributing
and no one dominating. We have demonstrated good discipline.

Development Needs:
• Lack of skills in TBD.
◦ An understanding of TBD techniques and principles will be helpful in executing this
project. This is not an area of expertise for any of our team members. To
overcome this limitation we will be reviewing existing literature and text in the field.

 Functional Roles

• Owner or client/customer: Dr. Michael Lipsett

• Project Manager: Shannon MacDonald
• Devil's Advocate: Mk. Nimesh
• Team Member: Anand Prakash Rohit
• Team Member: Sean Hodgson P.Eng
• Team Member: Luke Glistak
 Team Process Management

Team Meetings:

We will be initiating weekly meetings to discuss progress, outstanding issues and relate
• Requirements
◦ Start each meeting by identifying the Purpose of the meeting. Even if it's just to
update on progress.
◦ Code of Conduct:
▪ Arrive on time
▪ One person speaks at a time
▪ Meeting Confidentiality

Team Communication:

We will communicate through a variety of means including: e-mail, telephone and the team
facebook website; which will be the most common means outside of the weekly team
meetings. Prompt responses to messages/inquiries from one another are expected. If a
member is unable to deliver as promised, they should advise in advance so that alternative
arrangements can be made. Any “important” information discussed between singular group
members (by telephone, for instance) should be posted when possible to the facebook
website so that the rest of the team can be informed.

Decision Making Procedure:

Any team member can raise an issue either through online discussion on the facebook team
website, or at the weekly team meetings. Open discussion on the topic is encouraged. When
possible try to use facts to generate alternative solutions. Look for consensus, try to obtain
feedback from all team members. Consensus for our team is defined where all team
members can say, “This may not be my ideal outcome but I can live with it and will support it”.

Process Roles:

Standard process roles for our Team are:

• Agenda Coordinator (Sean and Anand) – Ensures that agenda is ready, guides team
through meeting discussion topics, ensures assignments are delegated, and
summarizes key meeting outcomes and next steps
• Process Monitor (Luke) – Facilitates resolution of differences of opinion. Ensures team
adheres to meeting guildines described earlier.
• Time Keeper (Nimesh) – Keeps track of time in relation to completeing agenda.
• Recorder (Shannon) – Keeps meeting minutes of key meeting outcomes and activities.
Ensures team correspondence is distributed to all team members.

Additional roles are added if necessary.

Expectations of Team Members:

Attendance at meetings:
Attendance is expected for each meeting. On-time arrival for the meetings is also expected.

Full participation is expected for all team members. If someone feels that others are not
doing their job, the concerned member will discuss it one-on-one, offline. If that doesn't work,
then the member will bring it to the team leader.

General Courtesy and Respect

Members will respect the different functional areas and the role of each member designated
to that function. Discussion that deviates from the current topic and objectives are considered
avoidable. The team leader will bring focus back to the topic at hand.

 Assessment of Team Effectiveness

This teams success will be measured by the quality of the final report submitted to the TBD.
In this report we will TBD with the TBD...

Effectiveness of individual team members will be assessed in terms of Enthusiasm,

Contributions, Participation and Punctuatlity.

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